What to drink when vomiting: the most effective drugs

It is difficult to find a person who, at least once in his life, has not encountered such an unpleasant illness as nausea and vomiting. This painful syndrome not only causes physical torment, but can seriously disrupt plans.

Nausea happens to everyone

There can be several causes of vomiting and each of them requires its own treatment. In this article we will analyze the main causes of the uncomfortable condition and answer the question of what to drink for adults and children when vomiting.

Main reasons

Nausea and vomiting occur for many reasons. The most common ones include:

  • seasickness;
  • food poisoning;
  • viral infection;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • drug intoxication;
  • binge eating;
  • stress;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • injury;
  • postoperative period.

Types of Nausea

Each of these reasons may be accompanied by accompanying symptoms (burning feeling in the stomach, heaviness, numbness of the limbs, etc.). Accordingly, depending on the nature of the vomiting spasms and the cause, a different course of treatment is prescribed.

Motion sickness in transport (sea sickness)

This is a very common phenomenon and occurs in almost every fifth adult. Of course, this causes severe discomfort, reduces mobility and makes it impossible to travel long distances. Children and elderly people most often suffer from this problem.

So what is the reason for this phenomenon, and how can you resist the disease?

Motion sickness can occur in a variety of settings, including traveling in a car, in the air, or on a boat. Occurs most often in individuals with a weak vestibular apparatus, the main components of which are the organs of vision, inner ear and tendon receptors. During movement, a kind of imbalance occurs. Internal receptors send a signal to the brain about a static position, while the organs of vision record movement. Imbalance causes nausea. This effect is especially enhanced when concentrating on small objects outside the window.

Nausea while traveling is common

Other inner ear problems associated with motion sickness may also cause nausea.

The very reason for such motion sickness suggests a solution. To bring this contradiction back to normal, it is necessary to align the signals. If you close your eyes, your visual organs will stop reporting movement. This will lead to consistency of information.

The second way is to purchase protective curtains for your car. This will allow you to control the reaction of your vision to foreign objects outside the window. This method will be especially effective for moving with children.

When traveling with small children, it is necessary to focus their attention on some kind of toy, if it is not possible to adjust the sleep period to the trip itself.

You can read about other possible causes of nausea in children here.

If the discomfort from the smell in the cabin or stuffiness increases, it is necessary to stop the vehicle and go out into the fresh air. If this method cannot be implemented, you can reduce the level of urge to vomit with a simple manipulation: you need to press on the tendon between the thumb and forefinger. This technique, acupuncture, has its roots in Ancient China, where pain was relieved and treated using acupressure.

If the above methods do not help get rid of the unpleasant sensation, you need to take pills for motion sickness.

Mint unsweetened candies and dragees will help ensure children's comfort during the trip. The downside is the short duration of the effect and individual intolerance.

Lollipops will help make your trip easier

Experts also offer a number of simple recommendations to reduce the level of discomfort while traveling and prevent motion sickness:

  • do not wear overly warm clothes; if possible, try to wear several layers to regulate your own or your child’s heat exchange;
  • do not travel with a full stomach (the last meal before the trip should not be later than 2-3 hours);
  • always keep water with you;
  • do not drink alcohol during or before travel;
  • do not use books or phones on the road (concentrating your vision on small objects will aggravate seasickness);
  • provide clean and cool air in the cabin;
  • try to take a stable position so that your eyes look straight ahead (the ideal option is to sit in the front seat).

Postpone reading until later

The situation of seasickness can be aggravated by sudden maneuverability of the car, so the driver must also ensure that the vehicle moves calmly, without sudden starts or braking.

Measures to prevent nausea

Video - 7 simple ways to get rid of motion sickness

Food poisoning

Food poisoning is a common cause of nausea

This reason is one of the most common and causes a number of other associated symptoms:

  • acute or frequent form of diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • cloudiness;
  • painful sensations in the right hypochondrium;
  • feeling of heaviness and burning.

As a rule, the main difference between vomiting during poisoning and other causes (inflammation of the gallbladder, stagnation of the choleretic ducts, etc.) is that with each emptying of the stomach there is visible relief.

