Omeprazole, can I take it constantly?

Omeprazole: what is it prescribed for, instructions

Feeling pain in the peritoneal area, many begin to look for an effective drug. It is difficult to find it without examination and medical intervention. Many doctors recommend omeprazole.

Indications for use of Omeprazole?

This is an effective medicine in cases where the stomach is bothered. The causes of pain vary, but this drug helps in most cases when there is no time to visit a doctor. You may need it for bloating, frequent belching, and treatment of gastritis. In case of poisoning, this medicine helps restore the gastric mucosa and acidity, as it has gastroprotective activity.

Omeprazole inhibits the reproduction of protozoa of the genus Helicobacter pylori, which causes ulcerative gastritis and promotes cancer. The ulcer quickly goes into remission if an antibiotic is taken with it. After surgery to relieve ulcerative lesions, Omeprazole prevents relapse.

This is the fastest acting heartburn medicine. Its healing properties appear within 15 minutes. The drug perfectly reduces the synthesis of hydrochloric acid and the volume of gastric juice. These properties make it possible to successfully use it in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, gastroduodenitis. You cannot do without it for stomach ulcers, pancreatic diseases, as an adjuvant for pancreatitis.

Omeprazole: instructions for use, dosage

Each package of Omeprazole contains a detailed leaflet in Russian, which contains all the information about the use of this medicine, method of use, dosage, interactions, and other information. Even Wikipedia and any pharmaceutical website contain information about the drug, photos, and its detailed description. How does this remedy work?

Clinical and pharmacological group: H+-K+-ATPase inhibitor. The medicine is intended for the treatment of peptic ulcers.

Mechanism of action: suppression of basal secretion of gastric acid.

Omeprazole is its international name. In Latin it is written as Omeprazole. The trade name can be anything.

The dosage of Omeprazole is individual. A single dose ranges from 20 to 40 mg, daily from 20 to 80 mg. The daily dose is divided into 1 or 2 doses. Release form: tablets or capsules, solution for injection. Many people are concerned about the question of which is better: tablets or capsules. It depends on your personal preference. Tablets and capsules produce similar effects. Many, upon learning that these are capsules, are happy because they are easy and pleasant to drink. In particularly severe cases, injections are given intravenously.

How to take the drug correctly?

This medicine must be taken before meals with water. Omeprazole is not taken at the same time as De-Gol, only after half an hour. You should not use it at night.

How to take pills during pregnancy?

Each manufacturer recommends avoiding taking omeprazole during pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is generally better to evaluate what is greater: the harm or benefit of treatment. In the early stages, taking the drug is strictly contraindicated. During lactation, treatment with omeprazole is also undesirable. During breastfeeding, its active substance actively passes into the baby's stomach.

Is it possible for children?

Can omeprazole be given to children? If possible, then at what age? Some manufacturers prohibit its use in children (under 12 years of age). According to the recommendation of experts, this drug can be taken by children from 5 years of age, doses are adjusted according to the child’s weight. Only a professional should decide at what age to prescribe this remedy.

How long can you take Omeprazole without interruption?

The duration of treatment depends on the disease. For reflux esophagitis and peptic ulcers, treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks. In case of uncomplicated course of the disease, treatment will require a week of administration, once a day.


The most well-known analogues are Vero-Omeprazole, Omeprazole-Acri, Losek-Maps, Nolpaza, Omez, Ultop, Gastrozole, Rabeprazole, Omeprazole-teva.

Its substitutes have a similar effect - drugs based on esomeprazole (ethaner), Famotidine, Lansoprazole, De-nol, Ranitidine, Pantoprazole, Pariet.

Synonyms of omeprazole are produced by many pharmaceutical companies: Richter, Sandoz, AstraPharm, Stada, Ozone. Depending on the manufacturer, their price differs.

In combination with Omeprazole, experts often recommend Metronidazole, Pancreatin, Promed, Tinidazole, Zentiv, Kvamatel, Nexium, Diclofenac, Akrikhin and other medications that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To stop bleeding when opening an ulcer, lyophilisate in ampoules is prescribed.

Omez or omeprazole: which is better and what is the difference?

Omeprazole helps you a lot. What to do if it is not in the pharmacy? Maybe it's worth buying omez? The difference between these drugs is only in the name and picture on the packaging. They are the same thing, their action is no different. They can easily be replaced with each other when one of them is out of stock. The composition of the drugs is similar, only the cost differs. Patient reviews indicate that they both help a lot.

