How to properly prepare dietary soups that are useful for gastritis: recipes

Every second person has encountered gastrointestinal diseases in his life. A complex of inflammatory pathogenic processes in the stomach, leading to improper functioning of the digestive system, is called gastritis. There are many symptoms of the disease, but most often the only cause is poor nutrition. Eating unhealthy food, alcohol, and an uneven diet provokes the disease, causing chronic gastritis.

There are medications that relieve attacks of pain, but the only way to forget about gastritis forever is proper nutrition. If the disease has become chronic, a special diet is followed to prevent exacerbations and complications in the future.

How to eat properly with gastritis

For diseases of the digestive system, there are nutritional rules, the implementation of which alleviates the condition.

  1. You need to eat small portions 5 times a day. It is difficult for a sick stomach to digest large amounts of food.
  2. It is advisable that the food be prepared as a puree. It is necessary to chew food thoroughly so as not to damage the inflamed walls of the stomach.
  3. Food is provided warm or at room temperature. Cold and hot foods will negatively affect the condition of the stomach, exacerbating the disease.
  4. Spicy, salty, smoked foods, homemade snacks and store-bought canned food are excluded.

What to eat is strictly prohibited

Gastritis is a disease that affects the mucous membrane of organs that are actively involved in the digestive process. Therefore, it is recommended to select food most carefully. And since this article was about first courses that can be prepared and eaten by people with gastritis, it would not be superfluous to talk about how not to cook and which soups are prohibited.

You should not overcook soups during the cooking process so that the vitamins from the ingredients do not disappear. The broth should not be too rich and greasy. Under no circumstances should you add lard to the broth.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to add peas to first courses. As is known, legumes provoke flatulence and in some cases can only aggravate the patient’s condition. Therefore, adding it in large quantities to soups is not recommended.

You should not use flour in the form in which it was brought from the store when preparing first courses. If the recipe calls for its use, then first it needs to be sautéed in oil and then dried a little.

It is strictly forbidden to add salt in large quantities, hot spices, and mushrooms to soups.

It is recommended to consume cooked soups warm, but in no case hot, so as not to cause even more damage to your gastric mucosa.

Recommendations for preparing first courses

Soups for gastritis should be present in the diet daily. The broth gently envelops the inflamed walls of the stomach and stimulates the production of gastric secretions.

Diet soup for gastritis is prepared according to the following rules:

  1. The broth should not be rich. It is diluted or drained. The second is even preferable. During cooking, harmful substances contained in meat are released, which negatively affect the stomach. It is better to cook soups in the second or third broth.
  2. The meat is lean. You cannot cook soup on bones. Lean beef, rabbit, chicken or turkey, and low-fat fish are suitable.
  3. You should not overcook vegetables, avoiding loss of vitamins. Apart from satiation, such food does not bring any benefit. Vitamins are necessary to restore the body.
  4. Avoid seasonings and spices.
  5. Frying in soups is not recommended.

What are the benefits of soup?

Russian cabbage soup, Ukrainian borscht, Georgian kharcho, Thai Tom Yam.
With a different set of ingredients, all soups have one main thing in common - it is a liquid food, about half of which is water. In most cultures, this is the first dish and can be cold or hot.

This food has many health benefits:

  • Liquid food helps the body maintain water balance.
  • It is easily digestible and stimulates the digestion process. At the same time, it fills a lot of space in the stomach, which means that the feeling of fullness appears faster.
  • Soups tend to have fewer calories than main courses. And more vitamins and nutrients are retained during cooking than during frying and stewing.
  • Hot broth warms well.

The first dish may also have medicinal properties. For example, chicken broth will help with colds. Scientists have proven that it contains anti-inflammatory components.

Therefore, a light soup made from lean chicken often becomes a good help for the body weakened by acute respiratory infections, flu or sore throat.

On our website: Cauliflower and beneficial properties for gastritis

Recommended first courses

The listed soups are allowed for diseases of the digestive system.

  • Puree soup for gastritis is recommended. The delicate consistency envelops the stomach and soothes inflammation. No excess energy is wasted on breaking down pieces.
  • Chicken soup. Normalizes the acidity of gastric secretion. Soup is acceptable during a relapse. The skin is removed from the meat. To keep the broth low-fat, it is better to cook it with white meat. Chicken can be replaced with turkey. If desired, add noodles or dumplings, carrots, and herbs to the chicken soup. A dish is served with a boiled egg and crackers.
  • Meatball soup is good for gastritis. Meat in this form does not injure the walls of the stomach and is quickly digested. It is advisable to boil the meatballs separately or steam them, then add them to the prepared vegetable soup.
  • Milk soup. It is not recommended to consume milk in its pure form for gastritis. But milk soup is allowed for gastritis without exacerbation. Low-fat milk is used; it is recommended to dilute the soup with water during cooking. You can add vegetables, dumplings and cereals to this soup.

