Is it possible to eat prunes with gastritis of the stomach or not?

The benefits of dried apricots

This is a dried apricot with the pits removed. Even in dried form, this product retains its beneficial properties. He has:

  • potassium;
  • sucrose;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt.

In terms of inclusion of carotene, dried apricots are not inferior to the yolk of a chicken egg. Dried apricots for gastritis are useful during the period when there is no exacerbation. Thanks to this, harmful components are removed from the body. The advantage of dried fruits is that they serve as a substitute for sweets.

Experts recommend eating dried apricots during fasting days. The reason for this is the presence of many vitamins and macroelements. You just need to consume the product in moderation, do not overeat, and then there will be no harm to the body.

The benefits of prunes for gastritis

The properties and effects of the berry on the body directly depend on the processing and method of consumption. The article discusses aspects of the effect of the berry on the body during gastritis, and whether it is permissible to consume prunes in a certain form of the disease.

Effect on the gastric mucosa

The product contains a huge amount of antioxidants that prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. The substances contained in prunes help restore damaged epithelial cells. But a decoction or uzvar of prunes, dried apricots, and raisins increases appetite, which is useful for atrophic gastritis with reduced secretion.

Effect on the intestines

Prunes have a mild laxative effect. The natural property is useful for gastritis, a disease characterized by frequent constipation.

Impact on the body

  1. Biologically active substances filling the product increase the performance and tone of the body. The phenomenon is relevant for chronic gastritis, when symptoms include increased fatigue, lethargy and decreased performance.
  2. A useful property of the berry is maintaining acid-base balance in the body.
  3. Ascorbic acid in berries increases the body's immunity and resistance to infectious diseases.

Impact on the oral cavity

A common cause of gastritis is an infectious factor. Prunes have a pronounced antimicrobial effect and heal the mucous membrane.

Prevention of cancer pathology

A number of doctors recommend using the product to prevent cancer. Gastritis and gastric ulcers are often complicated by a malignant process; eating prunes will serve as a preventive measure.

The antitumor effect is due to the antioxidants contained in prunes. Additionally, the berry cleanses the intestines and removes toxic products from the body.


But dried apricot can also be harmful to health. It may be an allergen that causes gastritis. In case of exacerbations, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most experts believe that dried apricots for gastritis can be dangerous during an exacerbation, so during these periods it should be abandoned.

Dried fruits purchased from the market are usually treated with harsh chemicals. Acids located on the surface of dried fruit lead to complications of gastritis. Dried apricots should not be eaten on an empty stomach. You can prevent complications if you eat no more than 3 fruits at a time.

Dates for illness

Dates for gastritis are best consumed as part of salads, decoctions and baked goods, approved by the doctor. Eating dried dates is also allowed, but only 15 minutes before meals and no more than 50 grams per day. About a month after starting this treatment, the patient will feel that his health has improved.

Dried dates are easily digestible. But in some cases, the doctor may prohibit consuming them if the pathology is accompanied by high acidity.

Consumption of dried fruits

Dried fruits for gastritis are rough and provoking foods that increase acidity. This causes inflammation. Therefore, dried apricots for gastritis with high acidity will not be useful for everyone; it can only be used by those who have been given permission by their attending physician. In the hypoacid form, dried fruits should not be consumed due to the risk of damage to the walls of the organ. But these products can be eaten not in their pure form, but as compotes. Although this drink is allowed with the consent of a doctor.

Compote has a moderate astringent effect, which is good for gastritis with high acidity. But the drink is a little sour, and therefore it can be consumed in a hypoacid form. The properties of the compote depend on the composition of the dried fruit mixture. In order for it to have an astringent effect, you need to add pears, plums, and quince to it.

What fruits can you eat if you have gastritis?

Organic acids contained in fruits maintain the acid-base balance and improve the body's metabolic processes. An alkaline environment helps improve the functioning of damaged stomach cells. The benefit or harm of a particular fruit must be determined based on its properties in raw or processed form (heat treatment).

Fruits for gastritis with high acidity


Bananas are fruits containing many useful substances: calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B3, beta-carotene, lysine, tryptophan, methionine, ascorbic acid.

Gastritis and bananas go “hand in hand”, as they are in first place on the list of recommended fruits for this disease of the digestive tract.

Due to their high starch content, bananas have a coating and softening effect on the gastric mucosa. The only caution is to avoid overeating, chew thoroughly, or grind to a puree before use. Bananas are allowed both for gastritis with high acidity and with low acidity. But it is necessary to exclude unripe and overripe (brown) fruits.


