How to properly prepare for an intestinal colonoscopy?

Stages of preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans

Before taking the drug, you should find out how it is prepared and how to drink the diluted drug.
To do this, you need to carefully study the instructions and start taking it according to the scheme. Usually there are 4 sachets in one package of Fortrans. One package is designed for a person's weight of 20 kilograms. Therefore, for a patient weighing 80 kilograms, the maximum dose will be 4 sachets of medication. Fortrans is taken in liquid form - one packet is diluted in 1 liter of water. Every 15 minutes the patient should slowly drink a glass of the prepared solution. You can add lemon or orange juice to the water, which will help improve its taste.

On the eve of the examination, 24 hours in advance, the last meal should be no later than 14:00. Two or three hours after eating, the patient should consume the first 250 ml of diluted Fortrans. The drug will begin to act within 1 hour after administration.

Over the next 4 hours, you should drink the prepared liquid with the drug - until 21:00. If the regimen is followed, cleansing will occur 2 hours after the last dose of the drug.

If a colonoscopy is scheduled in the afternoon, during the day or in the evening, the regimen for taking Fortrans at home changes. This preparation for the study is carried out in two stages.

  1. In the evening, one day before the colonoscopy, after eating, three hours later the patient should drink half of the prepared solution, which corresponds to his weight.
  2. On the morning of the procedure, you need to dilute the remaining drug in water and drink it.

You need to take the drug as soon as possible immediately after waking up. In this case, the last bowel movement will occur at lunch, which will eliminate awkward situations during the study. Evening colonoscopy does not preclude eating a light meal before the procedure.

Many patients are interested in how to properly organize nutrition before a colonoscopy, what can they eat, and what should they refuse? Everyone who is about to undergo the procedure is prescribed a toxin-free diet, which means avoiding foods that cause the formation of toxins, bloating and fermentation in the intestines.

Prohibited products include:

  • legumes;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • fast food;
  • fresh flour products from rye flour;
  • fruits high in glucose;
  • carbonated sweet drinks.

For complete instructions for use, as well as how to prepare a solution of the drug, watch the video from the channel - Instructions for the use of drugs.

While taking Fortrans, two unpleasant effects are observed:

  • due to the need to drink 3-4 liters of the drug, albeit extended over time, there may be a feeling of fullness in the stomach and nausea,
  • As with any other laxative, there is discomfort in the abdomen, and there may be slight irritation of the anus.

In extremely rare cases, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash or swelling may occur.

  • intestinal diseases accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane,
  • advanced malignant intestinal tumors,
  • intestinal obstruction,
  • general “severe” condition of the patient,
  • age up to 15 years.

Fortrans powder is recommended for cleansing all parts of the intestines from feces if necessary in preparation for operations and various diagnostic studies: endoscopic examinations, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy.

The main indications for use are:

  1. Preparation for surgery for hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps of any location (read how quickly polyps grow in the intestines here);
  2. Manipulative diagnostics: sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy;
  3. Emergency bowel cleansing before other interventions;
  4. Preventive bowel cleansing after surgery.

Many patients use Fortrans when trying to lose weight, but the risks of dehydration remain. Cleansing the intestines with the powdered drug Fortrans in one procedure is much more effective than repeated enema cleansing.

Anesthesia for colonoscopy is a determining factor in compliance with a special diet and preparation. Deep cleansing of the intestines with Fortrans begins two days before the procedure. On the eve of the examination, the last meal should be no later than 16.00.

The procedure with anesthesia should be performed on an empty stomach to avoid negative reactions:

  • vomit,
  • allergic reactions.

While taking the drug, you should maintain a drinking regime and consume about 2 liters of liquid per day. The end of cleansing procedures should occur before clear, watery stools.

In case of diabetes mellitus, anesthesia can be replaced with local anesthesia to preserve the ability to take food and insulin.

An important aspect of colon cleansing therapy is nutrition. Patients should follow a diet that will further help cleanse the intestines.

Ideal for:

  • steamed fish
  • buckwheat or rice,
  • low-fat kefir,
  • jelly with minimal sugar content.

For drinking, you should use clean water, avoiding juices, rich compotes or fruit drinks.

For breakfast the previous day, it is better to limit yourself to:

  • slimy dairy-free porridge,
  • low-fat yogurt,
  • green tea with crackers.

