Is activated charcoal effective for constipation?

Information about the drug

Activated carbon (sorbent) is a practical, universal and practically safe medicine. It is made from organic materials (charcoal, coke) and has a porous structure.

Coal is capable of adsorption, a process in which gases or liquids are absorbed by solids. Therefore, activated carbon neutralizes poisons, deactivates bacteria and molecular components that harm the digestive tract.

By helping to rid the stomach of unwanted elements (harmful chemicals, bacteria, toxins), it promotes successful bowel movements, eliminating problems that cause constipation and fecal retention.

As a result of constipation, immunity decreases, dysbiosis develops, and the functions of many organs can be disrupted. Constipation is distinguished between acute and chronic. Activated carbon is effective in the initial stage of the disease and outside the acute period.

The sorbent is safe even during pregnancy . It does not affect the tone of the uterus and does not activate the intestinal muscles.

Coal is also used to prevent constipation. But this is not the main, but an auxiliary means for normalizing stool.

Side effects

Side effects from using activated carbon include:

  • dispersion;
  • diarrhea;
  • poor absorption of nutrients;
  • decreased absorption of hormones.

Important! The listed side effects do not always manifest themselves. On the contrary, they are very rare.

If the cause of constipation is poisoning, then the drug is taken every 4 hours until the problem disappears. The maximum duration of such treatment is 2 days.

Features of the effect of activated carbon on the body

Coal provides:

  • cleansing the intestines of gases and toxins formed during constipation;
  • promoting defecation;
  • prevention of intoxication, bloating;
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract (if used correctly).

When activated carbon preparations enter human organs, the absorption process begins. Its active components absorb elements of harmful substances at the molecular level and remove them through the large intestine.

The sorbent has a selective effect on substances in the blood and gastrointestinal tract.

When crushing or chewing the tablet, the effect of absorption of harmful substances will already act in the mouth, but when it reaches the intestines, it will weaken or stop altogether.

Therefore, there is no need to crush the drug. When coal is used, the stool is usually dark in color.

Reviews and analogues

Coal does not have a laxative effect. It is used for another purpose - to prevent

intoxication of the body. Whether activated charcoal will help depends on the origin of the constipation. If it is caused by poisoning, the enterosorbent will be effective. When intestinal atony is observed, the drug should be abandoned.

Many note the positive effect of the medication, which is manifested in improved well-being and elimination of bloating. Others notice that the drug, on the contrary, only aggravates the problem.

The following drugs have a similar effect:

Enterosorbents are found in many products, including algae, fruits, and bran. They are useful to use during the treatment of constipation.

Activated carbon preparations and other enterosorbents are intended for the treatment of poisoning. This must be taken into account when the question arises whether charcoal helps with constipation. Enterosorbent can be taken as an auxiliary drug to prevent intoxication. If you feel well, it is better to limit yourself to laxatives or other medications recommended by the doctor.

In practical medicine, activated charcoal is often used for constipation. The use of the drug is also practiced in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is a sorbent, therefore it neutralizes all toxic substances. Activated carbon has almost no side effects due to its natural origin and the absence of additional impurities.

Correct use of charcoal for constipation

  1. Before starting to use the sorbent, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to exclude individual intolerance and other contraindications.
  2. How to take: for optimal absorption into the blood, you need to consume charcoal an hour before meals or after about 2 hours, while washing it down with an impressive amount of liquid.
  3. Consume until recovery (up to 3 days) after 3–4 hours. Children take three times a day. If there is no effect, consult a doctor.
  4. The number of tablets may vary. If signs of constipation are minor, 2–4 tablets are sufficient. For more pronounced symptoms, the number of tablets should be calculated depending on weight. For 10 kilograms on average there is 1 tablet per day.
  5. The effect of coal is carried out until the body is oversaturated with it. After that, he simply stops the impact. Therefore, “extra” tablets will not be able to enhance the effect.
  6. For frequent constipation, it is recommended to dilute crushed charcoal with water and not mix it with other drugs. For greater effectiveness, preliminary gastric lavage with a weakly diluted solution of potassium permanganate is recommended.
  7. If there is an accumulation of toxic elements due to liver problems, it is recommended to take the product for no more than 7 days.
  8. If taken for a long time on a sufficiently empty stomach, vitamin deficiency may occur due to the ability of the sorbent to absorb not only pathogenic microelements, but also those needed by the body. To avoid loss of nutrients, simultaneous use of vitamin complexes is recommended.
  9. Activated carbon for constipation is recognized only as an auxiliary remedy. It is part of a comprehensive treatment.
  10. The drug must be stored in a dry, dark place.

