Appendicitis: how long do you stay in the hospital after surgery?

In this article we will look at how many people are in the hospital with appendicitis.

An operation aimed at removing the appendix (especially if it was performed on the first day immediately after the onset of the inflammatory process) can be very simple, and the risks of complications will be extremely low. The prognosis for the patient's recovery and recovery is usually favorable.

Everyone wants to know how long they stay in the hospital after surgery to remove appendicitis.

For example, on the second day after such an operation, patients can roll over or sit down. On the third day, the patient can already get up and walk freely. In this regard, many are interested in how long they stay in the hospital after appendicitis removal and when it will be possible to return to a normal lifestyle again.

Rules after surgery

For several weeks after surgery, patients are advised to maintain a gentle regimen, monitoring physical activity. If you violate these rules, you may face a high risk of improper healing of postoperative sutures, the development of an inguinal hernia, or adhesive disease.

It is better to find out in advance how long you need to stay in the hospital after appendicitis removal.

The latter problems may arise due to uneven fusion of muscle tissue, which occurs against the background of:

  • Failure of the patient to comply with the diet immediately after surgery.
  • Blatant disregard by patients of recommendations for wearing a bandage.
  • Against the background of weakness of the muscular framework of the anterior abdominal region.
  • When lifting weights and other physical activities.
  • With an internal inflammatory process.

So how long do people stay in the hospital with appendicitis?

Sick leave after an illness such as appendicitis usually covers a period when the patient needs constant medical supervision, since, finding themselves in familiar home conditions, people may not calculate their workload and provoke various complications. On average, a patient's hospital stay after surgery to remove appendicitis is seven to ten days. If there is a need for additional medical supervision or therapy, this period is extended on the recommendation of a doctor.

Duration of sick leave

Sick leave itself can take various periods of time and is determined by the general physiological state of the citizen. However, when it comes to sick leave, we are faced with certain formal norms that must be taken into account. Thus, the official maximum duration of the sheet is fifteen days.

In this regard, many employees have a logical question: what to do in cases where recovery has not yet occurred within the specified period? Unfortunately, some diseases require significantly longer periods of time for full recovery, especially if these diseases require surgery or prosthetics.

Sample sick leave certificate

In order for an employee to remain on sick leave for a longer period of time legally, the doctor is obliged to send him to a medical institution to undergo a medical commission, which will issue an appropriate conclusion that the patient really needs continued treatment. Depending on the speed of recovery, the certificate of incapacity for work can be extended for up to ten months.

In rare cases, sick leave extends for a whole year - the commission takes such measures in cases where it is faced with:

  • tuberculosis;
  • have undergone a major operation requiring long-term rehabilitation;
  • with severe injuries requiring long-term recovery.

Some medical procedures require a year of sick leave

It should be borne in mind that even after the medical commission approves an increase in sick leave, the employee will be under the tireless supervision of doctors. He will be required to undergo scheduled examinations every fifteen days so that specialists have the right not to close the certificate of incapacity for work.

Sick leave after appendicitis

During classical surgery, patients will be left with a small suture (an average of three centimeters) in the lower abdomen on the right. If a person has no complications after appendicitis, the external suture will be removed on the tenth or twelfth day after surgery, and the internal sutures can be absorbed in approximately two months (they are performed with catgut threads). The period of restoration of the muscle frame and regeneration of the skin coincides with the time of removal and resorption of the sutures. In addition, the minimum period for compliance with the gentle regimen for patients is six weeks.

Not everyone knows how long they stay in the hospital after appendicitis removal.

Document meaning

A certificate of incapacity for work is the only document on the basis of which the state compensates for days an employee misses work due to illness. Based on this, each patient is interested in correctly recording all the circumstances of treatment in the form and in complying with the requirements for filling it out.

There are several differences between sick leave certificates issued after removal of appendicitis and documents reflecting other ailments. Namely:

  • the form consists of two blocks of information that separately record periods of inpatient treatment and days of outpatient observation;
  • it is allowed to maintain the document by two specialists, including the attending surgeon and the district physician who continues observation after hospitalization;
  • a code display of the circumstances of the disease indicates surgical intervention, without specifying the disease;
  • There may be cases of continuation of treatment in several cities, in particular at a medical resort during rehabilitation.

Certain restrictions

Even when the sick leave ends after appendicitis, and the patient is released from the hospital to go home, he needs to adhere to certain rules for one or even two months. It is better not to ignore such recommendations, because the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. First of all, this has to do with diet. The doctor will tell you in detail about the nutritional habits in the first seven and fourteen days after surgery (he should also prepare the patient’s diet).

However, for another two or three months after surgery, it is imperative to adhere to certain medical rules regarding nutrition:

  • Such patients should eat fractionally, that is, little by little, but often.
  • You need to eat warm food.
  • A complete diet should be provided, taking into account the daily requirement of vitamins and microelements.
  • Those foods that provoke gas formation along with fermentation in the digestive system should be excluded.

Features of receiving sick leave

In accordance with the current legislation of our country, sick leave is issued by the doctor of the institution where the person was treated.

After an operation to remove appendicitis, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued by the doctor when the patient is discharged from the hospital.

How many days of sick leave after appendicitis is valid? In this case, the duration will be determined by the doctor, who relies on the law and pays attention to the general condition of the patient. In these cases, the specialist uses special formulas.

If you are interested in the average number of days of sick leave after appendicitis, then with laparotomy it is 10-15 days, and with laparoscopy it is 5-7 days.

It is important to check the completion of the sick leave certificate personally, because it is possible that employees of a medical institution make mistakes.

If such an inaccuracy occurs, it must be corrected immediately, as problems may arise in the future.

Regimen after discharge

Regardless of how long you need to stay in the hospital for appendicitis, you need to refrain from physical activity, but you cannot completely give up activity. In the absence of contraindications, minimal mobility is allowed on the second day after surgery, although you can only get up on the third day. Over the next six weeks, patients will heal the muscles in the area of ​​the incision, but remain at risk for adhesions and hernias.

In this regard, any physical activity along with heavy lifting is strictly prohibited. True, it will be possible to prevent adhesions if you go for a walk every day after lunch and walk up to three kilometers at a measured pace. You should also perform recommended therapeutic exercises. The return to previous physical activity should not be very abrupt. In this case, it is better to gradually increase it and supplement gymnastics with appropriate physical exercises.

What affects the duration of sick leave?

The minimum duration of sick leave is three days, and the maximum is thirty days. To increase the length of stay in the hospital, a medical commission is convened. In some cases, if the patient’s condition is unsatisfactory, sick leave can be extended even up to a year.

But such serious complications are not typical for appendicitis. Appendectomy is a fairly easy surgical procedure, with an average recovery period of fourteen days.

For appendicitis, laparotomy can be performed - this is an abdominal operation, the essence of which is to dissect the soft tissue located directly above the appendix. Nevertheless, the more preferable method of resection of the appendix is ​​laparoscopy.

The essence of the procedure is that small punctures are made in the area of ​​the navel and appendix. Laparoscopy is less traumatic, which affects the duration of the rehabilitation period and the risks of complications.

With classic surgery to remove the appendix, a small suture remains - about three centimeters. If there are no complications, the sutures are removed on the tenth to twelfth day after surgery. Internal sutures dissolve within two months.

For two to three months after appendectomy, you should adhere to the following rules regarding diet:

  • fractional meals: little by little, but often;
  • eat food warm;
  • food should be fortified and balanced;
  • exclusion of food products that provoke fermentation and gas formation processes.

As for physical activity, you shouldn’t completely exclude it, but, on the other hand, completely giving up activity would be stupid. Minimal mobility is indicated only in the first days after surgery. Within six weeks, muscle fusion occurs. During this period, the risks of adhesions and hernia are high.

For this reason, heavy lifting is strictly prohibited during this period. On the other hand, therapeutic exercises and walks in the fresh air will help reduce the likelihood of adhesions forming. The return to physical activity should not be abrupt; the intensity should be increased gradually.

The complexity of appendectomy and the method of its implementation is directly related to how much sick leave will be given after appendicitis:

  • If an inflammatory disease is detected in a timely manner, a standard operation is performed. Small incisions are made. In this case, sick leave is given for a period of five to ten days;
  • emergency amputation is performed if the appendix bursts or peritonitis develops. In this case, a longer recovery period will be required. In this case, patients stay in a medical facility for up to thirty days;
  • if complications arise, the patient may be kept in the hospital for even more than thirty days. One of the serious complications of appendicitis is appendicular infiltration. It is a collection of inflamed tissue around the appendix.

What is done for appendicitis?

The only treatment for the disease is excision of the sigmoid colon. This operation is called an appendectomy. The operation consists of removing the diseased organ under local anesthesia. It is performed through a small incision made in the right iliac region.

How long do they stay in the hospital after removing appendicitis using a laparoscope?

In many clinical institutions, surgical intervention is performed using endoscopic techniques. Several small punctures are made in the skin through which the appendix is ​​removed using a laparoscope. This is a metal tube used for surgery on the abdominal or pelvic organs.

This technique helps to recover very quickly immediately after surgery, and only small, barely noticeable scars may remain on the abdomen. They can be removed later. This technique is used in the presence of an unruptured appendix. After the removal procedure, the patient is discharged within a few days. After two weeks, the stitches are removed. It is necessary to limit physical activity for two months.

Removal of the appendix - what kind of operation?

The appendix is ​​a vermiform appendage of the cecum that is involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

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: the thin mucous membrane becomes inflamed, then the inflammatory process spreads to the appendix.

To prevent the disease from rupturing the appendix, emergency surgery (appendectomy) is prescribed. Delay threatens peritonitis, deterioration of general condition and death.

The process is removed only during surgery: laparoscopy or laparotomy. Let's take a closer look at each type of surgical intervention, how it is performed, and when it is appropriate.


Using this technique, the surgeon removes the inflamed appendage through small incisions in the abdominal wall. During the operation, surgeons use a special optical device - a laparoscope (microscopic television camera). It is inserted into the abdominal cavity and makes accurate diagnosis possible without an abdominal incision.

Laparoscopy is a more gentle method for removing the appendix. Patients recover within a few days, and only 3 small and almost invisible scars (5-10 mm) remain on the abdomen at the puncture sites.

If complications arise, for example, the appendix ruptures or inflammation spreads to nearby tissues, laparoscopy is not enough. This type of intervention can be performed, but only for diagnostic purposes.

To remove the inflamed appendix and clean the abdominal cavity, surgeons resort to laparotomy. This is an abdominal operation in which the abdominal cavity is dissected.

The length of the incision is 5-10 cm. After abdominal surgery, recovery takes longer; the high temperature can last from 5 to 7 days.

Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the appendix of the dome of the cecum, requiring emergency surgery - appendectomy.

Surgery for appendicitis is common; the disease is rarely complicated by a secondary infectious process if treated in a timely manner. Hospital stay does not exceed 7-10 days.

