Good to know: flax seed for constipation

Remedies based on flax seeds for constipation can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention if there is a tendency to constipation.

It is recommended to purchase flax seed whole, and if you need to grind it, do so immediately before use.

Despite the fact that folk laxatives are considered safe, they are not completely safe; like any other medicine, they have contraindications. Therefore, before using traditional medicine, you need to make sure that they are absent by consulting your doctor.

For chronic constipation, it is not recommended to self-medicate, otherwise there is a risk of developing life-threatening conditions that may require emergency hospitalization.

Properties of flaxseed

Folk remedies are often used to treat constipation, and although the effects of herbal remedies are usually less pronounced than those of synthetic remedies, they are effective enough to help with one-time or occasional problems. Flax seeds are among the safest and mildest laxatives. Product properties:

  1. It is a natural sorbent and helps remove toxins from the body.
  2. The composition contains a large amount of fiber, which helps deliver fluid to the large intestine, soften and remove feces from the body.
  3. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it secretes mucus, which envelops the intestinal wall, protecting it from injury by compacted feces.
  4. Once inside, it quickly swells, increasing the volume of feces and activating intestinal motility.
  5. Improves the absorption of nutrients.
  6. Has a minimum of contraindications.

According to reviews, flaxseed-based products are generally well tolerated by patients.

Beneficial features

The unique composition of the plant product determines its complex effect on all organs and systems, while flax seeds have practically no contraindications for use.

The plant fiber contained in flaxseeds helps increase the volume of stool, providing a mild laxative effect. Along with its beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, fiber activates the body's defenses, and therefore can be used to prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. In addition, fiber is a sorbent and perfectly removes toxic substances from the body, for example, after alcohol poisoning.

Flaxseeds are a source of essential fatty acids, namely Omega 3 and 6. If you take plant materials correctly, you can compensate for the deficiency of Omega 3 and Omega 6, partially replacing seafood. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have antioxidant properties and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The seeds also contain lecithin, which is necessary for maintaining the health of the nervous system. A sufficient intake of this component into the body is an excellent prevention of stress, nervous disorders and prolonged depression.

Flax seeds are a source of vitamin. A, B, E selenium, magnesium, as well as lignans and protein. Due to this, they help maintain the health of the reproductive system and normal visual acuity.

How to take flaxseed for medicinal purposes for constipation

If you have difficulty defecating, you can use medicines made from flax seeds, prepared according to the following recipes:

Name Recipe/Features How to use
Infusion To prepare, take 1 tablespoon of raw material, brew with 2 cups of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 8 hours and strain. Adult patients drink 100 ml of infusion 3 times a day before meals, children over 7 years old - 50 ml 5 times a day.
Decoction It helps even with severe constipation. 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, cooked over low heat under a lid for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Remove the broth from the heat, allow it to cool and filter. Drink for adults 1 glass 4 times a day, for children 7 years and older 0.5 cup 4 times a day.
Pure seeds No cooking required. The product helps well with motility disorders and/or mild constipation, in which incomplete bowel movements are noted. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach, chewing well, 1 tablespoon (adults) or 1 teaspoon (children 2 years and older) of seeds. Flax seeds should not be given to children under 2 years of age.
Seeds with kefir Add 1 teaspoon of crushed (for example, ground in a coffee grinder) flax seeds to a glass of kefir. For children, 0.5 teaspoon of raw material is dissolved in 1 glass of kefir. The product helps well with delayed bowel movements in older people. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
Infusion from a mixture of medicinal plants Prepared from equal parts of flaxseed, chamomile, thyme, tansy, bearberry, coriander. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting mixture into 400-500 ml of boiling water, allow the product to cool, and filter. Take 1/3 cup per day. The course of treatment with infusion is usually about 1 month.

How to take flax seed correctly for constipation in adults

It is not enough to have an idea about the benefits of flaxseed; you also need to know how to properly use its properties to solve bowel problems. Infusions or decoctions are mainly prepared from the seeds.

Their effectiveness is due to the active components, which, during the preparation of these medicinal products, pass into the liquid in the required concentration. In this form, they are absorbed easier and faster in the intestines and have the ability to restore its functioning in a short time.

