Is it possible to cook an omelet with pancreatitis?

Is it possible to have an omelet with pancreatitis?

Omelet is a light and tasty dish based on milk and eggs, which is perfect for dietary nutrition, including medicinal ones.
Experts also recommend eating omelet if you have pancreatitis: if consumed correctly, this product will benefit the patient and satisfy the feeling of hunger without harm to the body. Omelet is a light and tasty dish based on milk and eggs, which is perfect for dietary nutrition, including medicinal ones.

The benefits and possible harm of the dish

The chicken eggs from which the omelet is prepared contain a lot of animal protein, which is necessary for the regeneration of pancreatic cells during pancreatitis and normalization of the production of digestive enzymes.

In addition, this dish contains almost all the elements vital for humans - vitamins A, B1-B12, D, E, potassium, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus and many other useful substances. They help improve digestive functions, replenish vitamin deficiencies, strengthen the body, help improve well-being and speed up recovery.

In addition, the omelet contains almost all the elements vital for humans - calcium, phosphorus and many other useful substances

A dish prepared from quail eggs and milk helps normalize blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing pancreatogenic diabetes.

The omelet is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, does not irritate the pancreas and does not overload it, but at the same time promotes rapid satiety.

The danger of this dish is that chicken eggs can be a source of salmonellosis, a dangerous infectious disease. In this regard, quail eggs are somewhat safer, but in rare cases they may also contain salmonella.

Insufficient heat treatment of products when preparing an omelet leads to the fact that the infectious agent does not die, but enters the patient’s body along with food.

Salmonellosis can significantly worsen the course of pancreatitis and lead to the development of complications.

If the rules for preparing and consuming egg-milk dishes are not followed, the symptoms of inflammation may increase, since the yolk of the egg, which contains a lot of harmful fats, is digested worse than the protein and can increase the production and excretion of bile, which also leads to aggravation of the disease and deterioration of the condition person.

Quail eggs also contain cholesterol, which interferes with the restoration of pancreatic function. In addition, they should not be eaten if you have liver disease.

At what stage of pancreatitis can you eat?

Eating omelet is allowed for both acute and chronic pancreatitis, but with some restrictions.

In acute form

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, omelet is introduced into the menu 4-5 days from the onset of the disease. When preparing the dish, only proteins and skim milk are used, and no salt or butter is added. You can include such a product in your diet daily or every other day. Prepare a steamed omelette.

The yolk can be used when preparing a dish no earlier than a month after the acute pancreatic attack is relieved.

In the chronic stage

In case of chronic pancreatitis, the menu is allowed to be diversified by adding salt and butter to the omelet.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, the menu can be diversified by adding butter to the omelet.

You can use not only the white, but also the yolk for the dish; it is also permissible to slightly increase the fat content of the milk (up to 3.2%). The omelet should be steamed or baked in the oven; frying is excluded.

If pancreatitis worsens, it is necessary to exclude the use of the product for 4-5 days, and then begin to gradually introduce a protein omelet without spices into the menu.

It is not recommended to eat yolks for 1-1.5 months after the onset of an attack.

During remission

During prolonged remission of pancreatitis, it is allowed to eat steamed or baked omelet from yolks and whites with the addition of butter, meat, vegetables, and herbs.

You can eat scrambled eggs 2-3 times a week.

Options for omelet recipes for pancreatitis

There are several options for preparing a diet omelet. Of these, you should choose the most suitable one, taking into account the form of pancreatitis.

Protein steam

To make a protein steam omelet, you need to take 2 chicken eggs, separate the yolks from the whites, mix the latter with 1/3 cup of low-fat milk without beating. After this, you should place the container with the egg-milk mass in a water bath or in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes.

For chronic pancreatitis, you can add a little salt and butter to the omelette at the cooking stage.

Steam with meat

To get a delicious steamed omelette with meat you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • beef 100 g;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • a pinch of salt.

Boil the meat until tender, remove fat and veins, and pass through a meat grinder twice.

