Folk remedies for the treatment of pancreatic cancer

Propolis is a very valuable and unique beekeeping product. Bees produce this substance from the resinous substances of plant buds, pollen and with the addition of the secretions of their glands. Moreover, it is popularly called “bee glue” because they use it to disinfect their nest and honeycombs and seal the holes in the hive with it.

It is known that without this substance the existence of a bee colony is impossible - it will die after some time from disease. And that is why it is worth carefully discussing the topic of how useful propolis is for oncology, because it has been proven that with the help of this product it is possible, at a minimum, to prevent the development of cancer, and with timely treatment, it can be cured.

A little about propolis

This beekeeping product has long been used by humans in the treatment of certain diseases, in the embalming of bodies (which began in ancient times), in the production of varnish and other needs of mankind. Dozens of beneficial properties of this substance are known, but the most valuable property is its bactericidal activity, which makes propolis against cancer, in fact, the most useful. Here it is worth immediately giving an explanation, because cancer cells are not bacteria or viruses, but their activity leads to the fact that the organs and systems of the human body begin to malfunction. Due to its biological activity, “bee glue” is able to stop the growth of atypical cells. This property of propolis is used today to treat many other human ailments.

The composition of this beekeeping product has been studied by many scientists, but the sources of origin of some propolis compounds have not yet been conclusively proven.

Particularly interesting to study are the chemical compounds that determine its bactericidal properties and provide a pronounced healing effect, because these properties of some compounds can be successfully used not only for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the human body, but also for the treatment of cancer, which is why the topic of propolis in oncology is so important.

Propolis for cancer

The diagnosis of cancer frightens many people, because a “magic pill” for malignant tumors has not yet been invented. The main methods of struggle are still chemotherapy, surgery, proper diet, positive psychological attitude and, of course, no less effective folk remedies.

Research by scientists on animals and then in medical institutions has shown that propolis can suppress the development of cancer cells. The main achievement of “propolis” therapy is the normalization of leukocyte counts in the blood, an increase in the physical tone of patients, and in 5 out of 8 cases, a slowdown in tumor development. 2 out of 8 patients managed to achieve remission of the malignant tumor even before starting chemotherapy or surgery.

Danish scientist K. Lund Aagaard in one of his works described an interesting case when a patient diagnosed with oral cancer took propolis for 6 days. When he was examined before the planned operation, doctors discovered that the cancerous ulcers had dried out. They were removed with ordinary surgical tweezers.

Doctors explain such good results of therapy with “bee glue” by the real ability of propolis to mobilize the body’s strength and stimulate an adequate immune response to various diseases.

A little history and interesting facts!

Bee glue has been used by humans since ancient times. Historical sources indicate that even in Ancient Egypt it was widely used by priests as a remedy, and its bactericidal properties became the basis for its widespread use for the treatment of infectious diseases and purulent wounds. Propolis was one of the ingredients used to embalm mummies. Aristotle was once interested in the secret of the product; extensive information about it is contained in the works of Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Galen and Varro.

You can read about this product as an important natural remedy in many ancient medical treatises. And even the famous Italian violin maker Stradivarius used it as a base for the varnish that he used to coat his instruments.

Antitumor properties of propolis

Propolis is a universal natural antibiotic, and if the chemical formula of the antibiotic is really aimed against life, then with this product a slightly different rule applies. It has a pronounced antibacterial property and is also able to relieve pain. At the same time, the high content of flavonoids in its composition is a powerful guarantee of activation of repair processes in the body, in which cells independently restore themselves, which is indispensable in the fight against cancer. In addition, the basis of this product is phenolic acids, which have an astringent effect and stimulate wound healing processes (it is simply impossible to do without this property in oncology therapy).

When considering information about how useful propolis is for cancer, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that flavonoids are the factor that stimulates the presence of the antitumor properties of this product.


Flavonoids are a wide group of biologically active phenolic compounds that are valued primarily for their ability to positively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, provide antioxidant protection and improve the composition and quality of blood.

They help slow down the growth and proliferation of typical cell colonies in the body. Slows down the growth of a tumor if it already exists. At the same time, they provide protection against free radicals, which, according to one version of scientists, can cause the development of cancer, so treatment with propolis for oncology is based largely on their properties.

Propolis and the pancreas

Before talking about the effect of propolis on the pancreas, you should learn in more detail both about the bee product itself and about the role of the organ in the human body.


