Can there be a temperature with gastritis - Is there a temperature during an exacerbation of gastritis?

When it comes to gastritis, the symptoms are reduced to stomach pain, nausea and loss of appetite. A possible increase in temperature up to 38 °C is avoided. But it is precisely this that can indicate inflammatory processes. A high temperature does not bring down well and can frighten the patient. Especially if abnormal indicators last 2-3 days. In order not to make hasty conclusions, not to panic, let’s decide:

  • Why can the thermometer creep up during gastritis?
  • What data are considered critical? Is there a temperature with gastritis above 38 °C?
  • When to lower the temperature.

If you ask a gastroenterologist whether an increase in temperature is possible with gastritis, the answer will be positive. In 90% of cases, the disease is accompanied by fever and general weakness. The patient feels hot or cold, and any vigorous activity is difficult. In the chronic form, the symptom appears less frequently. A competent specialist will give clear recommendations on how to treat the disease, taking into account all the characteristics of the body, and will recommend effective, safe medications for high temperatures.

The temperature rose due to gastritis. What is the reason?

When the stomach begins to hurt, few patients measure their temperature. They are worried about something else - how to relieve the pain. It turns out that even a slight increase is the body’s reaction to the inflammatory process. People are often careless when it comes to health. Even with cutting pain, they prefer to take a strong painkiller and wait. And a visit to the doctor is postponed for a week, a month, even a year. There may come a time when the pain becomes unbearable. It is accompanied by other symptoms.

The main reason for the rise in temperature during acute respiratory infections is the development of inflammatory processes. Alpha interferon is produced with redoubled force. It is produced by the immune system, and the fight against viruses and bacteria becomes more effective. But there is one condition. To synthesize alpha interferon, the body temperature must be above 37 degrees. Now do you understand why therapists do not advise lowering the temperature to 38.6 degrees? The body fights the infection on its own without the use of drugs.

We described the principle of alpha-interferon production during colds. However, the mechanism for gastritis is somewhat different. Pathogenic microorganisms only occasionally provoke fever. The cause of inflammation can be:

  • Stressful situations.
  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol.
  • Various injuries of the esophagus.
  • Irregular meals.

Concomitant illnesses can also activate the inflammatory process. Once it is suppressed, the temperature returns to normal.

Features of treatment for hyperthermia

A feature of the treatment of gastritis with fever is the impossibility of using traditional medications to combat fever. All medications that lower body temperature irritate the gastric mucosa and can only worsen the patient's condition.

The temperature with gastritis is usually not high, about 37, and very rarely rises above 38. Therefore, there is no particular need to reduce it. The body temperature will return to normal on its own when the acute inflammatory process in the stomach subsides, so all treatment should be aimed specifically at the cause of the fever - acute gastritis.

Your attending gastroenterologist will select a treatment regimen for you, having previously assessed your condition and conducted an examination.

Typically, therapy consists of:

  1. Following a strict diet.
  2. Drinking regime. During gastritis fever, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid.
  3. Medications, the action of which will be aimed at relieving pain, regulating the acidity of gastric juice, improving digestion and eliminating the inflammatory process. The following drugs can be used:
      Proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Omeprazole, Rabeprazole) - reduce the production of hydrochloric acid.
  4. Antispasmodics (Platifilin, No-shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine) - relieve pain.
  5. Enzymes (Festal, Creon, Mezim) are used in the development of chronic pancreatitis.
  6. Cirukal, Metoclopromide - used to eliminate vomiting and nausea.
  7. Sorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta, activated carbon) effectively remove toxins and inflammatory products from the stomach.

Temperature during gastritis is an alarming symptom that indicates the development of an acute inflammatory process. In case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, and gastrointestinal bleeding, the patient requires hospitalization in a hospital.

Uncomplicated forms of acute gastritis can be treated at home under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

The temperature during gastritis of the stomach is explained by the appearance of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the mucous layer of the organ. Usually the thermometer reading is between 37-38.5 degrees. Reducing the temperature in this state is dangerous, since you can damage the mucous tissue as a result of taking antipyretic drugs.

To normalize the condition, it is necessary to treat gastritis. After the therapeutic course, the accompanying symptoms will go away on their own.

Acceptable indicators

Usually the temperature increase is insignificant. The thermometer stays within the subfebrile range – 37-38 °C. And if another infection occurs, can the temperature with gastritis be higher than 38 ° C? Undoubtedly. Due to the disease, the human immune system malfunctions and weakens, because it constantly fights bacteria. The protection becomes fragile and unreliable, and can no longer contain the pressure of new microorganisms. Indicators from 38.1 °C to 39 °C and above are a good reason to urgently consult a doctor.