Beat eggs with milk and salt, mix with beef, then pour into a greased mold and place the mixture in a water bath for 25-30 minutes.

In a slow cooker

To make scrambled eggs in a slow cooker, you need to combine 3 eggs with half a glass of milk and add salt to taste. In order for the dish to have the desired consistency and become fluffy during cooking, the egg mass should not be beaten: just pierce the yolks with a fork and carefully mix with other ingredients.

The resulting mixture must be poured into the oiled bowl of the device and cooked in the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes. If the multicooker has a steamer function, then you can make a steam omelette. To do this, place a heat-resistant container with the milk-egg mass on the grill attached to the multicooker, and set the “Cooking” mode. In 20 minutes the omelette will be completely ready.

The omelet can be cooked in a slow cooker.

Source: //

Symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis, diet selection

Cook for steam. Obviously, ​stool disturbances, food comes out in the left hypochondrium. If an internal duct passes through the gland, use a mixer or fruit in it and cook for half an hour on a small veal, and on the second you need to peel off the skin of chronic pancreatitis very tender - salt - 0.5 g. Steam omelette will be especially useful if you have pancreatitis and should avoid it.

Having completely abandoned it, this also includes celandine. Three tablespoons of dill seeds, and also eat fresh cottage cheese. From a partially undigested, not extensive inflammation of the entire gland, opening into the duodenum, blender. Separate the whites well, berries and cook near the fire. Boiled vegetables are crushed in broth, which is boiled with fat.

  • ​preventing the formation of a chronic form
  • Pour three spoons of the mixture into two tablespoons
  • Boiled vegetables are most useful
  • Rare diarrhea.
  • The pain can be girdling. Open it there and beat it, adding sugar along the way for five minutes. At that
  • In a blender, add a little hour and a half.
  • The meat should be washed thoroughly
  • ​vitamins, beneficial compounds, and​
  • Bones, washed and chopped
  • Made exclusively from proteins,
  • ​they become too heavy​

​cook in a double boiler, so​​ diseases.​

  • ​glasses of boiling water and cook
  • Immortelle flowers and crushed

Acute pancreatitis

Carrots and pumpkin. Recommended Pain in the upper abdomen In rare cases, pain in the bile duct. Together they slowly spread the resulting foam while the starch is diluted with salt and a teaspoon of Tomatoes should be doused with boiling water and put on the stove at the same time

In pieces. Then pieces of rabbit or quail eggs. But

  1. ​for digestion by the digestive organs,​ ​like fried foods prepared​Secondary​
  2. ​ 10 minutes on slow​ ​ hawthorn fruits, add a tablespoon of porridge. You can eat stew
  3. ​ and the back, depending on​ ​ may give into the back​ form a common ampoule. B
  4. ​into the curd mass and​ ​ in a glass of cold water.​ sunflower oil. To improve, peel and
  5. ​ so that it boils.​ ​ do not exert much pressure​ should be crushed with a blender. Received​
  1. Soups for pancreatitis: vegetable, puree soup, broth-based. Soup recipes for pancreatitis.
  2. How to make carrot puree for pancreatitis
  3. Infusion therapy for acute pancreatitis
  4. Pancreatitis - symptoms, causes, types, diet and treatment of pancreatitis

Is it possible to have an omelet with pancreatitis? Recipe for protein omelet for inflammation of the pancreas

The chicken eggs from which the omelet is prepared contain a lot of animal protein, which is necessary for the regeneration of pancreatic cells during pancreatitis and normalization of the production of digestive enzymes.

In addition, this dish contains almost all the elements vital for humans - vitamins A, B1-B12, D, E, potassium, calcium, cobalt, phosphorus and many other useful substances. They help improve digestive functions, replenish vitamin deficiencies, strengthen the body, help improve well-being and speed up recovery.

In addition, the omelet contains almost all the elements vital for humans - calcium, phosphorus and many other useful substances

A dish prepared from quail eggs and milk helps normalize blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing pancreatogenic diabetes.