This organ of the human digestive system helps break down all types of food into simple compounds. It helps to normalize the processes of carbohydrate metabolism. Thanks to the pancreas, insulin and glucagon are released into the blood.

The most common complex diseases are pancreatitis and cancer.

Important! Treatment of pancreatitis is possible only with a gastroenterologist!


Propolis is a sticky bee product. The bees themselves use it not only to lubricate cracks, but also to disinfect their products.

It includes:

  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • minerals;
  • alcohols and phenols;
  • flavonoids;
  • aromatic acids.

Thanks to the complex action of these substances, the product is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

This beekeeping product is consumed in a variety of forms:

  1. Tinctures. It is recommended to use 1 tablespoon per day for simple infusions, and 40 drops 3 times a day for alcohol solutions.
  2. With milk. You should drink 1 glass per day.
  3. Pieces to chew. The approximate dose is 10-20 g.
  4. Honeycombs. You can consume up to 50 g per day.
  5. Propolis honey. The dose is the same amount as in the honeycomb.
  6. Zabrus. Recommended amount – 10 g.

It should be noted that propolis is low-calorie, so it is often used in dietetics.


Propolis has a wide spectrum of effects on the pancreas. It increases the organ's resistance to various infections. Propolis prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes. For various injuries, this bee product promotes rapid regeneration of organ tissue. It helps to completely normalize the metabolic processes occurring in the pancreas.

What types of cancer can be treated with propolis?

Frankly speaking, the use of propolis for oncology can be useful for any cancer known to mankind. The main thing is to be aware that it is not always possible to do without the use of traditional medical remedies, so treatment should take place under the supervision of an oncologist.

Propolis will be effective against cancer of the stomach, organs of the reproductive system (uterus, for example), intestines, kidneys and liver (a more detailed list describing the features is presented below). This product is used quite often in the fight against skin cancer, and quite successfully (as evidenced by reviews).

How to properly use propolis against cancer?

Information on how to take propolis for cancer deserves special attention. The fact is that a number of dosage forms are prepared on the basis of this product, each of which has its own characteristics. An alcohol tincture based on this product is especially popular, and you should immediately talk about how to drink propolis with alcohol, because the standard dosage of the medicine is 30 drops per dose (the dose can be adjusted depending on the severity and type of oncology).


Sometimes the tincture is supplemented with other plant extracts, such as caraway, which has an anti-cancer effect.

In addition, “bee glue” is useful in the form of using oil (prepared on the basis of butter or just fat), as well as in the form of external forms of treatment, which can be quite successfully combined with each other. However, the most useful is propolis tincture for oncology, because it is considered the most effective and convenient for use.

Propolis recipes for treating pancreas

There are a variety of options for using the product.

In its purest form

Everything is simple here: take a piece of propolis, divide it into several parts (about 3 grams each) and chew without drinking water. The minimum duration of the process is 1 hour.

In this case, the bee product has the most pronounced therapeutic effect.

You need to chew 5 times a day for 14 days. It is recommended to carry out the procedure either before meals (on an empty stomach) or 40-50 minutes after it.

Medicinal decoction

You need to take:

  • milk – 0.25 l;
  • propolis (crushed) – 0.01 kg.

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil the milk, then cool (to about 60 degrees).
  2. Dissolve the propolis and close the container with a lid.
  3. Let it sit for 1 hour. Shake the mixture periodically.

Upon completion, strain the composition into another container through cheesecloth. Place in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture


  • alcohol – 0.1 l;
  • crushed propolis – 0.1 kg.


  1. Mix the starting ingredients in one container.
  2. Stir and cover with a lid. Place in a cool place for 10 days.
  3. Shake the mixture daily.

The result should be a light brown liquid.

Take 0.5 teaspoon (dissolve in 0.5 glass of water) 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Propolis with milk for pancreatitis

The recipe for propolis tincture with milk for pancreatitis is simple.

Need to take:

  • tincture (previous recipe) – 20 drops;
  • milk – 1 glass.


  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Mix the components in one container.
  3. Serve hot.

Comment! You can add herbs to the decoction - chamomile or calendula.

Propolis tincture for pancreatitis

Before talking about the algorithm for preparing this unique product, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of use and storage.

Use, storage conditions

For internal use, alcohol with a maximum alcohol concentration of 70% is used. But for external use, a 96 percent solution is also suitable.

For greater effect, it is recommended to mix the tincture with warm tea or hot milk. You can also add honey.


  1. A prerequisite is a cool place (refrigerator or basement).
  2. The shelf life of a pure tincture will be about three years, but with additional components (honey, herbs, drinks) – 2 years.

