Is it possible to have milk for gastritis? Nutrition rules for gastritis

The diet of a patient with gastritis is severely limited due to the fact that many foods are immediately excluded from the diet. Eating buns, fried meat and ketchup in large quantities will no longer work. Diet therapy is selected taking into account the patient’s condition and type of disease. Products that are allowed for gastritis with low acidity are completely unsuitable for patients with high acidity. Therefore, the issue of a therapeutic diet must be approached very responsibly.

For example, kefir helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and “starts” the intestines. And at the same time, not all fermented milk products for gastritis will be equally beneficial. In this article we will look at the features of using kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk for gastrointestinal diseases. We will also find out which fermented milk products are suitable for gastritis in reasonable quantities.

Composition of milk

Milk is 88% water, the rest is fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Do not forget about the vitamins and minerals contained in the liquid product. As an illustrative example, consider the detailed composition of milk per 100 grams of product:

  • Water - 88 g;
  • Proteins - 3.2 g;
  • Fats - 3.25 g (saturated - 1.9 g, monounsaturated - 0.8 g, polyunsaturated - 0.2 g);
  • Carbohydrates - 5.2 g;
  • Sugar - 5.2 g;
  • Lactose - 5.2 g;
  • Vitamins (retinol (A) - 28 mcg, thiamine (B1) - 0.04 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 0.18 mg, cobalamin (B12) - 0.44 mcg, vitamin D - 2 IU) ;
  • Minerals (calcium - 113 mg, magnesium - 10 mg, potassium - 143 mg).

This list of components is not complete. It contains the main substances. We emphasize that the indicators will vary depending on the conditions in which the animal was raised, what grass it ate, what medical procedures took place (vaccination, etc.).

Effect on the gastrointestinal tract


Milk has a softening effect on the gastric mucosa, enveloping it. If you have heartburn, doctors advise drinking a glass of warm milk in small sips, and the discomfort will go away. The low acidity of the product allows you to normalize high acidity, which is what happens with heartburn.

Fermented milk products are good for the gastrointestinal tract, especially if they are made at home using pharmaceutical starter.

Anyone can make cottage cheese, kefir or yoghurt if they have the desire.


The large amount of casein contained in milk is very difficult to digest. With age, the process of digesting casein worsens. During infancy, the body contains the proteinase enzyme. Growing up, the body loses this enzyme, and the digestion process becomes more difficult.

The benefits of fermented milk products are invaluable

“My stomach dropped.” “I’ve eaten too much and feel heavy.” “There were unpleasant sensations in the intestines - perhaps he was poisoned.” These symptoms can be easily relieved by drinking a glass of kefir at night. It is no coincidence that for diseases of the digestive system, doctors recommend diversifying the diet with dairy products. They contain many life-giving (useful) bacteria. This allows you to establish intestinal microflora in a relatively short time. By the way, with gastritis it is almost always impaired.

Fermented milk products are the fastest way to normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid. The antimicrobial properties of fermented baked milk and yogurt make them a universal medicine for healing ulcers and erosions. So there is no and cannot be any doubt about whether you can drink fermented milk products with gastritis.

Increased acidity: drink or not drink milk

During periods of calm progression of the disease, i.e. without exacerbations, in the presence of chronic gastritis with high acidity, milk consumption is allowed. With its enveloping effect, milk will soothe an irritated stomach and suppress overly “excited” gastric juice.

Doctors remind that if gastritis is accompanied by gastroenteritis, i.e. inflammation of the intestines, whole milk should be completely abandoned. Such self-medication and improper reinforcement of the body will harm the stomach and intestines, increasing unpleasant and painful sensations.

Gastroenterologists advise drinking only proven milk. You can buy it in the village, on farms, i.e. from trusted suppliers.

Such recommendations are due to the fact that the store-bought product contains the lion's share of milk powder, and is not only not good for the stomach, but also harmful.

General rules

The term “gastritis” means inflammation of the gastric mucosa and mostly refers to acute gastritis . Chronic gastritis as a violation of the regeneration of cells in the gastric mucosa and its immune inflammation, and only during an exacerbation does a true inflammatory process occur.
Acute gastritis is a consequence of acute damage to the mucous membrane (for example, alkalis and acids, alcohol and its surrogates) or acute infection. Factors in the development of chronic gastritis can be exogenous (exposure to bile acids, Helicobacter pylori, dietary errors, alcohol abuse, taking certain medications, prolonged stress, occupational hazards) or endogenous (autoimmune diseases, hereditary predisposition, endocrine diseases, chronic infections, food allergy).

