Stomach pain and air belching: causes and treatment

With gastroenterological diseases, stomach pain and belching of air are common. Pressing, incessant nausea and the release of gases accumulating in the gastrointestinal tract and esophagus are not only a sign of a serious illness, but also an unaesthetic symptom that causes inconvenience to the patient, to combat which it is necessary to establish the exact root cause of the disease.

Causes and treatment of heaviness in the stomach and belching of air

Heaviness in the stomach and belching can be associated with the consumption of products of poor quality.

Mainly, in this way, the human body gives signals that the food contents were not entirely correct.

Consequently, in addition to heaviness and belching, pain in the right side of the abdomen and nausea can be added. Difficulties with the pancreas can manifest themselves in a similar way.

In order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should adjust your diet. It is possible that it contains food products that irritate the gastric mucosa and are not fully digested.

This symptomatology can also form during the process of intoxication; this fact should also be taken into account.

When a person eats a spoiled product, the stomach must be rinsed and toxic substances removed from the body.

Heaviness in the stomach and sour belching may indicate the presence of pancreatitis, gastritis or dyspeptic disorder.

Therefore, you should not delay visiting a specialist. By identifying the causes in time and eliminating the problem, you can improve the functioning of the body and eliminate the heaviness inside the stomach.


The most common causes of heaviness in the stomach and belching of air are:

  • Binge eating. Excessive intake of food contents into the stomach leads to excessive stretching of its walls, which contributes to disruption of the processing of food masses. As a result, food moves slowly through the intestines. It can cause heaviness in the upper abdomen, difficulty with bowel movements and other difficulties in the digestive processes.
  • Use of cold dishes. Eating cold and frozen foods increases gastric motility, as a result of which the digestion process occurs extremely quickly and manifests itself as diarrhea.
  • Inadequate diet. A feeling of heaviness in the stomach and inside the abdomen is often caused by very long intervals between meals and an improper diet. A popular cause of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract is a constant heavy dinner at night: the stomach, not being able to rest at night, reacts to this with a feeling of heaviness after eating.
  • Change of diet. An unusually intense meal can overload the digestive organs, which are unable to process gastric contents with acids and enzymes. As a result, heaviness and fullness develop in the upper abdomen.
  • Irritating products. Food products that can disrupt the digestive process include fried, spicy, fatty foods, as well as products rich in carbohydrates (sweets, flour), protein (legumes) and fast food.
  • Drinks that irritate the gastric mucosa include tea, coffee, kvass, highly carbonated water and alcohol.
  • In some situations, indigestion occurs after consuming cow's milk and dishes in which it was used in the preparation. This indicates personal sensitivity to the components of milk. By eliminating the product from the menu, digestive processes usually return to normal.
  • Stressful situations. The nervous system is involved in regulating the functioning of the digestive system. In this regard, during constant and sudden psycho-emotional shocks, overexertion, and insufficient rest, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be disrupted, which will provoke the formation of symptoms such as fullness and bloating, belching of air and heaviness inside the stomach.
  • Age-related changes. Over time, many processes within the body change. This directly relates to digestive processes, which become slower, and the processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins will slow down.
  • Tobacco smoking. The components that make up nicotine contribute to the deterioration of blood flow throughout the body, including the digestive organs, and impair their motility. As a result, the intestinal walls lose the ability to evenly and consistently promote food masses, which will be a provoking factor for the appearance of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Obesity. If you are overweight, the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases, which adversely affects the digestive processes and often slows them down. As a result, there will be a feeling of fullness inside the abdomen, belching of air and other unpleasant symptoms of indigestion.
  • Pregnancy. Hormonal imbalance and increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity during pregnancy will be provoking factors for disruptions in gastric motility.

Medicines for heartburn and belching

Many patients ask whether omeprazole helps with heartburn. This drug is a hydrogen pump blocker, which is the first line of treatment for heartburn.

They block the production of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells, thereby reducing acidity and the risk of developing pathology. They have a cumulative effect.

In addition, hydrogen pump drugs include Emanera, Esomeprazole, Lansoprazole, Omez and others.

A drug such as De Nol also helps with heartburn and belching. It envelops the wall of the esophagus, neutralizes and disinfects the contents of the stomach cavity.