You should adhere to the specified recipe, and also observe the dosage. A low concentration of active compounds will not give the expected result. But their excess content will lead to severe frustration.

It is recommended to use only freshly prepared formulations. Their healing properties are significantly weakened when stored for any length of time.

Preparation of flax seed infusion

This remedy is used more often than others. It is useful for constipation, and also helps eliminate the inflamed condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It's very easy to prepare. To do this, you will need 1 large spoon (with the top) of seeds and two glasses of boiling water.

The ingredients are mixed in a thermos or resealable container, which will need to be carefully wrapped. It is not recommended to use non-enamelled metal utensils.

The mixture must sit for at least 6 hours. That’s why it’s usually prepared in the evening. In the morning, it will be enough to strain the liquid - and the flaxseed infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to take half a glass shortly before sitting down at the table.

The prepared volume is the daily norm. Considering the insufficiently pleasant taste of the resulting product, it can be sweetened. Within reasonable limits.

Preparation of flax seed decoction

This remedy is suitable not only for combating constipation, but also for comprehensive cleansing of the body from toxins, as well as a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour a large spoonful of seeds into half a liter of boiling water. The product is cooked over low heat for 30 minutes. It should be stirred regularly.

Afterwards, remove the container from the heat and allow it to cool, insulating it with a towel or blanket. The prepared viscous decoction is taken cold, divided into several portions. It is especially effective if you drink it on an empty stomach.

How to make jelly from flaxseeds

This remedy helps with chronic constipation, peptic ulcers, and gastritis. It helps normalize digestion and improve metabolic processes.

It is prepared as an infusion by soaking 1-1.5 large spoons of flaxseeds in two glasses of boiling water. The infused mixture can be mixed with honey, vanillin, and cinnamon. During cooking, you can add ginger or chicory, prunes, and dill seeds to the thermos.

There is another option for making jelly with flax. To do this, prepare any liquid berry or fruit jelly and, after removing it from the heat, pour a large spoonful of flaxseed into it. The drink should be kept warm.

Other recipes for constipation with flax seed

Most of these recipes call for the use of dry seeds in several forms:



Ground into powder.

It should be taken into account that the seeds must swell, and this requires significant liquid costs. The process will take place in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, you will need to drink enough water.

The flour additive swells most actively, and a lack of fluid can not lead to a relaxing effect, but, on the contrary, cause serious intestinal obstruction. These recipes can be “taken” in courses of several days, and sometimes weeks. This will help not only with acute conditions.

You can use this approach for the general elimination of slagging, for the purpose of losing weight, and also for the prevention of constipation. But, in the case of long-term, rather than one-time, use of the drug, it would not hurt to consult with a medical specialist.

  1. The seeds can be consumed either way. To do this, they are crushed and added as a healthy additive to various dishes - salads, soups, side dishes, sauces. It is enough to eat 2-3 teaspoons of flaxseed product per day.
  1. Whole or crushed seeds are mixed with honey and absorbed in small portions, then swallowed. In this case, you need to drink a lot of liquid during the day so that the seeds are successfully removed.
  1. You can also take the seed in the form of porridge. To prepare it, just grind the raw materials in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water until a thick mass is obtained. A couple of minutes and the porridge is ready.
  1. Flaxseed additive can be added to kefir. The lactic acid product must be fresh. Instead of breakfast or dinner, you should drink a glass of kefir, into which flaxseed flour is mixed. It is obtained by processing in a blender or passing the seeds through a coffee grinder. Kefir can be replaced with another dairy product - yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream.

This remedy is indicated for use by elderly people who have problems with bowel movements due to the decline of the natural functions of the body.

Also, kefir-flaxseed mixture is used as part of an integrated approach to normalizing body weight, as well as for general cleansing of the body.

  1. Constipation is often accompanied by excess gas formation and associated pain. To eliminate these symptoms, dill seeds are added to the laxative composition. The remedy is prepared like this. A small spoon of crushed flax seeds is mixed with dill (in a ratio of 4:1) and poured with boiling water. The mixture should be boiled, stirring, for about ten minutes. The cooled product is taken in one or two passes.

To enhance the effect, you can add a little buckthorn (dried plant bark is used). Attention! This ingredient has a strong laxative effect, has a number of special contraindications and is not suitable for regular use.

