Bloating in early pregnancy

For most women, bloating during pregnancy is periodic and does not manifest itself too intensely. Although for 30 out of a hundred expectant mothers, this phenomenon becomes a problem that not only causes discomfort, but also interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Gases during pregnancy can be both safe for the expectant mother and too active, which can harm the baby. It is important for women to classify normal bloating and pathological bloating, and also be able to minimize this phenomenon.

Causes of bloating

Bloating during pregnancy is not always caused by gas. It in itself can be a sign of pregnancy.

In this case, you will not need treatment, but a pharmacy pregnancy test to determine the period of missed menstruation.

The fact is that in some women the stomach swells slightly in the middle of the cycle and just before menstruation, which may be due to the onset of pregnancy, which the pregnant woman herself does not yet suspect, since there is no delay yet.

A pregnancy test with hCG shows pregnancy starting from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Bloating due to missed periods occurs due to hormonal reasons. During delay, hormones are released into the blood that relax the smooth muscles of the uterus and intestines.

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This leads to constipation, a sign of which will be slight bloating.


But 90% of cases of bloating during pregnancy are explained by ordinary flatulence. Sometimes even the woman herself is not able to understand the reason for the increased formation of gases, so she cannot get rid of them.

Without understanding why an excessive amount of gas appears, a woman is not able to really assess the complexity of the situation. Therefore, she needs to consult a specialist, regardless of what stage of pregnancy this problem began - early or late.

In the very early stages of pregnancy, the cause of bloating cannot be the uterus, since it is not yet so enlarged.

The uterus enlarges so much that it becomes noticeable from the outside only in the second trimester. But in any trimester, an additional cause of bloating can be increased gas formation.

Gas and bloating in a pregnant woman can be caused by:

  • tight clothes;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • nervous tension;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • unbalanced or excess nutrition.

Flatulence that occurs during pregnancy is characterized by such a distinctive sign - nausea. But at the same time, nausea can be a sign of toxicosis.

So is there any reliable sign that can reliably distinguish bloating from toxicosis?

This sign may be heartburn and a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen, which does not occur with toxicosis of the first and second trimester.

In the third trimester, heartburn can no longer be considered an exclusive sign of flatulence, since at this time it appears as a consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the stomach.

Consequences of flatulence

Flatulence is accompanied by unpleasant phenomena that can put a woman in a difficult situation.

If your stomach is constantly grumbling and every now and then the desire to get rid of gas appears, then there is no time to enjoy pregnancy.

The woman experiences not only physical but mental discomfort, she is nervous, and this affects the child.


Typically, pregnant women are recommended to attend a swimming pool, yoga for pregnant women, and various childbirth preparation groups.

But if flatulence has become a pressing problem, then it will be problematic for a woman to do this, and the absence of such activities will negatively affect her health.

Flatulence is not just an unpleasant phenomenon, but also dangerous to the health of the fetus.

If a pregnant woman cannot solve this problem on her own by choosing the right diet and does not seek advice from a doctor, spontaneous abortion may occur.

Excess gas in the intestines puts pressure on the uterus, which because of this is in constant tone. Gases lead to intoxication.

Due to their retention in the intestines, cramping pain in the abdomen occurs - in this case, an incorrect diagnosis can be made and the wrong treatment initiated.

Sometimes bloating causes increased blood pressure, aching pain in the heart, and rapid pulse. A characteristic sign of bloating will be the cessation of pain in the abdomen after the passage of gas.

Signs of bloating due to gas include:

  • painful distension of the abdomen from the inside;
  • intensive release of gases;
  • nausea, heartburn;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • lack of appetite;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Most often, flatulence during pregnancy is caused by incorrect or poorly chewed food.

It may be a consequence of congenital deficiency of digestive enzymes or diseases of dysbiosis, parasitic infestations, gastritis, intestinal inflammation, pancreatitis, ulcers.

It is advisable to treat these diseases before pregnancy.

If you have bloating, you can try to help yourself. To do this, you need to stroke yourself on the stomach from right to left for a quarter of an hour.

This will facilitate better release of gases during their retention in the intestines.

Daily walking and regular swimming will help to significantly reduce flatulence, and at the same time better prepare for childbirth.


To prevent bloating during pregnancy, it is important to eat right. If such a problem arises, then you need to exclude gas-causing foods and drinks with gas from your diet.

Gas formation in pregnant women is caused by some carbohydrate foods, fats that slow down digestion, and foods with raffinose: all types of cabbage, legumes, asparagus, onions, pears.

