Diarrhea and severe headache - causes and treatment of the disease. Headache and nausea and diarrhea

Attacks of nausea with headache, the appearance of diarrhea - all this indicates a disorder of the body's functions. In some cases, such symptoms are supplemented by an increase in body temperature and abdominal cramps. This can manifest various physiological conditions of the body, including pathological ones, as well as serious deviations in the functioning of various body systems. Vestibular and nervous disorders are often manifested by nausea, dizziness and bouts of vomiting; diarrhea syndrome indicates disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. But weakness, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting are all common symptoms of diseases and pathologies. Further in the article, we will go into detail about what the possible reasons may be if you feel sick for a long time, the stool has become liquid, like diarrhea, and you have almost no strength, that is, what the most common causes of diarrhea and nausea in an adult or child may be.

If you feel sick and have diarrhea at the same time, then such symptoms can be caused by both physiological and pathological health problems. Nausea and diarrhea without fever can be caused by both liver pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative lesions of the walls of the stomach or intestines), a feeling of nausea against the background of very frequent diarrhea can also be caused by gastritis or pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas) . Vomiting after nausea and stool disturbances, very loose and frequent stools like water, all these are frequent symptoms of poisoning with low-quality or spoiled food, nausea can occur even with a slight infection in the body, which ultimately leads to a serious infection with symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting , high temperature and other disturbances in the functioning of various organs and systems of the body.

Causes of weakness, nausea, severe diarrhea and headache, what it could be

The entire list of causes can be divided into pathological and physiological. What can cause diarrhea, nausea, severe headaches, what could be the physiological (non-dangerous) and pathological causes of such dangerous and unpleasant symptoms? The most common cause of severe weakness, nausea, diarrhea and even vomiting without fever is food poisoning, most often due to spoiled food or improper preparation.

The second place that causes severe weakness, nausea and diarrhea is an infectious lesion, an infection entering the body of an adult or child. In this case, defecation disturbance manifests itself very strongly in the form of frequent and very loose stools. Diarrhea during infection in an adult can be mixed with pus, mucus, bile, and inclusions of blood (scarlet or black (blood during diarrhea can be black if it manages to coagulate while passing through the gastrointestinal tract)). If there are clear traces of yellow, green, white or clear mucus in the diarrhea, then such symptoms are likely to indicate a pathological cause of diarrhea. If the diarrhea with blood is scarlet or black (dark brown), then this is a sign of internal bleeding. If blood appears from the rectum during diarrhea, which does not stop, and scarlet blood from the anus only intensifies or does not stop for a long time, it is necessary to call emergency medical help (especially if the person becomes very weak or loses consciousness).

Impurities in stool and abdominal pain along with nausea often become one of the common symptoms of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreas, gall bladder, intestinal diseases or stomach, the formation of inflammatory processes in them or ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestinal area). If there is frequent aching or pulling in the stomach, a feeling as if there is a lot of nausea, then such symptoms cannot be ignored. Sluggish chronic diseases often cause aching, mild nagging pain in the abdomen, dull pain in the stomach. More serious and acute forms of pathological processes and diseases lead to the appearance of symptoms such as acute, throbbing or cramping pain in the abdomen, very severe sharp, burning pain in the intestines or stomach, and sometimes there may be cramps (cutting pain in the abdomen). Further details about the causes of pain in the lower abdomen with diarrhea, weakness and severe nausea, depending on the factors that provoke them.

How to avoid intestinal infections and poisoning?

If an adult patient has diarrhea and a headache, it is necessary to determine as quickly as possible what exactly caused the illness. To do this, it is advisable to pay attention to the clinical manifestations accompanying indigestion.

When poisoned by poor-quality food, the patient develops:

  • Pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain in the intestines.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomit.

Headache joins the symptoms later, when intoxication of the body increases. In case of mushroom poisoning, discomfort in the stomach persists for a long period, the headache lasts longer, the patient’s pulse drops and the temperature rises.

With carbon monoxide poisoning, headache is the main symptom. It presses in the temporal, frontal part and encircles the head. Symptoms of body intoxication also appear: nausea, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea.

  1. Wash your and your child's hands thoroughly before each meal.
  2. Wash vegetables, fruits and berries thoroughly before eating them, preferably with soap.
  3. Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and insist that the child also strictly observe them.
  4. Monitor the quality and expiration date of food that is in the refrigerator and brought from the store.
  5. Meat and fish should be thoroughly cooked. This also applies to eggs; there is no need to drink them raw and prepare eggnog.
  6. Especially in the summer, you should avoid snacking in suspicious public catering places, as low-quality products may be offered there.
  7. If a child attends a children's institution, and there is an epidemic of some disease there, then it is better to leave the child at home and try to protect both him and the whole family from infection.