The same effect is achieved when overeating. This is due to the fact that toxins contained in food and pressing on the gastric mucosa come out.

There are several types of food poisoning: microbial and non-microbial origin, of unknown etiology. Depending on the cause of intoxication, the doctor will prescribe different types of drugs.

Types of food poisoning

Viral infection

Viral infections can cause nausea and vomiting, which is often accompanied by diarrhea. The causative agents of this disease can be typhoid fever, cholera bacillus or salmonella.

The period from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms is very short (less than 24 hours).

The main cause of infection is considered to be:

  • non-compliance with sanitary standards;
  • eating raw, unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • consumption of products contaminated with a pathogenic organism.

Vomiting with this disease manifests itself quickly and is often accompanied by fever, acute pain and diarrhea.


If you detect a set of symptoms indicating the presence of an infection, you should not try to cope with the problem at home. A dangerous disease requires immediate medical attention and isolation.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Call an ambulance.
  • If possible, isolate the patient in another room until doctors arrive.
  • Place a container nearby for vomit.
  • Give warm drinks in small portions every 5-7 minutes to avoid dehydration.
  • If the temperature rises, give paracetamol according to the instructions.
  • To remove harmful bacteria, give drugs such as Smecta and Microsorb.

Toxicosis during pregnancy

As a rule, this condition can be observed only in the first stages of gestation (up to the 12th week).

The difficulty of relieving the unpleasant feeling of nausea is aggravated by the fact that a number of medications cannot be taken during this period.

Therefore, folk ways to get rid of nausea are becoming effective methods.

If the condition is aggravated by a burning sensation, then you can take the following solution (add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and stir well). This remedy should not be abused; this water-alkaline solution can be taken up to 3-4 times a day.

Pregnant women often feel sick

In case of a sudden attack of vomiting or clouding, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in ammonia to your temples.

Dill water and warm green tea can help calm severe vomiting.

For nausea caused by increased stomach acidity, you can drink potato juice in small portions throughout the day.

Nausea during pregnancy can be managed with folk remedies

Drug intoxication

In case of poisoning with acid or alkali, a person may also begin to vomit severely, often accompanied by bleeding.

Drug intoxication poses a particular danger

The only correct solution is to call emergency services. Before the team arrives, you should not give the patient anything to drink. This will only make the situation worse and can damage the stomach lining, pushing toxic substances inside.

Binge eating

Often, banal overeating or eating unusual foods (fried, fatty, smoked) can cause an attack of nausea and vomiting.

An effective method would be to take a sorbent along with a drug that will improve the digestion process (Festal, Mezim).

Beware of overeating

Until the body has fully recovered, doctors do not recommend taking a lying position. Despite the heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness and lethargy, it is better to go out into the fresh air and take a walk.


If the cause of nausea or vomiting is anxiety or stress, the main goal of therapy is to relax the nervous system. This condition is often observed in young children and vulnerable adolescents.

The disease is accompanied by refusal to eat, weight loss, and sometimes the symptoms can be confused with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

An effective therapy for chronic nausea due to stress will be a course of psychotherapeutic sessions.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

Inflammatory processes in the stomach, gall bladder, ducts, and liver can cause constant nausea and vomiting.

Unlike food poisoning, vomiting does not bring relief, but causes new cramps.

Disease of each digestive organ determines the nature of vomiting. With gastritis, a multiple reflex is observed, the biomass has a sour taste, and is yellow or green in color.

Digestive disease can cause nausea

With an ulcer, the urge may not occur immediately after eating, but after 2-3 hours. In this case, vomiting will be accompanied by severe pain in the right hypochondrium.

Each individual case requires its own treatment and taking medication can only stop the disease.

Nausea due to gastrointestinal pathology


Vomiting in this case can occur against the background of severe stress and painful shock. Therefore, an analgesic and a sedative will be an effective remedy.

In case of severe injury, you must seek medical help and take these medications before the doctors arrive.

Postoperative period

Vomiting during the recovery period after a major operation is common, but does not pose a serious danger to the body.

Butyrophenone, antihistamines, and sedatives will be effective remedies. The use of these drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and take into account the nature and complexity of the operation.

