Ointment and suppositories after surgery to remove hemorrhoids

Rehabilitation period

For each patient, the recovery process occurs individually. This largely depends on how complex the operation was, the degree of the disease and the general condition of the body. For example, after doping with latex rings, the patient may experience discomfort for a week; after Longo’s operation, good health usually returns within a week; minimally invasive treatment is less traumatic, so after it a person can return to normal life the very next day. The longest and most painful rehabilitation period is observed after hemorrhoidectomy; it lasts 3-5 weeks.

The behavior of the patient himself has a significant influence on the duration of rehabilitation. Proper treatment of hemorrhoids after surgery and strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions will help ensure a speedy recovery.

Possible complications

The rehabilitation period can be significantly prolonged if complications arise. The most common include:

  • Rectal bleeding. They are caused by various reasons - injury to the mucous membrane with feces, anal fissures, insufficiently cauterized vessels, etc.
  • Suppuration of wounds. Infection of postoperative wounds leads to this complication.
  • Pain syndrome. How intense the pain will be depends on the complexity and type of surgery, as well as the course of the postoperative period. Inflammation of wounds, injury to them, or suppuration of sutures leads to increased pain.
  • Problems with stool. A patient who has undergone surgery for hemorrhoids may develop constipation. This is usually caused by fear of pain during bowel movements. Patients deliberately delay it, which leads to compaction of stool and, accordingly, to constipation.

Treatment after surgery

After surgery, the recovery process for each patient proceeds individually. In any case, treatment of hemorrhoids at home after surgery should be comprehensive. As a rule, the patient is recommended:

  • follow a diet;
  • avoid heavy physical activity;
  • carry out thorough hygiene of the perianal area;
  • avoid constipation or diarrhea;
  • will use medications.

One of the important components of therapy is local impact on the operated areas. Patients are often recommended to take sitz baths with infusions of medicinal herbs or a solution of potassium permanganate. In addition to them, medications are also prescribed. For internal hemorrhoids, suppositories are most suitable.

What can cause hemorrhoids? Read more here.


Constipation after hemorrhoid surgery develops due to various reasons. The main ones:

  1. Use of general or intravenous anesthesia. Special products have the ability to completely relax the intestinal muscles, resulting in stagnation of feces.
  2. Use of antibacterial drugs. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is often accompanied by antimicrobial therapy. This is necessary in order to prevent the addition of pathogenic microflora and the development of the inflammatory process. In this case, antibiotics can lead to disruption of the normal balance of microflora in the digestive tract with the further development of constipation.
  3. Features of surgical intervention. Problems with bowel movements may occur as a result of scarring or post-operative narrowing of the intestines.
  4. Psychological factor. After the intervention, some patients have a fear of defecation and possible divergence of postoperative sutures.

Surgery to treat hemorrhoids is often accompanied by the use of antibiotics, which in turn cause constipation.

Treatment with suppositories after surgery

Suppositories are used for hemorrhoids after surgery, usually to accelerate tissue healing and prevent infection of postoperative wounds.

Often in the postoperative period, patients experience pain of varying intensity. To eliminate them, tablets can be prescribed, but painkillers can solve this problem much faster. Many of these drugs act in a complex manner, therefore, in addition to reducing pain, they also relieve other unpleasant symptoms. The following suppositories are most often prescribed after hemorrhoid surgery:

  • Ultraproct. In addition to the active ingredients, the medication also includes castor oil, which promotes easier bowel movements. It also reduces pain, eliminates swelling, relieves inflammation and improves the healing of cracks and wounds.
  • Posterisan forte. The suppositories contain hydrocortisone and inactivated microbial cells of Escherichia coli. They have an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and immunostimulating effect, restore damaged mucous membranes and promote rapid healing of wounds.
  • Natalsid. These suppositories for hemorrhoids have a natural composition, so they are suitable even for pregnant women. They fight inflammatory processes well, improve the regenerative abilities of tissues, stop bleeding and relieve inflammation.
  • Methyluracil suppositories. The drug contains the antibiotic methyluracil, which has a good regenerating effect. In addition to a pronounced wound-healing effect, it stops bleeding, relieves inflammation, and stimulates local immunity.
  • Proctosan. Due to the presence of lidocaine in the composition, it has a pronounced analgesic effect, also promotes tissue healing, dries, relieves inflammation and swelling.
  • Relief. Suppositories are made based on natural ingredients. Such suppositories after surgery for hemorrhoids will help strengthen cellular immunity, relieve pain, relieve inflammation, prevent infection of wounds and speed up their healing.
  • Hepatrombin G. Thanks to the presence of Alatonin and Heparin, such suppositories reduce pain, relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Suppositories with propolis. The natural composition allows the drug to be used by all groups of patients. It has analgesic, wound healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn. The main active ingredient of the medicine is natural sea buckthorn extract. It perfectly heals wounds, relieves irritation, helps reduce swelling and relieve inflammation.

