The main medications are saline and enema?

Cleaning solution

This option is most often used at home for difficulties with bowel movements. The principle of action is the removal of feces with water. This remedy does not affect the receptors and intestinal muscles. To treat an adult, you will need up to 2 liters of clean water (optimally boiled) and an Esmarch mug (available at any pharmacy).

Esmarch's mug is a rubber heating pad, equipped with a thin hose and a plastic tip with a special tap-clamp.

How to use Esmarch's mug at home:

  1. Close the hose;
  2. Fill the heating pad with water or medicinal composition;
  3. Hang near the bed;
  4. Open the tap;
  5. The flow speed depends on the height of the suspension - the higher, the stronger.

It is best for the patient to have an assistant who will control the process of water entering the intestines.

After lowering the heating pad, you need to lie down for at least 10 minutes. Then the water will penetrate deeper and soften the stool, otherwise it may remain in the intestines.

If desired, you can add 1 tbsp to the water. l. natural apple cider vinegar 6% (improves peristalsis) or chamomile decoction (has an anti-inflammatory effect).

Rules for the procedure

To effectively get rid of harmful and toxic substances that have accumulated in the intestines, follow these rules:

  • Carry out the procedure either early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • The procedure is carried out with boiled water, temperature 37-38 degrees
  • No more than 1-1.5 liters are administered
  • Be sure to boil the tip, and to make it fit better, lubricate it with Vaseline

The solution is introduced slowly. After administration, let it remain in the body for five to ten minutes. Then run to the toilet. To make it easier, breathe slowly but deeply.


Before doing an enema at home, rinse and boil Esmarch's mug, and there should be no air left in it. Hang it above the couch, a little higher. It will be better if you cover the couch with a diaper.

Next, do everything in this order:

  1. Lie on your left side, bending your knees and pulling them towards your stomach
  2. The tip must be lubricated with Vaseline in advance and slowly inserted using your right hand.
  3. Open the tap and adjust the pressure. The liquid will begin to flow into the intestines.
  4. Remove the tip after the liquid is in the intestines and lie down for about 10 minutes.

Wash everything that was used to give the enema with soap and dry.

Stories from our readers!

“It’s unpleasant to realize that parasites live inside you. I want to get rid of them as soon as possible. We first learned about the drug from the Internet and decided to try it with my husband.

We have 2 dogs and a cat at home, and we regularly take preventive measures against helminth infection. We really like the product because it is completely natural, and this is important for prevention.”

Enema with chamomile infusion

The decoction and infusion of this plant has an astringent property. In addition, they are able to absorb gases.

  1. To prepare the medicine at home, you need to pour boiling water over dried chamomile flowers;
  2. After a quarter of an hour, strain the infusion.
  3. Then the infusion is diluted with water, bringing to the desired volume.

It is worth noting that this composition is most often used to cleanse the intestines in children and pregnant women. This is due to the low likelihood of developing dysbiosis after the procedure.

Indications for hypertensive enema

The main goal of the procedure is to gently stimulate the intestines and remove feces, as well as excess fluid from the extracellular space. It is indicated in the following cases:

  • atonic constipation;
  • ineffectiveness of a conventional cleansing enema;
  • severe swelling;
  • bowel cleansing in patients suffering from diseases in which straining during bowel movements should be avoided (increased intracranial pressure, myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertensive crisis).

Saline (hypertonic) solution

In this case, a microenema is used, aimed at stimulating receptors and self-emptying.

A strong saline solution is used for it, which is made from ordinary salt or pharmaceutical products (magnesia, bitter or Epsom salt, epsom salt). These remedies work with equal effectiveness.

How does the salt remedy work:

  • osmotic pressure increases in the rectum;
  • salt seems to collect liquid from everywhere, thereby softening the feces;
  • the mucous membrane and receptors are irritated - peristalsis is stimulated;
  • bowel movement occurs after about 20 minutes.

The salt composition is prohibited for use by children. It is also not recommended for adults to use it often - salt is very irritating to the rectum.

How to prepare the salt composition:

  1. Stir a tablespoon of table salt (or 2 tsp) in 100 ml of boiled warm water;
  2. Or dissolve 20-30 g of magnesia powder in 100 ml of liquid;
  3. Inject the product with a rubber bulb filled with 50 ml of the composition.

Oil solution

In this case, a microenema is given. For constipation, sunflower, olive, and pharmaceutical vaseline oil can be used. 3 tbsp is enough. l. Stir the oils into 100 ml of liquid. The composition is introduced using a small rubber bulb.

For the oil to be effective in cleansing the intestines, it must be preheated. To do this, it is sent to a water bath, where it is brought to 38°C. Only warm oil will relieve spasms and make going to the toilet easier.

The disadvantage of using this method at home is the long duration of action: the enema generally takes effect after a few hours, so it is given at night.

