Is kefir good for gastritis?
The nuances of using kefir for stomach pain
Will the drink help with stomach pain? Kefir will help with stomach pain, but
Medicinal herbs for pancreatitis of the pancreas - what to drink, recipes and reviews
Pancreatitis is a disease in which the tissue of the pancreas is damaged and gradually destroyed.
Dietary table for gastritis: diet and menu
Table 2 according to Pevzner: important rules • Small meals and thorough chewing of food, which
Diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas
Diet for chronic pancreatitis during the rehabilitation period after arrival from the hospital to a large extent
Stomach enzymes - purpose and role in the digestive process
Enzymes are needed for literally every chemical reaction that occurs in our bodies - from
how to understand that hemorrhoids have appeared
How to identify hemorrhoids in time: examinations and diagnosis of the disease
In this article we will look at how to understand that you have hemorrhoids. With the appearance of ominous symptoms, people
How to reduce stomach acidity at home: the best folk remedies
General rules Acidosis means a shift in the acid-base balance to the acidic side. But this applies to
The man crossed his arms on his stomach
Is there a best cure for liver cirrhosis?
What is liver cirrhosis? A pathological condition of the largest organ (gland) of the abdominal cavity, which is
spasmodic pain in the abdomen
Catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach: what is it and how to treat
Superficial bulbitis is one of the mildest forms of a dangerous inflammatory process occurring in the bulb
Anal suppositories for the treatment of fissures in the anus
Proctologists are doctors whose visit is usually postponed until the last minute. But unfortunately,
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