Psychological constipation in children: treatment methods

Causes of psychological constipation in children of different age groups

Psychological constipation in medicine is called neurogenic, psychosomatic, neurological. It manifests itself as fecal retention as a result of spontaneous refusal due to fear of defecation.

Psychosomatics of constipation in children

The cause of psychological constipation differs from functional constipation. In the first case, the stimulating factor becomes an unbalanced diet, poor lifestyle, and gastrointestinal diseases. In the second situation, constipation occurs due to a psychological barrier; the baby is afraid to go to the toilet for various emotional reasons. It is based on fear of previously experienced sensations.

It is advisable to deal with the problem as a whole if the child has psychological constipation. What to do, what methods of medication and psychological assistance to take - the pediatrician and psychologist will answer. Violation of the act of defecation goes through several stages:

  • the baby suffered emotional shock or pain associated with going to the toilet;
  • at the psychological level, the relationship has been established: the act of defecation = pain;
  • under the influence of fear, the toddler inhibits the exit of feces (sends a nerve signal to the brain);
  • The process of defecation is inhibited, and intestinal contents accumulate.

Psychosomatics of childhood constipation is associated with the following reasons:

  • the baby internally resists and rejects parental emotions (anger, rage);
  • opposition to excessive parental love and care (applies to children aged 7 years and older);
  • sometimes the baby fights the imposition of something in this way (parents ask to give away their toys or encourage stinginess);
  • protest against forced potty training.

If measures are not taken in time, psychological constipation develops into functional constipation, when the act of defecation is impossible due to the accumulation of feces and their hardening.

Psychological constipation in a two-year-old child

By the age of two, the baby develops a full-fledged routine of going to the toilet in a big way. In most cases, he is potty trained and is able to control bowel movements. The period is associated with admission to kindergarten and the child’s adaptation to the social environment. This is the time when he experiences a variety of emotions.

Normally, a two-year-old child goes to the toilet 1-2 times a day. Constipation is retention of stool for more than 2 days. If bowel movements do not occur on the 3rd day, they speak of constipation. Among the psychosomatic reasons that influence the development of stool retention in a two-year-old child, experts identify:

  1. Getting used to kindergarten. Before entering the nursery, the baby pooped at home in the presence of mom and dad, now the other children and teachers can monitor the process. There is embarrassment and stress.
  2. Unpleasant memories associated with bowel movements. The child had diarrhea, the parents reacted too violently to the disorder. Now, as soon as the little one sits on the potty, he clamps down, tolerates it, and does not allow the act of defecation. What if there is loose stool again and the parents will be upset?
  3. A common cause of constipation at this age is furious potty training. The problem arises as a result of the mental fear of repeated punishment for the fact that the child soiled his panties. It's easier not to poop than to upset your parents.
  4. Parents, remember about the baby’s comfort! If a child usually sits on his favorite blue potty to relieve himself, you should not take this tradition away from him. The emotional component is very important. The child will be more comfortable in a familiar environment, surrounded by things that bring peace.

Psychological constipation in three-year-old children

The age of 3 years is also associated with the socialization of the baby. Not all parents send their child to kindergarten ahead of schedule. When starting preschool, the toddler faces many problems.

  1. One of them is associated with psychological constipation. A child in an unusual environment refuses to go to the toilet, sit on someone else’s potty, and endures it all the way home.
  2. Constant tension and restraint leads to the accumulation of feces and their compaction. Stool retention occurs, the little one tries to go to the toilet, strains, and defecation brings pain. Because of the unpleasant sensations experienced for the first time, the baby is afraid to go to the toilet again.
  3. At 3 years old, a little person already understands the psychological situation in the house, when parents are happy with him, when they quarrel among themselves. He perceives all the negative reactions like a sponge, absorbs, absorbs and projects the negative emotions of mom and dad onto himself. Psychological comfort is important at 3 years old. It helps you perceive yourself and the world around you. Stress and anxiety affect intestinal motility and digestion. Constipation occurs involuntarily.

Psychological constipation in children four years of age and older

The causes of psychological constipation in children of four years are closely related to factors related to 2 and 3 years. Constraint, stress, a negative environment at home, and adaptation to a preschool institution can lead to stool retention of a psychosomatic nature. An additional reason at the age of 4 is getting accustomed to a shared toilet in the house. A tall object, a stream of water, and cold frighten the little one; he refuses to walk tall.

Pediatricians distinguish between primary and secondary school age. From 7 years of age, other factors become causes of constipation. They are still associated with the psycho-emotional component.

  1. A boy or girl takes on a new role - a student. They have to learn not only a new status, which brings stress into the life of a little person, but also get used to a public toilet. Fear arises from embarrassment; the child is afraid that an adult or senior in age will enter at any moment. The inconvenience sometimes lies in the lack of toilet paper in school toilets. The first grader is embarrassed to ask the teacher for it and decides to wait until he gets home.
  2. Before helping a child with psychological constipation on your own, take a closer look at his well-being. The problem sometimes arises as a result of a malfunction of the digestive system or other diseases. Pay attention to the neurological aspect, visit a neurologist together to rule out diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. Psychologists often encounter this problem in children deprived of parental attention and love. As a result of non-acceptance of oneself and a depressive state, stool retention occurs.

