We treat low and high acidity in the stomach with water and honey

Is it possible to eat honey if you have gastritis?

After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a special diet for the patient with a list of food restrictions. The main goal is to reduce traumatic damage to the mucous membrane and increase the supply of nutrients to reduce symptoms.

In this case, patients have a question: “Is it possible to eat honey and other bee products with gastritis?” Doctors respond positively to it, since the sweet nectar envelops the walls of the stomach, relieving inflammation. It is also recommended during the acute period, which makes it an effective treatment for gastritis.

The bee product is allowed both with high and low acidity in the stomach cavity. The main difference is the features of use for different course of the disease.

Beneficial properties of honey for gastritis

Honey is a waste product of bees, which is represented by a rich component composition. It contains vitamins, minerals, phytoncides, acids, enzymes, flavonoids. They determine the beneficial properties of nectar:

  • reduction of symptoms of the inflammatory reaction;
  • removal of edema;
  • manifestation of antibacterial action;
  • providing the body with useful substances;
  • stimulating fermentation in the digestive tract, which makes it easier to digest incoming food;
  • cleansing of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • exhibits sedative properties;
  • activation of healing processes.

These beneficial qualities are actively used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of drugs based on bee products. However, it is better to take it in pure form or in combination with other components. For example, with milk, tea, water.

How to take honey correctly for gastritis

After the doctor has prescribed a beekeeping product, the patient is interested in how to take honey for various manifestations of gastritis. Sweet nectar will replace sugar, which is what is required for diseases of the digestive system. It ensures rapid absorption in the stomach due to its high fructose content.

Admission rules:

  1. Do not exceed the daily dosage (140 grams).
  2. Give up sugar completely to free the pancreas from part of the load;
  3. Take fresh, natural honey, without additives, from trusted beekeepers;
  4. Do not heat bee nectar above 50 degrees.
  5. Combine with prescribed medications and diet.

The standard course of treatment is 1–2 months. It is better to distribute the daily intake over 4 times of use during the day. It is allowed to combine bee products with milk, water, and aloe juice.

With milk

Milk is usually allowed to be consumed when the gastric mucosa is inflamed. This is done with extreme caution. Reception is limited for gastritis with high acidity.

Cow's milk exhibits beneficial properties due to the easily digestible proteins, calcium, and vitamin E it contains. Other components help restore the mucous membrane.

Cow's milk is poorly digested by most people, which is due to a lack of lactose. Then it can be replaced with a goat product. This milk contains lysozyme, a substance that stimulates the regenerative abilities of tissues. Goat milk contains almost no lactose, so it rarely causes an allergic reaction or intolerance.

Traditional medicine involves treating gastritis with milk. Combination with bee nectar will enhance the healing properties of each ingredient. Milk with honey will have a beneficial effect on relieving symptoms and reducing the inflammatory response.

It is recommended to take a glass of milk with 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey once a day. The course duration is usually 3 weeks. If high sensitivity or intolerance to any component is detected, then use is stopped.

With water

For diseases of the digestive system, honey water increases the absorption of nutrients from bee products. It is recommended to consume 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach. The preparation is simple - dissolving a small spoon of honey in 200 ml of warm water.

After a week's use, the dosage may be increased to 2 small spoons. By the end of treatment, a single portion rises to a tablespoon dissolved in a glass of water.

The honey solution will reduce acidity in the stomach, normalize the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate the symptoms of inflammation.

With aloe

The healing qualities of aloe: relieving inflammation, accelerating tissue regeneration and cell renewal processes. To prepare the tincture, agave leaves are used; plants are selected that are older than 5 years. Aloe with honey is often used for erosive gastritis. Options for preparing the drug:

  1. For the chronic form, make a mixture of 100 ml of aloe juice and 100 g of sweet nectar. Let it brew for 4 hours. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.
  2. For low acidity, take equal amounts of aloe leaves, bee product, and butter (100 grams each). Add 50 grams of cocoa powder, mix all ingredients, put in the oven for 2-3 hours. After heating, pass the mixture through a filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. In case of high acidity, mix agave juice and honey in equal proportions. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning. It is recommended to drink potato juice before use.

Aloe has a number of contraindications: neoplasms, allergies, pregnancy, bleeding, gallbladder disease.

How to choose quality honey

This exclusively natural product has medicinal properties. Therefore, when purchasing, you must be extremely careful not to purchase a low-quality, useless or even harmful product. Natural bee honey has the following characteristics:

  • pronounced honey aroma and slightly bitter, tart taste;
  • the structure is homogeneous, without delamination and foam deposits on the surface;
  • the consistency is viscous and does not spread;
  • candied 1.5-2 months after collection;
  • a liter of product weighs more than 1.5 kg;
  • contains natural impurities (pollen, beebread, propolis).

Honey and bee products are wonderful natural healers that help the body quickly cope with the disease and significantly alleviate the painful symptoms of the disease.

But to prevent complications and a more pronounced therapeutic effect, they should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Treatment of gastritis with honey

Treatment of gastritis with beekeeping products depends on the diagnosis. The intake is affected by the acidity in the stomach and other features of the disease.

