Pain during pregnancy in the second trimester

Causes of diarrhea

There are many factors that cause intestinal dysfunction; in a pregnant woman it can be caused by special reasons:

  1. Toxicosis. It is considered normal in the early stages, and is often accompanied by various dyspeptic symptoms, including diarrhea. The reason may be a change in the food priorities of the expectant mother, intolerance to certain foods and the emergence of strange eating habits.
  2. Hormones. An increase in the production of certain hormones can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the last days, diarrhea can be a harbinger of childbirth - the body has mechanisms for natural bowel cleansing.
  3. Reorganization of the body. The growing uterus puts pressure on the lower abdomen, which affects the digestive processes - both diarrhea and constipation occur.
  4. Changes in diet. A pregnant woman's diet should be varied and contain a large amount of nutrients. The need to eat foods that were not on the menu before pregnancy can cause diarrhea. In addition, expectant mothers are often haunted by the desire to eat incompatible dishes (for example, watermelon with milk) - this is also a common cause of the disorder.
  5. Medicines. Taking vitamin complexes or medications may have side effects, including diarrhea. If such a symptom is observed during the course of treatment, you should discuss with your doctor a dose adjustment or complete discontinuation of the drug.
  6. Psychogenic factors. Pregnant women are susceptible to frequent mood swings, unreasonable anxiety and other manifestations of anxiety. Therefore, nervous diarrhea is not uncommon.
  7. Viruses and bacteria. During pregnancy, the body's defenses weaken and do not provide adequate resistance to microbes, in particular those that cause intestinal diseases. Therefore, if, against the background of diarrhea, the body temperature rises, there is severe pain in the abdominal cavity, there is vomiting or an unusual type of stool (with blood, mucus), you should immediately contact a doctor.

Acute diarrhea is a frequent urge (more than 3 times a day) to defecate, loose stools, and cramps in the intestines. Sometimes it lasts for several days, then stops on its own. And sometimes it can become chronic, which in some cases requires hospital treatment.

It is necessary to quickly take measures to restore intestinal function and eliminate the consequences of diarrhea, because:

  • Intestinal spasms often provoke an increase in uterine tone and contraction. This is fraught with placental abruption, miscarriage or premature birth. In the 1st trimester and late pregnancy, uterine contractions are most dangerous.
  • With the infectious nature of diarrhea, there is a risk of harmful microbes penetrating the placental barrier. Pathogenic microorganisms can cause problems in fetal development, hypoxia and even death.
  • High temperatures also pose a risk to the health of the embryo.

If a pregnant woman complains of weakness, dry mucous membranes and skin, constant thirst, decreased amount of urine when going to the toilet, dizziness, fainting, she needs immediate hospitalization.

A reason for concern and contacting a doctor is a disorder that does not go away for more than 10–14 days. This may be a signal of a serious gastrointestinal pathology or a general disease.

There are many known remedies for diarrhea, but most of them are prohibited for pregnant women, especially in the first three months.

This also applies to traditional medicine - not all medicinal herbs, decoctions and tinctures can be drunk while pregnant. But approved anti-diarrhea pills for pregnant women are not the only treatment.

It is important to adjust your diet, give up “heavy” foods, and in case of poisoning or severe diarrhea, follow a diet.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, you need to reconsider your nutritional principles. Food portions should be small, it is better to eat often, every 2-3 hours. All fried, smoked and spicy foods should be completely removed from the menu.

And you also cannot drink kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, or eat products made from it, or sweets. From the very beginning of the disorder, any vegetables and fruits are also prohibited.

In the first 12–24 hours, you should refuse food, but be sure to take plenty of fluids - still water, teas. On the second day, you can add fruit juice or compote, light broth with vegetables or chicken.

Then you can start introducing food: watery porridge without salt and sugar. Porridges made from whole grains of brown rice, oats and millet are healthy. Dietary or diabetic breads and crackers are allowed.

From the third day you can diversify your diet with boiled, steamed, stewed vegetables, a couple of spoons of grated fresh apples. But you need to remember that some fruits have a laxative effect. This:

  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • plums;
  • pears;
  • bananas.

You can add lean boiled meat or a steamed cutlet to the vegetables; soup with light broth is also allowed. Herbal teas - chamomile or mint - will help soothe irritated intestines.

The diet must be followed for at least 7 days, then, if the condition improves, gradually introduce familiar foods. But “aggressive” foods - fried, fatty, spicy and salty - should be limited as much as possible. It is better to refrain from unusual combinations of products.

Most often, adjusting your diet or stopping taking any medications helps get rid of diarrhea in a matter of days. If diarrhea is caused by microbes or nervous tension, then you need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor. It is he who will explain what pregnant women can drink for diarrhea and how exactly to take medications.

Pharmacy drugs

There is no one cure for all situations. All medications are divided into groups and have different effects. What to drink depends on the cause of diarrhea.


This group of drugs is capable of removing toxins from the body, therefore it is used for food poisoning and diarrhea of ​​an infectious nature. The following are allowed for use in pregnant women:

  1. Smecta: you can take 2-3 packets per day. The powder must be diluted in 100 ml of water and stirred thoroughly.
  2. Enterosgel: take one hour before meals, three times a day. A single dose is 15 g, which is approximately 1 tablespoon. This drug is also prescribed for toxicosis.
  3. Activated carbon: this is the most famous sorbent; it is not absorbed into the blood, therefore it is not dangerous for pregnant women. Take it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, three doses per day.

If the patient is taking any other medications, then an interval of at least 2 hours must be maintained between doses of these drugs and sorbents.

With diarrhea and vomiting, salts that are involved in metabolism and blood circulation leave the body. You definitely need to know what to take to compensate for their loss. These are special solutions.