Festal also helps very well against heartburn.

There is a special group of drugs - antacids. Most often these are chewable tablets for heartburn and belching. These include Maalox and Gaviscon. Their role is that they neutralize aggressive effects on the mucous membrane and help instantly.

Drugs such as smecta do NOT help treat heartburn.

A frequently asked question is how to make fizzy drink for heartburn. The soda and vinegar fizzy drink is very harmful and does not help the patient in any way. On the contrary, it can cause even more harm, causing ulcers and bleeding.

Doctors also do not recommend using soda and sugar for heartburn, as it enhances the processes of fermentation and bloating in the intestines.

Symptoms of diseases during belching

Belching without a foul aroma, taste or discomfort is often associated with dietary patterns and is considered normal.

But when it is associated with heaviness in the stomach, this may indicate a variety of pathological processes inside the human body.

The nature of belching may indicate the presence of any pathology:

  • Belching sour. Indicates high acidity in the stomach, which is associated with gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Belching rotten. Appears during periods of congestion. Indicates pyloric stenosis, malignant growth, gastritis, low acidity.
  • Belching bitter. Indicates the release of bile. Appears in diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Belching air. Signals about increased formation of gases in the digestive system or ingestion of food contents during a meal. Often associated with heaviness inside the stomach.

Upset stomach or heartburn

If you experience a burning sensation in your stomach or chest when you burp, it may be caused by indigestion or heartburn.

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid enters the esophagus. This causes a burning sensation in the chest and sometimes in the throat. Any burps can be unpleasant.

Indigestion, or dyspepsia, describes a group of digestive symptoms that include heartburn, belching and abdominal pain.

These symptoms usually appear in response to eating certain foods or ingredients, such as:

  • fatty food
  • fried food
  • caffeine
  • alcohol
  • chocolate

A person may also experience unpleasant symptoms when consuming other foods and drinks - this may be due to the individual characteristics of the body.

Stomach upset can also result from the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

In addition, some infections, such as those caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, can cause stomach symptoms.


When heaviness and belching of air do not go away within several days and are not associated with an eating disorder, you should visit a specialist.

If the suspicions are not confirmed, he refers the patient to a gastroenterologist, who carries out a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis.

Fibrogastroscopy is considered the most effective way to examine stomach diseases. The procedure is painless and makes it possible to detect various diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

During an internal examination, gastritis, peptic ulcers, polyps and malignant neoplasms can be detected.

If necessary, the specialist prescribes additional diagnostics and tests, based on the results of which treatment is determined.

Basically, a complete blood count, abdominal ultrasound and a blood test for Helicobacter pylori are required.

Based on these tests and diagnostics, it is possible to establish the root cause of painful symptoms, which will make it possible to make the treatment more effective.

Belching during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a special - hypertonic - form of biliary dyskinesia is sometimes observed, which occurs due to reflex irritation of the nerve fibers in them. This is expressed in insufficiency of gallbladder motility. Excessive tone (muscle contraction) of the sphincter separating the bile ducts and the duodenum (sphincter of Oddi) stops the flow of bile there. This form of dyskinesia can lead to the appearance of symptoms of chronic cholecystitis, a disorder of digestive processes in the duodenum, especially the breakdown of fats.

Changes in hormonal levels, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and displacement of internal organs as the fetus grows can affect the muscle tone of the stomach, causing stagnation of food, belching due to weakness of the esophageal sphincters.

Stomach sluggishness and weakened digestion in pregnant women are often due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Basic treatment methods

Belching with air and heaviness in the stomach is not a disease, but only symptoms.

Before starting treatment, the causes should be identified. The use of medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice helps eliminate heaviness and improve digestive processes, as well as eliminate symptoms.

The emphasis must be placed on the disease itself, which provoked the formation of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, treatment is based on eliminating the main ailment.

