What vitamins should I take for pancreatitis?

Is it possible to take vitamins if you have pancreatitis?

Vitamins are very helpful for chronic pancreatitis, which has entered the acute stage. During therapy, the patient is transferred to a strict diet and therapeutic fasting, as a result of which the patient may experience the following manifestations from a lack of vitamins in the body:

  • hair fragility;
  • rashes;
  • dry skin;
  • severe vitamin deficiency.

Therefore, you need to take vitamin supplements for pancreatitis in order to quickly cope with the disease and improve your well-being, and increase the level of the body’s immune defense. It is prohibited to decide on your own which vitamins to take. Only the attending physician has this right, who prescribes medications, taking into account the general condition of the body, test results, etc.

What vitamins should you take for pancreatitis?

First of all, patients do not have enough B vitamins in their bodies, which are involved in metabolic processes and form the immune system. Therefore, during exacerbation of pancreatitis, medications such as:

  1. Folic acid, which is found in vitamins B9. Acid is needed to normalize blood flow, hemoglobin and red blood cell levels. Prescribed B9 for gastritis, cholecystitis, inflammatory processes affecting the pancreas. Taking B9 vitamins helps cope with nausea, weight loss, and vomiting.
  2. Vitamins B12 are needed in order to normalize metabolic processes and activate the breakdown of fats.
  3. B6 must be taken so that the production of enzymes in the pancreas becomes normal and stable again.
  4. B1 is often prescribed, which actively participates in various chemical reactions. This achieves gradual stabilization of the level of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and reduces the risk of dehydration, which often accompanies pancreatitis.
  5. B2 (riboflavin) is needed to normalize oxidative and reduction processes in the body.

Taking B vitamins is under the supervision of the attending physician, who decides how the patient should take these medications for pancreatitis. The drugs can be prescribed in mono form or as part of a vitamin complex. Drug treatment is complemented by proper nutrition. B vitamins are found in the following foods:

Vitamins for the pancreas for pancreatitis are needed to restore the body after an attack of the disease. Taking vitamins included in the PP group (nicotinic acid) is of great importance. But such a medication is prescribed only when the patient goes into remission. In order to take nicotinic acid, gastric juice in the organ must be produced normally, and the digestion process must proceed without interruption. PP vitamins are also prescribed for other purposes:

  • enhance the vasodilating properties of other vitamin complexes and medications;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • improve tissue nutrition;
  • stabilize metabolic processes.

Nicotinic acid is prescribed in dosage forms; the drug can only be purchased in pharmacies. At the same time, you need to take foods rich in PP, which helps speed up the body's absorption of the necessary substances. The drug is administered only by injection.

Vitamins of group C should be added to nicotinic acid to strengthen the body. The substance is taken in the form of ascorbic acid, which is needed:

  • to increase iron levels in the blood;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to restore the endocrine system.

There is a lot of ascorbic acid in rose hips, sea buckthorn, white cabbage, and broccoli.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is needed to improve the breakdown of fats that take part in digestion, which is very important for the normal functioning of the pancreas. It is prescribed for pancreatitis to all patients who are allowed to eat broccoli and liver as part of their diet. Vitamin E is essential for the body; it is necessary to cleanse the glands of toxic substances and free radicals.

It also relieves inflammation, improves bowel function, including relieving constipation, helping to empty the intestines.

It is impossible to abuse any of the drugs, especially A, C, E, since this is dangerous due to exacerbation and worsening of pancreatitis.

Patients who find it difficult to monitor the intake of numerous vitamin medications ask their attending physician whether it is possible to drink special complexes consisting of several types of vitamins? This greatly facilitates therapy; you can drink all the necessary components in one go. In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, drugs such as:

You can take the complexes both in the form of tablets, injections and capsules. Patients are given injections in the hospital during an inpatient course of treatment, and patients must take tablets and capsules at home according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Mineral and vitamin complexes are taken only in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. It is impossible to replace the intake with conventional dietary supplements, since they are not suitable for therapy against pancreatitis.

Vitamins for cholecystitis and pancreatitis

When asked whether it is possible to take vitamins for pancreatitis, the attending physician answers after blood biochemistry. To improve the effect, it is recommended to periodically change vitamin complexes. Typically, patients are prescribed:

  1. Ultivita.
  2. Vitacompa.
  3. Centrum AZ.
  4. Supradina.
  5. Adaptovita.
  6. Aevita.

Whatever complex is prescribed to the patient, it should be taken only after the condition has stabilized. Most drugs stimulate the endocrine and secretive functions of the organ. Taking them in the acute stage of the disease contributes to the worsening of the disease.

This group is prescribed to the patient in order to strengthen the immune system. They also help normalize metabolic processes. Taking B1 helps normalize protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism and regulate water balance. An adult needs 2 mg of this drug per day.

The daily requirement of B2 varies from 0.02 to 0.03 g. It should be taken throughout the day. B6 is injected into the patient's muscle. B12 can be taken orally. But often the vitamin is injected into a patient’s muscle or vein.

Nicotinic acid (NA) helps stimulate the production of gastric juice, so it is often recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreatitis, cholecystitis in remission.

The component promotes the expansion of blood vessels, which provides a greater flow of blood to the internal organs, as a result of which there is an improvement in metabolic processes in the body.

Even with a balanced diet, this substance is prescribed additionally, since in case of pancreatitis it is not absorbed by the body in full. In accordance with the instructions, nicotinic acid tablets are taken after meals. May be given by injection.

Vitamins that belong to group B are especially important for the pancreas. In patients suffering from pancreatitis, most clinical pictures show a deficiency of these, which helps to reduce the barrier functions of the body.

To restore balance, you should take the following vitamins:

  • B1 takes part in chemical and biochemical processes, normalizes the concentration of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Prevents dehydration of the body.
  • B2 (riboflavin) regulates oxidative and reductive processes.
  • B6 is recommended against the background of inflammation of the pancreas and cholecystitis, in order to normalize the production of digestive enzymes.
  • B9 or folic acid. This substance helps improve blood composition, normalizes the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. For pancreatitis and cholecystitis, these vitamins reduce inflammation, strengthen protective functions, and improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Vitamin B12 is prescribed for cholecystitis and kidney pathologies. It improves metabolic processes in the body and takes part in the breakdown of fats.

Vitamins for the pancreas for pancreatitis can be used as a single remedy or you can choose the optimal complex.

The gallbladder is connected to all digestive organs. Bile produced by the liver aids in the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. If hepatitis or cholecystitis has developed, there is a lack of bile entering the small intestine. Accordingly, the absorption process slows down sharply, and hypovitaminosis occurs with all its consequences.

Pancreatitis often develops with existing calculous cholecystitis. This is explained by anatomical features: the ducts of the gallbladder and pancreas exit into the mouth of the nipple of Vater. Through it, pancreatic juice and bile enter the duodenum. Stone formation is promoted by insufficient levels of vitamins C and E. B vitamins regulate the sphincter of Oddi and the tone of the gallbladder, improving the process of bile secretion.

When following a diet, a vicious circle is formed: few enzymes - few vitamins due to diet and impaired absorption - gland dysfunction - increasing enzyme deficiency. Therefore, the answer to the question - is it possible to take vitamins with pancreatitis - is definitely positive. They must be drunk together.

