Remedies for increased gas formation. Pharmaceutical preparations and adsorbents

What is flatulence, why and how does the process of gas formation occur? What medications exist in the world to relieve bloating and pain? When should you see a doctor? You will learn about this and much more from this article.

The problem of flatulence is quite common. A person encounters it almost from the very first day of his life. Modern medications, which can be obtained freely and inexpensively without a prescription, will help restore the normal state of the damaged body by relieving heaviness in the stomach.

Determining the cause of bloating

During the day, a person can release gases naturally 14-21 times. This is considered an absolute norm and is not a pathology. A person can get rid of gases in two ways during the day: through the stomach, this is belching, and through the intestines.

If the passage of gases is somehow obstructed, bloating, so-called flatulence, may begin. Normally, nothing should hurt a healthy person, and rumbling in the stomach is not a normal option. If pain is observed along with rumbling, it is of a wandering nature, then on one side, then on the other, in the lower abdomen or upper, it makes sense to suspect flatulence.

Causes of bloating and gas:

  • Dysbacteriosis. During digestive disorders, pathogenic microorganisms develop in the stomach and intestines, and good bacteria, on the contrary, die. Because of this, pathogenic flora can multiply, which causes the formation of an increased amount of gases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This usually occurs with enterocolitis and various poisonings.
  • Eating foods that cause excessive gas. This includes peas, beans, as well as potatoes and cabbage. There are also some fruits and vegetables that can contribute to flatulence. The fact is that pain may be present along with bloating. At the same time, the waist size increases, and an increase is also observed in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the person feels bursting pain and discomfort.

Why don't gases come out? This usually happens when the stool becomes too hard. A kind of plug appears here, which prevents the normal release of gases from the intestines. This is usually preceded by constipation.

Enzyme preparations for flatulence

One of the reasons for constant bloating may be poor digestion of food. It begins to stagnate in the gastrointestinal tract, fermentation processes begin with excessive release of gases. This occurs, among other things, due to diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder, which produce important enzymes for the normal absorption of foods.

Long-term use of medications containing enzymes is addictive; for the same therapeutic results, the dosage must be increased.

The active ingredient is pancreatin, it is aimed at replenishing pancreatic enzymes. Without these enzymes, complete breakdown of proteins, fats, and starch is impossible. Treats bloating, heaviness after eating, improves digestion. The dosage of Creon is selected individually, varies greatly from one capsule of 10 thousand units, to several 40 thousand per day, some countries produce capsules of 75 thousand units. Recommended for use with food.

There are analogues: Pancreatin, Mezim, Panzinorm, Mikrasim, Ermital. They have an identical purpose, differ in the release form, and the composition of the protective shell, which can be an important factor in pharmacological effectiveness.


A complex preparation containing bile, powder of the pancreas and small intestine of cattle. Bile components facilitate the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Contraindicated in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, hepatitis, and other acute conditions.

Enzymes are powders designed to normalize digestion. Their difference from sorbents is the minimum number of contraindications and a wide spectrum of action. They are prescribed to free the stomach from the accumulation of food and free the intestines from feces. The vast majority of enzymes are powders based on pancreatin, which is obtained from pork pancreas.

Enzyme preparations


  • Abomin. The active substance is pepsin. An essential organic substance needed by the body to digest food. Its analogue is Unienzyme;
  • Pancreatin. Well-known pancreatic enzyme based on lipase. It is prescribed to remove waste products and free the gastrointestinal tract from putrefactive particles. Promotes the removal of gases and feces, normalizes acidity;
  • Oraza. An enzyme of plant origin, which is obtained from lipase. Useful for food poisoning and insufficient digestive activity (decreased appetite, turbulence in the stomach, belching with an unpleasant odor);
  • Somilaza. Contains hemicellulase, which helps with flatulence. They are prescribed for bloating caused by foods, but they are contraindicated for pancreatitis and hepatitis;
  • Festal. A pancreatic enzyme that helps break down waste products from the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The role of medications in the complex therapy of flatulence

The medicine helps with bloating and gas within 20-30 minutes. after reception. Treatment of unpleasant symptoms occurs in several stages, where the doctor adjusts the patient’s diet and prescribes medications to eliminate discomfort.

Tablets in the treatment of gas formation are designed to eliminate signs of illness in order to make the patient feel better. With the help of medications, the cause of flatulence is eliminated.