First courses for different types of gastritis

Gastritis has a broad classification, but to determine the diet it is important to distinguish two types.

Gastritis of the stomach

  1. Hyperacid gastritis. With this disease, the level of acidity is increased. You need to be careful about the products you eat. Potatoes, carrots, beets, and zucchini are allowed. Sauerkraut cabbage soup, pickle soup and other sour dishes are prohibited. Pea soup is not recommended for gastritis; during remission, puree soup from young green peas is allowed. The dish contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients.
  2. Hypoacid gastritis. A type of gastritis characterized by low acidity of gastric secretion. In case of hypoacid type of disease, stimulation of gastric juice production is important. Eating should be measured. You need to chew your food thoroughly. Unlike hyperacid gastritis, it is allowed to prepare soups using rich meat or fish broths. Pickle soup or cabbage soup are allowed.
  3. For any type of gastritis, exclude gas-forming foods, including white and cauliflower, broccoli, raw onions, radishes, and legumes. Mushrooms are prohibited.

First courses during an exacerbation

It is recommended to fast for the first day. You need to drink plenty: warm or cool tea, mineral water, after releasing the gas, clean water. On the second day, jelly, potato broth, chicken broth, and slimy soup are allowed.

Patients with gastritis, especially in chronic form, need to know how mucus soup is prepared. The dish has minimal impact on the stomach mechanically and is gentle on chemical properties. Any cereal is suitable for cooking, except semolina, millet and rolled oats.

Rice cereal is used more often, as it has a beneficial effect on the stomach. It is washed and cooked over moderate heat until completely boiled. The liquid is filtered. There is no need to grind the cereal. After straining, a mucous decoction is obtained, which is brought to a boil. Boil the milk separately and add a raw egg. Mix thoroughly and combine the mixture with the mucous decoction. It is possible to add salt, but it is better not to overuse it. After recovery, it is permissible to replace the milk with vegetable or meat broth and add vegetables.

Dishes for gastritis with high acidity

Gastroenterologists recommend preparing dishes from foods that are easy to digest and do not injure the diseased mucous membrane.

For example, vegetable soup for gastritis will enrich the body with useful microelements and give strength for recovery. The mucous dish has a gentle effect on the epigastric membrane, and chicken broth normalizes the acid level.

Pea soup

Experts recommend pea soup for gastritis with high acidity and during remission.

Prepare the dish according to this recipe:

  • 1 l. low-fat meat broth;
  • 200 g peas;
  • 1 medium carrot and onion;
  • 3 potatoes.

Preparation of pea soup for gastritis and stomach ulcers:

  1. Soak the peas in water for a couple of hours and boil.
  2. Grate the carrots, cut the onion into half rings, and separate into feathers.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes.
  4. Add all ingredients to the broth and simmer until tender for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting soup through a sieve.

Serve the dish with low-fat sour cream or a small piece of rye bread.

Pea soup for stomach ulcers and gastritis controls the production of gastric juice and has a positive effect on the regeneration of the mucous membrane.

Chicken bouillon

Chicken soup is very useful for people with peptic ulcers and gastritis, because it does not irritate the lining of the stomach and activates the healing process.

Required Products:

  • 1 chicken leg;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 4 potatoes.


  1. Peel the leg from the oily skin, rinse and boil.
  2. Cut the peeled carrots into small circles or cubes.
  3. Remove the skins from the potatoes and cut into small pieces.
  4. Combine all ingredients in boiling broth and cook until tender.
  5. Crush the ingredients with a masher directly in the pan and add the greens to the broth.

Serve the finished dish with stale bread or sour cream.

Hot fish

Fish soup is a kind of analogue of fish soup, but more dietary in its properties. All you need for cooking is lean river fish.


  • perch fillet;
  • 1 carrot and onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • parsley root.

An alternative ear is prepared like this:

  1. Rinse the fillet under running water.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots and cut into cubes.
  3. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan except the egg. Cook the soup for about 20 minutes.
  4. Next, remove the fish fillet and vegetables, strain the broth.
  5. Beat the egg until foamy and slowly pour into the hot broth.

You can eat the first one with crackers or sour cream, but you must wipe it before eating.

Fish soup is an important part of the gastric diet.