When chewed, the coal simply does not reach the intestines.

Basic conditions

In addition to the fact that this drug should be taken with a sufficiently large amount of water, there are a number of other rules on how exactly to take the medication in order to eliminate defecation delays.

The dosage varies depending on the stage of constipation. If the stage of intestinal dysfunction is mild, then you need to take two tablets of charcoal twice a day. If the illness has been going on for several days, take three tablets three times a day.

To eliminate the symptoms of poisoning, the dosage is calculated separately - one tablet for every ten kilograms of the patient’s body weight, and the drug is taken three times a day (for example, if the patient weighs sixty kilograms, then he needs to drink six tablets at a time).

Experts recommend that at the first sign of constipation, rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate; this is done so that the sorbent works better.

The drug is used daily until complete recovery occurs. If this does not happen within a few days, then further treatment should be stopped and you should seek advice from a specialist.

The sorbent is used two hours after a meal or one hour before a meal. The medicine is washed down with plenty of water, unless there are individual contraindications.

The sorbent cannot be mixed with any other medications, since the drug has a porous structure that can absorb useful substances, which will lead to stomach dysfunction.

The medicine can be taken either as a whole tablet or as a powder. To do this, the tablet should be crushed and then mixed with water. This is appropriate for those patients for whom constipation causes particular inconvenience.

The effect of activated carbon for constipation will only be effective when the body is oversaturated with it. In order to fully recover, you need to take the drug in the amount prescribed by the doctor and you should not neglect these rules.

Often the drug is supplemented with a complex of vitamins. This is done due to the fact that the medicine is able to absorb any microelements, regardless of whether they are harmful or beneficial to the body. Vitamin complexes can significantly reduce this effect and fill the body with essential microelements and minerals.

Judging by numerous reviews, the answer to the question – does charcoal help with constipation is often positive. However, you should be careful even when using such a harmless product.

Features of taking the drug during pregnancy

Constipation in pregnant women is caused by decreased muscle contractions. Many people are interested in whether the sorbent helps pregnant women.

The drug can be used at any stage of pregnancy without complications. Without being absorbed into the blood, the sorbent cannot harm the health of the fetus feeding through the placenta. It helps relieve constipation without complications. It is easily eliminated from the body naturally.

Pregnant women are recommended to use the drug for flatulence, heartburn, and intestinal disorders, but they should use it with caution if they have constipation. A doctor's advice is definitely needed.

Activated carbon's ability to cause constipation

It is important to know whether activated charcoal can cause constipation. Ignoring the recommendations for use or prolonged uncontrolled use of the sorbent can lead to the development of constipation. People with atony or intestinal obstruction, duodenal ulcers, and stomach are susceptible to it. For them, this sorbent can cause discomfort, nausea and constipation.

We must remember ! Activated carbon is an excellent sorbent, but not a laxative, but only an auxiliary element. It is effective for mild forms of stool retention.

There is also white activated carbon. Its beneficial properties are higher, but it is more expensive and is not indicated for children and pregnant women. For faster action of this drug, it is recommended to consume fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits. This will reduce the load on the intestines.

So, activated carbon is able to normalize intestinal function by absorbing harmful and toxic substances. Thus, it helps solve problems of constipation, loose stools and others. But only as part of a comprehensive treatment.

As a stand-alone drug, in some cases it can even worsen bowel problems. It is necessary to take into account all contraindications and adverse reactions and do not forget to consult a doctor.