This product should be prepared correctly.


There are many variations in the preparation of propolis tincture for pancreatitis to treat the pancreas.

Classic method

You will need the following:

  • propolis (crushed) – 0.01 kg;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • 2 saucepans, thermos, container for tincture.


  1. Pre-freeze the water for 8 hours. Thaw at room temperature before cooking.
  2. Boil water, cool (to about 50 degrees).
  3. Make a water bath. Place water on it and add propolis.
  4. Cook for about 1 hour. Stir constantly.
  5. Pour into a thermos and leave to infuse for 2 days. Shake occasionally.

Then pour into a container and use.

30 percent solution

It is similar to the previous method.


  • propolis (crushed) – 0.03 kg;
  • water – 0.1 l;
  • multicooker, thermos, container for tincture.


  1. Prepare the water (repeat steps 1-2 of the previous recipe).
  2. Pour into a slow cooker, add the bee product and leave for 8 hours at a temperature of 55 degrees. You need to stir constantly.
  3. Repeat step 5 of the previous recipe.

Strain through cheesecloth into a prepared container.

Chewing propolis

This is the easiest way to consume bee product.

In this case, the process takes place in several stages:

  1. Easy resorption, kneading with teeth.
  2. Reducing the piece.

It is recommended to use it in its pure form. But in the presence of infection and colds, it is recommended to use a bar.

For children over 12 years of age and adults, use depends on the purpose. For prevention, 1-3 g of this product is used per day (1-2 times per day), but for treatment - 3-5 g every 3-4 hours. The course of administration is 1 month.

Children can also take propolis. Only it needs to be dissolved, since baby teeth are more fragile than those of adults. Moreover, for children under 7 years of age the maximum daily dose is 1 g of the substance, but for 7-12 years of age – 2 g.

Aqueous solution with chamomile

Prepare in the same way as the previous options.


  • bee product (crushed) – 0.01 kg;
  • chamomile – 0.02 kg;
  • water (prepare as in previous recipes) – 0.2 l;
  • 2 saucepans, thermos, container for broth.


  1. Boil water and add chamomile to it. Cool to 55 degrees.
  2. Add propolis. Leave for 1 hour. Stir the product constantly.
  3. Pour into a thermos. Let it sit for two days, shaking the liquid periodically.
  4. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth into a prepared container.

Comment! You can use this decoction for a maximum of 10 days!

Treatment of various diseases

When discussing the treatment of cancer with propolis, recipes for which are presented below, it is worth paying attention to the fact that treatment with bee products is very often used as an additional therapy. And there is a completely logical explanation for this, because it is known that chemotherapy drugs, which today are the main group of treatment for cancer, kill not only atypical cells, that is, those that lead to the development of oncology, but also healthy ones. Scientific research by scientists has shown that regular use of propolis, as well as other bee products, helps normalize the condition of a cancer patient, and also protects healthy cells from rather aggressive treatment methods.

It is difficult to say for sure whether this product helps in the treatment of cancer, but cancer is a terrible diagnosis, in the treatment of which any methods will be good, so therapy with propolis preparations should not be neglected.

Causes of pancreatitis

One of the main causes of pancreatitis is alcohol consumption. It accounts for approximately 95% of all cases.

Causes of pancreatitis

There are a number of other causes of the disease, namely:

  • metabolic deterioration;
  • ulcer;
  • stomach surgery;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • influence of antibiotics;
  • various types of infections;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • ascariasis;
  • hereditary disease.

Under the influence of a number of reasons, the production of enzymes is disrupted, namely, delays or premature production may occur. For this reason, instead of food, the pancreas itself is digested.

If left untreated, the disease will be severe and, in extreme cases, the patient may die. The main symptom of pancreatitis is acute pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting and dizziness. If these signs appear, consult a gastroenterologist.

Uterine cancer

Treatment of uterine cancer with propolis, as practice shows, is not only affordable, but also effective. Reviews from a huge number of women say that such therapy makes it possible to neutralize the harmful effects of chemotherapy, as well as protect the reproductive system from the development of this disease and prevent its reappearance.


Cervical cancer is a dangerous disease, because it is possible to learn about its development only through regular examination of the organs of the reproductive system using ultrasound equipment. If cancer of the female organs develops unnoticed, it will be extremely difficult to cure it in the future. It is better to start treatment as early as possible, using all available methods.