A course of medications is selected to relieve the inflammatory process in the cavity of the small intestine. In case of infection, drugs are prescribed that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora. This helps restore the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate all symptoms of bloating.

Treatment of flatulence cannot be without an established cause; you can take medications on your own only at the beginning in order to reduce symptoms and get to the hospital. At the appointment, the doctor will tell you what the person should take, what medications are available for flatulence, and what cannot be used to stop the disease in his case. Consulting a doctor is very important, since if you have bloating, the wrong choice of medications can aggravate the situation.

Most people use medications for flatulence, since folk remedies cannot quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptom. It’s simply not possible to identify the best anti-flatulence remedies and make a list of them.

How to choose the best remedy for gas and bloating?

To quickly relieve attacks of acute gas formation, you can take a tablet from the group of carminative drugs. Painful abdominal cramps are relieved with painkillers. Doctors do not recommend treating flatulence on your own - this can cause side effects. You can take the medicine without a prescription only once to relieve an acute attack.

Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the factor that provoked the malaise. Before prescribing a course of therapy, the patient undergoes tests and undergoes a full examination. After this, the gastroenterologist prescribes treatment.

Indications for taking pharmaceutical drugs

The main cause of abdominal discomfort is overeating and poor diet. The rapid proliferation of putrefactive bacteria begins in the intestines, which is accompanied by bloating.

Signs for urgent medical treatment are:

  • increased gas formation for more than 3 days;
  • severe pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • attacks of nausea with vomiting before or after meals;
  • flatulence is associated with a serious illness.

List of Inexpensive Anti-Bloating and Gas Pills for Adults

The main groups of drugs and their most common representatives used to treat bloating in combination and separately:

  1. Sorbents are used to quickly remove gases and toxins from the intestines of an adult, since such preparations absorb everything unnecessary well and promote accelerated evacuation.
  2. Defoamers for flatulence help to reduce the size of gas bubbles and they do not cause significant discomfort to a person and easily leave the intestines even with constipation.
  3. Prokinetics enhance intestinal motor function, promoting the rapid removal of gases from the intestines, which significantly alleviates a person’s condition with flatulence.
  4. Probiotics improve the balance of intestinal microflora, helping it work and actively remove feces and gases. This group also includes prebiotics - medications that help beneficial bacteria take root and develop in the intestines.
  5. Enzyme preparations improve digestion processes, making food easier to pass through the intestines. This helps reduce the load on the digestive organs and reduce the amount of gases passing from the stomach into the intestines.
  6. Antispasmodics - do not help cure flatulence, but relieve pain and spasms, alleviating the person’s condition.

How to treat flatulence depends on the cause of its occurrence. Before using any drug, you should carefully read the instructions, especially if the medicine is taken independently without a doctor's prescription. No one knows for sure what the most effective remedy for flatulence will be for a person, but the doctor will be able to assess all aspects of the problem and prescribe the correct medication.

When to see doctors

There are no specific medical guidelines that define the normal frequency or amount of flatulence. The patient himself is probably the best person to evaluate his own symptoms.

Medical assistance will be required if a person cannot cure gas formation on his own, but the pain has already become unbearable and has been tormenting for a long time. Among the dangerous symptoms are the following:

  • severe, pronounced pain that lasts several days;
  • the patient has nausea, vomiting, no appetite, and an increase in body temperature;
  • blood particles appear in the stool - a signal of quite serious damage to the intestines;
  • during urination, the pain intensifies / additional pain appears in the genitourinary system;
  • some blood is released in the urine, which indicates serious defects or tumors;
  • the nature of abdominal pain is traumatic, the appearance of unpleasant sensations was preceded by some traumatic effects;
  • Heartburn that is severe enough to not respond to standard over-the-counter treatments and lasts more than 2 weeks.

These symptoms may be a sign of a more serious health problem and may require testing, such as a blood or stool test, to look for an infection. Most of the listed signs may indicate that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body. But in such ambiguous situations, standard and herbal folk remedies against gas formation in adults often no longer help. It is necessary to select complex therapy, which will be aimed at ridding the patient of existing diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract with the subsequent removal of gases from the intestines.

Remember: gas is a normal biological process that everyone experiences and should experience regularly. Some patients naturally pass gas only a few times a day, others even more often. On average, this figure ranges from 5 to 15 times a day. You should not worry about this if you are not bothered by pain and other symptoms listed.