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Published: 01/23/2017

Practicing gastroenterologist. I specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of most acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases. I know how to provide first aid.

Constipation is a problem that anyone can face. This disease causes discomfort, complicates the patient’s life, and brings pain. This means we need to fight him.

But how? Many people try to overcome this disease with the help of activated charcoal. This method is widely known among the people and, in general, is approved by doctors. The question remains - how exactly does this component eliminate the problem, and does it cause harm to our body?

Basic information about activated carbon

Activated carbon is a substance with a large number of pores, which is made from organic materials. Once in the body, it absorbs small molecular components.

This property is called absorption, and drugs that possess it are known as sorbents. They are able to neutralize many poisons, deactivate bacteria and active particles. As well as many other components that hinder the functioning of the digestive system.

In other words, with the help of activated carbon, our stomach gets rid of all the elements that it is unable to cope with on its own. After which a successful bowel movement takes place.

It is worth noting that the effectiveness of this substance directly depends on the number of its pores. Activated carbon is a product that has the maximum number of microscopic holes.

Rules for taking activated carbon for constipation

  1. When the first signs of constipation appear, you should limit yourself to 2-4 sorbent tablets. To improve the effect, some doctors recommend pre-rinsing the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  2. If the disease does not go away, you need to increase the amount of medication taken. The exact number of tablets that need to be swallowed depends on the patient's weight. Doctors recommend using the following formula: 1 tablet per 10 kilograms. That is, if a person suffering from constipation weighs 60 kilograms, he needs to take six tablets of activated charcoal;
  3. The sorbent is taken every 3–4 hours until the illness passes. If within 2-3 days the patient does not feel a positive effect from the treatment, he needs to consult his doctor;
  4. The medicine is used 1.5–2 hours after eating. And it can also be taken an hour before lunch, dinner or breakfast;
  5. Doctors do not recommend using it dry. On the contrary, the patient should take each tablet with plenty of water (unless this is contraindicated);
  6. Activated carbon should not be mixed with other drugs! Due to its porous structure, it can absorb individual beneficial components. If you ignore this recommendation, a person suffering from an illness risks aggravating dysfunction in his stomach;
  7. This sorbent can be used not only in solid form, but also in liquid form. Moreover, doctors recommend grinding charcoal and diluting it with water in cases where constipation causes particular inconvenience.

Additional information about coal

  1. Coal will only act if the body is oversaturated with it. In order to get a real effect from using the sorbent, you need to use it exactly in those quantities that correspond to the patient’s weight;
  2. Coal absorbs not only harmful, but also beneficial microelements. By consuming it for several days, a person deprives his body of many useful substances. In order to minimize this effect, many people take the sorbent along with vitamin complexes.


Some people have an individual intolerance to activated carbon. In order to protect yourself from troubles on this basis, you need to approach the use of sorbent wisely.

In other words, take only one or two charcoal tablets for the first time. Then wait a few hours. If this does not bring any harm to the patient, the dose can be increased to the normal amount.

It should also not be used by those who use antitoxic drugs. As already mentioned, coal can neutralize their effect. People suffering from various forms of stomach ulcers should not use the sorbent. Some of its properties can cause complications of these diseases.

Activated carbon is one of the most practical and versatile medicines. It is practically incapable of harming human health.

Side effects

  1. Diarrhea;
  2. Dispersion;
  3. The body absorbs proteins, vitamins, and fats worse. Hormone absorption deteriorates.

It is worth noting that each of the above side effects does not necessarily appear in a person treated with the sorbent. On the contrary, their appearance is very rare.

Benefits of consuming activated charcoal for constipation

  1. Price – this component is cheaper than most medications;
  2. Harmlessness - in 99% of cases, this sorbent is simply not capable of causing any harm to humans;
  3. Efficiency - thousands of unfortunate people were able to overcome the most difficult forms of constipation with the help of this simple medicine.

Summing up

Activated charcoal is an excellent cure for constipation and other stomach ailments. However, it must be taken correctly. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be zero. Moreover, in certain situations it can harm our health.