Parents, the emotional factor plays a big role in the development of psychological constipation. Try to notice changes in the baby’s behavior in time, to see the situation that provoked hostility, fear of defecation.

In most cases, the problem can be solved on your own if you are attentive to the psychological state of the child.

Consequences of fears of defecation

It is not easy to distinguish psychological constipation from physiological constipation due to the similarity of symptoms. Delayed urges due to nervousness lead to severe functional constipation, which negatively affects the baby’s entire body.

The consequences of untimely treatment can be:

  • stagnation of feces leading to intoxication;
  • pain in internal organs adjacent to the intestinal tract;
  • loss of appetite;
  • severe weight loss;
  • changes in behavior, the appearance of whims and irritability;
  • acquiring a yellowish tint to the skin.

Psychological constipation in children is common.
All medical procedures, a trip to the clinic, instills certain fears in the child, the understanding that the parent is worried, that everything is somehow bad, bad. Therefore, in order not to cultivate such a difficult situation, it is necessary, first of all, to figure out where the child’s fear of defecation comes from.

Most often, this fear occurs after normal physiological constipation, which may be associated with digestive disorders. This may be preceded by taking antibiotics or poor nutrition. With physiological constipation, the child does not feel pleasant, he feels pain. These unpleasant sensations are deposited in his memory.

Parents' mistakes

Often parents do not realize that their phrases become attitudes for their children. For example, in a situation where a child has urinated in his pants, parents constantly remind him of this fact and tell him that this is not good. And the child develops the opinion that pooping is, in principle, not good. After this, children may deny the very fact of defecation.

Thus, the child develops a fear that pooping is bad. If the parent said that you can’t do this, then he must explain how it’s possible, that is, you can’t put it in your pants, but you can put it in the potty.

Stress, pressure

Another mistake parents make is their vision of the correctness of upbringing. Some “correct” mothers zealously begin to work on putting their child on the potty. This behavior provokes his natural, ordinary feeling of protest. The child defends his independence and begins to restrain himself, which inevitably leads to constipation.

The child does not go to the toilet regularly. Why does this happen and how to deal with it? Problems with constipation first begin at the age of 2-3 years. During this period, parents actively begin to teach the baby to go to the potty when needed.

A 2-3 year old child already understands the need to relieve himself naturally, but does not yet fully understand the physiology of this process. Many kids consider this process shameful. Of course, such an opinion could not be developed independently.

Most often, this means that there are jokes or unpleasant statements about this process in the family. It happens that, leaving the toilet, dad receives a remark from mom that the smell spreading through the apartment is far from pleasant. A man can laugh it off, but the child, on a subconscious level, “writes down” that for going too big you can get a reprimand.

Problems with stool often arise when adults begin to teach a child to use the toilet instead of a potty. All these devices on the toilet seem dangerous to the baby. And the biggest fear is a hole that goes to nowhere: “I will definitely fall.”

First of all, parents must understand that children’s anxiety states do not go away with the help of force and punishment. They will only get worse, and the problem will grow.

It is necessary to show the child that the whole family supports him and understands the children's concerns. The method with fairy tales works very well. For example, a mother tells her child a story about a little “cuckoo” who loves to go for walks, but the baby won’t let her out. Then she gets offended and begins to hurt the baby’s tummy. And if the baby lets her out into the street, then she will be kind, and he will no longer get sick.

Playing with plasticine is also very helpful. During such activities, the child’s muscles completely relax, he is distracted from his fears and can easily go to the potty.

Symptoms and possible complications

It is important to notice manifestations of constipation of a psychological nature in time. Timeliness allows you to save your baby from the problem without the help of medications.

Parents should be alert to the following signs indicating constipation of a psychosomatic nature:

  • the baby is clenched and embarrassed to go to the toilet in the presence of adults;
  • his stomach becomes swollen and hard;
  • increased flatulence;
  • loss of appetite;
  • The toddler is afraid to poop;
  • belching appears;
  • in children aged 2 to 7 years, constipation leads to sleep disturbances of various types;
  • the baby cries and is capricious when he sits on the potty;
  • The toddler refuses to sit on the potty to empty his bowels, but urination is easy for him;
  • the baby is capricious and cries often;
  • children from 2 to 3 years old complain of pain in the heart area (associated with a reflex reaction of the body).

The signs should be considered as a whole. Symptoms must be dealt with urgently. If you retain stool for more than 3 days, try to solve the problem yourself. This is possible if the parents know about the reason for the constipation that has arisen.