You can eat low-fat cottage cheese throughout the day. The entire day before the colonoscopy diagnosis, it is recommended to eat low-fat broths, tea, boiled water and crackers.

During preparation, patients are advised to drink enough fluids. Considering that the solution itself is prepared in 4 liters of water and it must be drunk all, then clean water is drunk in small sips in the intervals between using the solution. Drinking allows you to soften stool and freely remove it from the intestines with regular bowel movements.

Fortrans does not have a pleasant taste, so if the patient has a high vomiting reaction, severe nausea is possible. Unpleasant sensations provoke severe vomiting, and therefore the solution may either not work or lead to severe dehydration. To prevent dehydration, you can drink water in small sips.

For unbearable nausea, anti-nausea tablets prescribed by your doctor are suitable. A Motilium tablet will help.

It is effective to use a Fortrans solution on a bite with slices of orange, tangerine and other citrus fruits. This way you can slightly improve the taste of the drug and get rid of the negative consequences.

Colonoscopy requires serious preparation. The success and informativeness of the entire study depends 70% on the patient’s discipline. It is unacceptable to use the drug contrary to contraindications or special instructions in case of a burdened clinical history of the patient.

Sedation during colonoscopy, what it is - read our article here.

You can make an appointment with a doctor directly on our website.

Be healthy and happy!

The drug is prescribed for any conditions that require bowel cleansing - it is advisable to consult a doctor before going to the pharmacy. You can purchase the medicine yourself, but it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage.

The main indications are as follows:

  • preparation for instrumental examination of the intestine (colonoscopy, X-ray, CT, MRI);
  • preparation for abdominal surgery - to prevent feces from entering the abdominal cavity;
  • cleansing the contents of the intestines during a diet - with frequent bowel movements, eaten fats and carbohydrates do not have time to be absorbed into the bloodstream;
  • eliminating constipation.

The preparation for the examination or operation will be prescribed by the doctor. If you decide to take a laxative yourself, you must carefully study the instructions.

When an instrumental study is prescribed, a preparation program is developed, including a special diet and precise dosages of Fortrans. The medicine is used in several stages depending on the time of the planned colonoscopy - in the morning or in the evening.

Slag-free feeding

The first stage of preparation is following a diet. The patient must temporarily exclude from the diet foods that cause “pollution” to the body and enrich the table with healthy foods.

Prohibited products include:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • legumes;
  • fast food;
  • dairy products;
  • strong black tea, coffee, soda, alcohol;
  • fruits and berries;
  • any baked goods.

The following products will be useful:

  • bran;
  • baking with water;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • broths;
  • buckwheat, boiled rice;
  • dairy products.

The duration of the slag-free diet is 4 days. This time is enough to cleanse the body and prepare the intestines for taking a laxative.

Dosage calculation

The laxative is packaged in sachets, each diluted in 1 liter of water. The volume of medication is calculated taking into account the patient’s weight:

  • Up to 50 kg – 2 liters of water and 2 sachets are required;
  • 50-80 kg – 3 liters and 3 sachets;
  • 80-100 kg – 4 liters and a similar amount of medicine.

If the weight of the patient being examined is more than 100 kg, the dosage is calculated by the doctor individually. The medicine is taken in portions at a rate of a liter per hour, the last dose no later than 5 hours before the colonoscopy.

It is recommended to skip dinner the day before; breakfast and lunch on the day of the procedure are prohibited. The laxative is taken according to the following scheme:

  1. You must start drinking the solution no later than 10 am.
  2. Divide the volume of medicine into equal portions and drink 250 ml after 15-20 minutes.
  3. The last portion is drunk no later than 4 hours before the examination.

It is recommended to divide the solution into two portions - only one sachet is left for the morning. The speed is the same - a liter per hour, glasses every 15-20 minutes. You calculate the time yourself, taking into account the consumption of the last portion 4 hours before the colonoscopy.

Most complications occur when the dosage is not followed or when the drug is regularly used for weight loss. When the solution is taken too often, disruption of the stomach and intestines occurs, which leads to systemic failures in the body.

How to take Fortrans

The prepared Fortrans solution should be drunk slowly every 15 - 20 minutes, 250 ml. You need to swallow the liquid little by little.

It is easy to prepare and drink the solution. It is better to purchase the product from a trusted pharmacy.

You can improve the taste of the finished solution to make it easier to take with the help of freshly prepared citrus juice. Lemon or orange are best.