Beekeepers recommend using propolis preparations in the treatment of cervical cancer in the form of natural bee glue, the balls of which must be dissolved daily 2-3 times a day. It is also necessary to take the tincture; its use is usually supplemented by the use of propolis honey and tampons soaked in propolis oil, which are inserted into the vagina at night.

Horsetail and hemlock against stage 4 cancer

These two poisonous plants are able to overcome cancer cells at any stage of their development. Thanks to its properties:

  • antitumor;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antitoxic;
  • antibiotic content.

For therapy with this plant, you should have the following components:

  • horsetail;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Pre-wash and chop a handful of plants. Pour water and put on low heat. Boil for five minutes. After cooling, the broth can be drunk throughout the day in small portions. Consume between meals.

The highly poisonous hemlock plant is prepared according to the following recipe:

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  • alcohol 96%;
  • black henbane;
  • hemlock.

Take equal quantities of two poisonous plants. Wash them and cut them. Pour alcohol in the proportions of plant and alcohol 1:5. Stir, close the lid and place in a dark and cool place for two weeks. After infusion, strain thoroughly. Take this infusion three times a day. When taking, dilute one drop of tincture with one tablespoon of water. Use in the morning, for lunch and at night.

INTERESTING fact: Pancreatic cancer, life expectancy

Treatment of pancreatic cancer with folk remedies is considered to be the most effective using poisonous herbs.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer (BC) consistently ranks first in the structure of cancer pathology among women in most countries. Among the 10 main nosological forms of malignant neoplasms, its share is 23.2%, which exceeds the statistics of uterine and ovarian cancer combined, so everyone should know how useful propolis can be for breast cancer.

In this case, the most effective treatment is the daily use of natural “bee glue”, which dissolves in the morning, afternoon, and evening. At the same time, it is recommended to consume at least 40 drops of alcohol tincture per day, and at night you can drink a glass of propolis milk.

Prevention of cancer with propolis

To prevent cancer and improve your general condition and blood condition, you need to take 1.5-2 grams of propolis in its pure form every day.

Pharmacies also sell propolis honey, which is known for its antitumor effects: 1 teaspoon of propolis honey in half a glass of cold water will reduce the risk of cancer. It is recommended to consume this honey in the evening before going to bed three times a week.

Lungs' cancer

The use of propolis for lung cancer is certainly possible. However, it is worth remembering that this is one of the most serious diseases in oncology, because lung cancer is very difficult to determine, and usually the diagnosis is made as late as possible, when the tumor metastasizes to other organs. Thus, in this case, oncology treatment is best started as early as possible.

Propolis can be used in the treatment of lung cancer in any form, that is, each person will be able to choose the most convenient dosage form.

Propolis tincture for lung cancer deserves special attention, because it gives the most pronounced effect. The course of its use in this case should not be less than three months, during which the drug is taken 40 drops three times a day. After this, a short break is taken, and then the treatment is repeated. Additionally, you can use propolis honey, as well as oil and other beekeeping products - royal jelly, dead fruit, and so on.

Recommendations for the treatment of pancreatic cancer with folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of different methods for preparing medicines. Below we will look at the main methods and means of treatment that are considered the most effective in the fight against this disease.

This drug is taken from the second fraction. For reference. ASD is an antiseptic that was originally created for animals. After some time, it began to be used to treat people. Of course, during treatment with this drug you will feel some discomfort in the form of the smell of the drug, but you will not go to any lengths for the sake of healing. And so the drug normalizes the digestive system, increases resistance to the negative effects of the disease.

In addition, it is a fairly strong anti-inflammatory agent. The drug eliminates severe pain that is characteristic of this disease and stops the development of the tumor. Start taking the drug with 1 drop, dilute it in 50 ml. water. Every day the dose is increased until it reaches 35 drops. After which the dose is reduced in the reverse manner. The course of treatment can range from several weeks to a year. But between courses you must take a break.

This drug is not in vain used to treat cancer. After all, the beneficial properties of propolis have been known for many centuries. It is effective in treating tumors and getting rid of calluses. The product has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing properties. To treat cancer, propolis can be taken in its pure form, eating 3 gram pieces between meals for two weeks. You can also prepare a remedy with propolis and herbs. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  • Grind 10 grams of propolis,
  • Place the crushed propolis in a thermos,
  • Boil water and cool it a little,
  • Pour hot water into the propolis in a thermos,
  • Let the product brew for a day.

The tincture is taken together with chamomile decoction twice a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.