Prescribing multivitamins in the acute period of pancreatitis is unacceptable. You can inject B vitamins without an exacerbation. You cannot mix several drugs in one syringe - they are destroyed.

Vitamins are very helpful for chronic pancreatitis, which has entered the acute stage. During therapy, the patient is transferred to a strict diet and therapeutic fasting, as a result of which the patient may experience the following manifestations from a lack of vitamins in the body:

  • hair fragility;
  • rashes;
  • dry skin;
  • severe vitamin deficiency.

Therefore, you need to take vitamin supplements for pancreatitis in order to quickly cope with the disease and improve your well-being, and increase the level of the body’s immune defense. It is prohibited to decide on your own which vitamins to take. Only the attending physician has this right, who prescribes medications, taking into account the general condition of the body, test results, etc.

First of all, patients do not have enough B vitamins in their bodies, which are involved in metabolic processes and form the immune system. Therefore, during exacerbation of pancreatitis, medications such as:

  1. Folic acid, which is found in vitamins B9. Acid is needed to normalize blood flow, hemoglobin and red blood cell levels. Prescribed B9 for gastritis, cholecystitis, inflammatory processes affecting the pancreas. Taking B9 vitamins helps cope with nausea, weight loss, and vomiting.
  2. Vitamins B12 are needed in order to normalize metabolic processes and activate the breakdown of fats.
  3. B6 must be taken so that the production of enzymes in the pancreas becomes normal and stable again.
  4. B1 is often prescribed, which actively participates in various chemical reactions. This achieves gradual stabilization of the level of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and reduces the risk of dehydration, which often accompanies pancreatitis.
  5. B2 (riboflavin) is needed to normalize oxidative and reduction processes in the body.

When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, the patient is hospitalized, prescribed therapeutic fasting, and then transferred to a strict diet. This helps speed up the onset of remission, which is needed to start taking vitamin complexes. To improve the condition of the pancreas with the help of such medications, you must follow the following treatment rules.

You cannot deviate from the regimen prescribed by your doctor. It is necessary to change medications to increase the level of absorption of substances. When giving injections, intravenous and intramuscular injections should not be mixed.

Take vitamins E and A only together to protect the intestines from oxidation processes. It is better to choose so-called technological vitamin complexes, which are made in the form of microgranules. They are placed in capsules with several layers of packaging. Once in the body, each layer dissolves in turn.

You cannot change the form of the drug prescribed by your doctor. This will reduce the effectiveness of treatment. You can take vitamin supplements only after meals.

The gallbladder has a relationship with all digestive organs. Bile, which is produced by the liver, aids in the absorption of nutrients. When hepatitis or cholecystitis develops, there is a lack of bile that enters the small intestine. For this reason, there is a sharp slowdown in absorption and hypovitaminosis appears.

pain under the ribs

Pancreatitis often appears when calculous cholecystitis is present. This is due to anatomical features - the channels of the gallbladder and pancreas exit into the mouth of the papilla of Vater. Through it, digestive juice with bile penetrates into the duodenum. Stones are formed due to insufficient levels of element C, E. Group B elements help regulate the sphincter of Oddi and the activity of the gallbladder, leading to improved bile secretion.

What vitamins to take for pancreatitis:

  1. Complivit.
  2. Adaptovit.
  3. Supradin.
  4. Duovit.
  5. Vitrum.
  6. Multitabs.

Taking vitamins for pancreatitis is carried out only after the doctor’s permission and a biochemical blood test.

How to take vitamins for pancreatitis

When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, the patient is hospitalized, prescribed therapeutic fasting, and then transferred to a strict diet. This helps speed up the onset of remission, which is needed to start taking vitamin complexes. To improve the condition of the pancreas with the help of such medications, you must follow the following treatment rules.

You cannot deviate from the regimen prescribed by your doctor. It is necessary to change medications to increase the level of absorption of substances. When giving injections, intravenous and intramuscular injections should not be mixed.

This will cause destruction of the structure of each drug.

Take vitamins E and A only together to protect the intestines from oxidation processes. It is better to choose so-called technological vitamin complexes, which are made in the form of microgranules. They are placed in capsules with several layers of packaging. Once in the body, each layer dissolves in turn.

You cannot change the form of the drug prescribed by your doctor. This will reduce the effectiveness of treatment. You can take vitamin supplements only after meals.

Vitamins for pancreatitis allow you to replenish the body with useful substances, the lack of which is caused by disruption of the digestive process, a strict diet prescribed for inflammation of the pancreas, as well as the massive removal of these elements from the body as a result of frequent vomiting and diarrhea, which are characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas.

For pancreatitis, both individual vitamins and complexes are used. The choice of vitamins should be made by a specialist after the acute stage of pancreatitis has been relieved.

Healthy foods

In addition to the vitamins prescribed by the doctor for the pancreas for pancreatitis, the patient is advised to change his diet. The diet should include broccoli, which has an excellent antitumor effect, as well as kiwi and millet.

Kiwi takes part in the synthesis of pancreatic juice, millet plays a prominent role in the formation of insulin. Eating green apples improves digestion. White cabbage has a regulating effect on the organ.


Acute pancreatitis does not appear to be a condition resulting in the development of vitamin deficiency in the body. However, when the pathology becomes chronic, which is accompanied by a disorder in the process of digestion and absorption of beneficial components, you need to take vitamins for pancreatitis.

Improper functioning of the pancreas is observed due to the lack of components that are responsible for the production of hormonal substances and digestive juice. When starchy substances are poorly absorbed, glucose accumulates in the body, which provokes the onset of diabetes.

To eliminate the likelihood of developing pathologies, the patient needs to eat properly and take vitamin complexes. Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to take vitamins for chronic pancreatitis or not, the answer is yes.

First of all, you need to take products that contain B vitamins. They help enhance insulin production. The pancreas also needs substances such as zinc, sulfur, and nickel.


Is it possible or not to take vitamins for pancreatitis?

The use of vitamins for chronic pancreatitis is necessary. As a result of enzyme deficiency, the digestive process is disrupted, which causes inadequate absorption of nutrients supplied with food. This condition leads to a deterioration in health and slows down the process of restoration of the damaged organ. Not only the pancreas, but also the entire body suffers from a lack of vitamins, the functioning of internal organs changes, and tissue structures undergo significant changes. Vitamins are needed for the normal course of the digestive process, they ensure the normal course of biochemical processes, participate in the process of hematopoiesis, support the functionality of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and immune systems.

Vitamins are necessary in the formation of enzymes and hormones; due to vitamins, the body’s protective abilities to the effects of toxins and free radicals are increased.

What can a lack of vitamins lead to?

Vitamins are necessary in the formation of enzymes and hormones. Vitamin deficiency causes a condition called hypovitaminosis, and with persistent deficiency, avitaminosis is diagnosed.

Hypovitaminosis develops slowly over time. The first signs of the development of a pathological condition are irritability, rapid fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, and decreased concentration.

With a prolonged lack of vitamins, central nervous system disorders occur, the skeletal and muscular systems and mucous membranes change, and immunity decreases. Lack of vitamins affects intellectual and physical indicators and negatively affects reproductive and sexual function.