Physiological (non-pathological) causes of diarrhea, nausea and weakness

Weakness and mild nausea may appear due to overwork, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, causing overheating of the body, due to moderate alcohol intoxication or due to fluctuations in blood pressure. Loose stools are sometimes one of the side effects of drug therapy. A separate discussion is the state of pregnancy in women, when the work of all organs and systems is being restructured, aimed at increasing energy potential, which will ensure the body’s ability to cope with double the load. This can cause temporary discomfort, so if the woman has not used protection, it is worth purchasing a pregnancy test. When pregnancy is confirmed, a woman should contact a gynecologist, who will prescribe a course of maintenance therapy that eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

Improper use of medications or taking them for a very long time can lead to cramps and nausea, severe weakness and diarrhea. If you take medications incorrectly or overdose, you must stop treatment as soon as possible and stop taking pills. With hypotension or low blood pressure, people often feel increased fatigue, weakness, sharp pain in the head, dizziness, sometimes with hypotension they feel slightly nauseous, and in rare cases, bowel problems appear in the form of diarrhea. These physiological conditions are not serious pathologies and do not require specific treatment; the body turns on protective mechanisms, gradually bringing itself back to normal. But a set of alarming symptoms may also indicate the onset of a serious illness, so you should always listen to your body’s reactions, analyzing your habits, diet and emotional state.

What to do

Sharp pain, high temperature, weakness of the body, nausea, diarrhea can be symptoms of an acute abdomen (acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis), requiring immediate treatment in a clinic. Before the ambulance arrives, relatives should not gloss over the symptoms, but provide first aid:

  1. Help the patient take a position that relieves pain as much as possible.
  2. Unbutton or remove clothing that is constricting your stomach.
  3. Recommend breathing shallowly and holding your breaths.
  4. Give a small portion of clean water to restore the body's strength.

Taking medications blurs the symptoms and makes diagnosis difficult; applying cold leads to spasms, and a warm heating pad leads to an increase in the inflammatory process.

Nausea and diarrhea can also be treated at home. But a doctor should prescribe treatment after assessing the person’s general condition and the results of bacteriological stool culture. Taking a drug test will confirm or exclude dysbacteriosis and identify the causative agent of an infectious disease. Diagnostic measures include coprogram, colonoscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

If you feel nauseous and have a headache without fever and severe pain with the onset of weakness, you can talk about food poisoning. Treatment of the disease and elimination of symptoms involves eliminating food until bowel function normalizes. The patient takes sorbents to cleanse the body (Activated carbon, Atoxil) and drinks a lot of water to prevent dehydration.

After the disappearance of the main symptoms - severe pain, nausea, diarrhea - the patient should adhere to a diet excluding alcohol and carbonated drinks, fried, spicy and fatty foods, pickles and marinades.

  • Rice porrige.
  • Chicken soup with white bread croutons.
  • Mashed potatoes.
  • Boiled eggs or omelet.
  • Lean meats and fish.
  • Dried fruits compote.
  • Sweet tea.
  • Berry jelly.
  • Still water.
  • Rice water.

If discomfort is associated with low blood pressure or dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to take adaptogens that activate the heartbeat and constrict blood vessels (Pantocrine, Saparal). To quickly increase blood pressure, analeptics (Symptol, Cordiamin, Effortil) are prescribed. Alpha adrenergic agonists (Methasone, Etilephrine (Effortil)) will help the body get rid of additional symptoms - weakness and severe headaches.

Nausea, diarrhea, weakness and severe pain are symptoms of diseases developing in the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment after examining and examining the patient’s body. Remember that these symptoms sometimes indicate the onset of an acute form of the disease, requiring immediate medical attention.

If there is diarrhea, nausea, severe weakness - pathological causes (diseases)

Pathological causes include those that provoke the development of diseases, sometimes very serious:

1 If a person feels sick and nauseous, it may be food intoxication;

2 intestinal infections (severe and frequent diarrhea, high body temperature (37, 37.5, 38 degrees));

3 parasitic infestations (often causing headache, diarrhea, joint pain, weakness and fatigue);

4 enteropathy (severe and excessive weakness due to diarrhea, swelling in the tongue, a feeling of strong and unbearable itching in the throat, heartburn and nausea, pain in the abdomen (sharp pain in the stomach as a reaction to an allergen entering the body)), dehydration;

5 diseases of individual organs of the digestive system;

6 disorders of the vestibular system (mild or mild nausea, dizziness, feeling of absent-mindedness);

7 cardiovascular disorders.