This treatment is also called sodotherapy. But such treatment must be carried out very carefully and carefully. It is recommended to take soda in very small doses. Otherwise, it can, on the contrary, harm the body. You need to undergo soda therapy with very small doses, starting with the tip of a teaspoon.

DETAILS: Treatment of cancer with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide Neumyvakin

First of all, it should be noted that this method of treatment is used for many intractable diseases. It involves preparing a tincture for pancreatic cancer. To prepare it you need to do the following:

  • Mix 40 ml of pure sunflower oil and vodka,
  • Shake the mixture thoroughly.

After you achieve a homogeneous mass, you need to drink the product in one gulp in a few sips. The mixture is drunk 20 minutes before a meal; it is strictly forbidden to drink 1 hour before a meal. The medicine is taken for 10 days in a row, after which they take a break and repeat the course. During treatment it is prohibited:

  • Meat,
  • Dairy products,
  • Coffee,
  • Narcotics,
  • Sweet,
  • smoking,
  • Drink alcohol
  • Take vitamins E, A, C.

Probably, many will agree that any treatment, in addition to benefit, can also cause harm. For therapy to be effective, you must consult a doctor before undergoing it. In addition, before choosing which method or recipe to treat, carefully study the ingredients. After all, some of them may have individual intolerance.

Any oncology, in addition to surgery, drug therapy and radiation, can be cured with the help of alternative medicine. However, it is worth saying that traditional treatment of malignant neoplasms cannot in any way be an independent method, especially if a person is diagnosed with transient, highly lethal pancreatic cancer.

When selecting folk remedies, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • You should start taking medicinal decoctions and infusions only after direct consultation with the patient’s oncologist and undergoing a full diagnostic study, during which the specialist will determine the stage of pancreatic cancer, the nature of its development and the presence or absence of metastasis;
  • All drugs are prepared in strict accordance with the recipe. Any, even the most insignificant, deviation from the recipe can turn the remedy into a poison, threatening not only general well-being and health, but also life;
  • When using the prepared product, be sure to follow the dosage and course of therapy recommended in the recipe.

Not only synthetic medications, but also some plant components have the ability to kill mutated cells.

The following folk recipes are especially popular:

  1. Belozor swamp. A teaspoon of dry crushed herb must be infused for two hours in 300 ml of boiling water. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 3 times a day after meals, 1 tbsp. spoon. Consumption requires caution, as the plant is very poisonous. Any negative manifestations serve as a reason to discontinue the drug.
  2. Henbane black. It has good abilities to destroy abnormal cells and at the same time has an analgesic effect. To obtain a healing potion, one part of this plant must be poured with five parts of medical alcohol and infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Use the tincture three times a day, 3 drops diluted in a tablespoon of water.

Bee glue in the treatment of esophageal cancer

It is possible and even necessary to use propolis for pancreatic cancer, which is a very serious form of the disease, just like any oncology. Pancreatic cancer usually spreads to other parts of the esophagus (it can also cause cancer of the throat or larynx, but most often smoking leads to the development of this form), so treatment must begin in advance.

The use of propolis in alcohol would also be appropriate here, but it is necessary to take into account the state of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. The patient may suffer from stomach pain and pancreatic spasms, so sometimes alcohol preparations have to be abandoned in favor of natural chewing of propolis balls or the use of oil.

Alternative treatment as an alternative to chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Aconite root is used to treat a variety of pathological processes, including:

  • malignant processes in the body;
  • different types of tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pathological processes in the blood vessels of the brain.

To eliminate a malignant process in the pancreas, the plant is used as follows:

  • prepare an infusion and dilute one drop per 30 g of water. You should take the medicine three times a day, half an hour before meals. You should drink the medicine slowly, a little at a time;
  • Gradually the dosage must be increased, adding one drop every day until the process reaches twenty drops at a time. No more than 60 drops of infusion are allowed per day.

If side effects begin to appear, such as nausea, dizziness, general weakness, it is necessary to return to the initial dose until the condition improves and the body gets used to it. Treatment cannot be stopped completely.

To prepare the infusion, you need to use 100 grams of plant root. The raw materials are thoroughly washed and poured with a glass of boiled water. The medicine should stand for an hour. After this, the roots are taken out of the water and cut across the fibers, the water in which the roots were infused and alcohol 60 degrees are added. The medicine must be placed in a glass container. It is better to put it away from sunlight and wait for it to brew for several weeks.

Postoperative treatment of pancreatic cancer with chemotherapy and radiation is always accompanied by disruption of the functioning of all body systems.