  1. Regidron. 1 sachet of powder is diluted in a liter of water and taken in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is no more than 4 days. The powder will help increase potassium, sodium and glucose levels.
  2. Hydrovit. The composition of this drug is almost similar to Regidron. It prevents dehydration and loss of electrolytes. For adults, a single dose is 2 sachets, which should be taken every time after a bowel movement until the diarrhea completely stops.

In a hospital setting, such drugs are administered through an IV. The most famous is Trisol solution.

If diarrhea begins to bother a pregnant woman due to stress, it makes sense to use sedatives. Without a doctor's prescription, a woman can take only one of them - valerian extract, but from the 2nd trimester. All other sedatives, including herbal ones, should not be taken without permission.

The well-known motherwort is prohibited during pregnancy in any form. Therefore, the tincture of this herb is not prescribed to pregnant women as a sedative.

Such preparations contain beneficial bacteria. They help quickly eliminate dysbiosis and restore normal intestinal function.

  1. Linux. The drug contains live 3 types of lacto- and bifidobacteria. They are involved in the processing and absorption of food and their presence in the intestines is necessary. Adults are prescribed 2 capsules three times a day.
  2. Hilak forte. It is a metabiotic or breakdown product of 4 types of beneficial bacteria. Thanks to this, it acts much faster than probiotics. The composition helps restore the acid-base balance in the intestines and creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms. Adults take 40-60 drops three times a day.
  3. Bifiform. It contains 2 types of bifidobacteria, which help restore intestinal function. The minimum dose is 1 capsule 2 times a day, the maximum is 4 capsules twice a day.

If a pregnant woman has diarrhea due to an infection, then only the doctor decides how to treat the patient. Medicines are selected depending on what caused the disease - bacteria or virus.

Most antimicrobial agents are prohibited during pregnancy, including the last three months. They are prescribed only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the threat to the fetus.

Enterofuril. This medicine has an antibacterial effect and is widely used for diarrhea of ​​infectious etiology. The drug acts quickly - the effect is noticeable within a few hours.

This remedy should not be taken without consulting a doctor. Enterofuril should not be used by pregnant women as a preventive measure against intestinal infections.

After about 7 months, it is allowed to take medications that can quickly stop diarrhea. Such medications contain substances that slow down peristalsis in the large intestine. Thus, more time is given for food to be digested and it begins to be better absorbed.

Imodium is safest to use for pregnant women. Diara and Enterobene tablets can be taken after the 1st trimester. Loperamide is contraindicated for expectant mothers. The dosage of the drug and duration of administration are determined by the doctor.


Cramping from diarrhea increases the likelihood of complications. To play it safe, you can take a remedy that eliminates them.

No-shpa. This medicine relieves spasms of smooth muscles, including the gastrointestinal tract. This is one of the few drugs approved for pregnant women. The exception is for patients with arterial hypotension - they must take No-shpa with the consent of the doctor. A safe dose is 1 tablet three times a day.

The following drugs should not be used to treat diarrhea during pregnancy:

  • Antimicrobial: Biseptol, Levomycetin, antibiotics from the tetracycline group;
  • NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Aspirin.
  • Antispasmodics: Combispasm, Spasmalgon and others.

Pregnancy calendar and intestines

Depending on the period of pregnancy, not only the fetus grows in the mother’s womb, but also changes occur in the woman’s body. The main attention is how the uterus grows, which accordingly expands all the internal organs. Here, first of all, adjacent organs suffer. The location of the uterus, the speed of its growth and compliance with developmental standards determine whether the intestines can hurt during pregnancy .

1-2 months. In the early stages, the uterus is located in the small pelvis; it is impossible to palpate it through the abdominal wall, only through the vagina. The growth of the uterus does not interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system.

9-10 weeks. The stretching of the uterus is noticeable, the height of the fundus is 10 cm, the placental system is actively working, the embryo begins to move, and therefore the metabolic processes in the female body intensify. Increased demands are provided to the most important organs.

12-13 weeks. – the uterus becomes softened and spherical, its bottom reaches the pubic plexus. The muscles of the nearby organs - the uterus and intestines - are relaxed, so the pregnant woman may be bothered by severe gas formation and frequent bowel movements. Toxicosis increases due to changes in the position of internal organs and stretching of the uterus.

14-16 weeks. Almost all organs of the embryo are already formed, the uterus grows to 14-15 cm. Women especially often complain during this period: intestinal pain during pregnancy, the symptoms are the same.

17-18 weeks. The period of formation of the placental system is ending. The embryo is already taking on a human form. On the head, which is very large compared to the entire body, eyes, ears, and nose begin to stand out. Bulges are formed on the body - these are future arms and legs. The length of the uterus reaches 18-19 cm. The gastrointestinal system suffers during this period: the woman suffers from heartburn. Abdominal cramps are accompanied by a feeling of unfinished bowel movement - this is the uterus pressing on the colon.

20-21 weeks. The centimeter scale of the uterine fundus is equal to the gestational age: 20 weeks - 20 cm. The uterus increases weekly by about 1 cm. At week 21, its fundus is fixed 3 cm below the navel. A pregnant woman is worried about intestinal colic and constipation. A proper diet and sufficient drinking regimen eliminate symptoms of intestinal pain during pregnancy . At the “equator” of pregnancy, you should discuss with your gynecologist the need to take vitamins. The expectant mother should eat enough, but not eat “for two.” You can quench your hunger and thirst with fruits and salads.

22-24 weeks. The embryo has sufficiently developed muscles and bones, and the pulmonary system is already forming. The fruit weighs 500-600 grams, and puts quite a lot of pressure on the organs. The fundus of the uterus stopped at the level of the navel (about 24 cm in height). Pregnant women still complain about cramps in the lower abdomen.

25-28 weeks. The uterus has expanded to a height of 28 cm. The blood supply to the uterus increases. The woman feels a lack of fresh air and feels thirsty. The urge to go to the toilet at night becomes habitual.