Vitamin deficiency develops due to poor nutrition, as well as as a result of the body’s failure to absorb the food taken. With vitamin deficiency, there is a likelihood of developing gingivitis and relapse of chronic diseases. A person begins to complain of dry skin, chapped lips, frequent colds, and decreased ability to work. Deterioration of vision and impaired thinking are observed.

Vitamins are fat-soluble (a, e, k, d) and water-soluble (group b and ascorbic acid). Fat-soluble ones accumulate in lipocytes and the liver, and after burning fat they appear in the bloodstream. Water-soluble substances are not deposited; excess of these substances are eliminated from the body. This explains hypervitaminosis of fat-soluble vitamins and hypovitaminosis of water-soluble vitamins.

What vitamins to take in addition to the treatment of pancreatitis, names of the best

Inflammation of the pancreas in the body provokes various changes. Immunity is reduced and digestion is impaired. The patient eats a strict diet and takes medications. Vitamins and vitamin complexes, which contain a daily dose of essential vitamins, will help fill the lack of nutrients and support the body’s defenses.

The most effective and popular vitamin complexes are Vitrum, Complivit, Multitabs, Duovit, Supradin. Such products are available in the form of tablets and capsules. Vitamin complexes are considered part of adjuvant therapy in the treatment of pancreatitis. Under their influence, regeneration processes in the pancreas are accelerated and the immune system is strengthened. Multivitamins are also used for preventive purposes, to prevent the development of problems with the digestive tract.

To restore the body and replenish vitamin deficiencies, individual vitamin preparations are also used.

B vitamins

In diseases of the digestive system, there is almost always a lack of B vitamins, which provide many biological and physiological processes.

  • B1 (thiamine). Accelerates metabolism, promotes the conduction of excitation to the synapse, and has antioxidant activity. The vitamin is found in oatmeal, rice, wheat, yeast, legumes, cabbage, potatoes, pig liver, beef, veal, and milk.
  • B2 (riboflavin). Normalizes metabolism, participates in the production of erythropoietin and hemoglobin. Contained in buckwheat, oatmeal, spinach, fish, meat, milk, legumes, cabbage.
  • B3 (nicotinic acid or PP). Helps stop atherosclerosis, improves the condition of blood vessels, dilates them, and gives elasticity. The vitamin is found in large quantities in tomatoes, peppers, nuts, legumes, meat, mushrooms, liver, fish, and heart. PP is produced by bacteria in the large intestine.
  • B6 (pyridoxine). Promotes the exchange of amino acids and lipids, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Contained in buckwheat, potatoes, yeast, yolk, meat, milk, beans, cereals, fish.
  • B9 (folic acid). Participates in the process of hematopoiesis, promotes the formation of red blood cells, and activates cobalamin. Necessary for DNA and protein synthesis. Improves the process of food absorption. Lack of B9 causes anemia. The vitamin is present in citrus fruits, nuts, pumpkin, dates, dairy products, and eggs. Also synthesized in the large intestine.
  • B12(cyanocobalamin). Has antianemic effects. Participates in hematopoiesis, improves the functioning of the central nervous system. The vitamin is necessary for protein flatulence and prevents the development of fatty liver hepatosis. Present in cheese, yolks, liver, seafood, and sea fish.

B vitamins are classified as coenzymes because they are integrated into the structure of the digestive enzyme, thus stabilizing the absorption of food.

B vitamins are necessarily included in the treatment of pancreatitis, as they help restore the functionality of the pancreas. B vitamins help improve blood flow, increase immunity, lower bad cholesterol in the blood, and also reduce pain.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP)

Vitamin pp or nicotinic acid activates the secretion of gastric juice, promotes the dilation of blood vessels, normalizes metabolism, and improves the process of supplying the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract with blood. Contained in meat, beets, buckwheat.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C is necessary to strengthen the body. Ascorbic acid helps increase iron levels in the blood, which has a positive effect on the immune system and the functioning of the endocrine system. Vitamin C is found in broccoli, red cabbage, rose hips, and sea buckthorn. The listed products are useful for restoring the affected gland and are included in a special diet intended for patients with pancreatitis.

Vitamin E is an essential element that ensures the normal functioning of the entire body. The vitamin helps remove toxins and free radicals from the body. Due to its stimulating effect, it relieves inflammation, corrects the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive process, normalizes the act of defecation and eliminates constipation, which is often a concern with pancreatitis, colitis, and cholecystitis.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant and promotes the rapid breakdown of fats, which has a positive effect on digestion, disturbed as a result of inflammation of the pancreas. The vitamin is found in broccoli and beef liver.

Vitamins e and a can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis, so they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly according to the dose specified by the specialist.

Treatment of pancreatitis with B vitamins

Inflammation of the pancreas requires more than just following a diet and taking prescribed medications. Vitamin therapy is of no small importance. These can be either individual drugs or complexes.

A particularly increased need occurs immediately after an exacerbation. This is explained by the fact that treatment of the disease always proceeds using very strict diets and even therapeutic fasting.

Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of rashes, brittle hair, dry skin, and so on. If, immediately after the acute symptoms are relieved, you start taking vitamins for pancreatitis, you can not only avoid these signs, but also significantly improve your overall well-being.

To strengthen the body, you can use both individual drugs and complexes. In any case, only the doctor decides which vitamins to take after the acute stage of inflammation of the pancreas is removed.

B vitamins

Patients with pancreatitis have a particularly pronounced lack of B vitamins. Moreover, they are responsible for the level of the body’s defenses and the course of metabolic processes.

In this regard, you can take the following medications:

  1. Vitamin B1 is involved in chemical processes and stabilizes the level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Prevents dehydration during pancreatitis.
  2. Riboflavin or B2 is responsible for redox reactions.
  3. Vitamin B6 is used for inflammation of the pancreas and cholecystitis to normalize the production of enzymes.
  4. Folic acid or B9 stabilizes the blood picture, normalizes the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Prescribed for cholecystitis, gastritis, pregnancy, inflammation of the pancreas and other conditions accompanied by nausea, vomiting and weight loss.
  5. Vitamin B12 is required for cholecystitis and liver diseases. Helps normalize metabolism and participates in the breakdown of incoming fats.

All of the above drugs can be taken as a single drug or a suitable complex can be selected. At the same time, therapeutic nutrition can be used in parallel. B vitamins can be found in foods such as broccoli, millet, dairy products, buckwheat, meat, fish, and cheeses.

Naturally, to create a diet, you need to use only foods with minimal fat content that are approved for inflammation of the pancreas. A similar diet would be appropriate for cholecystitis, which often accompanies pancreatitis.

Vitamins of other groups

In addition to the above, it is important to provide the body with other vitamins. If you have inflammation of the pancreas, you can take vitamin PP. Nicotinic acid is used only in the remission stage in order to normalize the production of gastric juice in pathologies of the digestive system. At the same time, there is a vasodilating effect, blood circulation is normalized, tissue nutrition is improved and metabolic processes are stabilized.


Vitamin PP is always prescribed in the form of pharmaceutical preparations, even when using products rich in this substance. This is explained by the fact that the acid is not absorbed by the body, which requires the use of injection forms.

Vitamin C is necessary for the overall strengthening of the body. Ascorbic acid helps increase iron levels in the blood and has a positive effect on the immune system and the functioning of endocrine organs.

