Why do you feel sick before childbirth, causes of nausea in pregnant women, what to do?

What's happening

There is very little space in the uterus now, so don’t be surprised if the number of movements decreases. Be sure to listen to your baby's every movement: both excessive activity and complete calmness are not very good signs. Normally, at 40 weeks of pregnancy, you should feel about 10 movements in 12 hours.

Like the mother, the baby is preparing for birth. In order for the birth process to go smoothly, the tiny body produces the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which should reduce pain when the fetus passes through the birth canal.

By the 39th – 40th week of pregnancy, the baby’s blood circulation is established, the digestive system is actively functioning, processing amniotic fluid and dead skin cells. The meconium formed from them will leave the baby’s intestines only after birth. The bones of the skull are still flexible, allowing the fetus to pass through the birth canal without hindrance.

The 40th week of pregnancy should be the final one, but in practice only a few women give birth at the expected time. So be patient and wait while continuing to lead your normal life. In any case, very soon you will hug your baby.

Rules for pregnancy at 38 weeks

There are certain rules that must be followed during pregnancy in the last weeks.

It is always much easier to avoid the occurrence of a disease. There are a few basic rules.

  1. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Every meal should fit in the palm of your hand. It is also important to stick to your diet during this time.
  2. It is important to monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract at this time. It is necessary that a woman during pregnancy, especially at 38 weeks, empty her intestines daily.
  3. After eating, it is not recommended to perform any physical activity or take a horizontal position.
  4. You should avoid eating foods that increase acidity levels. For example, it could be flour products, oil, fatty foods, vegetables and fruits, eggs. You should also observe which foods can cause a condition such as heartburn during pregnancy at 38 weeks, which can cause you individually.
  5. You need to sleep only in a horizontal position, on your back. It is advisable to place pillows under your back and neck. In this case, the head should be slightly higher than the body. You can spend a short time on one side, but which one you should be on yourself.

How you feel

If you have not yet had any warning signs of labor, they may appear at 40 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Lowering of the abdomen. The baby moves down in the uterus and presses its head against the pelvic floor. Due to this, the expectant mother’s heartburn disappears and it becomes much easier for her to breathe. But due to the strong pressure on the bladder, pregnant women at this stage are forced to go to the toilet more often;
  • Food system disorders. Approximately 24 to 48 hours before labor begins, loose stools may occur;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Weight loss. Before childbirth, body weight may decrease by 1 - 2 kg;
  • Exit of the mucus plug. During the 40 weeks of pregnancy, the plug closed the entrance to the cervix, protecting the baby from infections. Its separation (you will know this by the lumps of mucus on the panties) frees the birth canal for the child;
  • Discharge of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid is released just before birth. Most often it is transparent, but if particles of meconium have entered it, the color may be yellowish or greenish;
  • Painful contractions. Primipara women may confuse training contractions with real ones, especially since by 39–40 weeks of pregnancy, false uterine contractions are also accompanied by pain and are repeated more often than in previous periods. To understand exactly what kind of contractions you are having, change your body position during muscle contractions. Lie down or, conversely, stand up, walk around the room, then sit on a chair. If the contractions have stopped, then it is not labor yet.

Mom won't miss

If you suffer from heartburn in late pregnancy, you can try sleeping in a reclining position on your back, placing several pillows under your back. When doing exercises or gymnastics for pregnant women, avoid bending and overstraining the anterior abdominal wall

If heartburn symptoms recur more than 2-3 times, you should consult a competent gastroenterologist. It would be reasonable to use drugs based on non-absorbable antacids (aluminum, calcium, magnesium), which help reduce the level of acidity in the body of a woman carrying a baby.

Remember, any tablets, mixtures and suspensions can only be prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes the most harmless medications at first glance can cause irreparable harm to the health of the little person inside you. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, medications for heartburn may not bring the desired result, in which case you can only be patient and wait for delivery when the reflux goes away on its own.

Well, if severe heartburn during pregnancy is accompanied by dark, bloody stools, bloody vomit, chest and back pain, and increased sweating, you need to call an ambulance; an ulcer may have opened.

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Before pregnancy, I didn’t even know what heartburn was! But in the last trimester I just started to suffer! and all because the child was putting pressure on the stomach! When I had heartburn, I drank a glass of cold milk and ate regular fried sunflower seeds. These two methods always helped, both during the first and second pregnancies.