How to prepare for a colonoscopy depends on when the procedure is scheduled. If the study is carried out in the morning, start drinking Fortrans the day before no later than 17:00. The entire portion of the solution must be drunk before 21.00.

Food on the day of preparation for a colonoscopy is allowed to be consumed only lightly and in small quantities. The last meal is at approximately 14.00 or 14.30. 2 - 3 hours after eating you need to drink 1 glass of Fortrans. The drug is then taken regularly in the above order. 60 minutes after taking 1 dose of Fortrans, bowel movements will begin. The stool is loose. There will be no problems with the release of feces. Approximately 2 hours after taking the last portion of the solution, clear water will come out of the intestines. This indicates that the emptying was successful. You can conduct an examination.

Analogues of the drug

Sometimes the high cost of Fortrans makes patients think about what to replace it with. However, before preparing to cleanse your colon with another drug, it is important to seek professional advice.

Among the most popular analogues are Forlax or Lavacol. They are inexpensive, but similar in composition and use. True, these drugs cannot be taken for gastrointestinal pathologies, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Also prototypes of Fortrans are the drugs Osmogol and Realaxan. They contain the substance macrogol, which retains water in the intestines and promotes rapid emptying.

The average price of Fortrans is 560 rubles per package, it contains 4 sachets. For treatment, you can use analogues of the drug:

  • Osmogol;
  • Transipeg;
  • Lavacol;
  • Realaxan;
  • Forteza Rompharm.

Considering some contraindications, special instructions and the likelihood of side effects, Fortrans is not suitable for all categories of patients. In this case, analogues of drugs are used, the differences of which lie not only in the manufacturer, but also in the dosage of the main component, the degree of similarity of pharmacological properties.

There are several main groups with a laxative effect on the intestinal muscles:

  • Based on macrogol (Fortrans, Realaksan, Endofalk);
  • Based on lactulose (Portalak, Duphalac syrup);
  • Based on a salt component (Microlax, Picoprep, Moviprep).

Other similar drugs are Tranzipeg, Osmogol, Lavacol, which contain macrogol in various dosages. The choice in favor of analogues may also be caused by the price aspect, which is taken into account when prescribing the drug before a colonoscopy.

Fortrans is a powdered laxative that is effective and available for use at home.

When comparing both drugs, it should be noted that they are similar in terms of active component and effectiveness. The main therapeutic component is macrogol. Endofalk contains macrogol 3350 (polyethylene glycol) - 52 g, Fortrans contains a little more active substance - macrogol 4000 in a volume of 64 g. The drugs are sold from pharmacy chains in powder form.

Both drugs act only on the gastrointestinal tract; the components are not absorbed into the systemic circulation and have no effect on other organs and tissues.


Moviprep contains macrogol 3350 in a volume of 100 g, while Fortrans contains macrogol 4000. In the second case, a longer therapeutic effect is provided, especially if the colonoscopy process is scheduled for the evening.

The use of Fortrans with long-term use or exceeding the dose often provokes in patients:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • hemorrhages in the sigmoid colon segment;
  • local reactions in the form of skin itching, redness.

When taking Fortrans, you need to drink 4 liters of liquid, and in the case of Moviprep, only 2 liters. In the second case, the problem with the unpleasant taste was solved with the help of a sweetener.

If you have the opportunity to choose between drugs, then the choice should be given to Moviprep. It is easier to tolerate and can be washed down with sweet fruit juice and water.


If Fortrans is based on a synthetic component, then the active substance of Duphalac is lactulose - a substrate substance for normal microflora. As a result of fermentation, the substance breaks down into organic acids, helping to reduce acidity in the intestines and thereby changing osmotic pressure. Peristalsis of the rectum increases, stool softens and passes freely during bowel movements.

When taking laxatives, fluid is washed out of the body, so it is not recommended to use them for more than 3-4 days. During use, it is important to take plenty of fluids to restore water-salt balance and eliminate the risk of dehydration.

Many patients falsely mistake the loss of fluid from the body for weight loss and use this method in the future. However, when taken, only liquid is lost, and not extra pounds, leading to serious consequences if used uncontrolled.