What to do

To relieve constipation after hemorrhoid surgery, you must take medications and follow a diet. After the doctor's permission, folk remedies and abdominal massage are used. The simplest option is stroking clockwise. To improve digestion, do a light massage 2-3 times a day.

Drug treatment

Glycerin suppositories are used to facilitate bowel movements. The active ingredients gently envelop the walls and help stool move more easily through the intestines. Due to the protective layer, the mucous membranes are less damaged during defecation. Laxative suppositories contain additional irritating components that cause evacuation.

If the use of suppositories is not possible, it is allowed to take laxatives (Regulax, Duphalac). Depending on the drug chosen, you can achieve a quick effect or mild relief of constipation. However, priority is given to diet, since medications are a temporary solution.

Glycerin suppositories are used to facilitate bowel movements.

Folk remedies

  1. Tansy decoction. Disinfects damaged tissues and promotes wound healing. 10 g of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and placed on low heat for 5 minutes. Then the dishes are covered with a lid and wrapped in thick cloth. After cooling, the drink is filtered and diluted with water to restore the original volume. The decoction is used to treat the anus and make lotions. The drink should not be taken internally, as it has astringent properties.
  2. Aloe juice. Moisturizes tissues, accelerates regeneration processes and softens feces. Large leaves of mature (over 3 years old) plants are suitable for obtaining liquid. The juice is used to create lotions or taken orally 1 tsp. up to 3 times a day. Aloe thins the blood, so it can be used as a laxative only after the tissue has healed.
  3. Honey. Fresh product makes defecation easier and improves peristalsis. To obtain a laxative effect, you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. honey with a glass of warm water. You can use honey along with diluted aloe juice.

Aloe juice moisturizes tissues, accelerates regeneration processes and softens feces.

How to use candles

After hemorrhoid surgery, suppositories must be used daily, depending on the type of drug, 1 or 2 times a day. Information on how to use them correctly should be contained in the instructions, and can also be obtained from your doctor.

Suppositories must be stored in the refrigerator, since many of them can melt at room temperature, which will significantly complicate the administration procedure.

In most cases, suppositories are recommended to be administered before bedtime. Before the procedure, you must carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. Next, to ensure unhindered administration, the patient is recommended to lie on his side. After which the candle is removed from the packaging and carefully inserted into the anus. It should not be inserted deeply so that the drug passes the sphincter, but does not move deep into the rectum. After inserting the suppository, it is advisable to remain in an upright position for at least 30 minutes. This will prevent the medication from leaking out, so it will have time to be absorbed and have the necessary effect.


Rules for defecation

The basic rule regarding going to the toilet after hemorrhoidectomy is the presence of regular bowel movements and soft stool. Otherwise, walking to relieve yourself will be painful due to injury to the tissues of the rectum and possible swelling in the anus, as well as a number of other factors.

Going to the toilet after surgery

To avoid pain and speed up the healing process of operated tissues, you should go to the toilet correctly:

  • Avoid hard feces. Solid masses contribute to irritation of the injured intestinal walls, as a result, the sutures do not heal, and an inflammatory process may begin;
  • Going to the toilet regularly will help prevent constipation. Bowel problems such as constipation can cause serious complications after surgery. When visiting the toilet, the operated patient may sit on the toilet for a long time, experiencing the urge to defecate. The process is accompanied by pushing and overstraining of the abdominal muscles. As a result, blood flow to the rectum increases, the patient experiences pain, and bleeding may even occur;
  • maintain cleanliness. Failure to follow simple hygiene rules contributes to the development of inflammatory or infectious processes in the anal area. This makes it painful to have a bowel movement, regardless of whether the patient is constipated or not.