How should a patient eat after appendicitis?

On the first day after the appendix removal procedure, you are allowed to drink only still water, and tea is also suitable. On the second day, taking into account the patient’s condition, you can introduce various cereals along with fruit drinks, broths, lean fish, pureed vegetables and soups, butter and cottage cheese. It is prohibited to eat various salty, spicy, sour, fatty and smoked foods. You should eat only fractionally, and at the same time in small portions.

The length of stay in the hospital with appendicitis also depends on whether there are complications.

What to do to recover faster?

Already 6 hours after the operation, the patient is recommended to stand up (necessarily in a bandage). Walking can significantly shorten the recovery period and serves as an excellent prevention of adhesions.

What to do after appendix removal:

  1. control over physical activity. Physical inactivity during the recovery period is contraindicated; however, running, jumping, playing football and making sudden movements is not allowed;
  2. giving up cigarettes and alcohol for 3-4 weeks;
  3. prohibition on lifting weights of more than 3 kg for 2-3 months;
  4. the most gentle nutrition. In the first week, chicken broths, lean boiled meat, vegetable purees, rice porridge, and dietary dairy products are recommended. The menu should be expanded gradually, introducing baked apples, dried fruits, etc. (excluding fatty, smoked, salted and other harmful foods). You can take diet No. 5 according to Pevzner as a basis;
  5. water, natural juices, herbal teas and other liquids will help remove toxins faster and improve your general condition after surgery;
  6. It is useful to engage in special physical therapy.

No one is immune from surgery to remove the appendix - it can become inflamed in a person, regardless of his age, lifestyle, eating habits and other things. The main thing to remember is: the sooner the patient gets to the doctor, the less traumatic intervention and the shorter recovery period await him.

Complications after appendicitis

The most common complications of acute appendicitis in patients are:

  • Development of intestinal obstruction. Clinical manifestations of this include nausea, along with gas formation, bloating and repeated vomiting, which does not provide any relief.
  • The occurrence of peritonitis is the most dangerous complication that occurs when the appendix ruptures. Against this background, the chances of recovery are sharply reduced.
  • The appearance of a small abscess in the liver along with inflammation of the portal vein.

All this affects how long people stay in the hospital with appendicitis.

Features of appendectomy

The operation is carried out as follows:

  1. The surgeon removes the inflamed appendage under general anesthesia; for this purpose, an incision is made in the right side. It has a slight bevel.
  2. The operation takes no more than 40 minutes. If the appendix remains intact and its contents are not in the abdominal cavity, then lavage is not necessary.
  3. If there is a rupture of the process, the surgeon rinses the cavity, removing the slightest contamination.
  4. After removing the appendix, the doctor places stitches on the incision, sending the patient to the hospital ward.

How long do people stay in the hospital with appendicitis? The answer is simple: the patient will have to stay there until complete recovery in order to remain under the supervision of a doctor.

An appendectomy is performed after hardware and laboratory diagnostics. The inflamed organ is removed in several ways.


The inflamed vermiform appendix of the cecum is excised by specialists through dissection of the soft tissues that are located directly above them.


In this case, a specialist can get to the appendage by making a puncture in the area of ​​the navel and appendix of the abdominal wall. This procedure refers to abdominal surgery.

This method is the preferred method for resection of the appendix, as there is relatively little trauma and a quick recovery period.

The big advantage of laparoscopy is that the risk of complications is low, and discharge after surgery is much faster.

General tips, recommendations and conclusions

So, you should remember that this operation to remove appendicitis can be accompanied by all sorts of complications, especially if:

  • The patient did not adhere to the prescribed diet.
  • The patient lifted heavy objects, and in addition, he was subjected to other physical stress that was beyond his current condition.
  • When the patient’s body is characterized by a weak muscular frame of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • At the onset of internal inflammatory processes.

Thus, every person who has undergone such an operation must remember that the return to usual physical exercises immediately after appendicitis must necessarily only be gradual without forcing events. To do this, you need to do exclusively therapeutic exercises. The doctor can allow the first load on the abdominal muscles, along with gymnastics and weightlifting, at least after three months.

We looked at how many people are in the hospital with appendicitis.

The length of hospital stay after appendicitis removal depends on the type of surgery used to eliminate it. For appendectomy, a classic operation with an incision on the right side of the abdomen, initial rehabilitation in the hospital takes no more than 10 days. The duration is also influenced by the stage at which appendicitis was diagnosed and the individual characteristics of the body.

There is an alternative treatment method - laparoscopy - an operation in which three small incisions are made on the abdomen. Through them, the doctor introduces a light source, a probe with a camera and a device, using which the doctor will remove the appendix. With laparoscopy, the patient will stay in the hospital for no more than 3-5 days.

At the discretion of the doctor, the length of stay in the hospital can be extended. Typically, children under 10 years of age need to spend more time in the hospital to restore their body—from 2 to 3 weeks. But the patient cannot be treated in the hospital after removal of the appendix for more than 30 days.

If there are no complications after the operation, the external sutures will be removed after 10-12 days. The internal sutures are connected with catgut threads - a surgical material that dissolves after 2 months. For complete healing of the skin and muscles, at least 1.5 months of a gentle regimen are required.

But mainly, how long the patient will stay in the hospital after surgery for appendicitis depends on the accuracy of following the doctor’s instructions.


The registration is handled by the doctor and the patient’s employer. The doctor prescribes a diagnosis and indicates the state of health. The period is prescribed using the appropriate unified code, which is indicated in the ICD - K35-38.

Codes are also indicated indicating the general cause of disability; for appendicitis it is 01 (a disease that does not allow the employee to attend the workplace).

The employee does not fill out anything on the sick leave sheet. He only needs to come to the doctor, pick up the sheet and give it to the employer.

The employer fills out information on the sick leave certificate that relates to payment calculations and information about the company. Data for the tax office must be recorded. On a sick leave certificate, the tax code is the number 2300.

The registration of sick leave is carried out by the senior nurse of the specialized department, the head of the department or a surgeon in the clinic at the place of residence. The patient does not participate in filling out the form.

It specifies the causes of disability using special unified codes. Appendicitis corresponds to code 001 - it indicates a disease that makes it impossible to attend the workplace.

After discharge and closing of the sick leave on time, the patient takes the form and gives it to the employer, who fills out the necessary information related to calculations and information about the place of work. The sick leave code for 3-NDFL and the tax service is 2300.

The issuance of temporary disability certificates is regulated by Art. 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 624n dated June 29, 2011 and No. 31n dated January 24, 2012.

Registration of a certificate of incapacity for work for appendicitis is standard. In the line “Cause of disability”, code “01” is indicated (illness that does not allow the employee to attend the workplace). Information about the nature and course of the disease, as well as the manipulations required to eliminate it, is a medical secret. The doctor has no right to disclose it to anyone, including the employer.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the sick leave for more than 15 days, the medical commission

Removal of the appendix is ​​considered an ordinary simple operation, so the duration of the certificate of incapacity most often does not exceed 2 weeks. The issue of extending sick leave is resolved individually with the involvement of medical workers.

It must be remembered that the employee’s independent introduction of any amendments to the sick leave is unacceptable. Such a document is considered invalid.

Hospital regime after discharge

After removal of appendicitis, it is also necessary to adhere to a specific diet:

1. Adults are advised to refrain from eating and drinking water for the first day; just wet your lips.

2. If the patient feels well, then after 12 hours he can drink tea or jelly and eat broth.

3. On days 2 and 3, you need to switch to fractional meals - eating small portions 5-6 times a day. The interval between them should not exceed 2.5 hours.

4. In the 1st week, you are allowed to eat only pureed soups, chicken fillet, low-fat yogurt and rice.

5. During the 2nd week, you can add vegetables, fruits and cereals to your diet.

6. After 2 months, eating flour and sweets in small quantities is allowed.

7. You can switch to a normal diet 4 months after appendix removal.

During this time, you must follow the rules:

  • food should be warm;
  • drink large amounts of water;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • the diet must fully cover the body’s needs for microelements and vitamins;
  • You should not eat foods that provoke gas formation and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet for children should be softer than the diet for adults. Even in the first days they are allowed to eat bananas and fermented milk yoghurts. In adults, the menu is very limited in the early stages after removal of the appendix and gradually expands.

If appendicitis is accompanied by peritonitis, the diet is selected even more carefully so that food does not irritate the intestines. After the operation, the doctor will create a special diet for the first 14 days. Puree soup without potatoes and boiled porridge work well. Also eat more fruits (such as pears, apples and bananas), as the body needs to find additional resources to recover.

During rehabilitation after appendicitis removal, you can eat the following foods and dishes:

1. vegetable soups with potatoes, carrots, onions and herbs (puree soup is especially good);

2. mushrooms and vegetables;

3. lean meat (for example, chicken) and fish;

4. cereals (especially oatmeal, buckwheat and rice);

5. low-fat fermented milk products. In order not to disrupt the functioning of the stomach, they should be heated to room temperature;

6. honey, fruits and dried fruits;

7. herbal teas, compote and jelly.

After removal of appendicitis, the following should be excluded from the patient’s diet:

  • fatty meat broths;
  • smoked and salted products;
  • flour products;
  • sweet;
  • spices and salt.

During rehabilitation, the patient should not only lie down. Minimal physical activity is required for recovery. He may move a little on the 3rd day from the day of appendix removal. You need to be careful, because for 6 weeks there remains a risk of hernias and adhesions - compactions of connective tissue. It is advisable to make the first movements in the hospital when a health worker is nearby.

General tips and tricks

Remember that surgery to remove appendicitis may be accompanied by complications if:

  • the patient did not adhere to the diet;
  • the patient lifted heavy objects and was subjected to other strong physical exertion;
  • the body has a weak muscular frame of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • internal inflammatory processes began.

Returning to normal exercise after appendicitis should be gradual. To do this, you need to do therapeutic exercises. The doctor can allow the first exercise on the abdominal muscles, weightlifting and gymnastics classes at least after 3 months.

Also, do not forget about the recommendations:

1. Apply anti-scar cream to the skin for rapid healing of the scar in 2-3 months.

The presence of symptoms such as: 1. bitterness in the mouth, putrid odor; 2. frequent gastrointestinal disorders, alternating constipation with diarrhea; 3. fatigue, general lethargy; indicate intoxication of the body by parasites. Treatment must begin now, as helminths that live in the digestive tract or respiratory system.

2. Do not lie on your stomach.

3. Do not wet the scar after appendix removal. When swimming, the seam should be closed to prevent water from entering.

4. Alcohol can be consumed after 3-4 weeks.

5. It is advisable to refrain from smoking for 3 days. It is not necessary to adhere to this recommendation, although tobacco smoke has a particularly negative effect on the intestines and respiratory tract in the first days of rehabilitation.

6. You cannot have sex for 1 week. When the external sutures are removed, sexual intercourse is allowed if the abdominal cavity is not tense. Full sex is possible 3-4 weeks from the date of appendicitis surgery.

