Is it possible to eat iceberg lettuce if you have pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, for the elimination of which the most important point is to follow a strict diet. During exacerbations, doctors recommend eating a minimum of food. Subsequently, it is allowed to introduce variety into the daily diet. There are several salad recipes for pancreatitis, the consumption of which will not harm your health and will provide the body with essential vitamins and nutrients. These are the ones we will talk about in our publication.

What foods are prohibited to eat if you have this disease?

If you have a disease, it is important to exclude pork and lamb from your diet. After all, the meat of these animals is characterized by high fat content. Dairy products are also prohibited. Following a diet during the treatment of pancreatitis does not involve eating all kinds of nuts and legumes, in particular peas and beans. It is recommended to avoid egg yolks and pickles. It is unacceptable to consume mayonnaise, as well as snacks (chips, crackers, peanuts) containing food additives and an abundance of spices.

Based on the list of permitted and prohibited foods, a sick person can independently modify salad recipes for pancreatitis. This solution allows you to stick to a diet without causing harm to your health, and at the same time significantly diversify your daily diet.

Lettuce and spinach

The presented ingredients can be included in diet salad recipes for pancreatitis. Because they are on the border between acceptable and prohibited products in the event of such a pathology.

Eating fresh lettuce leaves benefits the body of any person, including those suffering from inflammation of the pancreas. The product contains an abundance of ascorbic acid. However, it is not recommended to eat lettuce more than twice a week.

Spinach contains many essential microelements. However, this salad contains oxalic acid. The latter can irritate the inflamed pancreas. Therefore, nutritionists advise only occasionally including a small amount of young, fresh spinach leaves in your diet. Uncontrolled use of the product can lead to the most unforeseen consequences.

What components can be used?

When the acute symptoms of the disease subside and at the stage of remission of chronic pancreatitis, the menu can be expanded with salads. Dietary salads that can be prepared for pancreatitis should consist of products approved for consumption for inflammation of the pancreas.


The main components of salads are boiled or baked vegetables. To prevent vegetables from losing their taste and vitamins during cooking, it is recommended to bake them in the oven, wrapped in foil. But not all vegetables are allowed to be consumed for pancreatitis. Moreover, any fresh vegetables can cause abdominal discomfort. You can add to the salad for patients with pancreatitis:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • potato;
  • beets;
  • cauliflower.

In small quantities you can add:

  • green pea;
  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • bell pepper (baked only);
  • greens: dill, parsley.

Vegetables with a pungent taste are completely excluded: radish, radish, ginger, horseradish, onion, garlic. They irritate the gastric mucosa, causing abdominal pain and heaviness. Lettuce leaves are also not recommended for consumption during pancreatitis. Sorrel, spinach, and rhubarb are prohibited foods for inflammation of the pancreas.


You can increase the nutritional value of a salad by including meat in it. In case of inflammation of the pancreas, it is allowed to consume dietary types of meat: rabbit, turkey, quail, chicken, veal. The meat should be boiled with a minimum amount of salt added or baked in the oven.


Fish and seafood are less often used in salads. You can take advantage of this when thinking through the menu for the holiday table. For example, for New Year or Christmas dinner with pancreatitis, you can prepare salads with seafood or fish.

It is important that the fish has a low fat content. For inflammation of the pancreas, it is safe to consume:

  • tuna;
  • cod;
  • pollock;
  • halibut;
  • pike.

Permitted seafood are shrimp, mussels, squid, and scallops. Before adding to the salad, they are boiled in water with salt and a lemon wedge. It is prohibited to use “sea cocktails” in marinade for salads. Crab sticks are also an unsafe product for pancreatitis.

We recommend finding out what tea to drink for the pancreas.

Read: what is intestinal fluoroscopy with barium.

By the way, the main component of many people’s favorite salad “shuba” - herring - is allowed for pancreatitis in remission. However, it is important that it is low in fat and soaked. And of course, the quantity of the product plays a leading role. You need to limit yourself to a small piece of fish fillet.

But it is prohibited to consume red and black caviar for pancreatitis, even in small quantities, despite all the benefits of the product. The fact is that caviar has a high extract content - it increases appetite, activates the pancreas and stimulates the production of gastric secretions. This may lead to an exacerbation of the disease.


With pancreatitis, dairy products become a source of easily digestible protein, so they should definitely be included in the diet, including adding them to salads. Dairy products allowed for pancreatitis include:

  • cottage cheese (5-9% fat content);
  • yoghurts without fillers;
  • mild cheese (low fat content);
  • sour cream (in small quantities, 10-15% fat content).

Yogurt and sour cream can be used as salad dressings. Cottage cheese and cheese will be an excellent addition to dishes, making them more nutritious and tasty.

Important! Smoked, processed cheese, varieties with mold, spices, walnuts and other additives are prohibited for consumption.

Dietary vinaigrette

What salads are possible for pancreatitis? The traditional vinaigrette recipe is not suitable for people who suffer from inflammation of the pancreas. The problem lies in the presence of such an ingredient as pickled cucumbers. The latter belong to the category of products with a high level of acidity and are prohibited for use in case of pancreatitis. It is also necessary to exclude legumes from the recipe.

A simple salad recipe for pancreatitis involves using only boiled potatoes, beets and carrots. These ingredients must be combined in equal proportions. Such products should be cut into small cubes. A safe dressing for dietary vinaigrette is a small amount of sunflower oil.

Beet and carrot salad

A good alternative to a dietary vinaigrette would be a salad made using only boiled beets and carrots. These products have a neutral acidity level. At the same time, these ingredients contain an abundance of fiber. Therefore, if the pancreas is inflamed, beets and carrots are not recommended to be consumed in large quantities.

As in the previous salad recipe, for pancreatitis, vegetables are first boiled. It is advisable that they be in the peel. As soon as the beets and carrots are fully prepared, they must be peeled, cooled and chopped using a grater with medium holes. It is better to season the salad with the same vegetable oil. If desired, you can diversify the dish by adding a small amount of grated apple pulp.

Diet salad "Olivier"

An excellent salad recipe for chronic pancreatitis is dietary Olivier. Carrots and potatoes are used to prepare the dish. These vegetables are boiled in their skins. In addition, chicken fillet is prepared. The composition may contain hard-boiled eggs. The yolks must be removed from them.

The ingredients are cut into small cubes and mixed thoroughly. Low-fat sour cream is used as a dressing. The finished salad can be slightly salted. You can add a small amount of fresh cucumber to the dish, from which you need to remove the skin.

Healthy snack

For pancreatitis, eating fresh vegetables is contraindicated.
Therefore, every recipe for dietary dishes contains vegetables that have been heat-treated by boiling or steaming. To prepare this dish you will need the following:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil for dressing;
  • greens (optional).

Vegetables are thoroughly washed, boiled, peeled and chopped, grated on a medium grater. For pancreatitis, it is recommended to take all food in grated form, so vegetables are not cut with a knife, but rather chopped.

Place the prepared ingredients in a deep bowl, add a little salt and mix. As soon as the salt has dissolved, the vegetables are seasoned with vegetable oil and mixed again. When serving, the dish can be sprinkled with fresh herbs on top.

Meat snack

The recipe contains the following products:

  • rice – ½ cup;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • veal – 0.5 kg;
  • 2 beets;
  • a glass of natural low-fat yogurt.

Rice is boiled in salted water. Veal, eggs and beets are also boiled until tender. Beets, eggs and cheese are grated on a coarse grater, veal is cut into thin strips. The crushed ingredients are combined with rice and seasoned with yogurt. The finished dish is served in portioned plates or on sandwiches.

If there are serious problems with the pancreas, doctors do not recommend eating foods rich in fiber. And it is found in large quantities in fresh vegetables. Therefore, salads can be prepared from boiled vegetables.

Carrot-beet mix

  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • beets – 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh parsley - 4 sprigs.

Washed vegetables are boiled in water until fully cooked, removed, peeled, and grated on a medium grater. The salad is dressed with oil, preferably olive oil, if not, sunflower oil, and decorated with herbs.

The following salad is allowed to be included in the holiday menu for pancreatitis.

Main ingredients:

  • white chicken meat -300 g;
  • hard low-fat cheese – 60 g;
  • lettuce - a bunch;
  • 0.5 white loaf.

Components for refueling:

  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled chicken yolk – 3 pcs.

For the salad you will need croutons. The loaf is crushed to form cubes 5 mm in size. They need to be placed in a convenient container, lightly sprinkled with oil, mixed and dried in the microwave for 5 minutes. An alternative way is to pour the cubes into a frying pan, drying them over low heat, stirring constantly, or place them in an oven preheated to 120 degrees to get a golden brown crust.

Tear the washed lettuce leaves into pieces with your hands and place them on the bottom of the salad bowl. Boil the chicken breast, cut it and cheese into small pieces. After all the ingredients are prepared, they should be placed on top of the lettuce leaves.