Relieving constipation with microenemas

Constipation that occurs immediately after surgery is recommended to be eliminated with the help of a microenema - a laxative drug that is administered through the anus to facilitate the process of defecation. The following symptoms indicate that the patient is constipated: the lower abdomen hurts, the urge to go to the toilet is felt, but it is not possible to relieve oneself. To alleviate the patient’s condition and reduce pain from removed hemorrhoids, proctologists prescribe painkillers in the form of rectal suppositories.

Features of treatment of hemorrhoids after surgery

Rehabilitation after surgical removal of hemorrhoids proceeds differently for each patient and depends on the severity of the pathological process, severity of symptoms, individual characteristics of the body (age, presence of chronic diseases, etc.).

In the period after removal of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to minimize all “catalysts” that contribute to the progression of the pathological process. Otherwise, a recurrence of hemorrhoidal disease or the occurrence of serious negative consequences cannot be ruled out.

Another condition for recovery is constant consultations with the treating proctologist on all the most important issues of the rehabilitation period: what is allowed to eat and what is not allowed, how to properly visit the restroom on the first day after surgery, etc.

In general, the recovery period includes several important areas, including:

  • physical activity;
  • nutrition after hemorrhoid removal;
  • elimination of pain;
  • treatment of the wound surface (medicines and folk remedies);
  • hygiene measures;
  • elimination of emerging complications.

Let us consider the main directions of postoperative support for anal varicose veins in more detail.

Diet for hemorrhoids and constipation

A diet for constipation and hemorrhoids normalizes intestinal function, improves peristalsis and develops correct eating habits in a person, which helps prevent relapse and the appearance of additional hemorrhoids. The effectiveness of the diet is achieved by observing the following principles:

  • Providing the body with the necessary amount of water – at least 3 liters per day.
  • Eating foods that contain a large amount of coarse fiber - raw vegetables, grains, fruits.
  • Compliance with the diet - eat every day at the same time, eat fractionally and in small portions. The body will learn to respond adequately to food intake and will cleanse the intestines in a timely manner.

Prohibited Products

Prohibited foods for constipation can cause increased blood flow to the hemorrhoids and contribute to stool retention. It is recommended to limit:

  • strong tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, jelly;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates - white bread, pasta, rice and potatoes;
  • meat and poultry of fatty varieties.

Radishes and turnips are prohibited among vegetables. Legumes, sorrel, chocolate and confectionery can worsen the condition, so they are recommended to be completely avoided. Also, you should not eat hot and spicy dishes; food should be moderately salty. It is recommended to consume dried fruits such as prunes and dried apricots.

Authorized Products

Allowed foods for constipation contain pectin and coarse fiber. Dark porridges made from pearl barley and barley are recommended; oatmeal is also suitable. For breakfast you can have an omelet with herbs. Bread is better with bran.

Authorized products also include:

  • zucchini, beets, cabbage and carrots;
  • dried fruits, apples, bananas and apricots;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • meat (turkey, chicken, veal) and seafood

Fermented milk products enrich the intestines with lactobacilli, which are necessary for its normal functioning, so you need to drink kefir. You can use juices and fruit drinks, but homemade ones are better.

Allowed foods for constipation contain pectin and coarse fiber.

Physical activity

After removal of hemorrhoids, loads on the peritoneal area are prohibited, and basic movements are recommended: turning over from one side of the body to the other, stretching, breathing exercises, tensing and relaxing the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

The purpose of such exercises is to prevent thromboembolism and varicose veins of the lower extremities (this applies to elderly patients). In addition, physical therapy will distract you from the unpleasant sensations after surgery, especially in the first three days.

You are usually allowed to get up and move around on the second day, if your health allows, of course. In particularly severe cases, the doctor may allow the patient to rise only on the fourth or fifth day. As the wound heals, mobility increases; it is allowed to do gymnastics while lying down or standing.

Doctors recommend purchasing a special seat cushion or a small inflatable swimming ring. If the patient had advanced hemorrhoids or any complications arose, he would have to sit with the help of such improvised means for several weeks.