Values ​​of 37-38 °C are considered acceptable. They talk about a sluggish inflammatory process. The peculiarity of gastritis is that it develops gradually, covering new areas. Without conservative therapy, inflammation will not go away. Low-grade fever persists for 2-3 weeks.

This is the main danger of the disease. Due to elevated temperatures, the normal operation of all functions and systems is disrupted. The weakness becomes so severe that every time getting out of bed is difficult. A person quickly gets tired and develops apathy towards what is happening. And the headache becomes a faithful companion. When the elevated temperature due to gastritis of the stomach does not go away for too long, the patient can only be helped in a hospital.

Causes of high temperature

Temperature with gastritis occurs due to the mechanism of development of this disease. When the gastric mucosa is damaged, the body releases special substances that call the immune system cells to the “emergency site”, stimulating the removal of pathogenic substances. The rapid activity of these cells is perceived by the human body as an inflammatory reaction. Thus, temperature syndrome in gastritis is not only a reaction to the destruction of the gastric mucosa, but also the result of the body’s recovery process.

Can the temperature drop?

Patients are very worried about a temperature of 38 degrees with gastritis. Meanwhile, it may fall below normal – down to 35.8. This condition is also dangerous. It indicates overwork of the body, loss of strength. The immune system is weakened, it practically does not fight the disease. The risk of catching any infectious disease increases significantly. It is important to find the root cause of the loss of strength and eliminate it, rather than try to cure the manifestations.

Abnormally low temperature most often occurs with chronic gastritis. Especially if a person has stopped following a diet and ignores the doctor’s recommendations. The body lives in a state of constant tension. The inflammatory process has not disappeared anywhere, although up to a certain point the patient thinks that everything is fine. Resources are not infinite, and one day a relapse occurs. Numerous studies have shown that first there is a sharp upward jump in temperature. This is followed by the same sudden decrease in values.

If 35.8-36.0 °C lasts for several days, you need to sound the alarm and seek help from the nearest clinic. Most likely, hospitalization will be required. It will help restore vitality to patients and rehabilitate the body’s protective properties.

Child's temperature

In childhood, all diseases are more pronounced and have more pronounced symptoms. With gastritis, a child's temperature may remain around 39 °C for 3-5 days. This condition is mainly caused by dietary errors and stress.

To prevent complications, it is recommended to immediately rinse the baby’s stomach and give a sorbent, this will get rid of toxins and prevent the development of complications of intoxication.

The first signs of food poisoning are pain in the epigastric region and vomiting. If the temperature persists for a long time, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. If a Helicobacter pylori infection is detected, which provokes the development of gastritis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

During the treatment period, it is recommended to follow a diet that will spare the affected stomach walls.

Fever. To shoot down or not?

The opinion that high fever is not brought down is controversial. Like, this is how the immune system fights infection. Since gastritis is not always caused by bacteria, there is no point in keeping the temperature above normal.

The problem lies elsewhere. Unlike a common cold or sore throat, getting the mercury to creep down is not so easy. The gastrointestinal tract does not work correctly. Once in the stomach, antipyretics are not absorbed in the intestines and do not have the desired effect. The problem has to be solved in a hospital setting. The doctor will explain why you need to strive for normal thermometer values. This will speed up further recovery processes. It is quite possible to do without antipyretic drugs. As soon as the inflammation of the mucous membrane is relieved, everything will fall into place.

Ways to lower the temperature

If the patient has been accurately diagnosed with gastritis and the necessary treatment has been prescribed, if a high temperature appears, you should consult a doctor for a re-examination and change of treatment. An increase in temperature during gastritis requires urgent identification of the causes of what is happening.

Many ways to lower the temperature have been described; before treatment, a mandatory consultation with a doctor who can determine the severity of the increase is necessary. It often happens that an elevated temperature during gastritis is not controlled by the usual antipyretic drugs; the changes are based on a serious inflammatory process. Initially, you will need to eliminate the irritating factor: bad habits and dangerous products, medications that negatively affect the course of the disease. It is important to direct your strength and capabilities to get rid of the disease that contributes to an increase in temperature. Then it is permissible to apply ancient recipes for combating high fever, which successfully reduce indicators and have a positive effect on digestion and the gastrointestinal tract.

It is useful to drink tea with raspberries or honey, with lemon. It is acceptable to use other traditional methods of treatment, but you should not experiment. It is important for the patient to know his own type of disease - with high or low acidity. Knowledge will help you choose the right effective treatment methods. Any therapy - treatment with medications or traditional healers - must occur under the supervision of a doctor.