To make the dressing, you need to finely chop the yolks, add vegetable oil and lemon juice to them. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured evenly onto the salad. This appetizer must be left for 20 minutes so that all components are well saturated with the dressing, and only then can it be served.

Mix of chicken with vegetables and nuts:

  • boiled chicken breast – 400 g;
  • Chinese cabbage – 300 g;
  • boiled carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • walnuts – 10 g;
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • low-fat sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.

Cut the Beijing cabbage into strips and mash well with your hands. Peel the boiled carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes. Chop walnuts and boiled eggs with a knife. All ingredients are sent to a salad bowl, seasoned with sour cream and mixed thoroughly.

The following recipe is simple, and the salad turns out very tasty. Ingredients:

  • boiled rice – 100 g;
  • hard low-fat cheese – 150 g;
  • boiled chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • boiled veal – 200 g;
  • boiled beets – 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat yogurt – 100 ml.

Grate the cheese and beets on a coarse grater. Cut veal and eggs into medium-sized cubes. Rice and other prepared ingredients are mixed and seasoned with yogurt.

Salads based on vegetables and fruits

Let's continue talking about salad recipes for patients with pancreatitis. To add variety to your daily diet, you can prepare several safe and healthy meals using a mix of fruits and vegetables. For inflammation of the pancreas, nutritionists recommend the following recipes:

  1. Take sweet apples and carrots. The ingredients of the future salad get rid of the peel. Products are crushed using a grater. The components of the dish are combined and seasoned with low-fat yogurt.
  2. Another version of fruit and vegetable salad for pancreatitis involves the use of melon, sweet apples and pumpkin. These products are steamed until fully cooked, after which they are thoroughly chopped. The dressing here is also low-fat yogurt. For a special taste, you can add a few drops of liquid honey.
  3. There is another healthy fruit and vegetable mix that can serve as an excellent breakfast. Finely chopped bananas and peaches are combined in equal proportions. Steamed pumpkin is added here. The ingredients are seasoned with low-fat yogurt or sour cream.


For this recipe you need the following ingredients:

  • butter – 2 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • rice flour – 500 g;
  • apples – 100 g;
  • raisins – 30 g;
  • carrots – 200 g;
  • baking powder – 0.5 tsp.

Washed apples are peeled and turned into puree. The washed carrots need to be grated on a medium grater. Raisins need to be soaked in warm water for 20 minutes. Softened butter is thoroughly mixed with granulated sugar and egg. The resulting mixture is combined with applesauce, carrots, raisins, rice flour and baking powder. The dough is kneaded. Cookies can have any shape. They are baked for 12-16 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

An option for a sweet dish for pancreatitis can easily be a cake that does not need to be baked in the oven. You need to prepare the following products:

  • peaches – 6 pcs.;
  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • strawberries – 200 g;
  • cookies – 400 g;
  • yogurt – 450 ml;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • gelatin – 1 pack.

Gelatin is diluted in warm water, yogurt is poured into this vessel, everything is thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous cream. Fruits are cut into thin slices. Cookies, cream and fruit are laid out in layers on a large dish. The formed cake is sent to the refrigerator to harden for 2 hours.

It's easy to please yourself with snowballs:

  • granulated sugar – 40 g;
  • egg white - from one egg;
  • fresh raspberries – 90 g;
  • wheat flour – 25 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g;
  • water – 120 ml.

Beat the egg whites with a mixer at medium speed. After the foam has formed, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar are gradually introduced into it. You need to pour water into the pan and boil it. Balls are dropped into the boiling liquid using a spoon. Then you need to carefully turn them over. The pan is tightly covered with a lid, and the snowballs stand on the stove for 3 minutes.

Cucumber salad

The simplest dietary dish for pancreatitis can be prepared using several cucumbers, peeled and cut into rings. The vegetable should be lightly salted. As a dressing, you can use vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. Finally, sprinkle the cucumbers with finely chopped dill.

It is worth noting that such a salad is prohibited from being consumed during an exacerbation of the disease. It is recommended to include the dish in the daily diet only in cases of stable remission. Before resorting to eating cucumber salad, it is important to once again discuss this possibility with a nutritionist or attending physician.


Recipes for dietary dishes for pancreatitis for dessert are very diverse, everyone can choose something most suitable for themselves.

Dietary cottage cheese casserole. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to avoid eating yolks, so only whites will be needed.

  • proteins – 5 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • semolina – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Golden apples – 3 pcs.;
  • cherries – 50 g;
  • bananas – 1 pc.

The cottage cheese is turned into a homogeneous cream using a blender. Apples and banana need to be peeled and chopped along with cherries in a blender. The cottage cheese is combined with granulated sugar, semolina and fruit and mixed thoroughly. The whites are whipped with a mixer until a thick foam forms and carefully added to the resulting mixture. The curd and fruit mass is poured into a mold and baked in the oven for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Dietary nutrition does not mean giving up sweets. There are recipes for those with a sweet tooth.

Fruit and berry jelly

Gilet cake

  1. Mix 1 glass of warm boiled water and 1 heaped tablespoon of gelatin. Leave for half an hour.
  2. Squeeze 1 glass of juice from apples.
  3. Peel two apples and cut into pieces.
  4. Peel the tangerine and cut its slices into two parts.
  5. Boil a glass of water and cook apples in it for 3 minutes over low heat.
  6. Add tangerine pieces and cook for a minute.
  7. Place fruit without water on the bottom of the mold.
  8. Mix apple juice with fruit broth and boil.
  9. Turn the heat to medium and slowly pour in the water and gelatin, stirring constantly.
  10. Remove from heat, without bringing to a boil, and pour the broth over the fruit in the mold.
  11. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate for 4 hours.
  12. Before use, remove from the refrigerator and wait until the jelly reaches room temperature, since if you have pancreatic diseases, eating cold foods is prohibited.

Charlotte pie

Charlotte with apples on kefir

  1. Beat 2 eggs with 2/3 cup sugar with a mixer.
  2. Add 300 ml kefir.
  3. Add one glass each of flour and semolina, 1 tsp. soda and ½ tsp. salt.
  4. Beat with a mixer.
  5. Peel 3 apples and cut into slices.
  6. Line the pan with baking paper and lay out the apples.
  7. Pour in the dough and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Dietary dishes for pancreatitis are much easier and faster to prepare than the usual ones, but harmful to the pancreas. Here is only a small part of the recipes. From time to time, such nutrition will be useful for healthy people to prevent diseases.

If you have pancreatitis, it is recommended to reduce your sugar intake. This recommendation is due to the fact that the inflamed pancreas needs to produce insulin, with the help of which sugar is converted into glucose. If you have pancreatitis, you should avoid any store-bought sweets, including cookies, jellies and cakes.

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

The biscuit dough for traditional charlotte is prepared with a lot of eggs and sugar. In the dietary recipe for pancreatitis, part of the eggs is replaced with kefir, and sugar is completely absent. You can replace it with sweet apples. To prepare healthy charlotte you will need the following:

  • kefir – 0.3 l;
  • 3 large apples;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 cup wheat flour;
  • 1 cup semolina.

Beat chicken eggs until fluffy, add kefir, a pinch of salt and mix. Add sifted flour and semolina to the resulting mixture and mix. The dough should stand for about half an hour for the semolina to swell.

While the dough is rising, you should prepare the apples (peel and cut into thin slices). Next, the apples are placed in the dough, mixed and placed in a mold greased with butter. Place the pan in the oven and bake over medium heat until cooked, which is checked with a wooden stick.

Sweet dishes for pancreatitis should not consist of raw fruits containing a large amount of fiber. However, you can occasionally enjoy a dessert made from strawberries and bananas, which have a more gentle effect on the pancreas. To prepare this dish, you will need the following:

  • skim cheese;
  • bananas;
  • strawberry;
  • low fat cream;
  • sugar to taste.

Bananas and strawberries are peeled and stemmed. Fruits are crushed using a blender. The cottage cheese, together with cream and sugar, are ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Next, both mixtures are combined, mixed, transferred to a mold and cooled in the refrigerator.

Diet salad "Mimosa"

A good salad recipe for pancreatitis in adults is dietary Mimosa. The dish can be included in the daily menu. Because such food is not only extremely nutritious, but also healthy.

To prepare the Mimosa diet salad, just hard-boil a few chicken eggs. Before using the product as part of a dish, you will have to remove the yolks from it. Pollock fillet or any other fish with low fat content is also boiled. Other allowed ingredients are carrots and potatoes. These vegetables are boiled until fully cooked.

Next, you can start layering the salad ingredients. First, the bottom of the vessel is covered with finely disassembled fish fillets. The next layer is grated boiled carrots. Then chopped egg white is placed on a plate. The finishing touch is grated boiled potatoes.

