Sore throat due to stomach how to treat

Can a sore throat be caused by a stomach or gastritis, how can it be treated?

In most cases, discomfort in the throat is associated with inflammation and diseases of the ENT organs, but pain in the stomach often causes similar symptoms.
Often the causes of concern are attributed to symptoms of tracheitis or laryngitis. If the pain is not accompanied by signs of a cold such as fever, runny nose or headache, but appears against the background of stomach pain and heartburn, then gastroesophageal reflux is likely to occur. With this pathology, stomach acid returns through the esophagus and, when it reaches the throat, causes irritation of the larynx, and a dull pain is observed in the navel area.

As a result of the ingress of acid from the stomach, a person experiences a feeling of a lump and bitterness in the throat. Often with this pathology, heartburn, belching and hiccups are observed simultaneously with pain. Discomfort in the stomach is eliminated by taking antacids, and when taking the drugs, the pain in the throat goes away at the same time, since the drugs neutralize the effect of the acid.

Severe attacks of heartburn can occur during physical activity or when a person is in a horizontal position, which often causes restless sleep.

A frequent companion to gastric reflux is a dry cough without phlegm, which appears immediately or within 30 minutes after eating. In most cases it is short-lived. In this case, the return of acid into the esophagus leads to a burning sensation in the upper part of the esophagus. After taking medications with an antacid effect, this cough quickly goes away.

The main causes of reflux

Reflux can occur at any age, even in young children. It gives off a sore throat due to alcohol abuse, fatty and spicy foods, constant overeating, and lack of physical activity.

The main reasons for the development of pathology include:

  • significant excess of body weight compared to the norm;
  • poor nutrition, deficiency of plant fiber in the body;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess salt intake into the body;
  • adherence to wearing tight underwear, corsets and shapewear;
  • side effects from taking medications.

The throat from the stomach often hurts in patients with gastritis and gastric ulcers. The symptoms of the onset of pathology are always the same, regardless of how often reflux makes itself felt. Such discomfort in the throat area can create serious obstacles to a person’s normal work or rest, significantly reducing his quality of life.

Sore throat as a symptom of gastritis

Gastritis is the most common ailment of the gastrointestinal tract of the modern generation of people. Everyone knows that the standard symptoms are pain in the epigastric region, nausea with the appearance of gag reflexes, stool disturbances - indicate the presence of problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, these signs are harbingers of gastritis.

However, not all people know that problems with the stomach can also be indicated by non-standard symptoms, such as loss of energy, dizziness, or a sore throat that is not traditional for gastritis. Almost every person who experiences regular painful symptoms in the throat associates this fact with viral or infectious diseases, although there are many more reasons for such symptoms. In this article, we will consider whether a sore throat may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, what accompanying symptoms should be a reason to contact a gastroenterology specialist, and how to diagnose and treat such health problems.

Diagnostic features

When a patient informs a doctor about a symptom such as a lump in the throat, it becomes necessary to exclude the possible development of all diseases that have this symptom. For a consultation you will need to visit:

  • ENT doctor;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • gastroenterologist.

The gastroenterologist prescribes a series of examinations and finds out whether the patient has inflammation of the gastric mucosa. When diagnosing gastritis, urine and stool tests are done. Blood is taken for a general analysis, and a biochemical study is also done. When taking a medical history, the doctor pays special attention to the nature of the belching.

It indicates which parts of the digestive tract are affected by pathology and what its nature is. It is mandatory to determine the acidity of gastric juice and test for bacterial infection in the stomach. Of the instrumental methods, the most informative are abdominal ultrasound and gastroendoscopy.

Physiological aspects of the appearance of pain in the larynx with gastritis

Most people who experience pain in the throat associate such symptoms with a cold, as a characteristic manifestation of the body in such a situation. Most often, if pain is accompanied by fever, cough and malaise, especially during winter or transitional seasonal periods, then the cause is indeed viral infections. However, in the absence of additional indicators of colds and the systematic occurrence of pain, it is necessary to look for another source of the problem.