In addition, you need to follow nutritional rules that promote proper processing of food. These regulations include:

  • Belching is a sudden release of air from the gastrointestinal tract. To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to eat properly. This should be done slowly, measuredly and without talking.
  • Fractional meals. Large portions of food can make you feel heavy. They cannot be instantly digested. Therefore, fermentation occurs, as a result of which excessive formation of gases is observed.
  • Following a diet that excludes products that remain in the stomach for a long time.
  • Exclusion of fatty, sweet, spicy, smoked and fried foods.
  • Separate meals. If severe belching is present, it is recommended to consume food products of different densities separately. During this time, it is forbidden to drink food or drink any drinks after the meal.
  • Avoiding smoking, which irritates the gastric mucosa and is also a provoking factor for swallowing air with tobacco smoke.
  • Limit or completely eliminate dairy products, onions, garlic, and highly carbonated water.
  • Avoiding desserts. For example, there is a significant amount of gases inside a milkshake, bird's milk or whipped cream. In addition, these desserts can provoke a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach.
  • Avoid unnecessary physical activity for 2 hours after a meal. This can provoke increased motility of the digestive organs, therefore increasing the risk of belching.
  • After eating, it is forbidden to take a horizontal position. In order to eliminate the phenomenon of belching and a feeling of heaviness, it will be useful to take a walk in the fresh air.

Excess gas

If gas accumulates in the digestive system, a person may experience bloating, discomfort, or abdominal pain.
Gas is not usually the result of a medical condition, and a feeling of pressure in the abdomen due to gas buildup is common. Bloating and pressure occur when excess gas does not pass through the intestines as usual.

Gas may collect after swallowing more air than usual while eating or drinking. Or this accumulation may result from digestive processes.

Some foods, including those high in carbohydrates, fiber, and most starches, produce more gas. Proteins and fats produce little gas during digestion.

Traditional medicine

You can use any folk remedies for heaviness in the stomach and severe belching of air only after consulting with a specialist and making an accurate diagnosis.

The choice of traditional therapy depends on the cause of the formation of unpleasant symptoms.

  • When belching with air and heaviness in the stomach appear due to high acidity and chronic gastritis, drinking tea made from mint, lemon balm and blackberry will be effective.
  • Rowan fruits effectively help during gastritis and duodenal ulcers.
  • Flaxseeds and linden flowers make it possible to eliminate belching caused by damage to the gastric walls.
  • Cranberry juice is effective in the presence of unpleasant symptoms caused by reduced stomach acidity.
  • To improve the functioning of the digestive system, it is recommended to drink potato juice.

Belching and heaviness in the stomach after a meal are not considered a disease. This symptomatology indicates the presence of dangerous problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, if unfavorable symptoms appear, you should contact a specialist.

Belching treatment

When you are tormented by night belching and want to quickly get rid of it, Almagel and Gaviscon products will come to the rescue. You can get rid of an unpleasant lump in the throat, which presses and provokes vomiting, by taking the digestive enzyme “Enzyme”, “Mezim”, “Movalis”. If gases often come out, you can cope with flatulence by using Motilium. Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of pancreatitis and ulcers are selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

With such symptoms, it is better to eat steamed meat.

Pressive belching at night suggests treatment with diet. If you have heartburn, you can eat steamed vegetables, meat, and porridge. All dishes must be cooked in a steam bath, and the bread must be slightly dry before eating. If you cannot eliminate the symptom by regulating your diet, it is recommended to drink Omez before meals and enzymes to facilitate the digestion of food after a meal. A strict diet for belching in combination with medications gives good results.

Prevention of heaviness in the stomach

A properly formulated diet makes it possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent their occurrence.

Meals should be small and frequent. Meals take place every 3 hours and in small portions.

Patients who experience regular heaviness in the stomach and belching of air are prohibited from overeating and fasting for an extended period of time.

You should learn to eat food at the same time. This will make it possible to accustom the stomach to work at the same period.

This will greatly facilitate and simplify the processing of food contents. Dinner should start no later than 2 hours before bedtime, and the food should not be heavy.

You should eat in a calm environment; it is undesirable to consume food after a psycho-emotional shock.

People suffering from dyspepsia need to stop smoking. This bad habit contributes to the deterioration of food absorption and its subsequent processing.

List of diseases

There are various diseases accompanied by stomach pain and belching. Before prescribing therapy, the gastroenterologist must determine the exact cause of these symptoms, since each of the ailments requires a special approach to treatment. Most diseases with similar symptoms require urgent treatment, as they can lead to complications.

