Burning sensation in the liver area: what it could be, causes and treatment of diseases

If burning signs appear in the liver area, you need to urgently make an appointment with a specialist. Burning discomfort in the liver is a rather alarming sign that cannot be ignored.

Burning sensations in the right hypochondrium can appear after heavy physical work or fatty foods, taking medications, or simply for no reason. In some cases, the feeling as if the liver is burning is only irradiation, that is, the burning sensation is simply transmitted to the liver from another organ.

Causes of burning in the liver area

If a burning sensation appears in the hypochondrium on the right side, then in almost all patients this symptom is associated with the fact that problems with the liver have arisen. Although, according to statistics, liver pathologies are rarely accompanied by a pronounced painful burning sensation.

The fact is that the liver parenchyma does not have pain receptors, therefore painful symptoms occur only in cases where lesions affect the liver capsule.

As for burning symptoms in the liver area, they are usually associated with the movement of stones or sand along the bile ducts. Then the burning discomfort is accompanied by acute pain of a paroxysmal nature, which can last several hours or stop after a couple of minutes.

Sometimes burning symptoms are concentrated in the liver area against the background of severe physical overload.

Liver cells accumulate glycogen substance. With excessive physical overload, a lot of additional energy reserves are required, therefore the blood flow to the liver structures increases noticeably. As a result, the organ enlarges, causing the capsule to stretch, which causes a burning sensation.

Sometimes the cause is the use of drugs that have hepatotoxic effects. Thus, hepatocytes are extremely negatively affected by hormonal contraceptives, painkillers or antipyretic medications like Ibuprofen or Aspirin, Analgin, etc.

Often, pregnant women experience an uncomfortable burning sensation in the right side. The fetus simply grows and in the third trimester begins to displace intraorganic structures. Because of this, the liver is located above its normal level, which can cause burning discomfort in the liver tissues.

Acute pain under the ribs: possible consequences

If it burns and cuts severely for half an hour, you need to call an ambulance.
This means that acute inflammation has arisen in the body, which can provoke a state of shock, complications and even death. Acute pain under the ribs are signs of the following diseases:

  • An attack of acute pancreatitis;
  • Gallstone rupture;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Breakthrough of the duodenal wall;
  • Blockage of the bile duct with a stone;
  • Kidney rupture due to injury.

All conditions require surgical intervention.

Associated symptoms

If a burning sensation in the liver tissues occurs against the background of disturbances in the functional state of the liver or bile structures, then the patient notices that additional symptoms appear such as:

  • Insomnia and fatigue;
  • Frequent migraines and fatigue;
  • Lack of appetite leading to weight loss;
  • Yellowing of the sclera, mucous membranes and skin;
  • Causeless skin itching;
  • Darkening of urine and discoloration of stool.

Liver pathologies and functional disorders can go unnoticed for a long time, because they develop latently. And such symptoms as painful discomfort and burning sensation occur already at advanced stages of the pathological process.

Probable diseases

Quite often, liver burning is caused by pathological factors, of which there are quite a lot.

  1. Intervertebral osteochondrosis - in addition to a burning sensation in the right side, it is accompanied by painful discomfort in the back.
  2. Neuralgia of intercostal type. This pathology is neurological in nature and is characterized by paroxysmal pain in the chest and ribs, which often occurs against the background of sneezing and coughing.
  3. Renal pathologies such as pyelonephritis of the right organ, etc.
  4. Diaphragmatic pathologies such as inflammation, hernia processes, tumors, etc. They cause a painful burning sensation in the liver area or on the left side.
  5. Sometimes burning sensations in the liver localization are caused by appendicitis. With inflammatory damage to the appendix, the pain radiates to the hypochondrium in the form of an unpleasant hepatic burning sensation.
  6. Gallstone pathology is also accompanied by burning sensations on the right under the ribs; attacks are accompanied by sudden burning pain, sometimes with nausea and heaviness.
  7. Chronic hepatitis is accompanied by a burning sensation in the liver and epigastric region. In this case, there are additional symptoms such as jaundice, itching of the skin or weakness.
  8. Infections of parasitic origin. Giardia, echinococcus, flatworms, etc. can parasitize the liver tissues. Sometimes they also cause a feeling of heaviness and burning in the liver.
  9. Cholecystitis , which is an inflammation of the gall bladder walls, is also accompanied by burning discomfort in the liver, that is, in the right side.
  10. Tumor-like or cystic formations in the liver parenchyma, when spreading to the organ capsule, provoke burning symptoms.
  11. Ulcers and gastritis can also cause a burning sensation in the right side, which is mistakenly perceived by the patient as a liver burning sensation.
  12. Hepatitis and cirrhosis are accompanied by a burning sensation in the right hypochondrium, but such a symptom occurs only in severe stages of the pathological process.