To avoid appendicitis, you should follow a few simple rules:

1. Avoid infection with acute infections - typhoid fever, yersiniosis, and intestinal tuberculosis.

2. Treat constipation in a timely manner.

3. Balance your diet. Meals should be regular and provide the body with all the necessary substances.

4. Do morning exercises - a little warm-up activates the intestines.

5. Do not eat sunflower seeds with the skin on, swallow grape seeds or chewing gum. They can stick together into a lump that clogs the intestines and causes appendicitis.

One of the most common surgical interventions is appendectomy. This is the name for inflammation of the appendix (appendix). When eliminating pathology at an early stage, minimally invasive laparoscopy is performed. If signs of peritonitis appear, abdominal surgery is necessary.

Treatment can begin with laparoscopy and end with a classic incision in the abdominal cavity (if the inflammatory process spreads beyond the appendix). How long do you stay in the hospital after appendicitis removal? Usually, the specialist himself determines how much time the patient needs to spend in the hospital, focusing on the person’s health condition.

How long do they stay in the hospital after appendicitis with a puncture?

Appendicitis is more common in school-aged children, but can also occur in adults. The disease limits the ability to work, and the necessary surgical intervention requires sick leave for both adults undergoing surgery and those caring for their child. How many days of sick leave are given after appendicitis and what patients should expect - read the article.

Appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the appendix of the dome of the cecum , requiring emergency surgery - appendectomy.

Surgery for appendicitis is common; the disease is rarely complicated by a secondary infectious process if treated in a timely manner. Hospital stay does not exceed 7-10 days.

Patients are interested in the question of how long they stay in the hospital after appendicitis is removed. The period of inpatient stay depends on many factors : the severity of the disease, the type of surgical intervention, the addition of complications (including postoperative ones), the nature of the sick leave (caring for a minor child). It is important to take into account the status of an adult or a child: special periods of sick leave are provided for in case of disability.

The stay in the hospital also depends on the type of operation performed and the choice of intervention tactics :

  • drug antibacterial therapy for chronic appendicitis - no more than five days;
  • laparoscopic method through punctures of the abdominal cavity - 7-10 days, including the postoperative period;
  • abdominal surgery - up to 30 days from the moment of hospitalization.

The nature of the work activity of an adult patient who has undergone an appendectomy is of no small importance. The period of sick leave can be increased in cases of work associated with dangerous and harmful production, increased physical activity, and unfavorable working conditions (in the cold, in the heat, in the open air).

Patients stay in the hospital after surgery with a favorable recovery for up to seven days ; after the stitches are removed (if necessary), they are discharged on the seventh day, at which time the sick leave is closed.

If a parent is caring for a hospitalized child under 3-4 years of age, sick leave begins from the moment of hospitalization and ends with discharge from the hospital - 5-7 days.

For a parent of a disabled child, leave to care for him, regardless of age, can be increased to 30 days. Adults are discharged on days 5-7, at which time the sick leave is closed (plus or minus three days).

In case of complications after surgery, the hospital period varies from 15 to 30 days , however, according to the decision of the medical commission on the need for longer treatment (in a hospital or outpatient setting), it can be extended to a year.

Parents of children under seven years of age require sick leave for care after a complicated operation and for a long stay in hospital until the child’s condition improves and is discharged.

Children over 14 years old can be in hospital without parents and do not need constant care (by decision of the head of the department), so sick leave is issued for 3-5 days. Due to the child's disability, one of the parents may be on care leave until his or her full recovery.

How long is sick leave for adult patients who have had appendicitis with complications? Under general conditions it ranges from 15 to 30 days . The issuance of temporary disability certificates is regulated by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

When are you discharged from the hospital after appendicitis? The recovery period after surgery depends on the technique used to perform it . If the operation is abdominal, then the total stay in the hospital can reach 15 days. With successful treatment, the time spent there rarely exceeds seven days.

In the early postoperative period, bed rest is indicated ; it is necessary to monitor stool and general condition. Antibiotic therapy is immediately prescribed to avoid secondary infectious complications.

Early rehabilitation also includes:

  • gentle nutrition (slimy porridges, soups, pureed foods);
  • protective regime;
  • dressings;
  • taking medications.

and relatives look after the patients If he feels normal and there are no complications, he can get up the next day.

Early rehabilitation without complications takes 2-3 days . In the following days, the person is able to take care of himself.

Any surgical intervention is associated with potential risks, even if the patient is in perfect health. There are complications that arise unexpectedly during the operation.

Appendectomy can be complicated:

  • bleeding;
  • hypoxia after anesthesia;
  • violation of defecation, urination;
  • paresis of the intestines, ureters and bladder.

There is a risk of developing fistulas, thromboembolism, and sepsis due to inadequate care of the postoperative wound. Appendicitis itself can be complicated by peritonitis and sepsis.

Attention! Any complications complicate recovery; the duration of hospital stay can reach a month. Usually this period is enough for the patient to recover.

After discharge from the hospital with improvement, the patient is registered with a dispensary with recommendations. Usually, after seven days in the hospital, the patient remains at home for another 5-7 days according to medical indications. In this case, sick leave is extended until the date established by the attending physician.

Shown at home:

  • treatment of the wound surface with antiseptics;
  • if the stitches are not removed, apply dressings twice a day;
  • taking antibiotics according to the prescribed therapy regimen.

At home, it is recommended to monitor the frequency of stool and urination, avoid hot baths and forceful exercise. The patient is discharged by a surgeon at the clinic at his place of residence.

How many days later will they be discharged if there are indications for extending the certificate of incapacity for work? Sick leave can be extended if the clinical situation meets the following requirements :

  • complications during and after surgery, including rehabilitation (peritonitis, sepsis, abscesses, adhesions, thrombosis);
  • an adult patient or child has disabled status;
  • difficult recovery, impaired mobility after surgery.

To extend the certificate of incapacity for work, it is recommended to contact the head of the surgical department or clinic at your place of residence. The appeal must be oral or declarative in nature in accordance with the procedures of the medical institution.

The average extension period reaches 30 days , however, in special cases, sick leave can be extended up to 12 months.

Attention! In case of prolonged sick leave against the background of persistent functional disorders, you can contact the ITU to assign a disability group. If the issue is resolved positively, the patient acquires the status of a disabled person and receives appropriate benefits.

The registration of sick leave is carried out by the senior nurse of the specialized department, the head of the department or a surgeon in the clinic at the place of residence. The patient does not participate in filling out the form.

It specifies the causes of disability using special unified codes. Appendicitis corresponds to code 001 - it indicates a disease that makes it impossible to attend the workplace.

After discharge and closing of the sick leave on time, the patient takes the form and gives it to the employer, who fills out the necessary information related to calculations and information about the place of work. The sick leave code for 3-NDFL and the tax service is 2300.

The issuance of temporary disability certificates is regulated by Art. 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 624n dated June 29, 2011 and No. 31n dated January 24, 2012.

On the first day after surgery, patients fast . If you want to eat, you can drink thick jelly, broth with lean meat and vegetables. In the first hours after recovery from anesthesia, any drink or food is contraindicated (vomiting, asphyxia with vomit is possible). All food should be warm, at a comfortable temperature; aggressive foods with gas and high fat content are excluded.

Meals during the recovery period should be fractional, in small portions - this eliminates stagnation in the intestines, reduces the load on smooth muscles, and eliminates constipation.

also follow a few rules :

  • avoid visiting saunas, baths, hot baths - a warm shower is enough;
  • exclude exposure to ultraviolet radiation, direct sunlight (including visiting a solarium);
  • exclude physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • control stool - if you have constipation, you should take osmotic laxatives until stool passage is completely restored.

If the patient is sent home before the stitches are removed , they must undergo antiseptic treatment and bandages. An aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, and Miramistin are ideal as an antiseptic.

If redness and pain appear on the wound or suture element, the wound becomes wet , your health deteriorates, or hyperthermia, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms may indicate complications.

Appendectomy occupies a leading place in frequency among all urgent operations in children and adults, and usually proceeds without complications. Labor legislation is on the side of patients when providing all necessary documentation from a medical institution.

It is recommended to notify the employer about hospitalization in a timely manner, and after recovery you should provide the necessary discharge documents to the accounting department. If civil rights are violated, you can contact the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.


Appendicitis is a serious disease that cannot be cured with medications. The appendix, or vermiform appendix of the cecum, has a special circulatory system, when blocked or disrupted, purulent processes occur. The appendix may rupture and the contents will end up in the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis. At an early stage, removal is carried out by laparoscopy; if signs of peritonitis occur, abdominal surgery is performed. How long to stay in the hospital with appendicitis largely depends on the patient’s condition in the postoperative period.

Appendicitis can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Various infections in the body.
  • Helminthic infestations.
  • Vascular disorders.
  • Ingress of foreign objects: husks from seeds, seeds from fruits.
  • Hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue.
  • Deformation of the process.
  • Presence of fossilized excrement.
  • Hereditary predisposition.

If acute abdominal pain, fever and vomiting occur, you should call an ambulance. All these symptoms occur when the appendix is ​​inflamed. To treat the disease, surgery is necessary. Only in exceptional cases, at the earliest stages of the disease, are antibiotics used to stop the inflammatory process. But most doctors leave their choice to perform a surgical operation. The patient is admitted to the hospital. How many days do you spend in the hospital with appendicitis? It depends on the type of surgical intervention, there are two of them:

  • Laparoscopic - three small punctures are made in the abdominal wall, into which devices used to remove the appendix are inserted. After recovery, the punctures become less noticeable.
  • Classic - an approximately ten-centimeter incision is made on the right side of the peritoneum, through which the appendix is ​​removed. After the operation, the scar remains at first red, and then it gradually fades and becomes not very noticeable.

With surgery performed using the first method, the hospital stay is reduced to approximately 4–5 days, and recovery is much faster than with abdominal surgery.

Two days after surgery, the dressing is performed, assessing the appearance of the suture - the presence of redness, swelling. The patient's general condition is also monitored and body temperature is measured. Resorption of internal sutures occurs after two months, and external sutures are removed 10 days after the intervention. For complete recovery, it takes about two months and a gentle regime. How long do adults stay in the hospital after appendicitis? This depends on the following factors:

  • patient's age;
  • general health;
  • method of performing the operation;
  • stages of inflammation detection;
  • features of the postoperative period.

With a cavity appendectomy without complications, adults stay in a medical institution for seven to ten days, with removal of the appendix by laparoscopy - from three to five days. Under special circumstances, the length of stay in hospital may increase to a month.

In uncomplicated cases of the disease, children undergo surgery to remove the appendix using the laparoscopic method. Firstly, there is no large scar left, which girls in adolescence may be ashamed of. Secondly, a child’s long stay in the hospital has a negative impact on the fragile psyche, which interferes with the recovery process. After laparoscopy, a day later the patient can be discharged for observation at home.