Heartburn, belching and pain in the gastrointestinal tract may indicate the following pathological conditions:

Ulcerative disease

An ulcer forms on the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach. The disease can masquerade as banal gastritis for a long time. Because of this, the disease can develop, which can lead to perforation of the ulcer. The course of this disease is accompanied by heartburn, sour belching, intense burning pain in the epigastric region. Severe belching on an empty stomach, nausea, vomiting and constipation predominate. Pain can be relieved with the help of special antacid medications that help reduce the acidity of gastric juice.


With this gastrointestinal disease, the gastric mucosa is mainly affected. The inflammatory process is accompanied by painful sensations, sour belching, nausea, flatulence, fatigue and poor appetite. The pain is characterized by an aching and dull character. If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to seek medical help. If you do not start timely therapy, there is a risk of developing an ulcer.

Pyloric stenosis

The pathology is manifested by a narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus in the area where the intestines connect to the stomach. Accompanied by difficult movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Belching has a rotten, very unpleasant smell. As the disease progresses, the patient begins to vomit, which does not bring relief.


Pathology is an inflammatory process occurring in the mucous membrane of the esophagus. A sour taste predominates in the mouth. Odorless belching is observed. The patient suffers from nausea. The pain is localized in the central part of the abdominal cavity.

Chronic pancreatitis

This disease, which is an inflammation of the pancreas, usually develops in people who have the habit of overeating, abusing spicy, fried, and fatty foods. When a person adheres to a strict diet, the pathology does not progress. If the diet is violated, intense pain appears. There is also frequent belching and rumbling in the stomach.

Chronic cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder is characterized by pain in the stomach and right hypochondrium, which is aching in nature. In addition, there is belching and a bitter taste in the mouth.

Stomach cancer

It is important to note that oncology is very dangerous. In this case, the symptoms are similar to those of more common and less dangerous gastrointestinal diseases. For this reason, it is necessary to undergo regular examination by a doctor, and if symptoms occur, seek medical help.


The prognosis for this phenomenon is quite positive, but only in a situation where treatment is started in a timely manner.

Such symptoms occur when consuming specific food products. In this situation, you just need to remove it from the menu and the situation will change significantly.

Heaviness occurs when overeating at night, as well as in the process of taking food products of inadequate quality. In such a situation, the prognosis is also positive.

It will be enough to adjust your own menu and balance your diet. This will make it possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms for a long time.

When the difficulty lies in the presence of diseases of the digestive system, it is necessary to find out the recommendations of a specialist.

Only timely diagnostic measures and therapy will help eliminate this phenomenon as soon as possible.

When a person delays going to the doctor, the situation can get worse. In this case, it will not be the usual heaviness in the stomach, but a difficult-to-treat disease with an unpleasant prognosis.

Nausea, belching of air, and heaviness in the stomach are symptoms that are often combined. However, the more signs of a given phenomenon, the more difficult it is to accurately determine the causes.

When air belching is extremely active, you should not fix the problem yourself. You should not delay going to a specialist and make an appointment with him.

He will examine the patient’s body and give an answer as to what provokes various changes in the gastrointestinal tract, heaviness in the abdomen and other pathologies.

Afterwards, he will recommend a course of therapy that is effective directly for the patient.

Simple reasons

Some reasons for this phenomenon may be quite “ordinary” and not a sign of pathology. Often this is simply caused by insufficiently correct eating behavior. Here are a few examples that may cause pain combined with belching (usually air):

  • Eating fruit for dessert. In reality, of course, you need to eat fruit, but you need to wait an hour or two before or after eating. If this is not done, the organic acids they contain will react with minerals in other products, and this can lead to the indicated problem.
  • Bath. In most situations, taking a bath is a very correct and necessary activity. But only if it is immediately after eating, the blood flow in the limb will be increased, and in the stomach area it will be decreased, which causes belching and pain.
  • Tea. If you drink tea after meals, its enzymes can interact with food proteins in the stomach, disrupting normal digestion.
  • Sleep after eating. Many people like to sleep after eating - but correct digestion during sleep is almost impossible (especially if you sleep on your stomach), and therefore the indicated problem arises.
  • Smoking after meals. Smoke and drawn air also lead to both belching and abdominal pain.