Constipation is one of the common problems that each of us has to face in life. Constipation is often painful, with a feeling of heaviness. But this problem always has a solution. Activated charcoal is used very often for constipation. But it can either help or be the cause of this problem. That is, some people get constipated from this medicine.

In most cases, this medicine helps the bowel function, which further promotes bowel movements.

The drug is available in the form of granules, capsules, tablets, paste and powder. One tablet contains activated carbon, starch and black salt. It is an industrially produced product. Black salt is small grains with pores, which has an adsorbing property. It contains microelements that contribute to the health of the body.

Also, with the help of this medicine, the stomach gets rid of unwanted elements that it cannot fight on its own. This promotes good bowel movements.

How does activated carbon work?

Activated carbon is a drug that contains a large amount of organic substances. After the medicine enters the body, it absorbs small components and subsequently removes them from the body.

Therefore, the medicine also eliminates gases, bacteria, and toxins that disrupt the natural process of bowel movements. The highlight of this drug is the number of pores: the more, the better the result.

The medicine is recommended to be taken in case of regular constipation, but as an auxiliary drug.

The beneficial effects of activated carbon on the body have been known since ancient times. The medicine is used not only in cases of treatment or prevention, but also to purify water - as a filter. The water that runs through pipes in houses often has a nasty smell, cloudy color and, in addition, has a whole group of particles and bacteria harmful to the body. The drug is the most effective way to purify water (and also the cheapest).

The pores of the drug are capable of absorbing heavy metals such as lead, radon, and mercury. Since beneficial minerals are preserved.

The effect of activated carbon on any organism, even if it is completely healthy (which is rarely the case), is invaluable. This medicine helps in cases of poisoning, colds, dieting and cleansing the body of toxins.


Directions for use and dosage

This medicine helps well with severe intestinal problems. The drug also promotes proper cleaning. The dose of activated carbon depends on the situation.

To eliminate problems such as diarrhea and flatulence, you need to take three tablets three times a day. The drug should be taken between meals, and treatment lasts no more than 3 days. You need to know that activated carbon does not have laxative effects. The medicine helps solve the problem of obstruction.

Doctors say that this medicine can not only cleanse the intestines, but also help solve such a delicate problem as constipation.

For constipation, the medicine should be prescribed twice a day, at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of weight. You need a lot of coal, but there is no harm to the stomach, this is a big advantage of this drug.

This medicine can also be taken for prevention. In this case, you need to take one tablet per day. If you decide to lose weight, this drug will definitely not help you. The weight loss process is not activated; many of the intake options here have a negative side.

Therefore, you need to take the drug according to your doctor’s recommendations. Although it is a natural medicine, the dosage should be strictly controlled by a doctor.

The method of using the drug is very simple. The required number of tablets should be taken with plenty of water. The more water, the faster the tablets will be absorbed.

If it is not possible to take the whole tablet, it can be crushed.

Contraindications and side effects

Activated carbon is almost completely safe for the body, but there are always exceptions. Contraindications include:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Ulcerative colitis;
  • Intestinal atony;
  • Development of gastric bleeding.

Side effects include:

  • Decrease in the concentration of potassium ions in the blood;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Poor absorption of vitamins in the intestines;
  • Decreased pressure.

Can activated charcoal cause constipation?

In very rare cases, the drug can cause: constipation, nausea, vomiting and stomach discomfort.

It should not be taken by people with intestinal obstruction or gastrointestinal ulcers, especially if they are accompanied by bleeding.

If you use this medicine with other medications or supplements, you need to understand that charcoal weakens their effect on the body.

Therefore, sometimes you should not consume activated charcoal, as it leads to unwanted problems (such as constipation).


To treat a specific disease, it is better to take more modern drugs that are more likely to be effective.

And taxes on coal can be drugs such as:

  • Microsorb-P;
  • Carbolong;
  • Activated carbon (FAS-E, UBF);
  • Belosorb-P;
  • Carbactin;
  • Carbo Medical;
  • Enterosorbent GS-01-E;
  • Carbomix;
  • Ultra-adsorb;
  • Enterosorbent VNIITU-2.


