Causes of diarrhea in the morning and methods for assessing the condition

Causes of morning diarrhea

If diarrhea occurs every day in an adult for a long period, it is difficult to determine the cause of the ailment. You may need the help of a gastroenterologist. The doctor will order an examination of the gastrointestinal tract to make a diagnosis. Morning diarrhea often occurs due to:

  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, gastritis, malignant tumors, colitis.
  • Food poisoning, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract associated with the ingress of bacteria.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Reaction to drugs.
  • Emotional, nervous overstrain.

Unstable functioning of the stomach and intestines is a common cause of morning discomfort.

Diarrhea may occur due to eating expired foods. In this case, it will not last long. If an adult drinks even a small amount of alcohol every evening, diarrhea may occur the next morning.

Stools may become liquid due to the body’s reaction to coffee, milk, or raw vegetables.

Neoplasms can provoke disruption of intestinal function in the morning. Diarrhea with cancer is regular if the lesion is in the rectum.

Frequent consumption of chocolate and carbonated drinks provokes diarrhea in the morning.

Pathologies in the functioning of the gallbladder, gallstones limit the release of bile acids into the digestive tract, which disrupts digestion and causes intestinal upset.

Disorder in children

Daily diarrhea in a child can occur for harmless reasons. In infants, diarrhea in the morning may occur due to complementary foods introduced into the diet. In older children, the disorder occurs due to the abuse of sweets before bed.

Like an adult, a baby’s diarrhea occurs due to poisoning or an intestinal infection.

Food allergies can cause loose stools immediately after breakfast.

Factors that provoke diarrhea in the morning

A person suffering from chronic diseases of the abdominal organs does not always suffer from diarrhea. This symptom may be completely unfamiliar to the patient.

The cause of diarrhea can be one. But the factors that provoke it are different. The following may contribute to the appearance of symptoms:

  • The habit of quickly eating food without chewing.
  • Frequent drinking of alcohol in the evening.
  • Use of medications, laxatives in large dosages.
  • Morning sickness in early pregnancy.

Diarrhea every day | Why does loose stool (diarrhea) occur once a day | IMODIUM®

Why diarrhea can occur every day
Treatment of diarrhea How to prevent diarrhea for several days
Almost every adult experiences short-term diarrhea from time to time. As a rule, it does not require treatment and goes away on its own within 1–2 days.

However, if an adult has loose stools longer than 48 hours or is combined with other symptoms (fever, abdominal pain, etc.)

), especially if you have diarrhea every day, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of diarrhea in an adult.

Why can diarrhea occur every day?

Every day, loose stools in an adult can occur for a variety of reasons. Among them the following groups can be distinguished.

Poor nutrition

The foods we eat and our usual diet largely determine the nature and frequency of stool. The following factors contribute to increased frequency of bowel movements and loose stools every day:

  • fruits and vegetables with a pronounced laxative effect - beets, plums and prunes, apricots, peaches, figs, fresh dairy products, pickled vegetables;
  • products high in coarse plant fiber - legumes (beans, peas, beans), white cabbage, rye bread, bran. They enhance intestinal motility, promoting rapid emptying, resulting in diarrhea developing every day;
  • very fatty dishes and products - butter in large quantities, fried, smoked. If there is an excess of them in the diet, the pancreas is overloaded, and it cannot cope with the digestion of incoming food.

With improper nutrition, the stool is unformed, with lumps of undigested food, often accompanied by flatulence.


Diarrhea in the morning every day can occur due to poisoning from poisons, salts of heavy metals (in production or when ingested with poor-quality food), household toxins (ingestion of detergents), and certain medications. A feature of diarrhea in this case is the presence of weakness, abdominal pain; in severe poisoning, convulsions and loss of consciousness may occur.

Infectious diseases

Intestinal infection is one of the most common causes of loose stools every day in an adult. Its development can be caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi - accurate identification of the causative agent of the infection is possible only through diagnostic tests (blood and stool tests).

Symptoms of an intestinal infection, in addition to diarrhea, are:

  • temperature increase;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • the presence of pathological impurities in the stool (mucus, blood, greens);
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, muscle pain and headaches.