Other reasons include drinking excessively cold drinks and unfastening your belt after eating - this only interferes with digestion, contrary to myths.

Features of each disease

When cholecystitis—an inflammatory lesion of the gallbladder—appears, dull pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, bloating, flatulence, nausea and vomiting occur. An exacerbation of the process occurs mainly a few hours after a heavy meal.

Pancreatitis - damage to the pancreas - usually also occurs after a violation of the diet. Unpleasant symptoms usually intensify within an hour after eating.

Pain may be accompanied by dizziness in the head. Taking painkillers does not produce significant results.

Gastritis and ulcers manifest themselves somewhat differently. The diseases are characterized by constantly high acidity of gastric juice.

Patients complain of constant pain and sour belching. With reflux, unpleasant sensations are caused by the “throwing” of gastric juice into the esophagus itself.

If the lesion occurs frequently, it is important to visit a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

After all, very often a banal heaviness in the stomach can be the primary messenger of serious ailments, including oncology.


The treatment regimen is determined after a complete examination of the patient. When making a diagnosis, the doctor focuses on a set of additional symptoms, such as the patient’s diet, lifestyle, the presence of fever, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, and the patient’s tolerance to certain foods and substances.

Pain relief, measures to reduce acidity - “first aid” for stomach pain accompanied by belching. Prescription of proton pump inhibitors, such as omeprazole, will reduce acid production. Antacids (Almagel, Gastal) relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes and remove toxic breakdown products of undigested food debris.

Prevention and treatment

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you must first monitor your diet. It is worth excluding from the diet foods that irritate the mucous membranes. These are carbonated drinks, strong coffee and tea, spicy foods and seasonings, fatty foods, sweets and baked goods, fried foods. You need to cook food by steaming, grilling, baking or boiling. The diet can be varied with dairy products, cereals with milk and jelly.

When treating with medications, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and do not increase or decrease the dose yourself. If discomfort occurs, you must immediately inform your doctor.

Belching of air in healthy people

Normally, the stomach on an empty stomach contains air in the form of a gas bubble, the volume of which directly depends on the size of the stomach. The average portion of air in the stomach of an adult is 0.5-1 liters. Air enters the stomach when:

  • swallowing while eating (especially hasty)
  • deep mouth breathing
  • frequent swallowing, hasty speech
  • smoking
  • drinking carbonated drinks
  • chewing gum

In an absolutely healthy person, severe belching of air can occur if he eats to the point of amazement and simply fills his stomach with food so much that the sphincter of the inlet of the stomach cannot completely close, and gas under pressure will be pushed back into the esophagus and pharynx. The same thing can happen if, after a heavy meal, a person begins to bend, jump or run, squeezing or displacing the stomach.

Obese people are more susceptible to belching that is not associated with illness. It often affects those who abuse strong coffee or tea, garlic, onions, and fatty foods.

In patients without gastrointestinal problems, but who are forced to use inhalers due to other diseases, excess air also enters the stomach.

In pregnant women, the enlarging uterus gradually displaces the internal organs and props up the diaphragm, which can also provoke this unpleasant symptom.

Etiology of the process

The heaviness in the stomach is not accidental. Impressive volumes of production stretch the walls, causing a violation of their contractility.

In this case, the passage of food into the intestines is disrupted, and heaviness begins to bother such patients constantly.

Moreover, in a full stomach, all processes malfunction. As a result, food stagnates, causing heaviness, belching, and general malaise.

The causes of the disease are numerous. Today, there are a huge number of reasons that provoke heaviness in the stomach. The most common factors include poor nutrition.

The reasons are due to excessive consumption of products. Food provokes stretching of the walls, which disrupts digestion. Reasons related to the temperature of the food.

An important aspect of digestive problems is eating cold foods. Eating chilled or frozen foods provokes excessive gastric motility.

These are the main reasons for loose stools and poor digestion of food.

Heaviness in the gastric structures often provokes problems with establishing a regimen. It has been proven that heaviness, bloating, and pain occur when there are large gaps between meals.

One of the most common causes of disruptions in the digestive process is the malicious habit of eating a heavy dinner before bed - the stomach does not fully rest, causing heaviness and fullness in the morning.