Useful recipes for gastritis

  1. Pumpkin puree soup. Prepared in meat or vegetable broth. The main ingredient is pumpkin; carrots and potatoes are added to the dish. Vegetables are boiled until tender and chopped with a blender. To give a more delicate taste, it is permissible to add milk and bring to a boil, add salt. Pumpkin oil is used for dressing, which gives the dish a piquant taste. This component is also good for the stomach. It is important to remember that cold pressed oil should not be heated, so add it just before serving.

  2. Classic borscht. The dish is prepared in beef broth, but for gastritis it is recommended to use lean meat or poultry. A lean piece of meat is placed in water and brought to a boil. The first broth is drained and the meat is cooked until tender. Beets for borscht are boiled separately. Potatoes, carrots, and onions are boiled in the broth. Beets are added to the finished dish.
  3. Buckwheat soup with rabbit. Boil rabbit meat for 1 hour. Add potatoes, carrots, then washed buckwheat to the broth and cook until tender. At the end, season the dish with herbs.
  4. Milk soup with vegetables. Boil carrots and potatoes until tender. The broth is drained. Pour milk over the prepared vegetables, which should preferably be diluted with water or vegetable broth. Add some salt and bring to a boil. If desired, add fresh green peas.
  5. Ear. Take lean fish, for example, hake. Boil, separate the pulp from the bones. Add potatoes and carrots to the broth, and after 10 minutes, add rice. The cereal should be boiled.

Only some of the recipes for healthy soups that are allowed for gastritis are given. If the disease is chronic, with the help of a properly selected menu you can reduce or even eliminate the exacerbation of the disease.

If an attack of gastritis occurs for the first time, then a strict diet is followed until the symptoms disappear. Remember, after an exacerbation with poor nutrition, the risk of a new attack and the acquisition of chronic gastritis increases.


Almost every person who learns that he is ill is looking for recipes for soups that can be eaten with gastritis. And this is correct, since it is poor nutrition that often provokes the development of gastritis, and given the lifestyle of modern people, every second person faces such a problem in the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the best recipes for preparing the first course so that it does not provoke an aggravation? This will be discussed further.

Vegetable soups

Of course, they can rightfully be considered the most useful for inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The main advantage of such soups is that they can be eaten with any level of acidity, since they do not affect gastric secretion in any way.

Potato soup is tasty, satisfying and very healthy. There is nothing complicated in preparing it, you will need to take:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. L. Olive oil;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 50 g crackers;
  • Dill or parsley to taste.

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Wash the vegetables thoroughly, cut the potatoes into small pieces and grate the carrots. Pour water into a saucepan and add vegetables there. As soon as it boils, add oil and finely chopped herbs, add a little salt. While the soup is cooking, beat the eggs in another bowl. When the vegetables become soft, pour the eggs into the soup, stirring the broth continuously. After a few minutes, turn off, add croutons and serve.

Milk soups

Nutritionists do not recommend consuming whole milk for gastritis, but nevertheless, it should be present in the diet, at least in the form of soups. There are many recipes for their preparation, and each person chooses a soup for himself in accordance with his personal taste preferences. Next, three recipes for unusual milk soups will be offered.

Milk soup with potatoes and carrots

Place a saucepan with water on the fire and add a little salt. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into thin cubes and the carrots into slices. As soon as the water boils, place the vegetables in it and cook them until tender. In a separate saucepan, bring milk diluted with water to a boil and add a little butter to it. Drain the water from the prepared vegetables and pour boiled milk over them. Let it boil and immediately remove from the stove. The soup is ready.

Milk soup with rice

Boil the rice until tender and rub through a sieve. Pass veal or beef through a meat grinder twice, add to the pan with rice, and mix well. Pour milk and pre-cooked vegetable broth in equal proportions. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, cook until done. Leave the finished soup for a while to steep. You can put a little butter on the plate before serving.

Milk soup with potatoes, carrots and green peas

Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes, and the carrots into circles and place them in a saucepan with boiling water. When ready, drain the water, add milk instead and bring to a boil again. Add peas to the finished soup, add salt and serve.

Slimy soups

They provide invaluable benefits for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since they spare the gastric and intestinal mucous membranes to the maximum. That is why they are included in the strictest dietary menu for people with gastritis.

The main ingredients in slimy soups are grains. Soups prepared according to the following recipes are very useful:

Slimy soup with meat broth and rice

First, prepare a weak broth from lean meat with carrots, parsley root and herbs to taste. When the ingredients are boiled until tender, remove them from the soup, pass them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender. Pass the boiled rice separately through a sieve. Strain the broth and add chopped meat, vegetables and rice. Finely chop the greens and add to the soup. Bring it to a boil, lightly salt it, cook for 20 minutes over low heat, then remove the pan from the heat and let cool slightly, add butter.