If your child is vomiting

The health of children comes first for parents, and any illness causes anxiety and fear. Vomiting and severe nausea make many adults feel confused, but this does not always pose a serious threat.

Nausea in children is not always a sign of a serious illness

The cause may be the consumption of unusual food, an allergy to a certain food or medication component, fatigue, overheating, or stress.

But there are a number of reasons that require medical intervention: injury, poisoning, inflammation of the digestive tract, intestinal infection.

When should you call a doctor?

  • vomiting is accompanied by severe pain in the right abdominal region;
  • acute diarrhea;
  • the temperature rises sharply;
  • cloudiness of proteins;
  • numbness;
  • presence of blood in the vomit.

Before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to put the patient to bed and give him liquids to drink in small portions. The exception is poisoning with acids and alkalis.

Monitor your child's condition closely

A common cause of vomiting in children is rotavirus infection. The disease is accompanied by severe headache, weakness, fever and frequent diarrhea.

Medicine for vomiting in children

Along with antiemetic drugs and sorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta), it is necessary to start taking antiviral agents, sometimes antibacterial ones.

First aid to the victim

If uncontrollable vomiting overtakes a person at home, there is a reminder for relatives. A person’s future life depends on the provision of first aid. Emergency plan of action in the event of a seizure in a relative:

  • If you feel unwell, call a doctor at home.
  • Calm down.
  • Lay it on its side.
  • Place the container in front of the patient.
  • Prepare a glass of water for rinsing.
  • After completing the process, rinse your mouth.
  • Remove the container with the vomit.
  • When the doctor arrives, show the contents.
  • Ventilate the room.
  • Provide peace.
  • Compliance with the sequence of treatment prescribed by the doctor after diagnosis.

Vomiting after chemotherapy

The use of chemotherapy in medicine began in the middle of the last century and the main goal of the course is the complete destruction of cancer cells throughout the body.

The main disadvantage of this method is side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting.

Chemotherapy can cause nausea

Drugs that most often cause nausea and vomiting after radiation therapy: Carmustine, Dactinomycin, Cisplatin.

And if previously people who underwent chemotherapy had to live with severe nausea and vomiting, today there are a lot of drugs that can relieve discomfort.

Medicines for nausea

Acute type of nausea that accompanies the patient several hours after the procedure Dexamethasone, Diphenhydramine, Haloperidol, Midazolam, Scopolamine.

Medicines for vomiting and nausea

Modern pharmaceuticals offer many drugs to prevent, control or relieve vomiting.

There are dozens of reasons in the body that can lead to this disease and, depending on the type, experts suggest one or another medicine. It is important to understand that vomiting or nausea is not an independent pathology, but only signals a disorder in the body. If there is a single occurrence of any reason, it is enough to simply take a tablet of the desired action to relieve pain, burning, and discomfort. But in case of repeated attacks, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and take appropriate measures.

Vomiting is often an alarming sign and signals a dangerous illness, inflammation of internal organs, injury or cancer.

Depending on the nature and cause of the disease, experts classify several types of drugs, each of which has its own therapeutic effect.

Some of these drugs target the vomiting center in the brain, while others work as rescue therapy if the original anti-nausea medication doesn't work. It may take some time to determine on an individual basis the most effective drug that can reduce painful symptoms and block the reflex.

Medicines need to be selected individually

Main types of drugs:

  • serotonin 5-HT3 antagonists;
  • NK-1 antagonists;
  • dopamine antagonists;
  • anti-anxiety medications;
  • antacids.

Serotonin antagonists (5-HT3) block the action of serotonin, a substance that usually causes nausea and vomiting. These drugs are given before chemotherapy and then for several days after it. (Examples: ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron).

NK-1 antagonists help control the attack and are prescribed for poisoning or infection. They are often given along with other medicines (Examples: rollapitant).

Dopamine antagonists release dopamine, which prevents this substance from binding to the area of ​​the brain, preventing vomiting. (Examples: prochlorperazine, sedalgin, metoclopramide).