Enterosorbents (adsorbents) are inexpensive drugs that bind and remove harmful substances from the body: cholesterol, toxins, fats, bacteria, poisons, allergens. Such products have a wide spectrum of action, neutralize gases well, eliminate bloating and are completely eliminated from the body. Enterosorbents are classified into three types:

  1. carbon - preparations from various activated carbon compounds.
  2. silicon - products are used to cleanse the body.
  3. organic - medicines are made from natural fibers (chitin, cellulose, brown algae polysaccharides).

Enterosorbents remove nutrients, vitamins and beneficial microelements from the body along with gases. For this reason, they should not be consumed for a long time or taken with food.

The most effective enterosorbents:

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is a cheap and effective remedy for gas formation and bloating, with the help of which harmful substances are absorbed and removed from the intestines. Take charcoal in the ratio of 1 tablet per 10 kg of patient weight. Drink an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals. Children should be given charcoal as prescribed by their pediatrician. The drug should not be taken for more than 7-8 days, as the intestinal mucous membranes may be damaged. Patients with gastric ulcers, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract or hypersensitivity to the drug should not take activated charcoal;

White coal

White coal is produced in the form of tablets and powder. Considered more effective against gas and bloating compared to activated charcoal. The product promotes the absorption and removal of toxins, allergens or bacteria from the intestines, and eliminates toxic and allergic reactions. Adults and children over 8 years of age take 1-2 tablets before each meal. Contraindications for use are: peptic ulcer, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, erosion of the intestinal mucosa, intestinal obstruction, pregnancy and breastfeeding;


Smecta is a safe and effective drug for gas formation and bloating for the treatment of adults and children. Available in powder form and is widely used as a means of reducing gas formation in the intestines. Smecta has a positive effect on the functions of the digestive system, improves peristalsis, removes gases and harmful substances from the intestines. The product has no side effects or complications; it can be taken by pregnant women and infants. Contraindications for use are: allergies, intestinal obstruction, sucrose deficiency, fructose intolerance;


Neosmectin – has an adsorbing effect and is available in powder form. You should take 1 sachet three times a day. For children under 1 year of age, the maximum daily dose is 3 grams. Do not take if you have intestinal obstruction or intolerance to the drug;


Enterosgel is a product that envelops the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and protects the intestines from chemical and mechanical influence. Renews the mucous membrane, is not absorbed into the blood. Available in the form of gel and paste. Recommended intake: adults – 1.5 tbsp. spoons, children - 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day two hours before meals;


Polysorb MP is a very light, weightless snow-white powder, which consists entirely of silicon oxide, highly dispersed. Its particle sizes do not exceed 0.01 mm, and its adsorption capacity is very high. 1 gram of silica can absorb 300 mg of other substances, that is, take on and remove a third of its own weight from the body. This allows it to be used as an intoxicant and a drug to improve immunity. In addition to flatulence, Polysorb MP is indicated for intestinal infections in the recovery stage, intoxication, food and drug allergies, and poisoning, including alcohol.

The drug is used only mixed in water. The suspension must be prepared before each dose. Adults need to take from 6 to 12 grams per day in 3 divided doses, for example, 3 grams per dose.

Natural sorbents include:

  • Cellulose. Provides relaxation of the intestinal muscles, like a sponge, cleanses from its surface old feces and other formations that provoke rotting and accumulation of gases. Considered safe for use during pregnancy. The recommended dosage is half a tablespoon before or during meals.
  • Chitin. Gently passes through the intestinal tract, eliminating pathogens and normalizing microflora.
  • Cellulose. Refers to active mechanical sorbents. When used, it can cause inflammation of the intestines, so it is used only in emergency cases.

TOP 10: Drug rating

The medications for flatulence and bloating in adults that fill the shelves of any pharmacy are so varied that it is difficult to immediately determine which one is best for you. But with Table 1 below, patients can choose an inexpensive remedy based on its place in the ranking prepared by experts.

