Using antibiotics to effectively treat hemorrhoids

Antibiotics for hemorrhoids are prescribed if therapy is missed at the initial stage of the disease. The greatest effectiveness is demonstrated by topical suppositories, which quickly restore damaged areas of the mucous membrane, prevent the formation of bleeding, and prevent thrombus formation.

The great advantage of medical products in this group is the ability to eliminate the development of complications.

Are antibiotics needed for hemorrhoids?

A common form of use of antibiotics is their use as a conservative treatment for exacerbations and acute symptomatic stages of hemorrhoids. An alternative indication for the use of these suppositories is the fact of undergoing surgery in the rectal area. In each case, antibiotics limit the progression of the disease to more complex forms.

Antibiotics are a specific group of drugs that have an antibacterial effect on pathogenic microflora. They help reduce inflammatory processes and suppress the spread of infections. Due to lack of treatment, these negative manifestations of the disease are accompanied by thinning of the mucosa and the development of ulcerative lesions, microcracks and small wounds.

If complications develop, undergoing antibacterial therapy is a mandatory doctor's prescription.

This treatment is effective in the following cases:

  1. The appearance of sepsis is a systemic inflammatory process affecting the entire body. Sepsis is statistically fatal with a 50% probability.
  2. Fistula is the formation of a hole in any organ or out through which purulent masses or the contents of the mucous membrane with bloody impurities enter. This phenomenon often leads to the formation of tumors.
  3. Any contact of the damaged area with feces causes infection of the body. Antibiotics limit the spread of suppuration and block an infectious attack.

The effectiveness of antibiotics is explained by the targeted effect of the components of these drugs on the immediate cause of complications. By acting on the causative agents of inflammatory reactions, these drugs completely suppress the further development of the pathological condition.

The importance of antibiotics

When antibiotics are not used in a timely manner to treat hemorrhoids, sepsis may develop due to a weakened immune system.

This is a consequence of bacteria dangerous to the body entering the patient’s blood, which is typical for very advanced situations.

In this case, it is impossible to do without surgical interventions, and in the future the patient is monitored by hepatologists and cardiologists along with therapists, since sepsis can greatly affect many human organs. You need to understand that sepsis is a dangerous complication and it can be fatal!

Which ones are better

Conservative treatment of the initial stages of hemorrhoids without complications involves treatment with ointments that contain antibiotics.

Choosing a method for restoring damaged areas of the anus must take into account the following features:

  • Current stage of the disease.
  • Patient's age data.
  • Assess existing contraindications for the planned surgical intervention.
  • The nature of the disease, the presence of complications and other aggravating factors.
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of medications.

Surgical intervention is used exclusively when necrosis, sepsis and other complications are identified. The remaining cases involve the use of conservative therapy based on antibiotics.

The differences between each group of these drugs are:

  1. Candles, ointment compositions. Prescribed for initial symptoms, applied locally, directly on the damaged area.
  2. Injections. They have a targeted point effect. They are able to quickly stop the acute stage of hemorrhoids and reduce pain.
  3. Regular tablets. They are characterized by a complex effect on all infected areas in the body. They can quickly remove infectious infections.

Injections are considered the best, since they are administered intramuscularly and instantly reach the source of infection. Targeted treatment of the disease helps to quickly relieve swelling and prevent any further development of complications.

Among the most common antibiotics are:

  • Levomekol. The product is positioned as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Prescribed for severe infectious infections, infection of the anus.
  • Proctosedyl. There are varieties in the form of ointments and suppositories. It is considered a strong antibiotic, which is prescribed for severe itching. Perfectly relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  • Detralex. Effective for the chronic course of the disease. Improves blood circulation, relieves swelling of hemorrhoids.
  • Hepatrombin G. You can find suppositories and ointment compositions of varying concentrations of active components. Shows excellent effectiveness in acute forms.

Varieties and preparations

Antibiotics in injections

To relieve the inflammatory process, the doctor may prescribe Gentamicin injections.
The medicine can be administered to the patient’s body in the form of injections, due to which the inflammatory reaction and painful manifestations are eliminated for a long time. The most commonly used drug is Gentamicin, which is injected into a patient’s muscle or vein twice a day, 160 ml. Therapy lasts a week; in particularly severe cases, antibiotic treatment is extended to 10 days. Gentamicin injections are not carried out in the following cases:

  • carrying a baby and breastfeeding;
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • acoustic neuritis;
  • signs of uremia.

Effective tablets

Treatment of hemorrhoids with antibiotics in tablet form is most often done, since it is highly effective. Many of them contain penicillin and other active ingredients that quickly relieve the inflammatory reaction and pain. The table shows commonly used tablet drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

"Furazolidone"100-150 mg 4 times a day for a weekChildbearing and lactation
Increased sensitivity to substances
Severe liver failure
Renal failure in the terminal phase
"Doxycycline"50-100 mg 2 times a day after eatingSigns of porphyria or leukopenia
Hypersensitivity to components

To treat pathology, the tablet form of Amoxiclav can be used.
You can also treat hemorrhoids with the following antibacterial tablets:

  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Detralex";
  • Azithromycin.