Reasons related to eating habits. An important factor in problematic digestion is a sudden change in the usual diet.

Thus, an unusually large meal after a large feast sharply overloads the digestive tract. As a result, constant heaviness and fullness in the upper abdomen quickly develops.

Heaviness in the stomach and belching are provoked by unique foods. It has been proven that stomach problems can occur after unusual foods. There are a number of products that can disrupt all digestive processes.

And we are talking not only about fried, spicy, fatty foods. It is important to exclude potatoes, sweets, baked goods and, of course, fast food from your diet.

Certain drinks can also irritate the mucous membranes. We are talking about tea, coffee, soda and alcohol.

The human body is a complex structure. In some cases, severe indigestion occurs even after drinking whole milk.

This only indicates individual lactose intolerance. Treatment for this condition is simple - by eliminating these types of foods, digestion is normalized.

Heaviness in the abdomen sometimes has a neurological origin. The fact is that the nervous system plays an important role in regulating the functioning of the digestive structures.

Therefore, during chronic, acute stress and overwork, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is greatly disrupted. As a result, there is heaviness, a feeling of fullness and bloating. Severe belching is often observed.

According to statistics, a huge part of all digestive problems occur in older age. This is associated with the intensity of metabolism.

It has been proven that with age, a number of processes slow down, and the quality of food digestion decreases significantly.

Tobacco smoke is dangerous for many reasons. First of all, toxic smoke substances greatly impair the blood supply to organs. This disrupts their peristalsis.

The digestive organs lose the ability to fully push food through the canal - food is retained, heaviness, nausea, and heartburn occur.

Excessive weight is not good for anyone. It increases intra-abdominal pressure, adversely affecting all digestive processes, slowing them down. There is a feeling of fullness in the stomach, belching and severe indigestion.

Sharp changes in hormonal levels in addition to increased intrauterine pressure often provoke problems with gastric motility in pregnant women.

Pathologies of the diaphragm

The main condition leading to regurgitation of air is the incompetence of the cardiac part of the stomach (cardia insufficiency), which does not completely close. This deviation is diagnosed by X-ray examination of the stomach or by endoscopy (FGDS).

Cardia insufficiency is divided into degrees.

  • In the first degree, the muscle of the inlet of the stomach does not compress completely, leaving up to a third of the lumen during deep breathing, which provokes belching.
  • The second causes a gap in the lumen of the cardiac region by half the diameter and also frequent belching of air.
  • In the third case, not only complete non-closure of the cardia during deep inspiration is required, but also the phenomenon of reflux esophagitis due to the constant reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.

The failure of the cardiac sphincter explains frequent belching, the causes of which are as follows:

  • An overfilled stomach in people prone to overeating, as well as in people with slow motor skills and digestive disorders (atrophic gastritis, hypomotor gastrointestinal dyskinesia), including obese people and pregnant women against the background of hormonal changes.
  • Weak lower esophageal sphincter, hiatal hernia.
  • Increased intragastric pressure due to inflammation (peptic ulcer) or tumors, as well as pylorospasm or pyloric stenosis.
  • Surgical interventions on the cardiac part of the stomach with removal or damage to the sphincter.
  • Injuries and burns of the esophagus and stomach.

Diseases of the esophagus, no less often than gastric problems, cause air belching.

A hiatal hernia can cause persistent and frequent belching, including air.

  • The risks of this pathology increase with age, as the muscle fibers and ligaments of the diaphragm weaken, intra-abdominal pressure increases due to overeating, obesity or excessive physical activity.
  • This pathology is also typical for patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma).
  • However, congenital hernias also occur as a consequence of an embryonic defect of the esophagus (its shortening).

With different types of hernias, through an abnormally wide esophageal opening in the diaphragm, different parts of the stomach and the abdominal part of the esophagus can penetrate into the chest cavity and either temporarily or permanently reside in the chest cavity. This leads to pain behind the sternum, which can radiate to the back in the interscapular region. Rhythm disturbances such as extrasystole are also characteristic (in a third of patients).

The main causes of belching in children

Bloating and the presence of air in the stomach are not an independent disease. Treatment is aimed at the source of the disease to bring relief. The very first thing doctors recommend is diet, lifestyle changes, and taking medications.