The layers of the dish are smeared with sour cream, the fat content of which is no more than 10%. The salad is decorated with several sprigs of dill. The result is a beautiful, tasty and nutritious dish that can be eaten every day.

In case of pancreatitis, a person must follow a strict diet for a long time. If this is not done, the pancreas will immediately respond to a change in diet, since additional load will be placed on it.

From this article you can find out what salads you can eat with pancreatitis and how to prepare them tasty and quickly.

Second courses

In acute pancreatitis, nutrition has significant restrictions.

In case of chronic pancreatitis, the list of products has been expanded, so it is not difficult to create a varied diet.

Tender pieces of meat and beef stroganoff made from boiled, finely chopped meat are allowed. All meat and fish dishes can be cooked with milk or sour cream sauce. Their consistency can be different: thick for adding to minced meat, and semi-liquid for vegetable, meat or cereal dishes.

They are prepared with milk and water. Boiled vegetables are used as a side dish or as an independent dish. For the purpose of mechanical sparing, vegetables are used in pureed form. Any salads made from raw vegetables are excluded at first after an exacerbation, then, if tolerated, grated carrots, pumpkin, and cucumbers are gradually introduced.

Dietary soups according to the diet are prepared pureed. All products are boiled until fully cooked and pureed. The broth is added to the puree, brought to a boil, and in order to prevent the pureed products from settling, add white sauce and boil. To improve the taste, you can add lezon (a mixture of milk/cream and eggs), but after that the soup is not boiled. Puree soups have the consistency of thick cream and should be free of lumps of flour and flakes of coagulated protein.

Recipes can be slightly modified by adding different vegetables, cereals or meat additives to soups. However, the dish will taste and look different. Below are examples of preparing dietary dishes for pancreatitis, recipes with photos.

First meal

It is most convenient to take them with you to work as lunch, since if you are following a diet, eating in canteens and cafes should be excluded.

Baked cod with vegetables

Cod with vegetables

  1. Chop one onion and place it on the bottom of a pan greased with vegetable oil.
  2. Place one grated carrot on the onion.
  3. Place the next layer of cod fillet cut into pieces (0.5 kg).
  4. Place one coarsely chopped tomato between the fish pieces.
  5. Sprinkle salt, dill, parsley and finely grated cheese (50 g) on ​​top.
  6. Crumble the crust from two stale pieces of white bread and sprinkle over the fish.
  7. Drizzle the top layer with olive oil.
  8. Preheat the oven and bake for 35 minutes (until the crust is golden brown).

Stuffed pepper

  1. Make minced meat from 200 g chicken and 2 tbsp. l. boiled rice.
  2. Finely chop the onion, grated carrot and tomato over low heat.
  3. Fill the peppers with minced meat, place them on a baking dish and pour over the stewed vegetables and one glass of water.
  4. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.

To prepare fish balls you will need pike perch fillet (400 g). It must be passed through a meat grinder. A white loaf (100 g) is pre-soaked in 0.5 cups of milk with an onion chopped in a meat grinder. The mixture is combined with fish. The white is separated from the yolk and the latter is sent to minced meat, which can be slightly salted.

If there are problems with the functioning of the pancreas, chicken soufflé would be an excellent option for a second course. 450 g of white chicken meat is passed through a meat grinder. Add 200 ml milk and 2 egg whites to the minced meat. The resulting mixture should be beaten with a mixer. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with sunflower oil and pour the prepared mixture into it. Baking time is 30 minutes.

Dietary dishes for pancreatitis, which are served as a main course, can be represented by baked veal. 500 g of veal is boiled until half cooked. Carrots are cut into slices, fresh parsley is finely chopped. Small cuts are made in the meat to stuff it with carrots and parsley. Then it is sent to the oven to be fully cooked and golden brown.

Side dishes for pancreatitis are prepared very simply. To obtain them, it is allowed to use boiled or stewed vegetables, pasta, and cereals. As an unusual, quick and low-calorie side dish, you can offer carrot and zucchini puree. Peeled vegetables, taken in any proportion, are boiled or cooked in a double boiler.

Nutrition for pancreatitis includes daily consumption of first courses. They help relieve the pancreas and improve the general condition of the patient. Preference should be given to vegetarian puree soups. The use of saturated meat broths is not allowed for preparing first courses. Only light chicken broths are allowed to be used in dietary recipes.

Puree fish soup

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat fish fillet (pike perch, pike, pollock) – 0.5 kg;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • 1 onion;
  • greenery.

Place the fish fillet in boiling salted water. After boiling, add diced potatoes and onions to the fish. When the vegetables are completely ready, grind the contents of the pan using a blender. Pour milk into the resulting mass and bring to a boil. If desired, the dish can be seasoned with fresh herbs and a piece of butter.

Vegetable puree soup

Many recipes for pancreatitis include broccoli, a dietary product that gives the dish a unique taste. To prepare vegetable soup you will need the following:

  • broccoli – 0.3 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • 1 medium carrot.

Vegetables are washed and peeled, and then cut into cubes. The prepared ingredients are added to boiling salted water and boiled until fully cooked, after which they are crushed with a blender. The dish is served hot. If desired, you can add a little low-fat sour cream or yogurt to the finished soup.

For pancreatitis, dishes made from cereals and pasta with the addition of boiled, stewed or baked vegetables are allowed.

To prepare this dietary dish you will need the following products:

  • pumpkin – 0.3 kg;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • rice – 100 g.
  • salt, sugar to taste.

The pumpkin is peeled and cut into small cubes. Salt and sugar are added to boiling milk and pieces of pumpkin are added. Once the pumpkin is ready, add rice. After boiling, the pan with the future porridge can be placed in the oven and simmered at 100°C until fully cooked. If desired, you can add a piece of butter to the finished dish.

Zucchini, like any other vegetables that have undergone heat treatment, can be consumed if you have a disease of the pancreas. To appreciate the recipe for this dish for pancreatitis, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 1 zucchini;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • cream with a fat content of no more than 15% - ½ cup;
  • salt.

The zucchini is thoroughly washed and cut into cubes. The cream is whipped together with salt. Place the prepared zucchini in the frying pan and pour in the resulting sauce. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese on top, cover with a lid and simmer until cooked over low heat.

People suffering from pancreatic diseases can eat white meat, chicken, turkey, rabbit, and veal without fatty streaks. In this case, the meat is consumed exclusively in pureed form.

Chicken soufflé

The recipe for this dish involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • butter for greasing the mold;
  • salt to taste.

Chicken fillet is minced twice in a meat grinder. Milk, pre-beaten egg whites, and salt are added to the resulting minced meat. The mass is thoroughly mixed with a mixer, poured into a mold and baked in the oven over medium heat. Do not open the oven door during cooking, otherwise the soufflé will settle. You can check the readiness of a dietary dish only after a golden brown crust appears.

Veal quenelles

To prepare a healthy dish you will need the following products:

  • veal – 0.5 kg;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 slices of dried bread;
  • salt to taste.

The bread is soaked in milk and then ground in a meat grinder along with the veal. Beat the remaining milk with the egg, pour into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Pour 2 glasses of water into a saucepan, add a little salt and bring to a boil. Place the quenelles into boiling water with a spoon and simmer until tender over low heat.

What else do you need to know about salads for pancreatic disease?

Boiled, steamed or baked vegetables will become useful components of dietary nutrition in the chronic form of the disease (during the period of stable remission).
To prevent vegetables from losing their taste when cooked, they can be baked in the oven in foil until soft. Vegetables are recommended to be consumed in combination with meat and fish. They also retain all the beneficial substances thanks to gentle temperature treatment.

It is important to remember the need to exclude dressings in the form of horseradish, garlic, lemon juice, vinegar, onion, mustard and other hot seasonings. They can be successfully replaced with olive oil, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, which will only improve the taste of the prepared dish.

For pancreatitis, salads can be consumed either as an independent dish or as an addition to a side dish.

The most popular salad recipes

Be attentive to your health. Before diversifying your diet, you should definitely consult with your doctor so that innovations in nutrition will benefit and not harm.

He will tell you which products are mandatory and what is better not to eat. After all, the dish should be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Beet salad

Vegetables are cooked for 2 hours until fully cooked. Then the beets are finely chopped (you can grate them), lightly salted and seasoned with a small amount of sunflower or olive oil.

Despite the fact that this fruit has beneficial properties, it should be consumed with caution, since beets are rich in fiber, which creates additional stress on the pancreas. Therefore, you should remember a sense of proportion.

An option for such a dish could be a salad with the addition of boiled carrots (2-3 pieces), also chopped before use. In this case, take 1-2 beets. Sometimes a little grated sweet apple is added to the salad.

Dietary vinaigrette

The ingredients of this well-known salad will differ slightly from the classic recipe, but the taste will remain virtually unchanged, which will give fans of this popular snack dish the opportunity to rejoice.