However, doctors prefer to observe children for some time in a hospital setting. In case of complicated appendicitis, abdominal surgery is performed, and children under ten years of age have to be under medical supervision for about two to three weeks.

Both types of operations are indicated for pregnant women. But due to less trauma, preference is given to laparoscopy. In a standard classical operation, the abdominal wall is cut longer than usual for a better view. Pregnancy, as a rule, is not interrupted. Caesarean section is performed only in difficult situations, aggravated by appendicitis, or during a long period of pregnancy, when the uterus blocks access to the appendix.

How long do pregnant women stay in the hospital after surgery (appendicitis in some cases can be dangerous for the fetus)? Under normal circumstances, after laparoscopy, the pregnant woman is prepared for discharge on the third day, and after abdominal surgery - a week later.

When a patient is admitted with an acute form of appendicitis, the operation is performed immediately to prevent the development of peritonitis. In modern surgery, whenever possible, appendectomy is performed using laparoscopy. But in difficult cases, the operation is always performed openly. Regardless of the type of surgical intervention, the patient is immediately placed in intensive care after the operation. To improve his well-being, he is prescribed medications:

  • antibiotics - to prevent infection of the body;
  • painkillers – relieve pain;
  • vitamin complexes and glucose - nourish and restore strength.

After 12–24 hours, the patient is transferred to a regular ward. How long to stay in the hospital with appendicitis depends on the success of the operation, the general condition of the person and the presence or absence of complications.

If complications occur that may appear during or after surgery, the patient's condition usually worsens on the second or third day. The patient complains of pain in the area of ​​the incision, his temperature rises, general weakness occurs, and purulent discharge appears from the suture. The most common complications include:

  • rupture of the appendix during surgery. The patient's condition is life-threatening;
  • intestinal obstruction. Gas accumulation occurs, nausea and vomiting appear;
  • the occurrence of adhesions and abscesses on the liver.

In this case, the doctor must quickly respond to the patient’s complaints. Sometimes repeated surgery or urgent therapeutic care is required. How long do they stay in the hospital after appendicitis with complications? Discharge of a patient from the hospital depends on the specific situation and the severity of the complication. The patient will have to stay in a medical facility until complete recovery.

If the operation is successful and there are no complaints from the patient, after a medical examination two days after the operation, the patient is allowed to get up and try to walk. If you feel well, you are allowed to get up and move for the first time without the supervision of a medical professional. The operation performed using the laparoscopy method allows the patient to recover faster, and the sutures are removed on the third day. The standard incision is much larger than the laparoscopic one, and the stitches are removed only after 9 days. How long do people stay in the hospital with appendicitis?

Positive dynamics of recovery and a stable state of health make it possible to discharge the patient from the hospital on the tenth day after abdominal surgery and on the fifth after laparoscopy. At home, you must follow all doctor's recommendations. The entire recovery period lasts about two months.

The inflammatory process in the appendix is ​​mainly treated with surgery. The patient usually arrives at the hospital with severe symptoms: high fever, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In each specific case, the doctor himself chooses the type of surgical intervention: laparoscopy or abdominal surgery. How long you need to stay in the hospital with appendicitis depends on the technique used to remove the appendix and the presence of aggravating factors.


Inflammation of the appendix is ​​a common pathology that usually takes patients by surprise. The question that worries all patients in the surgical department without exception is: how long do they stay in the hospital after appendicitis removal?

For many, this means falling out of the usual rhythm of life and adjusting existing plans. An acute question arises: where to put pets and children during treatment.

And also the need to be careful and attentive to your health in the next couple of months. If the operation itself does not last long, then the length of stay in the hospital may be prolonged for various reasons. We will find out exactly which one from this article.

An attack of appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendage of the cecum, which is called the appendix. It occurs in an acute form, with rapidly increasing symptoms and deterioration of well-being.

  • infectious diseases (typhoid fever, tonsillitis);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • constipation;
  • caries;
  • excessive consumption of seeds, ingestion of chewing gum and seeds of fruits and berries;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • helminthiases.

  • dull aching pain in the navel or hypochondrium, which begins to rapidly increase;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dry mouth;
  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature up to 380C;
  • the so-called “acute abdomen”, when due to pain it is impossible to palpate the abdominal area.

If the above symptoms occur, the patient must go to the hospital as soon as possible for examination, since in the absence of surgical intervention the appendix becomes suppurated and peritonitis occurs. In severe cases, pus pours into the abdominal cavity, which leads to peritonitis. In this case, the probability of death is high.

If inflammation of the appendix is ​​suspected, the patient is prescribed the following laboratory and instrumental studies:

The only treatment is surgical removal of the inflamed appendix. There are 2 ways to carry out this operation:

  • Classic operation. In this case, an incision is made, up to 10 cm long, and after removing the appendix, sutures are applied. This type of surgical intervention is practiced for purulent appendicitis in order to cleanse the abdominal cavity of residual pus. In this case, the recovery period lasts up to 2 weeks.

  • Laparoscopy. Three small incisions are made on the patient's abdomen, through which an endoscope and a surgical instrument are inserted to remove the appendix. The operation itself lasts about half an hour, the recovery period takes 5 – 7 days.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient must go to the clinic at his place of residence. Sick leave after appendicitis is given for a week for laparoscopy, and for up to two weeks for classical surgery.

However, how long to stay in the hospital with appendicitis, and, as a result, sick leave after appendicitis, depend not only on the type of surgical intervention performed, but also on the presence or absence of complications. The most common pathologies that delay the process of recovery and discharge include:

  • Inflammation of the external or internal seam. The cause may be constant external influences on the suture area, for example, sleeping on the stomach, lifting heavy objects, or trauma to the drainage tube. If this pathology occurs, thorough local treatment of the sutures is performed, and the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Until the symptoms subside, the patient will have to stay in the hospital.

  • Repeated suppuration. If the suture suppurates, the wound is opened and disinfected, then the suture is applied again. If suppuration occurs in an already operated area of ​​the intestine, repeat surgery is performed. This pathology can significantly lengthen the time of hospital stay.
  • Formation of adhesions. A pathological process that occurs when a suture fuses with internal organs. It threatens to disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; there is a high probability of partial or complete intestinal obstruction. High risk of death. If adhesions occur, repeated surgery is performed. The length of hospital stay depends on the complexity and duration of subsequent rehabilitation.

  • Herniation. Appears in a place where the seam has not completely healed. The gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels begin to move into the resulting cavity. The danger is a strangulated hernia; in this case, blood circulation in the pinched organ slows down and its death may begin. Treatment is surgery; recovery time varies from person to person.
  • The occurrence of peritonitis. The most dangerous complication, but quite rare. It occurs when the appendix ruptures, when the purulent contents of the appendix pour into the abdominal cavity. During the operation, the peritoneum is thoroughly cleaned and washed with antiseptics. If inflammation appears after surgery, then the abdominal cavity is re-opened for cleaning and disinfection. In this case, the hospital stay may be lengthy.

To ensure recovery after appendicitis removal occurs as quickly as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Maintain bed rest, which does not mean complete immobility. 12 hours after surgery, it is recommended to change your body position in bed. A couple of days after the operation, simple therapeutic exercises begin in a lying position under the supervision of a doctor. All these measures help to minimize the occurrence of adhesions.
  • Stick to a healthy diet. This is done in order to prevent overflow of the intestines, and thereby prevent the formation of internal adhesions. Meals should consist of low-fat soups and cream soups with chicken or vegetable broth, low-fat boiled meats and fish, low-fat fermented milk products, and viscous porridges. Spicy, fatty and fried foods, soda, thick rich broths and foods that increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract are prohibited.
  • Limiting physical activity and wearing a bandage. Excessive physical activity can cause incomplete fusion of the suture, and, as a result, the occurrence of a hernia. Although exercise therapy is indicated for the patient, increased physical activity and heavy lifting remain prohibited.

How many days to stay in the hospital with appendicitis depends not only on how successful the operation was, but also on the patient’s compliance with the rules of postoperative rehabilitation.

Sick leave after appendicitis is issued for up to two weeks. If during this time the patient’s condition has not improved, then a medical commission is assembled, which decides on the issue of extending the list of incapacity for work. In total, you can be on sick leave for up to 12 months, but such cases practically never occur.

To avoid, or at least minimize the risk of appendicitis, you should follow simple rules:

  • if you suspect an infectious disease, immediately seek medical help;
  • prevent constipation;
  • Do light exercise regularly;
  • adhere to the principles of healthy eating;
  • Avoid eating sunflower seeds with the peel, and try not to swallow grape seeds and chewing gum.

Taking these preventive measures can protect you from inflammation of the appendix and an unplanned visit to the hospital.


The length of hospital stay after appendicitis removal depends on the type of surgery used to eliminate it. For appendectomy, a classic operation with an incision on the right side of the abdomen, initial rehabilitation in the hospital takes no more than 10 days. The duration is also influenced by the stage at which appendicitis was diagnosed and the individual characteristics of the body.

There is an alternative treatment method - laparoscopy - an operation in which three small incisions are made on the abdomen. Through them, the doctor introduces a light source, a probe with a camera and a device, using which the doctor will remove the appendix. With laparoscopy, the patient will stay in the hospital for no more than 3-5 days.

At the discretion of the doctor, the length of stay in the hospital can be extended. Typically, children under 10 years of age need to spend more time in the hospital to restore their body—from 2 to 3 weeks. But the patient cannot be treated in the hospital after removal of the appendix for more than 30 days.

If there are no complications after the operation, the external sutures will be removed after 10-12 days. The internal sutures are connected with catgut threads - a surgical material that dissolves after 2 months. For complete healing of the skin and muscles, at least 1.5 months of a gentle regimen are required.

But mainly, how long the patient will stay in the hospital after surgery for appendicitis depends on the accuracy of following the doctor’s instructions.

After removal of appendicitis, it is also necessary to adhere to a specific diet:

1. Adults are advised to refrain from eating and drinking water for the first day; just wet your lips.

2. If the patient feels well, then after 12 hours he can drink tea or jelly and eat broth.

3. On days 2 and 3, you need to switch to fractional meals - eating small portions 5-6 times a day. The interval between them should not exceed 2.5 hours.

4. In the 1st week, you are allowed to eat only pureed soups, chicken fillet, low-fat yogurt and rice.

5. During the 2nd week, you can add vegetables, fruits and cereals to your diet.

6. After 2 months, eating flour and sweets in small quantities is allowed.

7. You can switch to a normal diet 4 months after appendix removal.

During this time, you must follow the rules:

  • food should be warm;
  • drink large amounts of water;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • the diet must fully cover the body’s needs for microelements and vitamins;
  • You should not eat foods that provoke gas formation and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet for children should be softer than the diet for adults. Even in the first days they are allowed to eat bananas and fermented milk yoghurts. In adults, the menu is very limited in the early stages after removal of the appendix and gradually expands.