Ointments and suppositories

Many people prefer to use local antibiotics because they believe that these forms of drugs have a less negative effect on the body. You can cope with inflammation and prevent infection with Levomekol ointment, which has a wide spectrum of action. Thanks to chloramphenicol, the infectious focus is eliminated, and with methyluracil, wounds heal faster. Other ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids are also used:

  • "Hepatrombin G";
  • "Proctosedyl."

In order for the antibiotic in the form of suppositories to act better and faster, it should be used at night, and it is recommended to apply the ointment in a thin layer.


Antibiotic tablets are used to treat common stages of hemorrhoids. The course of treatment is comparatively longer than alternative forms. Experts often recommend combining antibiotic tablets with injections, which provides a targeted effect on the symptom and also acts as a powerful general restorative therapy.

Traditional tablets against the spread of hemorrhoidal inflammation are:

  1. Furazolidol tablets. The approximate cost of packaging ranges around 100 rubles. An active antibiotic affects gram-positive bacterial microorganisms and gram-negative bacteria. The duration of the course varies from 1 to 2 weeks. There are certain contraindications: any stage of renal failure, pregnancy, lactation, the patient has an allergic reaction to any component of the product.
  2. Doxycycline. Price – 100 rubles. It is a representative of a powerful group of tetracyclines. Any disease of the hematopoietic system or ailments of the urinary organs is considered a contraindication. Prohibited during pregnancy.
  3. Levomycetin. The cost reaches 150 rubles. Has a complex effect. It can be prescribed as maintenance therapy after surgical removal of a hemorrhoid. An additional contraindication is fungal infections of the area near the anus.

To increase the effectiveness of antibiotic tablets, patients are prescribed naturopathic remedies.

Note: it is recommended to take the tablets after meals. Between meals, the medicine can cause the development of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of antibiotic components is observed after 2 hours from the moment of administration.

Effective ways to treat hemorrhoids

Antibiotics are not prescribed for mild symptoms, as well as in the absence of elevated body temperature. There is also no need to take such drugs if hemorrhoids are not accompanied by bleeding, since there are no wounds on the hemorrhoids, so the infection cannot enter the blood either.

Also, the use of antibiotics is refused in cases where the patient is a woman during pregnancy or lactation (if she is breastfeeding).

But the most common side effects when using antibiotics are:

  • complex gastrointestinal disorder (due to a sharp change in the balance of microflora);
  • diarrhea (diarrhea is a sufficient reason to stop therapy);
  • allergic reaction (antibiotics cause allergies in many people).

Hemorrhoids in men are often complicated by inflammation, suppuration, and poorly healing anal fissures.

In this situation, you cannot do without potent drugs - antibiotics in the form of tablets, injection solutions, ointments and rectal suppositories.

In the article below we will talk about what antibiotics to take for hemorrhoids?

In the initial stage, hemorrhoids cause only slight discomfort: itching and burning in the anus, chronic constipation, and general weakness.

If the patient does not see a doctor and does not receive adequate treatment, the functioning of the veins deteriorates, the blood flow slows down, and large nodes appear that close the lumen of the rectum. During defecation, they are damaged, open wounds become gateways for infection.

As hemorrhoids progress, the cones begin to fall out, which increases their trauma. Anal fissures appear, into which particles of feces can get trapped.

Constant infection of wounds leads to swelling, inflammation, and suppuration. In the most severe cases, bacterial damage can lead to necrosis, purulent fistulas and even sepsis.

Antibiotics for hemorrhoids are prescribed at the first sign of infection.

They are able to stop the proliferation of pathogenic flora and destroy existing bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, and others.

The drugs are also prescribed in the postoperative period; they help to avoid serious complications.

Further in the article we will look at what antibiotics to take for hemorrhoids?

Antibiotics for hemorrhoids: which ones are prescribed and when? For inflammatory processes, complex treatment is used.

Chronic hemorrhoids require a repeat course after a break of 1-2 weeks. At the same time, you can use products for external use: ointments, creams, suppositories.

The course of treatment is 7-10 days. It cannot be interrupted, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective and the disease will move from the acute stage to the chronic stage.

Let's take a closer look at what antibiotics are taken for hemorrhoids?

Nolitsin. Film-coated tablets belong to the group of fluoroquinolones. The main active ingredient is norfloxacin. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and remains effective for 12 hours.

Monural. The drug is in the form of granules from which a suspension is prepared.

It is prescribed for advanced hemorrhoids, complicated by other genitourinary diseases - for example, urethritis or prostatitis, and is well combined with other drugs.