The problem of high acidity often worries women even at the stage of planning pregnancy. But, as a rule, heartburn in pregnant women occurs much more often and lasts longer than in other women. According to statistics, three out of four expectant mothers suffer from constant heartburn during pregnancy, which appears immediately after eating, does not go away within several hours and can be repeated several times a day.

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Our pregnancy calendar reveals to you the features of all stages of pregnancy - an extremely important, exciting and new period of your life.

We will tell you what will happen to your future baby and you in each of the forty weeks.

Third trimester

What to do and how to treat heartburn during pregnancy? These questions arise in the head of every woman after feeling the first unpleasant symptoms. It is advisable to remove signs of heartburn with the help of medications only in late pregnancy. In the first and second trimester, the list of permitted medications is very small, because any chemical components can negatively affect the health of the baby.

The first thing an expectant mother needs to do is reconsider her diet. The amount of gastric juice and its acidity depend on the foods a woman eats. It is also important to establish a sleep and rest schedule, and reduce any physical activity (especially those associated with bending). Following these recommendations can eliminate this symptom altogether, and if it still bothers the woman, it will be less frequent and less acute.

Before you run to the pharmacy for approved heartburn medications, you should consult a specialist. Each pregnancy has its own characteristics, and each woman's body reacts to medications differently. The main task is not to harm the baby.

There are approved medications for severe heartburn that bothers you during pregnancy. The drugs Rennie and Gaviscon relieve symptoms well and are compatible with pregnancy in the first trimester. They also regulate the acidity level of gastric juice and do not cause constipation.

In the third trimester, the list of approved medications for severe heartburn includes Maalox, Sekrepat and Almagel. The last drug should not be taken for more than 6 days. Some women use the recommendations of their grandmothers and take activated charcoal. It partially combats heartburn and is harmless for mother and baby, but these tablets disrupt the intestinal microflora and in large quantities can cause constipation, so they should not be taken often.

To increase the effectiveness of medications, they should be taken 1.5 hours before or after meals. It is also undesirable to combine their use with other drugs.

Risk factors

The main danger of 40 weeks of pregnancy is rapid labor. The baby can be born very quickly, especially in multiparous women. Therefore, it is better to go to the hospital in advance, approximately a week before the expected date of birth. And if you live close to the hospital, avoid long trips and tedious shopping trips.

At the 40th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the nature of the discharge. If they change their smell, color and consistency (for example, they become purulent or cheesy), this indicates an infectious disease that requires immediate treatment. The presence of pathogenic microbes in the vagina creates a risk of infection for the child.

As at any stage, at 39–40 weeks of pregnancy anemia is dangerous, as a result of which the level of oxygen in the tissues decreases. Low hemoglobin provokes fetal hypoxia, and the expectant mother faces an increased risk of developing late toxicosis and complications during childbirth.

Possible signs of anemia during pregnancy:

  • Dry skin;
  • Brittle nails and hair;
  • Feeling of weakness and fatigue;
  • Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Insomnia;
  • Headache;
  • Feeling of impending fainting;
  • Arrhythmia and bradycardia;
  • Constipation;
  • Presence of taste perversions.

Treatment of anemia involves taking iron supplements and following a special diet.

Heartburn during pregnancy 38 weeks

Heartburn at 38 weeks of pregnancy is common. It brings terrible discomfort. Such a symptom can occur as a certain reaction to food, or indicate the presence of chronic diseases.

And this can already negatively affect the health of mother and child. But it is not recommended to take medications to eliminate heartburn without medical supervision.

Heartburn attacks at 38 weeks, in most cases, worsen. This is due to the increase in size of the fetus, which puts pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, additional symptoms such as swelling, toxicosis, sleep problems, and pain in the lower back occur. The size of the baby affects the internal organs.

Problems such as insomnia appear. During pregnancy at 38 weeks, it becomes difficult for a woman to dress independently, as well as to bathe.

Due to the large size of the fetus, weakness and fatigue occur. The pressure on the stomach and intestines also increases. Additionally, heartburn, belching, vomiting or nausea occurs.

Food enters first into the oral cavity, then into the esophagus, and only after that into the stomach. Then the passage into the stomach is closed by special muscles - the sphincter.