In the first 8 weeks after hemorrhoidectomy, it is not recommended to lift or carry loads weighing more than 2 kilograms. Patients who exercised at the gym before surgery can resume exercise after about 12 weeks. Moreover, you should give up strength sports to avoid relapse of hemorrhoidal disease.

Effect on the body

Constipation after hemorrhoid surgery has an adverse effect on the human body.

Lack of timely bowel movements leads to disruption of metabolic processes. Fecal masses become harder, which greatly complicates their further passage. This increases the risk of injury to the mucous membrane, which can cause complications, including anal bleeding.

The inability to defecate for several days leads to a partial return of feces to the small intestine, toxins penetrate into the blood and lead to intoxication of the body. Sleep is disturbed, a person’s general well-being worsens, severe weakness and nausea appear, and pathological expansion or lengthening of the large intestine is possible.

Elimination of pain

Many patients mistakenly believe that negative symptoms will go away literally immediately after surgery. However, after a hemorrhoidectomy, severe pain will bother the person for some time.

Severe pain after hemorrhoid removal surgery is observed in most patients. The severity of this symptom decreases noticeably after 3-4 days

or a week (it all depends on the characteristics of the intervention and the human body).

To minimize pain during the rehabilitation period, the use of systemic and local anesthetics is indicated. For example, a doctor may prescribe treatment with Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nise and other NSAIDs.

Local painkillers are also used, including suppositories and ointments such as:

  • Relief Advance;
  • Anestezol;
  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Ultraproct;
  • Aurobin;
  • Proctosan, etc.

Acceleration of wound healing

Restoring the anus after hemorrhoid surgery involves the use of local medications that accelerate tissue healing and local regeneration processes. To make the rehabilitation period go easily and quickly, the patient may be prescribed a number of medications.

  • Solcoseryl ointment and gel. The drug accelerates the regeneration of damaged areas of the mucous membrane and skin by improving tissue metabolism, increasing collagen production, restoring the functioning of capillaries and veins (read about the effectiveness of Solcoseryl for hemorrhoids in the article by our author).
  • Levomekol ointment. In addition to accelerating tissue regeneration, the medication disinfects wound surfaces due to the antibacterial component contained in the composition. The ointment also fights existing infections (learn how to properly use Levomekol for hemorrhoids from our expert’s material).
  • Ointment and suppositories with methyluracil. These drugs act at the tissue level, increasing the division and growth of epithelial cells. The use of methyluracil accelerates the healing of wounds and prevents the formation of scars (read about the features of the use of methyluracil for hemorrhoids in the article by our author).
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Candles with sea buckthorn berry extract are a natural and effective remedy for accelerating wound healing. Treatment with the drug allows you to disinfect the mucous membrane and increase the efficiency of regeneration processes.
  • Natalsid candles. The basis of the drug is sodium alginate, which is a saccharide extracted from seaweed. Suppositories do an excellent job of healing cracks and inflammation of the rectal canal after surgery (for instructions on using Natalsid suppositories for hemorrhoids, read the article by a qualified doctor).

To cure postoperative hemorrhoids and its consequences, you can use traditional medicine recipes. Baths with infusions of medicinal plants (chamomile, marigold, sage, oak bark, burdock) or a bath with a pink solution of potassium permanganate also help speed up healing.

Complications after hemorrhoid removal

Surgery to remove hemorrhoids most often goes well, but the development of unwanted side reactions and complications cannot be ruled out. For example, a relapse of hemorrhoidal disease is possible due to:

  • ongoing constipation;
  • low patient mobility;
  • improper diet;
  • alcohol abuse after the end of the recovery period;
  • increased physical activity.

There are other consequences after removal of hemorrhoids, largely related to the peculiarities of the operation or the patient’s failure to comply with the rules described above. The main complications and ways to overcome them are discussed below.

Painful sensations

A large number of nerve endings are concentrated in the rectal canal and in the area around the anus. It is not surprising that after the anesthesia wears off, patients experience severe pain.

For people with high sensitivity, the pain can be simply excruciating. In this case, potent analgesic drugs are used. It is also possible to use local anesthetics, which we wrote about just above.