It is necessary to boil one medium beet (about 1.5-2 hours in unsalted water) and 2 potatoes (for 20-30 minutes in lightly salted water). In order to remove excess acid from sauerkraut (300 g) and cucumber (1 piece), they must first be soaked in cold water for half an hour.

After this, cut the beets into cubes and grease them with vegetable oil, after which we add chopped potatoes and cucumber (pre-peeled) to it in the same way. Mix the resulting composition with squeezed cabbage and finely chopped herbs.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that salad with pickled vegetables is strictly contraindicated during an exacerbation of the disease. In addition, vinaigrette can be included in the menu only during a period of stable remission.

Olivier salad for pancreatitis

The ingredients for dietary Olivier are taken in the same proportions as for regular Olivier. Potatoes and carrots (in equal quantities) are boiled in their skins. You also need to boil chicken fillet and hard-boiled eggs.

After this, everything is cut into small cubes of the same size and seasoned with low-fat sour cream. Very little salt is required. If desired, you can add a small fresh cucumber without skin to the salad.

As a dressing, use light sour cream with a low fat content. This is one of the best salad recipes for pancreatitis for the New Year.

Diet salad "Mimosa"

Dietary salads for pancreatitis can be included in the menu every day, as they are not only tasty, but also healthy.

To prepare Mimosa, hard-boil 3 chicken eggs, place 250 grams of pollock fillet or other low-fat fish in boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. Boil one large carrot and three medium-sized potatoes for 20 minutes.

After this, they begin to form the layers of the dish. Immediately place the fish, previously disassembled into small pieces, onto the bottom of the dish. Then the peeled carrots are grated. The third layer is slightly grated mild cheese with a small fat content. The next one is grated egg white, which is covered with grated potatoes.


The diet for patients with pancreatitis allows the consumption of several types of salads. They should be based on baked or steamed vegetables.

All salad recipes include the inclusion of a small amount of olive oil, natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. You should avoid eating butter. Dressings with garlic, horseradish, vinegar, mustard, lemon juice and other spicy ingredients should be avoided. In addition, spinach, radishes, sorrel, bell peppers, onions, rhubarb and radishes should not be included in salads.

Beetroot, Olivier, Vinaigrette, Cucumber, Mimosa, etc. salads will help diversify the diet of a person suffering from pancreatitis.

Dietary Olivier

Olivier salad is a frequent guest on Russian menus, and everyone knows what ingredients are needed to prepare this dish. But with pancreatitis, the composition of the salad needs to be slightly changed. So, you will need the following products:

  • potatoes and carrots, boiled with peel (in equal quantities);
  • chicken breast fillet;
  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • small fresh cucumber.

Vegetables are peeled, then all ingredients are cut into small cubes and seasoned with low-fat sour cream. Since spicy foods should be avoided in case of pancreatitis, the dish should be only lightly salted.


For inflammation of the pancreas, you can eat leafy vegetables with the exception of arugula and watercress.

When preparing a dish, you should choose leaves with neutral acidity, which will not have a negative effect on the organ affected by pancreatitis. These can be leafy lettuces such as iceberg, lettuce, corn, etc. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the leaves in milk for 10 minutes or dip them in boiling water for 2 seconds.

Then the leafy vegetables are chopped and seasoned with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. For pancreatitis, you can add avocado, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs or strawberries to green salads. Low-fat cheese goes well with leafy vegetables. But any prescription must be agreed with your doctor.


When preparing a Greek salad, you should exclude lemon juice from the list of ingredients. You will need to take:

  • 200 g feta cheese;
  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 80 g pitted olives;
  • green salad leaves;
  • a few sprigs of parsley and basil.

Place green leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, then vegetables cut into medium-sized pieces. Place diced cheese and olives on top of them. Season the dish with olive oil and use salt to taste.

Doctors recommend that people with pancreatitis eat a small amount of salad first and monitor the reaction of the pancreas. If no unpleasant sensations appear, Greek salad can be periodically included in the menu.

With boiled beets and carrots

Boiled beets and carrots have neutral acidity, so they are not able to affect the pancreas. But patients with pancreatitis should remember that it is undesirable to consume large amounts of beets, since the vegetable contains a large amount of fiber, which enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes.

To prepare a light and healthy salad, you need to boil the vegetables in their skins until tender, then peel them and pass through a fine grater. The resulting mass is seasoned with vegetable oil or low-fat, non-spicy sauce. If desired, you can add a medium-sized sweet peeled apple to the dish.

From Chinese cabbage

Experts do not recommend using this vegetable in the diet for pancreatitis. You can add it to salad only in case of stable remission and in small quantities. When preparing a dish, the vegetable must be boiled, stewed or baked.

Fruit and vegetable

Doctors allow people with pancreatitis to eat salads based on fruits and vegetables. Such dishes may include apples, carrots, baked and grated pumpkin, bananas and peaches. All components are beneficial to the body and contain a large amount of vitamins.

The simplest recipe involves the following steps:

  1. Boil 1 large carrot, peel it.
  2. Remove the skin from a sweet, washed apple.
  3. Grind the ingredients on a grater.

Season the salad with natural yogurt with 1 tsp. granulated sugar or low-fat sour cream.

Made from cheese, beets and eggs

For pancreatitis, you can include a beetroot dish with the addition of eggs and cheese on the menu. Boil 1 large vegetable until soft, grate it, then add 2 hard-boiled eggs cut into cubes and 100 g of cheese. Season with vegetable oil or mild sauce based on low-fat sour cream.

With cucumbers and cheese

Making cucumber salad is quite easy. It is necessary to peel 2 vegetables, cut them into thin rings and place them on a plate. Then 50 g of cheese needs to be grated and added to the dish. You can also use parsley or dill as a seasoning. The salad is seasoned with vegetable oil.

From leftover vegetables

A salad made from a mixture of vegetables will allow people with pancreatitis to get the necessary amount of nutrients. In addition to boiled beets and carrots, you can use baked pumpkin or potatoes to create this dish. All ingredients are cut into cubes and seasoned with vegetable oil.


Diet Caesar is made from leafy greens, eggs, white chicken and cherry tomatoes. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities. Then you need to make croutons from white bread of the same size and sprinkle them on the chopped ingredients and placed in a salad bowl.

For pancreatitis, Caesar is seasoned with yogurt or sour cream-based sauce.

Fruit and vegetable salads

You can diversify the menu with a mix of vegetables and fruits. What fruit and vegetable salads can you eat with pancreatitis without fear for your health? There are several recipes:

  • For the first recipe you need to take boiled carrots and several sweet apples. The fruits are peeled and grated. The salad is dressed with low-fat yogurt, to which you can add a spoonful of sugar or a drop of honey.
  • For the second option, you will need to mix 250 g of sweet melon, 2 sweet apples without peel and 250 g of pumpkin, which is steamed until tender. The components are cut into cubes, preferably the same size. Yogurt is used as a dressing, you can add a little sugar for taste.
  • Another mix can become a complete healthy breakfast. Fresh peaches, bananas and steamed pumpkin pulp are taken in equal quantities. The ingredients are peeled, chopped into equal pieces and mixed, while seasoned with low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

Seafood salad with apple

This salad for pancreatitis of the pancreas will help diversify your diet, and also replenish the body with vital protein (squid, eggs, cheese, sour cream), vitamins, minerals and pectin (apples), which is part of apples. The dish can be introduced into the diet during the period of remission, if there are no problems with the absorption of sour cream and egg yolks.

To prepare the salad you will need 2 carcasses of peeled squid (fresh frozen), 3 chicken eggs, one sweet apple, 100 g of cheese, 5-6 tbsp. l. sour cream 10% fat and salt.

The squids are immersed in well-salted boiling water and after boiling, boil over low heat for exactly 3 minutes (if you cook longer, they will be tough). Chilled carcasses are cut into rings.

Grate hard-boiled eggs, cheese and peeled apples on a coarse grater (if desired, they can be cut into small pieces). Then everything is lightly salted, seasoned with sour cream and mixed.

Eat salad in small quantities, 100-150 g per meal, if the disease is in stable remission - no more than once every 1-2 weeks.

The patient’s diet is not rich and modest, but there are some salad recipes for pancreatitis in adults that can diversify the diet.

  • Using the monastery collection to treat pancreatitis

You will be surprised how quickly the disease recedes. Take care of your pancreas! Over 10,000 people have noticed significant improvements in their health simply by drinking a morning drink...