Contains fosfomycin, which is rapidly absorbed and has a prolonged effect. A single dose is suggested approximately 2 hours before dinner, the dose is calculated individually.

Possible side effects: nausea, heartburn, diarrhea.

Azithomycin (Sumamed). The drug belongs to the azolide subclass, is used to treat chlamydial infections, and also suppresses other types of bacteria.

Contains the active substance of the same name in high concentration, has good acid resistance and increased effectiveness when taken orally. Admission is limited; no more than 3 g of the drug is prescribed per course.

Amoxiclav. Combined drug of the latest generation. Available in the form of capsules containing 2 active ingredients: clavulanic acid and amoxicellin.

This combination increases the effectiveness of the drug and allows it to act on different types of microorganisms. It is quickly absorbed into the blood, the course is calculated individually.

Other antibiotic options also have a good effect: tetracycline, erythromycin, levomecithin tablets. The drugs should not be taken together with other antibiotics; all oral drugs should be taken on an empty stomach, washed down with plenty of clean non-carbonated water (at least a glass).

Some products, such as grapefruit juice or cottage cheese, can reduce the effectiveness of drugs.

Gentamicin. Tablets suitable for the treatment of thrombosis. Take 160 mg of the drug per day, dividing the dose into 2 servings. It is better to drink the drug on an empty stomach, the course lasts 3-5 days. After it, you can use another local antibiotic. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Levomekol is an ointment for hemorrhoids with an antibiotic. An ointment containing an antibiotic and an immunostimulant has an antibacterial and regenerating effect.

It is possible to administer the drug orally using a cotton swab or a special plastic tip.

Proctosedyl - antibiotic suppositories for hemorrhoids. Rectal suppositories contain the antibiotic framycetin, which suppresses the activity of pathogenic flora, relieves internal swelling, and stops rectal bleeding.

They have a mild effect and are used 2-3 times a day for a week. Suppositories can be combined with ointment and oral medications; the active substance acts locally and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Antibiotics work well with other types of medications needed for hemorrhoids. Phlebotonics (Detralex, Phlebodia, Venarus) will help improve the functioning of affected veins.

For heavy bleeding, hemostatic drugs in the form of suppositories and tablets are used. Severe painful attacks are relieved with analgesics or anesthetic ointments and suppositories containing lidocaine, benzocaine, and belladonna extract.

On our website you will find a description of many topical medications for hemorrhoids, various forms of release and spectrum of action.

  1. Rectal suppositories:
      painkillers: with novocaine, papaverine, belladonna, Anestezol;
  2. wound healing: with propolis, methyluracil, Natalsid, Prostopin;
  3. anti-inflammatory: Indomethacin, suppositories against cracks;
  4. laxatives: with glycerin;
  5. universal: with heparin, ichthyol, Gepatrombin, Anuzol;
  6. for prevention: Nigepan.
  7. Gels: Hepatrombin, Troxerutin, Lyoton.
  8. Ointments: heparin, Bepanten, methyluracil, ichthyol, zinc, Aurobin, Bezornil, Fleming and Vishnevsky ointment.

Once bacterial activity has been suppressed, tissue healing must be accelerated. To heal wounds, internal and external damage, regenerating ointments and suppositories with natural oils, dexpanthenol, and vitamins are used.

Antibiotics are potent drugs. They suppress the activity of not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria, so medications must be used in doses and strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

There is a whole list of contraindications for which the use of medications in this group is prohibited.

These include:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • viral and fungal infections;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • individual intolerance to components.

You must take prescribed medications under the supervision of a doctor according to the prescribed course. Usually it does not exceed 5 days for oral medications; ointments and suppositories with active ingredients are used for no more than 1 week.

In case of an overdose of drugs, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, itching and local swelling are possible.

Hemorrhoids in the initial stage, not complicated by ruptures, anal fissures and other tissue damage, can be treated without the use of antibiotics. They are replaced by a combination of venotonics and anticoagulants with painkillers and laxatives.

Antibiotics can quickly destroy a bacterial infection, remove inflammation of suppuration and other unpleasant symptoms of advanced hemorrhoids. The drugs are selected by the attending physician, who also prescribes the exact course and dosage.

We found out above which antibiotic can be taken for hemorrhoids. But treatment of hemorrhoids after antibiotics continues. After completing the course, restorative therapy is necessary to speed up recovery.


These side effects may occur due to an allergic reaction to the drug or due to the development of candidiasis (fungal infection). Antibiotic itching is a serious symptom that should not be ignored.

If discharge from the anus appears, it is necessary to determine its nature:

  • bloody;
  • purulent;
  • mucous membranes.

Be sure to tell your doctor this information.

Can an antibiotic cause hemorrhoids? Experts note that this can happen if its occurrence is indicated in the instructions for use in the side effects section. If this happens, you must immediately inform your doctor.

