Lower back pain and nausea: reasons, what to do

When to sound the alarm if your back hurts and you feel nauseous

Pain syndrome cannot be ignored if it is pronounced in the lumbar region or shoulder blades.
Due to the fact that there are few nerve endings concentrated there, unpleasant sensations may not bother you much. But if your back hurts and you feel nauseous, this is already a cause for concern. Experts note such symptoms for the following diseases:

Only a doctor can differentiate the disease, but there are other signs that will help you understand where to look for the problem and which specialist to contact.

When to suspect osteochondrosis?

If, in addition to attacks of pain, you also feel dizzy, then you can suspect damage to the cervical segment, destructive changes in bone tissue.

You should not attribute such symptoms to fatigue or slight malaise after a working day - the cause may be a serious disease, such as osteochondrosis.

Office employees who sit in front of monitors all day often complain of back pain and nausea. The explanation is simple - a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition.

But the reason for the development of such symptoms may be more serious - protusion or hernia, destructive processes in the vertebrae.

Constantly moving, the discs protrude beyond the permissible limits, which leads to compression of bundles of blood vessels and nerve endings. Thus, a person feels that his back hurts, his head hurts and he feels sick.

The feeling of vomiting is explained by the fact that when squeezed, a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients do not enter the brain. With osteochondrosis, discomfort occurs in the morning, but can be observed throughout the day.

  • If colic gets worse with sudden bends or turns.
  • The condition worsens when sneezing or coughing.
  • Turning the neck causes severe discomfort.
  • Migraines often bother me.
  • There is an increase in blood pressure.
  • Disorientation is periodically noted.

These signs are a reason to immediately visit a doctor. Osteochondrosis cannot be left to chance.

Pathologies in the heart

Your back may also hurt if you have heart disease, especially if there is discomfort in the chest.

When diagnosing cardiac pathologies, it was noted that the patient, even lying on his back, may feel nauseous, feel soreness, soreness in the larynx, and severe headaches.

If the attack lasts more than 15 minutes in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and taking heart drops does not provide relief, you should call for medical help without delay.

Diagnosis is made based on ECG readings. In this case, the pressure is kept under control at all times, the patient is provided with complete peace.

Spasms in the back are indirect signs of heart pathology.

Meningitis is another reason

Meningitis is a dangerous infectious disease that is similar in symptoms to other ailments. This complicates the diagnosis in many cases when the patient complains of muscle pain in the back, sometimes vomiting.

But a characteristic feature will be pain in the cervical spine, and it intensifies when trying to bend the chin to the chest (muscle rigidity).

With meningitis, the following are also noted:

  • increased sensitivity to bright light,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • vomiting or retching, spasms;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

If, in addition to nagging back spasms, a temperature above 38 degrees is recorded, you should consult an infectious disease doctor.

Digestive tract disorders

If your back hurts and you feel nauseous, the cause may be gastrointestinal dysfunction. You should contact a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe a series of examinations to clarify the diagnosis.

  1. With colitis, the patient experiences, in addition to discomfort in the back, bloating, diarrhea, and the presence of mucus or blood in the stool.
  2. Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive disorders.
  3. Stomach ulcers are characterized by pain and nausea, which are aggravated by eating spicy, fatty or smoked foods. With long-term diets, the condition can seriously worsen.

It is rarely possible to suspect disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract if, after spinal anesthesia, the neck hurts and feels nauseous, therefore, when contacting a specialist, it is worth reporting all the manipulations that were performed with the patient, but were not recorded in the chart or medical history.

Kidney disorders

Severe lumbar discomfort is characteristic of kidney diseases, for example, pyelonephritis. The pain appears after a back massage, or intensifies with prolonged exposure to the cold.

Renal colic - the so-called pain syndrome that the patient feels when a stone passes from the kidney - can be accompanied by severe stomach cramps.

Therefore, if you have a strained back and feel sick, you should make an appointment with a nephrologist. A specialist who will prescribe urine tests and ultrasound to clarify the diagnosis or exclude kidney pathology.

Few people want to go to the doctor even with serious ailments. People attribute pain to other factors - ecology or the environment. But if, in addition to painful attacks, other accompanying symptoms are noted, there is no need to self-medicate.

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The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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