If appendicitis is accompanied by peritonitis, the diet is selected even more carefully so that food does not irritate the intestines. After the operation, the doctor will create a special diet for the first 14 days. Puree soup without potatoes and boiled porridge work well. Also eat more fruits (such as pears, apples and bananas), as the body needs to find additional resources to recover.

During rehabilitation after appendicitis removal, you can eat the following foods and dishes:

1. vegetable soups with potatoes, carrots, onions and herbs (puree soup is especially good);

3. lean meat (for example, chicken) and fish;

4. cereals (especially oatmeal, buckwheat and rice);

5. low-fat fermented milk products. In order not to disrupt the functioning of the stomach, they should be heated to room temperature;

6. honey, fruits and dried fruits;

7. herbal teas, compote and jelly.

After removal of appendicitis, the following should be excluded from the patient’s diet:

  • fatty meat broths;
  • smoked and salted products;
  • flour products;
  • sweet;
  • spices and salt.

During rehabilitation, the patient should not only lie down. Minimal physical activity is required for recovery. He may move a little on the 3rd day from the day of appendix removal. You need to be careful, because for 6 weeks there remains a risk of hernias and adhesions - compactions of connective tissue. It is advisable to make the first movements in the hospital when a health worker is nearby.

General tips and tricks

Remember that surgery to remove appendicitis may be accompanied by complications if:

  • the patient did not adhere to the diet;
  • the patient lifted heavy objects and was subjected to other strong physical exertion;
  • the body has a weak muscular frame of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • internal inflammatory processes began.

Returning to normal exercise after appendicitis should be gradual. To do this, you need to do therapeutic exercises. The doctor can allow the first exercise on the abdominal muscles, weightlifting and gymnastics classes at least after 3 months.

Also, do not forget about the recommendations:

1. Apply anti-scar cream to the skin for rapid healing of the scar in 2-3 months.

The presence of symptoms such as: 1. bitterness in the mouth, putrid odor; 2. frequent gastrointestinal disorders, alternating constipation with diarrhea; 3. fatigue, general lethargy; indicate intoxication of the body by parasites. Treatment must begin now, as helminths that live in the digestive tract or respiratory system.

3. Do not wet the scar after appendix removal. When swimming, the seam should be closed to prevent water from entering.

4. Alcohol can be consumed after 3-4 weeks.

5. It is advisable to refrain from smoking for 3 days. It is not necessary to adhere to this recommendation, although tobacco smoke has a particularly negative effect on the intestines and respiratory tract in the first days of rehabilitation.

6. You cannot have sex for 1 week. When the external sutures are removed, sexual intercourse is allowed if the abdominal cavity is not tense. Full sex is possible 3-4 weeks from the date of appendicitis surgery.

To avoid appendicitis, you should follow a few simple rules:

1. Avoid infection with acute infections - typhoid fever, yersiniosis, and intestinal tuberculosis.

2. Treat constipation in a timely manner.

3. Balance your diet. Meals should be regular and provide the body with all the necessary substances.

4. Do morning exercises - a little warm-up activates the intestines.

5. Do not eat sunflower seeds with the skin on, swallow grape seeds or chewing gum. They can stick together into a lump that clogs the intestines and causes appendicitis.


Treatment of appendicitis

Appendicitis occurs due to several reasons:

  • infections;
  • coprolites;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • vascular disorders;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue;
  • foreign bodies (seeds, seed husks);
  • with hereditary predisposition;
  • with deformation of the process.

Inflammation can be acute or chronic. It can occur in a simple and destructive form. The latter has three stages: phlegmonous, gangrenous, perforative.

In women, an acute attack of the disease occurs more often than in men. If appendicitis is suspected, it is prohibited to heat the painful area, eat or drink, or take painkillers until the diagnosis is confirmed.

Treatment for appendicitis involves surgical removal of the inflamed appendix. The patient is in the hospital. The operation can be carried out using the laparoscopic method or the classic version. In the first case, the appendix is ​​removed using 2-3 punctures in the abdomen and manipulating devices inserted into them. In a classic operation, the surgeon makes an approximately 10-centimeter incision on the right side of the abdominal cavity and removes a section of the cecum. After an appendectomy, a scar 7-9 cm long remains. For the first six months, the scar is red, but over time it fades and becomes less noticeable.

On the third day after the operation, the dressing is done, assessing the appearance of the suture (the presence or absence of redness, swelling and swelling of the tissue). The patient’s condition is also taken into account - general health, body temperature.

External sutures are removed 10-12 days after surgery, internal sutures dissolve on their own in about 2 months. For skin and muscles to heal, 1.5-2 months of a gentle regimen are necessary.

How many days do you stay in the hospital after appendicitis? Some points are important:

  • patient's age;
  • type of operation performed;
  • general health status;
  • the stage at which inflammation was detected;
  • features of the postoperative period.

With a classic appendectomy and the absence of complications, adult patients stay in a medical facility for about 7-10 days, with laparoscopic removal of the appendix - 3-5 days. Sometimes the hospital stay can last up to a month.

Children under 10 years of age need to stay in the hospital for 2-3 weeks.

What is inflammation of the appendix

An attack of appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendage of the cecum, which is called the appendix. It occurs in an acute form, with rapidly increasing symptoms and deterioration of well-being.


  • infectious diseases (typhoid fever, tonsillitis);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • constipation;
  • caries;
  • excessive consumption of seeds, ingestion of chewing gum and seeds of fruits and berries;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • helminthiases.


  • dull aching pain in the navel or hypochondrium, which begins to rapidly increase;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dry mouth;
  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature up to 380C;
  • the so-called “acute abdomen”, when due to pain it is impossible to palpate the abdominal area.

If the above symptoms occur, the patient must go to the hospital as soon as possible for examination, since in the absence of surgical intervention the appendix becomes suppurated and peritonitis occurs. In severe cases, pus pours into the abdominal cavity, which leads to peritonitis. In this case, the probability of death is high.

If inflammation of the appendix is ​​suspected, the patient is prescribed the following laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood analysis;
  • CT scan;
  • MRI.

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The only treatment is surgical removal of the inflamed appendix. There are 2 ways to carry out this operation:

  • Classic operation. In this case, an incision is made, up to 10 cm long, and after removing the appendix, sutures are applied. This type of surgical intervention is practiced for purulent appendicitis in order to cleanse the abdominal cavity of residual pus. In this case, the recovery period lasts up to 2 weeks.
  • Laparoscopy. Three small incisions are made on the patient's abdomen, through which an endoscope and a surgical instrument are inserted to remove the appendix. The operation itself lasts about half an hour, the recovery period takes 5 – 7 days.

After discharge from the hospital, the patient must go to the clinic at his place of residence. Sick leave after appendicitis is given for a week for laparoscopy, and for up to two weeks for classical surgery.

However, how long to stay in the hospital with appendicitis, and, as a result, sick leave after appendicitis, depend not only on the type of surgical intervention performed, but also on the presence or absence of complications. The most common pathologies that delay the process of recovery and discharge include:

  • Inflammation of the external or internal seam. The cause may be constant external influences on the suture area, for example, sleeping on the stomach, lifting heavy objects, or trauma to the drainage tube. If this pathology occurs, thorough local treatment of the sutures is performed, and the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Until the symptoms subside, the patient will have to stay in the hospital.
  • Repeated suppuration. If the suture suppurates, the wound is opened and disinfected, then the suture is applied again. If suppuration occurs in an already operated area of ​​the intestine, repeat surgery is performed. This pathology can significantly lengthen the time of hospital stay.
  • Formation of adhesions. A pathological process that occurs when a suture fuses with internal organs. It threatens to disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; there is a high probability of partial or complete intestinal obstruction. High risk of death. If adhesions occur, repeated surgery is performed. The length of hospital stay depends on the complexity and duration of subsequent rehabilitation.
  • Herniation. Appears in a place where the seam has not completely healed. The gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels begin to move into the resulting cavity. The danger is a strangulated hernia; in this case, blood circulation in the pinched organ slows down and its death may begin. Treatment is surgery; recovery time varies from person to person.
  • The occurrence of peritonitis. The most dangerous complication, but quite rare. It occurs when the appendix ruptures, when the purulent contents of the appendix pour into the abdominal cavity. During the operation, the peritoneum is thoroughly cleaned and washed with antiseptics. If inflammation appears after surgery, then the abdominal cavity is re-opened for cleaning and disinfection. In this case, the hospital stay may be lengthy.

To ensure recovery after appendicitis removal occurs as quickly as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Maintain bed rest, which does not mean complete immobility. 12 hours after surgery, it is recommended to change your body position in bed. A couple of days after the operation, simple therapeutic exercises begin in a lying position under the supervision of a doctor. All these measures help to minimize the occurrence of adhesions.
  • Stick to a healthy diet. This is done in order to prevent overflow of the intestines, and thereby prevent the formation of internal adhesions. Meals should consist of low-fat soups and cream soups with chicken or vegetable broth, low-fat boiled meats and fish, low-fat fermented milk products, and viscous porridges. Spicy, fatty and fried foods, soda, thick rich broths and foods that increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract are prohibited.
  • Limiting physical activity and wearing a bandage. Excessive physical activity can cause incomplete fusion of the suture, and, as a result, the occurrence of a hernia. Although exercise therapy is indicated for the patient, increased physical activity and heavy lifting remain prohibited.

How many days to stay in the hospital with appendicitis depends not only on how successful the operation was, but also on the patient’s compliance with the rules of postoperative rehabilitation.

Sick leave after appendicitis is issued for up to two weeks. If during this time the patient’s condition has not improved, then a medical commission is assembled, which decides on the issue of extending the list of incapacity for work. In total, you can be on sick leave for up to 12 months, but such cases practically never occur.

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To avoid, or at least minimize the risk of appendicitis, you should follow simple rules:

  • if you suspect an infectious disease, immediately seek medical help;
  • prevent constipation;
  • Do light exercise regularly;
  • adhere to the principles of healthy eating;
  • Avoid eating sunflower seeds with the peel, and try not to swallow grape seeds and chewing gum.

Taking these preventive measures can protect you from inflammation of the appendix and an unplanned visit to the hospital.

The length of hospital stay depends not only on the type of surgery performed, but also on the success of rehabilitation measures. It is important to follow all the instructions of your doctor to avoid delaying the recovery process. How long will you have to stay in the hospital after surgery to remove appendicitis Link to main publication

If acute abdominal pain, fever and vomiting occur, you should call an ambulance. All these symptoms occur when the appendix is ​​inflamed. To treat the disease, surgery is necessary. Only in exceptional cases, at the earliest stages of the disease, are antibiotics used to stop the inflammatory process.

  • Laparoscopic - three small punctures are made in the abdominal wall, into which devices used to remove the appendix are inserted. After recovery, the punctures become less noticeable.
  • Classic - an approximately ten-centimeter incision is made on the right side of the peritoneum, through which the appendix is ​​removed. After the operation, the scar remains at first red, and then it gradually fades and becomes not very noticeable.