The question is often asked whether it is possible to drink activated charcoal for constipation. Activated carbon is one of the main medicines in any first aid kit. It successfully helps cope with bloating and symptoms of food poisoning. In order to use it correctly, it is important to understand how this remedy acts on the body and in what doses it should be consumed.

Effect of activated carbon on the body

Activated carbon is a medicine that is made from carbon. It is obtained by special processing of different types of coal:

  • woody;
  • coal coke;
  • petroleum coke.

The raw materials are pressed into tablets, which are sold freely. Activated carbon helps with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acting on the body like a sponge that collects all substances from the contents of the gastric juice or intestines.

This mechanism of action is explained by the structure of the tablet substance: it has many small pores and voids into which various components of the internal environment fall. Thus, toxic substances and semi-digested food products also enter the pores, which significantly alleviates the patient’s condition in the presence of food poisoning.

Activated charcoal is often used for constipation.

This is due to the beneficial effects of the drug on the body:

  • cleansing the body of toxins promotes more efficient formation of feces;
  • charcoal absorbs all undigested food particles, thereby preventing constipation;
  • the collection of all food residues, as well as toxic substances, has a good effect on intestinal motility, due to which feces move faster through its channels.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether activated charcoal helps with constipation is positive. It is only important to understand how to take the medicine in such cases: in what doses, how often, etc.

Rules for taking medication

Once you have received an affirmative answer to the question of whether activated charcoal will help with constipation, it is also important to take into account the rules for using this remedy.

First of all, it is important to be sure that the patient has no contraindications to the use of the drug. Otherwise, its use may worsen the situation.

If there are no restrictions, then you can start treating constipation with charcoal, taking into account the following rules:

  1. If constipation has just begun, then you need to take the medicine 2 times a day, 2 tablets.
  2. If a day has passed and there is no effect, the dose should be increased to three times the dose of charcoal (3 tablets each).
  3. In any case, the medicine is taken several hours before meals (1.5-2).
  4. The tablet can be crushed and mixed with water or simply chewed into a powder. In any case, it should be washed down with plenty of water.
  5. You should not combine charcoal with laxatives or other drugs. Their substances will simply get into the pores of the coal, and they will not give any effect.

Coal is an affordable and fairly good remedy that helps in cases of mild, non-chronic constipation.

However, if the effect does not occur within 2 days, this is a reason to change the medicine. You should not increase the dose, because such a measure will lead to the opposite results - constipation will worsen.

The most correct decision in this case is to consult a doctor, since it is very difficult to correctly determine the cause of the disease at home.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that in most cases the use of this product is completely safe for the body, there are a number of contraindications in which you should refrain from using activated carbon:

  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and/or duodenum;
  • different forms of colitis;
  • risk of gastric bleeding (for example, after relevant operations);
  • intestinal atony.

Side effects are usually not observed or are mild.

However, with a severe overdose, the following phenomena may occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • decrease in the content of dissolved potassium in the blood plasma;
  • various disturbances in the absorption of nutrients into the intestinal wall.

In the early stages of the disease, this is a fairly effective remedy. If you take into account all the contraindications, as well as the rules for using the drug, then you can treat constipation with charcoal. If it does not help, it should be replaced with another medicine as soon as possible.

Any disease is easier to prevent. In the case of persistent constipation, special dietary requirements should be made.

It is important to develop a new, more acceptable diet. To do this, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Constipation is a common problem that everyone faces in life. It is often accompanied by painful sensations and a feeling of constant heaviness, but the problem of constipation, like any other problem, has its own solution. Activated carbon for constipation is used quite often, this method of treatment is considered effective, and doctors have nothing against such “salvation”. Of course, many are interested in whether this method is really so effective and safe.

Directions for use and dosage

This medicine helps well with severe intestinal problems. The drug also promotes proper cleaning. The dose of activated carbon depends on the situation.

To eliminate problems such as diarrhea and flatulence, you need to take three tablets three times a day. The drug should be taken between meals, and treatment lasts no more than 3 days. You need to know that activated carbon does not have laxative effects. The medicine helps solve the problem of obstruction.

