Chronic erosive antral gastritis treatment

  • September 15, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Ekaterina Ryzhkova

Many people ask: “Antrum gastritis - what is it? How should it be treated? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. What is the role of the gastric antrum? It consists of reducing the acidity of digested foods before they enter the intestines. Products are also digested in this department. The muscles of the antrum help move the bolus of food into the duodenum and then into the small intestine.

Antrum gastritis - what is it? This is an inflammatory process in the antrum, which leads to atrophy of the segments and impaired motility of this section. Gradually, antrum gastritis develops. As a result, it turns into chronic atrophic-focal.


How does antrum gastritis appear? What is it really? The development of this disease occurs due to the development of a large number of microorganisms in the stomach cavity. The most important role is played by the microbe Helicobacter pylori, which penetrates the stomach, causing atrophy and inflammation of mucosal cells. Due to the proliferation of bacteria, the production of bicarbonates by the glands of the antral zone is reduced. This is why the acidity of gastric juice increases.

Acid enters the intestines and irritates it. The digestion process is upset, which leads to diseases of the small intestine. The pyloric region is oxidized, and atrophic changes occur. As a result, the stomach glands die. Instead, scar tissue appears.

Antrum gastritis can progress against the background of autoimmune processes in the body. The activity of the glands is disrupted, the cells of the mucous membrane become inflamed and destroyed. This can contribute to the development of a chronic disorder of the secretory function of the mucous membrane. Very often, antral gastritis causes the appearance of ulcers and erosions in the cavity of the duodenum or at the exit from the stomach.

Features of drug treatment

Maalox will help treat erosive gastritis.

The choice of treatment method for erosive gastritis directly depends on the causes of its occurrence. If the stomach is affected by Helicobacter pylori, treatment is carried out using antibiotics.

Most often, patients are recommended to take Amoxicillin, Tetracycline, Levofloxacin. The medications are taken over a fairly long period.

If therapy for the disease is interrupted, this will lead to re-production of pathogenic microorganisms.

During treatment of the disease, it is necessary to regulate the acidity of the stomach. At this stage of treatment, the mucous membrane is protected from the aggressive effects of gastric juice on it. In order to cure erosive antral gastritis, it is necessary to take antacids and acid blockers.

In most cases, Maalox, Almagel, Rennie, Nizatidine, etc. are taken. Each drug is characterized by its own mechanism of action. That is why, if there is a need to change the medication, it is recommended to first consult a doctor.

If the patient's condition is critical, then he needs to take liquid antacids orally. A high effect in this case is observed with Famotidine, Ranitidine, Cimetidine. If the need arises, treatment is carried out using blood replacement solutions.

If a person takes antacid medications, this leads to suppression of the action of gastric juice. In order for food to be better absorbed in the digestive tract, it is necessary to take additional enzymes.

With the help of Mezim, Festal, Digestal, secretory function is stimulated. If the patient experiences spasms or pain, this requires taking antispasmodic medications. In most cases, patients are prescribed Papaverine and No-shpa.

Treatment of the patient should be aimed at restoring the integrity of the mucous membranes. That is why patients are prescribed medications, the action of which is aimed at increasing the supply of oxygen to damaged tissues. The most commonly used drugs are Iberogast or Trental.

Drug treatment of erosive gastritis is highly effective only if the drugs are selected correctly. That is why it is recommended to entrust this procedure to a highly qualified doctor.


You already know how antrum gastritis occurs and what it is. Depending on the manifestation, the following types of this disease are distinguished:

  • Hyperplastic antrum gastritis. The gastric mucosa thickens, epithelial cells are replaced, which leads to the formation of many polyps and cysts.
  • Superficial antrum gastritis. It is characterized by damage to the upper gastric layer. This is a common form of gastritis that does not affect the glands and does not form scars. Such a disease can be focal, that is, it appears in certain areas.
  • Antrum gastritis with atrophy. It progresses against the background of mucosal atrophy, when the gastric glands begin to work poorly, the cells secrete less and less gastric juice, and food is not digested normally. The chronic form of this disease can cause the formation of a malignant tumor in the stomach.
  • Erosive antrum gastritis. This species is characterized by significant damage to the gastric mucosa. Inflammatory processes lead to erosions, form many scars, affect the gastric glands, and may be accompanied by bleeding.
  • Focal. With this type of gastritis, many foci of destruction of the gastric cavity and zones of atrophy appear.

Principles of treatment

How to treat erosive gastritis? A doctor can answer this question after conducting the necessary examinations. You should not self-medicate. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease and decide how and with what to treat the pathology. When erosive gastritis is established, treatment is tailored to the type and stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body, and the presence of complicating factors.

The general treatment regimen includes:

  • eliminating the causes of the disease;
  • ensuring diet as the most important factor;
  • carrying out drug treatment.

In turn, the goal of therapy is:

  • elimination of the inflammatory process, reducing the aggressiveness of gastric juice;
  • normalization of secretory and motor functions of the stomach;
  • symptomatic treatment (pain relief, stopping bleeding, relieving swelling, etc.);
  • restoration of affected tissues and prevention of relapses in the future.