Most often, when there is diarrhea, weakness, nausea, there is a suspicion of food poisoning. This is a condition when the body is intoxicated through the action of harmful substances ingested with poor-quality or stale food. If appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner, toxic substances from the intestines will enter the bloodstream, spreading them throughout the body. This threatens general intoxication, which is very dangerous for health.

Helminthiases, which develop as a result of damage to body tissues by parasites, are often accompanied by nausea, increased fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. A local reaction to waste products of helminths, which poison the body’s fluids with their toxins, often manifests itself as diarrhea syndrome. Tissues affected by parasites lose the ability to fully perform their functions, and the processes of normal food processing and absorption are disrupted. General malaise occurs, patients complain of loss of strength against the background of progressive nutritional deficiency.

With severe weakness, regular diarrhea and nausea, the development of enteropathy can be suspected. This disease is characterized by a chronic course and has a non-inflammatory etiology. It is less common than well-studied diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and has its causes in the form of individual intolerance or an allergic reaction of the body to certain products (celiac disease, malabsorption syndrome). Some types of enteropathies develop against the background of lymphovenous and arterial disorders of the circulatory system of intestinal tissues. The clinical symptoms of enteropathy are expressed in diarrhea of ​​varying intensity, painful tingling in the area around the navel, and periodic nausea.

In the instructions for medications, in the list of side effects, nausea and diarrhea are often indicated. Therefore, if a patient notes the severity of these phenomena during a course of therapy with a certain medication, this should be reported to the doctor. If there is an option to replace the drug with another, the doctor will change the treatment regimen. But in some situations this possibility is not available, when it comes, for example, to anticancer drugs. Their use has a negative impact on the general condition of the patient; improvement should occur only after completion of the course of treatment. Vegetative-vascular disorders and low blood pressure can also cause headaches, mild nausea, and general malaise. With cardiovascular pathologies, the body does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs, so the patient may be bothered by a state of constant weakness and increased fatigue. The patient complains of excessive sweating, dizziness, with constant nausea, food is poorly digested and diarrhea appears.

Anti-diarrhea products IMODIUM® Express

Before talking about the treatment of headaches, it is necessary to understand exactly what type of headache is bothering the patient:

  1. Tension headache. The most common type, characterized by a pressing, squeezing character, usually on both sides. The main cause of such pain is emotional stress and fatigue. Diarrhea, especially long-term one, causes quite a lot of discomfort in itself, and its nocturnal form leads to lack of sleep and unnecessary stress for the body.
  2. Headache of infectious origin. Many pathogenic bacteria, the main symptom of which is diarrhea, cause fever and chills, which entails a mild throbbing pain in the head (usually in the temples). If symptoms increase and sensations become more pronounced, you should immediately consult a specialist.
  3. Headache due to intoxication. Appears due to exposure to a number of substances, for example, an overdose of alcohol, medications or food poisoning.

If a severe headache appears during diarrhea with signs of impaired consciousness, vomiting, tilting of the eyeballs, weakness of the muscles of the back of the head, a significant increase in temperature and tremors in the extremities, an ambulance should be called, as this may be a sign of the spread of infection to the membranes of the brain (meninitis). ).

There are other types of headaches, such as cluster or migraine, but they are usually not associated with diarrhea and are based on organic pathology of blood vessels or nerves.

The appearance of loose stools in combination with a headache may be the result of nervous strain and emotional exhaustion. In isolated cases, such signs accompany early pregnancy. When finding out the causes of headaches associated with diarrhea, doctors must first rule out food or toxic poisoning, rotavirus infection, salmonellosis, and dysentery. Each of the listed pathologies is dangerous in its own way, so you need to deal with it only under the supervision of a specialist.

Symptoms of poisoning

Eating low-quality food, expired or improperly processed products, and alcohol abuse are the most common provocateurs of a complex of manifestations. The severity of symptoms varies. It depends on the volume of food eaten and the degree of its harmfulness. The age, quality of the immune system, and body weight of the victim are of great importance. Typically, symptoms of intoxication appear 2-3 hours after the irritant enters the digestive tract.

Clinical picture of poisoning:

  • diarrhea, headache and severe weakness;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • temperature increase;
  • spasms in the intestines, frequent urge to go to the toilet.