Should I give an imported drug or prefer a domestic one? After receiving a prescription, the patient is surprised at how much the prescribed drug costs. Omeprazole with different trade names is constantly available in pharmacies. Replacing an expensive branded drug with a cheaper analogue is always possible. What could be cheaper than packaging made in Russia?

Contraindications, side effects

Omeprazole is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women and young children. It is used with caution in cases of low acidity of the stomach and atrophic gastritis. While taking this medication, you should discontinue clarithromycin. Compatibility with most other drugs is good.

A small number of patients experience side effects: nausea, headache, changes in blood counts. In general, the drug is well tolerated. Alcohol should be avoided; it is not compatible with treatment. This medicine does not affect potency. If you have diarrhea, you should stop taking the drug and prescribe anti-diarrhea medications.

An overdose of Omeprazole requires urgent gastric lavage and taking adsorbents (Almagel).

Release form and packaging

Release form:

  • Capsules red 0.02 g (packaging No. 10, No. 30, No. 60, No. 100 and No. 120).
  • Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intravenous administration and infusion therapy (40 mg bottles).

Each package of the drug contains a detailed annotation indicating the specific action, composition and according to which regimen Omeprazole should be taken in order to cure the pancreas, stomach, small intestine, or relieve pain. After a mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist, who will determine the required daily dose of the drug, the information provided by the pharmaceutical manufacturing company will be useful for review.

Is it possible to drink omeprazole constantly - Useful tips

Omenprazole is a universal medicine that can be prescribed to both adults and children in case of problems with the digestive tract. By controlling the secretion of gastric juice, the drug significantly alleviates the condition if too much is produced. Since this problem is constant, many people take omeprazole regularly. Isn't this fraught with deterioration in health?

According to the instructions, the course of treatment with omeprazole averages about 8 weeks. Four weeks for duodenal ulcers, eight for gastric ulcers. Doctors strongly recommend following the course of treatment, since only a gastroenterologist can draw it up competently and without harming the patient’s health. If necessary, he can extend the course of treatment by indicating smaller doses of the medicine. In any case, it is worth remembering that when treating peptic ulcers, an integrated approach is important, since one medicine cannot cure the disease.

In addition, at one time there was an opinion that using omeprazole for more than two months is fraught with atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa. This may well happen in older people, however, provided that inflammation of the stomach walls was diagnosed in them before treatment. Most studies have shown that omeprazole is safe, but only with proper treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Omeprazole is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is reached after 30–60 minutes. Bioavailability – 30–40% (in patients with liver failure increases to almost 100%). The substance is highly lipophilic and easily penetrates parietal cells. Bioavailability upon repeated administration is 60–70% depending on the dose taken. Approximately 90% of the drug is bound to plasma proteins.

Almost 100% is metabolized in the liver with the participation of the CYP2C19 enzyme system, resulting in the formation of 6 pharmacologically inactive metabolites (sulfide, sulfone derivatives, hydroxyomeprazole and others). Omeprazole is an inhibitor of the CYP2C19 isoenzyme.

The drug is mainly excreted in the form of metabolites by the kidneys (70–80%) and bile (20–30%). The half-life is 30-60 minutes (in case of liver failure - 180 minutes), clearance - 500-600 ml/min. Elimination in cases of chronic renal failure decreases in proportion to the decrease in creatinine clearance. In elderly patients, excretion decreases and bioavailability increases.

How long can you take Omeprazole?

You cannot take Omez constantly. The drug Omez (Omeprazole) is available in the form of tablets for oral use.

Omez (or omeprazole) is a medicine that helps control the secretion of gastric juice, thus alleviating a person’s condition.

It is believed that Omez can be taken for up to 8 weeks without any side effects. The specialist will also give you a more accurate answer to the question of how much Omez to take, taking into account the characteristics of your illness.

In recent years, it has become very popular to use omeprazole for any minor reason and, of course, without medical advice.

In family medicine, omeprazole is prescribed for the treatment of gastric hernia and gastroesophageal reflux. In this case, patients take it almost constantly.

The authors of the study recommend that, if it is necessary to take omeprazole, such patients should be given additional calcium in ready-made dosage forms. Reducing it with omeprazole means making a person more defenseless against these infections.

Recently, people have begun to take Omeprazole for any occasion, without completely coordinating the appointment with their doctor. They even began to take it before a feast, as if in order to improve the digestive process.

Listening to the advice of doctors, you should not mistake it for a harmless candy, because it is no longer so harmless. This alone is enough to answer the question of how long you can take Omeprazole: “The less, the better.”