When you can’t cope on your own, you need to urgently seek help from a child psychologist or pediatrician. This helps prevent negative consequences from prolonged bowel retention (more than 3 days). Complications include:

  • intoxication of the body, manifested by nausea, headache and abdominal pain;
  • development of anemia;
  • inflammatory process in the intestines;
  • development of neurological problems.

Causes of a child's fear of defecation

Normal bowel movements are regulated by the brain and nervous system. Therefore, the mechanism of the disorder may be associated not only with physiological reasons, but also with psychological factors.

The main prerequisites for the formation of psychological constipation:

  • New environment. That is why a similar problem often arises during the period of adaptation to kindergarten.
  • Disgust. Subconscious suppression of bowel movements with frequent need to visit a poorly cleaned toilet.
  • Fear of pain. If a child has once experienced constipation, he may remember the painful and unpleasant sensations during bowel movements. As a result, the baby avoids their repetition, suppressing the urge.
  • Regular nervous shocks. They cause irritable bowel syndrome, in which impulses to defecate are transmitted to the brain late.
  • Stress caused by strict upbringing or conflict in the family. In this situation, the child’s psyche suffers and, as a result, the chain of impulses responsible for emptying the intestinal tract is disrupted.
  • Fear of punishment. Occurs after regular reprimand for voiding “in your pants.”

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Products with laxative effect

Pediatricians also identify the most common causes characteristic of each age category ranging from 2 to 4 years:

  • 2 years. Excessive potty training combined with punishment for mistakes.
  • 3 years. Restraining urges in kindergarten due to an unusual environment or memory of pain during bowel movements that was previously experienced.
  • 4 years. Embarrassment and reluctance to go to the toilet outside the home.

How to cope with psychological constipation in a child

To understand how to overcome psychological constipation in a child, pay attention to the cause. Treatment depends on the factor stimulating constipation.

General recommendations for parents

Follow the recommendations to help your child cope with the problem.

  1. The solution will come on its own if you understand the cause of the disease. First of all, pay attention to what became the stimulating factor in stool retention.
  2. If your baby refuses to poop due to recent diarrhea, as a result of fear or stress, contact a child psychologist. He will tell you how to deal with the problem without the help of drugs.
  3. You should not delay contacting a pediatrician when stool retention is more than three days. Due to the accumulation and hardening of stool, further emptying of stool will cause pain.
  4. You can't give enemas to your baby. For psychological constipation, this will worsen the problem.
  5. Consult a gastroenterologist and get tested for dysbacteriosis.
  6. It is easier to overcome bowel retention together with your parents, remember this. A comfortable environment in the family and not focusing on the problem will allow you to deal with the problem painlessly.
  7. You can't blame the little guy for what happened.

How to overcome psychological constipation in a child: advice from a psychologist (praise, games, fairy tale therapy, etc.)

When psychological constipation is associated with unpleasant sensations during the act of defecation, psychologists advise helping the toddler overcome fear. Work with your pediatrician to find a way to relieve painful bowel movements.

A lot depends on the parents in such a situation. Persuade the baby to sit on the potty and try to poop, explain to him that it will not hurt. Use affection, praise, and do not focus on what is happening.

When the child agrees to sit on the potty, read him a fairy tale, tell him a poem, write an interesting story together, and play. Children need to be distracted from obsessive fear. After defecation, say that there was no pain and you should not be afraid of the toilet in the future.

Fairytale therapy will help rid your child of bad memories. The method is relevant in a situation where a child cannot overcome fear after an unsuccessful bowel movement.

A fairy tale about a tummy that has been captured by “poop” will be useful. To free them, you need to go to the toilet in a big way. Psychology helps solve the problem of fear in a playful way and get rid of tension.

The following tips will help parents:

  • make an improvised potty with your child, play out a fairy tale with dolls who don’t want to go to the toilet, but eventually overcome their fear;
  • if you are accustoming your child to a shared toilet, first tell him the design of the toilet, show him how water is drawn into the tank, how it funnyly drains and disappears;
  • Buying a new “good” potty will help you overcome the fear of bowel movements, and throw the old one, which made the little one upset, in the trash together to solemn applause;
  • make lumps from plasticine, roll them into pancakes while sitting on the potty, which will allow the baby to relax.

Child's daily routine and diet

Organization of the daily routine and nutrition play a big role in therapy. If these conditions are excluded, constipation will recur. Advice from pediatricians will help:

  • go to bed before 22.00, get up before 8.00;
  • more active games per day;
  • walk your child outside more often;
  • play in a sandbox with dry and wet sand.

Adhere to the following dietary rules:

  • increase the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5–2 liters per day;
  • exclude products that contribute to slagging of the body;
  • eat more vegetable and fruit purees, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • exclude products that lead to slagging of the body;
  • do not include foods that contribute to gas formation in the menu.

Try to develop a reflex in your child to go to the toilet at the same time. It is favorable to go to the toilet in the morning after breakfast.

Medication assistance

Treatment of constipation in children is based on three rules: softening of stool, psychological support, lifestyle and nutrition modifications. when stool retention is more than 3-4 days.