Table 1

Name / Approximate price (RUB)DescriptionAdvantagesFlaws
1. Polysorb / 400Form: powder. The unique and only active ingredient is colloidal silicon dioxide. It is a white powder (may acquire a bluish tint), no odor. When shaken with water, a suspension is formed. Dispersity and adsorption capacity are extremely high. Inert chemical composition Inexpensive No dangerous side effects Long shelf life Reduces abdominal pain It can also remove useful substances with it, therefore it is not recommended for regular use. In case of an overdose, constipation is possible.
2. ESPUMIZAN / 400Form: oral drops and capsules. It is pure simethicone, an effective carminative, but also has antifoam properties. Excreted completely without modification Inexpensive Can be prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers, patients with diabetes mellitus and many digestive disordersDoes not help when obstruction requires surgery
3.Hilak Forte / 450Form: oral drops. Contains natural metabolic products of normal microflora, sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate, lactic and phosphoric acid. Quickly and subtly normalizes microflora In one go, restores pH and water-electrolyte balance Stimulates the synthesis of epithelial cells of the intestinal wall InexpensiveSuitable only for minor disturbances of normal metabolism - bloating and flatulence, without serious symptoms
4.Enterosgel / 375The form is a soft white paste - methyl silicic acid hydrogel, but for children there is a paste with a sweet taste. Consists of silicon compounds (polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate). Does not reduce the content of vitamins Does not have a harmful effect on the activity of muscle motility Is gentle on microflora Is excreted unchanged InexpensiveThere is a slight risk of personal intolerance. Prohibited for insufficient intestinal tone and constipation.
5.Meteospasmil / 445A complex remedy that acts physically and exhibits antispasmodic properties. Well relaxes the muscles in the intestines, quickly reduces even severe pain Effective for intestinal hypertonicity InexpensiveMinor allergic reactions are possible. Not suitable during pregnancy and lactation.
6.Linex Forte / 520Form: capsules. Contains probiotics, glucose, potato starch. It is highly active, provokes the synthesis of substances that protect the intestines from infection by pathogenic organisms. Normalizes microflora A high-quality drug that reduces gas formation can be used in adults and children (even newborns) There are no side effects Can be safely used in combination with any other medicationsDo not drink hot liquid or alcohol, otherwise the microorganisms will die. High cost compared to many analogues
7.White coal / 270Form: microgranulated powder, tablets. It is a mixture of silicon dioxide. But unlike traditional activated carbon, due to the ideal balance of ingredients, it has a higher sorption capacity Excellent sorption capacity Reduces the likelihood of constipation Gases after administration are eliminated naturally due to stimulation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract InexpensiveYou need to take a large amount of water. Not suitable for pregnancy and lactation. There is a possibility of overdose.
8.Pankreoflat / 1980Form: tablets. It is a digestive enzyme agent - a valuable, unique combination of dimethicone with pancreatin. But it additionally contains special pork enzymes, which helps break down food and improves its absorption, eliminating gas formation. Easily tolerated No chance of overdoseNot suitable during pregnancy and lactation Contraindicated in combination with antacid products High cost
9. Bifiform / 435Forms: intestinal capsules, powder, chewable tablets. Contains bifidobacteria. The carminative medicine also includes a unique additive - a culture of live bacteria - fecal enterococcus. Reduces gas formation and obvious symptoms of dysbiosis Even one tablet very quickly and safely normalizes intestinal motility Eliminates increased gas formation and all its consequencesNot suitable when undergoing antibiotic treatment Does not cope with severe flatulence
10.Creon (alternative to Pankreoflat) / 310Form: hard capsules. It is considered one of the most active drugs based on an enzyme reaction. Prevents flatulence accompanied by pain Variety of l. forms according to the degree of enzyme activity, it is easy to choose a medicine, based on the causes and degree of flatulence, food chemical compounds are better absorbed in the small intestine under the influence of capsule tablets Inexpensive with a severe overdose of the drug, there may be a risk of hyperuricemia

Inexpensive drugs are also popular abroad: Gas-X capsules and tablets, Mygel, Mylanta Suspension, Maalox, Gelusil, Mytab Gas, EZ-Gas II, etc.


GERD is designed to activate gastrointestinal motility. They “start” the stomach and intestines in case of poisoning or metabolic disorders, are prescribed after anesthesia and other interventions, and are widely used to eliminate vomiting and spasms.


  • Motilium. A well-known prokinetic agent that eliminates vomiting and accelerates the work of the stomach and upper intestines. It has a positive effect on the rhythm of contractions of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which gases and toxins are naturally eliminated from the body.
  • Duspatolin. The strongest antispasmodic with prokinetic action. Quickly eliminates pain and cramping in the abdomen from bloating, and simplifies bowel movements. It has an inhibitory effect on the intestinal microflora and is prescribed only in exceptional cases.
  • Eglonil is an antipsychotic used as a drug to accelerate intestinal motility. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has a gentle effect on the duodenum, removes gases and helps reduce their formation.