The uterus becomes larger and the stomach moves much more. Heartburn in most cases occurs after eating food and can last for a long time. It can be repeated several times throughout the day.

Heartburn occurs especially often after eating salty, smoked and fatty foods. Or if a woman, after eating, took a horizontal position.

Additionally, heartburn can be a side effect of taking medications.

Regardless of pregnancy, when 38 weeks pass, you need to eat often, but in small portions. This is the first rule for gastrointestinal health.

The baby puts pressure on the stomach, so even the most basic movements can lead to heartburn at 38 weeks.

For example, bending forward to tie shoes or clean the house can lead to these symptoms.

The main cause of heartburn is an increase in acid secretion. This is due to physical changes in the functioning of internal organs.

If spotting appears at 38 weeks - this is a plug that has come off, then there is no need to worry. But this indicates the imminent onset of labor.

Additionally, at this time, a woman increasingly experiences fatigue and weakness. The entire body is preparing for the upcoming birth. It is advisable to rest as much as possible during this time.

At this time, be sure to undergo an examination by a doctor. This is due to the fact that at this time the baby is already moving to the pelvic floor. It is necessary to determine whether the fetus is lying correctly in order to understand whether the woman needs to perform a caesarean section.

At this time, the immune system is weakened, and thrush appears. At this time, a specialist may prescribe the use of special suppositories. It is important to clear the way for the birth so that the child is born healthy.

Medical observation

At the 40th week of pregnancy, you will have another trip to the doctor, where the usual procedures will be carried out: measuring blood pressure, weighing, determining the height of the uterine fundus and, of course, listening to the baby’s heartbeat.

And in order to monitor the functioning of the kidneys, you will need to take a urine test. If your doctor's due date has passed, you may be scheduled for a Doppler ultrasound. This study makes it possible to evaluate the blood flow of the fetus, blood circulation in the placenta and uterine vessels, and also determine whether the baby receives enough oxygen and necessary substances. Another study, sometimes prescribed at 40 weeks of pregnancy, is cardiotocography, thanks to which the specialist will be able to exclude intrauterine hypoxia.

Precursors of labor at 38 weeks of pregnancy

At 38 weeks pregnant, you will most likely notice that your Braxton Hicks contractions have become somewhat more frequent and more noticeable. Many women feel easier breathing - this is due to the lowering of the uterus and a decrease in its pressure on the diaphragm. Another harbinger of labor is considered to be the release of a mucus plug from the vagina - a clot of clear or slightly pinkish mucus. None of the above is a reason to urgently go to the maternity hospital, but only indicates that the body is preparing for childbirth.


In the time remaining before giving birth, try to rest properly, because after the birth of the child this is unlikely to happen. Now it is very important to remain calm, because your emotional state greatly affects the baby. Tune in to the upcoming birth and think only about the good.

At 39–40 weeks of pregnancy, you should not experiment with nutrition. Eat foods high in protein and carbohydrates. They will help you gain strength and stock up on the energy you will need during childbirth. Don't forget about vitamins. Now the body needs vitamin K (it is found in spinach, all types of cabbage, asparagus, herbs, plums and prunes). This element improves blood clotting, which is very important for childbirth. You also need vitamin A, found in yellow, red and orange vegetables and fruits, beef liver, egg yolks and full-fat dairy products. Its lack can lead to the baby being underweight. And even at 39–40 weeks of pregnancy, you need B vitamins: they ensure not only the proper development of the fetus, but also the well-being of the mother. Their most valuable source is dry brewer's yeast, but it can only be used after consulting a doctor. B vitamins are also present in oatmeal, millet, meat, fish, eggs, legumes and dairy products.

If at 40 weeks of pregnancy you feel the onset of contractions, do not rush to go to the maternity hospital. Before giving birth, you should replenish your energy reserves, and for this you can drink sweet tea, jelly or compote, eat some low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt. As soon as the duration of contractions reaches 1 minute, and the interval between them is 5–7 minutes, go to the maternity hospital.

Many expectant parents are interested in the question of whether it is harmful to have sex at 39–40 weeks of pregnancy. In the absence of contraindications, this is not prohibited. And in some cases, sexual intercourse is even recommended as a means of preparing for childbirth. The sperm contains the hormone prostaglandin, which softens the cervix, and the orgasm experienced by the woman stimulates the onset of contractions.