Domestic gastroenterologists are adopting an approach based on the acid-forming function of the stomach (acidity). Thus, chronic gastritis is distinguished with increased gastric function, preserved, with severe or moderate secretory insufficiency.

The process may involve the antrum of the stomach or its body. With chronic antral gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux intensifies, which is manifested by belching, regurgitation, nausea, heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region, burning in the epigastrium, heartburn . With chronic gastritis of the body of the stomach, the symptoms are not so pronounced and are reduced to the appearance of heaviness in the epigastric region after eating. In patients with HP-associated gastritis, which lasts for a long time with an increase in secretory function, constipation and unstable stools with looseness, rumbling, and bloating appear.

Since poor diet and consumption of foods that irritate the mucous membranes are the cause of chronic gastritis, therapeutic nutrition is given great importance in the treatment of this disease. This is especially important during periods of exacerbation. The purpose of therapeutic nutrition is to create conditions for the elimination of dyspeptic symptoms, discomfort and pain. The diet is designed to reduce the activity of the acid factor and reduce the excitability of the stomach. For this purpose, strong secretion stimulants (broths, mushrooms, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, smoked foods) and mucosal irritants (fried and rough foods, radishes, garlic, onions, radishes, spicy, salty, pickled dishes, seasonings) are excluded. A gentle regimen corresponds to fractional meals, which promotes better digestion and absorption of food.

In case of acute gastritis, fasting is recommended on the 1st day; only liquid intake is possible if this does not increase nausea, pain and vomiting. On the second day you can already eat slimy soup, jelly, rosehip decoction, and meat soufflé. From the third day, patients are allowed white crackers, vegetable puree, meatballs, steamed cutlets, and weak broth. When acute phenomena subside, the patient is transferred to the main Table No. 1 .

The diet for gastritis with high acidity, which has a chronic course, is the same as for peptic ulcer . The timing of its implementation in chronic gastritis is longer than in acute gastritis and it differs in different periods of the disease. Depending on the severity of the exacerbation, dietary tables may be prescribed:

  • No. 1A - provides for maximum limitation of all types of effects on the stomach and is prescribed for severe exacerbation, as well as for erosive gastritis. The duration of his appointment ranges from 6 to 10 days.
  • No. 1B is prescribed during the period of improvement and is characterized by less pronounced restrictions compared to the previous treatment table. The average length of stay is limited to two weeks.
  • №1 recommended during the period of recovery and consolidation of treatment results. It can be used during periods of mild exacerbation and anti-relapse treatment. This is a complete meal that is moderately gentle on the stomach.

The diet for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity provides for the maximum limitation of any effects on the mucous membrane. This nutritional option is not balanced, since all the main nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) are at the lower limit of normal. Nutrition during an exacerbation (especially in the presence of erosions) begins with dietary Table No. 1A , which includes:

  • Slimy soups prepared with water from oatmeal, semolina or rice. These are decoctions obtained by cooking cereals, which are filtered without grinding the cereals. Then they are slightly salted and butter is added. Slimy soups are as gentle on the stomach as possible.
  • Every other day, cereal dishes are introduced from the same cereals, which are prepared in the form of liquid porridge. The cereals are well boiled, thoroughly wiped and diluted to the desired state with milk (water). Add butter to the finished porridge.
  • Dairy products - milk, calcined cottage cheese, cream (for adding to soup), milk jelly.
  • Soft-boiled eggs or steam omelet.
  • I eat food in liquid and mushy form, which helps reduce inflammation.
  • Six meals a day with a decrease in the amount of food taken at a time.

In this case, all broths, any bread, fermented milk products, sour drinks, all vegetables, coarse cereals, tough meat with tendons, fish and poultry skin are excluded. As indicated, this diet is not maintained for long. In case of mild exacerbation, it is possible to immediately prescribe Table No. 1B , which includes:

  • Puree soups (use oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, rice) with pureed vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets). Add cream, egg-milk mixture or butter to the finished soup.
  • Vegetable puree (potato, carrot and beetroot) with milk or cream, butter, steamed vegetable soufflé, vegetable baby food.
  • White bread crackers (up to 100 g per day).
  • Low-fat fish (cod, pike, hake, pollock, blue whiting, ice fish) in the form of cutlets, meatballs and quenelles.
  • Milk, cottage cheese and dairy dishes (soups, jelly, porridge with milk).