For people who are treating an ulcer, the course of treatment with Omeprazole is prescribed individually. As a rule, the ulcer heals within 2-3 weeks, so it is taken for a month until the ulcer heals. How long can you take Omeprazole for reflux esophagitis?

Instructions for use of Omeprazole

Like any medicine, in some cases taking this drug is necessary, but you should not keep it at home to use it at the first heartburn that appears. In American clinics, booklets are distributed among patients in which people can read about the danger that awaits them if they use Omeprazole inadequately.

A classic drug for the treatment of burning chest pain caused by various diseases of the digestive system is omeprazole. It is the starting point when gastritis, ulcers or damage to the digestive glands is detected. Does Omeprazole (Omez, Ortanol) really help with heartburn?

Omeprazole (Omez, Orthanol) belongs to a therapeutic subgroup called drugs for the treatment of conditions associated with acidity disorders. Any of the presented drugs - Omeprazole, Omez or Orthanol primarily includes the active substance - omeprazole, which is in the form of granules enclosed in a capsule.

Omeprazole (Omez, Ortanol) really helps with heartburn, as it acts directly on the cause of its occurrence. Omeprazole really helps, but under certain conditions.

How does Omez (Omeprazole) work?

Are there any contraindications and/or side effects with such long-term use of this drug? Dear Dmitry, I think that there is no need to take Omez for 6 months.

Omeprazole for heartburn

Omeprazole was the first PPI introduced into the practice of attending physicians. As a rule, after completing the course of treatment with Omez (Omeprazole), it is necessary to continue taking the drug (1 tablet each) as a prophylaxis.

Remember that when treating any disease, an integrated approach is important and taking only one drug cannot be considered a complete treatment.

According to experts in pharmacology, despite the lack of doctor’s recommendations, omeprazole has firmly taken its place in home medicine cabinets. The instructions for use accompanying this medication do not tell any particular horrors, so in the minds of many people the opinion of it as completely harmless has been strengthened.

Some US clinics have begun distributing special booklets for patients, which indicate the dangers of inappropriate use of omeprazole, which contain all this data.

Side effects when using the drug Omez (Omeprazole)

This drug is firmly established in many home medicine cabinets. As soon as heartburn begins, a large number of people take Omeprazole out of their medicine cabinet and solve the problem with its help, not realizing that by solving less, they will acquire a much more serious problem.

First of all, this is a pharmaceutical drug, which means that it simply cannot be harmless. What problems might arise?

This can be achieved by making protein portions of protein foods larger, but at the same time you need to take them less often, so that by the time of the next meal the concentration of amino acids has time to decrease. 3-4 a day), and there is no pain in the kidneys or in the abdomen, urination is normal, and there is no pain either. What could be the reason for such discharge?

The question of how long you can take Omeprazole should not arise. As you can see, taking omeprazole like a harmless candy - whenever and as much as you want - is very unwise.

Side effects

Side effects of the drug appear as:

  • dysfunction of the digestive system (abdominal pain, stool disorders, nausea, vomiting, increased activity of liver enzymes, flatulence, taste disturbances, stomatitis , dry mouth, liver dysfunction, hepatitis ).
  • Disturbances in the function of hematopoietic organs, the symptoms of which are leuko- , pancyto- , thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis .
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system ( myalgia , arthralgia , myasthenia gravis ).
  • Skin disorders ( photosensitivity , skin rashes, itching, alopecia , exudative erythema multiforme ).
  • NS function disorders: in patients with concomitant severe somatic pathologies, dizziness, headaches, depression or agitation are possible; in patients with previous severe liver disease - encephalopathy .
  • Hypersensitivity reactions: bronchospasm , fever , angioedema , urticaria , anaphylactic shock , interstitial nephritis .
  • Other disorders: gynecomastia , general malaise, peripheral edema, visual impairment, hyperhidrosis, formation of benign glandular (glandular) cysts in the stomach (pathology develops with long-term use of the drug as a result of suppression of HCl secretion and is reversible).

Why is omeprazole prescribed, analogues, reviews and indications for use

Greetings my friends! Lately, I have been devoting a lot of time to health, and today I would like to tell you why omeprazole is prescribed, describe in detail the instructions for use, how to take it and in what dosages for various diseases. I will also share with you analogues, or to be more precise, generics.

A friend of mine had to come across this drug; it was from her that I learned about meprazole, its effectiveness, price, side effects, and also listened carefully to the review in person.

Why is omeprazole prescribed?

The prescription of Omeprazole tablets is necessary to block hydrochloric acid, which is formed in the stomach due to the acidic environment. Acid, in turn, appears with the help of proteins contained in the walls of the stomach, which also drag positive ions from the cells into the stomach.

