Oat decoction for pancreatitis: recipes and methods of preparation. How to properly brew oats for pancreatitis.

m Numerous diseases associated with metabolic disorders have similar symptoms:

  • bloating,
  • bitter taste in the mouth,
  • nausea,
  • stool retention,
  • pain in right side.

Often, people attribute them to liver problems and look for ways to self-treat. This approach is erroneous, since similar symptoms can be caused by diseases of the pancreas. Violations in its work can lead to a number of negative consequences.

It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to find out at what stage the disease is. Lack of timely treatment or an error in choosing a method can significantly complicate the problem. In addition to classical medical techniques, there are a number of alternative options.

For example, oats are used in the initial stages of the disease to eliminate inflammatory processes and normalize the condition of the pancreas. The article will describe folk recipes tested in practice.

How to use oats for treatment?

Medical science has recognized the healing effects that oats have. For best results, use unprocessed grains; they act as strong antioxidants, cleanse the liver and protect the digestive system. In our country, oats are not quite popular, since many are not aware of its beneficial properties. Treatment with oatmeal infusion has been used since ancient times.

This product regulates the acid balance in the body. There are many ways to consume it: boiled or raw, as well as with the addition of milk or water. A full breakfast will add energy and saturate the body with essential substances. To add different flavors, in the absence of contraindications, the addition of honey, nuts, berries and various syrups is allowed. Ancient recipes talk about treatment with oat decoction, which is quite easy to prepare at home.

How to properly treat the liver and pancreas with oats?

Treatment of the liver and pancreas with oats is carried out using infusions, decoctions and other dishes (including jelly, kvass, oat milk, etc.). With regular consumption of oat product, it helps to completely eliminate the symptoms of inflammation in the initial stages of pancreatitis. Oats are useful for the liver in that it reduces the effects of alcohol on the organ, normalizes functions and supports a number of diseases (for example, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver). But in order for the therapeutic effect to last for a long time, oats must be brewed and consumed correctly.

Benefits of oats

The cereal is used in the treatment of diseases of the pancreas due to its enveloping and cleansing effect. This culture is a good absorbent, it is recommended to be used for weight loss, and it demonstrates its effectiveness in the fight against inflammatory diseases. Gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body, as well as many toxins and heavy metals.

Therapy for diseases of the pancreas and pancreatitis using oats shows quite positive dynamics. This can be interpreted as the presence of important enzymes and beneficial components in the grains that promote optimal nutrient absorption. Oatmeal contains amino acids, minerals, starchy compounds and a number of vitamins that are necessary for the body to function as efficiently as possible.

Medicines from this plant strengthen the immune system, suppress the development of inflammation, and correct metabolic processes. The multifunctionality of the cereal lies in the fact that it is able to heal several systems at once (digestive, cardiac and nervous).

How to brew

Herbalists know how to properly brew oats to treat the pancreas. A prerequisite is to use only unrefined grains, since the husk also contains many useful substances. A person treating the pancreas with oats also needs to know that different recipes are used for different forms of inflammation.

In the acute form or exacerbation of pancreatitis, when the gland is destroyed, complete fasting is prescribed for a day, and then a strict diet. In this case, oats for pancreatitis of the pancreas replace many dishes and also serve as a good pain reliever. The grain contains a large amount of protein, healthy carbohydrates, and fats.

In case of chronic disease, the plant has a preventive effect. A course of herbal remedies with this grain reduces the frequency of exacerbations, normalizes pancreatic function, and helps get rid of inflammation.

In order for the grain to fully release all its beneficial substances, it needs to be soaked for a long time. Therefore, it is better to prepare all products in the evening to use in the morning.

soaking oats

We wash the unrefined raw materials (a large spoon per liter of water) and grind them in a coffee grinder. Place in a thermos and fill with boiling water. We wait for the solution to cool, take three hundred grams per day - strictly before meals.

Preparation for use

To prepare your own medicinal preparations, you should buy unprocessed oat seeds grown naturally. Next, they need to be washed with cold water, dried and low-quality grains removed. Hercules and oatmeal are not used for such purposes.

In the acute stage

In the presence of an acute stage of pancreatitis, it is undesirable to treat with oat decoctions due to the presence of a choleretic effect. An exception may be medical permission and regular monitoring by a doctor. It is only allowed to eat oatmeal in water without adding salt and sugar, as well as soup and jelly.

Oats in the acute period and between exacerbations of pancreatitis

It is necessary to use oats for pancreatitis of the pancreas at the acute stage. During this period, you need to adhere to a strict diet, eliminating virtually any food.

Hunger will become one of the main prescriptions during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. And if food is allowed, it is possible to use limited varieties of products.

And in this case, liquid oat porridge with water will be the optimal solution. It will make it possible to get rid of inflammation, calm the pancreas and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Other benefits of cereal include:

  • increased protein concentration;
  • quickly processed vegetable fats;
  • counteracting aggressive microorganisms;
  • presence of antioxidants.

Only oats have protein, which contains a large amount of amino acids involved in its processing by the body.

Oatmeal prevents the functioning of aggressive enzymes, thereby preventing necrosis of gland cells and helps restore the mucous membrane. Antioxidants remove inflammation inside the pancreas.

If the attack was stopped, the patient is prescribed porridge made from oatmeal or pureed flakes.