Antral gastritis at the first stage can occur without pronounced symptoms, since the excretory function of the glands is not yet impaired. The acidity level of gastric juice is normal or slightly increased.

Over time, the disease evolves and discomfort appears. Severe pain is felt in the solar plexus area. It appears an hour and a half after breakfast, dinner or lunch, and can also occur on an empty stomach in the intervals between meals. Increased acidity promotes the formation of erosions, so the patient sometimes suffers from sharp pain in the form of contractions.

There may be belching with a sour tint and heartburn, discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, digestive system disorders: vomiting, increased gas formation, constipation and diarrhea.

Symptoms become more intense after consuming fried, spicy, smoked, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sour vegetables and fruits, and coarse fiber. Powerful attacks with rapid breathing and heartbeat, weakness, and dizziness may occur.

Symptoms of pathology

Heartburn is a symptom of erosive gastritis.

Erosive gastritis is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. In most cases, patients complain of a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric area.

When this disease appears, some patients experience heartburn. The patient's mouth usually smells unpleasant. The disease may be accompanied by flatulence and heartburn.

A fairly common symptom of erosive gastritis is bloating in the abdomen. Stomach pain when this disease appears is cyclical. This disease may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Patients experience stomach upset in the form of diarrhea or constipation. Intestinal performance deteriorates significantly. When a pathological condition appears, the consistency of stool changes. There may be blood in the patient's stool or vomit.

Most patients with erosive gastritis experience belching, which has a sour odor. The disease may be accompanied by abdominal pain or dyspeptic syndrome. In the epigastric area, periodic appearance of hunger pains may occur. Young people complain of dull and aching pain. In most cases, the patient loses his appetite.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis appear almost immediately after damage to the gastric mucosa. When the first signs occur, patients are advised to consult a doctor, who, after conducting appropriate diagnostics, will prescribe effective treatment.


How to treat antrum gastritis? Therapy should be carried out comprehensively. It should include folk remedies, various medications and a special diet. Antibacterial therapy is very often used. To suppress and eliminate the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, antibiotics are used: Amoxicillin, Metronidazole and others. Doctors also prescribe other drugs that regulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid and reduce acidity (Omeprazole, Ranitidine, De-nol). Phosphalugel, Almagel, and Alugastrin are used to coat and protect the stomach.

To eliminate pain, antispasmodics are used: “Platifillin”, “No-shpa” and others. To improve the digestive process and ease intestinal motility, doctors prescribe enzyme-based products (Panzinorm Forte, Mezim, Festal). To eliminate vomiting and nausea, take medications such as Domperidone and Metoclopramide.


A little later we will find out how superficial antrum gastritis is treated. Now let’s talk about following therapeutic nutrition. It is known that this is the key to a rapid recovery. The diet for this disease should be gentle. The patient will have to exclude from the diet:

  • salinity;
  • spicy, pickled, fried foods;
  • fatty and smoked products;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

All dishes must be served pureed or liquid. In order for gastric cells to recover faster, the amount of protein must be increased and the amount of carbohydrates reduced. Meals should be divided into five meals. The optimal serving size is 300 g.

For antral gastritis, doctors advise eating foods such as:

  • low-fat varieties of poultry, meat and fish, steamed or boiled dishes from them;
  • light soups with pureed cereals or vegetables, based on water or milk;
  • dairy products;
  • puree or chopped vegetables;
  • sweet or non-acidic fruits, berries in crushed, boiled or baked form, in the form of mousses or casseroles;
  • pureed and slimy porridges: rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • dry biscuits and cookies, dried white bread;
  • compotes and jelly from dried fruits, weakly brewed tea.

Antral superficial gastritis

So, we figured out the nutrition. Now let's look at superficial antrum gastritis. What is it really? This disease is one of the forms of permanent gastritis, which has a clearly defined endoscopic picture. It is characterized by:

  • the presence of inflammatory infiltration of the personal lamina of the gastric mucosa;
  • dysregenerative and dystrophic changes in outer epithelial cells.

The disease is so called because it is associated with severe destruction of the antrum of the stomach. If left untreated, a chronic form of this disease may occur, which will significantly impede full recovery.

What to do?

Doctors most often begin to treat this type of gastritis by destroying the causative bacteria. This technique is standard in the fight against acid-dependent and Helicobacter-like ailments.

The first treatment option involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs. If positive dynamics of recovery do not appear with the first method, the patient proceeds to the second course, which includes medications such as Bismuth, Metronidazole and Tetracycline.

The use of various enveloping drugs and antacid medications is best agreed with your doctor.

How to use traditional methods?

When treating antral superficial gastritis, you can use the traditional methods mentioned above. I would like to add that with this form of gastritis it is also good to take a decoction of rose hips, which contains vitamins that increase immunity.

To prepare it, place rose hips (two tablespoons) in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiled water over them. You can also add plant leaves there. Boil this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, then strain.

Take 1/3 cup of rosehip decoction before meals. Continue treatment for a month. Take a week break and then repeat the course.