Anti-foaming agents against flatulence

Defoamers are the most popular group of drugs for bloating. Gases and mucus tend to form a specific fermenting mass in the intestines. Defoamers destroy bubbles and promote the rapid release of gases from the intestines.

The most popular of this category is Espumisan, which is sold in pharmacies at prices ranging from 170 to 750 rubles. Espumisan does not change under the influence of various oxidizing agents or high temperatures, and does not dissolve in water or ethyl alcohol. The medication is excreted unchanged and does not enter into chemical reactions with the contents of the intestines.

The medicine is effective and cheap, safe even for very young children. Espumisan does not interfere with the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. With long-term treatment it does not cause harm to the gastrointestinal tract. How to take Espumisan:

  1. Adults and children over 6 years old are prescribed 1-2 capsules, depending on the severity of the condition;
  2. Doctors usually recommend taking the drug 3 times a day, in severe cases – 5 times.

The duration of the course of use depends on the presence of symptoms of increased gas formation.

Advice! Flatulence and fermentation in the stomach can be signals of the onset of a serious illness, so before extinguishing the symptoms, you need to undergo an examination

Espumisan's analogs

There are analogs of Espumisan that have the same active ingredient in their composition (simethicone). These drugs are cheaper and do not differ in effect.

For example, Coliquid can also be taken for a long time; the medicine costs only 120-150 rubles. Colikid is taken as part of symptomatic therapy in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by gas formation in the intestines.

For bloating, Kuplaton is recommended, suitable for newborns, pregnant and nursing mothers. The drug easily copes with intestinal spasms, has a positive effect on digestion and eliminates colic. Kuplaton is used internally, shaking the contents of the bottle before use.


Drugs in this category alleviate bloating, eliminate pain and spasms that appear when the intestinal walls are stretched by excessive gas formation. List of the most common antispasmodic drugs:

  • No-shpa;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Papaverine;
  • Drotaverine.

Before taking medications from this category, you must consult with your doctor and identify possible contraindications.

Preparations containing enzymes for bloating

The lack of natural production of enzymes necessary for the smooth functioning of the body leads to disruption of the digestive tract and the release of large volumes of gas.


Pancreatin is an analogue of Mezim and Creon, normalizes acidity levels and promotes the removal of excess gases. Cost – from 23 rubles. The average daily dose is 3 times a day before meals or during meals. Use is prohibited if chronic pancreatitis is detected, especially in an acute form.


Mezim is one of the most effective drugs in this group. Quickly eliminates the causes of flatulence, fights the symptoms of diseases that contribute to gas formation. The drug should be taken 2 tablets during meals with plenty of liquid. It is not recommended to use when identifying individual sensitivity to pancreatin and intestinal obstruction. The price of the medicine is from 90 rubles.


Festal - improves the digestion process, helps get rid of heaviness in the stomach. Take 2 tablets three times a day after meals. The average cost of a package is 190 rubles. If there are problems with the liver and gallstone disease, you should stop using the drug.

Long-term use of the described drugs leads to addiction and reduces the natural production of enzymes by the body. You should not take enzyme preparations with juice - this leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the pancreas.


One of the most active enzyme preparations that prevent bloating and flatulence with pain syndrome is Creon. Creon also contains high activity Pancreatin, amylase, lipase and protease. All these pancreatic enzymes improve the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the small intestine, and help eliminate the symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia in chronic pancreatitis and gastritis with low acidity, and the main symptom of intestinal dyspepsia is bloating and flatulence.

Features of treatment

In medicine, bloating and flatulence are treated today strictly in accordance with two basic principles:

  1. Eliminate the cause of dysfunction of the body (normalize microflora, adjust diet, cure gastrointestinal diseases).
  2. Remove accumulated gases from the intestines.

Modern medicinal remedies for different degrees of flatulence can be easily divided into specific subgroups:

  • enterosorbents,
  • probiotics,
  • enzyme preparations,
  • defoamers,
  • herbal remedies with a carminative effect.

It is useful to find out in more detail what each type of drug represents in order to choose an inexpensive and suitable one.


The peculiarity of all enterosorbents is the ability to most effectively, safely, quickly absorb excess mucus and gases in the intestines, and then they are excreted simultaneously with the medication. Such drugs have a drawback - in addition to removing gases, they can also capture organisms and substances useful for the formation of microflora. Therefore, doctors, when prescribing enterosorbents to patients for heaviness of the abdomen, strictly do not recommend long-term use of the product.