Mechanism of action

Fortrans was developed based on chemical components whose main task is to attract and retain water. The process of its influence goes through several stages:

  1. When the drug enters the colon, it begins to actively absorb liquid.
  2. The medicine is not absorbed into the bloodstream, and the swollen active substances put pressure on the intestinal walls, stimulating their contraction.
  3. Its contents move to the rectal area, causing the urge to defecate.
  4. Excipients form physiological electrolytes necessary for the body during intense bowel movements.
  5. The urge will occur until the colon, including the upper sections, is completely emptied.
  6. The powder only removes fluid found in or passed through the colon. Water does not leave the rest of the body tissues.
  7. The powder is non-toxic - it does not break down into individual components that are harmful to the body. It is excreted in its original form, without coming into contact with enzymes or food gruel.

Fortrans empties the intestines well, preparing it for colonoscopy. This action allows you to use it at home to cleanse the body or as an addition to an intensive diet.

Fortrans, which is based on macrogol, is used to completely cleanse the intestinal lumen and mucous membrane of food debris and feces along its entire length. The mechanism of action is based on the ability of the drug to bind to water and retain it. When the volume of fluid in the intestines reaches a maximum, receptors in the intestinal wall are activated and it is released.

Fortrans does not form metabolites and is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Also, the use of this cleansing product does not lead to disruption of the water-salt balance in the body. In addition, no outside help is required to cleanse the intestines before colonoscopy with Fortrans.

How to prepare for a morning colonoscopy?

The main advantage of Fortrans is the availability and ability to cleanse the intestines before colonoscopy at home.

Patients should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not take drugs such as Loperamide, Imodium, Lopedium, which harden the stool;
  • Avoid using fiber, which retains water in the body;
  • Patients with a history of diabetes should not fast.

On the eve of a colonoscopy, preparation is important for a reliable assessment of the diagnostic study, as well as to eliminate errors in the presence of old feces in the intestinal lumens.

If a colonoscopy is scheduled for the morning, then patients need to follow the following schedule:

  • Fortrans solution is used during the previous day;
  • The last meal should be no later than 15.00 the previous day;
  • The last bowel movement should be clear water.

After the colonoscopy examination, you can have breakfast or lunch with slimy porridge or soup. Then you can return to your usual diet.

If the procedure for examining the intestinal lumens occurs during the day at lunchtime, then the instructions for use will be as follows:

  • The drug is taken in two stages to enhance the effectiveness of intestinal lavage;
  • The day before, you should start drinking a drink with powder from 14 to 17 hours of the drug in small doses;
  • In the morning, cleansing should be repeated until absolutely clear water appears without any admixture of feces;
  • Before the lunch procedure, it is important to repeat the therapeutic cleansing no later than 6 am.

If the procedure is scheduled for the afternoon, then on the eve of the examination you must take a full lunch no later than 15.00. The morning before the examination, have a light breakfast, and for lunch you need to drink jelly or a simple soup. Between 8.00 and 10.00 pm you need to take a portion (2 packets diluted in 2 liters of water) of the drug.

On the morning of surgery or colonoscopy, you must take another dose of the drug (2 sachets). To enhance the effect, it is recommended to perform cleansing enemas for several days before a colonoscopy examination.

If patients do not have diabetes, then, if possible, a fasting day should be organized to fully cleanse the intestines.

You should take Fortrans before an upcoming colonoscopy depending on what time of day the procedure will be performed. If the procedure is in the morning, preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans is carried out as follows.

  1. At two o'clock in the afternoon (one day before the procedure), before drinking Fortrans, you need to have lunch. Lunch should be very light, such as broth.
  2. Cleansing should begin at 4 o'clock. Take the first liter of solution within an hour.
  3. At 5 o'clock the first portion has already ended, you need to start taking the second liter of Fortrans, also over the course of an hour.
  4. At 6 o'clock the third portion is due.
  5. At 7 pm - the last, fourth, portion of the product. Its use is not necessary for those patients whose body weight does not exceed 60 kg. Otherwise, you need to take the fourth portion of the solution before 8 pm.

If the colonoscopy is scheduled for the morning, then the last portion of the drug is drunk at 19 pm

Emptying occurs several times as you take it, and can also continue for another 2-3 hours after the last glass you drink.

Preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans, if the procedure is in the morning, should be carried out strictly the day before.

The package of the drug contains 4 sachets of powder. This powder is diluted in slightly warm water (1 sachet per 1 liter) at the rate of one liter per 20 kg of the subject’s weight. Thus, it is usually necessary to consume 3-4 liters of solution.