Special laxative suppositories, microenemas, and lactulose-based preparations will help cure the problem in combination with other methods. The remedies help when psychological constipation occurs in children. Treatment is based on taking medications that stimulate intestinal motility, helping to soften stool to facilitate bowel movements.

Drug treatment should not last more than two weeks. It is worth doing microenemas in a situation where the baby’s fear is not associated with pain after the act of bowel movement. Medicines to help cope with constipation:

  • Hilak Forte - often used in combination with laxatives, helps restore the balance of intestinal microflora, used for dysbiosis;
  • Duphalac for children with constipation helps soften stool and helps eliminate them;
  • glycerin-based suppositories are an emergency solution to the problem, the effect occurs after 10–20 minutes, the stool softens and is expelled.

Psychological constipation cannot be cured with laxatives alone. The solution to the problem is based on two pillars: pediatrics and psychology. By using drugs with a laxative effect, you eliminate only the symptoms; the cause is left alone with the baby, which leads to a quick relapse.

Additional recommendations for parents

The most important recommendation for parents is to closely monitor the baby. It is important to promptly assume that it is psychological constipation and, when contacting a specialist, present the full picture, including changes in the behavior and psychological characteristics of the baby.

To do this, if constipation occurs, you need to observe the child and talk confidentially with him in order to understand the probable causes of the pathology.

Doctors also recommend:

  • tell daily stories that help combat fears;
  • playing with plasticine - the process relaxes the muscles and distracts attention;
  • Praise the child for a successful bowel movement, even if he endured until the last minute and did not reach the potty. The main thing is that the baby must understand that the stomach has stopped hurting and nothing bad has happened. Potty or toilet training should be done again after the fear of the very fact of bowel movement has been removed.

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Considering that each baby is individual, sometimes you have to try the above methods in turn to find the most effective one. However, parental love and patience are the best way to help a child quickly cope with fears and overcome the disease.

In continuation of the topic, be sure to read:

  1. What to do if your child is constipated?
  2. Glycerin suppositories for children: how to use correctly + FAQ
  3. How is rotavirus intestinal infection manifested and treated?
  4. Treatment methods for constipation in adults: nutrition, medications, enemas and more
  5. Intestinal paresis: manifestations and methods of treating pathology (medicines, surgery, diet)
  6. How should parents behave if their child has encopresis?
  7. Mucus in a child’s stool: causes and what to do?
  8. Pylorospasm: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment (nutrition, medications and physiotherapy)
  9. Extracellular and intracellular starch in a child’s feces: causes and treatment
  10. Mesadenitis in children: how does the pathology manifest itself and be treated?

What to do if a child is afraid to go to the toilet after constipation

If a child is afraid to go to the toilet because of unpleasant memories associated with pain after constipation, doctors recommend taking the following measures:

  • consult your pediatrician about using an appropriate laxative;
  • give the child medicine, calling it magic - it helps to go to the toilet without pain and fear;
  • bring home a new “good” potty, which will replace the old “evil” one, which caused pain to the baby.

A laxative will help soften accumulated feces and remove them out. But it cannot be used without prior psychological assistance to the child. He should not be afraid of the upcoming act of defecation. This is why a new pot is brought home.

Instead of a new potty, fairytale therapy is sometimes used. Tell a fairy tale about kind “kakuli” who cry because they cannot go outside. It all depends on the parents’ imagination, patience and individual characteristics of the baby.

Ways to deal with nervous constipation

Treatment is always complex. Despite the fact that the reasons lie in the nervous system and consciousness of the baby, the problem of defecation also causes somatic disorders. Therefore, after diagnosis, several methods are used simultaneously.

Working with a psychologist

The first step in eliminating nervous constipation is consultation with a child psychologist and attending sessions. Sometimes fears are suppressed so much that a simple conversation or a change in parental attitude does not eliminate the problem. A psychologist helps to identify the true cause of the fear of defecation and, using various techniques, teaches the child to fight fears.

In situations where pathology is provoked by errors in upbringing or parental conflicts, counseling may be needed not only for the child, but also for his parents.

Since holding back the urge causes hardening of the stool and severe constipation, it is important to induce bowel movements as quickly as possible, cleanse the intestines and establish normal peristalsis. For this we use:

  • enemas;
  • candles with sea buckthorn oil;
  • drugs in tablet form;
  • drops and syrups;
  • vitamin supplements.

With psychological constipation, it is necessary to remember that its occurrence is associated with the characteristics of each individual child. The choice of means should not frighten the child, otherwise it will only aggravate the problems.

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Parental affection and love, explaining the need to take pills or syrups will help much better than a forced enema. The baby should be set in a positive mood and helped to believe that going to the toilet will no longer be associated with pain or discomfort.

A properly composed diet will allow your child to quickly cope with fears, because going to the toilet will become simple and painless. The following products help ensure normal peristalsis:

  • compotes based on dried fruits;
  • fresh juices;
  • foods rich in fiber;
  • kefir and cottage cheese in limited quantities;
  • pure water.