Doctors say that this medicine can not only cleanse the intestines, but also help solve such a delicate problem as constipation.

For constipation, the medicine should be prescribed twice a day, at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of weight. You need a lot of coal, but there is no harm to the stomach, this is a big advantage of this drug.

This medicine can also be taken for prevention. In this case, you need to take one tablet per day. If you decide to lose weight, this drug will definitely not help you. The weight loss process is not activated; many of the intake options here have a negative side.

Therefore, you need to take the drug according to your doctor’s recommendations. Although it is a natural medicine, the dosage should be strictly controlled by a doctor.

The method of using the drug is very simple. The required number of tablets should be taken with plenty of water. The more water, the faster the tablets will be absorbed.

If it is not possible to take the whole tablet, it can be crushed.

Mechanism of action

Activated carbon is a substance containing a huge number of small pores, as well as organic substances. Once inside the body, charcoal begins to absorb microscopic components, subsequently removing them from the body. It is thanks to this ability that coal helps eliminate all gases, bacteria, and toxins that interfere with the process of defecation. The secret of activated carbon is the number of its pores: the more pores, the stronger its effect. It is recommended to take charcoal for persistent intestinal problems, but not as the main method of treatment, but as an auxiliary one.

You need to take charcoal several hours after taking your main medication, because just as charcoal removes toxins, it also removes the effects of beneficial drugs.

Bottom line

As it turns out, these inexpensive pills are effective against constipation and are truly versatile. This is one of the medications, the use of which for problems with bowel movements will not harm even a pregnant woman. Those ladies who have weakened uterine tone can take charcoal, since the drug does not contribute to its involuntary contraction.

If you dose the medication incorrectly and do not follow the rules of administration, you can provoke unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, in any case, you should not self-medicate, but it would be best to seek help from a specialist.

  1. How does activated charcoal work for diarrhea?
  2. How much activated charcoal to take for diarrhea?
  3. How long does it take for Senade to work after taking it?
  4. How long does it take for smecta to work for diarrhea?

Rules for taking the drug for constipation

  1. Consultation with a doctor: cases of individual intolerance are possible.
  2. At the initial stage of the disease, take the medicine 2 times a day, 2 tablets.
  3. For a duration of more than 2 days, take 3 tablets 3 times a day.
  4. In the case of various types of poisoning, use 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight every 4-5 hours.
  5. Take each tablet with enough water.
  6. Do not chew the medicine, as it simply will not reach the intestines.
  7. Take only 1.5-2 hours after meals. Do not use on an empty stomach.
  8. Do not combine with other medications, as the effect of both charcoal and the medication will be canceled.
  9. Coal absorbs not only harmful elements, but also good ones, so doctors advise taking vitamin complexes at the same time.
  10. Grinding the medication and mixing it with water is encouraged.
  11. There is no point in taking an increased dose of coal, because the body stops reacting after oversaturation with it.

Contraindications for use

There are few contraindications for use. This:

  • drug intolerance;
  • ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and duodenum, taking an adsorbent can provoke a worsening of the condition;
  • atony (lazy bowel) and gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

It must be remembered that at least 2 hours must pass between taking activated carbon and any medicine. Otherwise, the drug will be absorbed by charcoal and excreted naturally.

When treating with activated carbon, it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications.

Adsorbent treatment should be abandoned if constipation is accompanied by the following symptoms: headaches and intestinal pain, changes in skin color, increased body temperature, attacks of nausea ending in vomiting. Such symptoms indicate the presence of a serious health problem.

Contraindications and side effects

Activated carbon is almost 99% safe for humans, but, of course, there are exceptions to the rules.


  • Individual intolerance
  • Development of stomach ulcers
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Intestinal atony
  • Developing stomach bleeding

Side effects

  • Decreased concentration of potassium ions in the blood
  • Diarrhea
  • Impaired absorption of vitamins in the intestines
  • Decreased pressure

When taking the drug, stool may turn black in places.

Can it cause constipation?