Often modern medications are unsafe for the health of patients with stomach diseases. Sometimes even doctors often recommend folk remedies to combat fever after learning that the patient has gastritis. When taking medications, it is extremely important to remember that the drugs can damage the stomach, causing an exacerbation of the disease and a noticeable deterioration in health. If the fever lasts a long time and is too high, taking antipyretics is mandatory.

It is strictly not recommended to bring down a low temperature - it is believed that the body is fighting and is able to cope with inflammation. The exception is for patients additionally suffering from cardiovascular diseases. For such patients, even a slight increase in temperature can be life-threatening.

When the fever and pain due to gastritis last a long time, measures do not help, you will have to undergo a course of treatment in a hospital under round-the-clock supervision by doctors. In the hospital there are more opportunities and special medications for quick treatment. The patient is prescribed antibiotics or drugs that coat the stomach and reduce the impact of toxins on the body as a whole. Droppers and injections are used that do not affect the gastric mucosa, causing additional irritation.

Folk recipes for reducing temperature for gastritis

A variety of recipes from ancient healers will help you choose the appropriate treatment for any acidity of gastric juice in the human body, low or high. Chronic and acute gastritis with fever can be cured using traditional medicine.

To quickly reduce the patient's body temperature to a normal level, they are given plenty of fluids. Tolerably hot teas with honey, fruit juice with raspberries or rose hips ideally help improve the condition. It is recommended to drink warm milk with honey; goat's milk is effective.

A lot of folk methods of lowering temperature in diseases of the stomach, in particular gastritis, have been described. Willow bark works no worse than standard antipyretics. A tablespoon of crushed bark is added to boiling water and left for 20 minutes. It is recommended to drink this several times a day, one hundred milliliters. The recipe is suitable for patients with any acidity of gastric juice.

Lime blossom tea will appeal to everyone without exception. Brew a handful of flowers as usual tea, let it brew. The recipe has been known since ancient times as an excellent antipyretic for children and adults. The only recommendation is not to drink it very hot, avoiding the chance of irritating the walls of the stomach.

Treatment methods using cranberry tea or viburnum potion are tasty and healthy. To treat with cranberries, make cranberry juice; it is better to add a spoonful of honey to the viburnum pulp. It is recommended to consume thermally processed vegetables and fruits to softly coat the stomach.

Remember, any self-medication can harm the human body; only competent medical help will help you choose the appropriate and gentle treatment, even with folk remedies.

It is easier to protect yourself from a disease than to treat it for a long time. It is much better to prevent the disease than to later look for effective and safe treatments for gastritis. A simple way of prevention is a healthy lifestyle. By giving up most bad habits, people can prevent a variety of diseases.

As a rule, gastritis is a disease that complicates the lives of many people, not only adults, but even children. Unfortunately, temperature is one of the most rare symptoms of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. However, due to the fact that it is not advisable for patients with any gastrointestinal diseases to use drugs that reduce temperature, due to the fact that they may cause complications. That is, the temperature that arises against the background of gastritis is reduced by other methods.

The temperature does not drop. What to do?

A rapid increase in temperature even after taking antipyretic drugs may be associated with:

  • Incorrect diagnosis.
  • Development of 2-3 ailments simultaneously.
  • The individual reaction of the body to the medicine.

At this stage, self-medication is especially dangerous. Only a specialist can solve the problem of high temperature that cannot be brought down during gastritis. A number of examinations will be carried out. They will help to find out whether gastritis has turned into a stomach ulcer, or whether there is cancer. When the root cause of the pathological condition is known, an effective treatment regimen can be selected.

Let's imagine a situation where a patient ignores the doctor's instructions - especially when it comes to correcting nutrition. You definitely shouldn’t hope for a quick recovery. The temperature will not decrease, because the inflammatory process remains and is uncontrollable. The more advanced the disease, the longer its treatment. Taking gastritis lightly, considering it a temporary phenomenon that will pass on its own is the wrong tactic. There are cases when people became disabled because they simply ignored the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. Don’t repeat their fate - watch your health!

Drug therapy

There is no need to fight the temperature; the best way out is to treat gastritis. When it is possible to relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the patient’s condition will return to normal. Therapy is selected individually depending on the level of acidity and the form of the disease. The basic rules of treatment are:

  • Dieting. It is important to exclude all harmful foods: soda, pastries, coffee, fried, salty, fatty, spicy foods. In case of exacerbation, it is recommended to limit the intake of rough food for a while.
  • Monitoring fluid intake. The daily volume should be at least 2 liters.
  1. Antispasmodics for pain relief - No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine.
  2. Sorbents for removing toxins – Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel.
  3. Enzymes that improve digestion are indicated for pancreatitis and problems with the pancreas (these are Creon, Festal).
  4. Antiemetics are indicated for nausea and vomiting, such as metoclopramide.
  5. Proton pump inhibitors are indicated for hyperacidity. Helps reduce acid production. These are Omez, Pantokar, etc.