Chronic diseases

Loose stools can develop every day due to chronic diseases, most often with damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to:

Diarrhea every day in adults and adolescents can also occur for other reasons:

Treatment of diarrhea

Diarrhea every day, the causes of which have already been established, is treated in accordance with them. In addition, for all types of diarrhea, symptomatic therapy is prescribed to eliminate or reduce the severity of painful manifestations.

Fighting dehydration

Regardless of the cause, diarrhea every day always leads to the loss of fluid and salts in the stool.

To prevent and treat dehydration in the initial stages, oral rehydration is used - taking a large amount of liquid (2-3 liters per day) in fractions, that is, in small sips every 2 minutes.

Fractional intake is necessary in order to avoid vomiting due to overdistension of the stomach with a large amount of water.

For oral rehydration, boiled water, non-carbonated mineral water, dried fruit compote, weak sweet tea, and special glucose-salt solutions are used.

In severe cases, when the patient’s condition does not allow him to take liquid by mouth (lack of consciousness or repeated intractable vomiting), dehydration is combated with the help of intravenous drip administration of saline and glucose-saline solutions.


Just as some foods can weaken and cause loose stools every day, others can have a strengthening effect on the intestines.

These include, first of all, rice and rice water, jelly, mashed potatoes, as well as pasta, some berries, fruits (bird cherry, blueberry, chokeberry) and their decoctions, decoction of the peel and partitions of pomegranate.

It is necessary to avoid eating fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, which create excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract and can themselves cause diarrhea.

Taking medications

Medicines are prescribed in strict accordance with the causes of diarrhea:

  • for infectious diarrhea, antiviral and antimicrobial drugs are used;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, enzymes are used;
  • for infections and poisoning, sorbents are prescribed;
  • for most types of diarrhea, IMODIUM® Express can be taken as part of complex therapy.

IMODIUM® Express slows down intestinal motility, which contributes to more frequent bowel movements, suppresses the release of fluid and salts into the intestinal lumen, reducing the volume of feces, loss of salts and water. The drug IMODIUM® Express should be used in strict accordance with the instructions, taking into account possible contraindications.

Diagnosis and treatment

To cure morning diarrhea, you need to understand the reasons that provoke it. In some cases, it is enough to adjust your diet, eliminate bad habits, and diarrhea will stop. Sometimes a more thorough diagnosis of organs and serious treatment is required.


To identify the cause of the symptom, the patient needs to undergo tests and undergo some types of studies. The doctor gives a referral for a stool test. Using the study, the composition of feces is determined, pathological impurities such as blood, pus, helminth eggs, and bacteria are visualized. Feces are tested for calprotectin, which reveals the degree of intestinal inflammation.

Laboratory blood tests can reveal various abnormalities in the body. For example, increased levels of enzymes and bilirubin may indicate hepatitis, chronic liver disease and other pathologies of the liver and gallbladder.

An ultrasound examination will detect a disease of the internal organ that causes loose stools in the morning.

You may also need irrigography or colonoscopy to determine the condition of your intestines.

Colonoscopy of the intestine


Treatment is prescribed by a qualified specialist after determining the cause of the symptom. Do not forget that diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body and helps get rid of harmful toxins. But along with harmful toxic substances, useful microelements are released, and the most valuable fluid for the body is lost.

To help the body get rid of toxins faster, you need to take adsorbents. Activated carbon is the most accessible sorbent. It is important to take such drugs if the disorder is caused by food poisoning or intestinal infection.

Diarrhea caused by emotional distress can be easily treated if the patient begins to avoid stress. In severe cases, antidepressants are required, selected and prescribed by a doctor.

Even if loose stool occurs only once a day, a lot of fluid is lost. And daily morning disorders can lead the body to dehydration. The patient is recommended to take Regidron to replenish the water-salt balance.

If intestinal upset is not caused by poisoning or an intestinal infection, Loperamide-based diarrhea tablets will help stop diarrhea. They act instantly, but are contraindicated for children.

If morning distress is caused by an intestinal infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Levomycetin is an effective medicine. Eliminates a large group of pathogens. The course of treatment lasts no more than 7 days. These medications should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.