At the same time, you should limit sweets, meats with a high fat content, and smoked foods. The beloved, but extremely harmful for children, “fast food” must be completely abandoned. There is a strict taboo on snacks, chips and analogues.

Daily regime

In addition to maintaining health, a constant and structured daily schedule provides the child with a sense of safety and security. It is important that the morning begins with simple and fun gymnastics.

During the day, quiet activities should be interspersed with active games and walks in the air with the opportunity to run, jump and climb on playgrounds in playgrounds.

Prevention of psychological constipation in childhood

When a child cannot go to the toilet properly as a result of fear and deliberately restrains the urge to defecate regularly, chronic constipation occurs in children. They are dangerous due to complications affecting digestion and the body's defenses.

The following recommendations can prevent the occurrence of psychological constipation. They should be performed from one year of age:

  • accustom your baby to an active lifestyle: sports, exercises, gymnastics, massage;
  • teach your child to have bowel movements at the same time;
  • organize proper nutrition for the baby;
  • walk more with your child in the fresh air;
  • drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day;
  • try to create a favorable, friendly environment in the family.

How to get rid of psychological constipation

How to help with psychological constipation in a child and is it necessary to do it? This question revolves in the minds of all parents who are faced with this problem. This situation must be dealt with only using the right methods.

If you let the process of proper natural bowel movement take its course, you can get a number of problems in the future:

  1. The feces harden too much and even with the use of medicinal methods, the process of defecation will be painful, which will further aggravate the situation.
  2. If feces remain in the body for a long time, intoxication begins to occur, which can lead to severe poisoning of the body. In this case, the hospital and IVs cannot be avoided.
  3. The baby almost completely loses his appetite, as a result of which he rapidly loses weight. This situation is extremely dangerous for small children.
  4. An unpleasant belch appears, which leaves, to put it mildly, a terrible feeling in the mouth even for an adult, not to mention a child.
  5. Gradually, the baby’s apathy increases, he plays less, and he often experiences sudden mood swings. This condition is also associated with intoxication.

If the problem is not solved after 6 years, then parents can expect poor performance at school, nervousness, and lack of normal attention.

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

E. O. Komarovsky advises parents to firstly alleviate the child’s condition at the physiological level. Consult your pediatrician about the use of glycerin suppositories and lactulose syrup. After the act of defecation is completed, it is worth taking care to prevent psychological constipation.

The pediatrician advises:

  • drink more water;
  • do not use medications without the doctor’s knowledge;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • create a trusting environment in the family;
  • play outdoor games with your baby;
  • monitor the psycho-emotional state of children;
  • monitor bowel regularity;
  • adjust your diet, get rid of foods that harden your stool.

If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, contact a child psychologist. Komarovsky focuses on three principles of treating psychological constipation: physiological, medical, emotional.

Why is a child afraid to poop?

If toilet problems are identified at the age of two, then most likely this is due to improper potty training. It is likely that the parents put too much pressure on the baby, wanting to quickly teach him to use the potty. Under no circumstances should you scold these little ones for getting their panties dirty or insist on them staying on the potty for a long time.

During the three-year period, a child is afraid to poop most often due to a change in his presence outside the home. At this age, the child begins to attend kindergarten, and sanitary conditions between home and kindergarten vary greatly. It is possible that before kindergarten, the baby woke up later, and his potty routine occurred at those hours when he was already in kindergarten. Many children refuse to relieve themselves outside the home and begin to endure it until the evening. It’s good if the child is able to empty his bowels before going to kindergarten. Otherwise, deliberately delaying bowel movements will easily lead to chronic constipation and severe pain.

Psychological constipation at four years old may be associated with an incorrect menu in a child . Of course, there may be other reasons, but according to statistics, this is the most common for this childhood stage. Four-year-old children are already beginning to dictate their own nutritional rules, and parents give some relief. So, the menu for babies may include an abundance of juices and lemonades instead of plain water, as well as fast foods and other dry foods. The four-year period is still the age when concomitant pain during bowel movements can easily provoke psychological constipation.

Situations in which a child cries when he poops during the five-year period are very rare. At five years old, children are already very conscious and understand the consequences of their actions. But, if a child had problems with bowel movements before this age, then you should not expect them to disappear on their own. It is possible that the child is very worried about family scandals, or parental criticism, or a change in environment. Quiet and slow children, according to psychologists, mature much later. Therefore, you should not put too much pressure on your child in this matter. If the situation with constipation does not normalize by the age of 5, then you can observe a change in the shade of the baby’s skin. It will begin to take on a yellowish tint. Problems begin to affect sleep, memory and concentration.

How to help your child and rid him of the fear of sitting on the potty

  1. You need to respect your baby's fears. There are reasons for these very fears. You can’t say: “There’s nothing wrong with that! It won’t hurt.” The baby needs your support; it is important for him to realize that you took his feelings seriously.

    Understanding is very important. The child expects support from his parents.