Enema for constipated child

Frequent difficulties with bowel movements can occur due to intestinal dysbiosis, antibiotic treatment and a number of other factors. Sometimes it is enough to undergo treatment with probiotics or prebiotics to get rid of this problem.

For chronic constipation, you can influence the situation using another method - nutritional correction. In this case, you need to eat more coarse fiber, bran, cabbage, carrots, beets, prunes, apricots, drink fresh juices and more water. A doctor may recommend herbal infusions with laxative properties.

If constipation is an isolated case, you can resort to an enema. It is indicated only when the baby is capricious and cries due to discomfort.

Amount of solution depending on age:

  • newborn babies – up to 25 ml;
  • baby at 2 months – 35;
  • baby at 4 months – 45;
  • baby at 9 months – 60;
  • from 1 to 6 years – from 60 to 300;
  • from 6 to 10 years – 300-400;
  • after 10 years – up to ½ liter.

Water must be injected with a small bulb with a rubber tip. The liquid for bowel reading should be warm (about 26°C).

To treat children, it is better to use plain water rather than solutions. It is also allowed to use an oil-glycerin mixture. If your baby is not allergic to herbs, you can take a strained chamomile decoction.

How to prepare a solution for a baby:

  1. glycerin - 2 large spoons per 1 liter of liquid;
  2. Chamomile decoction – 1 large spoon per glass of water.

As a rule, the result occurs within a quarter of an hour.

The main medications are saline and enema?

Photo from resource ©

According to the stories of Vladimir residents, after our publications about the state of children's infectious diseases department No. 2 on Tokarev (more details here and here), the situation here has changed for the better. And although we won a half-hearted victory then (the nurse from the orphanage was fired, and the sadistic nurse was not even reprimanded), we believe that we managed to move the matter forward.

Lyudmila, who at one time contacted our editorial office, visited this hospital again, and although she was not greeted kindly there (one of the nurses recognized herself in the described sadist, although we did not name names), but later my mother noted an improvement in the condition of the hospital: and with cleaning the premises in the department, and with the attitude towards sick children.

We were ready to give a “B” to the head physician Tikhonov (minus a point for the nurse), but it turned out that it was too early.

It turned out that my one-and-a-half-year-old niece got sick. The ambulance doctors arrived surprisingly quickly (within 50 minutes), and although they received a scolding from their management for this (apparently, they still have a different attitude towards determining the urgency of visits), they managed to save the child - they brought him, albeit in serious condition, but alive to hospital. To the children's infectious diseases department No. 1 on Tokarev.

Here's what they write about this department on social networks.

“The unsanitary conditions were terrible, clouds of dust were everywhere. The rooms after patients are not treated with anything. They don't wash the floors, they force the mothers to do it. The food was disgusting; if you didn’t hand over the plate after 5 minutes, some old senile women would start yelling. The doctor makes prescriptions without making a diagnosis; half of the medications are not given, they simply are not given. Of the 5 medications prescribed to us, we were given only 1. The nurses are not on duty, they are rude. The doctors do not have any qualifications; they cannot even determine whether the child is sleeping or has already lost consciousness. In response to the demand to help the child, the doctor said, “You stroke the tummy, the child will fart and everything will go away.” And this is a normal doctor!

All the managers are disgusting, especially in the first department. They don't know their work. They discharge you without preparing an extract and force you to come back for it in a week.

Bed linen was not provided to either the child or the mother.

They lie that they don’t do ultrasounds, that there is no machine. There is a device, it’s located in the clinic building, until you get it, they don’t do anything.”


Oksana B. (at the request of the author of the post, we do not indicate her last name - editor's note).

True, the events described by Oksana refer to last year. There was hope that over the year, especially after our numerous publications, the situation here had changed. There was a chance to check it out.

A couple of days later, when the baby’s crisis had passed, I happened to replace her mother at the hospital. They didn’t expect me that day, although they already knew that they would come to them from that same TV-MIG. Therefore, I was able to experience “all the goodwill” of the medical staff towards the parents of sick children. When they realized that I was TV-MIG, it seemed that I was watching a modern interpretation of Gogol’s “The Inspector General”. Silent scene.

In the ward on the second floor, the trash can turned out to be overflowing - no problem, they quickly came and took it out. In general, the child was first placed on the first floor. But it was very cold there, and when they found out about my upcoming visit, they moved me to the second floor. It was unbearably hot and stuffy here. Let me remind you that this is an infectious diseases department, and every time your child is sick, the visiting pediatrician strongly recommends ventilating the room and not setting up a “choking trap”. Here in the ward, near the window, there is a note prohibiting anyone from approaching the windows, not only from opening or closing the windows themselves, but even from adjusting the blinds. Is it really so difficult to bring the temperature inside the hospital back to normal? Or is this also not a problem for parents who are incompetent in medical matters?