Dopamine antagonists and prokinetic agents and NSAIDs

Anti-anxiety medications can help reduce nausea and vomiting, reducing panic attacks and helping a person feel more relaxed. (Examples: lorazepam, alprazolam)

Antacids can be used to relieve stomach upset and heartburn, which sometimes leads to nausea and vomiting. (Examples: ranitidine, famotidine).

Medicines against nausea and vomiting can come in different forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • suspension;
  • emulsion;
  • a patch that is attached to the skin.

If the medications used initially do not work, your doctor may change your treatment regimen or add a new medication. Another option is to change your dosage regimen.

The easiest way to take medications is a tablet. But in case of vomiting, this method is ineffective. In this case, it is better to take the drug in the form of a suspension or emulsion.

Often, at the first signs of nausea and vomiting, people take over-the-counter medications. However, first of all, it is necessary to understand the cause of this disease.

The following drugs show high effectiveness in practice:

  • Metoclopramide – stops gagging within 15-20 minutes;
  • Furozolidone is an antibacterial drug, recommended to be taken if an intestinal infection is suspected;
  • Motilium - improves gastric motility, is effective against poisoning, overeating heavy foods;
  • Olisorb is an effective remedy for severe vomiting, the recommended dose is no more than 2 tablets per day;
  • Smecta is an effective anti-detoxification remedy;
  • Nifuroxazide - prescribed for severe food poisoning.

If vomiting is accompanied by severe diarrhea, sorbents must be taken along with antiemetic drugs. The cheapest and most accessible product is activated carbon. The disadvantage is the difficulty of reception. Considering that you need to take 1 tablet for every 10 kg, if you have severe vomiting, it is difficult to take the entire dose of the medicine at once.

What can replace mineral water in case of poisoning?

When treating acute poisoning, instead of mineral water, you can use pharmaceutical preparations to prepare solutions. The most popular is rehydron .
It is available in bags, in portions. The oral rehydration solution is simple to prepare; you just need to dilute 1 sachet with a liter of table water at room temperature. During the acute period of poisoning, you can drink 2-3 liters of rehydron solution. In its composition, this drug is equivalent to solutions that are administered intravenously through droppers to treat dehydration.

In addition to rehydron, you can find other similar drugs in pharmacies:

  • gastrolit;
  • normohydron;
  • orsol;
  • re-sol.

Mineral water helps combat water-electrolyte imbalance in the body, dehydration and intoxication that occur due to poisoning. The intake of this water should be discussed with your doctor, who will help you choose the right regimen for you and recommend the most suitable brands of mineral water. When treating poisoning, alkaline mineral waters are most often used. They must be taken in non-carbonated form .

Home therapy

Despite the development of modern pharmaceuticals, many avoid drug treatment and prefer to get rid of unpleasant symptoms using traditional methods.

Folk remedies also help get rid of nausea

You should consult your doctor if nausea and/or vomiting is persistent or is accompanied by other serious symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, yellow discoloration of the skin (jaundice), or bleeding.

People with severe or persistent vomiting, who have other serious health problems, older adults, children, and pregnant or nursing children should also seek medical attention.

In case of food poisoning, drinking plenty of fluids and dill infusion is recommended.

Ginger tincture and flaxseed decoction help to cope with attacks of nausea.

Ginger tincture helps with nausea

The most popular folk remedies are:

  • mint infusion;
  • Dill water;
  • caraway tincture;
  • oregano decoction;
  • tincture of lemon and tangerine.

Sweet tea

This tea is a nervous system stimulant. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with mental disorders and emotional turmoil. Also, the decoction is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes. The drink is not recommended for people who are obese to consume in large quantities. The decoction can cause an accumulation of sucrose, which leads to a set of extra pounds.

Of course, the best tea is the kind that you drink not to cope with poisoning, but for your own pleasure.


Vomiting and severe nausea are symptoms of many diseases. The cause does not always pose a danger to the body. In some cases, such a manifestation is only a response of the body.

The choice of first aid and medications depends on the cause and nature of vomiting. But if the cause of this condition has not been established, and vomiting is accompanied by accompanying symptoms, then you need to consult a doctor. Study inflamed tonsils at the link.

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