Treatment consists of accelerating the elimination of harmful substances from the body. For this purpose, gastric lavage, enemas, laxatives, and intake of absorbents are used. Intense fluid loss can cause severe dehydration. This will not happen if the patient is provided with plenty of fluids rich in microelements.

The disease can be contracted through unwashed hands, direct contact with an infected person, drinking unboiled tap water, or dirty fruits or vegetables. Despite the popular name “stomach flu”, the main symptom of rotavirus infection is repeated diarrhea. It is an attempt by the body to get rid of the pathogen, so there is no point in fighting the process.

The clinical picture is complemented by:

  • nausea, profuse vomiting - the latter complicates treatment, preventing you from taking the medicine;
  • intoxication - the patient has a high fever and headache, dizziness, general weakness, fatigue;
  • abdominal pain that does not respond well to medication or traditional medicine;
  • changes in the quality of feces - they acquire a yellowish color and a sour smell;
  • in rare cases, redness of the throat, cough, and sometimes runny nose.

Treatment of rotavirus infection is carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. Attempts to cope with the disease on your own increase the risk of complications and delay recovery. The causative agent of the pathology is a virus, so the use of antibiotics will only worsen the situation. Even with intestinal flu, it is not recommended to lower the temperature if it does not exceed 39°C - in such conditions there is a greater chance of the death of the virus.

Failure to follow basic food safety rules can lead to the development of a bacterial infection caused by salmonella. The clinical picture is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea and headache. Intoxication usually provokes high fever. Against the general background, weakness, fatigue, and abdominal pain appear.

Possible sources of pathogen:

  • poorly cooked meat;
  • undercooked or raw eggs;
  • fermented milk and dairy products with expired or borderline shelf life;
  • store-bought salads with mayonnaise or sauces.

Symptoms of dysentery

The disease is caused by the entry of a dysentery bacillus into the human body. Infection occurs through the fecal-oral route. The pathogen parasitizes the large intestine. In the first week after infection, the clinical picture is especially clear. After the start of specialized therapy, it begins to gradually fade away. It takes at least 2-3 weeks for the patient to completely cure. During this time, the patient can reach an extreme degree of exhaustion due to the nature of the disease.

Clinical picture of dysentery:

  • diarrhea, headache and high fever - in the first days of the disease, bowel movements can occur up to 30 times per day;
  • cutting type abdominal pain;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • chills due to fever;
  • severe weakness - a person is not even able to get out of bed.

A patient with dysentery is prescribed bed rest, complete rest, and diet. Under the supervision of a doctor, antimicrobial therapy is carried out aimed at combating the pathogen. It is usually based on the use of sulfonamides. Additionally, active infusion therapy is indicated to accelerate body cleansing and prevent dehydration. Diarrhea due to dysentery is especially dangerous, so your doctor may prescribe medications to stop it.

Sometimes it happens that a person suddenly develops signs of illness such as nausea, fever and weakness with diarrhea, and a sudden loss of appetite. These symptoms may indicate intestinal poisoning in a person. And this requires immediate diagnosis and treatment.

You should never neglect your well-being. Of course, endless moaning about something hurting all the time will not lead to anything good, but a negligent attitude can lead to an even worse result. Do not forget that pain is a sure sign that something is wrong in your body. But besides pain, there are other symptoms that are rich enough to differentiate one or another disease.

Particularly popular symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fever and weakness. Very often the symptoms are combined into complexes. Of course, if you have an elevated temperature, this indicates that the body is fighting infections and inflammation. Any nausea signals toxins that fill your body in excess.

Vomiting means an even worse situation. If we talk about intestinal poisoning, then in most cases these symptoms are present. Due to the body's struggle and rapid exhaustion and dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting, weakness, malaise and fatigue appear. With intestinal poisoning, abdominal pain and flatulence are always present.

The cause of intestinal infections can be both bacteria and viruses. As a rule, intestinal infections are transmitted through food and household items. The causative agents of these diseases multiply quickly in water, in food and on dirty hands. By the way, the cause of poisoning from spoiled food is also pathogens in spoiled foods.

Treatment of poisoning

Before starting treatment, the patient must be diagnosed. It is best to call an ambulance, because it is unknown how complicated the situation is. Complex cases are treated at the hospital, while others are treated at home based on the recommendations of a specialist.