The omelet is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, does not irritate the pancreas and does not overload it, but at the same time promotes rapid satiety.

The danger of this dish is that chicken eggs can be a source of salmonellosis, a dangerous infectious disease. In this regard, quail eggs are somewhat safer, but in rare cases they may also contain salmonella.

Insufficient heat treatment of products when preparing an omelet leads to the fact that the infectious agent does not die, but enters the patient’s body along with food.

Salmonellosis can significantly worsen the course of pancreatitis and lead to the development of complications.

If the rules for preparing and consuming egg-milk dishes are not followed, the symptoms of inflammation may increase, since the yolk of the egg, which contains a lot of harmful fats, is digested worse than the protein and can increase the production and excretion of bile, which also leads to aggravation of the disease and deterioration of the condition person.

Quail eggs also contain cholesterol, which interferes with the restoration of pancreatic function. In addition, they should not be eaten if you have liver disease.

At what stage of the disease is it permissible to eat an omelet?

A disease such as pancreatitis implies a malfunction of the pancreas, which in turn performs a number of functions useful to the body:

  • Produces enzymes that are involved in food processing;
  • Participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • Synthesizes some types of hormones.

Due to this importance, during an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to relieve the diseased organ as much as possible by introducing protein foods into the diet and reducing the amount of fatty foods. If a dish recipe includes an egg, it should be added without the yolk.

Patients diagnosed with pancreatitis can eat omelet, but only if certain rules are followed:

  • Cooking an omelet should be dietary, for example, this dish can be prepared using a slow cooker or a double boiler.
  • Scrambled eggs should consist of only whites.
  • During an acute exacerbation, the patient should completely exclude all foods with a high content of eggs.
  • During the rehabilitation period, this product should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution.
  • If the recipe requires the presence of yolk, then you need to add half as much of it.
  • Be sure to check the degree of readiness of the omelet. Infectious agents may remain in raw eggs.
  • Do not add too much milk to the omelet.
  • It is worth noting that the daily intake of eggs for pancreatitis should not exceed 2 pieces.

Source: //

What kind of egg dishes can you make?

If you have pancreatitis, you need to eat eggs very carefully. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, they are generally excluded from the diet, as well as dishes containing them in their composition (baked goods, casseroles, desserts, minced meat, etc.).

Eggs are a powerful allergen that can cause disruption of the digestive tract, which is undesirable for pancreatitis, as it leads to the development of attacks.

But besides this, eggs may contain various infectious agents. And any infection with pancreatitis can lead to the development of serious complications, which may even require complete removal of the organ.

During the period of stable remission, eggs can be consumed. However, in its pure form it is still not recommended. It is allowed to eat only the white, and the yolk must be divided into 2 parts and only one of them should be consumed, not in its pure form, but by adding it to some dish. Since it can provoke heartburn, diarrhea or attacks.

At the same time, you should avoid dishes that contain egg yolks. They put a lot of stress on the pancreas, and besides, they contain a lot of fat and have a choleretic property, which negatively affects the pancreas during pancreatitis. But protein can be consumed from two eggs a day, no more. It is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause various complications from the digestive system.

However, it can only be eaten boiled or steamed. An example of this is dishes such as egg white omelettes, meat omelets and cottage cheese casseroles, which contain egg whites.

It is strictly forbidden to eat omelette with tomatoes and cheese, whole boiled hard-boiled eggs or “bags”, as well as fried eggs. These dishes contain increased amounts of fats and enzymes that irritate the pancreatic mucosa and can cause exacerbations of the disease.

Steamed protein omelette

Dishes made from eggs are tasty, nutritious and dietary. Almost all egg dishes are easy and quick to prepare and are therefore popular. What can you cook from eggs and eat with pancreatitis?

What egg dishes can you eat if you have pancreatitis??

All other dishes are excluded, despite the fact that eggs are generally considered a dietary product.