Soufflé recipes for pancreatitis as part of a diet

The use of such a product is absolutely safe for pancreatitis and is often practiced by adding it to the diet menu of such patients. The delicate structure of the dish is very gentle on the gastrointestinal tract

Cottage cheese casserole for pancreatitis

The casserole is recommended by doctors to be eaten every day as breakfast. Dishes based on cottage cheese significantly reduce the load on the pancreas and help reduce gas formation

Millet porridge for pancreatitis

Millet porridge for pancreatitis is prepared in several ways, but the most popular and tasty dish is the one with the addition of pumpkin. Millet porridge should be crumbly! This dish is recommended for dinner.

Recipe for curd pudding for pancreatitis

Cottage cheese is one of the few foods allowed on a strict diet. Its beneficial properties are known to everyone. For pancreatitis of the pancreas, cottage cheese is valued for its high content of easily digestible proteins necessary for the body.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients are forced to seriously think about their diet. In one case, the products have a beneficial effect on the suffering organs, promoting better functioning and faster healing; in the other, the opposite effect occurs. Pancreatitis belongs to the category of diseases where diet becomes the most important part of therapy. During periods of exacerbation, fasting is recommended; after a few days, a small amount of gentle food is allowed.

In the following months, patients are prescribed a special diet that allows them to take selected foods. In most cases, people diagnosed with the disease are forced to adhere to a diet throughout their lives. Let's figure out whether it is allowed to eat salads with pancreatitis.

Mix salads

Vegetable and fruit lovers are invited to prepare several original recipes that include both components.

The combination of fruits and vegetables doubles the healing composition of the dish and gives an unusual taste.

Here are some examples:

  • Wash carrots and sweet apples thoroughly. The carrots should be boiled, cooled, and peeled. Peel the apples, peel them from the seeds, and grate them using a coarse grater. Boiled carrots grated on a coarse grater are added to the apple mixture. Season the dish with low-fat yogurt, adding a few drops of natural bee honey.
  • Wash and peel pumpkin, sweet apples, and melon. The pumpkin is cooked in a double boiler and cut into cubes. Peel the apples, remove the seeds, cut them into cubes, and add them to the pumpkin. The melon is peeled and seeds removed, cut into cubes, and added to the salad mixture. Low-fat yogurt with the addition of a few drops of natural bee honey is used as a dressing.
  • An ideal breakfast or delicious dessert would be a dish made from pumpkin, bananas and peaches. All ingredients are thoroughly washed and peeled. The pumpkin is cooked in a double boiler, cooled, and cut into cubes. Peeled and chopped bananas and peaches are added to this mixture. Dress the salad with low-fat yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

All recipes are prepared solely to personal taste. The proportions can be anything, but it is recommended to use equal ratios.

Season with a small amount of dressing. Sugar and salt are kept to a minimum. Before introducing new salads into a patient’s diet, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Some foods or dishes can be eaten during the chronic form of the disease, but are strictly prohibited during periods of exacerbation.

What salads can you eat with pancreatitis?

Salads have long become an integral part of the menu in most families. They serve as a separate appetizer or as an addition to a side dish, meat and fish dishes. Many options are prepared from simple and affordable products and are present in the daily diet, while others serve as holiday snacks. A patient with pancreatitis does not need to completely abandon such dishes during a diet, but the patient must know how to prepare the salad and the list of ingredients for safe consumption.

Let's discuss permitted and unacceptable foods in salads.

Allowed Ingredients

The diet for patients with pancreatitis allows the consumption of products used for preparing salads:

  • lean meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef);
  • lean fish;
  • rice cereal;
  • boiled, steamed or baked fruits and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream;
  • vegetable oils.

The listed products can be eaten separately and as part of salads.

Prohibited Products

A list of foods that need to be excluded from the diet has been compiled. It is forbidden to add to salads:

  • fatty meat (pork, lamb);
  • fatty fish;
  • dairy products with a high proportion of fat;
  • cheese;
  • nuts;
  • beans, peas, other legumes;
  • egg yolks;
  • mayonnaise;
  • chips and crackers with hot seasonings and chemical additives.

Knowing this list, the patient has the opportunity to independently come up with a combination of products when preparing salads, and modify traditional recipes.

Spinach and green salad

Individual products are on the border of the lists of permitted and unacceptable products. The reason is the composition of beneficial substances and those that are considered dangerous for the inflamed pancreas. For example, spinach leaves and green salad.

  • Spinach includes a large list of vitamins and beneficial microelements. The plant contains a significant amount of oxalic acid, which has an irritating effect on the diseased pancreas. For pancreatitis, nutritionists recommend eating exclusively fresh, soft, young leaves of the vegetable.
  • Fresh green salad leaves are beneficial for a healthy person and for those suffering from pancreatitis. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, it is not recommended to include the vegetable in the menu more than twice a week.

Is it possible to have iceberg lettuce for gastritis?

Starting a conversation about how to prepare and use salads for gastritis, we invite you to remember Mexican and Brazilian TV series, namely those moments when the characters have lunch.
Remember what is on their table? That's right, a glass of wine and a large dish with a variety of greens and salads. We are not interested in wine, but we are talking about salads. Maybe the vegetable version of the diet is the main reason for the good appearance of the heroes and their excellent health? Let's figure it out.

Salads come in different varieties. It is recommended to start any lunch with a vegetable snack - it stimulates digestion. Raw vegetables contain a lot of fiber, are a natural “brush” for the intestines, and saturate the body with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Complex appetizers made from boiled vegetables go well with meat and fish dishes; for example, vegetable vinaigrette can be used both as a side dish and as an independent dish for dinner.

With gastritis, vegetables not only help to diversify a not very cheerful menu, but are also the basis of nutrition . Mixed slices of tomatoes, cucumber and pepper, flavored with butter, cabbage with carrots, beets with apples and prunes, green leaf salad with low-fat sour cream - this is just a small list of daily dishes at the beginning of lunch for a patient with gastritis.

But what about banquet dishes with gastritis? Complex puff pastries of smoked chicken with pineapples, ham with mushrooms, generously flavored with mayonnaise, all sorts of “Sunflowers”, “Birches”, “Turtles” and other luxuries with lots of cheese, eggs, nuts and other ingredients?

Tasty, beautiful, I really want it. But absolutely not. A sick stomach is unlikely to cope with such a load. Of course, you can try, but no doctor can guarantee that you will feel good after a super high-calorie mayonnaise salad.

Conclusion. For gastritis, it is allowed to eat light salads containing a small amount of ingredients. Multilayer banquet snacks with mayonnaise are prohibited.

The first vegetables that are included in the diet in spring are leafy salads.
There are more than 1000 varieties of vegetables in the world; we will focus on the most popular varieties allowed for gastritis. Leafy greens, like all raw vegetables, stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, with increased secretion, with erosive and atrophic gastritis, it is consumed in limited quantities, no more than once a week, giving preference to boiled vegetables.

  1. Lettuce is a champion in potassium content. Very useful for patients who suffer not only from gastritis, but also from diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is easily absorbed and does not burden the stomach.
  2. Iceberg , which looks like cabbage, contains a lot of fiber and is digested quickly and easily in the stomach. A very fashionable variety, it is the main ingredient in the popular Caesar salad. If the acidity of gastritis is not changed, Iceberg can be consumed as a snack before lunch, seasoned with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt. Not recommended for high acidity.
  3. Arugula is an interesting variety of lettuce, a champion in iodine content. It is a “relative” of dandelions. It is very useful for diseases of the thyroid gland, but is not recommended for gastritis due to the bitter taste of the leaves. Strongly stimulates digestion, which can cause aggravation of gastritis.
  4. Chicory. Also a kind of salad, but quite aggressive for the stomach. Therefore, chicory for gastritis can only be used as a coffee substitute, but not as an independent dish.
  5. Spinach. This is a real godsend for patients with gastritis of any form. The peculiarity of this variety of leaf lettuce is that the beneficial substances do not disappear during heat treatment. Therefore, spinach can be used not only with normal acidity in its raw form, but also with other forms of gastritis - erosive, hyperacid, atrophic - after heat treatment. Soups, purees, sauces are made from spinach, and pies are stuffed with it. Digests quickly and does not burden the stomach.

If you don't like one-ingredient salads, you can diversify them with other vegetables.
Add fresh cucumber, tomato, cabbage, apple or carrot to lettuce. Dress such salads only with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. Homemade yogurt also makes a great topping for fresh salad.

If you use cucumbers for gastritis, do not forget to peel them; choose non-acidic varieties of tomatoes. For gastritis, before cooking, it is better to heat cabbage in a saucepan without water, it will shrink in volume, become soft, and will not irritate the stomach.

Attention! For erosive, hyperacid, atrophic gastritis, it is better not to eat complex salads from fresh vegetables. Outside of an exacerbation, sometimes you can allow yourself portioned vegetables without dressing (cucumbers, tomatoes), observing how you feel.

Cut 2 - 3 boiled potatoes into cubes, add a boiled chopped egg, 1 boiled grated carrot. Season with vegetable oil and salt.