But usually the causes of hemorrhoids are:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Therefore, if during treatment with antibiotics the patient had to lead a sedentary lifestyle or the side effect of the drug was loose stools or constipation, then hemorrhoids could indeed occur.

  1. Levomycetin and tetracycline in ointment or tablets. Excellent proven remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids at different stages of the disease. Prescribed 3-4 times a day for a week. They relieve inflammation well and localize the affected area.
  2. A widely used drug is levomikol. It copes well with eliminating wound infections and helps relieve inflammation in a short time.

    The drug is supplied in the form of an ointment and is intended for local use. Leovomicol is often prescribed after surgery. It promotes wound healing and relieves inflammation.

  3. The drug, available in tablet form, is Detralex.
    This drug has an indirect but effective effect on blood vessels. Its principle is to improve blood circulation in the human body. As you know, hemorrhoids are formed when blood vessels become inflamed and hemorrhoids form. The medicine helps improve blood flow through such vessels. This reduces the level of inflammation and promotes resorption. The medicine is used both in the treatment of the acute phase of the disease and in the remission stage of the disease. The drug can be used as maintenance therapy, so there are practically no restrictions on the timing of its administration.
  4. Effective pills for hemorrhoids

  5. A strong drug - Hepatrombin G. It is used in the form of suppositories or ointments. Due to its effective effect, it is prescribed in a short course for two weeks. It copes well with severe exacerbations of the disease. In such cases, the patient is given an increased dose of the medicine. It relieves discomfort and has a good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
    The medicine itself helps cope with symptoms such as:
    • inflammation;
    • swelling;

  6. the occurrence of blood clots;
  7. unpleasant itching;
  8. painful sensations.


Exacerbation of the chronic stages of hemorrhoids is accompanied by a change in conservative treatment to more effective Gentamicin injections. This approach allows you to completely relieve pain and stop thrombosis of nodules. Intramuscular administration of antibiotics is prescribed for patients with weakened immune systems, as well as for chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus or leukemia.

The active components of the injection affect microorganisms by penetrating them through membranes, which significantly inhibits reproduction. Due to reproductive stagnation, the microflora dies.

The use of injections is limited to the following contraindications:

  • Kidney function is impaired, liver performance is reduced.
  • A disease of the auditory nerve – neuritis – was diagnosed.
  • Treatment with this method during pregnancy is prohibited.
  • Cannot be used during breastfeeding.

The use of injections as a method of administering a medicine significantly increases the effectiveness of the medicine, however, for a weakened body, the concentration of the active ingredients is sometimes very dangerous. If after taking the tablet the maximum concentration is observed after 2 hours, then an injection of antibiotics reduces this time by half. In acute forms, injections can relieve pain quite quickly.

Conservative treatment

Thanks to conservative treatment methods you can:

  • relieve pain;
  • prevent complications;
  • prepare the patient for surgery;
  • carry out postoperative rehabilitation.

Local means of conservative treatment:

  1. Candles. For internal hemorrhoids, different types of rectal suppositories are used. They have a positive effect on hemorrhoids.
  2. Ointments:
  • for the external form of the disease, ointments with various active ingredients are used. They can have venotonic, analgesic and hemostatic effects;
  • for suppuration and severe inflammation, ointments with antibiotics are used;
  • for cracks and acute hemorrhoids, anesthetic ointments are used;
  • For inflammation, hormonal ointments are used.
  1. Collagen sponges (suppositories). If there is bleeding, then collagen sponges (suppositories) with adrenaline are used. The most popular drugs are “Proctosan”, “Ultraproct”, “Proctosedil” and others.
  2. Baths. If the external symptoms of the disease worsen, the doctor prescribes warm baths with a weak solution of manganese. Also, instead of it, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used - clover, nettle, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic herbs. Baths are effective only for external manifestations of the disease.

DETAILS: Is Otipax an antibiotic or not?

Internal means of conservative treatment:

  1. To improve the tone of venous vessels and prevent thrombosis, Detralex, Troxevasin and Escusan and others are indicated.
  2. To relieve pain, medications are taken in the form of tablets.
  3. If hemorrhoids are caused by constipation, then laxatives are used, which also reduce pain.
  4. For an auxiliary antimicrobial effect, you can eat natural antibiotics - onions, dill, cinnamon, basil and thyme.


The transition to intravenous administration of antibiotics occurs due to strong inflammatory reactions, which are characterized by high intensity and activity. Sometimes the amount of suppuration seems dangerous for a person, which completely precludes the use of conservative methods of antibacterial therapy.

Common types of injections are:

  1. intravenous administration of medication;
  2. intramuscular injections.

The most common effective method of relieving a patient of the symptoms of an acute form of the disease is an anesthetic blockade. It is performed intramuscularly in the anal area. The amount of the active drug and the number of injections are determined directly by the treating proctologist.