  2. Children need to be told therapeutic stories. Let the hero of your fairy tale have the same fear as your child and defeat him. You can make up a fairy tale or use a ready-made one.
  3. Turn into a wizard for your child. The most effective way! Prepare “miracle” cookies for your baby, which will help you not feel pain, or buy “unusual” pills, after trying which your child will feel much more confident. You need to come up with a legend for each auxiliary element. The child will ask many questions, for which you will prepare in advance.
  4. It is necessary to explain the reasons to the child. This method is suitable for children over 4 years old. Try to explain to your child what the physiology of digestion is in accessible language.

    Options: books about body structure, fairy tales or games.

First of all, you need to understand what psychological constipation is. This is the hardening of feces as a result of the fact that the baby wants to relieve himself, but restrains himself and endures. Thus, a vicious circle results: the child is afraid to go to the toilet for the most part, and subsequently cannot do it normally.

It is necessary to act in three directions:

  • consult with a gastroenterologist and get tested for dysbacteriosis (determining the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria) and scatology (detection of parasites);
  • soften the stool (so that it passes painlessly and microcracks do not form in the future);
  • remove the emotional block (give confidence that such a situation will not happen again).

Unfortunately, many parents have to deal with such a problem as psychological constipation in their child. Many mothers and fathers are stunned by the current situation and only one question is spinning in their heads: what to do?

There is an exit. But first, let's understand what psychological constipation is.

Psychological constipation is when your baby wants to go to the potty, but restrains himself with all his strength and endures it. As a result, the feces harden, and a vicious circle results.

This situation can arise after an unsuccessful bowel movement: the baby was in pain, or a crack appeared, or there was unexpected diarrhea. Subsequently, the child, remembering the unpleasant situation, is afraid to poop and does his best to restrain the urge.

As a rule, psychological constipation most often occurs in children 2-3 years old: children at this age have already learned to control their body, so they “control” it, thereby aggravating the situation.

And no amount of persuasion or talking helps here: the child still remembers the pain and does not want it to happen again, endures it until the last moment, and when he can no longer endure it, he poops in his pants.

Parents face two main tasks:

  1. Provide the child with soft, painless stools.
  2. Give the child psychological confidence that everything will be fine. Treat what is happening calmly, without lamentations, reproaches, without scolding the baby, without shaming.

Let me make a reservation right away that treatment of psychological constipation may take several months. I read different cases, there were also those in which it took the parents about a year. It all depends on the child, on his health and on the attitude of the parents.

The first task of parents is to prevent recurrence of pain and discomfort.

Every time your baby poops, he should have soft stools. Gradually, the baby will get used to the fact that pooping is easy, that after that the tummy becomes easier, and sooner or later he will begin to try to go to the potty on his own.

If psychological constipation occurs, be sure to visit a gastroenterologist. You will need to be tested for dysbacteriosis and scatology.

Just don’t hope that this treatment will help you overcome psychological constipation, no, this is just additional help for the baby.

You will need to carefully monitor your child's diet:

  • his diet should contain a lot of vegetables (fresh and stewed), beetroot soup, which I cooked every other day, helped us well;
  • pumpkin juice, compotes of figs, dried apricots and prunes (in order for juices and compotes to have the desired effect, they must be taken on an empty stomach or 30 minutes after eating);
  • you can’t get carried away with sweets; Eat no more than 1-3 cookies, and be sure to wash them down with water or tea;
  • remember that kefir strengthens (the child can only be given fresh, one-day-old kefir and other fermented milk products);
  • Make sure your child drinks a lot: lack of fluid in the body also causes constipation.

To strictly follow the diet, parents will most likely have to cheat a little. After all, many children do not want to eat vegetables. In this case, hide them in vegetable cutlets or vegetable soups.

Does your child not want to eat vegetable soup? Turn it into puree soup. Doesn't want to drink a lot? Maybe your baby will like to drink from a bottle or through a straw.

Experiment, and remember: when your baby poops, he should have soft stools.

In addition, try to have your baby go to the toilet every day, or at least every other day, so that the stool does not have time to harden. I repeat, compotes from dried fruits on an empty stomach and beetroot soup helped us to ensure regular bowel movements.

The second task is to give the child confidence that everything will be fine.

For a long time, the child will not go to the potty on his own. He will endure until the last, he will whine, cry, sob, run or sit and endure, until it becomes impossible to endure. And finally, with tears, he poops in his panties. And you should be there.

You should praise the child that everything worked out for him, without focusing on how it turned out. It doesn’t matter where the baby poops now, the important thing is that he still poops. Praise, do not skimp on praise, kisses and caresses.

Pay attention to the child that he feels better, that his tummy no longer hurts and is very happy.

A mother must be a reliable protector for her child. Mom should be at the same time with him. I will say that the first time, when my daughter suffered for three days and was already at her limit, I held her legs tightly in the bathroom (pressing her back against me), and she managed to poop and it became much easier.