The listed vegetables and fruits cause flatulence even in pregnant women in the very early stages, since their breakdown occurs in the colon.

For drinks, you should give preference to weak tea, kefir, non-acidic compotes, and purified water.

While eating, you need to sit upright, chew thoroughly and not talk, so as not to swallow air with food.

Symptoms accompanying flatulence in pregnant women

Abdominal bloating in a pregnant woman rarely occurs in isolation; it is usually combined with a number of other signs and symptoms:

  • heaviness and feeling of fullness, which decreases after the passage of gas;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation);
  • unpleasant taste and odor from the mouth;
  • soreness in the abdominal area.

Increased gas production during pregnancy should not be taken lightly. Yes, sometimes it can simply be a consequence of heavy food, but sometimes it is the first sign of dysbiosis and other problems with the digestive organs.

Treatment of the disease

Self-treatment of bloating during pregnancy is difficult for women. On the one hand, flatulence requires dietary restrictions or medication.

On the other hand, pregnancy imposes its own restrictions on this. When the diet is reduced, the fetus may suffer from a lack of vitamins and beneficial elements, which is unacceptable. And doctors do not recommend taking medications during pregnancy.

So what to do? How to treat bloating if preventive measures do not help? You should definitely consult your gynecologist and gastroenterologist.

Self-medication can harm the body of mother and child. Only a doctor can accurately choose the treatment method.


If the cause of flatulence in the early stages lies in an increase in the amount of progesterone, then the doctor will most likely recommend long walks and a set of exercises at home to facilitate the passage of gases.

If flatulence occurs due to an incorrect diet, the doctor will tell you how to adjust the diet so as not to harm the fetus.

The introduction to the menu of fermented milk products with prebiotics, dried fruits and salads from vegetables that do not form gases: cucumbers, tomatoes, leaf and head lettuce will help solve the problem.

Dill will be especially useful in this case. This popular green not only prevents putrefactive phenomena in the intestines and thus reduces gas formation, but also supplies the body with the most beneficial vitamin C.

If the above measures do not help for some reason, the doctor will have to prescribe medication. Most likely, he will prescribe so-called antifoam agents.

These are drugs based on simethicone and dimethicone. Their mechanism of action is to block the release of gases from the foam in which they are contained in the intestines.

You should not be afraid that drug treatment will negatively affect the fetus, since modern doctors have drugs in their arsenal that are not absorbed into the blood at all. This could be Espumisan, herbal preparations.

In Europe, Iberogast has been prescribed to pregnant women for several decades to stop flatulence.

Traditionally, flatulence is treated with drugs from the category of sorbents, prokinetics and antispasmodics - activated carbon, Domperidone, Drotaverine.

But during pregnancy, such drugs cannot be taken. They interfere with the absorption of substances in the intestines and the fetus remains “on a starvation diet,” which is unacceptable.

Treatment of bloating in early and late stages can be done with the help of medicinal herbs. Regular chamomile helps to improve the health of the intestines.

Conveniently, to treat flatulence, you do not need to prepare complex tinctures from it.

It is enough to simply drink chamomile tea at night, brewed from a filter bag (such tea is often sold in pharmacies).

Or you can simply brew a few freshly picked or dried flowers with half a glass of boiling water.

So, bloating causes severe gas formation in pregnant women. This phenomenon is unpleasant at any time. It causes discomfort and threatens the successful completion of pregnancy.

In the early stages of flatulence, it can be combated by adjusting your diet and using herbs. If these measures do not help, the doctor will prescribe medication.

Abdominal bloating in the early stages of pregnancy occurs under the influence of progesterone, a hormone that is responsible for bearing a baby in the first two to three weeks of its intrauterine development. Usually, such a manifestation does not mean anything bad, but it is worth considering that if flatulence constantly torments a woman, it is better to consult a doctor. Colic and gas can be a manifestation of toxicosis, so the pregnant woman will have to go on a certain diet to reduce the frequency of these manifestations.

Disease or not?

Sometimes the manifestation of flatulence during pregnancy is absolutely not related to the presence of a fertilized egg in the womb. As you know, in the first few weeks of a baby’s development, a woman’s body is under stress. This leads to a decrease in immunity and an exacerbation of existing diseases (if any). Thus, bloating may indicate gastrointestinal diseases. In order to find out for sure, you need to consult a specialist and undergo the appropriate tests.