As an alternative effective intravenous treatment, sclerotherapy is used - injection of 5% solutions of carbolic acid and no less effective quinine urea. The essence of the treatment is to perform an injection directly into the site of the infected area - the hemorrhoid. If the solution gets into this area, it helps to completely eliminate the nodule; the treated lump is deprived of access to blood, which is the reason for its death. Elimination of the damaged area occurs naturally through the anus along with feces.

The effectiveness of injections is explained by the introduction of a concentrated composition locally, without affecting healthy areas and blood vessels.

Common drugs used for injection are:

  • Novocaine. A synthetic antibiotic helps to quickly relieve symptoms of the acute stage. Sometimes used as an anesthetic before surgical removal of nodules. It is not used for the initial stage of the disease.
  • Ketonal. The main active ingredient is ketoprofen. It acts as an excellent anesthetic, antipyretic, and can also relieve inflammation. Used for severe pain or in small doses as a rehabilitation agent.
  • Diclofenac. The non-steroidal anesthetic also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed for diagnosing edema in the anal area. It copes well with the resorption of blood clots.

Antibiotics for hemorrhoids

As noted, antibacterial treatment is necessary during exacerbation of pathology, as well as before and after surgery on the rectum, in order to prevent the development of inflammation and infection.

As the disease worsens, the likelihood of ulcerative lesions, wounds and cracks in the mucous membrane increases. Microtraumas can result from procedures. In addition, hard feces damage the mucous membrane.

The rectum contains a huge number of microorganisms, including opportunistic types. When the immune status decreases, they multiply rapidly, which leads to their penetration into the circulatory system and soft tissues through the damaged mucous membrane, as a result, negative phenomena develop.

The most serious detrimental consequence is sepsis, characterized by systemic inflammation of the entire body. The danger is that in the presence of this condition the probability of death is 50%.

An equally dangerous consequence is a fistula - a hole that opens outward or into a full organ, through which mucus, blood, and purulent contents come out. This pathological condition leads to the development of a tumor neoplasm.

If the clinical picture worsens and pain symptoms become severe, an antibiotic for hemorrhoids is simply necessary. It will prevent further progression of bacterial infection.

Prescribing medications is acceptable for the treatment of concomitant pathologies, for example, proctitis. It occurs against a background of pain and burning, and is characterized by discharge, including that of a purulent nature.

Antibacterial treatment will eliminate the source of inflammation, eliminate thrombosis of hemorrhoids, and reduce the intensity of pain.

Ointments and suppositories

To eliminate internal forms of hemorrhoids, antibacterial therapy is based on the use of suppositories. The drugs are administered directly into the anus after performing hygienic procedures.

Note: suppositories are characterized by a local effect on the nearby area, which requires mandatory monitoring after the administration of this product. If the suppository falls into the rectal cavity, the effectiveness of treatment sometimes drops to zero.

Among the most effective candles are:

  1. "Relief" - the drug is characterized by minimal contraindications. It is multifunctional, relieves inflammation, has an analgesic effect, and has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. "Relief" is prescribed even with the initial symptoms of the disease.
  2. The drug "Proctosan" is used as an effective remedy for diagnosing the advanced stage of the disease. Easily eliminates swelling and helps relieve pain. Actively blocks the activity of infections and restores damaged rectal walls.
  3. The product "Ichthyol" is characterized by a natural composition, which allows it to be used even by pregnant women. Quickly relieves pain and acts as an anti-inflammatory treatment factor. Active components of natural nature normalize vascular tone and restore the balance of the mucous membrane.

The use of ointment formulations is approved in the early stages of the disease, since small concentrations of active substances do not damage healthy tissue. The products are applied to the areas where hemorrhoids are located. The above suppositories are also available in the form of ointment formulations.

An alternative composition is Vishnevsky ointment. Its components launch powerful regeneration processes in nearby damaged areas to the anus. After application, a protective fat-like film is formed, stimulating blood circulation.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a place where a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms are present, which can turn the course of the disease into the most severe condition. When affected by infections, a complication in the form of sepsis may occur, in which urgent surgery and systemic treatment with antibiotics are prescribed. Fortunately, this complication is very rare.

Patients at risk:

  • aged people;
  • patients with an advanced stage of the disease;
  • people with weak body defenses.

In case of sepsis, a whole staff of specialized doctors who deal with diseases of the nervous system, heart, kidneys, liver and others participate in the treatment of patients. This is the most dangerous moment during illness. Unfortunately, statistics show that almost half of patients will die, so to prevent negative consequences, doctors must prescribe antibiotics.

When starting a course of antimicrobial drugs, you need to remember the possible side effects:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • candidiasis;
  • pathological discharge from the rectum.

Antibiotics are drugs that kill all microorganisms in the human body. Our intestines contain bacteria that contribute to the normal digestion of food. Long-term and incorrect use of antibiotics can lead to dysbiosis and diarrhea. To avoid this, doctors prescribe probiotics in parallel with a course of antibiotics.