29-30 weeks. Due to the large size of the fetus, blood pressure may increase and stagnation of food processing products in the intestines may occur. Pregnant women complain of flatulence. You can restore the intestinal biocenosis by adjusting your diet.

31-32 weeks. The uterus is located at the level of 32 cm, this is the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the chest.

36-40 weeks. Last month of pregnancy. At the same time, the stomach and intestines hurt during pregnancy in the last month. A child weighing 2000-3000 grams. and is ready to be born at any moment. The uterus rapidly descends and puts strong pressure on the stomach and diaphragm. During the 9th month, pregnant women digest food slowly, nausea is possible, and heartburn appears. Pregnancy is full-term, and all difficulties remain in the past.

When eating, pregnant women should focus on low-fat foods and fermented milk products. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, porridge, bran, vegetables and fruits will reduce discomfort and help the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

All of the above symptoms are not a reason for hospitalization, but every pregnant woman needs a consultation with a doctor and a balanced diet. There is a myth that in subsequent pregnancies, intestinal problems disappear on their own. This is impossible and individual: conception, pregnancy and childbirth change the female body and cause trouble for a certain period of time.

Features of diarrhea during pregnancy

Most people experience diarrhea. However, diarrhea in pregnant women is of particular concern, because the well-being of the child will depend on the proper assistance of the mother.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus becomes larger in size. Almost all of the baby’s internal organs are fully formed. Hair begins to appear. While it may seem that the fetus is completely safe, diarrhea during pregnancy can put the baby in danger.

When a pregnant woman has severe diarrhea, her body quickly removes a large amount of useful substances that are necessary to nourish the fetus. If diarrhea develops as a result of food poisoning, the danger is that toxic substances, along with the bloodstream, enter the body of the unborn child.

What are intestinal pains?

It would seem that pain is pain, however, intestinal pain can be different, and the cause and method of treatment depend on what particular case the woman is faced with.

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Cramps in the intestines

With spasms, the pain changes with a change in posture, with every movement, and even with sneezing. As a rule, after visiting the toilet there is a temporary improvement in the condition. In this case, the painful sensations are associated with excessive gas accumulations, as well as with the problem of inconsistent stool.

With pain in the lower part, we can talk about more serious problems - diseases of the intestines or abdominal cavity. This could be appendicitis, ulcers, liver or kidneys, hernia, as well as various inflammatory processes occurring in the body. In addition, in women it is fraught with inflammation of the reproductive system.

Another type of pain, which usually radiates in the lower abdomen, can signal intestinal obstruction and even volvulus. In men, such pain is accompanied by painful urination and indicates a problem associated with prostate function.

At a time when a woman carries a baby under her heart, her stomach becomes an object of special attention. As soon as she senses any deviations from the norm, she immediately sounds the alarm. And here, the main thing is not to panic, but to visit a doctor in a timely manner in order to understand whether these are just spasms or something serious.

If we are talking about abdominal pain in a pregnant woman, then it can be classified as obstetric or non-obstetric

Obstetric pain:

  • when there is a threat of interruption;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • placental abruption.

Non-obstetric pain:

  • problem with the digestive tract;
  • sprain of abdominal ligaments and muscles;
  • various surgical pathologies.

If we are talking about the risk of losing a child, a woman feels a characteristic nagging or constantly aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. There may even be a discharge mixed with blood.

An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by sharp pain, sometimes going away, sometimes appearing with renewed vigor. The pain can be so severe that a woman can even lose consciousness. However, it also happens that there is practically no pain, and bleeding is barely noticeable. Then the woman may not be aware of her problem for a long time. The fallopian tubes usually rupture between eight and twelve weeks.

If premature placental abruption occurs, sharp pain inside the abdomen may appear, internal bleeding and even hypoxia may occur. The body of a pregnant woman goes through difficult trials. Hormones are raging, the body is being rebuilt literally brick by brick. Constipation, dysbacteriosis, flatulence, vomiting - you name it, and most of this is considered within the acceptable norm. The child grows in the mother’s womb day by day, as a result of which it inevitably affects all the internal organs of the mother, causing discomfort and even pain. It is during this period that many chronic diseases worsen, from problems with stool to appendicitis.

The body of a pregnant woman goes through difficult trials. Hormones are raging, the body is being rebuilt literally brick by brick. Constipation, dysbacteriosis, flatulence, vomiting - you name it, and most of this is considered within the acceptable norm. The child grows in the mother’s womb day by day, as a result of which it inevitably affects all the internal organs of the mother, causing discomfort and even pain. It is during this period that many chronic diseases worsen, from problems with stool to appendicitis.

You should know that, no matter where and how the stomach hurts, until the exact cause of what is happening is established, in no case should you resort to any physical influence. Even a simple harmless massage can lead to internal bleeding.

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It happens that the stomach hurts simply because a woman has eaten too much and any pressure on it can provoke excessive formation of gases, as well as difficulties with digesting food. In addition, a woman may face the problem of lactose intolerance. If the problem was due to the above reasons, then after some time, all the discomfort will simply go away.

It happens that a woman does not even fully understand what and where she is hurting. Pain in one place can be felt on the completely opposite side. For example, with pneumonia, many patients complain of pain in the upper abdomen, although it would seem that there is no connection here.

Pain in the upper abdomen

Pain in this part of the abdomen, as well as in others, does not cause very pleasant sensations. But in order to get rid of them it is necessary to find the cause of what is happening. Regarding this part of the abdomen, the most common reason is that the shrinking uterus puts pressure on the liver and gallbladder. All this provokes a malfunction in the process of bile secretion.