Grate the boiled beets, add grated curd cheese and finely chopped soaked prunes. Take all ingredients in equal quantities. Season the dish with yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Grind the oven-baked vegetables in a blender or on a grater - zucchini, carrots, bell peppers. Add vegetable oil and salt.

Nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend salads made from boiled vegetables to patients with gastritis. These include vinaigrettes, potato salads, and a variety of vegetable caviar. Any steamed vegetables also represent an alternative to raw vegetable salads - they do not irritate the mucous membranes, are better absorbed, and go well with other foods. Also, patients suffering from gastritis should not include in the menu:

  • Raw onions and garlic.
  • Radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip.
  • Sorrel, mushrooms, legumes.

In case of exacerbation of any form of gastritis, all raw vegetables without exception are prohibited.

Fruits for gastritis can be eaten raw and heat-treated, and can also be used to make salads.

Non-acidic varieties of apples and pears, seedless grapes, and sweet watermelon will come to your aid when you want “something like that.”

Peel the fruit, remove the seeds, chop finely, season with low-fat homemade yogurt - you get a dietary dish that meets the most demanding tastes.

Fruit salads are a great dessert and can also be used as a snack.

We suggest you borrow a recipe from American restaurants and prepare a Cobb salad. This simple but very beautiful dish will decorate your table not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. The cooking principle, which was invented by an American named Cobb, is simple - all the salad ingredients are beautifully cut and placed on a dish in rows, for example:

  • 1st row - fresh cucumber;

  • 2nd row – boiled egg;
  • 3rd row – boiled meat or poultry;
  • 4th row – fresh tomatoes;
  • Row 5 – leaf lettuce.

Before serving, real Cobb salad is topped with a sauce made from vegetable oil, wine vinegar and honey, but this dressing is not suitable for gastritis.

Therefore, get creative and come up with your own dressing options - let it be any vegetable oil with a drop of lemon juice or soy sauce. If you do without dressing at all and just add a little sea salt to the vegetables, that’s also fine.

There are many options for preparing Cobb salad. You can use any products allowed for gastritis, and the holiday dish will be completely dietary.

There are several culinary rules to remember when preparing salads. Here they are :

  1. Vegetable salads cannot be prepared for future use. Chopped vegetables retain their nutritional value for an hour.
  2. Dress salads immediately before serving. If you have gastritis, you should not use mayonnaise, vinegar, fatty and sour sour cream as a dressing.
  3. Vegetable salads are best consumed at lunch; they are not digested in the morning.
  4. For hyperacid and erosive gastritis, it is better not to eat raw vegetables, preferring boiled ones.

A variety of winter wraps is the pride of any housewife. However, for gastritis, any marinades are contraindicated. Therefore, you will have to forget about pickled cucumbers and lecho with the addition of vinegar. Your option is freshly prepared food, boiled, steamed and baked vegetables and snacks. Fortunately, the assortment of vegetables in stores is luxurious - zucchini, tomatoes, and even leafy greens can be bought all year round. Therefore, do not try to “stock up” for future use, eat wisely.

An excellent solution is your own dacha. Here you can not only grow vegetables without nitrates and other harmful substances, but also preserve them during the winter. With the right approach, you will have fresh and healthy snacks on your table every day.

We invite you to watch a story from the popular program “Live Healthy” about the unique properties of green salad.


The health benefits of iceberg lettuce are invaluable: with a minimum calorie content, this product contains a lot of fiber, almost all B vitamins, carotene, choline and a lot of microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Externally, the iceberg is similar to cabbage: it has a rounded head, and the average weight of the fruit ranges from 400–500 grams. Due to the presence of a large amount of water, it is crunchy, but does not have a pronounced taste, which makes it an ideal ingredient for various salads. The iceberg got its name in America, where refrigerators with ice were used to transport it (it is often called crisphead or Ice Mountain).

95% of the salad is water, the remaining 5% comes from dietary fiber, phytoncides, poly- and disaccharides, and amino acids. Iceberg is rich in folic acid, selenium, vitamins B, A, C and K. The fiber contained in the product stimulates intestinal motility and cleanses its walls of undigested food debris.

Iceberg is rich in micro- and macroelements, including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, etc. Moreover, 100 grams contains only 14 kcal, of which 1.78 g of proteins, 0.9 g of fats and 0.14 g of carbohydrates .

Please note that it is healthy to consume iceberg only fresh. When cooked, it loses most of its nutrients, so nutritionists recommend adding it only to cold dishes and salads.

In order for the salad to bring maximum benefits, carefully consider the choice of product. Fresh iceberg has leaves of medium density, look juicy and have a light green color. Excessively dense leaves pressed against each other mean that the head of cabbage was picked late from the garden and has already lost its taste. Never buy iceberg with limp, yellow, dry leaves. Loose arrangement of leaves is a sign of immaturity of the product.

Due to its low calorie content and the presence of a large amount of water, the product is indispensable for people following a diet or healthy eating principles. It quickly fills the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness and protecting against overeating.

Its beneficial properties do not end there:

  • Iceberg strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to viruses, which is especially important during the off-season.
  • Thanks to vitamin A and beta-carotene, eating iceberg has a positive effect on vision and helps prevent cataracts and glaucoma. It has also been noted that the elements contained in its leaves trigger stimulation of neurons, improving memory and visual perception.
  • Eating iceberg stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy, which helps a person quickly get out of depression and overcome insomnia.
  • Stimulates the removal of waste and toxins from the body.
  • The components of greens can have a healing effect on the skin and accelerate the restoration of epithelial tissue in case of damage.

It has been noticed that the components contained in the product disinfect the oral cavity, eliminating the unpleasant odor from the teeth. For this purpose, salad is used for stomatitis. Adding this vegetable to the diet can prevent the development of many diseases.

Iceberg serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis and protects blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques. A serving of salad will contain a third of the daily requirement of vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood clotting. Therefore, its use has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

In addition, icebergs contain a lot of iron, which is vital for the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Eating iceberg is a good prevention of anemia.

Lettuce contains a lot of vitamin A, which is good for bones. Children should add iceberg to the menu during their growth period; it will replenish microelements and strengthen bones and teeth. Salad is also indispensable for women during menopause, when the likelihood of developing osteoporosis increases.

The abundance of fiber and dietary fiber in the product has a positive effect on intestinal function. People suffering from constipation should add salad to the menu.

Iceberg juice also contains a substance called lactucin, which has analgesic and sedative properties. Therefore, eating salad is recommended even for people suffering from chronic gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Please note that in acute forms of gastritis, it is necessary to ensure a gentle regime for the stomach, i.e., reduce the load on it. During this period, you cannot eat iceberg lettuce.

Greens perfectly remove excess fluid from the body, which leads to the elimination of edema. This, in turn, protects against the development of heart and kidney diseases, which appear due to excessive stress on these organs.

During pregnancy, it is very important to monitor your diet. In recent years, WHO has noted that women do not have to take synthetic vitamins, because all the necessary substances can be obtained from food. Iceberg lettuce, which is also rich in calcium, can compensate for the deficiency. Proper development of the fetus is promoted by folic acid, which is abundant in salad, and it is this that is most often lacking in the female body.

Nursing mothers should start feeding their baby vegetables and pieces of leaves at 6–7 months, provided that the baby is not full of milk, his first teeth have already appeared, and there are no digestive disorders after consuming the product.

Iceberg lettuce should not be confused with frillis lettuce - the latter has elongated leaves with sharp tips. It tastes with a slight bitterness. The chemical compositions of these two products are also different.

Due to its nutritional composition, the vegetable is actively used in folk and official medicine. Doctors recommend adding iceberg to salads and other dishes for people who want to recover after hard and emotionally stressful work days. For this purpose, you can try preparing a decoction: pour boiling water over the lettuce leaves, let it brew for half an hour, then drink a small amount an hour before bedtime.

Regular consumption of salad will help get rid of digestive problems: constipation, increased stomach acidity and flatulence. Patients with pancreatitis and gastritis should take salad consumption seriously. Despite all its beneficial properties, contraindications to adding iceberg to the menu are acute gastric inflammation. During remission, you can safely diversify your diet by including a minimal amount of salad.

It is also not recommended to eat iceberg for people suffering from gout.

Iceberg consumption is recommended even for those suffering from diabetes. It will help diversify a meager menu, improve a person’s well-being, and compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Due to the presence of magnesium in the vegetable, it can be safely consumed by representatives of the fairer sex who want to improve their skin condition. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of collagen, the main enzyme necessary to give the skin firmness, tone and elasticity.

With age, the natural production of collagen in a woman’s body slows down, the skin becomes dull, flabby, and wrinkles appear. In order to combat aging, salad can not only be added to food, but also made into a variety of moisturizing face masks. Biologically active compounds contained in succulent leaves have a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair.