Candidiasis is a frequent companion to a course of antibiotics. The favorite breeding grounds for fungi are the urethra in men, the vagina in women, and the oral cavity. If itching, burning, thick, creamy discharge or white deposits occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe a course of antifungal drugs.

These side effects are not a reason to refuse antibiotic therapy. With proper selection and correct use of medications, there will be no side effects, and the inflammatory process will resolve quickly.

Participate in an anonymous survey:

What symptom of hemorrhoids bothers you the most?

Antibiotics for hemorrhoids with fever

An increase in body temperature during hemorrhoids is the reason for immediate contact with a treating specialist. Fever is not considered a characteristic symptom of this disease, which makes the fact of its occurrence a very serious complication.

The cause of fever may be:

  • acute form of the underlying disease;
  • development of sepsis;
  • the appearance of vein thrombosis or necrosis;
  • formation of tissue abscesses;
  • temperature is observed after operations as a result of the incipient inflammatory process.

The main antipyretic drug for relieving the symptoms of the disease is considered to be a group of antibiotics containing aspirin. Additionally, drugs are used: Levomekol or Oflocaine. They also perfectly reduce the temperature and at the same time eliminate the effects of inflammation.

To stabilize the condition, it is recommended to increase the intensity of the drinking regime, which allows the antibiotics taken to be quickly absorbed. The use of ointment compositions is allowed.

If it is impossible to eliminate an undesirable symptom with medication, then a procedure for sanitation of the anus is performed in the hospital. It cleanses the rectum of infected tissue and purulent formations.

Use of antibiotics after surgery

Hemorrhoids often go away after antibiotics. Medicines may be prescribed even after surgery.

Any operation performed on hemorrhoids is dangerous due to inflammation and infection. As the wound heals, there is a risk of feces coming into contact with the healing wound. In such cases, the attending physician prescribes a course of antibiotics. Usually it lasts no more than 5 days, sometimes it can be extended up to two weeks.

The medicine itself helps relieve inflammation and stop some painful processes. When performing any operation on hemorrhoids, the subsequent use of medications is prescribed only by the attending proctologist.


The prescription of antibiotics should be agreed with the attending physician. These drugs should not be taken independently or without supervision. In most cases, antibiotics are not prescribed for colds or mild gastrointestinal upset. They are only useful for severe bacterial infections.

If the doctor has prescribed antibacterial therapy to prevent hemorrhoids after it, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to comply with dosages and all doctor’s instructions.
  2. The diet while taking antibiotics should include fruits and vegetables in large quantities.
  3. You can consume fiber to improve intestinal motility.
  4. To restore microflora after finishing a course of antibiotics, take probiotics with beneficial microorganisms for the intestines.

The intestinal microflora will recover on its own in two weeks. To speed up this process and avoid diarrhea and hemorrhoids, you need to drink more fermented milk products and probiotics with lactobacilli.

Taking antibiotics is of great help in treating acute or chronic hemorrhoids

In some situations, hemorrhoids may develop after taking antibiotics as a result of antibiotic damage to the intestinal microflora of a healthy body.

Certain groups of antibiotics wash out numerous beneficial organisms from the intestines along with harmful bacteria, and this will ultimately require further treatment of inflammation of the hemorrhoid.

After taking antibiotics, hemorrhoids develop under certain conditions:

  • there are gastrointestinal diseases that complicate antibiotics;
  • unreasonable increase in the dosage of antibiotics;
  • excessively frequent prescription and use of various antibiotics;
  • prescribing antibiotics without additional compensating agents;
  • poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle.

After taking antibiotics, hemorrhoids develop due to poor diet.

The development of hemorrhoids is provoked by dysbacteriosis, caused and complicated by the use of antibiotics. In this case, antibiotics for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be used with caution, and consult with specialists in this regard.

Considering the ability of antibiotics to provoke various complications, including hemorrhoids, even in a healthy body, you must always adhere to strict recommendations:

  • do not use antibiotics in early stages of disease development;
  • be sure to follow medical recommendations for taking medications;
  • provide balanced, healthy nutrition;
  • supplement treatment with various auxiliary drugs (as recommended by a doctor).

Supplementing treatment with various auxiliary drugs will help to avoid hemorrhoids after antibiotics.
It is unacceptable to use antibiotics when self-medicating, as this can be dangerous and fraught with negative consequences for the body.

To prevent possible complications of the disease, treatment with antibiotics after hemorrhoid surgery is indicated. Such complications include:

  • bleeding;
  • wound infection;
  • fistula formation.

A postoperative wound may become infected when feces are released. If it has festered, then it is opened, all the pus is removed, and a special drain is installed so that the newly accumulated pus can come out freely.

Antibiotics help eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce purulent infiltration. To prevent complications after hemorrhoid surgery, medications are taken for three to five days. To eliminate a complication that has already arisen, treatment can last more than ten days.