Weight and height of the child at 38 weeks of pregnancy

For the fetus, the 38th week of pregnancy is mainly the time for further development of the nervous and endocrine systems. There are no longer any jumps in development; improvement of all functions occurs smoothly and continues after the baby is born. Meconium has accumulated in the fetus's intestines - this is its first feces, which have not left the body over the past months. Meconium consists of all those particles that were suspended in the amniotic fluid and were ever swallowed by the baby. By the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, fetal growth reaches 50-51 cm, weight 3100-3400 g. It is believed that for each subsequent week the child will gain an average of 28-30g per day.

There are only a few weeks left before giving birth, it becomes much more difficult to walk, the lower back hurts from a large belly, and heartburn constantly torments you, which means that you have reached the 38th week of pregnancy. Soon the baby will see this beautiful world and cry for the first time.

Many potential mothers complain of feeling unwell, tired, short of breath, and this is quite normal. After all, the female body has been carrying a baby inside itself, right under its heart, for almost 9 months. And this burden is still heavy for the female body, but it still copes.

The most common problem among women is heartburn at 38 weeks of pregnancy. It is impossible to eat normally, lie down, bend over and you have to look for a method to get rid of heartburn. There are many ways, but basically everyone resorts to pills. Although, tablets are not a very good option to extinguish the fire that is inside.

Heartburn is a feeling of warmth or burning in the epigastric or retrosternal region, caused by the entry of gastric contents into the esophagus. Most often, heartburn begins to appear in the second half of pregnancy. Many mothers associate its appearance with the fact that the baby’s hair begins to grow. Allegedly, the child irritates the membrane with his hair and this causes heartburn. But this is a misconception, since the baby’s hair is not the cause of heartburn.

If there is heartburn in pregnant women, the reason for it is that by the 38th week of pregnancy the baby grows to a good size, naturally the uterus adapts to it, thereby beginning to put pressure on the mother’s stomach and lifting it, the liquid in the stomach flows into the esophagus. Because of this, and when a pregnant woman bends over, the fetus puts even more pressure on the stomach, thereby allowing fluid to enter the esophagus. But this is in the second half of pregnancy.

Also, heartburn can occur in the early stages of pregnancy, but it is rare. The cause of this unpleasant phenomenon is hormonal changes in the body. Between the stomach and the esophagus there is a thin partition that prevents fluid from the stomach from entering the esophagus, but against the background of an increase in the hormone progesterone, this wall weakens and fluid transfusion occurs. Heartburn can be a harbinger of toxicosis in the early stages. But it usually doesn’t last long, it goes away after about 13-14 weeks.

A decrease in heartburn can be observed by 39-40 weeks of pregnancy, as the body prepares for childbirth and the fetus descends into the mother’s pelvic bones, thereby relieving pressure on the stomach. The body also stops producing the hormone progesterone in large quantities. However, you can get rid of or at least alleviate heartburn before this time without causing harm to yourself or your child. Just follow a number of rules.

If you have heartburn, it is not advisable to take pills or other medications. Whatever the influence, it still goes to the baby through the umbilical cord. During pregnancy, the use of pills, antibiotics and other medications is not recommended. Allowed, but in extreme cases.

Heartburn in pregnant women, many people know how to get rid of it, but not everyone knows how to treat it. Everyone knows that it is better to protect yourself than to be treated later. A few tips to avoid unfriendly and burning heartburn.

Based on the fact that heartburn can manifest itself from strong pressure on the stomach, you should avoid wearing things that put pressure on the stomach area. Tilts are also not advisable; when tilted, the liquid itself enters the esophagus without any provocation.

It is not recommended to take a horizontal position for about 30 minutes after eating. It is not advisable to eat food containing acid. Heartburn can also be caused by baked goods, baked bread, fried foods, butter, eggs, sour berries, vegetables and fruits. If these foods are on the list of irritants, this does not mean that they need to be eliminated from the diet. They can be consumed, but in limited quantities.

It is worth sticking to a diet, eating food not in large quantities and rarely, but on the contrary, dividing one portion into several and eating often, and in small quantities. A woman should also have bowel movements every day.

It is very uncomfortable for a pregnant woman to sleep strictly in a horizontal position, since the fetus puts strong pressure on the respiratory system and heartburn also increases. It is best to place several pillows in the head area before going to bed so that your head is about 15-20 centimeters higher than your feet. A pregnant woman can also sleep on her side. You should know that heartburn on one side is felt more than on the other side - this depends on the curvature of the stomach.