To put it a little differently and more simply, Omeprazole is prescribed to eliminate the Helibacter pylori bacterium. It is this that has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, and if treatment is not started in time, the consequences may be wall erosion and a perforated ulcer.

Helibacter pylori is the causative agent of many diseases. Its first signs are heartburn, belching, vomiting, and then gastritis, pancreatitis and, ultimately, a stomach ulcer. You can get rid of this harmful bacteria using propolis. The recipe is proven and effective, you can find it here.

And so, to summarize, I would like to note that Omeprazole is prescribed for high acidity in the stomach, it is an effective remedy and has already proven itself in the pharmaceutical market.

Omeprazole - composition of the drug

I have just introduced you and explained in accessible language why Omeprazole is prescribed, now let’s see what this medicine consists of and in what form it is available.

Most often, capsules are indicated in the doctor’s prescription; they are enteric and gelatin.

  1. Gelatin capsules come in dosages of 10 and 20 milligrams. The active ingredients are absolutely the same, they consist of ipromellose, mannitol, sodium hydroxide, part of lactose, purified talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, there is a little gelatin, sodium hydrogen phosphate, macrogol as much as 6 thousand, sucrose, titanium dioxide.
  2. Enteric soluble Omeprazole is available in dosages of 20 milligrams and 40. As in gelatin, the excipients of this drug are the same, the only difference is in milligrams, it consists of meglumine, mannitol, hypromellose (1828), poloxamer (407), crospovidone.

The main active ingredient is 5 methoxy benzimidazole, both types contain purified water and glycerin.

Omeprazole - instructions for use

To begin with, I would like to note that the instructions for use are the same in both Ukraine and Russia. I made a separate note so that people understand that the medicine is the same, the excipients are the same, which means the dosage and use are the same, respectively. Reading the reviews, I came across interesting questions, namely how the instructions for use differ in Ukraine and Russia. Friends, don’t worry, everything is the same, including indications for use, analogues, etc.

These effective tablets are used for:

  • Stress, which contributed to the occurrence of stomach lesions, most often ulcerative.
  • Gastritis is also a reason to start taking this drug to avoid complications.
  • Heartburn, which does not go away within three days with the help of other medications.
  • Pancreatic adenoma.
  • Erosion of the 12 duodenum and peptic ulcers of the same part of the body.
  • An increase in mast cells that causes Mastocytosis.
  • Tumor lesions of the endocrine gland.

And so, Omeprazole is most often used for ulcers and erosions of the stomach, duodenum and complications with the endocrine system, as well as for the prevention of pancreatitis and other diseases. The drug is also prescribed as an excipient or as a complex treatment.

Here is what the medicine Omeprazole is and instructions for use.

How to take Omeprazole, before or after meals

Omeprazole-Akrikhin is recommended to be taken before meals, or together, preferably in the first half of the day, namely in the morning. If you divide the capsule into two parts, and this can be done, then it should be taken in the same way, but only in the evening, and not at lunch.

Depending on the disease and condition of the patient, the dosage and methods of application vary.

Is it possible to take Omeprazole constantly?

How long can I take these capsules? Of course, with such a question it is best to consult a doctor and, best of all, a competent specialist. I recommend asking him how the drug in this case will affect the body, and what side effects threaten you with your diagnosis.

Remember that continuous use of this medicine puts you at risk of developing blood clots and will lead to calcium deficiency.

Omeprazole - contraindications

  1. The very first warning is during pregnancy. It is contraindicated in the first trimester, otherwise the child’s development will not be complete. The drug is prescribed during pregnancy only as a last resort and only under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. In case of a malignant tumor, the use of this medicine is also dangerous; do not expect positive results. Everything will be exactly the opposite. It will only provoke the growth of the tumor.
  3. If you have a calcium deficiency in the body - osteoporosis or brittle bones, then you should either stop taking it or use it in combination with vitamin D.
  4. If a Salmanella infection is detected in the body of an adult or child, it is extremely dangerous to use these capsules. They only multiply the virus.
  5. Most importantly, this drug is contraindicated in children under five years of age.

How many days Omeprazole is taken is prescribed by the attending physician, but it’s a pity that they are not always qualified and competent in their work.

Omeprazole - side effects

Side effects of Omeprazole with long-term use can adversely affect our body, so it is still worth taking breaks or combining it with folk remedies.