It is impossible to independently determine what causes served as the trigger for the appearance of a burning sensation in the liver tissues. This requires complex diagnostic measures under the guidance of qualified specialists.

When is pain and burning localized in the back?

Pain that extends to the back of the body can be the result of various pathologies.
Less commonly, it is associated with impaired functionality of the spine and pinched nerve fibers. Most often it is caused by diseases in the abdominal cavity. If the burning sensation bothers you in the back area under the ribs, then the patient may develop the following pathological inflammations:

  • Acute pyelonephritis (continuous pain that becomes more intense when the dorsal ribs are struck from below);
  • Chronic pyelonephritis (painful sensations are weak, aching, more disturbing in wet weather);
  • Urolithiasis (the intensity of the heat depends on the size of the crystal and its location in the ducts, intensifies when turning the body, jumping, after drinking heavily);
  • Renal colic (the movement of a stone through the urinary canal causes a strong burning sensation and does not allow movement);
  • Acute pancreatitis (girdles, the attack is characterized by nausea/vomiting, worsens when lying down);
  • Osteochondrosis (pain is dull or sharp, burning, hinders movement in the lower back, does not allow sitting in one place for a long time);
  • Retroperitoneal hematoma (due to a back injury, a vessel may crack - the heavier the bleeding, the more pronounced the fever).

A burning sensation occurs for various reasons. But according to statistics, gallbladder disorders come first. 2nd place rightfully belongs to cardiac pathologies. And the third is impaired lung function.


  • https://blotos.ru/zhzhenie-v-oblasti-pecheni
  • https://propechenku.ru/diagnostika/zhzhenie-v-oblasti-pecheni.html
  • https://zdorpechen.com/simptomy/zhzhenie-v-pravom-podrebere
  • https://diagnos-med.ru/zhzhenie-v-pravom-boku-pod-rebrami-speredi-i-szadi/
  • https://stomach-info.ru/raznoe/zhzhenie-v-pravom-boku-pod-rebrami-speredi.html


Diagnostic methods

If you experience a burning sensation in the liver area, you should consult a doctor. After examining the patient, the doctor will prescribe appropriate diagnostic procedures.

Typically, the diagnostic complex includes ultrasound examination of the peritoneum, and MRI of the liver, lungs, and vertebral structures. Palpation and laboratory tests of biomaterials (blood, feces, urine, etc.) are also carried out.


There is no single treatment regimen for burning discomfort in the liver area, because this condition can have many causes. The treatment regimen is drawn up in accordance with the immediate root cause of such an ailment.

  • If pathological hepatic burning is provoked by hepatitis of viral origin, then therapy with antiviral drugs is prescribed.
  • If the symptom is of parasitic origin, antihelminthic medications are prescribed.
  • If a patient has gallstone pathology, then taking drugs that improve bile flow, litholytics (Ursosan, etc.) is indicated.
  • For cholecystitis that has caused burning discomfort in the liver area, antispasmodics and choleretic agents (Duspatalin, Allochol), hepatoprotectors and antibiotics (Karsil and Ciprofloxacin), and agents for normalizing gall bladder functions (Holosas, Platifillin or Riabal) are prescribed.

Treatment is prescribed individually, after a thorough diagnosis and identification of the causes of burning. The goal of treatment is not just to eliminate burning and pain symptoms, but also to eliminate the provoking factor. Therefore, the use of analgesics or antispasmodics provides only temporary improvement, but does not completely cure.

Therefore, qualified assistance from specialists and comprehensive treatment with drugs prescribed only by a doctor are necessary.

Causes of burning sensation in the right hypochondrium:

What is prohibited for pain in the front or back of the back?

If the pain is dull and aching, then you can take 2 tablets of No-Shpa, but the next day you must undergo diagnostics and find out the cause of the inflammation.
Under no circumstances should you warm up the affected area yourself, as exposure to heat can aggravate the disease and complicate its course. Often, hot procedures cause suppuration because they activate the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

You should not take painkillers (No-Spa is not one of them, because it has an antispasmodic effect). Such medications complicate diagnosis and change blood tests. For example, analgin can distort the results characteristic of acute appendicitis.

It is better to avoid eating foods and sugary drinks for the whole day. For diagnostic manipulations, abstinence from food is a very good assistant. In addition, temporary fasting will alleviate the condition.

It is forbidden to take choleretic drugs. If the patient has stones, they can get stuck in the ducts and cause the bladder to rupture. It is also worth limiting physical activities.

Burning pain in the front under the ribs on the right is a dangerous sign of the development of various types of peritonitis. Any rupture or perforation allows bile, food and microflora to enter the abdominal cavity and cause a purulent process. If the problem is not resolved in time, the person develops sepsis, leading to death.

With renal colic, patients often experience painful shock. It causes collapse, disrupting humoral processes. Failure to go to the hospital in a timely manner can result in death.

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