It is very difficult for an ordinary person not involved in medicine to suspect from the regular painful symptoms of the larynx that he has problems with the digestive organs. At first glance, the throat and stomach are organs that do not have a direct connection with each other and are characterized by different dislocations. However, the human body is a single whole, and the presence of complications with one organ can lead to problems with other parts of the body.

Experts in the field of gastroenterology most often explain the cause of pain in the larynx as a consequence of the patient having gastro-food reflux. With the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, food that enters the stomach is broken down under the action of alkaline juice. If the patient has gastritis in the pathogenesis, the acidic environment of the stomach is characterized by changes in its composition, which, with an increased level of alkali, can be accompanied by the backflow of juice into the esophagus due to its excess. According to this fact, the patient may experience heartburn, symptoms in the form of unpleasant belching with a sour taste, as well as symptoms of nausea, often with bouts of vomiting. In addition, with the so-called “reflux”, the organs of the esophagus are exposed to acid, which entails inflammatory processes in the walls of the organs of varying severity; they are accompanied by significant dryness in the mouth, as well as soreness or pain in the larynx.

Features of pain in the larynx with gastritis

For many people, going to the doctor is not a necessary step when experiencing periodic symptoms of a sore throat. Most often, such symptoms are eliminated by advertised lollipops or common lozenges, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. Accordingly, the pain goes away for a short time, recurring periodically, since when painful symptoms appear due to gastritis, only the symptom is treated, but not the source of the disease. Accordingly, uncontrolled use of medications only aggravates problems with the digestive tract and can cause the disease to progress to more serious stages.

To associate a sore throat with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to listen carefully to your body, identify accompanying symptoms and contact a qualified specialist to prescribe rational treatment.

Indicators of the presence of gastritis with regular manifestations of laryngeal pain may be:

  1. Painful throat symptoms recur regularly, mainly in the morning, for more than two weeks.
  2. The pain is accompanied by a cough, which is caused by irritation of the larynx, a feeling of a lump in the throat.
  3. The pain in the larynx goes away a few hours after a person gets out of bed.

  4. Characteristic heartburn, accompanied by dry mouth and belching with a sour taste in the morning, as well as after each meal.
  5. Difficulty swallowing, a feeling of a lump in the throat that interferes with the feeding process.
  6. Pain in the epigastric region, often with difficulty breathing.
  7. Absence of symptoms indicating the presence of a cold or viral disease.

The above symptoms, in combination with regular indicators of soreness in the larynx, indicate the presence of problems with the organs of the digestive system and require a mandatory visit to the doctor to establish a diagnosis and select the correct therapy. Independent attempts to eliminate a lump in the throat due to gastritis with the help of medications or traditional medicine will only aggravate health problems and can cause even more serious stomach problems.

Why does a lump appear?

The main cause of this condition is gastrointestinal disease - gastritis. But a lump in the throat also appears with the following pathologies:

  1. Emotional, mental instability. Due to constant stress, a lump appears, which manifests itself as a spasm. The problem is not related to the disease itself. Difficulty breathing occurs during stress. When the condition normalizes, the unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own.
  2. Various gastrointestinal diseases. These include not only gastritis, but also ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and metabolic failures. Usually a lump in the throat with gastritis is accompanied by other symptoms. This is pain and a sour taste in the mouth. Can your throat hurt with gastritis? Such sensations often appear in patients.
  3. Autoimmune disorders. These are diseases of the thyroid gland - autoimmune thyroiditis, Graves' disease.
  4. Long-term sore throat. With long-term treatment of inflammation, the problem becomes chronic. The condition usually appears from microbes. In this case, not only a lump occurs, but also pain.
  5. Problems in the spine. With diseases of the spinal column, an unpleasant lump in the throat develops, as there is a constant lack of oxygen.
  6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. With this disorder, other diseases affecting various parts and organs may occur. With the disorder, dry mouth, lack of oxygen, numbness of the tongue, and the appearance of a lump are observed.
  7. Neoplasms. As tumors grow, hoarseness in the voice, sore throat, cough, lump, and drooling are observed.