Undesirable consequences include:

  1. The most common side effects are headaches, fatigue, constant desire to sleep, diarrhea or constipation, mild nausea, and in some cases vomiting.
  2. The rarest consequences include visual and hearing impairment, various rashes, eczema and wounds. In fact, the percentage of such disorders in the body is no more than 1%.
  3. If we talk about hallucinations, loss of consciousness, kidney failure, then it is best to simply not take this into account, because the percentage of such side effects when taking the drug is 0.1%.

Omeprazole - reviews

Reviews from those who took Omeprazole are very different. For some, this remedy was unnecessary, in the sense that it did not bring any benefit, but most patients claim that taking such a medicine not only improved their condition, but also helped them recover from their diagnoses.

As for my friend, who took this drug for a disease such as a stomach ulcer, I can note that the result is positive. True, the treatment was complex and combined with folk recipes, which were also recommended by the attending physician.

Studying other reviews, I came to the following conclusion: Omeprazole for stomach ulcers can be taken independently, for no more than two weeks. The medicine is inexpensive, but the results are colossal.

Omeprazole - analogues

The very first generic drug is Omez. The active ingredients of these drugs are the same, the only difference is in the dosage.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase these particular capsules, then you can replace them:

  • Helicide.
  • Epicurus.
  • Sanpraz.
  • Pectinum.
  • Zolispan.
  • Controller.
  • Rabeprozole.
  • Pantropozol.

These are the analogues and substitutes for medicines for peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.

Omeprazole for children

In the contraindications, I indicated that the drug is not prescribed to children who are under five years old, but in exceptional cases, Omeza cannot be avoided. This treatment takes place exclusively in a hospital and under the supervision of a doctor.

From the age of five, pediatrics widely use both capsules and analogues. Reviews about taking this drug are also positive. The dose is calculated strictly based on the baby’s weight.

Omeprazole for gastritis

Today, gastritis most often occurs among children. This is due to poor nutrition – fast food and many other reasons, including the environmental situation. The drug is prescribed to children with high acidity to avoid progression of the disease.

And here the dosage when prescribing Omeprazole to a child is calculated based on the patient’s weight.

Omeprazole during pregnancy

And this case is included in the list of contraindications, I wrote about this a little higher. Capsules of this drug have a negative effect on the child in the first trimester of pregnancy. The baby’s development is defective and pathologies develop. Only in extremely rare cases is this medicine prescribed and only under the supervision of a specialist in a day hospital, after passing certain tests.

Omeprazole during breastfeeding

This medicine, like its analogues, easily passes into mother’s milk, so while taking it, the baby should refuse mother’s milk. Side effects and consequences of such feeding can lead to irreversible consequences.

Remember, our health and the health of our children depends on ourselves. Don't let your illnesses get worse and avoid complications.

When the first symptoms of side effects appear, consult your doctor, do not take the drug without an accurate diagnosis, follow the dosage, and carefully read the instructions for use.

Friends, today you read an article about why Omeprazole is prescribed, and if the information was useful to you, then share it by clicking on the social media buttons. I wish you never to get sick and enjoy life.

Sincerely, Nina Kuzmenko!


Each capsule contains:

  • active substance – omeprazole (in the form of omeprazole pellets 8.5%) – 20 mg;
  • excipients - mannitol, sucrose, calcium carbonate, lactose, disodium hydrogen orthophosphate, sodium lauryl sulfate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, methacrylic acid L30D, propylene glycol, cetyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, polysorbate 80, povidone S-630, titanium dioxide (E 171).

Composition of the Omeprazole capsule: titanium dioxide (E 171), methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, gelatin.


Has low toxicity. When used in doses up to 270 mg/day, omeprazole did not cause intoxication. In patients with severe liver failure, when administered in extremely high doses, confusion, blurred vision, drowsiness, dry mouth, headache, nausea, tachycardia, arrhythmia may develop.

There is no specific antidote. Helpful measures include drug withdrawal, supportive and symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating the problems that have arisen. Hemodialysis is not effective enough.

Contraindications ⛔

Before prescribing Omeprazole, you must ensure that the patient does not have the following conditions:

  • Malignant tumors of the digestive tract;
  • Gastrointestinal infections - salmonella, compylobacter, because Omeprazole may enhance their reproduction;
  • Liver failure - in this case, the biotransformation of the drug sharply slows down and toxic inflammation of liver cells occurs;
  • Kidney failure slows down the elimination of the drug from the body.

Contraindications for the use of capsules:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance and/or other components of the drug;
  • Concomitant use with atazanavir, erlotinib, posaconazole;
  • Children under 5 years old;
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Use caution in case of osteoporosis and the presence of cancer.
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