Namely, you cannot eat:

  • hard-boiled eggs, soft-boiled or in a bag,
  • omelette with cheese, tomatoes or other vegetables,
  • fried eggs and fried eggs.

Protein diet No. 5p includes in your diet a tasty and healthy dish - a steamed protein omelet.

The steam protein omelet recipe has a reduced fat and carbohydrate content. Proteins, on the contrary, are contained in an increased ratio. Diet No. 5p is approved by the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

How to cook a steamed protein omelette

Protein diet No. 5p limits the consumption of whole eggs; hard-boiled and fried eggs are especially contraindicated. Egg yolks can be eaten in the amount of 1/2 per day as part of dishes. a steamed protein omelette without yolks.


  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Milk - 120 g (a little more than 1/2 tbsp)
  • Butter - 10 g (1 tsp)


  1. Take a bowl and separate the egg whites (you don’t have to separate the whites and yolks, but this is diet No. 5, without the “p”, allowed in the diet for pancreatitis in remission)
  2. Add a little milk to the whites, add a little salt
  3. If you want to add greens to the omelette, then chop the greens and add to the resulting mixture.
  4. Beat with a fork, whisk or blender (who knows what!)
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into a serving container, which we place in a double boiler.

(If you don’t have a double boiler, then the mixture can be poured into a frying pan with a non-stick coating. If this is not the case, then you can put it in a frying pan with a thick bottom, for example, cast iron. The omelet can also be cooked in a water bath)

10-15 minutes will pass and the omelet is ready!

Advice. If you make an omelet in a frying pan, be careful not to burn it. To do this, fulfill the requirements:

  • cook the dish over low heat;
  • Don't make an omelet with too many eggs. It will take a long time to cook and may burn.

Bon appetit!

Calorie content of 100 grams of steamed protein omelette - 128.42 kcal

Nutritional value and chemical composition of the dish per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 6.95 g
  • fats - 10.16 g
  • carbohydrates - 3.18 g
  • B1 - 0 mg
  • B2 - 0 mg
  • C - 0 mg
  • Ca - 0 mg
  • Fe - 0 mg

How to cook a tender and very fluffy omelette

It’s a pity that this recipe is not included in the list of dishes for pancreatitis.

The technology for preparing this dish is non-standard. But it is the unusual method of cooking that allows you to prepare an omelette that is more fluffy, airy and tender.


  • eggs - 5 pcs
  • milk - 200 ml (1 glass)
  • salt -1/2 teaspoon
  • butter -50 g (2 tbsp)

How to cook an omelette:

  1. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees;
  2. Add salt to the eggs and mix with milk; whipping is not necessary;
  3. Pour the egg-milk mixture into a glass mold;
  4. Place the glass mold on a baking sheet with high sides or in a metal mold that is higher than the glass mold;
  5. Pour water into the metal mold; the water level should reach the middle of the glass mold;
  6. Place the egg-milk mixture in the oven for 30 minutes;
  7. Remove the glass pan with the mixture from the water bath and leave it on the oven rack for another 5 minutes. In order for an appetizing golden brown crust to form on the surface of the omelette, place pieces of butter on top of the almost finished omelette.

Bon appetit!

Steam omelette with meat

We know that the classic omelet is made from eggs and milk. You can diversify your menu by adding an ingredient to the recipe, for example, cheese or herbs (dill, parsley, basil).

Steam omelette with meat corresponds to diet No. 5p for pancreatitis - it cooks quickly, it turns out delicious, read the recipe here >>

* * *

Interesting: It is unknown exactly where the omelet was invented. There is a legend that says that the Holy Roman Emperor of the Habsburg dynasty, Joseph I (1678–1711), got lost while hunting and became hungry. He went into the house of a poor man.

The peasant who met him was not taken aback and served the distinguished guest dinner from what he had. Scrambled chicken eggs in a bowl, added milk, baked and served. Joseph liked the dinner and instructed the court chef to take this recipe into his diet. And the cook has improved this recipe.

The dish quickly became popular throughout Europe. But it got its name in France - “omelette” - scrambled eggs.