With surgery performed using the first method, the hospital stay is reduced to approximately 4–5 days, and recovery is much faster than with abdominal surgery.

Postoperative period

After surgery, the patient must follow a diet with some restrictions for several months. For a week after treatment, you can only eat semi-viscous porridge with water, yoghurt, and light puree soups.

The first month after appendectomy the following are prohibited:

  • salty, fried and spicy foods;
  • canned food, spices and marinades;
  • rich soups, borscht and cabbage soup;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fat cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, milk;
  • flour products.

It is advisable to eat small portions up to 6 times a day. Food should be consumed warm.

Working patients must, with an extract from the medical institution where the operation was performed, go to the clinic at their place of residence to close out their sick leave. Depending on the type of surgical intervention performed and the general condition of the patient, it will last after laparoscopic surgery - approximately 7 days, after abdominal surgery - 2 weeks.

Full recovery requires 6-8 weeks. How long a person stays in the hospital with appendicitis depends on the type of surgery performed and many other factors. On average, patients stay in hospital from 3 to 14 days. The first month after treatment requires a gentle regimen of physical activity and nutrition. It is very important to follow the doctor’s recommendations during this period.

Inflammation of the appendix in 90% of cases is treated with surgical removal. The patient is admitted to the hospital with severe cutting pain in the area under the right ribs, high body temperature, and nausea and vomiting. The doctor decides individually how to remove appendicitis, using open abdominal surgery or using laparoscopy. Depending on the removal technique used and the presence of aggravating factors, a recovery period is assigned. How long after removal of appendicitis do they stay in the hospital during the standard procedure, what is the duration of recovery after discharge at home - is discussed in the article.

For what period are the newsletters provided?

Depending on how exactly the operation was performed, recovery can last from 2 days to 2 weeks. During laparoscopic surgery, patients are discharged on the 2-3rd day, and after laparotomy - on the 10th day.

If complications arise (hernia, peritonitis, inflammation of the suture, low-grade fever, abscess), the duration of hospital stay increases.

Regime and diet

After removal of the appendix, patients are recommended to start walking (always in a bandage) within 5-6 hours after the operation.

and prevents the formation of adhesions.

Heavy physical activity and lifting loads are strictly contraindicated for up to 3 months, as all this can lead to the suture coming apart or a hernia occurring.

Patients are advised to sleep at least 8 hours a day, not drink alcohol for 3-4 weeks, and lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible. The same applies to nutrition: it should be light, balanced and of high quality.

In the first 12 hours after surgery, when the body recovers from anesthesia, you should not eat. In the first 3 days, meals are very gentle, light and frequent: at least 5-6 times a day. It can be:

  • chicken broths (with a small amount of fat, for example, from chicken breast);
  • chicken meat: only boiled and pureed;
  • vegetable purees: from potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • dairy products: low-fat and sugar-free (kefir and yogurt);
  • boiled rice in water.

A week after the operation, slimy porridge with water, liquid unleavened soups without salt, pureed vegetable soups, a small amount of fresh herbs, boiled carrots, dried fruits, and baked apples can be introduced into the diet.

Gradually, the menu is expanding, and more products can be introduced into it, but it is better to avoid fatty, spicy and salty dishes in principle.

Water can be supplemented with herbal teas, fresh natural juices and sugar-free compotes. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters per day.

After surgery, an increase in temperature is normal. A focus of inflammation occurs in the body, and the immune system is actively involved in its work. During this, the temperature rises to 37-38 degrees and lasts from 2 to 10 days.

After laparoscopy, the temperature goes away naturally on the 2-3rd day, and after laparotomy it can last up to 10 days. Sometimes the temperature can last for 3-6 months. The reason for this may be a violation of thermoregulation or other complications.

In such cases, treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, or treated symptomatically with antipyretics. It all depends on the cause, which is determined by the doctor.

The abdominal wall is sutured with absorbable threads, and the skin with strong silk or synthetic threads. If wound healing proceeds without complications and the wound is covered with a crust, the sutures are removed within 7-10 days.

The rules for issuing sick leave are regulated by Article No. 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 624n dated June 29, 2011 and No. 31n dated January 21, 2012. It is issued for a period of 5 to 15 days, depending on the how the appendectomy was performed.

  • Who takes sick leave? The sick leave is opened by the attending physician. It is issued only at the medical institution where the treatment took place.
  • When is it issued? A sick leave certificate is issued upon discharge of the patient from the hospital.

When are you discharged from the hospital after appendicitis? The recovery period after surgery depends on the technique used to perform it. If the operation is abdominal, then the total stay in the hospital can reach 15 days. With successful treatment, the time spent there rarely exceeds seven days.

In the early postoperative period, bed rest is indicated; it is necessary to monitor stool and general condition. Antibiotic therapy is immediately prescribed to avoid secondary infectious complications.

Early rehabilitation also includes:

  • gentle nutrition (slimy porridges, soups, pureed foods);
  • protective regime;
  • dressings;
  • taking medications.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Calculation of sick leave document

On the first day, medical staff and relatives look after the patients; they monitor the recovery from anesthesia and the patient’s sensations. If he feels normal and there are no complications, he can get up the next day.

Early rehabilitation without complications takes 2-3 days. In the following days, the person is able to take care of himself.

For complications

Any surgical intervention is associated with potential risks, even if the patient is in perfect health. There are complications that arise unexpectedly during the operation.

Appendectomy can be complicated by:

  • bleeding;
  • hypoxia after anesthesia;
  • violation of defecation, urination;
  • paresis of the intestines, ureters and bladder.

There is a risk of developing fistulas, thromboembolism, and sepsis due to inadequate care of the postoperative wound. Appendicitis itself can be complicated by peritonitis and sepsis.

Attention! Any complications complicate recovery; the duration of hospital stay can reach a month. Usually this period is enough for the patient to recover.

After discharge

After discharge from the hospital with improvement, the patient is registered with a dispensary with recommendations. Usually, after seven days in the hospital, the patient remains at home for another 5-7 days according to medical indications. In this case, sick leave is extended until the date established by the attending physician.

At home the following are shown:

  • treatment of the wound surface with antiseptics;
  • if the stitches are not removed, apply dressings twice a day;
  • taking antibiotics according to the prescribed therapy regimen.

At home, it is recommended to monitor the frequency of stool and urination, avoid hot baths and forceful exercise. The patient is discharged by a surgeon at the clinic at his place of residence.

At this time, the operated patient is given antibiotics to prevent inflammation, glucose and vitamin solutions to restore the body, as well as painkillers.

On the second day, the patient is transferred to the general ward. Sutures after laparoscopy are removed on day 3, after laparotomy - on day 5, after which the patient is discharged.

In some cases, the operated patient experiences a temporary increase in body temperature as a reaction of the body to the intervention. Temperature may rise sporadically throughout the entire rehabilitation period.

The duration of rehabilitation depends on the preoperative condition of the person, his age and compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician. Typically, full recovery takes from 10 days to 4 weeks. Children and the elderly take the longest to recover.

Particular attention should be paid to a diet that excludes foods whose consumption leads to intestinal dysfunction - increased gas formation, constipation, diarrhea, etc. A balanced, high-calorie diet is preferable, necessarily including fresh vegetables and complete protein. These products will replenish the body's energy costs for recovery and speed up rehabilitation.

Recovery period in hospital

Appendectomy in cases of acute appendicitis is performed urgently. Delay in treatment poses a threat to the patient’s life and threatens the development of peritonitis and dangerous complications. Modern doctors often use laparoscopy in treatment, when an incision in the peritoneum is not required. Penetration into the abdominal cavity is possible through small holes. As a result, the patient recovers faster. During an open operation with an incision in the abdominal cavity, the sutures and incision walls take longer to heal, inflammation occurs more often at the edges of the suture, and infection occurs.

Regardless of the type of appendix removal technique used, after surgery the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit. They stay there for about 3 days. This is due to the fact that laparotomy and laparoscopy involve intervention in the body, removal of one of the organs, which always threatens complications. The patient's condition is aggravated by the use of anesthesia, because the operation is performed under general anesthesia. At this stage, it is important to monitor the general condition of the patient, preventing the development of side effects. To monitor your well-being, a specialist prescribes medications:

  • Painkillers – to relieve pain and burning after surgery.
  • Antibacterial drugs - to prevent infection by microbes and infections.
  • Vitamin preparations, glucose - for the necessary nutrition and support for the patient’s strength.

After 24 hours, the patient is transferred from intensive care to a simple ward. Follow-up consists of recovery and strict adherence to all specialist recommendations. How you feel after removal of the appendix depends on the success of the operation, on how the appendix was cut out, on whether there is any damage to internal organs, on the degree of inflammation, and on the general condition of the person.

With the planned course of the operation, with a timely identified disease, and a high-quality removal procedure, the recovery period passes quickly.

On what day are you discharged after appendicitis?

Many people do not associate surgery to remove the vermiform appendix with a sufficiently high degree of severity of the intervention. This is an erroneous opinion, since any surgical operation, especially one involving penetration into the abdominal cavity, carries a certain degree of risk and, therefore, the approach to such an operation must be the most serious.
No one can guess in advance what day they will be discharged on after appendicitis. We will write today about how quickly you can be discharged from the hospital following surgery to remove appendicitis, and about some other nuances.

It would be imprudent to talk about specific and clearly defined periods of hospitalization after surgery for appendix removal.

After all, each patient has his own body with unique immunity and resistance.

This means that for one, everything can heal quickly and without complications, while for another, the temperature may rise or some other illness may occur after surgery.

1Laparoscopy. The operation is performed through a very small incision in the abdominal wall using a lighted endoscopic probe and microsurgical instrument. 2The classic method is appendectomy. An incision is made in the right ilium, through which the vermiform appendix is ​​removed.

With this method, you will have to stay in the hospital for about 10 days, and with laparoscopic removal this period is reduced to 3-5 days.

After a successful operation, the hospital regime is observed. At that time:

  • You should not eat food on the first day. You can't drink either. But to relieve thirst, the surface of the patient’s lips is moistened.
  • If the patient's condition is excellent, after this period he is allowed to drink tea or broth.
  • Three days after surgery, the patient is transferred to food in small portions five or six times a day with an interval between meals of no more than 2.5 hours.
  • In the early postoperative period, the patient should eat according to dietary table No. 5. Below we will describe a list of food products that are acceptable in this case.
  • Patients are transferred to normal nutrition no earlier than 4 months after surgery.

Even after switching to regular food, some nutritional rules are strictly followed, which include maintaining a balanced diet, warm food temperature, thoroughly chopping or chewing food and some other simple rules. If this is not followed, recovery after surgery will take longer. In such cases, treatment continues upon discharge from sick leave after appendicitis for a number of days.