Some patients categorically refuse to use antibacterial drugs. This solution is incorrect for many reasons. First of all, the lack of adequate treatment leads to a worsening of the patient’s well-being. Typical symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • elevated temperature (up to fever of 40ºС);
  • body aches;
  • weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • severe pain syndrome.

The infection will spread throughout the body over time. This condition is called sepsis (systemic inflammation), which can be fatal. In addition, pus from the pelvis can break into the abdominal cavity.

In this regard, when a proctologist prescribes antibacterial therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow his recommendations.

Features of use for internal and external hemorrhoids

Treatment of the external form of the disease is based on the following methods:

  1. Conservative – measures are aimed at eliminating the initial symptoms and normalizing the general condition of the patient. The use of non-concentrated ointments and tablets in combination with diet and lifestyle adjustments is provided.
  2. Minimally invasive therapy is based on infrared photocoagulation and the application of latex rings.
  3. Surgical technique - used for frequent relapses, external hemorrhoidal nodules are removed.

Treatment is based on the use of creams, medicinal ointments and gels. Tablet-based antibacterial therapy is often used. Effective medications are considered: Detralex; Asklezan or Pilex are often prescribed. These tablets gradually reduce congestion, stimulate blood circulation, help eliminate painful symptoms, and act as a prophylactic agent that limits the development of new infectious nodules and blood clots.

Contraindications and side effects

Antibiotics for hemorrhoids in adults , like any other medicines, have some contraindications for their use. Before starting treatment, I must definitely read the instructions included with the drug. A common contraindication to the use of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids is the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as severe impairment of the kidneys and liver.

What antibiotics to use for hemorrhoids, and in what dosage, is determined by the attending physician. It is important to remember that any self-medication and uncontrolled use of medications can result in the development of negative consequences. Often in such patients:

  • dysbacteriosis appears;
  • candidiasis joins hemorrhoids;
  • General and local allergic reactions appear due to sensitization to the constituent components of the drug;
  • the antibacterial effect is weakened or massive decay of microorganisms in the bloodstream is observed;
  • the simultaneous development of toxic shock is possible when choosing the wrong dosage and frequency of taking the medication;
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs may result in microorganisms becoming accustomed to the active substance.

Important! If, when treating hemorrhoids with antibiotics, no means of protecting the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract are used, then dyspeptic disorders such as loose stools, nausea and vomiting may appear.

Prevention of inflammatory processes in the intestines

Any drug with complex action has a negative effect on the processes of breakdown of food in the intestines. Correct dosage and adherence to treatment courses can reduce the risk of these disorders.

There are certain measures that can prevent the development of painful manifestations in the intestines:

  • Rational, clearly balanced, regular diet. An increase in the preventive effect is observed when high-quality foods are included in the diet.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Prevention of emotional upheavals and stress, which often become triggers for diseases.
  • Timely treatment of the initial symptoms of diseases that can affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Maintaining a normal nutritional regimen allows you to minimize the risk of intestinal disease, and maintaining a healthy diet normalizes metabolic processes.

In what cases should it be used?

Treatment of hemorrhoids with antibiotics begins when the first symptoms of the inflammatory process occur.
Most often, such signs accompany the second and third stages of the disease. Indications for the use of antibacterial drugs are:

  • swelling in the anorectal area;
  • the appearance of pus;
  • persistent hyperemia lasting several days;
  • severe pain even at rest;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • the presence of blood inclusions in the stool;
  • after surgery.

The development of a purulent process in the hemorrhoidal node or tissue necrosis becomes the reason for prescribing a course of antibiotics. The duration of treatment is usually about ten days. In parallel with antibacterial agents, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and venotropic drugs are used.

Important! Systemic use of antibiotics is indicated only in rare situations (for example, when the risk of sepsis is high).


Tatyana, 32 years old.

My pregnancy was going well, but after giving birth I was diagnosed with the initial stage of hemorrhoids. I tried treatment with natural remedies, which later only worsened my condition. Everything became inflamed, it was difficult to walk, I’m not talking about sitting at all - it was almost unbearable. Friends gave advice and reassured me, but I decided to seek advice.

The proctologist advised using Gepotrombin G ointment. I found out the cost - 200 rubles, for the treatment of severe pain it’s almost a penny. The next day after use, walking became much easier, the ointment significantly numbed the area and eliminated the constantly disturbing friction. The inflammatory processes completely subsided over time. I used it three times a day until I was completely free of the disease. Even after the complete absence of unpleasant symptoms, I used this remedy for some time as a preventive measure.

Tools Overview

It is worth pointing out right away that it is pointless to independently select antibiotics for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is not possible to guess which pathogenic bacteria have the highest concentration without analysis. Accordingly, the first thing you should do is see a doctor and get a smear for analysis.

