Is it possible to take Mezim for pancreatitis?

Distinctive features of medications

The concentration of active ingredients in Pancreatin is greater, and therefore it should be used with caution. In addition, exact figures are not indicated by the manufacturer, in contrast to the strictly established indicators in Mezim. Another important point is that Mezim Forte 10,000 has a strengthened composition, and therefore requires special prescriptions from a doctor.

A point that is most often not important for patients, but still exists, is the “origin” of the active substance. The enzymes that make up Mezim are extracted from the glands of cattle, and Pancreatin from pork.

When choosing a medicine, you need to consider how Mezim differs from Pancreatin. This concerns scope. Pancreatin has a wider range of uses, but Mezim is allowed for use by children. Auxiliary components, for example, lactose in Pancreatin, can affect the development of side effects and the establishment of contraindications.

How to prescribe

As a rule, Mezim is prescribed in the amount of one or two tablets before meals. But again, the dosage depends on the patient’s weight, and it must be determined by the doctor. The same as the dosage for children. As a rule, they are not prescribed for children under three years of age. The drug is also not recommended for pregnant women. You need to take these tablets with plenty of clean water.

Which is better: “Mezim” or “Pancreatin” or “Creon”, it can be very difficult to decide.

Side effects of this medication may include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and increased urea levels.

This drug is effective in the treatment of both mild and serious forms of gastrointestinal disorders, since the content of the active substance in it is increased.

Types of enzymes for digestion and features of their purpose

Enzymes are special substances that break down large particles into components. The body has a powerful enzyme system involved in metabolism and starts with digestive enzymes, which are produced by the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract to carry out the processes of breaking down fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

If there is a lack of enzymes, the breakdown and absorption of beneficial elements is disrupted, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract slows down. In this case, special enzyme preparations will help to improve digestion and metabolism. However, they should be selected taking into account the problem. This article is not a guide to action, but will give you information about how, when and for what these drugs can be used.

Indications for use

Mezim during pregnancy and lactation: a panacea for digestive problems

The disease causes serious exacerbations and complications during childbirth. In the early stages of pregnancy, pain is often confused with toxicosis. Before you begin to relieve symptoms, you need to diagnose pancreatic inflammation using a biochemical test of blood and urine. During the period of planning a child, it is important to undergo examinations and treat in advance all pathologies of the gland, since they tend to worsen in pregnant women.

Medicines are prescribed only by a specialist. He will be able to select medications that will not harm the fetus and prescribe the correct dosage.

Directions for use and dosage

Mezim Forte is prescribed to adults and children over 3 years of age. You can take 1-2 tablets with meals. Do not chew; it is recommended to take plenty of liquid. If replacement therapy is carried out, then 2-4 capsules per day are indicated.

Mezim is prescribed 1-2 tablets per day. Do not exceed a dose of more than 15-20 thousand units of lipase per 1 kg of weight.

The duration of the treatment course ranges from 2 weeks to several years.

Pancreatin in capsules, dragees and tablets is intended for internal use. Taken with meals. The medicines are swallowed whole and washed down with 100 ml of warm water. The daily dosage should be divided into 2-3 doses. The dose depends on the indications and age of the patient. In case of overeating and heaviness in the stomach, you should take 1-2 tablets of Pancreatin.

The best pills for the treatment of pancreatitis

Drug treatment includes taking:

  • drugs to replenish the lack of enzymes produced by the diseased organ;
  • antispasmodics to relieve pain and spasms;
  • antibiotics if the disease is infectious in nature;
  • antacids to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and have an enveloping effect;
  • painkillers to relieve pain and cramps;
  • H2 blockers to reduce the level of gland secretion.

Depending on the course of the disease, treatment can be prescribed either inpatient or outpatient. In complicated cases, surgical intervention is possible.

The choice of drugs in the treatment of a particular disease directly depends on the stage of the pathology. If anti-enzyme agents are used in the acute form of pancreatitis, then after the acute period is over, enzyme agents are prescribed. It is with their help that it is possible to improve the process of digesting food, thereby reducing the load on the organ, allowing it to fully recover. That is why Mezim is especially often prescribed for pancreatitis.

Patients are often concerned about the question: if the pancreas hurts, what medications to take? In particular, what medications should I take for pancreatitis? For diabetes mellitus is a disease of the same gland (pancreas).

Against the background of pancreatitis, the digestive process is often disrupted, and therefore it is necessary to take Mezim to normalize it

Properties of the product

The term pancreatitis in clinical terms refers to any inflammatory process of pancreatic tissue. The main treatment method today is therapeutic intervention. But this does not mean that the same pills for pancreatitis are prescribed for each patient. Drugs are selected taking into account the form of the disease, the size of the pancreatic lesion, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the general condition of the patient.