According to doctors, if you have a coma in your throat, it is better to consult a specialist to identify the cause. If the symptom occurs periodically, it may be due to:

  • with neck injuries;
  • persistent cough;
  • negative consequences of drug therapy;
  • colds;
  • overweight;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • disruptions of the digestive system due to unbalanced nutrition.

Knowing the causes of a lump in the throat due to various ailments and malfunctions, it is necessary to determine the exact signs of gastritis. With this disease, other symptoms also arise, by which it can be identified and treatment can begin.

The danger of sore throat with gastritis

Incorrect self-therapy for sore throat with gastritis as the primary source of the problem can lead to dangerous consequences not only in the form of progression of gastritis, but also in the form of serious problems of the larynx.

With regular irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx due to reflux gastritis, diseases such as laryngitis with inflammation of the vocal cords and prolonged loss of voice can develop.

In addition, microbes that develop in the mucous membranes of the throat due to irritation by alkaline juice accompany the development of sore throat with purulent inflammation. Such phenomena have very painful symptoms, which are difficult to eliminate even with the help of medications. Also, ulcers and erosions may appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx, which will progress to throat cancer.

To regenerate laryngeal tissue in the event of ulcers or erosions, it is necessary to use an integrated approach to therapy, which consists of parallel treatment of gastritis as the primary source of the problem and foci of disease in the throat.

Diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal pain due to gastritis

As has already become known, a sore throat can occur not only due to a viral infection or a cold, but also due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Only a qualified specialist, based on tests, patient complaints and research results, will be able to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe rational therapy.

Most often, therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract and includes the mandatory cessation of bad habits, in particular, smoking as the main irritant for both the stomach and throat. In addition, in complex therapy, it is considered important to follow a diet that accompanies the patient’s recovery, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding stressful situations.

In parallel, medications can be prescribed to treat stomach problems, the choice of which depends on the stage of evolution of gastritis. These can be analgesics or antispasmodics, histamines and antacids; in more complex situations, antibiotics are prescribed.

A separate stage of therapy is the elimination of painful symptoms of the larynx. If there are no serious problems in the throat and changes in the mucous membrane, then to eliminate the discomfort it is enough to follow the doctor’s recommendations to eliminate the source of the problem, namely gastritis therapy in compliance with all medical prescriptions. As soon as the source of the painful sensations in the throat is eliminated, the painful symptoms will disappear on their own.

When ulcers or erosions of the throat form, medications can be prescribed that help to locally reduce the painful manifestations of the larynx and medications that have a wound healing and regenerating effect.


If a lump in the throat is caused by gastritis, drug therapy is prescribed aimed at eliminating the main problem. The success of treatment will depend not only on how correctly the doctor selected the drugs, but also on the patient’s desire to get rid of the problem. In addition to taking medications, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, follow a diet and give up bad habits that interfere with the proper functioning of the stomach. Numerous folk remedies that can be combined with diet and medications have a positive effect on the body.

Drug therapy

Medicines are selected individually in each case depending on the patient’s condition. You should not prescribe medications yourself, as this can only make the condition worse. Treatment with drugs is mainly aimed at suppressing the Helicobacter bacteria, which is considered the cause of gastritis.


For gastritis, any salty, spicy, sour, fried foods are prohibited.
It is better to give preference to light soups and foods that are quickly digested. You should include fruits in your daily diet (before consuming, consult your doctor, since the choice of fruits will directly depend on the acidity of the gastric juice). If a lump in your throat prevents you from eating normally, you can grind the cooked food in a blender before eating.

Folk remedies

You can eliminate unpleasant sensations in the throat using old-fashioned techniques:

  1. Adequate healthy sleep not only alleviates the patient’s condition, but also makes other treatment methods more effective. It is advisable to sleep on a hard surface with your head slightly elevated;
  2. It is advisable to include foods rich in iodine in your daily diet;
  3. Make it a habit to go for evening walks;
  4. Skip regular black and green tea in favor of herbal teas. Herbal tea made from lemon balm, valerian or motherwort will have a calming and relaxing effect and help relieve discomfort in the throat.

A lump in the throat with gastritis is a fairly common symptom in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If a problem arises, it is advisable to seek advice from your doctor to rule out the presence of third-party diseases. Treatment of a lump in the throat is mainly aimed at combating gastritis. Remember, only an integrated approach to treating the problem will help you forget about it forever.