Typically, treatment of intestinal poisoning is carried out with the help of antibiotics, adsorbents, dietary nutrition and the colonization of microflora with beneficial bacteria. First of all, you need to determine the cause of the poisoning. This concerns the issue of prescribing antibiotics - which one is better and more effective to take. Among the adsorbent substances, activated carbon is especially popular, taken at the rate of tablet per kilogram of weight.

Dietary nutrition involves taking non-irritating foods - not citrus fruits, not salty and smoked, not overly sour and sweet. All this not only irritates the stomach and intestines, but also promotes the activity of pathogens. Eating certain foods can increase flatulence. But you need to eat, because with diarrhea, dehydration occurs very quickly.

Preparations such as phthalazole are aimed at restoring intestinal microflora after treatment with antibiotics. Recommendations for such drugs are also acceptable. Like Hilak Forte or Linex. In any case, the doctor is guided by your situation, as well as based on the segment of pharmaceuticals provided in your region (among those available).

In terms of targeted treatment to eliminate symptoms, it is difficult to say. Typically, a set of drugs is aimed at eradicating the problem of poisoning. And if you follow the recommendations, all accompanying symptoms go away with poisoning. But sometimes targeted means may be recommended. True, there is no drug that would help cope with weakness from diarrhea and easily relieve fever. By the way, the latter doesn’t even make sense. All this is the body’s basic reaction to the situation. So you should just wait it out.

Poisoning manifests itself as vomiting, high fever, diarrhea and headache. In order to make it easier, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and remove from the body those toxins that have managed to get into the blood. To do this, you need to drink a lot of water, take adsorbents and not drink anything that stops diarrhea. After all, vomiting and diarrhea are necessary to cleanse the body.


Other illnesses causing diarrhea (diarrhea), nausea and headache with severe weakness

What could happen if nausea and diarrhea appeared at the same time? If everything is in order with your diet, the food is fresh and of high quality, but after eating it you are bothered by an unpleasant feeling of nausea and diarrhea, it is worth checking the functioning of your digestive organs. Many gastrointestinal diseases are manifested by diarrhea, nausea against a background of general weakness and headaches:

1 Gastritis and feeling of nausea and weakness, problems with stool. When the gastric mucosa is inflamed due to the influence of stress factors, allergies, excessive dosage of medications, consumption of hot, spicy, fatty foods, attacks of nausea and diarrhea appear. Such symptoms, in the form of stool disturbances (diarrhea like water), weakness and a feeling of nausea, are characteristic of the acute course of the disease. If the patient consults a gastroenterologist in time, the course of therapy helps restore the integrity of the mucous membrane, relieve the inflammatory process and help normalize the digestive function of the stomach. The chronic form of gastritis requires much longer therapy, a strict diet for the entire period of the disease until complete recovery. The sharp pains that occur after each meal, periodic nausea and diarrhea should gradually go away.

2 Pancreatitis. This disease is characterized by abnormalities in the functioning of the pancreas caused by an inflammatory process in its tissues. Disorder of the pancreas functions disrupts the entire digestive process. The pancreatic juices secreted by the organ contain a set of certain enzymes involved in the breakdown of food into its component parts, which must be absorbed by the body. Inflamed gland tissue is not able to provide sufficient levels of enzymes, which means proteins, fats and carbohydrates are not subject to a sufficient level of breakdown. During the acute form of the disease, the patient suffers from severe epigastric pain radiating to the back area. Often they become encircling in nature. Severe nausea appears periodically, accompanied by headache and diarrhea. Pancreatitis requires an urgent course of therapy, since pancreatic tissue is restored very slowly, and a chronic process can lead to the development of pancreatic necrosis.

3 Inflammation of the appendix - nausea, diarrhea and temperature of 37 and above. When the appendix is ​​inflamed, there may not be a fever, but pain in the lower abdomen on the right, in the center or in another part of the abdomen, along with severe nausea, are some of the common symptoms of appendicitis. Moreover, a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the right side, may appear; sometimes, along with nausea during appendicitis, vomiting, cramping or acute pain in the lower abdomen appears. This process is provoked by two factors: blockage of the lumen of the appendix of the cecum or activation of pathogenic bacteria in this part of the intestine, which causes severe pain in the right lower abdomen. Symptoms of appendicitis are expressed in sharp pain in the abdomen, aggravated by sneezing and a coughing attack. The patient develops diarrhea and nausea, and a possible increase in body temperature. If inflammation of the appendix is ​​suspected, the patient needs to undergo a thorough diagnosis in order to provide all the necessary assistance in a timely manner, otherwise complications may arise in the form of peritonitis, which threatens the patient’s life.