For diseases of the pancreas, you can eat foods such as broccoli, red cabbage, rose hips, sea buckthorn, and so on. After pancreatitis, as well as with cholecystitis, hepatitis and other pathologies of the digestive system, you can drink it in the form of pharmaceutical preparations.

Vitamin E is essential for the body. It is he who is involved in cleansing from toxins and free radicals. It has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the digestive organs and relieves inflammation in the gland. Normalizes bowel movements and eliminates constipation that occurs with pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis and gastritis.

Vitamin A is also an antioxidant and also facilitates the breakdown of fats. This has a positive effect on the digestion process against the background of organ dysfunction.

Contained in broccoli and liver, but can be used in the form of pharmaceuticals. Vitamins A and E, if the dosage is exceeded, can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis and worsen the patient's condition. Therefore, they are taken only as prescribed by a doctor in the indicated dosage.

  • Vitrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Duovit;
  • Koplivit;
  • Antioxicaps;
  • Multitabs.

These drugs are produced in the form of capsules or tablets and taken at home. In cases of severe deficiency, injectable forms can be used, but more often such therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. If vitamin complexes are used, it is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients and eliminate side effects, taking into account each of the available components.

It is important to choose the right medications and use them in courses. Please note that vitamin complexes are fundamentally different from dietary supplements and cannot be replaced by them. The latter are used only outside the acute stage for general strengthening of the body. They have a minimal effect on the level of vitamins in the body.

Vitamin complexes

Vitamin complexes containing several vitamins at once have increased effectiveness, which allows you to fill the body’s daily needs with one capsule or tablet.

The choice of such drugs should be agreed with a doctor, who will help determine which vitamins need to be used at a given stage of the disease.

Vitamin complexes are fundamentally different from dietary supplements and cannot be replaced by them. Supplements are allowed to be used only during periods of stable remission; their effect on the body is minimal compared to vitamin complexes.

It is recommended to take vitamin complexes after stopping an acute attack. Effective are Vitrum, Complivit, Multitabs, Undevit.

Effective vitamin complexes also include:

  1. Supradin. Includes vitamins B, C, vitamins A, E, minerals: zinc, phosphorus, copper, manganese, etc. You need to take the tablets once a day.
  2. Aevit. It has a good effect because the drug contains two antioxidants: vitamins a and e. It helps to regenerate tissue, improves metabolic processes, affects the growth of bone tissue, and stimulates the functionality of the reproductive system.
  3. Duovit. Effective for pancreatitis, regular diet disorders, recommended for people with nervous and emotional stress.
  4. Antioxicaps. A complex containing vitamin E, selenium, zinc, iron, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid. Course duration: 2-3 months

Therapy with vitamin and mineral complexes

Of course, it is better to take multivitamins for pancreatitis. The main point is to choose the right drug that contains the required dosage of substances. The use of all complexes is carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Vitrum is a complex that contains vitamins and mineral components that provide the body with all the necessary substances. Vitamins for pancreatitis in old age can be taken if there are no contraindications.

Vitrum is not recommended for gout, heart failure, fructose intolerance, renal failure, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, sarcoidosis.

Names of good vitamin complexes:

  1. The Supradin complex includes B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin A, E, minerals - zinc, phosphorus, copper, manganese, etc. You need to take the tablets once a day. They help strengthen the body as a whole. Not recommended for renal failure and hypercalcemia.
  2. Aevit helps regenerate tissue, improves metabolic processes, affects bone growth, and stimulates the functionality of the reproductive system. However, Aevit for biliary pancreatitis should be taken with caution, only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Duovit should be taken in case of chronic pancreatic pathology. The product is useful for people who daily experience nervous and mental stress and have an unbalanced diet. The dosage is selected individually. You should not drink if you have a history of copper and iron metabolism disorders, thyrotoxicosis, gastric ulcers, or tuberculosis.
  4. Antioxycaps is a complex containing vitamin E, selenium, zinc, iron, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid. The duration of the course of use is 2-3 months; capsules are usually prescribed to be taken during meals or after meals. Dosage – one tablet, washed down with plenty of liquid.

If there is a relative deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, taking tablets and capsules is more often recommended. Application is carried out at home. If a severe form of deficiency is observed, then it is preferable to give injections. But such treatment is carried out only in inpatient settings.

You can use brewer's yeast for pancreatitis (the exception is alcoholic pancreatitis). They have a positive effect on the pancreas. Their effect is due to their composition - B vitamins, proteins, fatty acids. Yeast stimulates metabolic processes, enhances barter functions, reduces inflammatory processes, and promotes rapid tissue healing.

The rules of diet therapy for pancreatitis are described in the video in this article.

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A balanced vitamin complex with microelements is taken during a period of relative well-being. The name may be different, but it should contain a full set of vitamins and minerals for pancreatitis: Vitrum, Complivit, Undevit.

AEvit has a good effect; it contains two antioxidants: vitamins A and E.

An approximate course and dosage of vitamins, taking into account age (especially the elderly), as well as the patient’s condition, is prescribed by the doctor. It must be remembered that for some nutrients, hypervitaminosis can be more dangerous than their deficiency. The beneficial effect will occur faster if taken in a timely manner and if indicated. Only in this case can you live long enough without exacerbations of pancreatitis.

Inflammation of the pancreas requires more than just following a diet and taking prescribed medications. Vitamin therapy is of no small importance. These can be either individual drugs or complexes. It is thanks to them that it is possible to compensate for the lack of nutrients resulting from disruption of the process of food absorption. In addition, vitamin deficiency can also be caused by a strict diet prescribed for pancreatitis.

Vitamin deficiency occurs against the background of pancreatitis, so it is necessary to take a course of missing vitamins

A particularly increased need occurs immediately after an exacerbation. This is explained by the fact that treatment of the disease always proceeds using very strict diets and even therapeutic fasting. Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of rashes, brittle hair, dry skin, and so on. If, immediately after the acute symptoms are relieved, you start taking vitamins for pancreatitis, you can not only avoid these signs, but also significantly improve your overall well-being.

B vitamins

Patients with pancreatitis have a particularly pronounced lack of B vitamins. Moreover, they are responsible for the level of the body’s defenses and the course of metabolic processes.

B vitamins are recommended for pancreatitis

In this regard, you can take the following medications:

  • Vitamin B1 is involved in chemical processes and stabilizes the level of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Prevents dehydration during pancreatitis.
  • Riboflavin or B2 is responsible for redox reactions.
  • Vitamin B6 is used for inflammation of the pancreas and cholecystitis to normalize the production of enzymes.
  • Folic acid or B9 stabilizes the blood picture, normalizes the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Prescribed for cholecystitis, gastritis, pregnancy, inflammation of the pancreas and other conditions accompanied by nausea, vomiting and weight loss.
  • Vitamin B12 is required for cholecystitis and liver diseases. Helps normalize metabolism and participates in the breakdown of incoming fats.

All of the above drugs can be taken as a single drug or a suitable complex can be selected. At the same time, therapeutic nutrition can be used in parallel. B vitamins can be found in foods such as broccoli, millet, dairy products, buckwheat, meat, fish, and cheeses.

If you are deficient in vitamins, you can enrich your diet with foods that contain essential vitamins.