Let's sum it up

A sore throat is not always an indicator of a cold or a viral infection; such a symptom may indicate the presence of more serious diseases in the body. It is impossible to establish the cause of throat diseases, as well as eliminate the problem on your own; to do this, you need to visit a specialist who can diagnose the source of pain and prescribe the correct therapy.

Pain in the larynx can have very serious consequences, including throat cancer if left untreated, and such symptoms are considered especially dangerous with gastritis. In this case, the consequences may be a stomach ulcer, malignant tumors in the digestive tract and trachea. Be attentive to the manifestations of your body, since pain is a kind of request for help. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner is a rational measure to maintain your health.


Sore throat due to gastritis

Sore throat with gastritis is a very common symptom that causes extremely unpleasant sensations for patients with gastritis. The symptom cannot be ignored - at a minimum it complicates life, at a maximum it is an indicator of more complex forms of the disease. Sore throat due to gastritis can and should be treated, and, of course, the best way is to consult a gastroenterologist. Do not hesitate and do not self-medicate! On the website we will tell you how and how to treat a sore throat with gastritis.

Drug therapy

Erosive gastritis and its other types often develop when the body is infected with Helicobacter. In this case, antibacterial drugs are needed. Before prescribing a specific antibiotic, a sensitivity test is performed. Since gastritis is accompanied by pain and a lump in the form of a spasm, antispasmodics are prescribed to relieve discomfort:

  1. "Atropine".
  2. "Papaverine".

Medicines are needed to eliminate pain and mucus in the throat due to gastritis. Together with antibiotics and antispasmodics, tablets should be used to reduce the secretion of gastric juice:

  1. "Ranitidine".
  2. Famotidine.

According to reviews, these medications are among the most effective in treating the disease; the main thing is to take them according to the instructions. To alleviate the condition, doctors prescribe medications, taking into account the type of gastritis:

  1. "Maalox."
  2. "Gastal."
  3. "Omeprazole."
  4. "De-Nol."
  5. "Cecular".

Any medicine should be used only after being prescribed by a doctor. It is important to adhere to dosages, frequency of procedures and duration of treatment.

Sore throat due to gastritis

A sore throat is not always an indicator of a cold or a viral infection; such a symptom may indicate the presence of more serious diseases in the body. It is impossible to establish the cause of throat diseases, as well as eliminate the problem on your own; to do this, you need to visit a specialist who can diagnose the source of pain and prescribe the correct therapy.

Gastroenterology specialists most often explain the cause of pain in the larynx as a consequence of the patient having gastro-food reflux. There are many reasons for the appearance of gastro-food reflux as a factor in the occurrence of laryngeal pain.

To associate a sore throat with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to listen carefully to your body, identify accompanying symptoms and contact a qualified specialist to prescribe rational treatment.

Indicators of the presence of gastritis with regular manifestations of laryngeal pain may be:

  • painful throat symptoms recur regularly, mainly in the morning for more than two weeks;
  • the pain is accompanied by a cough, which is caused by irritation of the larynx, a feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • pain in the larynx goes away a few hours after a person gets out of bed;
  • characteristic heartburn, accompanied by dry mouth and belching with a sour taste in the morning, as well as after each meal;
  • difficulty swallowing, feeling of a lump in the throat that interferes with the feeding process;
  • pain in the epigastric region, often with difficulty breathing;
  • absence of symptoms indicating the presence of a cold or viral disease.

Pain in the larynx can have very serious consequences, including throat cancer if left untreated, and such symptoms are considered especially dangerous with gastritis. In this case, the consequences may be a stomach ulcer, malignant tumors in the digestive tract and trachea. Be attentive to the manifestations of your body, since pain is a kind of request for help. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner is a rational measure to maintain your health.

What diseases cause a lump in the throat?