On the first day, it is forbidden to add salt, sugar and milk. When a person begins to recover, later it is permissible to add a small piece of butter to the diet, but only before serving. The food itself will remain in a semi-liquid form.

Then from such flour it is possible to make steamed puddings, soufflés and soups. During the recovery period, porridge with skim milk is added to the menu.

For preventive purposes, an attack of pancreatitis during the remission stage, dietary nutrition is also necessary.

The patient’s task at this stage will be to prevent a secondary exacerbation, and for these purposes, oat therapy should not be stopped.

It is acceptable to eat ordinary whole grain porridge, add oatmeal to cutlets, and drink cereal jelly.

A good dessert is freshly baked oatmeal cookies, which can be washed down with rosehip infusion or unsweetened tea.

In the acute phase, the diet is prescribed by a doctor. After forced therapeutic fasting, you can eat liquid grated oatmeal in water without sugar. After a few days, stop grinding the porridge and add a little butter.

In the chronic form, it is recommended to take porridge, soups, and oatmeal casseroles.

Oatmeal cookies with rosehip infusion or weak unsweetened tea will be beneficial.

Recipes for treatment


Prepared from a glass of oat seeds and 1 liter of milk. The mixture is cooked for 3 hours over low heat or in the oven. Separate the pulp and filter. The finished liquid must be mixed with a milk solution.

Oat milk

The most optimal treatment, but at the same time difficult to prepare. One hundred grams of unpeeled seeds, rinse and add 1.5 liters of water. Then the liquid must be boiled on the stove for 1 hour. After half an hour, grind the grains directly into the container. Next, cook for another 20 minutes. Strain the prepared liquid. Drink half a glass three times a day. Oat milk should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days. Oatmeal mixture for treating the pancreas in this form produces the greatest anti-inflammatory effect.

Decoction No. 1

This decoction is best used during the rehabilitation period after the completion of the next relapse of the disease.


Transfer half a glass of washed seeds into a metal container and brew half a liter of boiling water. Cook the oats over low heat for 20 minutes. Pour the prepared liquid into a thermos and leave for 8 hours. Then strain and take 30 minutes before meals.

Decoction No. 2

When free time is limited, another method is used. 1 tablespoon of seeds is crushed and poured with boiling water (0.2 l). Leave for 40 minutes. Strain and squeeze. Drink half an hour before meals.

Rules for use for pancreatitis

At the first manifestations of pancreatitis, to stop the inflammatory process, 1 tsp. The soaked and dried grain is ground into flour, diluted in a glass of boiling water, and heated over low heat for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled to a warm state, take it on an empty stomach once a day.

In the acute phase, take a tablespoon of flour per glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for several minutes, then left for 1 hour. Consume warm 30 minutes before meals once a day. A fresh decoction is prepared every day.

To stimulate healing processes when leaving the acute phase, 3 cups of soaked grain and 3 cups of boiling water are boiled for 3 hours over low heat. After this, the broth is filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Take half a glass warm in the morning and evening 60 minutes before meals.

Chemical composition of seeds

The cereal contains the following useful components:

  • B1-B9. These elements take part in chemical processes, normalize metabolism, regulate the production of enzymes, and reduce the characteristic symptoms of the disease.
  • E. This component has antioxidant properties and promotes the process of neutralizing toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract, which are formed during diseases of the digestive organs. In addition, vitamin E reduces the level of inflammatory manifestations.
  • RR. This agricultural crop is of great importance in the process of restoring the functional state of the pancreas, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and saturates the tissues with nutrients.

Phosphorus, magnesium and potassium take an active part in the chemical processes occurring in the body. It follows that the use of oats for problems with the pancreas produces a general effect:

  • digestion is normalized,
  • inflammation is relieved,
  • regeneration is accelerated.


Pancreatitis is often accompanied by the development of cholecystitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by deterioration of its motility and problems with the outflow of bile.

If you have a pathology, you should definitely consult a doctor before consuming oat dishes. It is worth considering that cereal has a choleretic effect. To avoid complications, the dosage should be selected by a specialist.

Oats are a healthy product that can be consumed for pancreatitis. There are many healing remedies based on this cereal. To cope with the symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas, you need to choose the right medicinal composition and follow the rules for its use.


Useful properties of oat products

The plant contains many trace elements and vitamins that help normalize the functions of the human body. Oats are especially good at treating gastrointestinal diseases, as they have the following properties:

  1. The components contained in the plant suppress the inflammatory process.
  2. This product contains an enzyme that promotes better absorption of carbohydrates by the human body.
  3. The cereal contains magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, which makes it possible to use oats to eliminate problems in these systems of the human body.
  4. The presence of potassium, silicon and phosphorus in the cereal helps strengthen the patient’s immunity, which contributes to the patient’s rapid recovery.

Traditional medicine suggests using oat decoction for pancreatitis as an alternative to drug treatment. But to use the product, you must undergo an examination for the absence of contraindications and allergies to oats, and also consult a doctor about the doses of the decoction used in the treatment of the liver or pancreas. Decoctions from this cereal can also be used to treat any type of poisoning, eliminate symptoms of peptic ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems. If you regularly consume the plant in the form of porridge (Hercules) or oatmeal cookies, then the body’s resistance to various diseases sharply increases.

Important information: Causes and treatment of polyps in the pancreas

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