Tips for eliminating flatulence

Abdominal bloating is a sign of pregnancy, which most of all causes inconvenience to the expectant mother. Every woman wants to get rid of such manifestations. Such processes are especially disruptive in society. Bloating in the early stages of pregnancy is quite normal, because this process is completely natural. Of course, expectant mothers try in every possible way to avoid or at least minimize such manifestations of gastrointestinal tract activity. Here are some tips to reduce bloating in early pregnancy:

1. Doctors recommend light massage of the lower abdomen. This should be done in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. This way, you direct the pressure as the colon works, which helps the gases pass and leave the body naturally. Also, after the massage, you need to approximately calculate the point between the lower edge of the chest and the navel. Light pressure should be applied in this area for two minutes.

2. Many mothers ask the question: “How to treat bloating?” A fairly simple and effective method says: you need to apply a warm cloth to your stomach. Some women use chamomile flowers. They are placed in a bag and heated in the oven, and then this hot “compress” is placed on the stomach. Thus, gas separation occurs under the influence of heat, and the smell of chamomile has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of a woman. This poultice can be used no longer than half an hour a day.

3. Avoid conversations while eating. Scientists have proven that 2/3 of the air enters the gastrointestinal tract during a conversation while eating. Therefore, now your main rule is to eat silently!

4. Try drinking herbal teas. It is useful to drink anise, chamomile, mint, cumin or lemon balm during pregnancy. These herbs have a calming effect on the body and promote better gas separation.

5. Taking food enzymes effectively reduces flatulence in a pregnant woman. However, you do not need to prescribe medications yourself! Consult a specialist about taking yogurt and other similar products. It is better to take such remedies before meals. Thus, the pancreas will perform its functions better.

6. Bloating in early pregnancy can be reduced by changing your diet. You will have to give up consumption of legumes, cabbage, black bread, carbonated water, and excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables. This diet is temporary, so you just need to be patient. In a month or two, your body will get used to the hormonal levels, and the problem will disappear.

7. Learn to eat often, but in small portions. While eating, food must be chewed well. The better the food bolus is chewed and soaked in saliva, the better the gastrointestinal tract will function.

The most important thing in a woman’s life is caring for her child, and this begins already from the first trimester of pregnancy. But this is an additional load on the body and tests its strength and endurance.

There is an exacerbation of all chronic diseases, ailments appear.

Bloating in the first weeks of pregnancy is a very common symptom that occurs in almost all young mothers.

It is necessary to understand what is the cause of this symptom.

What happens inside the body?

Almost everyone experiences bloating during pregnancy. There are a very large number of reasons for this, but most of them are associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that abdominal flatulence is a normal process, in which it is extremely rare to take medications.


A woman who is carrying a baby should not take many pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore, when gas occurs during pregnancy, the expectant mother is concerned with the question of what to do in such a situation in order to get rid of the discomfort. You should tell your doctor about the problem. He will advise various methods to eliminate flatulence.

The basis of treatment is to carefully study and change your eating habits. In order to reduce gas formation, it is necessary to limit or completely avoid certain foods that, when consumed, begin the fermentation process in the intestines.

Tips for getting rid of flatulence:

  • eat fractionally and in small portions;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • exclude from the menu foods and dishes that increase gas formation;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • stick to a balanced diet.


If a woman is often bothered by gases during pregnancy, she should master the technique of self-massage, which will ensure the removal of excess air from the gastrointestinal tract naturally.

In order to eliminate discomfort in the abdomen, a woman needs to sit on a flat horizontal surface, face up, while freeing her abdomen from clothing that is squeezing it. You should perform smooth strokes with your palm along the anterior abdominal wall clockwise for 10 minutes. At an early stage, when the stomach is still practically invisible, it is allowed to make light vibrating movements in a spiral, starting from the navel and to the periphery of the abdominal region.

Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines can be eliminated by moderate physical activity. Before doing the exercises, you should consult your doctor about whether they are allowed for you and whether this will lead to uterine hypertonicity.

The following types of physical activity are the most optimal for expectant mothers:

  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • special gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • yoga, with the exception of those asanas that require creating a vacuum in the abdominal cavity and excessive bending;
  • water aerobics.

Folk remedies

You can cope with excessive production of gaseous substances with the help of medicinal herbs, which are brewed and drunk 2-3 times a day.