  • To prescribe dietary nutrition, you need to find out which foods cause discomfort and unpleasant symptoms.
  • In your diet, reduce the consumption of fatty foods and fried foods. These dishes will stop the process of defecation and cause bloating.
  • Temporarily remove fiber from the menu. Then gradually introduce it into the diet. This will help the body get used to this element. The rule does not apply to everyone.
  • You should not consume supplements that contain a lot of fiber.
  • Eat and drink less dairy products. It is permissible to switch to consuming lactose-free products. The diet should contain food that facilitates the digestion of milk sugar.

Most often, painful spasms that require immediate medical intervention are associated with damage or damage to internal organs. If you experience acute abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools, high fever and chills, you must call an ambulance. First of all, a surgeon examines a person in a medical institution to confirm or rule out ruptures of internal organs or inflammation of the appendix.

Further, if surgical intervention is excluded, he issues a referral for examination to a gastroenterologist (if gastrointestinal diseases are suspected), a gynecologist (in women, pain in the lower part may indicate problems with the reproductive system), and a urologist (for diseases of the urinary system).

To avoid painful abdominal cramps, you should adhere to the following medical advice:

  • The diet must be balanced. You should allocate enough time for meals so that you eat slowly, chewing your food well.
  • To prevent belching, do not chew gum to avoid swallowing excess air.
  • You should remove any carbonated drinks from your menu. Kvass, lemonades, beer, champagne - all this contributes to increased gas formation.
  • Bread, beans, beans, peas, cabbage can provoke fermentation, thereby leading to increased gas formation.
  • After eating, you do not need to take a horizontal position.

Frequent or constant belching of air is a pathological human condition that needs to be treated. As a rule, in this case, the patient seeks help from a gastroenterologist.

Separate attention should be paid to such a deviation as neurotic aerophagia. This pathology is characterized by swallowing large amounts of air, which occurs outside of food consumption. As a rule, in such cases, this illness can remind itself both after eating and at other times, except during sleep.

If you constantly belch air, the causes of the phenomenon should be sought in the disrupted activity of the gastrointestinal tract, since this is a pathological syndrome that requires special attention from a specialist.

With normal functioning of the digestive tract, this process is never accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In this case, the air coming from the esophagus or stomach does not have any taste or smell. By the way, most people do not even attach any importance to this feature of the body, since it does not cause any discomfort. Otherwise, you should definitely undergo a medical examination.

As mentioned above, belching is accompanied by the release of gases from the stomach or esophagus through the oral cavity. Almost always this process occurs with a characteristic sound. In this case, the patient may often feel discomfort in the chest area, as well as an unpleasant odor.

Belching is not an independent disease. After all, such a pathological condition is only a symptom of some internal abnormality and requires a medical examination.

What do flatulence and belching indicate? We will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of these deviations right now.

So, in the presence of various diseases, a person may experience:

  • Belching sour flatulence. Occurs due to increased acidity of stomach juice. As a rule, this indicates abnormalities such as gastritis, the formation of ulcers in the stomach or duodenum.
  • Belching rotten. It is formed during putrefactive processes in the main digestive organ (stomach) and is associated with stagnation and rotting of its contents (for example, with pyloric stenosis, cancer, gastritis, etc.).
  • Belching air in large quantities. It begins to bother the patient due to increased gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract (for example, after drinking soda), as well as when swallowing air while eating dry food, talking during lunch, due to nasal congestion during a cold.
  • Belching bitter. It is formed when bile flows back into the main digestive organ during cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.

If you regularly experience these abnormalities, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. After a series of tests, the gastroenterologist should prescribe you one or another treatment.

The causes of regular belching of air are identified after a thorough examination, namely:

  • Analysis of the patient’s medical history and complaints (for example, when did it appear, how often does it bother you, is the appearance related to food intake, how long does it last, etc.).
  • Analysis of life history (for example, does a person suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Laboratory research.
  • Biochemical and clinical blood tests to identify signs of inflammatory processes, dysfunction of internal organs, etc.
  • Fecal occult blood test. As a rule, it is performed when serious intestinal diseases are suspected.
  • Fecal analysis, or rather a coprogram, thanks to which undigested food, undigested fats, dietary fiber, etc. are easily detected.