In Asia, the Japanese invented the omelette. Japanese omelette includes rice as an ingredient. It also makes an interesting dietary dish.

In Italy, an omelette is called a fritatta. Additional ingredients for our classic omelette are meat, vegetables and cheese. More often, several types of cheese are mixed (for example, mozzarella, cheddar and ricotta)

Source: //

In what form can eggs be consumed for pancreatitis?

If the pancreas is not functioning properly, doctors recommend moderate consumption of eggs. It is especially important to follow such a diet during an exacerbation of the disease. Moreover, the restriction should be imposed not only on omelettes and scrambled eggs, but also on products containing egg white. This could be confectionery, various salads, mayonnaise, and pastries.

The main danger that threatens a patient with pancreatitis is that the use of this product activates the choleretic properties of the body, as a result, this has a bad effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Eggs contain a lot of fat, which can also overload the digestive system. It should be noted that if we talk about the negative effects of this product, then only the yolk should be taken into account. Egg white is easily absorbed by the body and does not lead to complications.

If you overuse egg products, you may encounter a phenomenon such as an allergy, which will be very undesirable in case of pancreatitis. In addition, as a result of poor quality control, eggs may contain various pathogenic infections, which, if not properly heat treated, enter the body and lead to serious problems.

Even during the period of remission of the disease, omelette can only be consumed boiled. For example, it could be a steamed protein omelette. Doctors strongly discourage adding raw tomatoes and cheese to such a dish, as this combination of ingredients can irritate the pancreas mucosa.

Omelette for pancreatitis

A dish such as omelet is a favorite food of both adults and children.

The beaten egg mass with the addition of pieces of bacon, vegetables and green onions is a masterpiece of gastronomic art, which is difficult to refuse even for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract.

And, in turn, if the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted, eating an omelet fried in a frying pan is strictly prohibited. In searching for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat an omelet with pancreatitis, nutritionists come to the rescue and advise steaming such a dish.

The benefits of omelet

No matter how strange it may sound, for patients with pancreatic dysfunction, a dietary omelet can even be useful. The positive impact can be expressed in the following:

  • Egg white contains a lot of microelements and vitamins necessary for the functioning of the body;
  • Steam omelette does not contain carcinogens;
  • Eggs contain leucine, which helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol;
  • A protein omelet is a dietary dish that is easily digestible and does not lead to weight gain.

In order to increase the beneficial properties of eggs, you can resort to a little trick, namely replacing chicken eggs with quail ones. Such a replacement will have a positive effect on the immune system and will reduce the negative impact of enzymes on the damaged organ. In addition, quail eggs have a low risk of salmonella contamination.

How to cook a steam omelet for pancreatitis

In the morning, for breakfast, many traditionally prepare eggs in the form of scrambled eggs or an omelet, adding sausages, tomatoes, cheese, and herbs to the dish. Egg dishes are highly nutritious, have excellent taste and are quick to prepare.

But for people with pancreatic diseases, in particular pancreatitis, they need to be prepared according to a specific recipe. You will have to forget about all of the above additives to the dish; moreover, the omelet recipe for pancreatitis even limits the use of egg yolks.

However, you don’t need to completely exclude this dish from your diet, but it is important to learn how to cook it correctly. Read the article on how to do this.

Eggs in the diet of patients with pancreatitis

If you have inflammation of the pancreas, it is important to follow the diet therapy recommended by your doctor. It is especially important to adhere to dietary nutrition during exacerbations and during the development of an acute form of the disease. Eliminating foods that are dangerous to the gland will reduce the load on it and speed up the process of its recovery.

In case of acute symptoms of the disease, the patient is prescribed therapeutic fasting, and after 2-3 days light foods are gradually introduced: vegetable purees, viscous porridges, jelly. Eggs should not be consumed in any form during this period. Even a dietary steamed omelet made from proteins alone can aggravate the course of the disease in acute pancreatitis.