For quick and effective recovery, it is recommended to treat pancreatic cancer with the following traditional medicine:

  1. To increase the level of leukocytes, experts recommend using oat decoction. In the evening, a glass of whole grains is poured with a liter of water and simmered over low heat for an hour and a half. In the morning, filter the drug and drink in small sips throughout the day. The benefit of the product lies in the high content of microelements in the grains, which help ensure the elasticity of vascular walls, mucous membranes and connective tissues.
  2. You can restore the functioning of the digestive organs, normalize the functioning of the stomach and suppress nausea with the help of lemon balm decoction. 30 grams of the plant are crushed and steamed for 2 hours in freshly boiled water. During the day you should drink half a liter of this product. This folk remedy, according to experts, is not only effective, but also completely safe for pancreatic cancer.
  3. Allergic manifestations are relieved by celery decoction. The plant is washed, finely chopped and mixed well. To prepare one serving of decoction, place 2 tbsp. l. this mixture and pour boiling water over it. After 2 hours, the healing composition is ready for use. Drink a third of a glass before each meal. The plant component for preparing the decoction is stored in the freezer.
  4. To restore hair follicles and prevent hair loss, it is recommended to make nourishing masks from various ingredients: kefir, rye bread, egg yolks, honey. Burdock oil is highly effective. It is rubbed into the scalp half an hour before washing.

DETAILS: Bladder cancer in women, early stage symptoms, treatment

Treatment of stomach cancer

Propolis is no less effective for stomach cancer, and the danger of this disease is that it is sometimes characterized by symptoms of ordinary gastritis or ulcers. A specialist should prescribe treatment for stomach cancer after an appropriate examination has been carried out. In this case, the form of the disease and the patient’s condition are also taken into account. Severe pain and irritated mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract can become an obstacle to treating stomach cancer with propolis in the form of alcohol.

Wormwood against cancer

When treating cancer of the head of the pancreas with folk remedies, it not only strengthens the immune system, but also completely destroys cancer cells. To prepare a healing decoction you will need the following ingredients:

  • 45 grams of wormwood;
  • 30 grams of potato flowers;
  • 30 grams of calendula;
  • 10 grams of calamus root;
  • 400 ml water.

Mix all ingredients and pour boiling water. Do not touch the infusion for 24 hours. Drink 150 ml per day. It is advisable to consume one tablespoon of propolis per day in parallel with this dosage. Each time you take the decoction, take only the strictly indicated dosage, since wormwood is a very poisonous plant.

INTERESTING fact: Treatment of cancer with dead and living water

To exclude overdose or intoxication of the body, you should consult your doctor. If necessary, calculate an individual dosage.

Prostate cancer and its prevention

It is impossible not to say a few words about how to use propolis for prostate cancer, because today this form of oncology is very common. Prostate diseases, including cancer, have become widespread due to poor ecology and the increased level of stress in which modern men live.

However, the treatment of prostate cancer with propolis, which has been proven in practice, and the family apiary “Jolly Hornet” even offers its customers a truly effective course for prostatitis and for preventing the development of prostate cancer, which includes the use of propolis tincture, the use of suppositories and the use of podmora tincture.

Treatment of skin cancer with propolis

In the case of skin cancer therapy, it is necessary to take into account that not only internal, but also external use of propolis preparations will be effective. Treatment should be comprehensive, and if we talk about external methods, then lotions should be made based on propolis tincture or propolis oil, which are applied to the affected areas. In this case, propolis heals the body both from the inside and outside.

Can such treatment worsen the condition of a cancer patient?

No. Taking propolis for the treatment of oncology is not only possible, but necessary, because such therapy improves the condition of the body as a whole and increases the quality of life of a cancer patient.

Contraindications for use

When discussing the medicinal properties and contraindications, it is worth saying a few words about contraindications to the use of this medicine.

The only thing worth knowing is that it can cause allergies, so if you have an individual intolerance to bee products, it is recommended to be wary of which treatment method. Moreover, taking propolis preparations after their expiration date has expired is not recommended. Otherwise, there are no longer any absolute contraindications to therapy with this beekeeping product.

Sincerely, the family apiary "Veselyi Hornet"


Treatment of the pancreas with propolis has its limitations and contraindications. These include:

  • intolerance to components;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • acute phase of the disease;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Traditional treatment methods using propolis allow you to achieve quick and lasting results in the treatment of the disease. However, they should be used only during remission, taking into account all contraindications, and with the permission of the attending physician.

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