Pathogenic bacteria are eliminated with antiseptic drugs, for example, Nifuroxazide.

If your stomach hurts and twists, you should take the antispasmodic drug No-shpu.

Loss of fluid must be replenished by drinking clean water - at least 2.5 liters per day.

If diarrhea is not a symptom of a serious pathology, you can resort to traditional medicine. Some decoctions help stop diarrhea if the symptom is caused by overeating or abuse of laxative foods. These are decoctions of oak bark, pomegranate peels, and rice water.


In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to follow a diet that involves removing a number of foods from the diet for the period of treatment of morning diarrhea.

Doctors recommend avoiding fatty, fried foods, excluding fresh plant foods and dairy products.

Recommended for consumption are low-fat soups made from vegetables and cereals, fruits and vegetables that have undergone heat treatment.

You can have low-fat cottage cheese. It is better to temporarily stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Drinks allowed: black tea without sugar, dried fruit compote, still mineral water.

It is not enough to simply eliminate foods from your diet. You need to follow some rules for eating:

  • You need to eat in small portions, but as often as possible.
  • Eat freshly prepared food. Chew food thoroughly.
  • Reduce salt intake and eliminate spices to prevent intestinal irritation.
  • Food should not be too hot or, conversely, cold.

How to treat?

To prescribe the correct treatment, you need to find the cause of diarrhea. Since it is known why loose stools occur in the morning in an adult, treatment can be traditional or folk.

Drug therapy

Among the medications for diarrhea are prescribed:

  • Sorbents (Activated carbon, Smecta, White clay, Atoxil);
  • Medicines for food poisoning (Nifuroxazide, Levomycetin);
  • Enzymes (Pancreatin, Creon);
  • Probiotics (Lactiale, Subalin, Biosparin);
  • Saline solutions for dehydration (Regidron);
  • Medicines to start the functioning of the stomach (Mezim, Motorix);
  • Sedative.

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the disease. Before using the medicine, be sure to read the instructions for use. It is not recommended to self-medicate in such cases.

Alternative medicine

Loose stools in the morning in an adult can be cured using folk remedies.

The most effective include:

  • Alcohol tincture of walnuts;
  • Wild sorrel decoction;
  • Tea from lemon balm, chamomile, St. John's wort;
  • 50 grams of vodka with a pinch of salt.

Consequences of morning disorder

Gradually, a person gets used to morning diarrhea and perceives diarrhea in the morning as a normal occurrence. Ignoring a symptom, even if the disorder occurs once a day, can have a negative impact on the body.

A terrible consequence is dehydration, accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness.

Along with harmful toxins, beneficial microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and lungs are released. With regular diarrhea, hair loss, brittle nails, and headaches are observed.


When the symptom has disappeared and the stool has returned to normal, the gastrointestinal tract needs time and conditions for complete recovery. It is recommended to consume foods enriched with bifidobacteria: natural yogurt, kefir.

You need to carefully monitor the expiration date of products when purchasing, and do not eat products that have expired. It is better to exclude products with a high content of preservatives and dyes, even if they are fresh.

To avoid recurrence of the disorder, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene. To wash hands. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Regularly sterilize baby dishes and pacifiers.

Regular morning diarrhea is not considered a sign of normal functioning of the digestive organs. The symptom indicates abnormalities. It is almost impossible to identify the cause on your own. The patient must seek qualified help to determine the cause and quickly eliminate it, without consequences. Your doctor will tell you what to do if you have morning diarrhea. You may need to eliminate some foods. It is possible that long-term treatment will be required.

When is treatment required?

It is always necessary to use medications to treat diarrhea that occurs several times in the morning. If the appearance of loose stool in the morning was a one-time event and was not accompanied by other symptoms, then, most likely, its formation was influenced by the food consumed the day before. Such a deviation may not require treatment, but the state of your health and the quality of feces excreted need to be monitored over the next 2-3 days.

Those sick whose morning diarrhea is accompanied by fever, vomiting and sweating need to urgently begin the treatment process, or better yet hospitalization. The sooner therapy begins, the lower the risk of complications.

You will learn about the causes, manifestations and methods of treating diarrhea from the video:

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