According to the current classification, pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.

Among the most dangerous diseases for human health and life, pancreatitis occupies one of the main positions.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis is a long process that depends on the form of the disease and requires complex treatment. The difficulty of treating a chronic form of pancreatic inflammation lies in the fact that the patient begins treatment at the acute stage.

A study of the statistics of hospitalization of patients diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage shows that the main part (more than 50%) has serious functional and structural changes in the organ. In almost 100% of cases, the underlying disease is combined with pathology of the biliary tract and duodenum. Therefore, many medical scientists consider pancreatitis to be a polyetiological disease.

Objectives and methods of therapy

The tasks posed by the treatment of chronic pancreatitis can be reduced to the main points:

  • minimization of the symptom complex (pain, endo- and exocrine insufficiency, dyspeptic syndrome);
  • avoiding the development of complications;
  • reducing the risk of relapses.

There is no general treatment method, since the manifestations of the disease depend on many factors and vary in each specific case. During the period of remission, strict adherence to the diet and measures aimed at restoring functions and eliminating pathologies caused by impaired endo- and exoenzymatic functions are prescribed. During an exacerbation, treatment is aimed at reducing the severity of the processes and neutralizing pancreatic enzymes.

Therapy for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting with medication; in extreme cases, surgical intervention is indicated. Timely treatment of the pancreas would solve the problem, but the lack of truly informative diagnostic methods and the large number of “masks” under which the disease is hidden (gastritis, cholecystitis, duodenitis, colitis), the mixture and multifactorial nature of symptoms make it difficult to recognize the disease at the initial stage.

Therapy for exacerbations

In the acute stage, chronic pancreatitis can pose a threat to the patient’s life, so hospitalization is required.

Conservative therapy, according to clinical studies, is only as effective as:

  • compensate for metabolic disorders;
  • relieve pain syndrome;
  • diagnose and eliminate the main cause of pathogenesis.

In connection with this, the answer to the question of how to treat chronic pancreatitis during the period of relapse of the disease should be an effective scheme developed taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

The scheme consists of:

  • measures to reduce the secretion of pancreatic enzymes;
  • nonspecific pain relief;
  • elimination of spastic manifestations in the excretory system of the gland.

Measures to reduce enzymatic secretion include: a special diet, drug therapy and the use of cold.

Fasting and dietary nutrition are designed to gradually restore the load on the pancreas. Treatment is carried out in several stages, the duration of which depends on the general condition of the patient.

A diet is required. It is as follows:

  • when relieving pain, the pancreas is provided with functional rest;
  • fasting treatment for 1-2 days;
  • cooling of the epigastric region;
  • normalization of the drinking regime (1-1.5 liters of water per day), taking herbal decoctions and alkaline still mineral water is indicated;
  • the pancreas is gradually prepared for stress;
  • enteral tube feeding is prescribed with a balanced mixture of “Peptamen”.

The functional load on the pancreas is ensured: a low-calorie diet is prescribed, balanced in protein content, with a complete absence of animal fats and carbohydrates. The nutrition is thermally, mechanically and chemically gentle, divided (5-6 times a day), in small portions (no more than 300 g per meal). Subsequently, the patient is transferred to dietary table No. 5.

Pharmacological characteristics of "Mezim"

Its main component, pancreatin, is similar to that contained in the medicine described above. The dosage of all components is clearly indicated. This is 4200 units of amylase, 250 units of protease, 3500 units of lipase. There are other substances in the composition of the product that are auxiliary. A version of the drug called “Mezim 20000” contains twice as much pancreatin in its composition.

A sufficient amount of the main active ingredient makes this drug a more effective remedy than Pancreatin in the fight against the symptoms and causes of housing and communal diseases. But at the same time, you should be careful with its dosage.

The drug itself is produced in Germany, so its price is much higher than that of Pancreatin, which means the risk of running into a fake is also higher.

The main reason for its prescription is the prevention of pancreatic dystrophy, as well as the treatment of chronic inflammation. It is also prescribed for chronic gastritis, and it also relieves well the symptoms that accompany overeating.

What is better - “Panzinorm”, “Mezim”, “Festal”, “Creon”, “Pancreatin”? All these remedies are very similar in their action.

"Festal" is a combined enzyme preparation that helps improve digestion processes. The main pharmaceutical property of this drug is to ensure the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the small intestine.