If, of course, all these methods do not help, then the woman resorts to medication. It is important to know what pregnant women can do for heartburn. Of course, it is not advisable to take pills, but if heartburn makes itself felt very strongly and there is no longer any strength left to endure, then you can do it, but first of all, you need to consult a doctor. After all, what helps the mother can harm the fetus. Basically, doctors prescribe during pregnancy: Maalox, Fofsfalugen, Smecta. These drugs have an enveloping effect and neutralize the acid that enters the esophagus. But you shouldn’t take these medications randomly; they need to be taken once, when heartburn appears, or the doctor can prescribe a course of treatment. It all depends on the degree of heartburn.

Of course, there is a category of women who during pregnancy immediately refuse to take all medications. This has a positive effect on the development of the child, but heartburn still torments. And women have to resort to traditional medicine.

A remedy for heartburn for pregnant women can also be found in folk medicine: a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, alder. Homemade jelly has an enveloping effect. Milk with a drop of fennel essential oil will also help cope with heartburn. Heartburn can also be relieved with the help of oatmeal, ginger, finely grated carrots and hazelnuts or almonds.

It is important to remember that heartburn is a temporary phenomenon and is not dangerous for either the child or the mother. You can do without drugs, just endure it. After all, the key to a happy mother’s well-being is good rest, tasty and healthy food, and of course, a good mood! .

Pregnancy is a big responsibility. It is accompanied by a large number of different changes in a woman’s body, and the closer the birth is, the greater the load on the body.

For example, 38 weeks of pregnancy, heartburn occurs in almost every expectant mother.

Additionally, symptoms such as fatigue, poor health, and shortness of breath may occur. The baby is already preparing for childbirth and takes up a lot of space in the mother’s tummy.

In most cases, the second pregnancy proceeds much easier in the woman’s body.

But if a woman is worried before the first birth because she does not know what to expect, then the second time the worries are justified.

If a woman is pregnant with twins, then childbirth occurs earlier at approximately 36 weeks.

At 38 weeks, heartburn is quite common, and if it does not exist, it is rather an exception to the rule. At this time, it is impossible to normally lie on your back or do any physical exercises.

There are methods of traditional medicine, but tablets and various medications act much faster.

But it must be remembered that any medication can lead to side effects.

Drug treatment

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy? - The safest remedy for heartburn during pregnancy is baking soda. It helps relieve discomfort by neutralizing the acidic contents of the esophagus and stomach. Baking soda brings quick relief, but after 15-20 minutes, heartburn returns. That is why this remedy for heartburn for pregnant women should be used only when absolutely necessary.


What can you do for heartburn during pregnancy? - Antacids are a group of drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the fetus. They have an effect similar to soda. The most common medications in this group include heartburn tablets for pregnant women: Rennie, Maalox, oral suspensions Phosphalugel and Almagel.

Antacids should be used one hour after meals. Medicines can also be taken before bed. Antacids should not be combined with other groups of drugs.


For heartburn accompanied by belching, nausea, vomiting and other dyspeptic syndromes, it is recommended to take prokinetics. Drugs in this group accelerate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving the pregnant woman of the listed symptoms. The most common prokinetic drugs are Sab Simplex and Espumisan.


To relieve attacks of heartburn accompanied by diarrhea and abdominal pain, it is recommended to take adsorbents. Drugs in this group regenerate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and remove harmful metabolic products from the body. Smecta is the safest and most effective adsorbent for the period of pregnancy.


In the absence of a lasting effect during treatment with the listed drugs, doctors prescribe proton pump inhibitors. Medicines in this group reduce the acidity of gastric juice, preventing heartburn attacks. The most well-known drugs include Omeprazole and Rabeprazole.

Recommendations for heartburn in the last weeks of pregnancy

  1. It is important to remember the important proportion. It lies in the fact that the more weight a woman gains during pregnancy, the harder it will be for her to fight heartburn.
  2. Food must be chewed thoroughly.
  3. Products such as dried apricots, prunes or boiled beets help relieve heartburn well. They will also help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and are a good preventive measure for constipation.
  4. Water balance is also important for the body. Drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before eating food will help reduce acidity levels.
  5. Clothing should be loose-fitting and not put pressure on the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. You must stop taking medications to relieve spasms. It is better to replace with natural products. For example, mint and other herbs will help.
  7. It is necessary to avoid eating fatty, fried, smoked foods, seasonings and various sauces.