Persimmon is rich in beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium.

Consumption is permitted only for ripe bright orange fruits of a non-astringent variety. Unripe persimmons with an astringent taste can lead to gastrointestinal disorders.


Pear is a tasty fruit containing vitamins, microelements, and fatty acids. Is it possible to eat a pear for gastritis? - Yes! After all, the fruit has an antibacterial effect. But, it is important to take into account that the structure of the pear consists of coarse dietary fiber, which can harm the inflamed gastric mucosa. Therefore, for gastritis with high acidity, it should be consumed purified in the form of puree, in moderation and preferably not on an empty stomach.


Avocado appeared not so long ago, but quickly won the love of gourmets. It is rich in vitamins (including vitamin E) and minerals, but the peel and pit of the fruit contain a peroxide toxin that is dangerous to humans. Therefore, it is consumed only when ripe, peeled and with the pulp cut out in the area where the seed was located, and in a puree state.

Avocado is actively used for gastritis. Healthy products and dishes are prepared from it, especially oil, which is recommended not only for gastritis, but even for stomach and duodenal ulcers.


A very ancient plant, the fruits of which are healthy and pleasant to the taste. Paradoxically, dried figs contain more protein, glucose, and fructose than fresh ones. It is also rich in vitamins A, C, B-group. Its potassium content is second only to nuts, and it contains more iron than apples.

Figs for gastritis due to their rough skin and dense structure are contraindicated in both fresh and dried form. But for the benefit of the body, it can be added to dried fruit compote.

A pineapple

Pineapple contains biologically active substances, which makes it a valuable product. Doctors recommend pineapple for problems with the digestive system.

With high acidity, it is allowed to include fresh pineapple in the diet in moderation.

The benefit of this fruit lies in the presence of alkali, which neutralizes the effect of acid on the gastric mucosa.


Feijoa fruits have not yet become as widespread as, for example, kiwi, but you should not miss it from the list of fruits indicated for gastritis. Travelers to Southeast Asia will 100% be able to find this fruit, since it is not seasonal, but year-round.

The high content of iodine, organic acids, and sugar makes the fruit a dietary product and is recommended not only for gastritis, but also for ulcers and colitis.


Plum is known for its abundance of useful substances:

  • trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, iodine, etc.);
  • vitamins E, A, C, B-group;
  • organic acids.

Many of its properties are not lost during processing. This allows the fruit to be used for medicinal purposes, including restoring the acid-base balance of the body, and for certain diseases of the intestines and liver. In the case of gastritis with high acidity, ripe and sweet varieties of plums can be consumed in large quantities (without overeating), which will not cause harm to health. It is also recommended to drink jelly and diluted plum juices.

Contraindications for high acidity

Contraindications to consuming fresh fruits with high acidity are during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Acute gastritis excludes raw fruits to reduce stimulation of hydrochloric acid production and further damage to the stomach walls.

Fruits that have been heat-treated and crushed (baked apples, jellies, jelly, mousses) can be used for acute gastritis.

With gastritis with high acidity, sour fruits with a high content of organic acids and fiber without restrictions on consumption, without taking into account the time of consumption (before or after meals) can be harmful.

Fruits for gastritis with low acidity


They are a real storehouse of vitamins A, C, E, K, B, and microelements (iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, etc.).

Apples for gastritis are in the top five recommended fruits. With low acidity - the best remedy for treatment, however, they are not excluded from the diet for gastritis with high acidity.

Fruits should be selected from a sweet variety, peeled and heat-treated.

There are many recipes for making apple jelly, puree, compotes with added sugar and honey. Baked apples are very useful. They do not cause fermentation in the intestines, therefore they are recommended in the diet in the postoperative period, to eliminate dysbacteriosis, and to reduce cholesterol levels. Additionally, baked apples make a delicious dessert if you use honey and cinnamon when baking.


The beneficial properties of pomegranate have been known for a long time: it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the nervous system. All thanks to the large amount of vitamins, minerals, and microelements. Only the amino acids from which protein is synthesized account for up to 15 pieces.

If you have gastritis, consuming pomegranate fresh is strictly prohibited. However, pomegranate juice is indicated once a week for low acidity. Use of pomegranate juice should be done with caution. If discomfort occurs after use, it should be diluted with water or eliminated altogether.