For internal hemorrhoids

For internal hemorrhoids, antibiotics are mainly prescribed in the form of suppositories. The most popular drugs in this category:

  1. "Terzhinan" . Although this drug is recommended for use in gynecology, its use in proctology is also allowed. It is based on neomycin, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Its use is allowed even if the exact type of pathogenic microflora has not been established.
  2. "Osarbon" . It is based on acetarsol, which is a synthetic antibiotic. It works very well, practically does not penetrate the mucous membrane, absorption is minimal. Ideal for infection detected at an early stage of hemorrhoids.
  3. "Vitaprost" . Suppositories are mainly used in the treatment of prostatitis, but they also give excellent results for hemorrhoids. Suitable not only for bactericidal, but also for fungal infections (more common in women with exacerbation of thrush).

For conservative treatment

For conservative treatment of hemorrhoids and prevention of its exacerbation to paraproctitis, it is recommended to use antibiotic ointments:

  1. "Levomekol" . It is a combination of antibiotics and methyluracil - this helps to reduce the concentration of pathogenic microflora, and at the same time accelerate the healing of wounds on hemorrhoids. This ointment is also preferable for anal fissures.
  2. "Proctosedyl" . Available in the form of suppositories and ointments for external use. It is based on framycetin sulfate, which is a synthetic antibacterial agent of the latest generation. It can be used even during pregnancy, since absorption is local.

After surgery

After any operation, antibiotics are required to prevent infection of the wound. After surgical treatment of hemorrhoids, tablets with broad-spectrum antibiotics are mainly prescribed for this purpose:

  1. "Summamed" . The key advantage of this product is its prolonged action. That is, after taking the tablet, the antibacterial effect persists for the next 2-3 days. On the recommendation of a doctor, Summamed can also be prescribed to pregnant women. This antibiotic can also be used in pediatric practice.
  2. "Nolitsin" . Mainly used when there is a sharp increase in body temperature. Absorbed very quickly, half-life is 12 hours. The base is norfloxacin. However, this drug is not used for more than 5 days due to the strong negative effect on the intestinal microflora.
  3. "Tetracycline" . Cheap but effective broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is available not only in the form of tablets, but also as ointments. Its combined use is allowed. That is, oral administration and external treatment of sutures or scars remaining after surgery. But during pregnancy or while breastfeeding a child, it is strictly contraindicated. Also, this drug is not recommended for use in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus (when the blood clotting rate is reduced).

But most importantly, do not use antibiotics without medical advice. If you choose it incorrectly, you can significantly worsen the functioning of the immune system, which will only increase the chance of an infectious exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

This also applies to suppositories and ointments for external use. In addition, it is not always possible to independently establish the correct diagnosis. The same hemorrhoids can easily be confused with erosions of the anal canal, proctitis and even rectal cancer.

How to avoid hemorrhoids after antibiotics

In order to prevent hemorrhoids from developing after taking antibiotics , the following rules must be observed:

  • During therapy, it is necessary to organize proper and nutritious nutrition.
  • fight diarrhea by filling your diet with strengthening foods.

When treating hemorrhoids after antibiotics, follow your doctor’s recommendations, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

do simple exercises, give up heavy physical labor and take light walks, which will avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

In fact, hemorrhoids from antibiotics can come as a real surprise to the patient. In order to minimize the risk of its occurrence, it is recommended to follow all the tips listed and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Reviews from doctors and patients about taking antibiotics

Today, taking antibiotics for hemorrhoids is considered a mandatory method of therapy, thanks to which it is possible to forget about unpleasant symptoms. Patient reviews about the treatment of hemorrhoids with antibiotics can be found varied, but most often they are positive.

Alena, 30 years old, Moscow: “I encountered hemorrhoids several years ago and at first did not attach due importance to it. I hoped that the disease would go away on its own without special treatment. However, every day the bumps became larger and more painful. Treatment with ointments and suppositories did not bring a positive result, and at a doctor’s appointment it was discovered that the cones had begun to fester. Among the set of prescribed measures were the antibiotic suppositories Proctosedyl. Within a few days, the size of the nodes decreased and the unpleasant symptoms disappeared.”

Hemorrhoids are considered an unpleasant disease that can disrupt the patient’s normal life. Today, the fight against this disease is carried out using various methods and means. An antibiotic for hemorrhoids is considered an integral part of therapy, and with the right choice of drug, it is possible to forget about the problem forever.

How to choose the right drug

The choice of antibiotic should be made by the treating proctologist. He makes this decision only after examining the patient. The stage and shape of hemorrhoids are taken into account, where the lumps are located and whether thrombosis has been detected in them. In addition, the following is preliminarily carried out:

  • examination of stool in the laboratory to identify dysbacteriosis;
  • special culture for pathogenic microflora;
  • coprogram.

The specialist tries to correctly assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa in order to find inflamed areas and open wounds. It is important to choose an antibiotic so as not to harm internal organs and not aggravate the problem.

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