Please note that during this period and until the colonoscopy procedure is performed, you can only eat liquid foods. Start taking the drug 7-8 hours before bedtime, that is, at 12:00-14:00. Every 15 minutes you need to drink one glass of solution (preferably in small sips). At first it will be easy, but over time you will become satiated and may feel nauseous. To reduce discomfort, add a few drops of lemon juice to a glass.

The first bowel movement begins approximately 1.5 hours after the start of taking the drug, the last - 2-2.5 hours after the end (in the form of clean water). Sometimes there may also be a disposable stool the next morning.

Of course, 4-5 hours of regular visits to the toilet are quite exhausting, so don’t plan any important things, much less trips, on the day of cleansing.

You will have to sit in the toilet for a long time, so it is recommended to arrange it in advance with the greatest possible comfort. A footstool, an interesting book, a tablet with a game - all this will help brighten up the hours on the toilet. Purchased in advance soft toilet paper and wet wipes (or wet toilet paper) with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing impregnation, as well as creams and lotions will help reduce skin irritation after frequent trips to the toilet.

Castor oil for colon cleansing

Castor oil is a well-known folk remedy for removing feces during constipation and congestion. Long-term cleansing allows even fecal stones to be removed. Along with pollution, pathogenic microorganisms, waste, and toxic compounds come out.

Castor oil is an exclusively natural product obtained industrially, but this does not in any way reduce its laxative properties.

How to take castor oil before a colonoscopy examination:

  • Reception in its purest form . For 3-4 days you need to drink 50 ml of oil, washing it down with 300 ml of green tea. After just a few hours, the first soft urge to defecate may occur.
  • Castor oil with kefir . Consuming butter with fermented milk products is an effective way to empty the intestines of feces. To do this, add 2 tbsp to 300 ml of warm kefir. spoons of castor oil, then drink on an empty stomach and at night.

Note ! It is recommended to start using castor oil 10 days before the test date. Against the background of cleaning with traditional methods, it is important to follow a diet, limit gas-forming foods, flour dishes, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Preparing for intestinal colonoscopy if the procedure is in the morning

On the day preceding the morning procedure, it is recommended to completely switch to semi-liquid meals and fill the diet with plenty of liquid. The last meal should be no later than 18.00 that evening. In the morning, they begin taking medicinal laxatives. On the morning of the colonoscopy, you can drink tea without sugar, thick jelly and Espumisan to eliminate gases.

When performing the procedure in the afternoon or evening, patients drink another dose of a laxative in the morning, but no later than 3-4 hours before the test.

Side effects and overdose of Fortrans

When starting to take Fortrans, the patient may experience nausea

You must strictly follow the instructions for use. Otherwise, side effects may occur.

  • Nausea and vomiting. If you rush and try to drink the solution in less time, the liquid will overfill the intestines, which may result in vomiting.
  • Headache. This effect occurs only in 15% of cases. It is caused by changes in blood pressure. As a rule, head pain disappears 30 minutes after taking the drug.
  • Allergy. If you are intolerant to the components, an allergic reaction may occur, the manifestations of which are individual in nature.
  • Anal irritation. Occurs due to frequent urge to defecate.
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • discomfort in the abdomen, pain;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • decreased intestinal tone;
  • flatulence;
  • inflammation of the small and large intestines.

How to use Fortrans?

How to take Fortrans? First, you should buy Fortrans at the pharmacy; one package of the product contains 4 packets, each of which is designed for a body weight of 20 kg. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 liter of water for each package of product (carbonated or mineral water cannot be used for this purpose). The liquid should not be cold or hot; water at room temperature is considered optimal.

Next, you should mix the required (by body weight) number of packets in the appropriate volume of liquid. When taking the solution, you should not rush; it is taken in small sips of a glass (200-250 ml) every quarter of an hour. That is, the duration of the entire colon cleansing process will take approximately 4 hours.

The dosage of the drug depends on the patient’s weight

How to take Fortrans correctly to alleviate the condition a little? It is allowed to combine the use of Fortrans and a small amount of sour juices. They can be added directly to the solution, or washed down. Lemon or orange juice, freshly squeezed and clarified, is best (wait until it settles).

If you suddenly experience a feeling of nausea while taking it, it is better to stop using Fortrans for a while. In most cases, half an hour is enough for the unpleasant symptom to go away.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Fortrans is a powerful laxative used to cleanse the intestines before instrumental examination. What makes the medicine popular is its low cost and over-the-counter availability - but there are also negative aspects that often go unnoticed.