Difficulty urinating

The consequences of hemorrhoids in men that occur during the postoperative period can manifest themselves in the form of urinary retention. The risk of developing such a complication increases when epidural anesthesia is used (injection of anesthesia into the epidural space of the spine).

Installing a catheter will help to cope with the problem, which will facilitate the process of urination.

Anal bleeding

In the first few days, postoperative hemorrhoids may manifest themselves as bleeding from the anal canal. The source of this problem is damage to fresh wound surfaces by hard feces or previously undetected rectal fissures.

Psychological constipation

Operated hemorrhoids cause a variety of consequences, including psychological ones. For example, some patients, fearing possible pain during bowel movements, put off going to the restroom with all their might. The consequence of this behavior is psychological constipation.

The condition may worsen with sphincter spasm and abdominal pain. In this case, doctors usually prescribe mild laxatives and anesthetic gels. For sphincteral spasm, the use of nitroglycerin ointment is indicated.

Prolapse of the rectal mucosa

Similar consequences of hemorrhoids in women and men are quite rare. Weakness of the shut-off valve and mucosal leakage are associated with damage to the rectal canal musculature during surgery.

What to do in this case, the proctologist decides. The problem can be dealt with through medication or surgery. The choice of method will depend on the severity of the patient's condition.

Fistula formation

Another rare consequence of surgical intervention is the occurrence of fistula canals. They do not appear immediately, but after some time, becoming a consequence of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria living in the intestines into the remote hemorrhoidal node.

Fistula therapy must be carried out immediately, otherwise there is a risk of developing sepsis. The doctor may prescribe conservative or surgical treatment.

Narrowing of the rectal canal

An incorrectly made suture or the growth of scar tissue can cause a narrowing of the lumen of the rectum (stricture), as a result of which a person experiences difficulty defecating and the need for prolonged straining.

Anal stricture is corrected using special dilators. If there is no effect, the only option for men and women is rectal plastic surgery.

Supuration of sutures

Infection of postoperative scars and wound surfaces with pathogenic microorganisms and suppuration usually occurs as a result of the patient’s failure to comply with hygiene standards and other instructions of the attending doctor.

Suppuration in the anorectal area can be treated with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs (Levomekol, ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.). In severe cases, opening and washing the festering wound is indicated.

What to do

It is necessary to prepare in advance for surgery. Talk to a proctologist and find out what complications are possible after surgery. Psychologically tune in to a positive result.

Constipation can be prevented after surgery to remove hemorrhoids using pharmacological medications, diet, exercise and abdominal massage.

Drug treatment

Laxative suppositories, tablets and microenemas will help ease bowel movements. Glycerin suppositories irritate the intestines, stimulate peristalsis and soften dense stool.

Bisacodyl in various forms is used orally or rectally. The drug increases the secretion of mucus in the large intestine, which promotes soft and non-traumatic bowel movements.

Duphalac laxative syrup with lactulose should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. For patients with diabetes mellitus, insulin dosage adjustment is necessary.

Regulax is a herbal preparation that does not have a negative effect on digestion.

The Microlax microenema is easy to use - the laxative in a disposable tube with the optimal dose takes effect in 5-15 minutes.

All medications taken to facilitate bowel movements must be prescribed by a doctor, as they have contraindications and are addictive.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating constipation are effective and safe if the rules of preparation and dosage are strictly followed.

Aloe has a general strengthening and laxative effect. Mix one part of the juice from the leaves with two parts of honey and take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l.

Blueberry infusion will help normalize intestinal function. Crush the berries (50 g) with a spoon, pour in 0.5 liters of water, cook for 15-20 minutes and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Drink 1 glass of infusion per day, divided into 4 doses.

Tansy decoction treats intestinal inflammation, dysbiosis and flatulence. Pour 1 tsp into an enamel bowl. flowers, pour in 250 ml of hot water and steam over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

It is useful to eat 1 tbsp daily. l. a mixture of dried fruits (figs, dried apricots and prunes) minced in a meat grinder.

The simplest ways to combat constipation are also effective - treatment with water and oil. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water before each meal, this improves intestinal motility and promotes the removal of waste and toxins. Vegetable oil (linseed, olive, mustard or sunflower) has an enveloping and laxative effect. It is recommended to consume it on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l.

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