How to solve the problem of hemorrhoids with aloe
Some people do not consider hemorrhoids a serious, dangerous disease. Therefore, quite often, when this appears
What to take along with antibiotics and how to take them?
Antibiotic therapy plays a key role in the treatment of various diseases caused by bacterial pathogens. At first
Pariet tablets 20 mg
Pariet (PARIET) instructions for use
Among antiulcer drugs used in the treatment of gastritis and other gastric diseases, it is very popular
folk remedies for stomach treatment
Treatment of the stomach with folk remedies - the most effective recipes
Abdominal pain can be caused by a number of serious diseases, not the least of which is
The man's heart hurts
What happens after pancreas removal?
Removal of the pancreas The pancreas produces insulin and digestive enzymes. Without insulin occurs
Photo 201
100 recipes for pancreatitis. Tasty, healthy, soulful, healingText
In the presence of pancreatitis, violations of the diet can have a negative impact on the patient’s body condition.
Pancreatin from different manufacturers
Help the pancreas. What is pancreatin and when is it prescribed?
Composition of the drug The main active ingredient is pancreatin. One tablet contains 25 units of action
Normal anatomy
Enlarged pancreas: causes, symptoms and treatment. Pathologies of the head of the pancreas and causes of local enlargement
The pancreas plays an important role in the human body. In the digestive system it ranks second
Ultrasound for gastritis
Hypertrophic form of gastritis: dangerous proliferation of mucous membrane
Types of disease Hypertrophic gastritis - what is it? In order to understand this
Clinic, diagnosis, treatment of acute pancreatitis
This disease is treated by a Gastroenterologist. Need more information? Thank you for your request. Your application is accepted.
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