Many expectant mothers experience discomfort due to the baby’s movements, especially if we are talking about a multiple pregnancy or a large child. As a result of the pressure on the internal organs, a woman loses her appetite, suffers from heartburn, bloating and even vomiting; this is what many call toxicosis.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen

If the cause of pain on the left side is in the intestines, then most likely this is due to problems with stool - diarrhea or constipation. Then there may be blood in the stool, and the temperature becomes higher than normal.

If the cause of pain on the left side is in the intestines, then most likely this is due to problems with stool - diarrhea or constipation. Then there may be blood in the stool, and the temperature becomes higher than normal.

The stomach can also respond on the left side after poor nutrition, drinking alcohol or taking a strong antibiotic. However, as a rule, the stomach hurts in this part not very much, but for a long time. In this case, vomiting and attacks of nausea are also possible.

In addition, a hernia may appear in this part, then the pain may spread and partially affect the chest. It should be noted that the diagnosis of “hernia” cannot be made by anyone except a specialist, and in no case should you delay in solving this problem. Therefore, at the first suspicion, you should immediately go for examination to a professional. Many diabetics, smokers and alcohol abusers suffer from pain on the left side.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen

Pain in this part of the abdomen is usually associated with the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and duodenum. Problems with these internal organs can occur in the shoulders (biliary tract), back (duodenum or pancreas), and in men, in the ovaries (kidneys). In addition, appendicitis, right kidney and genitals may hurt here.

Based on the above, it is clear that there are enough reasons for discomfort in the intestines in pregnant women. Not all of them are associated with any serious diseases, and some do not even require special treatment. However, if we are talking about any pain that does not stop for a long time, you should definitely see a specialist. In addition, you should immediately visit a doctor if intestinal problems are accompanied by additional symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, or problems with stool. It is not recommended to use any medications or traditional methods of treatment without a doctor’s recommendation.

How dangerous is diarrhea for the fetus?

It is important not only to know how to help a pregnant woman, but also to understand the dangers of diarrhea in the second trimester. Diarrhea can lead to changes in the functioning of the pancreas. During this period, the formation of the placenta is completed. The stage of pregnancy at which a woman’s diarrhea is dangerous for the unborn child is the 16th week.

Loose stools in pregnant women can have a negative effect on the fetus at the 20th week. At this moment, the final stage of the formation of nerve endings and sensory organs occurs. The fetus reacts very sensitively to stressful conditions in a woman’s life. Since a pregnant woman loses a lot of fluid during diarrhea, the baby also feels it. Subsequently, this can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the senses, even throughout life.

There is a risk of a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid. This impairs the development process and can lead to internal injuries to the fetus.

Diarrhea in pregnant women in the second trimester at week 22 can lead to abnormalities in the development of the skeletal system. At this stage, the final formation process occurs. If a woman loses valuable microelements at this moment, it is important to replenish their volume by using vitamin and mineral complexes.

By the 24th week, the weight of the fetus reaches more than half a kilogram. Diarrhea during pregnancy during this period can develop due to the mechanical pressure of the fetus on the intestines. The mucous membrane of the organ becomes irritated and diarrhea begins.

Both in the second trimester and throughout pregnancy, all measures to eliminate intestinal disorders should be agreed with your doctor. The reasons can be varied, and what to do is not immediately clear. Only competent treatment methods and an attentive approach will preserve the health of mother and child.

Risks of intestinal disorders at different stages of pregnancy

The changing periods of pregnancy introduce changes into the body associated with fetal growth, hormonal levels, and other factors. The uterus, its rate of increase, size, and position have a great influence on the intestines and the functioning of the organ. Even with a healthy digestive system, its growth affects digestion and bowel movements. Spasmodic growth and weight gain of the fetus affect the woman’s well-being, causing pain, cramps, discomfort, and digestive problems of various types.

In the first two months, the uterus is small in size, not extending beyond the pelvis. It does not interfere with the digestive tract; its functioning is influenced by hormonal levels and food preferences.

By 9-10 weeks its size increases. The uterus does not interfere with the natural functioning of the body, but needs become increased, and the gastrointestinal tract must satisfy them. By 13 weeks, the uterus softens, takes on a spherical shape, and the intestinal muscles relax. There is gas formation and a constant urge to urinate. Pain in the intestinal area usually appears at 15-16 weeks. Problems increase even at 17-18, there is noticeable pressure on the internal organs, heartburn torments. There is a feeling of incompleteness of defecation, the reason is pressure on the large intestine.

Acceptable treatments

Treatment of a pregnant woman for an intestinal disorder should only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor. You are allowed to independently apply basic measures to improve your well-being and relieve signs of dehydration. Consultation with a doctor is required!

A pregnant woman should not go on a strict diet! The baby must receive nutrients from the mother through the placenta! Further treatment is carried out based on what factors provoked the development of the unpleasant condition.

However, first aid can be provided independently at home. The following methods are relevant:

  • restoration of water balance;
  • diet adjustments;
  • medications.

Restoring water volume is very important. Without water, a full life is impossible. For this purpose, you can use clean drinking water, unsweetened herbal tea, and mineral water. It is important to give up coffee, strong tea and sweet sodas.

Although pregnant women cannot be strictly limited in their diet, if you are careful with two or three foods, the condition will improve significantly. You should avoid raw vegetables and fruits, fried and spicy foods. A few hours after the onset of intestinal upset, you should refuse food in favor of water.

After diarrhea, you should be careful with foods that have a laxative effect for several days. This includes dishes rich in fiber and rich broths.

As a last resort, independent use of “Activated Carbon” and “Smecta” is allowed. You can take bacteria that normalize the intestinal microflora. You should be wary of advice regarding the use of folk remedies in the treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy.

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Let’s figure out what to take for pregnant women for diarrhea. Doctors prescribe several medications and give advice on adjusting your diet. The specialist prescribes safe products that absorb harmful components located in the esophagus when loose stools occur during pregnancy in the second trimester. How to treat such a disorder?