Here are some recipes:

  • Take 6 teaspoons of cumin seeds per liter of boiling water. After the decoction has infused, strain and drink before meals in the morning and evening.
  • Brew 10 grams of fennel or dill with a glass of hot water in a thermos for 3-4 hours. After this, cool the drink, strain and take as needed. The finished broth can be stored for no more than a day.
  • Many expectant mothers benefit from a herbal mixture containing peppermint, valerian and fennel in a 2:1:1 ratio. Pour boiling water over the mixture of dried plants and leave in a dark place for a couple of hours, then remove the sediment and take before meals.

Also, to reduce gas in pregnant women, you can prepare a decoction of parsley root and drink it in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed.


Among the medications that can eliminate increased gas formation, the following are allowed for pregnant women:

  • Espumisan;
  • Iberogast;
  • medicines based on simethicone.

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The main causes of bloating during pregnancy

  1. In the early stages of pregnancy, unusual taste preferences are observed. These are not always products that are compatible with each other. These problems can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Nervous system. Frequent stress and mood swings affect a woman’s health. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur and bloating appears.
  3. In the first trimester, an increase in hormone occurs. It is necessary to improve smooth muscles. In order to carry a child without complications, it is necessary that the uterus is always relaxed. If the uterus is in good shape, fetal rejection may occur. But this hormone also relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines. This leads to bloating.
  4. Insufficient amount of enzymes. Enzymes are needed for the normal digestion process. This may occur due to poor diet and hormonal levels, which disrupt the production of pancreatic hormone.

Food that has been poorly processed with enzymes is digested poorly and with a lot of gases.

During pregnancy, most chronic diseases worsen.

Additional influence

But the presence of predisposing factors is not enough. An additional influence is required, which will cause the accumulation of a large amount of gases.

  • Nutrition. There are foods that, even under the most favorable conditions, increase gas formation. The reason is the chemical composition. The metabolism of some proteins results in gas. These products include legumes, cabbage, pickled vegetables, and black bread. Some people notice an increase in fermentation after eating large quantities of baked goods.
  • Lack of enzymes. Congenital or acquired deficiency of pancreatic enzymes affects digestion. The culprit may be cholestasis, which often appears in pregnant women in the last stages. This leads to incomplete digestion of food and increased gas formation.
  • Lack of water. Limiting the volume of fluid during the day can become a factor in the development of constipation. And it is often accompanied by flatulence.
  • Dysbacteriosis. The intestinal microflora is involved in the digestion of food and the production of B vitamins. Beneficial bacteria populate the entire space and do not allow pathogenic ones to multiply. But with an imbalance and the predominance of opportunistic microorganisms, food digestion is disrupted and fermentation increases.
  • Stress. Nervous tension affects peristalsis and digestion. Some women “eat” bad experiences and emotions. Errors in nutrition and the effect of stress hormones lead to flatulence.
  • Constrictive clothing. A pregnant woman should reconsider her wardrobe. Skinny jeans and tight dresses should be left for later. Already in the early stages they will disrupt blood flow in the pelvis, and pressure on the abdomen will lead to disruption of the movement of intestinal contents.

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Some of these factors can be influenced independently, without waiting for unpleasant symptoms to appear.

How to eliminate bloating in the first week of pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, bloating has nothing to do with the fact that the baby has reached a large size and is putting pressure on the internal organs.

But this symptom occurs in 99 out of 100 pregnant women, and is especially common in the early stages.

Even those women who have never complained about the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are no exception. The main cause of bloating is hormonal changes in the female body.

For example, an increase in progesterone helps keep the uterus from miscarriage or early labor, but it also disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The intestinal muscles weaken, which prevents timely cleansing of the intestines.

Feces are retained much longer than necessary. At this time, the fermentation process occurs and a large amount of gases is released.

In this regard, flatulence occurs. If during pregnancy a woman consumes all the same foods as before the appearance of an interesting condition, this will only worsen the dysfunction of the body.

Additionally, during pregnancy there may be an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system, especially with regard to disturbances in the production of enzymes.

In early pregnancy, pain and bloating occur due to insufficient enzymes.

Food that has been poorly processed by enzymes enters the intestines, where the process of rotting and fermentation occurs. In this regard, flatulence occurs in the early stages.

How can you overcome bloating during early pregnancy? First of all, it is necessary to establish nutrition. To do this, it is advisable to eat often and in small portions.

You need to eat every three hours, but each meal should be small, but enriched with essential microelements. If everything is done correctly, you can even avoid or reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

Pregnancy is an important condition in the life of every woman. It is very important to take the required amount of water per day.

It should not be any liquid, but water. It will help avoid constipation and bloating.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that can cause fermentation and flatulence in the abdomen.