With high acidity

Treatment with honey helps reduce attacks of nausea and other symptoms. It reduces the amount of enzymes and hydrochloric acid produced, which reduces the effect on the gastric mucosa.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to take honey 2 hours before meals. It will cover the stomach wall with a thin layer and relieve inflammation.

To reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid, warm honey water is prescribed. It is enough to dissolve 40 g of honey and take 3 times a day. Instead of water, it is recommended to use tea with chamomile, calendula, and fennel. The substances of these plants, when combined with bee nectar, will help reduce acidity, eliminate inflammation, and prevent the appearance of erosions and ulcers.

With low acidity

The reduced concentration of hydrochloric acid does not initially cause symptoms, but an inflammatory reaction subsequently develops. Proper use of honey product will increase acidity to a normal level and eliminate pain.

The best way to take it is to dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of cold water. Recommended time for consumption is 10 minutes before meals. This will activate the production of gastric juice to digest incoming food.

To enhance the effect, add lemon juice, extract from plantain leaves or rowan berries, and vegetable oils to honey water. It is recommended to take the prepared solution 30 minutes before meals.

With erosive form

This form of gastritis involves the formation of erosions on the walls of the stomach. The bee product is used carefully, only on the recommendation of a doctor. Beneficial properties: decreased activity of hydrochloric acid; increasing the regenerative abilities of cells; restoration of damaged tissues.

Honey for erosive gastritis is used in combination with other components that enhance its healing effect:

  1. Mix a small spoon of sweet nectar with a glass of milk, add 0.2 g of mumiyo. Take in the morning and before bed.
  2. Combine 2 tablespoons of honey and 10 drops of propolis. Helps with low acidity.
  3. Mix butter and bee product in equal proportions. Take a small spoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

With erosive gastritis, constant monitoring of the patient's condition is required. If it worsens during treatment, then the bees’ nectar is excluded from the diet.

During an exacerbation of the disease

When gastritis worsens, doctors recommend removing honey from the diet. At this time, nutrition is strictly limited, the amount of carbohydrates consumed, especially sugars, is reduced. In rare cases, the gastroenterologist allows the inclusion of bee nectar, but after receiving the results of the examination.

Beekeeping products for the treatment of gastritis

In addition to honey, bee products such as bee bread, pollen and royal jelly are widely used in alternative medicine.

Bee bread is a valuable product with a lot of beneficial properties for the body. For gastritis, it is best to consume bee bread with honey (1:1). If the disease is accompanied by an increase in acidity, then the mixture is dissolved in water at room temperature. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

Bee bread can also be added to infusions and decoctions of herbs (chamomile, plantain, sage).

Royal jelly is a rare beekeeping product that has a powerful immunostimulating effect. For the treatment of gastritis, milk is used in a mixture with honey or herbal infusions.

For increased gastric secretion, prepare an infusion, for which you take 20 grams of mint, linden, calamus and 10 grams of fennel. The mixture of herbs is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for 3 hours.

Drink a glass 3 times a day before meals. Along with the infusion, take ½ teaspoon of royal jelly with honey (1:100) 20 minutes before meals.

If the acidity is low, then take 20 grams of calamus, caraway seeds, and wormwood as herbs for the decoction. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 500 ml of hot water and boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

Strain, cool and drink 100 ml half an hour before meals. At the same time consume ½ tsp. royal jelly with honey in a ratio of 1:100 by slow resorption.

Pollen contains a large amount of biologically active substances and has an extensive list of medicinal properties. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is used both in pure form and in a mixture with honey and herbal infusions.

In case of increased acidity, it is necessary to take pollen (½ tsp) simultaneously with an infusion of herbs, which includes St. John's wort, knotweed, plantain, and mint.

If the acidity of gastric juice is reduced, then the herbal mixture includes in equal quantities: calamus, centaury, wormwood. The finished drink is taken with ½ tsp. pollen.


The use of beekeeping products is contraindicated:

  1. For diabetes mellitus. This condition is manifested by a reduced ability to absorb carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to additionally load the pancreas.
  2. For digestive disorders. The components of the bee product increase intestinal motility, so it is recommended to avoid it if you have diarrhea.
  3. In case of high sensitivity to honey components or allergies, the product is gradually introduced into the diet.

Bee nectar helps eliminate the symptoms of gastritis and reduce inflammation when consumed correctly and following the doctor's recommendations. The product is used as an adjunct to therapy in combination with prescribed medications and diet.

Treatment with goat milk

Some patients note that cow's milk causes them to develop bloating, flatulence, and nausea. This is due to enzymatic deficiency in the body: protein is not completely digested and affects the functioning of the digestive system. Then goat milk comes to the rescue - a product with high energy value, which is almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with goat milk consists of drinking 1 glass in the morning and before bed: you need to drink in small sips. It is recommended to start with half a glass of goat milk in the morning, gradually increasing the dose to two glasses per day.

In general, milk is a tasty and healthy product that can help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis. Together with diet and comprehensive medication therapy, it will quickly eliminate pain, heartburn and lead to recovery.

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