  1. Prunes have a mild laxative effect. Therefore, this dried fruit can be used together with flaxseed.

Such an additive will not only enhance its effect and enrich the beneficial composition, but also improve the taste of the medicinal product. To prepare it you will need 3-4 pcs. chopped prunes. It is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to steam.

The water should not cool down much during this time (10 minutes). Therefore, the container is left in a warm place or wrapped. After the prunes have swelled, add flaxseeds crushed in a mortar and leave for half an hour. Use the product on an empty stomach in one go. The recommended course is 14 days.

Flax seed contraindications

Despite the benefits, naturalness and gentle effect of the product, it also has a number of limitations in use.

It should not be taken if:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis (in the latter case, in agreement with the doctor, the use of decoctions and infusions is possible).
  • Colitis.
  • The presence of stones in the kidneys or gall bladder.
  • Flatulence.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Hyperkalemia.
  • Individual rejection.

As you can see, the seeds have few contraindications. In case of overdose, pain in the intestines, excessive gas formation, bloating, and diarrhea may occur.

If you eat them for a long time and take products made from them, hyperkalemia may develop. Therefore, caution should be exercised.


In order for flaxseed-based products to bring only benefits, you need to prepare and use them correctly:

  1. Purchase seeds whole and grind them yourself, immediately before use. Ground flax can only be purchased in vacuum packaging, otherwise the product quickly loses its beneficial properties.
  2. The crushed raw material must be washed down with a sufficient amount of water, which is necessary for its swelling, otherwise the effectiveness of the product is significantly reduced.
  3. Flax seeds can be added to fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt), as well as first courses, porridge made from buckwheat, oatmeal, and corn.
  4. Flaxseed infusion (jelly) can be sweetened with honey.

Flax seeds are often consumed, poured with kefir - the result is a tasty and healthy dietary drink

Recipes from traditional medicine

Flax seeds are used to prepare various dishes and medicinal decoctions. The main thing is to use it correctly to eliminate constipation. Only upon contact with water is mucus released, which is necessary to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. That is why the seeds are brewed, decoctions and tinctures are prepared.

Below are some simple recipes for constipation:

  • We prepare delicious and healthy jelly. To do this, pour two large spoons of seeds into a glass of boiling water. Infuse during the day and take at night before bed.
  • It is recommended to combine the seeds with fermented milk products. Kefir is perfect because it contains beneficial bacteria for the stomach. To prepare the drink, you need to pour a spoonful of seeds into a glass of kefir and leave it overnight. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. The course of treatment is at least one week.
  • In case of increased gas formation, it is recommended to pour dried dill and flax seeds with plain water. Cook in a water bath for several minutes, cool and strain. Drink on an empty stomach, for example, at night.
  • For chronic constipation, it is recommended to brew four prunes and a large spoonful of flax seeds. It is first recommended to grind the seeds and chop the prunes. Leave for a few minutes and drink before meals. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

Flax-based products are not recommended for use during pregnancy, since their effect on the fetus has not been studied enough.

Contraindications to use of the product are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • bladder stones;
  • tendency to flatulence;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • endometritis;
  • myoma;
  • neoplasms;
  • adhesive process in the gastrointestinal tract.

If an excessive amount of flaxseed or preparations made from it is consumed, the patient may develop diarrhea instead of constipation.

Flax should not be used to treat defecation disorders for a long time.


Despite the obvious benefits, flax preparations still have contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, the presence of stones in the gall and bladder;
  • flatulence;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Before taking any medications, including laxatives, in order to avoid unwanted manifestations from the body, consulting a doctor is necessary . Then the treatment will go correctly.

Natural plant materials with laxative effects - in this case, flax seeds in various forms - are a reliable and effective remedy for constipation. Taking into account its advantages and taking into account contraindications, you can safely use it as an effective and affordable medicine.

General information about constipation

Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements occur less than three times a week. In addition to prolonged absence of bowel movements, a person experiences a deterioration in general health, headaches, and abdominal discomfort. When bowel movements occur, compaction of the stool and the release of fragmented feces are observed. Often the stool is scanty, and after defecation there remains a feeling of incomplete emptying. The condition is often accompanied by hemorrhoids.