Gradually the diet expands to the composition of Table No. 1 . The consumption of protein, fats and carbohydrates increases. Mechanical and chemical sparing of the stomach is reduced - it is allowed to eat chunky meat and fish, and when preparing dishes, stewing and baking are used. The diet includes fresh, rough fruits (bananas, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, sweet apples). Vegetables are consumed in heat-treated form.

However, you need:

  • Avoid consuming irritating foods (onions, garlic, peppers, citrus juices, cranberries, tomatoes, turnips, radishes, tea, ginger, chocolate, alcohol, coffee) and foods that cause gas.
  • Limit the amount of fat (fatty pork, lamb, goose, duck, cream, sour cream, cream cakes).
  • Avoid foods that increase secretion (spicy, pickled, broths, smoked and fried, coffee, tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks).
  • Follow a diet with frequent meals.

Do not eat if acidity is high

Heartburn, sour belching, nausea, vomiting are signs familiar to those who have increased acidity in the stomach. To avoid exacerbating already unpleasant symptoms, you should not consume the following dairy products:

  1. Kefir;
  2. Skimmed milk;
  3. Ryazhenka;
  4. Cheese;
  5. Sour cream;
  6. Sour cottage cheese.

Any foods that have a pronounced sour taste should be excluded from the diet.

Other dairy products, which will be discussed later, will help overcome acidity.

Cooking with milk if acidity is high

High-quality fresh cow's milk will be an excellent healer for gastritis with high acidity. Doctors advise not to get carried away with quantity. 1-2 glasses of drink during the day are more than enough. It is optimal to drink the product warm, in small sips.

Milk porridge will be an excellent companion on the path to recovery.

It is preferable to cook porridge in water, choosing cereals that take a long time to cook rather than flakes (oatmeal, buckwheat), and add milk at the end of cooking. This dish will be both tasty and healthy.


It is now clear that milk tea for gastritis is not a prohibited drink. Moreover, some recommend introducing milk into the diet this way. Especially with gastritis with low acidity.

Goat milk is a versatile drink that has a beneficial effect on the body, but it must be consumed in moderation and correctly. The main thing in a diet for gastritis is moderation in everything.

Some dairy products will have to be completely excluded from your menu. As a rule, this feature of the diet does not cause much trouble for the population.

In any case, every patient with gastritis should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the right diet and medications that can help in a particular case. And it is recommended that you check with your doctor about the specifics of taking milk and dairy products. It is possible that a specialist will suggest abstaining from specific products. This is quite normal.

We can say with confidence that people with individual intolerance to lactose and milk protein should not consume milk and dairy products. They can cause allergies, which will cause a lot of trouble. In this case, you will have to approach the selection of a diet extremely carefully. You need to create a menu only under the guidance of an experienced gastroenterologist. Otherwise, gastritis will not be cured over time, but will develop into an ulcer, and then surgical intervention may be required. This can be avoided by following a diet and taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

Acidity and dairy products

When very little gastric juice is produced, a person begins to experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • Heaviness in the stomach;
  • Bloating;
  • Belching with a rotten taste.

All this is a consequence of low acidity. Very little gastric juice is produced, which means food cannot be digested for a long time, which is why the above symptoms appear.

You can fill the missing acidity with dairy products. Kefir will cope with this task perfectly, which, as you remember, is completely prohibited if the acidity of the stomach is increased.

The reduced amount of gastric juice with existing gastritis also allows you to consume a number of dairy products. Let's list them:

  1. Sour cottage cheese;
  2. Curdled milk;
  3. Ryazhenka;
  4. Cheese (mild and low-fat varieties).

Is it possible to drink beer, wine, alcohol with gastritis?

In case of acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic gastritis of any kind, the consumption of any low-alcohol and alcoholic drinks - beer, cognac, vodka, wine, etc. is strictly prohibited. Even during periods of remission, the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a person with gastritis causes chemical damage to the already unhealthy gastric mucosa . Alcohol provokes the production of gastric juice, namely hydrochloric acid, which damages the mucous membrane, which aggravates the inflammatory process in the stomach.