The complex word enterosorbents actually combines simple and familiar means into a group, including activated carbon. The drugs are prescribed if the patient does not have abdominal injuries. Side effects include changes in stool color. These products are safe to use yourself as they have virtually no


Probiotics include a group of products whose main composition includes unique microorganisms that form healthy intestinal microflora. As soon as they enter the gastrointestinal tract, stimulation of the immune system begins. The active substance quickly suppresses the activity of putrefactive and gas-forming bacteria, and the balance of the microflora is restored. This will lead to a significant improvement in digestion.


Enzymes are prescribed for flatulence due to disturbances in the process of food digestion due to insufficient amounts of pancreatic enzymes.


The effect of such products (the most striking example is Espumisan) is generally based on the fact that they promote the deposition of mucous foam, which contains gas bubbles. As a result of this, the release of digestive gases to the outside naturally or their absorption by the mucous membrane is significantly accelerated. Pharmacy products of this group do not enter directly into the blood, but are eliminated completely. Any product from the category of defoamers is non-toxic, and it can be used even by infants.


Unpleasant sensations from bloating in the abdomen can be relieved using herbal products. Dill seeds help most in this regard - they are brewed for babies to help with pain, abdominal discomfort and bloating. This is the best and most popular remedy among Russians, available to everyone for use in everyday life. However, this does not always allow you to relieve bloating and flatulence quickly; you often have to turn to pharmacies for drugs that have a stronger targeted effect.

Over-the-counter drugs

You can buy many different medications without a prescription that are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Tablets of this type for flatulence usually give a quick effect, giving instant relief, which is important, since pain from gas formation and bloating torment patients quite severely.

Depending on the situation, over-the-counter drugs are prescribed, which can significantly improve the patient’s condition. The process of such treatment includes:

  • Taking Smecta, activated carbon (enterosorbents);
  • Taking Espumisan, Pepsan-R (defoamers);
  • Taking Motilium, Motilac, Trimedat (prokinetics);
  • Taking Linex, Lactofiltrum, Probifor (probiotics, prebiotics);
  • Taking Pancreatin, Mezim Forte, Festal (enzyme);
  • Taking Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine (antispasmodics).

Sometimes antibiotics are additionally used, which are aimed at treating infectious diseases of the large or small intestine. Such diseases provoke very pronounced symptoms of intestinal problems, including diarrhea and vomiting that accompany bloating. In infectious diseases, body temperature rises. It becomes impossible to cure flatulence with local action, and the use of antibiotics is necessary to combat the causative agent directly.

The use of antibiotics requires great attention to the choice of treatment method and the patient's condition. Depending on the type of causative agent of the disease, an appropriate remedy is sought. It is possible to say which antibiotics will be most effective only after a thorough examination. This will require contacting medical specialists. institution to receive help or advice. It is better not to use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription - they can be harmful.

Medicine: probiotics and prebiotics

For the treatment of chronic conditions that are associated with bloating, there are few remedies described above; at best, they will bring only temporary relief, however, they will help very little in recovery, and sometimes mask the gradual deterioration of well-being.

One common cause of bloating is dysbiosis - an imbalance in the microflora of the intestinal tract. This condition leads to disorders of the intestinal tract, causing bloating, gas formation, diarrhea, and pain in the abdomen. Probiotics and prebiotics restore the natural biocenosis of the intestinal tract.


The structure of the product includes lacto-, bifidobacteria and enterococci. The combined base of the drug helps to cope with a wide variety of digestive disorders, including various dyspeptic expressions, which manifest themselves in the form of bloating, gas formation, diarrhea, and nausea. The drug is well tolerated and therefore approved for use in childhood and pregnancy. It does not provoke side effects and has a minimum of contraindications.


A combined product containing a plant-based sorbent and the prebiotic lactulose. Effectively binds and eliminates toxic substances, allergens, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the intestinal tract. Lactulose normalizes the microflora of the intestinal tract, stimulating the proliferation of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which normalizes peristalsis and reduces gas formation and bloating. The product is available in tablet form. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by a specialist. The price of the drug starts from 280 rubles.


Mixed probiotic, which is based on concentrated bifidobacteria, sorbed on activated carbon and lactulose. It has powerful detoxifying and antidiarrheal properties and copes well with intestinal infections without the help of antibiotics.