Further more. Remember when we talked about the terrible situation with the abandoned child in infectious diseases department No. 2? For those who have forgotten, I will remind you. Here is a small quote from our material:

“For several days the baby could not go to the toilet, he screamed a lot with a sigh - he would calm down, and then scream again. The girls went to the nurses to ask that the child be given an enema. Believe it or not, THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL DID NOT EVEN HAVE A SYRING, and a piece of soap was inserted into the baby’s butt, which is strictly prohibited, because soap corrodes the intestinal mucosa.”


The situation tended to repeat itself in infectious diseases department No. 1. When on the fifth (!) day the mother turned to the doctors with a question about similar help for the child, it turned out that there was nothing here except a syringe, and only if they found it. And the mother (if she couldn’t bear to look at her exhausted child any longer) was offered to buy a laxative at her own expense. By the way, this was not the first offer to buy medicine for a child in a hospital. In our case, medications were purchased, but I doubt that other mothers lying in this department with their sick children had the same opportunities to promptly purchase medications for the hospital.

Therefore, I decided to find out how it is that there is no ordinary children’s laxative in the children’s infectious diseases department. It turned out that the head of the children's department, Olga Potapova, does not know about the existence of children's laxatives in principle.

— Do you have any oral laxatives?

- There is no such. This is for adults. Children should not use laxatives!

This ignorance (that's right!) of the manager is very important. We'll tell you why below.

The attending pediatrician Lyudmila Kovalskaya confirmed that all kinds of mechanical influences and huge cleansing enemas are not beneficial and even harmful for babies, and also explained the situation with purchased medications and the lack of other means by the fact that none of this is on the list of vital drugs (full recording of the conversation with the doctor is at the disposal of the editors).

- What do you have?

— Mom chose to buy it herself. Well, I prescribed Fluimucil for her. Come, let's see.

— Besides Fluimucil, you didn’t prescribe anything else?

- All.

- But that's not true. We have this piece of paper where you wrote down what to buy. There is also Miramistin, which is used to irrigate the throat. The drug is dripped into the nose based on sea salt. Do you know how much it costs?

- Well, mom decided so. I offered my mother saline solution.

- But saline solution doesn’t help

- It helps.

- But we live in the 21st century. Saline solution doesn't help.

— Let me explain once again, what was prescribed to you is not included in the list of vital drugs. I offer parents a choice.

We will not bore you with a retelling of the entire conversation with the pediatrician, the main part of which was reduced to the fact that hospitals are prescribed the bare minimum of medications for use in hospitals, and this is the fault of the Russian Ministry of Health.

So, it turns out, who is the main enemy? Ministry of Health and Social Development! We go to the website of the regional health department and look at what is included in the list of vital drugs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for 2020 on December 30, 2014 No. 2782-r.

Under number A06AD we see the children's laxative lactulose, recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. We check the supply of this drug according to 3 lists out of 4 prescribed by the Ministry of Health: for hospitals, for pharmacies, etc. Two out of three, including those on the hospital supply list, have this drug.

We ask the press secretary of the Department of Health Andrey Trokhin to comment on our discovery and the absence of the drug in reality in the children's infectious diseases department (including after our publication). He, in turn, contacts the chief physician Tikhonov and finally tells us that this drug is not in the hospital because... he is not often asked. Only in our memory this is at least the second time in a month that we have recorded. Although we are sure that these drugs are in demand in the children's department (taking into account that the children's gastrointestinal tract always reacts to changes in nutrition and the general well-being of the child) much more often. The cost of the drug is from 200 to 350 rubles! Even if you only need it once a month, this amount is not something you can cry about later! But some children will recover faster, getting rid of toxic toxins in their body.

So what's the problem? But the problem is that the drug is not ordered... because they do not know that it is on the Ministry of Health list.

According to the director of the Department of Health, Alexander Kiryukhin, this is due to the fact that doctors are not able to remember all the names included in this list. They say there are tens of thousands of them. And doctors are also people, they can have problems at home, problems with their own health, and ultimately get tired. We believe and do not deny. But if a teacher is upset about problems at home and pours it out on the heads of his students, how will the parents-doctors of the affected students react to this? Or the accountant, instead of transferring taxes, will be offended by someone and “withdraw into himself.” Yes, even journalists in the future election campaign to the State Duma will forget no less than a smaller number of points of laws accompanying the election process and violate something?

Alexander Viktorovich agreed that this is not the case. And here everyone will be punished for their offense. Why do doctors think that they may forget or not know something? How can a doctor or department head order a drug if they don't know it exists? And whose fault is this? Really unfortunate sick children and their mothers?

So it turns out that we live in the 21st century, we are introducing interactive services, and we are treated the old fashioned way with saline solution and an enema. What kind of development will we reach?

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