Tangerines are a family of citrus fruits that contain many elements of the periodic table, as well as vitamins, essential oils, and organic acids. The latter elements are an undesirable factor in the case of gastritis with high acidity, since they can lead to an even higher content of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

There are sour and sweet varieties of tangerine. Sour fruits are contraindicated, but several sweet fruits can be eaten after meals as a dessert.


Apricots are indicated for gastritis with low acidity, but in moderation.

With high acidity - strictly prohibited.

Making compote

Compote of dried apricots for gastritis will be a healthy drink. Dried fruits must be washed and then cut or minced through a meat grinder. The compote does not injure the walls of the stomach and at the same time retains the benefits of the product.

Dried apricots should be used with pears. These fruits will make the drink sweet. The fruit must be boiled, after which the drink should stand for a while. If desired, you can add honey (1 spoon). The resulting drink is tasty and healthy. Dried apricots and prunes can be used for gastritis. These dried fruits also make a wonderful drink.


It is useful to drink compote made from dried fruits. It is necessary to pre-soak the raw materials in cold water for 2 hours.

Take half a kilo of dried apple and pear fruits, which are filled with 3 liters of water. Sugar is added for taste, but the finished compote should not be too sweet, otherwise the drink will irritate the mucous membranes. Usually the recipe states that 120 g of sugar is enough for 3 liters of compote. You don’t have to eat fruit from the drink.

After cooking, you need to keep the compote covered for 3-6 hours so that it cools and infuses. It is strictly forbidden to drink a hot drink if you have gastritis.

This drink is useful for pregnant women and children from one year of age, if there are no contraindications for use.

Video program on how to properly cook dried fruit compote:

Gastritis requires serious dietary restrictions that must be observed. Then the likelihood of complications will be minimal, as will the frequency of relapses.

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Action of dried apricots

If you eat dried apricots every day, without exceeding the norm, then it will be useful. Regular consumption of this dried fruit improves:

  1. Work of the heart and blood vessels. Those suffering from heart disease receive potassium and magnesium necessary for the heart muscle.
  2. State of the digestive system. Dried apricot is recommended for constipation. In case of such a problem, 5 dried fruits should be washed, brewed with boiling water overnight, and in the morning, eat the fruits and drink the infusion. This treatment restores intestinal function within a month.
  3. Kidney function. An infusion of dried apricots removes excess fluid from the body, but compared to diuretics it does not deprive it of valuable components.
  4. Vision. Carotene in dried apricots is useful for ophthalmic ailments.

Dried apricots serve as cancer prevention. The microelements they contain improve the body's resistance and prevent cancer cells from developing. This product increases the number of blood cells, so it is recommended for those with low hemoglobin. The healing effect of dried apricot increases if consumed with other dried fruits.

Beneficial properties of prunes

Prunes have a balanced chemical composition, which explains their beneficial effect on metabolism in general. The large amount of antioxidants in the product contributes to overall health.

Due to the presence of carotene in its composition, it is recommended to consume prunes to strengthen vision function. Dried fruits, when consumed regularly, have a number of beneficial effects on the body. In particular, the following can be said about prunes:

  • Antimicrobial properties allow you to successfully fight pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of prescribed medications is significantly increased.
  • The product normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and stabilizing blood pressure.
  • Berries improve intestinal motility and prevent constipation.

What dried fruits are still allowed?

In addition to dried apricots, you can include raisins in your diet, which allows you to get rid of painful sensations and irritations that occur in patients with gastritis. Raisins contain proteins, fiber, and vitamins. The acid contained in the composition stops the proliferation of some bacteria. But the product sold in stores and markets is contaminated. Such raisins can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. To prevent this, dried fruits need to be washed and filled with kefir.

For gastritis, dates are recommended to be added to salads, decoctions, and baked goods, if permitted by a doctor. If you consume them in dry form, then it is advisable to eat no more than 50 g 15 minutes before meals. After about a month, the person feels improved health.

Figs are useful for gastritis, as they contain many vitamins and microelements. The fruits are rich in properties, so they are used to treat various diseases of the digestive system. These dried fruits contain fiber, which is needed to remove toxins and other harmful components from the body. With regular consumption of fruits, a person’s digestive system is restored.

It is recommended to consume prunes for gastritis only during the period of remission. The product improves immunity. 30 g of this tasty and healthy dried fruit is considered the norm per day. But if the measure is exceeded, stomach pain and heartburn may appear.