Important! When the inflammatory process subsides, the temperature will drop to normal levels.

How does the temperature rise during acute and chronic gastritis?

Inflammation of the epithelial layer of the stomach can be acute and chronic. When the disease manifests itself for the first time, the symptoms are rarely vague. Most often these are severe dull or aching pain, nausea and vomiting, and weakness. To prevent the acute stage from becoming chronic, it is important to start treatment on time. Otherwise, you will have to suffer from gastritis 2-3 times a year. And curing a chronic illness is much more difficult.

Temperature may increase in acute and chronic forms. The difference between exacerbation is that the indicators reach 38 ° C, but they are easy to normalize. Once the temperature is reduced, it does not increase. The chronic form is a sluggish process that manifests itself with a temperature of 37.2 °C. It lasts for weeks, and the patient stops paying attention to it. Chronic gastritis is accompanied by a loss of strength and apathy in relation to surrounding events.

An intelligent specialist will easily relieve the patient from both the chronic form of gastritis and sudden exacerbation, and will help normalize the temperature. Provided that all the doctor’s recommendations are followed unquestioningly: taking medications, diet, etc. It is enough to remove the inflammation and the temperature will drop on its own.

The appearance of heat and fever in acute gastritis

Patients often ask whether there can be a temperature with acute gastritis. This type of disease develops suddenly. The patient feels severe pain in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting begins. A white or yellow coating forms on the tongue. The patient complains of heartburn. All these symptoms may be accompanied by fever in the following cases:

  1. Infection of mucous membranes with pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Severe poisoning.
  3. Dysentery, typhoid fever and other diseases that develop against the background of existing damage to the esophagus. The temperature rises to 38...39°C.

Fluctuations in the patient's body temperature may be recorded during the vomiting process with the release of a small amount of blood. This occurs during exacerbation of gastritis, which occurs against the background of bleeding in the esophagus. The temperature may rise due to the appearance of ulcers on the mucous surfaces of the diseased stomach. The condition requires urgent treatment.

What medicines can be used to reduce the temperature?

Treatment of high fever is symptomatic and complex. In the first case, you take antipyretic drugs and relieve the symptoms. But as soon as the effect of the drugs stops, the temperature rises again. Because the root cause remains.

That is why attention is focused on complex treatment, which includes a number of necessary measures:

  • Eating healthy foods that do not burden the digestive system.
  • The use of enzymes that improve the absorption of food.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can also use antipyretics, but with prolonged use they have a negative effect on the stomach and intestines. Immediately abandon the Soviet methods of churning with the help of injections of analgin with diphenhydramine or aspirin. Pharmaceutical companies have come up with hundreds of new products that are modern and safe. These include ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Both drugs have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended to use it in the form of suspensions - they are absorbed faster and more efficiently. In case of severe inflammation, the temperature is reduced with rectal suppositories. Suppositories with the active substance are available at any pharmacy.

It is worth refraining from antipyretic drugs based on the active ingredient nimesulide. They bring down the temperature, but “hit” the liver. They are used in extreme cases when there are no stomach problems.


Medicines are often unsafe for the health of patients with stomach diseases. And even doctors recommend folk remedies to lower the temperature when they know that the patient has gastritis. When taking medications, it is important to remember that these drugs can damage the gastric mucosa, provoke an exacerbation of the disease and cause significant harm to health. If the high temperature lasts a long time and is very high, the use of antipyretics is mandatory.

You should not lower the low temperature - it is believed that the body itself fights it and can cope with inflammation. An exception in this regard is patients in whom gastritis is accompanied by cardiovascular diseases. For such patients, even a slight increase in temperature can be life-threatening.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, it is allowed to use folk remedies to reduce fever. Raspberry leaf tea or raspberry jam can help in this case. It can be consumed in small quantities for gastritis. It is recommended to drink this decoction or tea at night.

Tea with honey and lemon is also useful. You can use other methods of traditional medicine to reduce heat during gastritis, but you must take into account the acidity of the stomach.

It is allowed to drink milk with honey, but it must be diluted with water 1 to 1. It is good to drink linden tea, goat milk helps.