  • "Bifiform".
  • "Linex".
  • "Polysorb".
  • “Smecta”.
  • "Entheosgel".
  • Activated carbon.

The water-salt balance is normalized after taking Regidron. A mixture of salt, soda and sugar dissolved in water is used as an analogue of this medicine.

“Enterofuril” is acceptable during pregnancy with caution. Its main active component is nifuroxazide, which helps fight a large number of microbes. The medicine quickly eliminates diarrhea and accompanying gastrointestinal disorders.

Is diarrhea dangerous in the third trimester of pregnancy?

At any stage of pregnancy, diarrhea poses a danger to both mother and baby. Firstly, frequent loose stools, especially if accompanied by excessive vomiting, can cause dehydration. In this condition, the mother’s body cannot function normally, supplying oxygen, nutrients, vitamins and minerals to the baby. Secondly, during diarrhea, intestinal motility increases, which can provoke active contractions of the uterus. And if in the early stages this increases the risk of miscarriage, then in the third trimester diarrhea in pregnant women can cause premature birth. We wrote about the dangers of diarrhea in pregnant women here.

Treating diarrhea during pregnancy should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Independent attempts to stop loose stools with the help of antidiarrheal drugs can not only provoke the emergence of a new problem - constipation, but also harm the child. So, solving a delicate problem should be approached wisely. We also recommend that you read: what can pregnant women take for diarrhea?

  1. Diarrhea in the last months of pregnancy, which occurs periodically and does not cause much concern to the mother, is treated by adjusting the diet and observing the drinking regime. Taking medications in this situation is not required.
  2. If you have frequent episodes of diarrhea, you must stay hydrated before consulting a doctor. Water just won’t work in this situation, since it only replenishes liquid reserves, but not mineral compounds. So, to restore the water-salt balance, Regidron and other similar pharmaceuticals are better suited.
  3. Of the medications approved for use during pregnancy, you can choose Smetka, Activated Charcoal or Enterosgel. But do not forget that uncontrolled use of medications can harm the baby.
  4. Treatment with antibiotics for diarrhea is indicated only for intestinal infections of bacterial origin. In the case of viruses, drugs of this group will be ineffective.
  5. Any serious antibacterial therapy should be carried out in a hospital. Don't risk the health of your unborn baby!

As already mentioned, physiological diarrhea in the last weeks of pregnancy does not require special drug therapy. And to normalize stool, it is enough to adjust the diet.

  1. Add bananas, boiled lean meat and potatoes to your daily menu.
  2. Avoid sweets, coffee and baked goods. All these products trigger fermentation processes in the intestines.
  3. Until complete recovery, exclude fresh vegetables and fruits from your diet. After heat treatment, this category of products is easier to digest.
  4. Don't overeat. Frequent, but small portions are easier for the digestive system to absorb.

By following these simple tips, the expectant mother will quickly return her health to normal. If there is no improvement, do not delay visiting a doctor. Perhaps everything is much more serious than you expected.

Indications for use of “Bifiform”

Instructions for use of the capsule:

  • The dosage is prescribed by a specialist individually.
  • The average number of capsules per day is 2-3 pieces.
  • Sometimes up to 4 tablets per day are allowed.
  • The duration of treatment depends on the complexity and nature of the disorder. On average, this period is 2-3 weeks.

What are the contraindications for the drug “Bifiform”? The instructions for use of the capsule prohibit treatment in case of individual intolerance to the components. This drug has no other contraindications. Allergies sometimes appear as a side effect. Overdose is excluded, since the concentration of active components in the capsules is small.

Dysbacteriosis can occur due to the production of progesterone in large quantities. This hormone relaxes the muscles of the uterus, reducing the likelihood of miscarriage. At the same time, the substance affects the intestinal tissue and leads to dysbiosis. The disorder is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Constipation.
  • Bloating, gases.
  • Intoxication and other signs of problems with microflora.

It is impossible to restrain the production of progesterone, but it is possible to counteract dysbiosis. “Bifiform” is often prescribed in such situations. The intestines are filled with beneficial microorganisms that promote the production of lactic and acetic acid. As a result, the pathogenic microflora is displaced, the patient’s well-being improves, and the feeling of discomfort disappears.

Causes of colic in pregnant women

The future child puts forward new requirements for the diet. Whims arise, food preferences change dramatically, which irritates the digestive tract. Not having time to separate the food received, sweet and salty, fruit and dairy, incompatible things, the body reacts with intestinal disorders.

Another risk factor is hormonal changes. Progesterone relaxes smooth muscles, slows down the digestive tract, causing stagnation and pain. Factor number two is the growing uterus, squeezing the internal organs.

The main method of prevention to avoid treatment of the gastrointestinal tract is adherence to the diet and regimen. It is necessary to eat regularly without overeating, in small portions, excluding things that irritate the intestines. Alcohol, coffee, spices are excluded, salty and sweet foods are taken during periods of normal functioning of the tract. To avoid becoming a victim of stagnation, you need to maintain a positive mood, walk, and move moderately.

Diarrhea and intestinal disorders

It is worth understanding that diarrhea and constipation are frequent companions of pregnancy; the obstetrician usually warns expectant mothers. Constipation occurs more often, diarrhea is less common and more dangerous. The very type of disorder signals a possible infection or poisoning. Pain on the left or right, accompanied by loose stools, indicates a lack of enzymes, worms, problems with microflora, infections, and nervous disorders. A symptom that does not go away within two to three days is a reason to consult a doctor. Diarrhea accompanied by pain, fever, or a sharp deterioration in health is a reason to call a specialist to your home.

Short-term disorders, periodic pain of low intensity, one-time attacks of diarrhea, nausea are a relatively normal phenomenon caused by temporary disruptions in the functioning of the body. There is no point in worrying about this.