The disadvantages of Fortrans include:

  • a large list of side effects and contraindications;
  • removes nutrients from the intestines;
  • may cause dysbacteriosis;
  • Before use, consultation with a doctor is required;
  • the medicine consists entirely of chemistry;
  • does not cause weight loss;
  • causes prolonged diarrhea;
  • after taking it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste for several hours.

Before taking, carefully study the list of disadvantages of the drug, and if necessary, consult your doctor. The medicine is prescribed without a prescription, but requires an assessment of the patient's health status.

Advantages of Fortrans:

  • begins to act within an hour;
  • the patient does not need enemas;
  • available without a prescription and at an affordable price;
  • the laxative is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not cause disruption in the functioning of other organs;
  • there is no risk of overdose;
  • promotes complete cleansing of the colon;
  • does not remove fluid from blood plasma and surrounding tissues;
  • improves digestion;
  • often used as an addition to a dietary program.

Thanks to these advantages, Fortrans is widely known and is often purchased to cleanse the intestines at home.

Colon cleansing with laxatives

Today's medicine does not stand still, so doctors often refuse to cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy using an enema, since it is more traumatic, especially when doing it yourself at home.

Many effective laxatives have been created, but they can only be taken according to a certain regimen. Each drug has its own regimen that must be followed.

The most well-known laxatives used before colonoscopy are Duphalac, Lavacol, Fortrans, Endofalk and Fleet Phospho-soda.

  • Duphalac is diluted in water and drunk a couple of hours after meals. The effect of the drug will begin in 2 hours, but will end just as quickly. This method is one of the most basic and safe, but at the same time effective.
  • Lavacol is a drug that leaves the body unchanged. It should be taken after the laxative has been diluted. In this case, you need to dilute it, taking into account the proportion: 1 sachet per liter, a liter corresponds to 15 kg of body weight.
  • Flit is taken twice a day. It works quickly and painlessly. For best results, you need to drink as much liquid as possible, preferably clean drinking water.
  • Fortrans and Endofalk should be taken according to the instructions.

When taking medications, read the instructions carefully, as there may be contraindications for use. It is important to consider the weight and ratio of the laxative. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who can give recommendations and recommend a drug to avoid side effects.

On the day of the procedure, the stool should be clear. In case of any deviation from this norm, it is necessary to inform the doctor, since if there are any remains of feces on the intestinal walls, the colonoscopy will be rescheduled for another time.

If the rules of bowel cleansing are followed and there are no individual deviations from the norm, after the procedure the patient will be able to return to their normal diet and not use laxatives.

It is important to know how to properly prepare for an intestinal colonoscopy in order to avoid postponing the procedure and not harm your body.

Composition of the drug

More than 90% of the total mass of the powder is the substance macrogol - this is an active component that attracts water. By its nature, it is completely chemical, formed from the processing of petroleum products.

The drug contains auxiliary components:

  • saccharin;
  • sodium and potassium chloride;
  • sodium sulfate.

The listed elements create a favorable electrolyte balance when fluid leaves the body. Despite its high efficiency, the “aggressive” action of Fortrans requires consultation with a doctor.

Features of the drug

Before a colonoscopy, the patient must undergo preparation, including a special toxin-free diet and intestinal cleansing. This set of measures allows for complete cleansing of feces, which may interfere with the examination. To facilitate preparation, use the drug Fortrans.

This drug gently and painlessly prepares the body for the procedure. It retains water in the intestines, which gradually dilutes the stool and removes it. In this way, gentle emptying of the colon is achieved without pain and spasms, which is typical when using enemas. Fortrans has a fruity taste, so drinking it is easy.

The effectiveness of Fortrans has been proven by many studies. It acts very gently on the body, has virtually no contraindications or side effects, so bowel cleansing is comfortable and painless for the patient. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve maximum efficiency in the study, as evidenced by the following video (author Nastya Galynina).

General recommendations

One of the most informative and effective methods of examining the intestines is colonoscopy. To carry it out, special preparation of the patient is required, which implies maximum bowel cleansing. For urgent diagnosis, enemas and laxatives are most often used. If longer preparation for a colonoscopy is possible, the diet guarantees more thorough cleaning, and accordingly increases the effectiveness of the procedure itself. Preparing for a colonoscopy usually begins a week in advance, and it is especially important to follow your diet during the last 48 hours.