It does not have a pronounced taste, which makes it an ideal base for salads. The best time-tested recipes are a dietary salad with chicken, cherry tomatoes and olive oil, as well as the classic Caesar. To dress such salads, it is better not to use mayonnaise, but to make a homemade sauce based on lemon juice, olive oil, mustard and spices.

Variations of simple and nutritious salads with added greens:

  • Vegetable. You will need 300 grams of fresh cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, a bunch of iceberg, some cilantro and parsley, and cheese. All vegetables should be finely chopped and the salad should be torn into small pieces with your hands. Add spices and mustard, grate cheese on top.
  • With rice and pineapple. First you need to boil 350 grams of rice, separately fry 400 grams of champignons in olive oil. Finely chop two cucumbers and the head of an iceberg. Next, lay out the salad in layers. Rice first, then fried mushrooms and a layer of mayonnaise, cucumbers and iceberg lettuce, a layer of mayonnaise, then pineapples as the top layer.
  • With cheese and basil. To prepare you need 2 tomatoes, an onion, 1 fresh cucumber, several sprigs of basil, a head of lettuce and 150 grams of parmesan. Cut all ingredients into cubes and grate cheese. For the dressing, make a sauce from 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of white wine, a teaspoon of sugar and spices to taste.

There are also more exotic options for dishes with iceberg, for example, when a whole leaf is used as a utensil for a pre-prepared snack. From the leaves you can prepare original fresh rolls with vegetables and even use them in cabbage rolls instead of the usual cabbage.

Pros of adding iceberg to salads:

  • The portion is visually larger with a minimum number of calories, which is especially important for people struggling with excess weight.
  • It is denser than a regular salad, not bitter and quite juicy. It can replace cabbage without interrupting the taste of the other ingredients, but only complementing it.
  • Suitable for light salads with sour cream dressing without adding mayonnaise.

The presence of fresh greens is necessary in the menu of every family that makes a choice in favor of proper nutrition. Rich in vitamins and microelements, iceberg will become not only a decoration, but also a useful component of low-calorie dishes.

In addition to its benefits, in some cases, salad can cause harm. You should absolutely not eat it if you have the following problems:

  • individual intolerance - some people may experience hypersensitivity to a particular substance in the iceberg, which manifests itself in the form of unpleasant bitterness in the mouth, stomach pain, colic, etc. In such cases, the product should be excluded from the diet and replaced with other types of salad;
  • acute form of colitis, gastritis or stomach ulcer;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Due to the low calorie content of salad, some women place excessive emphasis on it, coming up with new diets and fasting days on which they can only eat greens. This is the wrong approach to nutrition. You should not use iceberg as a substitute for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The diet should be balanced, with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You should buy only heads of cabbage without traces of rot or yellowness. If the lettuce leaves are pale or deformed, this indicates that the product has already partially lost its taste.

The lettuce may turn red when cut if metal knives are used for slicing. To prevent this from happening, it is better to tear the leaves for dishes by hand or use only ceramic knives for chopping.

At home, iceberg should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place at temperatures above 0 degrees. The average shelf life is 2 weeks. However, the longer the salad sits in the refrigerator, the faster it loses its beneficial properties, withers and becomes less crispy. Therefore, it is better to eat fresh heads of cabbage immediately. Be sure to wrap the salad tightly in cling film or place it in an airtight container - all these simple measures will extend the shelf life of the product.


The secret of the popularity of Iceberg lettuce is due to its excellent taste, high nutritional value and invaluable benefits for people. The most significant properties are in demand in official medicine, folk healing, and cosmetology. The benefits and harms of Iceberg lettuce have found their application in various areas of people's lives. Interest in this product is due to its unique chemical composition, characterized by a mass of biologically active substances.

The culture is a round head of cabbage that resembles white cabbage in appearance. Weight reaches 1 kg. The succulent leaves, painted in light green, attract attention. Valued for its taste, pleasant crunch when consumed and beneficial properties.

The energy value, balanced chemical composition, and small amount of calories in Iceberg lettuce, which cause benefits and harm, make it a universal remedy for the treatment of many diseases.

Energy ratio of proteins, fats and carbons of Iceberg lettuce:

The composition of the salad is so diverse that it can be called a source of biologically active substances. Contains vitamins and minerals important for humans, the main ones are presented in the table.

The benefits of Iceberg lettuce for the body are determined by the presence of natural substances in its composition that help maintain health for many years. They are effective helpers for many diseases. This is due to the fact that beneficial properties can:

  • increase immunity, strengthen resistance to colds and various infections;
  • strengthen the nervous system, helping with stress, relieving depression and emotional disorders;
  • reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis and heart disease;
  • positively affect visual acuity by stimulating visual neurons;
  • stimulate the removal of toxins, waste and other dangerous substances from the body;
  • energize and give a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Therefore, including this vegetable in the daily menu will help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

During pregnancy, it is important that a woman does not experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. Most often, there is an imbalance of folic acid, which is responsible for the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, gynecologists are in no hurry to prescribe pharmacy vitamin complexes, but advise including Iceberg lettuce in the diet menu of every pregnant woman, the beneficial properties of which are invaluable. In addition, cabbage is rich in vitamin A, C, iron, calcium, the benefits of which are in the prevention of birth defects in children.

It is recommended for nursing mothers to introduce it into the diet when the baby is 1 month old. To do this, a woman should try the vegetable in a small amount in the morning to see the baby’s reaction in the evening. If the baby does not develop a rash or other side effects, then it can be consumed within a day, but in a larger volume.

It is also recommended to drink a healing infusion prepared from the seeds of the culture, the beneficial properties of which will significantly increase lactation.

The health benefits and harms of Iceberg lettuce are determined by its chemical composition. Therefore, it can be used as an adjuvant treatment for certain diseases. Also, the product, in addition to its healing properties, can also cause harm - in this case, it is important to know what health problems you should not use it for.

In order not to cause harm, you need to approach menu planning for diabetes mellitus responsibly. Iceberg lettuce is one of the safest foods for this disease. It can not only diversify the menu, but significantly improve the patient’s well-being due to the presence of a number of useful substances.

People diagnosed with gout should be careful about eating this vegetable product. This is due to the fact that eating Iceberg lettuce is not recommended for this disease.

During acute inflammation of gastric diseases, use is strictly prohibited. In addition, the content of cabbage in the diet at this stage is limited. Only when diseases go into remission can the diet be diversified by including Iceberg cabbage, but in minimal quantities. In the future, you should monitor the body's reaction. It is important not to overuse the product for gastritis and pancreatitis.

In addition to its benefits, Iceberg lettuce can also cause harm. Contraindication for use:

  • individual intolerance to the components contained in cabbage;
  • acute form of colitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • colitis.

Also, excessive enthusiasm for the idea of ​​losing excess weight and eating vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner can cause harm to your health. It must be taken into account that the body needs adequate nutrition and not one product, no matter how useful, is not able to satisfy the needs.

The beneficial properties of Iceberg cabbage are widely used in folk medicine. This unique vegetable is endowed with a huge range of therapeutic and preventive effects, and therefore arouses interest among traditional healers, as it helps:

  • strengthen the body, restore weakened immunity;
  • relieve toothache;
  • eliminate diseases associated with the genitourinary system;
  • find peace of mind even after serious emotional stress;
  • ensure good health through quality sleep.

There are many recipes for decoctions and tinctures based on this vegetable. The main thing is not to self-medicate; before taking medications, you need to consult a specialist.

Regular consumption of Iceberg lettuce not only helps with a healing course for the whole body, but also maintains youth and beauty when using its beneficial properties for cosmetic purposes. Products based on the product:

  • will have a rejuvenating and tonic effect on any skin type;
  • restore the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis;
  • moisturize dry skin and maintain fat metabolism at the proper level;
  • slow down the aging process and smooth out minor wrinkles;
  • strengthen hair and give it natural shine and natural beauty;
  • eliminate dry scalp by moisturizing and enriching it with vitamins;
  • will prevent hair loss.

Lettuce can be consumed not only fresh, but also used as an ingredient for preparing all kinds of salads, by picking or cutting into small pieces.

A good solution for breakfast would be to cook Iceberg cabbage with chicken, since vegetable fiber is a source of vitamins, and proteins give strength to solve any everyday problems.

  • 5 sheets of iceberg lettuce;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • greenery.
  1. Boil the chicken fillet and add sour cream, set aside to cool. Then cut into cubes.
  2. Wash the vegetables, dry and cut into small pieces. Tear the cabbage into equal pieces. Cut the cheese into cubes.
  3. Stir all prepared ingredients with special care and season with sour cream, in which the fillet cooled, and add salt. Serve on a platter, piled up and garnished with herbs.

This dish should be consumed immediately after cooking, otherwise the Iceberg lettuce will lose its juiciness and will not be suitable for consumption.