These include cabbage in any form, legumes, black bread, fatty or fried foods, carbonated drinks, and smoked foods.

You also need to take as little raw vegetables and fruits as possible.

They contain a large amount of microelements, but additionally cause bloating. They must be consumed, but in limited quantities.

It is worth giving preference to fermented milk products. Women need to take them during pregnancy, even if these products are not their favorite.

Ryazhenka, drinking yoghurts and kefir help enrich the body with protein and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Gas formation during pregnancy in the second trimester

In the second trimester, women also begin to worry about the problem of gas formation. These unpleasant sensations are accompanied by bloating, belching and rumbling. Unpleasant abdominal pain and colic may also occur. In this trimester there is a lot of pressure on the intestines due to the enlargement of the uterus.

All this provokes these unpleasant processes in the intestines. And don’t forget that mothers eat everything and don’t watch their diet, this plays a big role on the body. After visiting a doctor, a diagnosis is usually made and treatment is prescribed, after which the woman goes on a certain diet and the symptoms go away.

But if it is not related to nutrition, then these symptoms will not bother you so much, but they will not disappear completely. But most likely it is related to nutrition. It is best to go to a special doctor who will select the necessary complex for this.

In order to eliminate gases with the help of a diet, you should not worry about this, since the diet will practically not change, it will only be slightly balanced and will become more useful. The child should receive the required amount of healthy foods, and the same applies to the mother. It is important to carefully sort out the products and remove those that contribute to the gas exchange process.

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These products include beans, various cereals, grapes, corn and cabbage. The formation of gases can be eliminated by a product such as cottage cheese; it is very useful during pregnancy.

Ryazhenka and kefir will also benefit your intestines. There are other ways to combat gases in the intestines, these are daily walks in the open air, swimming in the pool and special gymnastics for the stomach, it consists of stroking the tummy in different ways.

Pregnancy and treatment of flatulence

It helps to eliminate bloating in early pregnancy with the help of special physical exercises. They must be performed with extreme care. This can be done for up to 2.5 months.

  1. It is necessary to take a horizontal position on your back, bend your legs at the knees, feet on the floor, place your arms along your body. We take a deep breath and try to move all the air into the stomach, then exhale sharply and draw in the stomach as much as possible. During pregnancy, even in the early stages, this is very difficult to do.
  2. The starting position does not change. We perform the bicycle in three sets of 20 times.
  3. Lying on your back, legs must be bent at the knees, hands connected at the back of the head in a “lock”. You must try as hard as possible to reach your right elbow to your left knee.
  4. Exercise "scissors".

Gas in early pregnancy

Pregnant women often have digestive problems: incomplete digestion of food, excessive flatulence, colic from the first days after conception. This symptomatology is the same for all women in an interesting position, since the pregnant woman’s body begins to produce the hormone progesterone in huge quantities due to changes in physiology. In the early stages, a woman may feel constant bloating and frequent involuntary release of gas. If pregnancy is aggravated by early toxicosis, then in the morning the expectant mother will have nausea, pain in the intestines, and flatulence long before that happy moment when the baby begins to move in the womb.

Bloating during early pregnancy is a very common problem. There are independent ways to eliminate this problem. If these actions are not enough, you need to consult a doctor who will eliminate the discomfort with the help of medications. If the problem is ignored, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Starting from the very first day of pregnancy, changes occur in a woman’s body. Very often they are accompanied by various anxieties, such as toxicosis, heartburn, and bloating. Each of these problems has its own causes, as well as solutions. Let's take a closer look at the topic of bloating during pregnancy.

The list of necessary things for a newborn that should be prepared in advance is compiled in our publication on the website.

From which week the third trimester of pregnancy begins, you can read in this article.

From here you will learn what an ectopic pregnancy is and what you should be wary of.

Diet and pregnancy

In early pregnancy, abdominal flatulence can be eliminated with diet.

To determine which products are suitable for each woman individually, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

But it should not be used periodically, but should be observed regularly throughout pregnancy.

Pregnant women are advised to avoid foods such as coffee, tea, chocolate, carbonated drinks, fatty meats, and fresh milk. It is also not recommended to eat fruits, especially apples, pears, and apricots.

You should also remove tropical fruits such as bananas from your diet. They can cause heartburn even outside of pregnancy.

Unpleasant odor in the mouth should be eliminated using special fresheners, not chewing gum.

You can eliminate signs of bloating with the help of fermented milk products and yoghurts, which are sold at the pharmacy.