The list of funds in this category is quite wide. Other drugs that are successfully used in the treatment of dysbiosis and dyspeptic disorders (bloating, flatulence and other symptoms) include:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Maxilac;
  • Acipol;
  • Hilak forte;
  • Bifiform.

Hilak forte

Hilak forte, which is available in drops, contains metabolic products of normal intestinal microflora. This is a special environment that is produced by Escherichia coli, fecal streptococci, as well as some types of lactobacilli. As a result, this environment has protective properties against normal microflora, and is an aggressive environment against pathogenic microorganisms.

While taking Hilak Forte, normal microflora is restored much faster after taking antibiotics, various acute intestinal infections and disturbances in the water-salt balance in the intestines. In addition to bloating and impaired intestinal motility, the drug is indicated as a remedy for the correction of dysbiosis, for diarrhea and functional constipation, for gastritis with reduced secretion, as well as for various allergic skin lesions. Hilak forte should be taken 50 drops per dose, 3 times a day with meals. It is important not to dilute the drug with milk. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Hilak Forte subtly regulates the intestinal environment, so it can be used if flatulence and bloating are of minor concern. But if flatulence is serious, if bloating is accompanied by pain, belching, if this condition arose after an acute intestinal infection and massive use of antibiotics, when the intestinal microflora is completely suppressed, then Hilak Forte will be only the first, initial stage in the formation of a normal intestinal biocenosis.


Bifiform is a modern eubiotic, which, unlike Linex Forte, does not contain lactobacilli, and a live culture of fecal enterococcus has been added to bifidobacteria. Bifiform is available in several convenient dosage forms: these are enteric capsules, also an orange-flavored powder and chewable tablets that children like. Bifiform is able to reduce signs of dysbacteriosis, fight bloating, flatulence, both in adults and in children over 2 years old. The usual regimen for taking Bifiform in adults is 3 capsules per day, regardless of food intake.

How to choose a drug?

To quickly get rid of gases, you must first diagnose the person’s condition. This will allow you to determine the causes of gas, bloating, flatulence and pain in order to solve the problem. But in case of severe pain, you can use safe herbal products and enterosorbents, antispasmodics to relieve a person from this pain. Painful cramps may be a one-time occurrence and may be the result of other health problems, the use of medications, or poor diet. Numerous agents with a wide range of therapeutic effects help normalize this condition. The main thing is to take into account possible side effects. Such products can be found over the counter in any pharmacy, and they help to reduce pain very quickly, regardless of the underlying causes. Consultation can be obtained free of charge from a pharmacist. But if the cause of bloating in the abdomen is serious and is not eliminated, then the pain may soon return. There is no need to worry ahead of time, but it is important to consult with your doctor (therapist) in a timely manner, and if necessary, get tested.

Choosing the ideal remedy that will quickly relieve the patient of gas formation is possible only after consulting a doctor. If the patient suffers from persistent problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to undergo examination and examination by medical specialists. This is the only way to determine the exact causes of the illness in order to undergo treatment.

Photo: Mizianitka /


The only group of those listed that is aimed exclusively at solving the problem of flatulence is carminative drugs:

Benegast RedugazThese are dietary supplements, chewable tablets. Specialized complex with Inulin. Quickly reduces bloating and restores microflora, helps get rid of heartburn and a feeling of heaviness;
EspumisanReleases gases that accumulate in the lower intestines. Contains simethicone, which relieves spasms and promotes the breakdown of oxygen bubbles;
BebinosThe best drug for flatulence and bloating in children. Reviews claim that these drops can completely solve the problem of colic and pain in 20 minutes. Contains plant extracts (fennel, coriander, chamomile);
KolykidAvailable in the form of suspension and capsules. These effective drops or tablets are taken with food. Already during the digestion process they prevent the formation of gases. Help with severe flatulence in children and adults;
MeteospasmilRussian drops with alverine citrate and simethicone. They help prepare the gastrointestinal tract for surgical intervention and eliminate excessive gas formation. They can only be drunk as prescribed by a specialist.

What pills should I take to prevent bloating?

It is possible to identify some medications that can be used for prevention purposes and in case of unexpected pain in the abdominal area:

  • Spasmolgon, papaverine, no-shpa, rekicent - are used for pronounced sensations and pain due to flatulence;
  • Creon, mezim, festal – deficiency of beneficial enzymes;
  • Espumisan, white coal, simethicone - for excessive gas formation;
  • Bifiform – digestive disorders;
  • Normobact, Linex – pathologies of the intestinal microflora.
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