Additional recommendations from doctors

To achieve the best result, follow the advice of specialists - the rules will help you prepare for the procedure without side effects.

  • After the first portion of the solution, an unpleasant aftertaste will appear that can cause vomiting. Whenever a sensation occurs, place a slice of lemon on your tongue each time and the discomfort will disappear;
  • Instead of toilet paper, wash with warm water - this will prevent irritation of the anus;
  • Do not take other medications on the day of Fortrans cleansing - they will not be able to be fully absorbed into the bloodstream.

These are the main recommendations that you need to take note of. Additional advice can be obtained by consulting a doctor.

Doctors provide consultations in the following clinics:

"SM-Clinic" on Volgogradsky Prospekt (metro station "Textilshchiki")

  • Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna
  • Korovchenko Grigory Grigorievich
  • Seredin Roman Viktorovich
  • Stoletova Tatyana Alekseevna
  • Kharkova Olga Mikhailovna
  • Cheremisin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Yaroslavskaya (metro station "VDNH")

  • Alaev Oleg Sergeevich
  • Mamaeva Albina Erikovna
  • Matveev Mikhail Olegovich
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Novocheremushkinskaya (metro station “New Cheryomushki”)

  • Bozhenko Vladimir Valerievich
  • Goryunova Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Smirnova Natalia Andreevna

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Clara Zetkin (metro station "Voikovskaya")

  • Alaev Oleg Sergeevich
  • Bayandina Tatyana Borisovna
  • Matronitsky Roman Borisovich
  • Sizonenko Evgeniy Valerievich

"SM-Clinic" in the lane. Raskova (metro station "Belorusskaya")

  • Ryabykh Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Salnikova Yulia Sergeevna
  • Smirnova Natalia Andreevna
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich
  • Shegay Dmitry Olegovich

"SM-Clinic" in 2nd Syromyatnichesky lane. (metro station "Kurskaya")

  • Volkov Artemy Viktorovich
  • Oranskaya Larisa Vsevolodovna
  • Chernykh Olga Gennadievna
  • Shablovskaya Irina Aleksandrovna

"SM-Clinic" on Simferopol Boulevard (metro station "Sevastopolskaya")

  • Alaev Oleg Sergeevich
  • Voitashevskaya Natalya Vitalievna
  • Khinchagov Boris Vladimirovich
  • Shegay Dmitry Olegovich

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Marshal Timoshenko (metro station "Krylatskoe")

  • Goryunova Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich
  • Shegay Dmitry Olegovich

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Yartsevskaya (metro station “Molodezhnaya”)

  • Ivankov Dmitry Stepanovich
  • Kulikov Stanislav Leonidovich
  • Chekhoeva Natia Vitalievna

Reproductive Health Center "SM-Clinic" (metro station "Belorusskaya")

  • Ryabykh Vladimir Ivanovich
  • Salnikova Yulia Sergeevna
  • Smirnova Natalia Andreevna
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich
  • Shegay Dmitry Olegovich

"SM-Clinic" in Solnechnogorsk, st. Red

  • Lomonosov Denis Andreevich
  • Samoilova Olga Olegovna
  • Chernykh Olga Gennadievna

Children's clinic "SM-Doctor" in Maryina Roshcha (m. Maryina Roshcha)

  • Oldakovsky Vladislav Igorevich
  • Kharkina Tatyana Yurievna

Children's clinic "SM-Doctor" on the street. Cosmonaut Volkov (metro station "Voikovskaya")

  • Kharkina Tatyana Yurievna

Children's department on Volgogradsky Prospekt (Textilshchiki metro station)

  • Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna
  • Korovchenko Grigory Grigorievich
  • Stoletova Tatyana Alekseevna
  • Kharkova Olga Mikhailovna

Children's department on the street. Novocheremushkinskaya (metro station “New Cheryomushki”)

  • Bozhenko Vladimir Valerievich
  • Goryunova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Children's department on Simferopol Boulevard (metro station Sevastopolskaya)

  • Voitashevskaya Natalya Vitalievna

Children's department on the street. Yartsevskaya (metro station “Molodezhnaya”)

  • Ivankov Dmitry Stepanovich
  • Kulikov Stanislav Leonidovich
  • Chekhoeva Natia Vitalievna

Children's department on the street. Yaroslavskaya (metro station "VDNH")

  • Alaev Oleg Sergeevich
  • Mamaeva Albina Erikovna
  • Matveev Mikhail Olegovich
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