This dish does not require much time and effort, but it has beneficial properties and a pleasant taste.

  • 2–6 iceberg lettuce leaves;
  • 150 g cherry;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2–3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt, pepper, depending on taste.
  1. Dry the washed iceberg lettuce leaves and tear them into small pieces.
  2. Divide the cherry tomatoes into two parts.
  3. Remove the seeds and stems from the pepper and chop into strips.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.
  5. Combine all prepared ingredients and mix.
  6. Season the vegetable mixture with salt and olive oil.
  7. Mix thoroughly again.

This light, pleasant culinary dish has a special piquant taste that comes from iceberg lettuce. Would be a good option for dinner.

To prepare you need:

  • 0.5 fork Iceberg lettuce;
  • 4 canned pineapple rings;
  • 1 tbsp. l. walnuts and sunflower seeds;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp. balsamic vinegar;
  • salt, pepper as desired.
  1. Toast nuts and sunflower seeds using a frying pan.
  2. Dry the washed Iceberg lettuce with a towel and tear into small pieces with your hands.
  3. Cut the pineapples into small pieces.
  4. Combine the prepared main ingredient with pineapple, add salt, pepper, vinegar and season with vegetable oil.
  5. Place the prepared mass on a flat dish and, sprinkle with roasted nuts and seeds, serve.

In order for the taste to be pleasant and the benefits of Iceberg cabbage to be maximum, it is important to choose the right product. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the density. If the leaves are pressed tightly against each other, this indicates that the vegetable was removed from the garden bed too late. And the loose arrangement indicates the immaturity of the Iceberg lettuce. Also, you should not opt ​​for heads of cabbage that have yellowed and limp leaves.

Iceberg lettuce cannot be stored for a long time, so it is better to eat it immediately after purchase. It quickly loses its characteristic crunch and begins to fade.

One way to preserve the product longer is to cut it into pieces of the required size and place them in containers made of glass or plastic. Then move to a cool place.

The vegetable can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. At higher temperatures, no more than 2 days.

The benefits and harms of Iceberg lettuce lie in its beneficial effect on human health, since the vegetable is able to enrich the body with a mass of biologically active substances necessary for life. Therefore, lovers of this vegetable have good health, peace of mind and a beautiful, slender figure.


Salad recipes for patients with pancreatitis

Using the recipes below, patients with pancreatitis will expand their menu without deviating from their diet.

The vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is one of the traditional and favorite salads on the Russian table. A dish prepared according to the classic recipe, with sauerkraut and pickles, is prohibited for a patient with pancreatitis; acidic foods are contraindicated for an inflamed pancreas.

It is permissible to prepare a dietary option that will not harm. Take potatoes, carrots and beets in approximately the same quantities; the vegetables will need to be washed well and boiled with the skins on. The finished products are cooled, cut into cubes, mixed and seasoned with vegetable oil. You can eat this vinaigrette for pancreatitis without fear of exacerbation!


The favorite salad that is usually prepared for the festive table is Olivier. The dish is prepared taking into account the specific diet: boil eggs, chicken breast, potatoes and carrots in their skins, cool. We peel the eggs, separate the yolk, it cannot be added to the salad. We clean the vegetables, cut the ingredients into cubes, mix, season with low-fat sour cream. Chicken breast is replaced with other permitted boiled meat. This permitted version of Olivier is not inferior to the original!

Beet salad

Beets are considered a healthy vegetable; a diet for pancreatitis does not exclude the root vegetable, but due to the high fiber content, the vegetable can only be consumed in its finished form. The recommended heat treatment time (cooking or baking) is at least two hours.

To prepare the salad, the finished beets are chopped on a fine grater and seasoned with low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil. The product goes well with boiled carrots; a salad of two vegetables is prepared according to a similar principle. Mayonnaise, lemon juice, vinegar, and hot seasonings are prohibited.

Diet "Mimosa"

Traditional Mimosa is made from canned fish, potatoes, carrots, eggs, onions, cheese and mayonnaise. Unfortunately, in this form the salad contains a number of prohibited ingredients. To “adapt” the dish for a patient with pancreatitis, replace canned food with boiled low-fat sea fish (for example, pollock), remove onions, cheese, yolks, and use light sour cream instead of mayonnaise. It turns out to be a dietary, healthy and satisfying salad.

Apple and carrot salad

Apple-carrot salad is an excellent option for a vitamin dessert for pancreatic diseases. Easy and simple to prepare. The carrots will need to be boiled, cooled, peeled and grated. Peel the fresh apple, chop it with a grater, and add it to the carrots. You can top the salad with light natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Fruit salad

A tasty and healthy salad is made from banana, peach and steamed pumpkin. Grind the ingredients and mix, flavor with light yogurt.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

The diet for chronic pancreatitis is not always the same length. It is adjusted taking into account alternating phases of improvement and deterioration of the patient’s condition, as well as periods of “rest” when problems temporarily disappear. Chronic pancreatitis is not a rare disease. Less commonly, the part of the pancreas that produces insulin is affected, causing the person to develop symptoms of diabetes, or stones begin to form in the ducts, preventing the flow of pancreatic juices.

Basics of a gentle diet

In the diet for pancreatitis, the fat content of the diet is 60 g per day. The amount of animal fats is significantly reduced; fats containing unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6, are recommended. These fats are predominantly of plant origin. From animal fats, butter containing MCT fats (medium-chain triglycerides), which are more easily absorbed by the body, is suitable.

Another important recommendation in following this food plan is to avoid foods prepared during the fat burning process. Fat-containing foods such as mayonnaise, sausages, fatty meat and milk are also limited.

The use of hot spices and alcohol is strictly prohibited. Products that put pressure on organs located in the abdominal cavity due to causing flatulence are also not suitable.

It is very important to prepare soft meals, eat little but more often, and chew food well.

For chronic pancreatitis, the diet involves reducing or eliminating coffee and strong tea.

With chronic pancreatic diseases, there is often a need to maintain these dietary changes for many years. Thus, a person is often at risk of malnutrition due to an unbalanced ratio of essential nutrients in the diet.

The diet should be individually adapted to the patient's current condition. The treatment plan should be agreed upon with your doctor and nutritionist. This is the only way that dietary changes will not cause problems and will meet the specific nutritional needs of the patient.

Sample diet menu for a week

For a better overview, consider a sample diet menu for chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas. Use it as an example only, follow your doctor's advice.

1 day:

  • Breakfast: stale bread with margarine and honey.
  • Afternoon snack #1: fruit snack.
  • Lunch: pork medallions with mashed potatoes and stewed peas.
  • Afternoon snack No. 2: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: Milanese risotto with chicken pieces.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge.
  • Afternoon snack #1: banana.
  • Lunch: chicken fillet with steamed rice.
  • Snack #2: stale bread with tuna and celery.
  • Dinner: pumpkin soup with croutons.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: stale bread with a slice of lean ham.
  • Afternoon snack No. 1: grape juice.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese-spinach dumplings.
  • Afternoon snack No. 2: low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: thick carrot soup.

Day 4:

  • Breakfast: rice pudding with fruit juice.
  • Afternoon snack No. 1: apple.
  • Lunch: chicken legs with couscous and sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack No. 2: beet salad with cheese.
  • Dinner: potato salad with celery.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast: Sweet couscous with mango.
  • Snack #1: Banana with maple syrup.
  • Lunch: tuna salad with lentils.
  • Afternoon snack No. 2: buttermilk, kefir or acidophilus milk.
  • Dinner: steamed salmon steak, pea puree.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: light pancakes.
  • Afternoon snack No. 1: fruit salad from different fruits - orange, apple, banana, peach, tangerine.
  • Lunch: turkey breast with peaches, mashed potatoes, stewed carrots.
  • Afternoon snack No. 2: low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: tomato soup with rice.

Day 7:

  • Breakfast: stale bread with lean ham.
  • Afternoon snack No. 1: orange.
  • Lunch: beef roll and rice.
  • Afternoon snack No. 2: apple pie.
  • Dinner: beet salad seasoned with fennel.

General recommendations

Proper preparation of a variety of salads for pancreatitis will diversify the patient’s diet, speed up the healing process and replenish the body with nutrients.

You cannot limit your diet only to salads; it is important to remember that dietary food must remain varied and complete. Like other dishes, salads should not be eaten hot or too cold; portions should be small and meals should be frequent.

Let us remember that pancreatitis is a serious disease that requires correct treatment, including proper nutrition. Such a diagnosis cannot be made independently, since the symptoms are similar to other pathologies of the digestive tract. This indicates that when signs of the disease appear, you need to contact a gastroenterologist, who, with the help of medical manipulations, will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy. You should not prescribe a diet for yourself and arbitrarily decide whether certain foods are allowed to be consumed - such issues are within the competence of the doctor.

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