What to do if you belch air? The causes and treatment of this phenomenon should not be identified or carried out if it is episodic.

Constant belching that continues for too long requires special attention. After visiting a doctor, the patient should undergo a thorough examination. After making a diagnosis, the gastroenterologist is obliged to treat those diseases that, in fact, led to the occurrence of this pathology.

  1. Gastritis or inflammation of the stomach lining.
  2. Diseases of the esophagus (can be different):
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • GERD or so-called gastroesophageal reflux disease. 3. Cholecystitis, that is, the formation of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder. 4. Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

Frequent belching of air (the causes, treatment of the deviation are described in detail in this article) is sometimes eliminated using non-drug methods. As a rule, they come down to reducing intra-abdominal pressure. For this it is recommended:

  • sleep on a fairly high pillow;
  • never tighten the belt or waistband too tightly;
  • walk after eating for 40-60 minutes;
  • do not do physical exercises to train the abdominal muscle tissue (for example, lifting the body, bending, twisting, etc.).

By itself, burping air cannot cause any complications or consequences. However, it is extremely important to promptly begin treatment of those diseases that provoke its appearance (for example, diseases of the oropharynx, nose, stomach, esophagus, intestines, gall bladder, etc.).

Surely every mother knows that belching in an infant is quite common. As a rule, the reason for this process is that during feeding he swallows too much air. Most often this happens if the baby's body is positioned incorrectly during breastfeeding. Also, those mothers who purchased a bottle or pacifier of an irrational shape for their child (with artificial feeding) may encounter a similar problem.

Often belching milk in infants is caused by weakness of the muscle tissues that are located at the entrance to the stomach. As the child grows, they become stronger, and the belching goes away on its own.

If a baby experiences frequent regurgitation of breast milk, you should contact your pediatrician, as this may indicate the presence of a disease.

It is worth noting that bloating, nausea and burping rotten eggs are easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health. Tips to help prevent gas accumulation in the intestines:

  • It is necessary to spend more time outdoors in parks or forests with a large amount of green space;
  • Go to bed on time and get enough sleep. Sleep should last at least eight hours;
  • It is necessary to refuse low-quality and expired food;
  • You should do gymnastics and active sports. You need to give your body some physical activity;
  • It is recommended to exclude sweet soda, chewing gum, and sweets containing dyes from the diet;

Bloating and belching of rotten eggs is not a separate disease. Such manifestations are the result of a malfunction of the body or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find the causes. Self-medication is not recommended.

If symptoms worsen, you should consult a professional specialist.

If you periodically burp air, you are probably concerned about the reasons for its occurrence. What exactly is burping?

Belching is the release of excess gaseous composition from the housing and communal services through the oral cavity. This process cannot be controlled.

Very often, this process is usually accompanied by an unpleasant sound. This happens for the following reason: the muscle tissue of the stomach involuntarily begins to move during the opening of the sphincter, which separates the stomach from the esophagus.

Changes in diet and diet can cause burping in the average person with ideal health. Also, the reasons may be hidden anatomical features in the body.

Heaviness in the stomach and belching of air can occur with gastritis

  • Gastritis is pathological inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner walls of the stomach.
  • Dyspepsia is a deficiency of enzymes responsible for digesting food.
  • Viral infection – causes acute inflammation and refusal to eat.
  • Peptic ulcer disease is a consequence of ignoring Gastritis and the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.
  • Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas and lack of enzymes.
  • Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which can throw bile into the stomach.
  • Dysbacteriosis - since the stomach and intestines are directly connected, the former often suffers from intestinal fermentation.

Chamomile tea for heaviness in the stomach

  • Chamomile tea. It has a calming effect on the stomach, coats the mucous membrane and relieves spasms.
  • Chinese mustache tincture. Alcohol extract is taken one teaspoon at a time and eliminates inflammatory processes.
  • Plantain decoction with honey also has a calming effect.
  • Potato juice with honey - soothes pain and eliminates gas and belching.
  • Calming herbs – relieve spasms and have a beneficial effect on the emotional state.
  • Tea with mint.

Every meal should be taken while sitting


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