4 If you feel sick and have diarrhea in the morning, it may be an ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. Due to constant irritation of the mucous membrane, small defects first form on its surface, and then wounds that deepen into the tissues of the organs. The formation of wounds leads to erosion, and the more serious the damage to the mucous membrane, the more extensive the erosive defects. The appearance of ulcerative lesions is provoked by a complicated course of gastritis, inflammation in the tissues of the pancreas, and the activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Peptic ulcer disease during its acute course is characterized by the presence of intense pain of a spasmodic nature in the epigastric region. The patient suffers from heartburn, belching, nausea, which is accompanied by diarrhea syndrome. For many, the disease has a pronounced seasonal nature, with periods of exacerbation occurring in spring or autumn. Symptoms are pronounced after overeating, eating fatty foods rich in spices, and drinking alcohol.

5 Liver disease may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea without fever. With the development of inflammation and swelling of the liver parenchyma, the patient complains of dyspepsia, his sense of taste is distorted, and stool instability is manifested by alternating states of constipation and diarrhea. After eating, you begin to feel sick, and in the morning you often feel an unpleasant taste in your mouth, giving off a bitter taste. Similar symptoms are observed with cholecystitis.

IMODIUM® Express for diarrhea

Headache and diarrhea in an adult can occur due to the following diseases:

  1. Food poisoning. Poisoning can occur due to ingestion of stale food or poor-quality water, which contains pathogenic microorganisms. Outbreaks are focal, meaning that when the same food is consumed, symptoms appear in several family members at once. Typically, the peak incidence occurs in the summer, when the shelf life of food is noticeably reduced. The disease begins with attacks of nausea and vomiting, followed by loose stools and general weakness and malaise. Temperatures above 38 degrees can cause headaches.
  2. Rotavirus infection, or as it is often called “intestinal flu”. It can occur more often in a child than in an adult and is characterized by the appearance of frequent, foamy stools of a yellowish-green color with a sour odor without inclusions of mucus and blood. Signs of a cold may also be added: runny nose, headache, sore throat, body temperature from 37.5 degrees.
  3. Mushroom poisoning. This is one of the most severe types of diarrhea and can occur due to the consumption of toadstool, false chanterelles or honey mushrooms. The state of health quickly deteriorates, diarrhea and headaches increase, and uncontrollable vomiting occurs. Toxic damage to the nerves and liver is possible, which is why such a condition can be life-threatening.
  4. Botulism. The clostridium bacterium, when exposed to conditions without oxygen (dried fish, canned food, sausages), begins to produce a strong toxin. 5-6 hours after consuming the contaminated product, uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea occur, then signs of impaired consciousness, headache, shortness of breath, and decreased visual acuity appear. This condition requires immediate consultation with a doctor for the administration of special serums that neutralize the toxin.

  5. Salmonellosis. Occurs due to bacteria entering the body with poorly processed eggs, meat or milk. Suddenly your head starts to hurt, weakness and muscle aches appear. Then comes greenish, watery diarrhea with a foul odor. Your heart rate may increase.

  6. Household poisoning. When inhaling acetone, concentrated detergents and other readily available chemicals, severe intoxication of the body occurs. Symptoms may vary depending on the toxic substance and require the administration of a special antidote. The same goes for drug overdose.
  7. Toxicosis. In the first trimester of pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, blood pressure increases (physiological hypertension, which causes headaches), nausea and bowel disorders may appear. If such symptoms occur no more than 5 times a day and do not greatly affect your well-being, there is no need to worry, but if there is significant discomfort, you should consult a doctor to rule out preeclampsia, which has similar symptoms.
  8. Irritable bowel syndrome. Accompanied by functional diarrhea, which can occur primarily due to neurological causes that can also cause headaches.

The appearance of dry skin and mucous membranes, drooping eyes, poor attention and dizziness with severe diarrhea are signs of dehydration, which can be dangerous for the body.

As a remedy for diarrhea, you can use the Express ® drug IMODIUM, which quickly combats the causes of diarrhea. Its active ingredient, loperamide, can affect the main symptoms of diarrhea within an hour of application2. The drug is suitable for adults and children from 6 years of age1.

What to do so that diarrhea does not take you by surprise? Find out from our video!

1 According to the Express® instructions for medical use of the drug IMODIUM.2 Ameri et al. "Multicenter, double-blind study: comparison of the effectiveness of loperamide in acute diarrhea with two popular antidiarrheal agents and placebo", 1975.

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