Naturally, to create a diet, you need to use only foods with minimal fat content that are approved for inflammation of the pancreas. A similar diet would be appropriate for cholecystitis, which often accompanies pancreatitis.

Vitamins of other groups

In addition to the above, it is important to provide the body with other vitamins. If you have inflammation of the pancreas, you can take vitamin PP. Nicotinic acid is used only in the remission stage in order to normalize the production of gastric juice in pathologies of the digestive system. At the same time, there is a vasodilating effect, blood circulation is normalized, tissue nutrition is improved and metabolic processes are stabilized.

Vitamin C is necessary for the overall strengthening of the body. Ascorbic acid helps increase iron levels in the blood and has a positive effect on the immune system and the functioning of endocrine organs. For diseases of the pancreas, you can eat foods such as broccoli, red cabbage, rose hips, sea buckthorn, and so on.

Against the background of the disease, you should enrich your diet with vitamins A, C, E

Vitamin E is essential for the body. It is he who is involved in cleansing from toxins and free radicals. It has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the digestive organs and relieves inflammation in the gland. Normalizes bowel movements and eliminates constipation that occurs with pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis and gastritis.

Vitamin A is also an antioxidant and also facilitates the breakdown of fats. This has a positive effect on the digestion process against the background of organ dysfunction. Contained in broccoli and liver, but can be used in the form of pharmaceutical products.

Complex drugs

Complexes containing several components at once have a special effect. In this case, it is especially important to find out which ones will be appropriate for inflammation of the gland.

Taking a vitamin complex will be useful for pancreatitis

Among the wide selection of vitamin complexes, the following are especially popular:

  • Vitrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Duovit;
  • Koplivit;
  • Antioxicaps;
  • Multitabs.

These drugs are produced in the form of capsules or tablets and taken at home. In cases of severe deficiency, injectable forms can be used, but more often such therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. If vitamin complexes are used, it is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients and eliminate side effects, taking into account each of the available components.

It is important to choose the right medications and use them in courses. Please note that vitamin complexes are fundamentally different from dietary supplements and cannot be replaced by them. The latter are used only outside the acute stage for general strengthening of the body. They have a minimal effect on the level of vitamins in the body.

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A balanced complex is drunk during times of relative well-being. The names of the drugs differ, but they contain substances with minerals.

Sugar level



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Insulin formation

Chronic hypovitaminosis provokes the development of diabetes mellitus. Insulin and glucagon are produced in the pancreas. The normal course of the process depends on the amount of vitamins in the body.

Diet is of great importance, since with pancreatitis, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted, which causes constant changes in sugar levels in the blood and urine. The patient needs to constantly monitor glycemia.

Insulin therapy is carried out until glucose levels stabilize; such therapy is prohibited for a long period.

Vitamins necessary for the gland

To understand which vitamins can be taken to improve the condition of the pancreas, you need to remember that some of them are involved in the synthesis of enzymes and insulin. A strict diet and intestinal malabsorption causes their deficiency. It increases as the disease progresses.

Enzyme synthesis

The gland produces pancreatic juice, the enzymes of which ensure the breakdown of food in the small intestine. Almost any vitamin (especially group B) is a coenzyme of many pancreatic enzymes. This means that part of its molecule is integrated into the structure of the enzyme and becomes its integral part, activating it and giving it certain properties. Micronutrients are important for the synthesis of trypsin, lipase, and amylase.

Insulin formation

Chronic hypovitaminosis contributes to the development of pathologies such as diabetes. Insulin and glucagon are produced in the pancreas. This process largely depends on a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body.

The disease requires adherence to a certain diet. With pancreatitis, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted, and therefore the level of sugar in the blood and urine constantly changes. Constant glycemic control is required.

Insulin therapy cannot be prescribed for long-term sugar correction: it is carried out until glucose levels are restored.

Important vitamins for the pancreas are:

  • group B;
  • C (ascorbic acid);
  • A (retinol);
  • E (tocopherol).

Vitamins of groups B and PP

Treatment complexes must necessarily contain B vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • B3 (PP, nicotinic acid, neocin);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin).

These nutrients:

  • necessary for the formation of pancreatic enzymes and are their constituent components;
  • support the liver, its functions and normal tissue structure, oxidizing proteins and amino acids.

Neocin is also involved in the formation of gastric juice. For this reason, it should not be used if acute pancreatitis has developed or chronic pancreatitis has worsened. With B3 deficiency, diarrhea is associated with changes in peristalsis and absorption in the intestines. Its administration during remission significantly accelerates recovery processes and improves the condition.

Vitamins A, C, E

A, C, E are essential vitamins for the liver and pancreas. A and E are fat-soluble: the absorption process occurs in the presence of fats. A strict diet limits their intake. Hypo- or vitamin deficiency develops.

Fat-soluble vitamins are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Normally, their absorption occurs in the intestines. With pathology of the liver, pancreas or intestines, which are closely interconnected, this process is disrupted, hypovitaminosis and corresponding clinical symptoms develop.

These vitamins:

  • significantly increase immune status and strengthen the immune system;
  • bind active radicals that are formed during any pathology in the digestive tract.

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin: it fights infection, taking part in the prevention of complications of pancreatitis.

E (tocopherol):

  • helps in binding free radicals to vitamin C
  • participates in detoxification and lipolysis - its deficiency causes fatty liver;
  • promotes the absorption and assimilation of tocopherol and ascorbic acid;
  • hypovitaminosis E leads to vitamin deficiencies A and C.

Vitamins for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Pancreatitis often develops in parallel with calculous cholecystitis. This condition is explained by anatomical features, since the channels of the gallbladder and pancreas exit into the mouth of the papilla of Vater, through which pancreatic juice and bile enter the duodenum. The formation of stones is promoted by a deficiency of vitamins C and E. Vitamins of these groups contribute to the normal functioning of the sphincter of Oddi and correct the tone of the gallbladder, stabilizing the process of bile secretion.

Vitamin PP and B for pancreatitis

Often pancreatitis is a consequence of cholecystitis, the course of which is complicated by stone formation. This is explained by the fact that at the mouth of the nipple of Vater, the pancreatic, bile, and common ducts open.

From there the juice with bile comes to the duodenum. Bile stagnation is formed from bile pigments and cholesterol. The main provocateur of this condition is poor nutrition. Vitamins E, B, C help stop the development of the pathological process. They help normalize the functioning of the gallbladder.

pain under the ribs

Vitamins for pancreatitis in old age

A person's age has a direct connection with metabolism. In old age and old age, nutrients and vitamins are absorbed somewhat worse. This is due to age-related changes in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

In old age, taking vitamins is allowed if there are no contraindications. Experts recommend that patients over 60 years of age use multivitamins, which provide the body with all the necessary substances and have a positive effect on overall health.

Vitrum is considered effective. The vitamin complex has specific contraindications that must be taken into account before using it. Vitrum is not recommended for gout, heart failure, fructose intolerance, renal failure, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, sarcoidosis.

Vitamins for pancreatitis and gastritis

If there is simultaneous inflammation of the pancreas and stomach, you should take vitamin A, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps normalize digestion.

When pancreatitis is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, you should be careful with vitamins C and B3 (PP), since vitamin C reduces blood clotting, and nicotinic acid activates the production of gastric juice and increases its acidity. It is important to remember that in case of pancreatitis against the background of hyperacid gastritis, vitamin B3 and C are contraindicated.