How to eat prunes

Only a doctor should decide whether dried apricots can be used for gastritis, as well as a number of other dried fruits, after assessing the patient’s condition. Most often, the attending physician gives recommendations regarding the specifics of administration or completely excludes the product. Another way to consume dried fruit is proposed - to prepare a decoction.

Boiled rice with uzvar for gastritis

To prepare it, add washed prunes, dried apricots, and raisins to boiling water in the following proportions (3:2:1). This mixture should be infused under a closed lid for 4 hours. At this time, you should boil the rice, and then pour in the strained broth. The essence of this recipe is that it allows you to get all the valuable substances without danger to health.

Dried fruit compote for gastritis

Another option is dried fruit compote. This is what the doctor recommends most often when a patient asks him whether figs are ok for gastritis.

This is uzvar with a specific tart taste, which can be brightened up by adding a little sugar to it.

To prepare the compote, pour 100 grams of prunes and 30 grams of dry figs with hot water. Let them sit with the lid closed for an hour, then drain the water. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water, add 500 ml of water and boil for 20 minutes. over low heat. Sugar should not be added to such a decoction, so as not to provoke an increase in acidity levels. You can not only drink uzvar, but also eat boiled berries, which do not pose any threat to health.

Prunes with yogurt or kefir for gastritis

This is a recipe that will help prevent constipation. For preparation, you should not choose sour kefir, but the recipe itself is quite simple:

  • Pour boiling water over prunes for 2 hours,
  • Drain the water, rinse the fruits,
  • Finely chop the steamed prunes, and then add them to yogurt or kefir.

It is recommended to consume it in the evening, which will make it possible to restore the intestinal microflora.

Prunes with beets

Prunes should be soaked in hot water for 2 hours, while the beets should be boiled. Peel the beet and grate using a coarse grater. Wash the softened prunes and chop them finely, then mix with the beets. You can add olive oil to this salad to taste. Salt and spices and seasonings are not used.

Prune jelly for gastritis

It is healthy and nutritious, and to prepare it you need to rinse and boil for 15 minutes. 200 grams of prunes in 500 ml of water. Grind the fruits with the broth in a blender and then return to the heat. In a separate glass, dilute 1.5 tbsp. l. starch, mix it thoroughly (use warm or cold water for dilution). Pour the resulting mixture into the prunes gradually, stirring constantly until thickened. Drink jelly only chilled.

Prunes with walnuts

Pour boiling water over the fruits and let them sit for at least 1–2 hours, after which they can be washed. For cooking, use only peeled nuts, which are then crushed in a mortar and then mixed with a few drops of liquid honey. The resulting mass can be used to slightly fill the prunes, but such sweetness cannot be consumed in large quantities. In an acute state, it is not recommended to eat such a dish; in a state of remission, 3-5 pieces are allowed. You can store ready-to-eat prunes in the refrigerator.

Selection of dried fruits

There are several tips to help you choose high-quality dried fruits that are suitable for consumption in their pure form and for making compotes:

  1. The fruits must be whole.
  2. You should not choose products that are rotten or damaged.
  3. Dried fruits should not be too fatty. By their appearance, it can be determined that they have been treated with glycerin or another fatty substance.
  4. Dried fruits cannot retain their appearance for long. If such were found, then they were subjected to heat treatment. Fruits dried naturally after some time become gray or take on a dark shade.

For nutrition and treatment, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality dried fruits. Is it possible to use them for gastritis? It is better to consult your doctor. Perhaps in some cases he will allow you to include this product in your diet.

About the benefits of prunes

Prunes are usually called plums that have been processed in a special way. Although the delicacy is classified as a dried fruit, it is actually prepared by smoking. The fruits have a rich sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

The composition of prunes includes the following components:

  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • vitamins from group B,
  • antioxidants (tocopherol and ascorbic acid),
  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • natural sugars (glucose and fructose),
  • alimentary fiber.

The fruit also contains citric, oxalic and malic acid. These substances stimulate the production of gastric juice .

Eating prunes improves digestion and gets rid of toxins and excess fluid. Antioxidants stimulate the regeneration of new cells, rejuvenating the body.

Prunes are endowed with choleretic properties. Regular inclusion of these dried fruits in the diet makes it easier to endure viral and colds, since it stimulates the immune system.

If you consume only 30 g (5-6 pieces) of dried fruits per day, prunes will be useful. But by consuming the product indefinitely, you can provoke the appearance of painful sensations in the stomach, as well as heartburn.

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