Here is only an incomplete list of Festal analogues, including drugs that are the most popular and frequently prescribed today:

  • "Pancreatin".
  • "Panzinorm."
  • "Penzital".
  • "Creon."
  • "Uni-Festal".
  • "Pancitrate."
  • "Hermital".
  • "Enzistal".
  • "Mezim."
  • "Biozyme".

A well-made advertisement for Mezim leads to people taking it even for those cases where it is not indicated at all - in situations of food poisoning, for nausea. Or they take it “just in case,” actually just like that, believing that it will improve digestion. Under no circumstances should you do this.

Properties of the product

Pankreoflat for pancreatitis is considered a very effective medicine, but the price of the medicine is high. The cost of two records reaches 1,800 rubles, and you may need a lot of them to complete the full course of treatment.

There are many analogues of the drug on sale. They are also prescribed for cases of allergy to Pankreoflat. These drugs are similar in therapeutic effects and contain one or more identical components. Such medications include:

  • Pancreatin (25 rubles).
  • Mezim (70 rub.).
  • Festal (133 rubles).
  • Creon (297 rub.).
  • Pangrol (250 rub.).
  • Penzital (60 rub.).

All of them are aimed at replenishing the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes and improving the digestion process. All of these medications also contain pancreatin.

Creon is closest in composition to Pankreoflat - in addition to pancreatin, it also contains dimethicone. Creon is allowed to be given to small children, and even infants, with severe intestinal colic, increased gas formation and insufficient fermentation. In terms of price, the listed analogues of the medicine are much cheaper, but you should definitely talk to your doctor about the possibility of replacing drugs.

Before replacing, you must also pay attention to the contraindications for the use of each of the analogues.

On average, the cost of Festal is 135 rubles per package, and Mezima (20 tablets) is 80 rubles. Both drugs are inexpensive, so everyone can afford them, regardless of their income level.

Identical to Mezim is the medicine Pancreatin, which has the same indications and contraindications. People often ask, Festal or Pancreatin - which is better? This depends on the patient's comorbidities. If he suffers from cholelithiasis, then it is better to choose Pancreatin. The fact is that the bile contained in Festal can provoke the movement of stones and blockage of the gallbladder.

Absolute analogues of Mezim are Creon and Mikrazim, which can be chosen for children. Both medications come in gelatin capsules, which are easier for a child to swallow. Among analogues, the effective drug Panzinorm should also be highlighted.

It is quite difficult to determine which product is better - Festal or Mezim. There are many positive reviews about both drugs. They are even used for weight loss for better absorption of food. When choosing an effective enzymatic agent, you need to take into account the patient’s age, individual characteristics and concomitant pathologies.

An expert will talk about enzyme preparations for pancreatitis in the video in this article.

With the parallel use of Mezim and folic acid, a slowdown in the absorption of the latter drug is observed. The same applies to hypoglycemic agents and medications containing iron. For this reason, it is important to draw up a treatment regimen so that Mezim and other drugs are taken at different times. Calcium-containing products, as well as antacids, can reduce the effectiveness of Mezim. Accordingly, they are also not allowed to be taken at the same time.

Pink flat-cylindrical tablets in a special coating with a characteristic odor. When broken, brownish pinpoint microinclusions are observed. In an acidic gastric environment, enzymes lose their activity. The acid-resistant shell protects the active substance from the action of hydrochloric acid, preventing the deactivation of enzymes. The dissolution of the shell itself and the release of enzymes occurs at a neutral acidity level.

Pancreatin powder with enzymes - lipase, amylase, protease, the content of which in one tablet is as follows: 3500 IU, 4200 IU and 250 IU, respectively. In addition to these enzymes, there is also trypsin, which inhibits the stimulation of the pancreas and has an analgesic effect. Mezim Forte 10000 differs from the drug Mezim in that it contains almost three times more lipase - 10,000 units in one tablet.

If you want to be sure exactly what medications to take when your pancreas hurts, then the answer to the question logically stems from the changes occurring in the organ being destroyed and is decided by the attending medical specialist.

If pancreatitis has a chronic (sluggish) form, then the topic can be discussed slowly with a gastroenterologist - there is time for this. As well as to carry out the necessary research.

But when a sharp exacerbation of pancreatitis occurs with severe pain and a general reaction of the body in the form of vomiting and an increasing drop in cardiovascular tone, then the question is: the pancreas hurts, what medications should I take? - plays a decisive role - here it is necessary to prevent the development of shock.

First of all, its first component – ​​pain – should be eliminated. The most suitable combination is “analgesic-antispasmodic” - if the antispasmodic does not solve the problem of pancreatic duct spasm, it will help relieve hypertonicity of the body due to severe pain. In some cases, in hospital settings it is necessary to resort to narcotic substances.