Rules for taking vitamins for pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis, the use of vitamin preparations is not permitted. When stable remission occurs, the doctor prescribes vitamin supplements based on the results of biochemical examinations. With the help of these studies, it is determined which vitamins the patient needs to take, or which vitamin complex will be useful for a given case. The duration of the course and dose are also determined by the doctor on a strictly individual basis. The choice of drug is made taking into account the age of the patient, after determining the presence of concomitant diseases, since these drugs have certain contraindications.

Experts advise changing vitamin complexes from time to time to avoid addiction and increase the effectiveness of the products. If vitamin preparations are administered intravenously or intramuscularly, it is not allowed to mix them in one injection, since they are mutually destroyed in the same volume.

Almost all vitamin supplements are recommended to be used after meals. Violations of the prescribed doses and course duration may cause a relapse of the disease.

For pancreatitis, vitamin supplements promote rapid recovery. You should use vitamin complexes only after consultation with your doctor, which will strengthen your immune system and overcome a serious illness without harming your health.

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I have been suffering from pancreatitis for several years now. Pain in the hypochondrium, nausea and abnormal bowel movements immediately indicate that the disease is relapsing. On the advice of my doctor, I started taking the vitamin complex Aevit. The drug is very good, after I started taking it, there were no relapses, my health improved, my digestion and stool normalized.


I have been taking vitamin A in the form of oil drops for a long time. I take a break for several months and repeat the dose. Helps prevent exacerbation of pancreatitis due to gastritis, eliminates all the unpleasant symptoms caused by poor digestion, and even has a positive effect on complexion.

Acute pancreatitis is not a condition in which vitamin deficiency develops. Therefore, when we talk about prescribing vitamins for pancreatitis, we mean a chronic process accompanied by insufficiency of the exocrine function of the organ, impaired digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Vitamins for chronic pancreatitis

To figure out what vitamins you need to take for pancreatitis, you should remember that a number of vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the pancreas itself, the production of enzymes and insulin. A vitamin deficiency that occurs:

  • a) due to the fact that the patient is prescribed a strict diet with restriction of a number of foods,
  • b) due to impaired digestion and absorption caused by enzyme deficiency,

covered by the prescription of multivitamin complexes.

Vitamins necessary for the pancreas during pancreatitis

Pancreatitis, accompanied by insufficiency of gland function, is manifested by the fact that pancreatic juice contains few enzymes. Many vitamins, especially group B, are coenzymes, that is, parts of their molecules are built into the molecular structure of the enzyme.

For example, a portion of thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) is released that goes into the synthesis of amylase, an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates.

Nicotinic acid ( vitamin PP , or B3) stimulates the production of all three types of digestive enzymes - amylase, lipase and trypsin. Vitamin PP deficiency is a disease called pellagra, one of the main symptoms of which is diarrhea (diarrhea). Diarrhea is an invariable companion to chronic pancreatitis, which occurs with enzyme deficiency. Lack of nicotinic acid affects intestinal function directly (increased motility), and indirectly due to insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas. In addition to the above properties, nicotinic acid has the ability to improve blood circulation in the pancreas, expanding its capillary network and thus reducing inflammation in this organ and pain.

B6 and vitamin B2 are actively involved in the complex process of synthesis of digestive enzymes . Vitamin B12 is necessary for the proper functioning of the neighboring organ - the liver. The success of the entire digestion process depends on how consistently bile and enzymes are released into the lumen of the duodenum.

All B vitamins are closely related to the functioning of the pancreas itself and are necessary to maintain its normal function. If the gland is inflamed, then this group of vitamins is used as one of the elements of therapy.

The course of pancreatitis is significantly influenced by vitamins C, A and E. In 2007, a study was conducted in which 71 patients with chronic pancreatitis, accompanied by pain, participated. Antioxidant vitamins – E, beta-carotene, C, methionine – were included in the patients’ diet. In 1/3 of the patients, the pain was relieved, while in the control group receiving placebo, a positive result was observed in only 13% of the subjects.

Vitamins for pancreatic diseases

To understand which vitamins can be taken to improve the condition of the pancreas, you need to remember that some of them are involved in the synthesis of enzymes and insulin. A strict diet and intestinal malabsorption causes their deficiency. It increases as the disease progresses.

Enzyme synthesis

The gland produces pancreatic juice, the enzymes of which ensure the breakdown of food in the small intestine. Almost any vitamin (especially group B) is a coenzyme of many pancreatic enzymes. This means that part of its molecule is integrated into the structure of the enzyme and becomes its integral part, activating it and giving it certain properties. Micronutrients are important for the synthesis of trypsin, lipase, and amylase.

Chronic hypovitaminosis contributes to the development of pathologies such as diabetes. Insulin and glucagon are produced in the pancreas. This process largely depends on a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body.

The disease requires adherence to a certain diet. With pancreatitis, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted, and therefore the level of sugar in the blood and urine constantly changes. Constant glycemic control is required.

Important vitamins for the pancreas are:

  • group B;
  • C (ascorbic acid);
  • A (retinol);
  • E (tocopherol).

Treatment complexes must necessarily contain B vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • B3 (PP, nicotinic acid, neocin);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin).

These nutrients:

  • necessary for the formation of pancreatic enzymes and are their constituent components;
  • support the liver, its functions and normal tissue structure, oxidizing proteins and amino acids.

Neocin is also involved in the formation of gastric juice. For this reason, it should not be used if acute pancreatitis has developed or chronic pancreatitis has worsened. With B3 deficiency, diarrhea is associated with changes in peristalsis and absorption in the intestines. Its administration during remission significantly accelerates recovery processes and improves the condition.

Vitamins A, C, E

A, C, E are essential vitamins for the liver and pancreas. A and E are fat-soluble: the absorption process occurs in the presence of fats. A strict diet limits their intake. Hypo- or vitamin deficiency develops.

These vitamins:

  • significantly increase immune status and strengthen the immune system;
  • bind active radicals that are formed during any pathology in the digestive tract.

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin: it fights infection, taking part in the prevention of complications of pancreatitis.

E (tocopherol):

  • helps in binding free radicals to vitamin C
  • participates in detoxification and lipolysis - its deficiency causes fatty liver;
  • promotes the absorption and assimilation of tocopherol and ascorbic acid;
  • hypovitaminosis E leads to vitamin deficiencies A and C.

What vitamins for the pancreas should be taken in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the organ? In addition to group B, gastroenterologists advise paying attention to vitamins A and E.

B1 synthesizes pyruvic acid, which is involved in the oxidation of glucose. The following products are very rich in it:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • sweet pepper (red)

Important metabolic processes are impossible without B2-B12. They are found in cheese, brewer's yeast, parsley, grains, and liver. In case of chronic pancreatitis, these products are not consumed. Therefore, the diet involves additional intake of vitamin complexes.

The body really needs A and E. They contain whole milk, as well as potatoes, dairy products, onions, and cucumbers. Fat-soluble vitamins tend to break down quickly. You should eat dishes made from these products immediately after cooking.

Protein products contain glutamic acid and cystine. Sulfur is found in nuts, turnips, egg yolks, gooseberries, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Lean meats and fresh vegetables contain nickel.