In the hospital canteen and for the first time after being discharged home, table No. 5 should include such products as pureed soups with vegetable broth, lean beef, steamed or boiled, ripe and not sour fruits, compotes, boiled and crumbly natural porridges . You should not put stress on the gastrointestinal tract immediately after discharge from the hospital.

After the patient is discharged, he is given a sick leave certificate after appendicitis. Many patients are interested in the question of how long sick leave can be after removal of appendicitis and how many days it is given for. This issue is resolved personally and directly with the treating doctor.

Any operation can bring certain troubles into the patient’s life in the form of complications. The skill and professionalism of surgeons minimize possible problems, but, nevertheless, they sometimes arise.

The most dangerous of them is peritonitis. Its onset is indicated by an increase in temperature after removal of appendicitis.

This condition is an emergency and requires immediate medical intervention and assistance. Otherwise, even death is possible.

Other complications include suppuration of the surgical suture several days after the operation, sepsis as an extremely severe complication, intraperitoneal bleeding of varying intensity, and the development of adhesions between the layers of the peritoneum and internal organs. All these situations keep the patient in hospital rooms and after discharge he is given sick leave to restore his health.

What can be advised in order to avoid the risk of inflammation of the appendix? Unfortunately, there are no specific prevention methods. But, nevertheless, it is possible to reduce the risk of this disease if you follow some recommendations.

So, for example, if we consider that inflammation of the appendix can occur if it is damaged, it is recommended to avoid eating sunflower seeds or hard-shelled nuts.

It is also not recommended to eat foods that are too fatty or smoked. Prevention and timely treatment of helminthic infestations also prevents and prevents the occurrence of inflammation of the appendix.

Postoperative period | Vasily KhrapachAppendicitis postoperative period. Surgeon Platon: treatment of appendicitis - review

Recovery period without complications

If there are no complaints from the patient, upon examination by medical personnel after 2-3 days, he is allowed to stand up and try to walk.

This is possible in the absence of hyperthermia, inflammation of the suture, or pus at the incision site. It is advisable to try to stand up under the supervision of a specialist, but if you feel well, walking independently is possible.

If the removal was carried out using the laparoscopy method, on the third day the doctor will prescribe removal of the suture. But with a standard incision, the patient waits several more days.

It is important to monitor the condition of the seam, try not to get it wet when taking a shower, and treat it with special disinfecting solutions in a timely manner.

With a stable state of health and positive dynamics of recovery, the patient is discharged from the hospital on the 10th day. This doesn't mean you can go back to your old lifestyle right away. The recovery period lasts at least 8 weeks. The patient is at home, he is not kept in the hospital, but at this time it is important to follow all instructions, doctor’s recommendations, follow a diet, refuse to attend training in the gym, or heavy physical labor. If the patient’s work activity is associated with physical labor, he is transferred to light labor.

How to remove appendicitis, what you can eat after surgery and how long you stay in the hospital

Both types of operations are indicated for pregnant women. But due to less trauma, preference is given to laparoscopy. In a standard classical operation, the abdominal wall is cut longer than usual for a better view. Pregnancy, as a rule, is not interrupted. Caesarean section is performed only in difficult situations, aggravated by appendicitis, or during a long period of pregnancy, when the uterus blocks access to the appendix.

How long do pregnant women stay in the hospital after surgery (appendicitis in some cases can be dangerous for the fetus)? Under normal circumstances, after laparoscopy, the pregnant woman is prepared for discharge on the third day, and after abdominal surgery - a week later.

When a patient is admitted with an acute form of appendicitis, the operation is performed immediately to prevent the development of peritonitis. In modern surgery, whenever possible, appendectomy is performed using laparoscopy. But in difficult cases, the operation is always performed openly. Regardless of the type of surgical intervention, the patient is immediately placed in intensive care after the operation. To improve his well-being, he is prescribed medications:

  • antibiotics - to prevent infection of the body;
  • painkillers – relieve pain;
  • vitamin complexes and glucose - nourish and restore strength.

After 12–24 hours, the patient is transferred to a regular ward. How long to stay in the hospital with appendicitis depends on the success of the operation, the general condition of the person and the presence or absence of complications.

If complications occur that may appear during or after surgery, the patient's condition usually worsens on the second or third day. The patient complains of pain in the area of ​​the incision, his temperature rises, general weakness occurs, and purulent discharge appears from the suture. The most common complications include:

  • rupture of the appendix during surgery. The patient's condition is life-threatening;
  • intestinal obstruction. Gas accumulation occurs, nausea and vomiting appear;
  • the occurrence of adhesions and abscesses on the liver.

In this case, the doctor must quickly respond to the patient’s complaints. Sometimes repeated surgery or urgent therapeutic care is required. How long do they stay in the hospital after appendicitis with complications? Discharge of a patient from the hospital depends on the specific situation and the severity of the complication. The patient will have to stay in a medical facility until complete recovery.

If the operation is successful and there are no complaints from the patient, after a medical examination two days after the operation, the patient is allowed to get up and try to walk. If you feel well, you are allowed to get up and move for the first time without the supervision of a medical professional. The operation performed using the laparoscopy method allows the patient to recover faster, and the sutures are removed on the third day. The standard incision is much larger than the laparoscopic one, and the stitches are removed only after 9 days. How long do people stay in the hospital with appendicitis?

Positive dynamics of recovery and a stable state of health make it possible to discharge the patient from the hospital on the tenth day after abdominal surgery and on the fifth after laparoscopy. At home, you must follow all doctor's recommendations. The entire recovery period lasts about two months.

Preparation for tubal laparoscopy is carried out in two stages. First, the woman undergoes tests and receives consultation from specialized specialists (therapist, cardiologist and others). Then he goes to the gynecologist, who recommended surgery. Depending on the results of the examination, the doctor plans further actions:

  • if conditions are found that are incompatible with the operation, the woman is first prescribed treatment (this is usually required for infectious diseases);
  • if the characteristics are satisfactory, then the second stage of preparation begins.

Studies before laparoscopy include a standard list of tests (CBC, biochemistry, determination of Rh and group, coagulogram, OAM, fluorography, ECG, vaginal smear) and can be supplemented individually for the patient. Each type of examination has its own validity period. Short-term tests must be taken the day before the procedure.

A few days before the intervention, you must follow a diet. Foods that increase gas formation should be excluded from the diet. Alcohol is prohibited as it can affect the blood. A day before the intervention, you need to remove hair from the perineum, and the night before, choose a light meal. On the day of the operation, it is forbidden to eat or even drink water.

After surgery, drainage is needed to drain exudate (ichor) and facilitate antiseptic treatment. It is removed 1-2 days after surgery.

During diagnostic laparoscopy, drainage is not installed.

If there are no complaints from the patient, upon examination by medical personnel after 2-3 days, he is allowed to stand up and try to walk.

This is possible in the absence of hyperthermia, inflammation of the suture, or pus at the incision site. It is advisable to try to stand up under the supervision of a specialist, but if you feel well, walking independently is possible.

If the removal was carried out using the laparoscopy method, on the third day the doctor will prescribe removal of the suture. But with a standard incision, the patient waits several more days.

It is important to monitor the condition of the seam, try not to get it wet when taking a shower, and treat it with special disinfecting solutions in a timely manner.

With a stable state of health and positive dynamics of recovery, the patient is discharged from the hospital on the 10th day. This does not mean that you can return to your previous lifestyle right away. The recovery period lasts at least 8 weeks. The patient is at home, he is not kept in the hospital, but at this time it is important to follow all instructions, doctor’s recommendations, follow a diet, refuse to attend training in the gym, or heavy physical labor. If the patient’s work activity is associated with physical labor, he is transferred to light labor.

It will be possible to return to normal life with appendicitis only 4 months after discharge, or even more. Until this time, you will have to strictly monitor your diet and lifestyle. No alcohol, sports, heavy lifting or active intimate life. An important point is diet.

You also need to know how to properly care for a postoperative scar. This will help make it less noticeable. It is advisable to lubricate the seam area with special ointments, oils and creams. However, procedures of this kind should be started no earlier than a couple of months after the operation. First, the internal sutures, for which self-absorbable sutures are usually used, must be allowed to heal.

Thus, the length of a patient's hospital stay after an appendectomy is determined by a number of factors.

The operated patient must be provided with sick leave for the period of surgery and recovery.

Among the main ones are the individual characteristics of the body and the particular stage at which appendicitis was diagnosed. Strict adherence to all the requirements of the attending doctor will help speed up the complete recovery of the body after surgery.

Recovery period for complications

If complications arise during surgery or after appendicitis, the patient experiences them after 2-3 days.

Usually the patient complains of sharp pain in the incision area, fever, general weakness, discharge of purulent contents from the suture or ichor. The most common complications are:

  1. Intestinal obstruction. The patient experiences the urge to nausea, vomiting, the intestines are swollen due to a strong accumulation of gases.
  2. Rupture of the appendix. The hardest thing that can happen. The condition is life-threatening.
  3. Abscesses on the liver, adhesions, etc.

The doctor needs to respond to complaints in a timely manner, because pulsation in the abdomen with discomfort, pain, hyperthermia are dangerous signs that lead to negative consequences for health.

With proper response and timely assistance, the situation can be corrected within a few days. But if the complication is not detected for a long time, negative consequences are possible; in some cases, a repeat operation is required to penetrate the peritoneum to study the condition of the attachment site of the appendix and neighboring digestive organs. In particularly dangerous cases, repeated surgery is required to preserve life and health. This is the peculiarity and danger of surgical manipulations.

In some cases, the patient's discomfort appears for reasons other than the digestive system or the healing process after surgery. Against the background of a weakened body, chronic diseases may worsen, infection with ARVI or pneumonia may occur, and heart or genitourinary diseases may develop. Such cases require treatment from specialized doctors.

Treatment is carried out according to the rules established by the standards, but the patient remains in the surgery department. In such cases, how long the patient spends in the hospital depends on the specific situation, individual characteristics, and the severity of the disease that has developed. Discharge from hospital conditions is possible only in the complete absence of complications.

After surgery for appendicitis, how long does sick leave last - Collection of legal recommendations

In any case, when the examination shows that the person can be released, he needs to receive a sick leave certificate. First, the attending physician prepares a discharge summary, to which is attached the result of the electrocardiogram. The epicrisis indicates the time of stay in the hospital, and at the end of the document the period for which a certificate of incapacity for work is issued is indicated.

Important to remember! You, in turn, can receive it from your local physician at the clinic at your place of residence.

The period of incapacity for work during which the sick leave lasts is determined by the attending physician based on the patient’s condition at the time of discharge.

Usually, after surgery and discharge from the hospital, a person is on sick leave from 10 days to two weeks, but you can, by agreement with your employer, go to work earlier, and it is better to agree to work light jobs or work part-time in the first couple of weeks.