When an attack of pancreatitis develops at home, this is all.

The next steps are for the ambulance team, which must be called immediately when an attack begins! When taking medications is harmful. How to “play for time”

Difference between drugs

The drugs are very similar in their mechanism of action on the body and recommendations for use. So what is the difference between Mezim and Pancreatin?

The biggest difference that catches your eye first is the price. As a rule, Pancreatin is on average two times cheaper than Mezim.

This is explained by the address of drug production:

  • Mezim is produced by the famous pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie. It belongs to foreign companies, the main office is located in Germany.
  • Pancreatin is produced by several domestic companies - Biosintez, Pharmstandard, ABVA RUS and some others.
Enzyme namePancreatinMezim 20000Mezim forte
Pancreatin100 mg220-293,34Minimum active concentration
Lipase140 units20,000 units3,500 units
Protease25 units900 units250 units
Amylase1,500 units12,000 units4,200 units

The second difference relates to the difference in the number of units contained in one tablet.

When compared, it becomes clear that Pancreatin is characterized by a low content of digestive enzymes.

Both dosage forms of the drugs are covered with an enteric coating, which prevents the destruction of the contents in the acidic environment of gastric juice. But the substances used to make and apply this shell are radically different. This suggests varying degrees of resistance of the tablets to gastric hydrochloric acid.

Indications for use

Age category Reception features
Adults and children over 12 years oldOne or two pills are prescribed with each meal.
In childhood up to 12 yearsThe dosage and course of treatment with the drug is determined by the doctor in each case individually.

The tablet can be taken with or after meals. It is recommended to take the medicine well with water.

You should pay attention to one feature - the tablets must be swallowed, not chewed and try not to linger in the oral cavity. This is explained by the fact that some enzymes that make up the drug, when released in the mouth, can lead to the formation of numerous ulcers on the oral mucosa. The pills should be taken with a sufficient amount of water.

The doctor also decides how long to take the pills, depending on the nature of the pathological process:

  1. If indigestion is not associated with functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but is caused by an unbalanced diet or poisoning, the duration of therapy can be 3-5 days.
  2. Recovery from surgery may also require taking the medication for one to two weeks.
  3. If the need for medicine is caused by insufficient fermentation of the pancreas, then the use can last until the secretory function of the organ is restored, or for life (if during the course of the disease a significant amount of organ tissue has died and it can no longer work normally on its own).

Long-term uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to an increase in the volume of urea in the blood and kidney damage.

Interaction with other drug groups

When combining the use of Pankreoflat with drugs that are intended to neutralize hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice, the effectiveness of dimethicone is reduced. No other manifestations of pharmacologically significant results of interaction of Pankreoflat with other drugs were identified.

In addition, the medication does not affect concentration and coordination of movements, so it can be combined with driving and other work that requires increased concentration.

Combination with alcohol and food

During the course of treatment, drinking alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks is prohibited. They not only inhibit the effectiveness of the medication, but can also provoke a significant deterioration in the patient’s well-being and the development of acute attacks of the disease.

The pills can be taken both during meals and 10-15 minutes after it. One important condition is to wash it down with water.

It is advisable to take enzymatic preparations during meals. Tablets and pills must be swallowed whole with water.

The dosage and duration of the course of therapy is determined by the treating specialist on an individual basis.

The duration of medication use ranges from several days to a couple of months and even years in the case of replacement treatment.

There are some drugs with which Festal and Mezim cannot be taken at the same time. These include:

  • antacids that reduce the effectiveness of these medications, for example, Rennie;
  • Cimetidine, which enhances the effectiveness of enzymatic agents;
  • antibiotics, PAS and sulfonamides, since simultaneous use with Festal or Mezim increases their adsorption.

Long-term use of enzyme preparations leads to a decrease in the absorption of drugs containing iron.

There are certain requirements for storing drugs. The packaging must be kept out of the reach of children. The temperature regime for Mezim is up to 30⁰С, for Festal – up to 25⁰С.

Doctors do not recommend using Mezim tablets for acute pancreatitis, at the moment there is an inflammatory process, and in certain cases, collapse of the pancreas. Treatment of a disease of this form can only be carried out in a hospital.

Mezim tablets do not negatively affect human organs. Therefore, the main contraindication when using the drug may be individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug. For example, in case of galactosemia, Mezim is contraindicated.

For pancreatitis, the drug is often prescribed by doctors. But it is important to emphasize that it is used only outside the acute stage. Its task is to facilitate the work of the organ. In the acute stage, pancreatic juice is produced in excess and irritates the gland and surrounding organs. If you take enzyme preparations at the same time, the condition will only worsen.