Pathology can develop in patients of all ages; with age, the risk of developing a pathological condition increases. This problem is often observed in pregnant women. Constipation can occur against the background of organic or functional pathologies of the digestive tract, helminthic infestations, and the presence of neoplasms in the body. In the absence of any diseases, the cause of its development is an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, stress (for example, a change in environment), and often a combination of these factors occurs.

In many cases, the solution to the problem is changing lifestyle - correcting nutrition, maintaining a moving, active lifestyle, and adequate drinking regimen. Medicines, physical therapy, and massage can also be used for treatment.

Flax seed for constipation reviews

Representatives of the medical community and reviews of people who have used flax seeds in practice to solve such a delicate problem as constipation confirm the benefits of the product. Features of the problem involve the use of prepared products in the form of infusions, decoctions, oils or flaxseed flour as a food additive. Before use, it is better to grind flaxseeds, this speeds up the process of formation of substances that have a healing and protective effect on the digestive organs. To prevent constipation, it is enough to take one teaspoon of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach or use the same amount of flax flour as a dietary supplement; such a volume will not harm your health even if consumed regularly.

Published: 01/25/2018 (Updated: 01/30/2018)


Of course, without the permission of your attending physician, you should not make decisions about whether you can take flax seed for constipation or how to take it. Reviews, however, will help you navigate this. So, based on their experience, patients say the following:

  • Flax works best if you drink a decoction of the seeds before bed;
  • in addition to treating constipation, flax enriches the body with vitamins;
  • if you strain the infusion and drink only water (without seeds), the effectiveness of the product is significantly reduced;
  • if the intestines are functioning normally, flax can be taken periodically to prevent constipation;
  • if you need emergency help, taking flaxseed should be combined with drinking beet juice;
  • if you take flax constantly, addiction may occur, and the intestines will stop working without auxiliary means;
  • if you consume flax in the form of jelly, then not only peristalsis is improved, but also pain due to gastritis is reduced;
  • If small children refuse to take flax seed or decoctions based on it, you can bake cookies from flaxseed flour.

The mechanism of colon cleansing with flax seeds

The human body needs nutrients to build cellular and tissue structures. The entry of useful elements into the blood occurs through the walls of the small intestine. Removal of processed compounds is carried out by the colon. The thin section of the gastrointestinal tract is not prone to clogging; it has smooth walls that are washed by liquid. The large intestine has a ribbed surface. Numerous grooves collect waste, toxins, eggs of worms and other parasites. Cleansing the intestines with flax seeds occurs due to the following effects:

  1. As the product moves through the digestive tract, it gradually swells, thereby increasing the volume of feces.
  2. The intestine is stretched, its ribbed surface is smoothed.
  3. Flax helps to strengthen contractions of the organ, captures existing impurities and removes them along with feces.
  4. The mucus secreted by the plant protects the walls of the organ from possible damage and irritation.

Precautionary measures

How to take flax seed correctly for constipation? Such treatment should not be delayed. If you take flax constantly, your body will produce large amounts of hydrocyanic acid, which disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, this substance interferes with the absorption of nutrients by the body.

Also, men should be wary of long-term use of flax. The fact is that it is a source of phytoestrogen (female sex hormone). For men, exceeding the concentration of this substance is extremely undesirable.

Flax seeds are popularly used as a good laxative. They contain flax fiber, which helps restore the mucous surface of the gastrointestinal tract and remove accumulated toxic substances. Flax seed has a gentle effect on a delicate problem and does not injure the intestines. You can learn how to take flax seed for constipation from the article below.

Indications for colon cleansing with flax seeds

The state of the gastrointestinal tract directly or indirectly affects the functional activity of other organs. For this reason, flax seed should be used to cleanse the lower gastrointestinal tract at least once a year. Common signs indicating an urgent need for the body to eliminate harmful substances are considered to be headaches, nausea, and constipation. When answering how to cleanse the intestines with flax seeds, experts name the following indications for the procedure:

  • stomach diseases;
  • overweight;
  • cosmetic problems;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • non-insulin dependent diabetes;
  • high cholesterol;
  • pathologies of the urinary tract, urological diseases (pyelitis, cystitis).

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