Swallowing becomes difficult for various reasons:

  1. A “hysterical lump” in the throat occurs with strong excitement and crying. The spasm of the vocal cords goes away when the person calms down. Frequent repetition of a spasm can develop into neurosis, in which case treatment by a psychotherapist will be required.
  2. Inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) rarely causes a feeling of a lump in the throat, because it is located above the esophagus and does not touch it. But diseases of the gland caused by a lack of iodine in the body (diffuse, nodular goiter) increase its size. The gland begins to put pressure on the trachea and esophagus - a sore throat, irritation when swallowing, and a dry cough appear. Endocrinologists note that 30% of patients with thyroid pathologies have similar symptoms.
  3. Lump and difficulty in swallowing function is felt with chronic inflammation of the throat; it becomes red and hurts with every swallow. Accumulation of phlegm in the throat in diseases of the upper respiratory tract causes a sensation of a foreign object and frequent coughing. In such cases, an otolaryngologist should treat.
  4. Benign neoplasms, as well as laryngeal cancer, are an obstacle to swallowing solid food and even saliva. This kind of pathology is accompanied by the release of large amounts of mucus, hoarseness and loss of voice.
  5. A sore throat can also occur with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but not everyone knows about this. A lump in the throat due to stomach diseases, cholecystitis and pancreatitis has a number of characteristic signs that will help you navigate and promptly seek help from a gastroenterologist.

Can a sore throat be caused by a stomach or gastritis?

If the pain is not accompanied by signs of a cold such as fever, runny nose or headache, but appears against the background of stomach pain and heartburn, then gastroesophageal reflux is likely to occur. With this pathology, stomach acid returns through the esophagus and, when it reaches the throat, causes irritation of the larynx, and a dull pain is observed in the navel area. A sore throat due to stomach disease is considered one of the signs of a serious illness.

At first, signs of disturbances in the body are the appearance of the following signals:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • soreness of the laryngeal mucosa, the presence of a coma;
  • difficulty breathing due to heartburn;
  • the appearance of a dry cough;
  • feeling of nausea.

In most cases, if the larynx is sick due to the stomach, the pathology is accompanied by dental problems that arise as a result of constant exposure to acid on the oral mucosa.

In case of coma, burning sensation in the throat due to gastritis, a diagnosis needs to be made. The main method is fibrogastroscopy. After performing diagnostic procedures and receiving the results, the doctor prescribes treatment for discomfort in the throat due to gastritis. According to reviews, it is important to adhere to all treatment methods prescribed by a specialist.

When treating pathologies of the digestive system and eliminating sore throats, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations:

  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • follow a diet and monitor your diet;
  • monitor your weight and avoid gaining extra pounds;
  • wear clothes of normal cut, do not tighten;
  • do not eat before bed, dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime;
  • After eating, it is recommended to take a walk, do not lie down, and also do not take a bath, especially a hot one;
  • avoid physical overexertion.

Treatment of sore throat with gastritis of the stomach

If the appearance of a sore throat can be correlated with eating, then it is possible that the cause lies in problems with the digestive system or impaired motility of the esophagus. For example, with a disease such as gastroesophageal reflux, intestinal contents reflux into the esophagus, a feeling of discomfort in the stomach appears, a sour taste in the mouth, and an unpleasant lump rolls up in the throat.

Irritation of the esophagus (spicy foods, alcohol, swallowing a probe during endoscopic examination), as well as hiatal hernia, can also manifest themselves in a similar way. Treatment of food reflux should be carried out simultaneously with changes in diet and lifestyle.

If your throat hurts due to stomach problems, then getting results is possible only after changing your eating habits and lifestyle. Otherwise, taking pharmacological drugs and medications can only provide a short-term effect and the cause of the problem of sore throat will not be solved.

Therapy and prevention of the disease aims to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and reduce the effects of stomach acid. Features of treatment and prescription directly depend on the causes of disruption of the digestive system and the severity of the patient’s symptoms.

Several different groups of drugs are prescribed medicinally:

  • blockers of H2 histamine receptors that produce hydrochloric acid - Ranitidine, Famotidine, Cimetidine, should be taken before meals for gastric reflux or after meals for heartburn;
  • drugs of the inhibitor group: Omeprazole, Omez, which stop acid production, are taken for 14 days, eliminate the symptoms of gastric reflux and heal the mucous membrane of the esophagus;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of gastritis and other digestive problems;
  • drugs that protect mucous membranes;
  • prokinetics to provide pressure on the lower esophagus and enzymes to improve digestion.