Folk remedies

Any folk remedies for the treatment of erosive antral gastritis should be used as an auxiliary therapy and only after approval by the attending physician. Recipes use honey, wheat and oat sprouts, aloe leaf juice, and various bee products. Folk remedies help to quickly restore the changes that have occurred, eliminate painful symptoms, and also help prevent dangerous exacerbations. All drugs that are used for treatment at home can easily be prepared independently based on natural ingredients. One of the most effective methods of treating gastritis, proven in practice for more than one generation, is sea buckthorn oil. When using it, you must follow some conditions, namely:

  • Maintain regular intake;
  • The first dose should be taken early in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals;
  • Store the oil away from direct sunlight, best in the refrigerator, at a temperature no higher than five degrees;
  • For prevention - patients after reaching the age of 14 years, take one teaspoon, two weeks of administration alternated with two weeks of break;
  • For the treatment of existing pathology - the same amount, but when treating for three weeks, the break does not exceed one week.

When using traditional methods in the treatment of gastritis, it is necessary to remember that it is unacceptable to refuse prescribed drug therapy, since they serve as an addition to the main course of treatment. It is unacceptable to independently prescribe and apply any folk methods to yourself.

The following are used as therapeutic agents that have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of erosive antral gastritis:

  1. Juice from white cabbage promotes faster recovery of damage to the gastric mucosa.
  2. Juice obtained from raw potatoes copes well with any exacerbations of erosive gastritis. Half a glass of freshly prepared juice, drunk on an empty stomach, will be enough.
  3. Juice from celery and carrots helps eliminate irritation. Take half a glass before lunch and dinner.
  4. Propolis tincture in the amount of 20 drops per glass of water. Helps cope with painful symptoms, and relief occurs after the first dose.
  5. Chamomile decoction in milk, dry raw materials in the amount of five tablespoons are brewed in a glass of milk, infused and drunk before meals. This remedy relieves stomach pain and speeds up healing.
  6. A decoction of plantain leaves is used for both peptic ulcers and erosive gastritis.
  7. Flax seed. A decoction is prepared from it, for which two full spoons of the seed are brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 10 minutes, then left to cool. The squeezed mucus is taken one tablespoon after meals.

Oatmeal, decoctions and infusions from birch leaves, St. John's wort, galangal, cinquefoil, yarrow, oregano, linden and many others are used as effective remedies in the treatment of erosive gastritis. Choosing any of them must be done with some caution, since some may cause individual intolerance in the form of allergies. Properly selected traditional medicine recipes will help defeat the disease, as well as prevent possible exacerbation during periods of remission. The therapeutic effect will be enhanced by healthy sleep and good mood, which is provided by the natural ingredients included in these recipes.

Currently reading: Symptoms of gastritis and methods of treating it

What can you eat?

With antral superficial gastritis, it is imperative to follow the strict diet that we described above. In addition, you need to give up bad habits, try to avoid mental and nervous overloads that negatively affect the condition and level of gastric secretion.

If folk remedies and diet do not provide the desired effect, consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a complete instrumental and laboratory examination. All this will allow you to accurately determine the type of gastritis.

Diagnostic methods

To identify Helicobacter, a breath test is performed.
Diagnostic measures are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Anamnesis collection. The doctor finds out from the patient the approximate time of onset of the disease, its connection with the seasons of the year and the food consumed. He asks in detail about the symptoms and methods of relieving them. The answers must be complete, since further tactics depend on them. If they are incomplete, the diagnosis runs the risk of following the wrong trail.
  • Objective examination. Consists of examining visible mucous membranes (oral cavity and sclera). The doctor palpates the anterior abdominal wall, with an emphasis on the left epigastric region.
  • Laboratory research. The level of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are measured in a general blood test.
  • Breath test. An increase in the level of the urease enzyme indicates the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.
  • pH level measurement. The results indicate hyperacidity or hypoacidity. The nature of the prescribed therapy will depend on this.

The gold standard for diagnosing this type of gasitritis is esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy. It will give the most vivid and reliable picture of the state of the gastrointestinal tract, visualizing erosion.

Another type of antral gastritis is erosive

So, how is erosive antrum gastritis treated? This type of permanent gastritis is difficult to treat. And in case of advanced disease, serious complications are possible. When starting treatment for antral gastritis, the patient must first cleanse his body. To do this, you need to fast for one or two days. During such a strict diet, the patient can only eat mineral water or black (weak) tea. Fasting gives the stomach the opportunity to rest a little and restore its digestive functions.

The next stage is therapeutic nutrition, which consists of frequent consumption of pureed and boiled dishes in small portions, as well as soups with water. Along with unusual food, a course of topical antibiotics (for example, Tetracycline) or beta-lactam antibiotics from the penicillin group (Bismuth subsalicylate, Metronidazole) is also prescribed. Another form of therapy is also used, in which proton pump inhibitors are prescribed. As a rule, the duration of treatment varies from a couple of weeks to one month.

Also, this type of gastritis can be treated with folk remedies, which we wrote about above.

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