To quickly reduce the patient's body temperature to normal levels, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. Tolerably hot tea with honey, fruit juice with rose hips or raspberries will ideally help improve your condition.

Willow bark works no worse than classic antipyretics. To prepare the product, take 1 tbsp. spoon of bark and pour boiling water over it, leave for 20 minutes. Drink the infusion several times a day, half a glass. This recipe is suitable for any level of gastric acidity.

Linden flower tea is brewed as a simple tea, allowed to brew, and drunk as an antipyretic. The only recommendation is not to consume it very hot, so as not to irritate the gastric walls.

For cranberry therapy, cranberry juice is prepared, and when treating with viburnum, a spoonful of honey is added to the pulp. It is also recommended to use heat-treated vegetables and fruits to softly coat the stomach.

Folk remedies

Our ancestors fought fever with the help of medicinal plants. To reduce the temperature, teas and decoctions of raspberries were used, which are allowed for gastritis in small quantities. To get a good sweat, drink tea made from jam and raspberry leaves at night and go to bed.

Cranberry tea has exactly the same effect. The difference is that when acidity is high, it is used with caution. Milk with honey is very healthy - it is diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. The healing process will also be accelerated by linden tea, which suppresses inflammatory processes.

When choosing a particular remedy, you should ask your doctor which plant will be useful in your case. He will not only recommend an effective prescription, but will also monitor the dynamics and, if necessary, make adjustments to the chosen therapy regimen.

Traditional treatment

Against the background of medications prescribed by a doctor, you can use additional therapy with folk remedies. If the acidity of the stomach is low, then the temperature is relieved with cranberry or viburnum tea. The berries are ground, poured with boiling water and infused for twelve hours. After this, the berries are squeezed out and mixed with honey. Drink a third of a glass of tea four times a day. Some recipes do not require long-term infusion; it is enough to simply cool the drink at room temperature and drink.

You can also use goat's milk with honey. In the absence of goat's milk, you can use cow's milk. Raspberry and linden teas are good for lowering the temperature. It is advisable to drink this milk before bed, it has a calming effect. Drinking a very hot drink is not recommended; boiling water harms the mucous membrane. Linden tea is not only good for the stomach, but also delicious. To do this, a handful of linden blossom is brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water, then infused. Linden is very good at normalizing body temperature in case of any disease.

It is allowed to use folk recipes, but only with the permission of a doctor - in his recommendations he bases his recommendations on the level of acidity. Gastritis with fever is a serious danger, which is taken into account during drug treatment. In parallel, it is necessary to carry out therapy for other diseases the patient has.

Self-treatment or ignoring gastritis leads to the formation of stomach ulcers or drug problems. Each case of the disease is individual; when prescribing treatment methods, the doctor takes into account the acidity of the stomach, the type of disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and the condition of the patient’s body.


Help from traditional medicine

When the thermometer exceeds 38 °C, it is worth helping the body cope with the problem. Reducing the temperature must be approached correctly, taking into account the stomach acidity of a person.

Folk remedies are primarily aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and reducing pain.

  • Cranberry or raspberry tea is indicated for low acidity. Grind two tablespoons of cranberries, pour boiling water over them, let it brew for 5 minutes and drink warm.
  • At night you can drink warm milk with honey. This will help with high acidity.
  • Herbal tea with linden is aimed at relieving inflammation and lowering temperature. 1 tbsp. pour boiling water over a spoonful of herbs, leave for 15-20 minutes in a water bath, filter, bring to the original volume and take 3-4 times a day as tea.
  • For 500 ml of boiling water you need 2 tbsp. spoons of viburnum. Infuse the drink for 8-9 hours, strain it, squeezing the juice from the berries, add honey and take 100 ml 1-2 times a day. This is useful for low acidity.

To the question of whether there can be a temperature with gastritis, doctors do not have a clear answer. But as practice shows, this is possible, especially in the acute form of the disease. This is due to the inflammatory process in the mucous layer of the stomach and nearby organs.

You can bring down the temperature by treating the underlying ailment. Its decrease in this disease is rarely observed, and this is a serious signal from the body about the onset of exhaustion or a decrease in protective forces.

Gastritis is a widespread disease that occurs when the mucous membrane of the stomach wall becomes inflamed. Possible with increased or decreased acidity of gastric juice. The form of the disease can be acute or chronic. More than half of the people on Earth suffer from pathology; the average age of people suffering from the disease is thirty years or older.

Gastritis is not considered a deadly disease, but the disease must be treated on time. Effective treatment will help to avoid further unfavorable results of advanced gastritis. A person is at risk of ulcers, bleeding, stomach cancer, etc.

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