Thus, the indications for the use of the drug will be the chronic form of pancreatitis without exacerbation, as well as the recovery period after pancreatic surgery and elimination of the acute period. In addition, Mezim can be used in the following cases:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • enzymatic dysfunction of the pancreas.
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the epigastrium and biliary tract;
  • postoperative status of the patient;
  • condition after radiation therapy of the abdominal organs, which is accompanied by defects in the digestive mechanism;
  • facilitating the absorption of nutrients with active gastrointestinal function after a diet violation;
  • preparation for radiography and ultrasound;
  • intestinal infections of various origins;
  • ahilia.

Properties of the product

Pharmacological characteristics of "Pancreatin"

This drug is based on pork pancreas juice. Other components are enzymes - protease, amylase, lipase. The special coating that covers the tablets is designed to protect the enzymes it contains from the effects of stomach acid. At the same time, it is this acid that activates their action.

"Pancreatin" is recommended for use by those people who suffer from chronic pancreatitis, enzyme deficiency, gastritis, flatulence and any disturbances in the digestive process.

People often ask which is better - Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin.

At the same time, the drug is contraindicated in those patients in whom its animal component causes intolerance. Plus, it should not be consumed by pregnant women or those suffering from acute pancreatitis.

As a rule, no problems arise when taking Pancreatitis, but in some cases reactions in the form of nausea or vomiting are possible. As for pregnancy, the effect of the contents of the drug on the health of the fetus and the maternal body has not been studied, since appropriate tests have not been conducted.

What is better “Mezim” or “Pancreatin”? There are a lot of reviews on this matter.

Indications for use

Both drugs are used for disorders of the exocrine function of the pancreas. They can be prescribed by your healthcare professional, but since they are available without a prescription, they can be purchased by anyone.

Particular sensitivity to pancreatin and other components of the drug. Acute stage of pancreatitis. Genetic idiosyncrasy to galactose, impaired glucose absorption.

Side effects

The most common are: allergic manifestations, diarrhea, mild pain in the epigastric area. If you use large doses of the drug for a long time, the amount of uric acid in the blood increases, and an exacerbation of gout is observed.

In people with cystic fibrosis, after taking Mezim tablets in large quantities, the development of stenoses in the ileocecal angle is sometimes detected.

Anaphylactic shock is extremely rare.

Interaction with other drugs

Both Mezim and Pancreatin have contraindications and restrictions regarding their use. General precautions include:

  1. Preliminary consultation with your doctor before starting to take the medicine.
  2. Clarification of the required dosage. This is especially important for pediatric patients, pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients with cystic fibrosis.

There are no strict contraindications for taking these medications during pregnancy and lactation. The use of enzymes is allowed, but under the supervision of a doctor and after comparing the risks to the health of the expectant mother and child.

Poor nutrition or eating junk food always leads to poor results. Thus, one of the most common problems in the modern world is disruption of the pancreas and the development of pancreatitis.

The danger lies in the fact that problems in the functioning of one of the most important human organs lead to inhibition of digestive processes. Special effective drugs are used to normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

Mezim Forte for pancreatitis is the most common medication, famous for its effectiveness.

Effect of the drug in acute and chronic forms of the disease

In order to be sure that your pancreas is in an inflamed state and needs treatment, you need to understand the definition of the disease.

The pancreas is engaged in the “production” of enzymes: lipases, amylases, proteases, and also breaks down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Hormones, which, in turn, are located in the gland, are aimed at regulating glucose levels. As you can see, underestimating the importance of an organ is making a grave mistake.

Which is better Pancreatin or Mezim

It is difficult to say which drug is more effective. After all, they have differences in their indications. In some cases, Mezim can help, and in others, only Pancreatin.

The action of both Pancreatin and Mezim is aimed at eliminating discomfort resulting from disruption of the digestive process.

The action of both Pancreatin and Mezim is aimed at eliminating discomfort resulting from disruption of the digestive process. Both drugs cope with heaviness in the stomach, nausea associated with overeating and eating large amounts of fatty foods. Many people believe that one drug is an analogue of another, but this is far from true.

Pancreatin is prescribed for the treatment of minor digestive disorders, because... It contains enzymes in small quantities. The enzyme activity of Mezim is higher, which is why it is prescribed more often. However, you should pay attention to the fact that often one drug is replaced by another due to the development of allergic reactions.

For severe pathologies, these drugs will not help, so you should not self-medicate.

It is necessary to visit a doctor to determine the diagnosis and select treatment.

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