With a pronounced lack of B vitamins, patients are prescribed intravenous drips. After this, a new stage of treatment begins. The doctor explains in detail what vitamins you need to take for diseases of the pancreas. The patient is given an appointment:

  1. Complivita.
  2. Adaptovita.
  3. Supradina.
  4. Duovita.
  5. Multitabsa.
  6. Vitrum.
  7. Antioxycapsa.

Taking dietary supplements is allowed. To restore the normal functioning of the organ, the patient is allowed to take supplements such as Sveltform and MEGA. Considering that some components of dietary supplements conflict with medications, they can only be taken after permission from a specialist.

Taking nicotinic acid activates the secretion of gastric juice. It is prescribed when the symptoms of pancreatitis disappear. The RR group is accompanied by dilation of blood vessels. Against the background of normalization of blood flow to the organs, metabolic processes are stabilized.

In diseases of the pancreas, this acid is poorly absorbed. Therefore, the doctor prescribes it additionally to the patient. The patient is prescribed tablets of nicotinic acid. You need to drink it after eating. Sometimes the patient is prescribed injections.

Taking vitamins A, C, E. Often the patient is prescribed multivitamin complexes. They include vitamins A, E, C. Vitamin A is an excellent antioxidant. It is prescribed to improve health and stop infections.

Vitamin C has a powerful immunostimulating and general strengthening effect. It maintains normal iron concentration, helps stabilize cholesterol, and stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands. The use of vitamin E helps neutralize free radicals. It stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is often prescribed for stool disorders.

Vitamins for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Cholecystitis, especially when accompanied by the formation of stones, often provokes the development of pancreatitis. This is due to the fact that both the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct open at the mouth of the papilla of Vater - and from there pancreatic juice and bile enter the duodenum. Stagnation of bile, stones formed from cholesterol and bile pigments are a consequence of poor nutrition and metabolism. vitamin C and vitamin E in food is one of the causes of stone formation. B vitamins contribute to the nervous regulation of the sphincter of Oddi and normal motility of the gallbladder itself.

The need for vitamins

The content of the article

The functioning of the pancreas is disrupted when the body lacks a supply of substances responsible for the production of hormones and digestive juice.

Poor absorption of starchy substances is observed, and sugar accumulates in the blood. Progression occurs:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Pancreatitis.
  3. Cystic fibrosis.

To reduce the risk of developing these diseases, a person is recommended to change his diet and use special vitamin complexes.

First of all, the pancreas needs B vitamins. They contribute to the production of insulin. The organ also needs substances such as glutamic acid, cystine, nickel, and sulfur.

What vitamins should I take for pancreatitis?

The answer to the question - is it possible to take vitamins for prancreatitis - will be definitely positive. Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Multihypovitaminosis, which sooner or later develops in chronic pancreatitis, affecting all organs and systems, follows a vicious circle: few enzymes - few vitamins in food due to dietary restrictions - poor absorption and assimilation of vitamins - deterioration of the pancreas - worsening enzyme deficiency.

In acute pancreatitis, vitamin preparations are not prescribed. After the exacerbation subsides, B vitamins are often prescribed by injection - intravenously and intramuscularly. It should be remembered that the drugs are not mixed in one syringe - they mutually destroy each other.

During the period of remission of the disease, it is recommended to take a balanced multivitamin complex developed for patients with chronic pancreatitis. Examples of such complexes are Vitacomp, Centrum, Supradin, Ultivit, Adaptovit, Silver, etc.

What vitamins should you take for pancreatitis – cheap or expensive? The vitamin, as a component of the drug for 100 rubles, is similar in chemical composition to the vitamin from an expensive medicine. And the pancreas will absorb them equally. However, modern pharmaceutical production technologies make it possible to create a dosage form that uses microgranulation, layer-by-layer application of active substances, ensuring their gradual release at the right time in the right part of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the necessary microelements are introduced into these complexes, the absorption deficiency of which occurs in pancreatitis, such as zinc, cobalt, magnesium and others. Of course, such a drug will cost more.

I have been treating patients since 1988. Including pancreatitis. I talk about the disease, its symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention, diet and regimen.

What vitamins to choose for pancreatitis

  • eliminating the cause of the disease;
  • creating optimal conditions for the functioning of the pancreas;
  • suppression of the inflammatory process;
  • fight against pain syndrome.

Taking measures to restore or compensate for disorders of exocrine and intrasecretory pancreatic insufficiency. Treatment should be carried out taking into account: the nature and phase of the underlying disease, complications, concomitant diseases, individual (age and constitutional) characteristics of the patient. During periods of severe exacerbation, treatment in a hospital setting is indicated.

In order to normalize the increased exocrine activity of the pancreas during an exacerbation, along with diet, doctors prescribe atropine, platyphylline and other drugs to patients, and for severe pain - promedol (trimeperidine), papaverine, no-shpu, nitroglycerin.

Recently, reflexology has been used to relieve pain. The use of morphine and other opium preparations is contraindicated because they cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, increasing nausea and vomiting.


In case of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, enzyme preparations are prescribed for replacement therapy: pancreatin, abomin, polyzyme, panzinorm, festal, cholenzyme, mexaza. At the same time, patients are prescribed vitamins: B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B12 (ceancobalamin), A (retinol), B15 (calcium pangamate).

To relieve inflammatory processes, positive results are obtained by using pyrimidine derivatives (methyluracild, pantoxyl), as well as antibiotics and sulfonamides for a month. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, anti-enzyme drugs are indicated, such as contrical, trasylol and gordox.

Contrical (the same as Gordox, but made in Germany) is a polypeptide obtained from the lungs of cattle; inhibits the activity of a number of enzymes and forms inactive complexes with them; administered intravenously, slowly, if necessary intraperitoneally; may cause allergic reactions.

Trasylol is a drug of animal origin, obtained from the parotid salivary glands of cattle; inactivates pancreatic enzymes; especially effective in the edematous phase of acute pancreatitis and during surgical interventions in the upper abdominal cavity; It is administered intravenously slowly or by drip; if administered quickly, it can cause nausea and vomiting; in addition, allergic reactions are sometimes possible.

Gordox (Hungarian production) is a solution for slow intravenous administration containing aprotinin. It is administered only to people over 18 years of age, in a supine position, through main veins not used for the administration of other drugs.

10 minutes before the administration of the drug, patients are given a test dose of 1 ml; if negative, in particular allergic, reactions are not observed, a therapeutic dose is administered. The maximum injection rate is 5–10 ml/min.

Aminocrovin is a drug obtained through the acid hydrolysis of human blood proteins with the addition of glucose. Contains all the necessary amino acids for protein biosynthesis in the body. Has a stimulating and detoxifying effect.

Contraindicated in renal, hepatic, cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency, vascular disorders and especially cerebrovascular accidents. If administered rapidly, it may cause nausea, headache, vein pain and fever.

Retabolil is an active anabolic agent with prolonged action. Contraindicated in case of prostate cancer, pregnancy, impaired liver and kidney function.

Nerobolil is a long-acting active anabolic steroid administered intramuscularly. Contraindicated in prostate cancer.