But after that she was afraid to wash her butt for almost a week. I was helped by conversations, explanations and a firm promise that I would never do anything with my daughter if she didn’t want to. After that, she began to allow me to wash her. Do not do anything against the child's will.

Additional help for a child with psychological constipation

In addition to diet, examination by a doctor and unlimited parental support, you can also help your baby indirectly. How? For example, with the help of fairy tales, stories and distracting activities.

Some people benefit from therapeutic fairy tales in treating psychological constipation. I told them to my daughter every day, and it should be noted that she really liked them, she often asked me to tell me a fairy tale about how Dasha released a poop. There was just no effect from them. My daughter understood everything, but the fear remained.

Here's another little secret for parents: playing with plasticine. If you see that your child is already suffering, play with plasticine. Let the child crumple it, roll it into balls and smear it on a piece of paper. This process greatly relaxes the muscles and distracts attention.


Over time, the child will gradually forget about the pain. He will know that after bowel movement it becomes easier. When the situation is no longer so critical, when the child begins to poop in his panties almost without fear, start offering the baby a potty. Just not intrusive and easy, so as not to take a step back.

First, let him go to it standing, or you and your child sit on the potty, or try to quickly take off your pants at moment X, put the potty on, and then rejoice together that the child did it! Rejoice sincerely! The baby will appreciate this, and together you will come to a solution to the problem of psychological constipation.

Most young parents encounter the problem of constipation in their child at the age of 2-3 years. Eliminating stool retention in a baby is quite simple: you need to improve the diet, increase the daily amount of water and use medication. However, what to do if the baby is psychologically “afraid to poop”?

Psychological constipation most often occurs in children who have already “learned” to control their body, that is, at the age of 2-3 years

Psychological constipation in a child is a common phenomenon, usually arising in connection with potty training.

In children under 2 years of age, problems with bowel movements are rare, but as children approach three years of age, the number of such children increases sharply.

According to research, psychological difficulties with defecation are typical for preschoolers aged 2–5 years, and in every tenth of them, constipation becomes chronic.

Difficulties with bowel movements can appear as a result of a negative experience, that is, when, having experienced pain or discomfort during this process, the baby is afraid of repeating the situation. Fear of bowel movements leads to cramps, stool retention and hardening of stool. As a result, the act of defecation again causes discomfort, and the child finds himself in a vicious circle.

In children, psychological constipation often occurs with the beginning of potty training. Preschoolers 3–5 years old may also sometimes suffer from neurogenic constipation (with discomfort associated with entering kindergarten, hospitalization in a medical facility, or change of place of residence). In some cases, difficulties with bowel movements become permanent and may persist into adulthood.

Treatment of a child 1-5 years old according to Komarovsky

If a child becomes constipated, the first thing you need to do is adjust your lifestyle and diet .
If you cannot achieve the desired result, you will have to use medications. Komarovsky recommends using lactulose syrup for constipation in a 5-year-old child. It can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

The most effective and well-known drugs are Duphalac, Normaze and Lazilak . These medicines can be used in young children.

Elimination of constipation occurs in courses and in stages. Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting with 2 ml and gradually increasing the dose to 5 ml.

Peculiarities! If, due to difficulty in passing feces, the baby has cracks near the anus, then it is better to use glycerin or sea buckthorn suppositories. This will reduce pain during bowel movements.

Psychological problems of constipation

Psychological constipation (fear of pooping in a baby) is a situation when a child deliberately restrains the urge to defecate.
The result is an unpleasant experience. It occurs in children aged 2-3 years. The baby needs the help of his parents. Let's analyze cases that can cause psychological constipation.

Case 1.

Baby, let's empty his stomach. The process was difficult, there was pain,

fissures in the anus

. This puts the child in fear, and the baby tries to avoid the thrill.

Case 2. The child constantly lives in anxiety and tension. When surrounded by loved ones, the baby does not receive enough love and attention. During his time with toys, he poops on the spot (in his pants). Accordingly, the little one is punished for ruining his clothes. After such cases, the baby is afraid to poop, so as not to upset the parents. Psychological constipation occurs.

Case 3. The child began to get used to the toilet. This whole unfamiliar system (the process of climbing stairs, the sound of water, the drainage system, child seats) scares the baby.

Case 4. The baby suffers from diarrhea. At this age, it is difficult to control such disorders. Memories of terrible moments (tummy pain, bad smell) can cause psychological constipation.

Case 1. The baby empties his stomach. The process was difficult, there was pain and cracks in the anus. This puts the child in fear, and the baby tries to avoid the thrill.

Case 2. The child constantly lives in anxiety and tension. When surrounded by loved ones, the baby does not receive enough love and attention. During his time with toys, he poops on the spot (in his pants). Accordingly, the little one is punished for ruining his clothes. After such cases, the baby is afraid to poop, so as not to upset the parents. Psychological constipation occurs.

Case 3. The child began to get used to the toilet. This whole unfamiliar system (the process of climbing stairs, the sound of water, the drainage system, child seats) scares the baby.