Indications for taking Linex

“Bifiform” refers to probiotics that have a beneficial effect on the body. The medicine has no contraindications, but is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components. When the body reacts negatively, the following appears:

  1. Rash.
  2. Itching.

When these signs appear, the medication is stopped and the specialist prescribes another remedy.

The drug is used to maintain beneficial microflora. The body of pregnant women is better supplied with useful substances that are absorbed by the intestines.

Treatment of dysbiosis helps solve the following problems:

  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Restoration of normal gastrointestinal function.
  • Bile breaks down fat better and is processed faster.

A capsule swallowed whole brings more benefits to the body. The gelatin shell does not contain harmful substances and protects the powder filling well from the digestive enzymes of the stomach.

Medicines are used with caution in the first trimester, since during this period the nervous system and organs are formed in the baby’s body. “Linex” is taken at this time to combat rotavirus infection.

The drug normalizes the state of microflora in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters after the use of antibiotics. Indications for taking Linex remain the same.

Indications for taking Linex

The 2nd trimester in some women is accompanied by problems with intestinal microflora. “Linex” is produced in the form of capsules and consists of live dried bacteria. The drug is often prescribed to pregnant women because it is gentle and effective.


  • Enterococci.
  • Bifidobacteria.
  • Dried lactobacilli.

The capsule shell opens in the intestines, so the active components always act in the right place, passing through the stomach. The use of Linex in the second trimester without instructions from a specialist is undesirable. The drug is well tolerated in most cases and has a rapid effect on the intestines.


  • Help in the fight against diarrhea.
  • Strengthening the body's natural defenses.
  • Restoration of beneficial microflora.
  • Acceleration of the processing of bile acids.

Many Linex analogues normalize the state of microflora and have a toxic effect on the body, so they are not used during pregnancy.

The importance of combating dysbiosis

Problems with microflora arise when there are problems with the digestive system during gestation.

Treatment of dysbiosis allows you to solve the following problems:

  • Absorption of harmful components by the body.
  • Organization of suitable conditions for the absorption of beneficial microelements.
  • Preventing or eliminating constipation and diarrhea.

Causes of dysbacteriosis:

  • Incorrect use of antibiotics.
  • Gastroenterocolitis.
  • Prolonged diarrhea.

Such disorders complicate the well-being of pregnant women.

Special diets for pregnant women or what to avoid

To get rid of intestinal pain, just adjusting your diet or diet is sufficient.

So, if you are worried about pain in the intestines during pregnancy :

  • It is necessary to consume sufficient amounts of fiber (fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes), which promotes the rapid release of food debris from the intestines.
  • Baked potatoes, bread and cereals, bread with bran increase the volume of the intestines and soften its walls.
  • You can take dietary supplements with caution: they are effective for the gastrointestinal tract, constipation and diarrhea.
  • Pectin helps reduce abdominal pain and relieve nausea (orange, grapefruit, papaya, currants, plums, rose hips, but viburnum is not allowed: it can cause a miscarriage).
  • gets into the intestines during pregnancy in the early stages, it also creates pain. This product irritates the intestines and provides little benefit to the entire body. It is better to opt for fermented milk products.
  • Liquid helps food move through the intestines; you should drink up to eight glasses of water every day.
  • You should not abuse caffeine: it accelerates peristalsis and stimulates bowel movements. Caffeine contains drinks - coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cola.

Healthy eating

The standard diet is revised when loose stools appear during pregnancy in the second trimester. The diet requires avoiding the following foods:

  • Fatty and fried foods.
  • Smoked meat.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Canned vegetables.
  • Salt, other seasonings.

Solid foods are excluded from the menu to reduce the burden on the digestive system. Vegetables and fruits are prohibited; doctors allow the pulp of baked apples without skin and bananas.

Prohibited drinks:

  • Strong alcohol.
  • Freshies.
  • Sweet water with gas.

Whole grains and sweets contribute to worsening diarrhea, so they are also avoided.

Allowed food

  • Bioyogurt.
  • Meat without fat.
  • Rice.
  • Dried bread.
  • Boiled eggs.

Soup with pasta, rice or vegetables is good for digestion. High or too low food temperature causes repeated attacks of diarrhea during pregnancy in the second trimester.

Features of the course of the disorder in pregnant women

The period of bearing a child is accompanied by new sensations that are unexpected for a woman. Her hormonal levels change, new taste preferences appear. Pregnant women often experience bowel problems: constant changes from constipation to diarrhea can last for 9 months. In this case, it is very important to determine the cause of this condition in time.

In the second trimester, the tummy begins to show, the emotional background stabilizes, and toxicosis goes away. The likelihood of miscarriage decreases, and hormones return to normal. However, at this time other problems may appear: difficulties with digestion; due to reduced immunity, the likelihood of an intestinal infection increases.

Diarrhea during pregnancy, appearing in the second trimester, may be a sign of an infectious disease or gastrointestinal dysfunction. Among the causes of diarrhea are:

  • Hormonal changes. From the first trimester, the hormone progesterone begins to be produced. Depending on its amount, constipation or diarrhea occurs. Excess progesterone can cause severe diarrhea.
  • Food poisoning. The possibility of food poisoning cannot be ruled out. Stale fruits and vegetables, meat, fish can lead to intoxication. In this case, diarrhea is often accompanied by vomiting, fever, and deterioration of health.
  • Nervous disorders. Pregnant women are more prone than others to such a neuropsychic disorder as “bear disease.” With strong experiences, stress, and emotional tension, severe diarrhea begins.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. If a woman already had pathologies of the liver, stomach, intestines, or pancreas, they may worsen during pregnancy. During an attack of pancreatitis, vomiting also occurs. In order not to provoke breakdowns, the expectant mother needs to monitor her diet.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of loose stools during pregnancy in the second trimester.