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, including the appearance of signs of diabetes, require the appointment of an appropriate diet and antidiabetic treatment. It is noteworthy that, unlike ordinary diabetes, with chronic pancreatitis, the level of sugar in the blood and urine can either increase or decrease.

Therefore, the need for insulin in patients with chronic pancreatitis changes over a short period of time. After the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is relieved, the patient’s diet is expanded.


Hello, please tell me if it’s possible to drink Duovit for men for chronic pancreatitis. I bought it and can’t decide. I’ve lost about 12 kg.

Can. Outside of aggravation, of course.

and which ones are better to buy?

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Inflammatory processes occurring in the pancreas during pancreatitis require medication and sometimes surgical treatment. Vitamins for the pancreas for pancreatitis are also very important.

Since the environment of the gastrointestinal tract is constantly under the influence of erosive processes, digestive function disorders are observed, and vitamins are not absorbed as required by the body. Many foods that are beneficial to the body are also prohibited by the diet due to their rough structure, so vitamins for the pancreas for pancreatitis must be taken separately.

When observing therapeutic fasting, patients often experience symptoms of vitamin deficiency: dry skin, hair loss, redness and tearing of the eyes, brittle nails, apathy and others. This is why doctors prescribe vitamins for pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Why does the organ need vitamins?

Vitamins for the pancreas are very important. They allow the internal organ to function normally. To achieve maximum results from use, you need to take the complexes several times a year - you should not constantly take medications. Doctors prescribe vitamins for pancreatitis in the following cases:

  • Dieting – adhering to certain dietary rules causes a deficiency of a number of nutritional components in the body. Also, constant use of medications causes hypovitaminosis. It negatively affects the functioning of internal organs - insufficient amounts of enzymes and hormones enter the blood.
  • Frequent exacerbations - during exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis, a person experiences frequent bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. Because of this, a large number of important substances leave his body.

Only the attending physician will be able to tell which vitamin complexes will have a positive effect on the functioning of this internal organ.

What vitamins are needed to restore the pancreas?

Pharmacology includes many vitamin complexes that contain enough vitamins and microelements necessary for people suffering from inflammation of the pancreas.

Their intake is also very important for the organ itself, namely for the production of insulin and pancreatic enzymes for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Vitamin complexes for pancreatitis must contain B vitamins. This group of vitamins takes part in the body’s metabolic processes and is also important for strengthening the human immune system. It includes the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin B1. Takes part in the normalization of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and is responsible for regulating water balance in the body. The daily norm for an adult is 2 mg.
  2. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin. Takes part in the processes of oxidation and reduction. Dose – 0.02-0.03 g per day, divided into several parts. The main source of this vitamin is dairy products, as well as buckwheat porridge, which also contains iron, calcium and magnesium, and helps with insulin instability of the pancreas.
  3. Vitamin B6. Important in the processes of enzyme secretion in the pancreas. Injection is prescribed.
  4. Vitamin B12. Necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes, as well as liver function. Contained in products of animal origin: meat, cheese, fish, however, diseases such as pancreatitis or gastritis imply certain restrictions on the use of these products. Therefore, vitamins for pancreatitis and gastritis are prescribed in tablet or injection forms.

Ascorbic acid

Also, vitamin complexes for pancreatitis should contain vitamin C, which stimulates the endocrine system, takes part in regulating the level of iron and cholesterol in the blood plasma, and also improves immunity.

Ascorbic acid is also involved in hematopoiesis processes, strengthens blood vessels and human cartilage tissue. With this disease, vitamin C is also useful in its ability to eliminate inflammatory processes, which are the cause of all pancreatic problems in this case.

With pancreatitis, constant pain, vomiting and other debilitating symptoms can weaken the body. The patient begins to feel a loss of strength, exhaustion, apathy, ascorbic acid improves the general condition of the body and helps cope with the disease.

This vitamin is contained in cabbage, pumpkin, bell pepper, as well as black currant, rowan, sea buckthorn and rose hips, decoctions of which are allowed for consumption while following a diet.

Vitamin E for pancreatitis is useful for its antioxidant properties, as well as for stimulating processes in the gastrointestinal tract: improving peristalsis, as well as reducing pain caused by inflammation of the pancreas.

This vitamin is often prescribed for diabetes, which is important in case of insulin deficiency in patients with pancreatitis. Contained in oat and barley cereals, spinach, broccoli and sea buckthorn.

Vitamin A takes part in the redox processes of the body, is a strong antioxidant, ensures the normalization of metabolism, and is also useful for the human immune system and promotes wound healing.

Retinol is considered an effective remedy for preventing cancer, which is likely to be caused by pancreatitis.

This vitamin is found in carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, bell peppers, as well as meat and fish.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and dilates blood vessels, which promotes improved blood flow to the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore improves metabolic processes.

Contained in meat, beets, buckwheat porridge.

Even proper and regular nutrition cannot guarantee the patient sufficient intake of vitamins. This is explained by the fact that many foods are prohibited in the diet, so there is a need for additional intake of vitamin complexes.

Multivitamins for pancreatitis are a priority for use, as they allow for a balanced intake of all necessary vitamins in the correct dosages.

What substances are insufficient for inflammation of the pancreas?

Chronic pancreatitis is an incurable but completely controllable disease. Dietary nutrition and taking enzymes (as recommended by a doctor) allows you to achieve long-term remission. However, even with this, the function of the pancreas remains impaired and the absorption of nutrients slows down.

Let's look at what vitamins will be deficient and how this will affect pancreatic function. First of all, these are B vitamins.

  • B1 or thiamine. Part of this vitamin is used to produce pancreatic enzymes, so the vicious circle can only be broken by additional prescription of B1 drugs.
  • B3 or nicotinic acid (PP). Also involved in the production of pancreatic enzymes. Diarrhea that develops with nicotinic acid hypovitaminosis is associated with poor digestion and accelerated intestinal motility. Therefore, increasing the level of nicotinic acid is the patient’s opportunity to alleviate unpleasant symptoms.
  • Other B vitamins (B2, B6, B12). These vitamins are needed for proper liver function. By the way, for cholecystitis, which can accompany chronic pancreatitis, vitamin complexes are also necessary.

In addition, with pancreatitis, the absorption of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E is impaired. These substances cleanse the body of toxins, normalize the functioning of the liver and intestines, and improve digestion processes. It has been noted that in patients with chronic pancreatitis who additionally receive antioxidants from medications, the pain syndrome is less pronounced than in those who suffer from hypovitaminosis A, C and E.

Important: Vitamins for the pancreas can be taken only after the exacerbation of the process has stopped, otherwise the additional drug load will only aggravate your condition.

Vitamins in complex preparations

Medicine offers many vitamins to choose from. There are tablet preparations, as well as in ampoule form, which must be administered intravenously. The drugs also vary in price range and composition.

For patients with pancreatitis, the main thing is that the vitamin complex contains B vitamins, since a deficiency of this particular vitamin is most often observed in this disease.

On pharmacy shelves you can find the following vitamin preparations:

  • Vitrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Duovit;
  • Multitabs;
  • Complivit;
  • Adaptovit and others.

The pharmacy may also advise you to purchase herbal preparations. However, it is best to take the drug as prescribed by a gastroenterologist, who will be sure that the components of the recommended vitamin complex do not contradict or neutralize each other.

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