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Slimy soup made from rolled oats

Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and let it boil. Add 40 g of oat flakes, cover with a lid, but not completely, reduce the heat and simmer the flakes for 15 minutes. Pour in half a glass of low-fat milk and let it boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add 1 tbsp to its contents. L. Vegetable or olive oil. Once it has cooled to the desired temperature, you can serve.

Diet soups

People with gastritis are allowed to eat dietary borscht, which, unlike classic borscht, does not allow the use of fatty pork, beans and cracklings in its preparation. A more detailed cooking recipe is below.

Diet borscht

Prepare the vegetables: peel and chop the onion and a couple of carrots and beets. Simmer them for 15 minutes in olive oil, add the tomato. Place a pot of water on the fire; when it boils, put chopped Chinese cabbage in it and wait until it boils again. Place 4 diced potatoes in a saucepan and cook until fully cooked. Add the stewed vegetables, a little salt, and let simmer for 10 minutes. Borscht is ready!

Dietary borscht with sorrel and nettles

Boil low-fat meat broth. Stew carrots and parsley root. Dip the nettle leaves into boiling water and boil them for a couple of minutes, then puree them in a blender and drop it into the boiling broth. Cut a couple of potatoes into small cubes, put them there, add 20 g of rice and stewed vegetables. Boil the borscht for about 20 minutes, add some salt and add the tomatoes, cut into slices. Boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

Cream soups

Soups with a puree-like consistency are also very useful for patients with gastritis, because they coat the stomach walls, facilitating the digestion process. There are a great many recipes for making such soups. You can, for example, prepare it using vegetable broth and meat:

Boil 250 g of rice and rub it through a sieve. Boil lean meat (100 g) and pass through a meat grinder twice. Put the vegetable broth on the fire, let it boil, and put rice, meat into it, pour in 100 ml of milk, add salt. Cook the soup over low heat, stirring and skimming constantly, until it turns into a puree. At the end of cooking, add the beaten yolk. Season the finished puree soup with butter and serve.

Grate one carrot and finely chop the onion. Put a liter of water on the fire, when it boils, add the vegetables and cook for 15 minutes. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small cubes and grind in a blender; put it in the broth and add salt. Cook for 10 minutes until the soup has the consistency of puree. Prepare a sprig of dill and parsley, rinse and finely chop.

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Semolina soup

Semolina slimy soup does not require any special skills to prepare. We will need:

  1. Semolina 40 gr.;
  2. Egg;
  3. milk 300-350 ml;
  4. butter 10-15g;
  5. sugar – 5g;
  6. clean water 250 ml.

The algorithm for preparing soup consists of the following steps:

  1. Throw semolina into boiling water;
  2. Cook over moderate heat for about 10-15 minutes, stirring at the same time.
  3. Add hot milk;
  4. Mix the remaining boiled milk with the egg and add to the main soup;
  5. Finally, add sugar, salt to taste and butter.
  6. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and let the soup brew for five minutes.
  7. Serve to the table.

Useful video

We invite you to watch an interesting video about the principles of making puree soup.

Nutrition for stomach diseases, although it has its own nuances, should not be depleted in nutritional value. Fantasize, invent new recipes, eat tasty and varied food. And remember that when choosing any dish, the main criterion for approval or prohibition is your well-being and the right choice of products. Use our advice, let the given recipes become basic, and you can vary them endlessly.

Requirements for the menu for gastritis of the stomach

To eliminate the pathology, you will need complex therapy and a properly formulated diet. During the acute period, they refuse their favorite borscht, mushroom soup; if you have gastritis, you should not eat kharcho, rassolnik or cabbage soup. It is necessary to take care of damaged mucous membranes. Properly prepared soups will help the affected organ digest food:

  • Dietary soups recommended for gastritis have a gentle effect.
  • The broth in their base should not be concentrated.
  • It is allowed to add various cereals, a little milk, potatoes, and a piece of butter.
  • It is important to grind all the ingredients; you can also cook soup with meatballs for gastritis.

You should adhere to the following dietary rules:

  • Prevent mechanical impact on the affected organ. Do not include coarse dietary fiber in your diet. It is better to eat vegetables boiled or baked. We only cook porridges that are very boiled. Food with a semi-homogeneous consistency is digested more quickly.
  • The exclusion of herbs and spices prevents irritation.
  • All food should only be warm.
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