Tinctures and decoctions with extracts of medicinal herbs help with intestinal problems that arise in the second trimester.

Popular recipes:

  1. Pomegranate decoction. The peel of the fruit is crushed, poured with boiling water, infused, consumed every day until signs of diarrhea disappear.
  2. A decoction of food starch. The ingredient is mixed with 200 ml of boiling water, cooled, and drunk daily.
  3. Blueberry jelly. 200 g of berries are poured into 2.5 liters of water and boiled for about 20 minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of potato starch. The ingredients are stirred, cooled, and consumed 1 glass before meals.
  4. Blackberries are poured with boiling water, cooked for about 25 minutes over low heat, cooled, peeled and consumed 3 times a day, 15 ml.

A mixture of chamomile, motherwort, and mint in equal proportions helps get rid of diarrhea.

Pharmaceutical herbs that save you from diarrhea:

  • St. John's wort.
  • Plantain.
  • Oak bark.

Pregnant women need to follow a diet for diarrhea.

Prevention of diarrhea during pregnancy

If the expectant mother is not following her diet well, she will still have to reconsider her diet. Doctors recommend preventing muscle strain in the pelvic organs. You must be careful when consuming healthy foods. Raw vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber and contribute to diarrhea.


  • Buy only fresh food.
  • There are freshly prepared dishes.
  • Study the information on the packaging before purchasing products.
  • Steam food and subject it to sufficient heat treatment. Doctors are sure that it is better to overcook than to undercook.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules.

Diarrhea and other similar disorders are easier to prevent than to deal with them. Simple rules of personal hygiene help get rid of many pathologies and infections.

Let's sum it up

Fecal masses with diarrhea contain about 90% liquid. Digestive problems are accompanied by sudden urges, cramps and even pain. Dehydration occurs during a complex course of the disorder, and this complication often has dire consequences. Diarrhea is a sign of other dangerous pathologies, so doctors need to accurately identify the factors that provoke intestinal problems. Girls monitor their own diet well during pregnancy, but this does not help to completely prevent complications.

  1. Appendicitis during pregnancy, symptoms and treatment methods
  2. Pulling in the lower abdomen in the second trimester of pregnancy
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  4. Why does a taste appear in the mouth during pregnancy? Unpleasant taste in the mouth during pregnancy - Pregnancy. Pregnancy by week.

Why does my intestines hurt during pregnancy?

There are many reasons for the appearance of different types of pain in the intestinal system in the expectant mother:

  • during conception and the formation of the fetus, the entire female body is reconstructed thanks to the hormone progesterone (it is also called the “pregnancy hormone”) - it stretches the walls of the stomach and places it in the required position, preparing the place for the future baby;
  • immediately after conception, the egg begins its “journey” into the uterine cavity, which is almost always accompanied by characteristic colic in the intestines;
  • The general hormonal changes in a woman’s body always affect the state of the intestinal system, because the main “restructuring” occurs precisely in the abdominal cavity - the place where the child will develop: hence the nagging and stabbing pain in the abdomen, bowel movements, etc.

It is very important to spend the entire period characterized by pain in the intestines under close medical supervision: this will help to avoid the onset of inflammatory processes and any atypical abnormalities and pathologies.
Important! It is necessary to clearly distinguish between pain in the intestines and pain in the abdomen: if intestinal discomfort is acceptable during pregnancy, then pain in the abdomen (pulling and sharp pricking sensations in the lower abdomen, pain in the sides, cramps or acute prolonged spasms, bleeding during bowel movements, etc.) may indicate abnormal development of the baby, and even the threat of termination of pregnancy!

Physiological reasons

Problems with the intestines also arise due to the rapid growth of the fetus - the uterus enlarges, stretches, and puts pressure on surrounding organs.

Symptoms of physiological causes of pain in the intestines are:

  • pain “in the depths” of the abdomen (at the bottom of the intestines) - the pain can be either intense or mild, recurring at a certain interval or having a constant, “aching” character;
  • intestinal colic, accompanied by frequent urge to go to the toilet - the result of the action of progesterone;
  • feeling of unfinished bowel movement - may be the result of intestinal colic;
  • nagging pain in the early stages of pregnancy (sometimes acute) is the result of stretching of the ligamentous apparatus caused by an enlarged uterus. This process must be observed by a doctor;
  • pain from the child's kicks - sometimes characterized by a pricking sensation in the stomach and squeezing of the bladder;
  • tension in the lower abdomen, radiating into the intestines (usually in the 2nd trimester) - short-term sensations of “stoniness” in the stomach and uterus, repeated several times a day. This is the result of preparing the body for future childbirth, a kind of “training”.

The main distinguishing feature of pain in the intestines for physiological reasons is not a sharp nature, but a constant one, more regular than rare.
They can accompany pregnancy both in the early stages and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Did you know? During the entire period of pregnancy, the uterus can increase 500 times compared to its normal size. It returns to its original state 7–9 weeks after birth.

Intestinal diseases

Pain due to intestinal diseases can be the result of both poor nutrition and untreated ailments, as well as the above-mentioned restructuring of the body.

Symptoms of pain associated with improper bowel function are as follows:

  • bloating , rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of tightness - most likely the result of dysbacteriosis or colitis;
  • flatulence , accompanied by heartburn and bad breath - may be a reaction to a change in the food preferences of a pregnant woman (for example, a combination of sweet and salty, etc.);
  • not sharp cramps, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, slight increase in temperature, frequent belching - a sign of “irritable” intestines (as a result of increased acidity in the stomach), as well as gastritis;
  • heaviness, constipation, problems with stool - the result of slow intestinal action due to eating heavy food;
  • frequent diarrhea - most likely the result of poisoning with poor-quality food or infection with helminthic infestations (additional tests will be required);
  • weakness, regular nausea, loss of appetite - the cause may be either toxicosis or the result of a restructuring of the body.