What should you do during pregnancy, when the 38th week has arrived, if no medications or folk remedies help? You need to wait until you give birth and the heartburn will stop on its own.

Causes of nausea before childbirth, why do you feel sick at the end of pregnancy?

Why can you feel sick before giving birth at 38, 39, 40, 41 weeks of pregnancy? On the day determined as the date of birth, the woman is advised to avoid eating. Often, it is what you eat on the eve of childbirth that provokes nausea. Refusal of food on the day of birth helps to significantly alleviate discomfort, in particular, to prevent nausea before childbirth.

In addition to changes in the placement of the pelvic bones, deviations in the normal functioning of the human digestive system are added. To get rid of nausea before childbirth, it is recommended to minimize or eliminate the consumption of dairy and bakery products in the later stages of pregnancy, as they can cause gas formation. Considering that bread clogs the stomach, and products made from milk contain many different bacteria, there is a high probability of nausea after eating them.

Considering the above, it is better not to eat on the day of birth, so that complications in the form of nausea or frequent visits to the toilet do not aggravate the already unpleasant and painful sensations associated with labor. In some cases, before childbirth, stool becomes more frequent and its volume increases. This is also the reason why it is advisable to moderate the amount of food you eat, since the stomach gives signals about the need to cleanse it before starting the labor process. If intestinal blockage is detected at the onset of labor, the woman in labor is given an enema.


If these rules do not help, then you need to take medications. There are a number of medications that can be taken during pregnancy, even in the last stages.

It is necessary to limit their use as much as possible, but completely avoid it if heartburn occurs several times a day.

If you need to take medications, consult your doctor first.

Any drug can harm the health of a woman and her unborn child.

The most common medications during pregnancy at 38 weeks are: Smecta, Maalox, Gaviscon. All these medications can neutralize high acidity.

But you can only take them once. If this is done for a long time, the side effects can negatively affect the health of the woman and her child.


During the consultation, the gastroenterologist collects the patient’s medical history, finding out the date of the first attack of heartburn, concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the number of pregnancies. Next, the doctor conducts a physical examination, including palpation, percussion and auscultation of the stomach, liver, intestines, and gall bladder .

To clarify the diagnosis and exclude gastritis, cholelithiasis and other pathologies, the doctor prescribes a biochemical blood test. Based on its results, a specialist can judge the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.


After receiving the results of a biochemical blood test, the expectant mother may be referred for an ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract. This diagnostic method allows you to detect pathologies of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas. However, ultrasound of the abdominal organs is not very informative for identifying diseases of the stomach and intestines.


If treatment is ineffective, a pregnant woman is advised to undergo fibrogastrodudenoscopy (FGS). This research method helps to visualize the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach and diagnose their diseases.

During FGS, the doctor can remove the esophageal contents for pH testing. According to the published article “Heartburn as a patient’s problem in general medical practice. Clinical algorithm for diagnosing GERD” in the Bulletin of the Volgograd State Medical University No. 26, sometimes a burning sensation behind the sternum can be caused not by an acidic, but by an alkaline environment. In this case, the expectant mother requires special treatment.

What other causes of nausea before childbirth could there be?

Intoxication can occur not only due to hormonal changes preceding childbirth. It may indicate the course of infectious diseases, in particular ARVI. In this case, the deterioration of the patient’s condition is characterized by headache and increased body temperature, severe nausea. It is imperative to consult a doctor, since diseases of an infectious and any other nature pose a danger to the child. Self-medication can only worsen the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus, therefore, to select and prescribe acceptable medications, you should use exclusively the recommendations of the attending physician.

Nausea during pregnancy can also occur due to acute appendicitis. Women in the final stages of pregnancy, during an attack of appendicitis, suffer from nausea, leading to vomiting. Appendicitis undoubtedly requires emergency surgery. After removal of the appendix, the pregnant patient is monitored by the gynecologist who is managing her pregnancy. It should be noted that appendicitis in most cases does not affect the appearance of abnormalities in the fetus, children are born healthy.

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