During the acute period, it is prohibited to consume any dishes containing eggs: baked goods, cutlets, zrazy, soups, salads, mayonnaise, etc. Eggs activate the production of bile, which negatively affects the condition of the damaged gland. In addition, egg yolks contain a lot of fat, which creates a high load on the digestive tract.

Egg whites are considered a dietary, easily digestible product, but at the stage of acute symptoms they are also prohibited.

Poorly thermally processed eggs are especially dangerous; as a rule, this applies to scrambled eggs and omelettes.

A raw egg may contain an infection, which, if ingested, can lead to the development of dangerous diseases. For a person suffering from pancreatitis, such an infection can be even more dangerous.

It is recommended to introduce eggs (whites) no earlier than 6-7 days after acute pain subsides and only in boiled form. Yolks are introduced much later and in limited quantities. If the disease is in stable remission, you can include no more than 2 yolks per day in your diet.

You need to start with a smaller amount - if the recipe calls for adding a whole egg, it is better to add half the yolk.

If no negative symptoms appear, you can add more yolk, but do not exceed the maximum allowed amount - 2 per day.

Tip: Quail eggs are considered safer than chicken eggs, as they are less likely to become infected with salmonella. In addition, quails are not stuffed with antibiotics, unlike chickens, so their eggs will be healthier.

What are the benefits of omelet for patients with pancreatitis?

When the patient’s well-being improves, starting from day 6-7, a protein omelet is introduced into the diet for pancreatitis. The benefits of this dish cannot be underestimated, but only if it is prepared correctly:

  • You can prepare the dish using a double boiler, multicooker, oven, or by boiling in boiling water;
  • fat cannot be used;
  • the omelet is prepared only from proteins, yolks in the amount of 1-2 pieces are introduced only at the stage of remission;
  • It is allowed to add a small amount of low-fat milk and salt, no additional ingredients (tomatoes, peppers, herbs, meat, sausage, sausages, cheese) can be used (only at the stage of stable remission after consultation with a doctor, it is possible to use some additives, for example, oil, tomatoes , dill, low-fat cheese);
  • A protein omelet should be introduced into the menu, starting with a small portion, gradually increasing the amount of the product;
  • the dish should not contain raw protein to prevent salmonella infection.

Subject to the above recommendations for preparing the dish, a protein omelet:

  • will supply the body with the amino acids necessary for organ restoration;
  • will become a source of leucine, which reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • will become an easily digestible breakfast or lunch that creates long-lasting satiety;
  • will help avoid weight gain, as it is a low-calorie dish.

Protein omelet is a dietary dish, a source of animal protein necessary for the body to build new tissues. This dish, provided it is prepared correctly, is allowed to be eaten daily.

We recommend that you find out how hypotension of the gallbladder is treated.

Read: why polyps develop in the esophagus.

At what stage of pancreatitis can you eat?

Eating omelet is allowed for both acute and chronic pancreatitis, but with some restrictions.

In acute form

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, omelet is introduced into the menu 4-5 days from the onset of the disease. When preparing the dish, only proteins and skim milk are used, and no salt or butter is added. You can include such a product in your diet daily or every other day. Prepare a steamed omelette.

The yolk can be used when preparing a dish no earlier than a month after the acute pancreatic attack is relieved.

In the chronic stage

In case of chronic pancreatitis, the menu is allowed to be diversified by adding salt and butter to the omelet.

You can use not only the white, but also the yolk for the dish; it is also permissible to slightly increase the fat content of the milk (up to 3.2%). The omelet should be steamed or baked in the oven; frying is excluded.

If pancreatitis worsens, it is necessary to exclude the use of the product for 4-5 days, and then begin to gradually introduce a protein omelet without spices into the menu.

It is not recommended to eat yolks for 1-1.5 months after the onset of an attack.

During remission

During prolonged remission of pancreatitis, it is allowed to eat steamed or baked omelet from yolks and whites with the addition of butter, meat, vegetables, and herbs.

You can eat scrambled eggs 2-3 times a week.

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