Goat's milk - a cure for gastritis

Goat milk contains lysozyme, the main advantage of which is that it coats the walls of the stomach during food intake and digestion. Doctors often receive feedback from patients that the taste, smell of food and the eating itself have begun to cause disgust. In this case, goat's milk is a lifesaver that will muffle unpleasant symptoms and allow you to refresh yourself with pleasure.

Composition of goat milk

Goat and cow's milk are similar in composition. Goat product contains more protein, fat and calcium.

An important difference between the fatty component is that the fat globules of goat milk are smaller and are more easily absorbed by the body. Also, this type of milk contains more linoleic and capric acids, due to which the body receives more unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the full functioning of all body systems.

What are the benefits of sour cream?

This fermented milk product ensures stable and proper functioning of the intestines. Sour cream contains many vitamins, including PP, E, A, B vitamins and ascorbic acid. The product is also rich in microelements: manganese, copper, iodine, fluorine, iron, zinc. In addition, it is saturated with fatty acids, β-carotene, natural carbohydrates, and animal proteins.

Sour cream helps improve brain performance, stabilize metabolic processes, and facilitate muscle function. You should not completely abandon this fermented milk product, as well as the others.

Cure gastritis with goat milk - easily

Let us answer the question whether it is possible to cure gastritis with high and low acidity by consuming goat’s milk. The first thing you need to do is go to the doctor for a consultation, or even better, specifically to a gastroenterologist. Most likely, if the disease is not in the acute stage, the doctor will advise using the following type of treatment with goat milk:

  • Choose a fresh, steamed product;
  • Take 1 glass as a medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed;
  • Serve warm in small sips;
  • Take this course for two weeks.

Milk and its products for atrophic gastritis

Dairy dishes

With this form of gastritis, the gastric mucosa is severely depleted, the number of glands is reduced, and gastric secretory insufficiency occurs. This disease requires special nutrition and careful attention to the diet.

Dairy products are allowed during an exacerbation only in the form of cereals, soups and low-fat cottage cheese. Whole milk can be drunk warm in small sips, or added to tea. It is possible to prepare a steam omelet with the addition of milk. We emphasize that all dishes should be cooked gently, i.e. boil, steam or bake. Frying foods is not allowed.

When the exacerbation stage is over, you can add fermented milk products to your diet:

  • Ryazhenka;
  • Curdled milk;
  • Kefir;
  • Cottage cheese in the form of cheesecakes or casseroles.

Fat sour cream and cream should be completely avoided. Various cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, rolled oats), first boiled in water until the porridge softens, will help diversify your diet. At the half-prepared stage, the dish is diluted with milk, which preserves the benefits of cereals and the value of milk.

Goat's milk for atrophic gastritis

As mentioned above, goat milk is an excellent healer for most forms of gastritis. It will also cope well with its atrophic form, when gastric juice is not produced, the mucous membrane is thinned and weakened.

After consultation with a gastroenterologist, you can begin treatment with this folk remedy. Use only fresh, preferably fresh goat's milk.

In addition to your morning and evening glass of milk drink, you should drink two more glasses throughout the day. The course of treatment will be approximately 21 days, but this should also be checked with a doctor so as not to harm the body and help the stomach recover as quickly as possible and start working normally.

Goat product is also good because, unlike dairy products, it does not cause allergies. Lactose deficiency, which is the main reason for the inability to drink cow's milk, makes it possible to drink goat's milk and not experience digestive problems.

Benefits and harms

Dairy products are food products made from the milk of animals (cows, sheep, goats, etc.). First of all, these include drinking milk of varying fat content, as well as condensed milk, ice cream, various milk drinks with added sugar, vitamins and other ingredients.
Fermented milk products are food products produced from milk by ripening or fermentation . These include butter, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk and many other products, including national ones (kumys, ayran, tan, matsoni, kaymak).

Dairy and fermented milk products are valuable food products that contain animal protein, calcium and other microelements, vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2.

Expert opinion
Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Milk, dairy and fermented milk products are useful for physical exhaustion, anemia, after illnesses , as well as in cases where “heavy” animal protein (meat, poultry, fish) should be replaced with a “lighter” one.

Not all people can drink natural milk due to lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy. A salvation for them can be fermented milk products, which are not inferior to milk in terms of nutritional value, but are absorbed by the body much better.

In addition, the beneficial bacteria they contain have a beneficial effect on digestion: they improve the digestibility of food, relieve constipation, and help strengthen local and general immunity.

On our website: Ryazhenka for gastritis - can you drink it or is it better not to?

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