The duration of sick leave is determined by a number of factors:

  1. Appendix removal method. If laparoscopy, which is considered less painful than laparotomy, was performed, sick leave usually lasts no more than one week. After laparotomy, this period can be up to fifteen days.
  2. General condition of the patient after discharge. In my practice, there was a case when a person had his appendix 13 centimeters long removed (the average length is 7-10 centimeters). The suture took a long time to heal, and the patient was given a period of incapacity for work of two weeks.
  3. Development of possible complications (peritonitis, blockage of blood vessels in the operated area with a thrombus, abscesses, accumulation of purulent infiltrate in the abdominal cavity). In such cases, after the validity of the sick leave, an additional examination is required, after which the sick leave is extended (by how much depends on the specific case). Sometimes it may even require further surgery.

In most cases, in case of complications that require extension of sick leave, a commission examination is necessary.

For this, the patient needs to visit the clinic, but if the complications are so severe that the person cannot move independently, a clinic employee is obliged to come to his home.

Helpful information! But despite the severity of the complications, there is an upper threshold approved by law: it is impossible to extend sick leave for more than 12 months.

10 days - this is the period for which sick leave is issued after removal of appendicitis, however, this is an average figure.

The attending physician decides how long a particular patient will spend on forced rest, based on the state of health and the method by which the operation was performed.

But full recovery will take more time than the Labor Code provides, therefore, if the work involves physical activity, the person will not be able to perform it in full immediately after returning to the workforce.

Treatment of appendicitis

Like another similar disease (appendicitis is essentially an inflammation of one of the processes of the cecum), it can be stopped with the help of antibiotics.

But most medical institutions do not have equipment that allows accurate monitoring of the healing process, and since the likelihood of inflammation moving into the acute phase is quite high, doctors prefer the already proven method - surgery. There are two types of surgery used for appendicitis:

  • Laparoscopy is when an unnecessary organ is removed through three small incisions and an endoscope (a device that allows the surgeon to observe everything that is happening on a monitor) is inserted into the abdominal cavity. It lasts about half an hour.
  • Laparotomy is an old and unloved method by patients, which requires an incision up to 10 cm long. It is usually used for complicated appendicitis, which requires not only removing the appendix, but also washing the intestines from residual pus. After such an operation, the patient needs long-term care.

Accordingly, recovery occurs. To return to normal life, the patient may need up to 4 weeks, whereas after laparotomy it takes 10-14 days. In addition to the short recovery time, the minimally invasive technique is also attractive because the internal tissues are almost not damaged, so there are no noticeable marks left after the operation.

After surgery, to prevent worsening, the doctor prescribes medications.

From the operating table, patients are transferred to the intensive care unit. It does not matter the method used by the surgeon, because complications can develop with any of them. In addition, general anesthesia used for appendicitis has a negative impact on the general condition of the patient. The doctor’s goal at this stage is to prevent deterioration, so medications are actively used:

  • painkillers - to relieve postoperative pain;
  • antibiotics - to prevent infections;
  • glucose and vitamins - to maintain vitality and restore the body.

On the second day, the patient is transferred to a regular ward and the further recovery process depends on how successful the surgical intervention was. If appendicitis was diagnosed on time, and the patient complies with all the instructions of the medical staff, there is every chance of a favorable outcome.

If there are no problems (constantly elevated temperature, purulent discharge), on the 3rd day the patient can get out of bed and take the first steps. At this moment, the presence of a doctor nearby is not necessary, but it is desirable. Also, on the third day, the sutures are removed after laparoscopy, and if the operation was performed using the standard method, you will have to wait a few more days.

Caring for a scar does not require much effort; it is enough not to wet it during hygiene procedures and periodically treat it with an antiseptic. On the tenth day the patient is discharged home.

Until complete recovery, which takes about 2 months, he has to exclude fatty, floury foods and sweets from his diet, and also postpone visits to the gym and any physical activity until later.

Most complications appear a few days after surgery. The most common among these is inflammation of the incision site with the formation of pus in the abdominal cavity. A sharp increase in temperature and throbbing abdominal pain are the first symptoms and require immediate response.

Treatment started on time will last 2-3 days; in advanced cases, you will have to resort to surgery again. If after the operation the pain does not subside, but intensifies, this indicates the development of peritonitis or internal bleeding.

There are no options - only a repeat operation can save the patient’s life.

Sometimes, in the postoperative period, complications arise that cannot be avoided without repeated surgery.

In certain cases, surgery to remove appendicitis is necessary to save the patient. The process has some features and difficulties, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them.

As a rule, the appendix becomes inflamed unexpectedly, so you need to understand when the patient is hospitalized and how long the removal operation lasts.

Surgical intervention cannot be avoided in the following situations:

  1. Exacerbation of chronic inflammation;
  2. Peritonitis;
  3. Perforation of the process walls;
  4. Effusion of pus into the abdominal cavity.

There are two types of surgery (appendectomy) - emergency and planned:

  1. Emergency is carried out almost immediately after the patient is admitted to the hospital. The urgency is due to the development of a dangerous condition that can threaten human life. After examining the patient, surgery is performed to remove the appendicitis.
  2. A planned operation is carried out if emergency intervention is prohibited due to certain threats to life. As soon as the threats are eliminated, the patient is prepared for the procedure and the appendage is removed.

Surgery is the only way to treat appendicitis. Before it is carried out, the patient is prepared for future actions. This happens most often in emergency mode.

  1. First, the patient is changed: they are given special clothes for the operation.
  2. The stomach and intestines are first cleaned if the patient suffers from constipation. Preparation may take two hours.
  3. Once the patient is on the surgeon's table, he is examined again. Depending on the age and body weight of a person, doctors choose anesthesia or anesthesia.
  4. The surgical field is prepared: hair from the abdominal area is shaved and treated with iodine.

Usually the operation is performed through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall. Doctors remove the appendix and stitch up the wound. There are several stages during the operation:

  1. Formation of access to the painful area;
  2. Removal of the cecum;
  3. Removal of the appendix;
  4. Layer-by-layer suturing of the wound, control of hemostasis.

Types of anesthesia

Anesthesia is necessary during this procedure, because it guarantees the patient a sound sleep and the absence of pain. Experts distinguish several types of anesthesia:

  1. Local anesthesia. The second name is “local anesthesia”. It is simple and has a high degree of safety. However, for children with peritonitis this method is not used.
  2. General anesthesia. The most common type of anesthesia in the modern world. The patient is in deep sleep, the doctors are given a lot of time for the operation, which is sometimes necessary in case of complications. You can calculate your wake-up time. Suitable even for sensitive patients. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor after examining the patient.

The most commonly used drugs for general intravenous anesthesia are:

  • Ketamine;
  • Deprivan;
  • Viadryl.

For general anesthesia by mask administration the following medications are used:

  • Nitrous oxide;
  • Halothane;
  • Desflurane.

It is incredibly difficult to select the best one among the presented types of anesthesia. This is determined individually by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient, his condition, body weight and age.

This operation is considered simple and usually lasts 20-30 minutes. If certain complications arise during the procedure, the duration of the operation increases to one to two hours.

After removal of appendicitis, the patient spends at least two weeks in the hospital. Doctors are monitoring his recovery.

Certificate of incapacity for work after appendix removal

How long a sick leave is issued depends on the general well-being of the person who underwent the operation, the presence of aggravating factors or their absence. If there are no complications, in a standard situation patients remain on sick leave with appendicitis for about 2 weeks. But the certificate of incapacity for work is extended if further treatment is necessary and it is impossible to start work. For this purpose, a special commission is convened and a decision is made on the timing of the extension.

The maximum amount of time spent on a certificate of incapacity for work for appendicitis is 12 months. But in reality such situations are rare. Usually adults can start working after 14 days.

How long does sick leave last after appendicitis removal: terms of sick leave and features of its calculation

The duration of the rehabilitation period, which is prescribed on the sick leave and frees the patient from work, depends on the patient’s condition and on the method by which the operation was performed:

  1. with laparotomy it is 5-7 days;
  2. with laparoscopy – 10-15 days;
  3. for complications during surgery or the postoperative period – up to 30 days.

How to renew?

To request an extension of the terms specified on the sick leave, you need to:

  1. contact the head doctor of the hospital or your attending physician;
  2. come on your own or wait for a medical commission to conduct an examination;
  3. the certificate of incapacity for work is updated depending on what decision the commission makes.

Only the attending physician or medical commission who work in the institution where the patient was operated on and treated has the right to extend sick leave. Independent amendments to the sick leave certificate are unacceptable; such a document is considered invalid.

Extension of sick leave is possible only in case of complications that appeared during surgery or during the rehabilitation period: diffuse or local peritonitis, rupture of the appendix, thrombophlebitis, appendiceal infiltrate (appearance of fluid).

If the patient is diagnosed with such complications, he continues to be treated in the hospital.

Depending on what decision is made by the doctors after the service, sick leave may be extended for up to 30 days. In particularly severe cases, this can be several months.

Out-of-hospital rehabilitation

The recovery period after surgical removal of the appendix takes at least 4 months. During this period, a person undergoes treatment, monitors his health at home independently, following medical instructions given by medical professionals. During this period you need:

  1. Follow a diet. Refusal of fatty, fried, spicy foods is necessary. Children have restrictions that are not so strict, but they must also change their diet to a gentle one. Adults and children should switch to fractional meals, eating small portions several times a day.
  2. Quitting alcohol and smoking. Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking puts a strain on the body and can cause complications.
  3. Restrictions on sports and physically demanding work.
  4. Refusal from a stormy intimate life.
  5. Seam care. At first, the patient should regularly treat the edges of the incision with antiseptics and ensure that the sutures do not come apart. Next, it is important to lubricate the seam with preparations for less scarring and smooth healing.

It is important to monitor your health, follow all doctors’ recommendations, seek help in a timely manner if you feel unwell, and maintain a high level of immunity. If the rules are followed, rehabilitation will be easier and faster, and the patient will return to his previous standard of living.

Features of rehabilitation

As a rule, patients are admitted to the hospital on the day of the operation or one day before. After performing surgical procedures, the person is placed in a separate intensive care ward, where the patient’s condition is carefully monitored throughout the day. If positive dynamics are observed, the person is transferred to the general ward, where he lies until the stitches are removed. Laparoscopy (a more flexible method of surgery) allows you to remove stitches on the third day. Laparotomy (general method of surgery) requires mandatory 5-day observation.

Important! Removal of sutures is the basis for the patient's discharge.

The patient’s disability does not end there; the person is simply transferred to outpatient treatment, which will last until complete rehabilitation. In many cases, this period does not exceed 10 days. But some categories of the population take longer to recover. In particular, this applies to the elderly and children. Such categories of patients can be monitored for approximately 1 month. It is also possible that the patient can be further sent to a resort for recovery, which allows the treatment period to be extended for another 24 days.

In addition, how long the rehabilitation period will be depends on the operating technique used:

  • laparotomy – from 10 to 15 days;
  • laparoscopy – from 5 days to 1 week.
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