To determine any intestinal ailment during pregnancy, it is important to keep a food diary: this way you can immediately detect which foods could cause pain, poisoning, bowel problems or dysbiosis.

If the food products were of high quality and fresh, did not have a fatty, oily structure, and were not high-carbohydrate foods, perhaps the reason lies in pre-existing diseases (high acidity of the stomach, gastritis, etc.). This is a reason to see a doctor.

Diseases of the urinary system

Can a pregnant woman’s stomach hurt if she has a disease of the urinary system? Of course, yes. The reason for this may be either diseases of the urinary system itself or the result of “compression” of the bladder by the intestines and an enlarged uterus.

Important! Pain in the intestines and lower abdomen in the presence of disease of the urinary system is almost always accompanied by painful urination, bleeding during urination and stool disorders. If you have at least several symptoms from the above list, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms of diseases of the urinary organs may be as follows:

  • aching pain near the right rib, radiating to the stomach, as well as severe nausea and bitterness in the mouth - the result of cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). It often worsens during pregnancy. In the absence of acute attacks of pain, it will be enough to simply adjust your diet, eliminating sour, spicy and salty foods;
  • frequent painful urination, pain in the lower abdomen, “tugging” sensations in the stomach - the cause may be cystitis (inflammation of the kidneys);
  • high fever, pain when urinating, heaviness and pain in the intestines, acute cramps in the lower abdomen - the result of acute pyelonephritis. Seeking medical help is mandatory and urgent!

Psycho-emotional stress

There are often cases when discomfort in the abdomen in pregnant women is based on psychosomatic reasons.

Stress, unexpected fear, insomnia, anxious thoughts, depression, a series of unfortunate situations or overexertion at work have a very negative impact on the condition of a pregnant woman’s body in general and the gastric system in particular.

Find out how to cope with insomnia in the first and third trimester.

If you experience uncharacteristic stomach pain that is not caused by food poisoning or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, analyze the events of the last few days: perhaps you have experienced stress or severe overexertion, which was the result of deteriorating health.

The first step to eliminating intestinal discomfort in this case would be to eliminate any stressful situations, meditate or spend time relaxing, increase time spent in the fresh air, and even change the environment (for example, a trip to the forest or nature).

If stomach discomfort does not go away within 2-3 days, you should consult your doctor - you may need to take additional vitamins or natural antidepressants.

Placental complications

One of the most serious causes of discomfort in the stomach and intestines is complications of the placenta.

Thus, ailments that increase pain in the abdomen (and in the intestines, in particular) are:

  • Placenta accreta is excessive growth of the placenta, which adheres to the walls of other internal organs, and sometimes grows through them. This disease is accompanied by vaginal bleeding, pain in the bladder or stomach, and sometimes fever. Medical assistance for such symptoms is mandatory!
  • placental hyperplasia in combination with polyhydramnios is sometimes a consequence of multiple pregnancy. This disease is detected mainly clinically, and it is characterized by increased activity of the fetus, compression of the intestines and organs of the urinary system, and sometimes aching pain in the colon;
  • placental abruption is a very dangerous illness that can occur as a result of a blow to the abdomen, injury during sexual intercourse, or severe toxicosis. The characteristics of pain are always similar - very strong, sharp, acute pain in the lower abdomen, in the uterus and intestines, uterine bleeding, and sometimes dizziness. In this situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance: the only way to save the life of a child with placental abruption is an urgent birth.

Spasms in the intestines associated with complications of the placenta are a very serious situation that always requires urgent medical attention, because the placenta is the main organ responsible for the life and safety of the baby in the womb.

Inflammatory processes

Various inflammations also cause stomach discomfort.

Did you know? Amniotic fluid has its own smell and taste - each specific emotional state of the mother is characterized by the release of certain hormones that change them. Thus, even at an early stage of development, the baby can detect the most subtle changes in the mother’s mood.

These include:

  • vaginal dysbiosis , passing into the intestines - characterized by itching and burning in the genitals, pain during sexual intercourse, indigestion, loose stools, nagging pain in the stomach;
  • peptic ulcer and pancreatitis - intense pain in the colon and rectum, nausea, fever, bitterness and dry mouth, sometimes dizziness;
  • attack of appendicitis - pain in the right lower abdomen, sharp and acute; when you press in this area of ​​the abdomen, the attack of pain only intensifies. Urgent hospitalization is required;
  • infections and inflammations of the genital organs - the main symptoms are bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse and urination, purulent mucous discharge, unpleasant odor, and sometimes sharp pain in the stomach (mainly in the lower part). To eliminate intestinal discomfort in this case, it is first necessary to treat the root cause of such discomfort - diseases of the reproductive system itself.

Also, inflammatory processes that affect the appearance of stomach pain can occur as a result of acute respiratory viral infections, poisoning, botulism, hepatitis, pneumonia and even the common cold - in any case, a medical examination will be required to determine the diagnosis and prescribe optimal treatment.

Premature birth or miscarriage

A very dangerous situation that has pronounced symptoms that indirectly affect the intestinal system:

  • strong spasms at the top of the pubis, in the pelvic region or at the bottom of the stomach, pulling sensations in the intestines;
  • dull pain in the lower back, a feeling of “tightness” in the lower back;
  • diarrhea, nausea, stool upset;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • severe weakness, sometimes fever.

The appearance of any of these symptoms requires immediate medical attention. Remember: premature birth or miscarriage can be stopped by consulting a doctor in time.

Unfortunately, the favorable period in this situation, when you can save a child’s life, is literally measured in minutes, so even if there are mild symptoms (for example, not bloody, but watery-pink discharge from the vagina, general weakness and distant, mild pain in the stomach) you must not hesitate and call an ambulance - minutes of delay are fraught with the loss of your baby.

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