Although the drug is chemically neutral and safe, if it is taken in a large daily dose (from 10 tablets) and for a long time (over 10 days), it interferes with the absorption of microelements and vitamins from the intestines. Charcoal tablets impede the intake of nutrients and can cause constipation. Side effects also include diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Coal can cause constipation if the recommended dosage is not followed or if the drug is taken uncontrolled for a long time.

The drug can lead to painful conditions:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Discomfort in the abdomen.

Negative effects occur in people with gastric obstruction, gastrointestinal ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system.

Activated carbon is not a laxative, it is an additional element that is an excellent sorbent.

It is not recommended to use the product with other medications or dietary supplements. They weaken the positive effect, provoke side effects, and constipation from activated charcoal may occur. Taking activated carbon is effective for non-advanced forms of stool retention.

The product can help normalize processes in the intestines by absorbing harmful substances, but in complex treatment. Using coal as a stand-alone drug can worsen the problem. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to take into account the rules of administration, dosage, side effects and consult a doctor.

What other sorbents can be used?

Sorbents are drugs that selectively bind to biological substances and remove them from the body. Alternatives to coal include:


A unique medicine that, when passing through the body, binds a huge amount of unfavorable substances and subsequently removes them. The principle is the same as charcoal, but polysorb is able to bind 3 times more toxins than charcoal or smecta, and also combines perfectly with other drugs involved in treatment. It is used in the treatment of not only constipation, but also influenza or dermatoses. Available only in powder form.

Side effects: exacerbation of ulcers, gastric bleeding and intolerance.

Price 26-349 rubles.


A set of sorbents of natural origin that has a protective (promoting their vital activity) property for the digestive organs. Smecta is sold only in powder form with orange or vanilla flavor.

Side effects: allergies, bloating, vomiting. Do not use if you are intolerant to fructose. Smecta attracts unwanted elements to itself and removes them from the body on its surface.

Price 125-447 rubles.

Other types of sorbents

Let's consider other types of sorbents that help with constipation:

  1. Natural absorbents.
    Pectin is known to be able to absorb toxins from the body. When you consume fruits and vegetables that contain pectin, a gel is formed that removes toxins. There is a lot of this substance in strawberries, gooseberries, cabbage, apples, grapes and peaches. The fiber contained in sorrel, nuts, oatmeal, eggplant, and prunes is also valuable.
  2. White coal.
    There is an opinion that any coal is useful for constipation. Many people replace the activated one with white.

    This drug is created on the basis of silicon dioxide, which has good absorption ability, and also on the basis of microcrystalline cellulose. The required dose is 2-2.5 times less than when using activated carbon.

  3. Polysorb.
    The drug is produced in the form of a white powder, created on the basis of silicon. Pre-dissolution in water is required. The sorbent absorbs toxins and poisons well, quickly removes them from the body, and acts instantly.
  4. Enterosgel.
    This is an innovative sorbent. According to the principle of operation, the gel is similar to a small sponge that collects harmful molecules in the body and removes them. But at the same time, it does not absorb nutrients and minerals, leaving them in the body.

    The gel is not absorbed into the bloodstream, passes unhindered through the intestines, and is completely eliminated from the body after 6-7 hours.

To summarize, it should be noted that activated charcoal is a wonderful remedy for constipation and other stomach problems. But it should be taken according to the rules and contraindications should be taken into account.

Other treatments

  1. Diet therapy. The diet should be designed in such a way that it promotes the launch of intestinal motor functions. It is necessary to have a proper ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. You need to eat more fiber in your food. Food should be predominantly boiled or steamed. Avoid foods that cause food to rot in the intestines.
  2. Eating soups with low-fat chicken or fish broth.
  3. Eliminate strong coffee, canned food, smoked meats, chocolate, and flour products from your diet.
  4. During breakfast, take 1 tablespoon of coarse bran.
  5. Use of gas-forming candles. If, in addition to constipation, you also have hemorrhoids, then pay attention to Natalsid suppositories!
  6. Add oils and juices to your food.

Watch a video about constipation treatment methods

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