If there are no other pathologies of the digestive system, then it is enough to neutralize the effect of stomach acid after eating, and the throat will stop hurting.

If the appearance of a sore throat can be correlated with eating, then it is possible that the cause lies in problems with the digestive system and impaired motility of the esophagus

A necessary action to normalize the patient’s condition is to ensure proper nutrition and eliminate foods from the diet that lead to increased acidity levels. These include any types of citrus fruits, onions, garlic. It is necessary to exclude all fatty and fried foods, pickles, and sweets from the diet.

Treatment with folk remedies for sore throat with gastritis

Not only medications, but also folk remedies are effective for therapy and prevention. Good results are observed with regular drinking of herbal decoctions: yarrow; linden; chamomile; St. John's wort; calendula.

Such medicinal plants improve digestion and help relieve pain in the stomach, which has a beneficial effect on the larynx area and eliminates discomfort in this area. It is recommended to use dry herbs or special teas for recipes, since when using alcohol-containing tinctures, the mucous membranes become irritated and the stomach begins to ache.

For pronounced symptoms, it is recommended to use a herbal decoction recipe. The product is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. l. flax seed; 200 ml boiling water. The seed mixture is poured with water and left for 8 hours. After filtering, the infusion is taken 0.5 cups for a month before meals.

If your throat hurts due to heartburn or gastritis, then a good effect is observed from using potato juice. It is worth considering that the product must be freshly prepared, otherwise its effectiveness is reduced significantly. This natural medicine is taken ¼ cup 20 minutes before meals.

Main directions of treatment

If during the diagnosis it is determined that the cause of the lump in the throat is gastritis and concomitant gastrointestinal diseases, treatment is carried out in two directions.

Drug therapy

The choice of medications for the treatment of gastritis depends on the acidity of the stomach and the type of pathology. For reflux esophagitis, peptic ulcer, hyperacid gastritis, acid-reducing agents are indicated:

  • Proton pump inhibitors (Omez) - these drugs block the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the parietal (glandular) cells of the stomach. PPIs reduce irritation of the esophagus from excess gastric juice, relieve symptoms of belching and heartburn;
  • H2 receptor blockers (Famotidine) - drugs in this group inhibit the synthesis of histamine, which stimulates the production of gastric juice. They are prescribed if the patient for some reason cannot take PPIs;
  • Antacids are substances that neutralize excess hydrochloric acid. Absorbing antacids (soda, Rennie), while temporarily relieving the symptoms of heartburn, provoke increased secretion of gastric juice. With chronic gastritis, they do more harm than good. Non-absorbable antacids (Almagel, Phosphalugel, Maalox) quickly relieve heartburn and maintain a normal level of acidity in the stomach, each of them has its own side effects and contraindications;
  • the fight against Helicobacter pylori - eradication therapy - includes complex administration of drugs of various spectrums of action: antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav), products containing bismuth (De-Nol), proton pump inhibitors.

For low acidity, vitamin B12 injections, enzymes and gastric juice substitutes, and hormonal medications are indicated.

To relieve laryngeal spasm and pain in the throat, antispasmodics (Papaverine) are prescribed.

Each of the drugs has its own specifics, side effects and contraindications, so the selection of medications should be carried out individually under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

Diet and prevention

Drug therapy alone without following a diet cannot alleviate the patient’s condition and provide stable remission. Food harmful to the stomach and improper diet will sooner or later provoke an exacerbation of symptoms and complication of the disease. For hyperacid gastritis, it is extremely undesirable to abuse:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • pickles, marinades, spices;
  • baked goods;
  • chocolate;
  • strong coffee.

With atrophic gastritis, on the contrary, the use of foods that increase the secretion of gastric juice is indicated.

Exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles help remove the feeling of a lump in the throat: breathing with the stomach, holding your breath, alternating deep and shallow breaths. A good prevention of gastritis is an active lifestyle, anti-stress therapy, and sleep patterns.

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