Case 4. The baby suffers from diarrhea. At this age, it is difficult to control such disorders. Memories of terrible moments (tummy pain, bad smell) can cause psychological constipation.

Psychological constipation can occur due to the following:

  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of fluid and fiber;
  • stress;
  • suppressing the urge to go to the toilet;
  • change of environment, visit to kindergarten.

By the age of two, the child’s defecation processes have developed; the baby is able to completely control this process.

An important reason that children suffer from psychological constipation is going to kindergarten. In a new social circle, children are embarrassed by the natural process.

As a result, psychological constipation forms, which is difficult to eliminate, since the problems of constraint and tightness do not disappear.

With psychological constipation, abdominal discomfort and pain syndromes may occur. It becomes easier when gases come out or bowel movements occur.

Abdominal bloating occurs and lumps appear. Children 2 years old may complain of pain in the heart or other organs. This is a reflex reaction of the body.

The need for food decreases and unpleasant gases are released with belching. An unpleasant aftertaste remains. The child begins to feel sick and have a headache, and the child feels unwell. Has a high level of irritability.

Every day, activity and ability to work decrease and muscle pain plagues us. These symptoms indicate that intoxication of the body is occurring, which is produced by feces.

One of the main causes of constipation or diarrhea is poor diet. Therefore, to improve bowel function, you need to drink a simple drink every day...

There are many psychological ways to help a child overcome fears. You need to understand that every child is individual.

If one child can be helped by “super” vitamins, then for an older child it is stupid, but a therapeutic fairy tale will give the desired result.

  1. You need to respect your baby's fears. There are reasons for these very fears. You can’t say: “There’s nothing wrong with that! It won’t hurt.” The baby needs your support; it is important for him to realize that you took his feelings seriously. Understanding is very important. The child expects support from his parents.
  2. Children need to be told therapeutic stories. Let the hero of your fairy tale have the same fear as your child and defeat him. You can make up a fairy tale or use a ready-made one.
  3. Turn into a wizard for your child. The most effective way! Prepare “miracle” cookies for your baby, which will help you not feel pain, or buy “unusual” pills, after trying which your child will feel much more confident. You need to come up with a legend for each auxiliary element. The child will ask many questions, for which you will prepare in advance.
  4. It is necessary to explain the reasons to the child. This method is suitable for children over 4 years old. Try to explain to your child what the physiology of digestion is in accessible language.

To solve the problem of psychological constipation that has developed, sometimes parental help alone is not enough. Consultation with a pediatrician is required. An experienced specialist will give recommendations for the treatment of psychological constipation.

Taking laxatives for psychological constipation is allowed for no more than 2 weeks, as the baby’s body gets used to it and the effect disappears.

Duphalac is a popular laxative for constipation. The base is lactulose. The syrup is taken in 5 ml doses, then you need to gradually increase the dose.

At the end of taking the medicine, you need to reduce the dosage and then stop taking it.

Domperidone is a gastrointestinal motility stimulant for psychological constipation.

Removes gas formation and pain, controls intestinal function.

Take before meals in case of psychological constipation.

No-spa or papaverine are medications that reduce spasm of smooth muscles.

Chophytol is a choleretic herbal preparation. Promotes the functioning of secretion organs.

Linex or Hilak Forte are drugs that restore intestinal microflora during constipation. Instructions for using Linux are here.

Diet and daily routine

A special diet helps ease the baby's stool. Help the child as a whole family. He sees how you support him and perceives the situation better.

When treating psychological constipation, it is not recommended to consume foods such as:

  • Rice porridge, pasta, apples, pastries, bananas;
  • Cabbage, tomatoes, legumes (form gases);
  • Chocolate, blueberries, cocoa, coffee, tea (slow down bowel function).

The main foods for psychological constipation include:

  • Cereals (10 year old baby 2 years old = 210 g), vegetables, fruits;
  • Lean meats, butter, eggs;
  • Pure water;
  • Yoghurt, curdled milk, kefir.

In advanced cases, children can be assigned to children's table No. 3 and 4.

It is very necessary for a child’s body to follow a certain daily routine.

The ideal time to empty your baby's stomach is in the morning and after sleep.

Every morning you should give your baby a glass of clean water and do light exercises with him.

After these procedures, you can rock the baby. Throughout the day, the baby’s physical activity is required.

Movement helps the baby's intestines and overall digestion work.


Diana, 27 years old.

My baby was afraid to poop, and it all started with ordinary constipation a couple of days ago. There could be stools 2 times a day. Then I realized that I needed to take measures and decided to light a candle with glycerin. The result is zero. I went to the doctor, prescribed Duphalac and prescribed a diet. After a week of treatment, the psychological constipation was no longer there.

Irina, 32 years old.

My child is 4 years old. We suffer from psychological constipation. We constantly drink Duphalac, eat apples, beets, etc. He categorically refuses to sit on the potty.

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