They contain a large number of lactobacilli, which help eliminate gas formation.

The bloating may not go away completely, but the symptoms will be much less. You need to eat often, but in small portions.

It is very important to take water throughout the day. In summer, you need to drink 400 grams of water per 10 kg of weight; in winter, it is enough to reduce it to 300 grams. In this way, constipation can be eliminated.

But you need to take water before meals, not after meals. It is advisable to take it from a glass and not from another container. Additionally, you can drink tea and compote.

During pregnancy, a woman is recommended to eat while sitting. It is necessary to chew food thoroughly.

Will medications help?

Even if you are following a diet, but you see that your stomach is swollen, you can relieve spasms and discomfort with the help of medications.

The safest ones include:

  • Espumisan;
  • Iberogast;
  • Disflatil;
  • Simethicone.

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You can also take the most affordable remedy - bifidumbacterin. Usually it is always in the house. Espumisan works well for any disorders and gas formation. To do this, you need to take two tablets before bed.

You will definitely forget about bloating and feel good. Espumisan L emulsion for oral administration 40 mg/ml 30 ml is an excellent solution for bloating and colic. Moreover, the medicine helps both infants and adults who have undergone surgery and suffer from colic.

This remedy is also prescribed in anticipation of diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs. Iberogast is also on the same list; it has excellent carminative and choleretic qualities. It should be taken before meals, 20 drops three times a day.

This medicine works well for constipation. And yet, I advise you to use medications extremely rarely, no matter how safe they may seem. It is best to try special starter cultures of beneficial bacteria. These are the basis for creating homemade yoghurts and starter cultures, kefir.

The easiest way is to stir the starter in milk and drink the drink before bed. Another recommendation for those who suffer from constipation is to drink a spoonful of olive oil on an empty stomach, and then drink plenty of water throughout the day - up to two liters.

Girls, today we discussed what flatulence is and how to get rid of this disease. Of course, I would advise starting with folk remedies, using herbal infusions, but first of all, normalizing your diet.

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Sincerely, Tatyana Chudutova, mother of three wonderful children!

Preventing bloating

In the early stages of pregnancy, abdominal flatulence occurs in almost every woman.

Try to avoid them or reduce them as much as possible; to do this, it is recommended to eliminate the first symptoms of manifestation:

  1. The biggest mistake women make during pregnancy is a sedentary lifestyle. This could include physical exercise, walks in the fresh air, or playing sports that are intended for pregnancy.
  2. It helps to do yoga. It will help eliminate heartburn, bloating and other gastrointestinal disorders. Also, stretching during yoga can prepare the expectant mother.

For most pregnant women, the discomfort may simply be uncomfortable. But sometimes this can cause a miscarriage.

If you have heartburn or bloating, it is recommended to consult a specialist. He will determine the degree of threat and recommend what needs to be done next.

It is not advisable to take medications during pregnancy. But there are medications with minimal side effects. Espumisan and Semiticon help relieve symptoms well.

The active substance is not able to penetrate into the blood. There are medicines that consist of herbal mixture. For example, Iberogast.

It consists of licorice, caraway, lemon balm, celandine, mint, bitter Iberian, milk thistle, and does not contain chemical ingredients.

But the main advantage of treatment with this drug is that it acts selectively. Where a muscle is overly relaxed, it returns the necessary tone, and where there is a spasm, it relaxes.

After eating food, you need to walk in the fresh air. In this case, the gas will come out on its own. It is not recommended to stay in a stuffy room for a long time.

This is important in the early stages, but especially in the later stages, at a time when active sports are contraindicated.

It helps to remove signs of bloating during pregnancy with the help of a special massage, which should be done every day for the purpose of prevention.

Recovery using traditional medicine

Every woman knows how to eliminate abdominal flatulence.

But if before pregnancy you can “defeat” this symptom by taking a pill, then when a woman is in an interesting situation, it is better to give preference to traditional recovery methods.

Bloating can be relieved with cumin tea.

To do this, you need to take 50 grams of Tween and pour 200 grams of hot boiled water. Next, the broth must be well wrapped and placed in a dark place for several hours. Take after eating.

Dill seeds are also recommended to be drunk as a decoction. Take 100 grams in four approaches after breakfast every hour.

You can prepare a special remedy for pregnant women at home from special herbs. You need to take calamus, angelica root, centaury, rhubarb.

The only limitation in taking traditional medicines may be individual intolerance to certain ingredients.

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