For dehydration and vomiting using folk remedies

Efficiency of use in case of poisoning

A water-salt solution is a liquid that replenishes moisture and protects internal organs, maintains the composition of sodium-potassium group minerals. Helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of the product helps save lives in case of poisoning by toxins, chemicals and alcohol.

The presence of salt neutralizes toxic compounds, stimulates the body's glands to produce hydrochloric acid and enzymes, and reduces the degree of absorption of pathogens into the walls of the stomach and intestines.


Good afternoon. Yes, indeed, in case of poisoning it is necessary to use this remedy. A saline solution will help the patient recover faster and remove the effects of poisoning. The fact is that with symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever, the body loses minerals and a large amount of fluid. If a tenth of the moisture is lost, damage to internal organs and malfunctions of all systems inevitably follow, and the loss of a fourth of the fluid leads to shock and death. A lack of minerals disrupts the functioning of the stomach; mucus, which helps digest food, stops being produced in its cavity. Therefore, one should not underestimate the deficiency of water-mineral balance during food intoxication.

Salt will restore trace elements and electrolytes that help fight toxins and stimulate the processes of neutralizing toxins. Another invaluable quality of sodium salt is that it blocks the process of absorption of toxins by the walls of the stomach, this reduces their negative impact on the body and alleviates the condition of the victim.

  • pale skin;
  • thirst and dry mouth;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • urine is not a natural dark yellow color;

Cooking proportions

To prepare a water-salt solution in case of poisoning, you need to boil 3 to 5 liters of liquid. Let it cool to room temperature so as not to cause stomach cramps.

The components are diluted in prepared water, depending on the intention of making a saline or water-salt solution with soda. The age and general condition of the patient are taken into account in the recipe. All added components must be thoroughly mixed.

Saline solution

Salt water for poisoning is simply prepared.

Dissolve in boiled water:

  • for children from one to 3 years old – half a teaspoon of salt (can be sea salt) per 250 ml;
  • for children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 teaspoon without top, the amount of water is the same;
  • from 7 to 15 years - one and a half teaspoons without top, the amount of water is the same;
  • adults – 2 teaspoons per glass of water.

For pregnant women and nursing mothers, the solution recipe does not change. It does not cross the placenta and does not pass into breast milk.

The product is used for exicosis (dehydration of the body) caused by poisoning. They manifest themselves as pale skin, a strong feeling of thirst and dry mouth, dark yellow urine, dizziness and weakness. Treatment begins with the appearance of symptoms of poisoning.

Water with salt and soda

For all categories of patients, the dosage of the components is the same, the amount of drink and time of administration are different.

Salt 1 teaspoon, sugar – 1 tablespoon and soda – 1 teaspoon per liter of water. Mix well and heat to body temperature. You should drink in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting.

The role of the drug in intoxication of the body

A water-salt solution for severe diarrhea has a positive effect on the body:

  • The drink cleanses the digestive tract from harmful substances. The saline solution prevents their penetration into the blood and further spread throughout the body;
  • the solution contains a number of useful microelements necessary to fight infection.

Cleansing with salt water helps restore impaired body functions. The cell contains a large amount of water. With diarrhea, accompanied by loss of fluid, the structure of cells changes. Drinking coffee, store-bought juices or strong tea by the patient only aggravates the existing problem.

Cleansing the body with saline solution is the best solution in this situation. When dehydrated, the cell loses its original shape and its size decreases significantly. The patient may experience changes in blood pressure. Due to changes in the structure of the cell, it becomes inaccessible to ordinary water. This is why salt should be added to the liquid.

Saline solution helps to quickly cleanse the body. With the help of this product, cells are filled with fluid and their functions are restored.

But cleansing the body with saline solution is a rather complex process. It requires the patient to follow a strict diet. It is recommended to replace sweets with dried fruits, berries, and honey. Products that contain animal proteins, fatty foods, and carbohydrate-rich foods are excluded from the diet. It is also recommended to avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can contribute to dehydration.

Review of pharmaceutical saline solutions

Salt in case of poisoning is very beneficial for the body. Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of products:

Regidron – protects against dehydration. The effect is achieved thanks to:

  • dextrose;
  • sodium and potassium chloride;
  • sodium citrate.

Ringer's solution counteracts dehydration and relieves symptoms. It is prescribed by drip and used in a hospital setting.

Gastrolit , allowed for children from one year of age, is pleasant to the taste. Contains chamomile extract. It has an astringent effect, protects against acidosis, restores peristalsis and relieves spasmodic pain.

Human (electrolyte), helps eliminate toxins and restore electrolyte balance. Human with banana flavor is intended for children over 1 year old, with fennel flavor - for newborns.

Glucosolan , powder, diluted upon consumption. Indicated after cessation of vomiting and prohibited for use in cases of increased alkaline blood reaction. In the form of tablets, which contain:

  • potassium and sodium chloride;
  • citrate;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

Acesol , an injection, reduces the volume and density of circulating blood, improves the function of the kidneys and heart tissue, and detoxifies the body. Indicated for acute dysentery and food toxic infections. Contains:

  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium acetate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • water for injections.

Disol , removes toxins, reduces hypovolemia, hyperkalemia, administered intravenously. Contains:

  • sodium acetate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water for injections.

Trisol , reduces symptoms and removes toxins from food poisoning, contains:

  • sodium chloride;
  • potassium chloride;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

Lactasol (may have names: Ringer-lactate, Hartmann's solution, lactate-saline), allows you to restore water-electrolyte and water-ion balances, protects against metabolic acidosis, is contraindicated in people with intracranial hypertension and heart failure.

Chlosol , has a beneficial effect on hypovolemia, blood flow in capillaries, removes toxins, contains:

  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium acetate;
  • potassium chloride.

Citraglucosolan is indicated for infectious diseases and poisoning.
Dissolve in warm water. Contains sodium and potassium chloride + glucose.

Solutions options

A patient with food or alcohol poisoning is seated on a hard chair. Patients who are unable to maintain balance are placed on a bed and turned onto their left or right side. If a person lying on their back starts vomiting, mucus and food debris will enter the trachea. They block the airways and cause suffocation, which can be fatal.

The patient's torso is covered with a film or sheet to prevent vomit from getting on the skin and clothes. Heat 5 liters of distilled water in an electric kettle or on the stove. It is advisable to use boiled liquid cooled to room temperature. In emergency situations, regular filtered water will come in handy.

The liquid for preparing the solution is heated to a temperature of 35–37 degrees and an absorbent component or substance that neutralizes toxins is added.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate disinfects the stomach and destroys bacteria. The product is used for poisoning with poisonous mushrooms and low-quality products. For 5 liters of warm water you will need 3-5 crystals. You can drink the pale pink solution. The concentrated product burns the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, worsening the patient’s well-being. The water is stirred until the dry powder is completely dissolved, and then filtered through cheesecloth or a paper filter. Remains of crystals that enter the stomach along with the liquid adhere to the mucous membrane. The substance causes burns and erosions and can cause bleeding.


People with alcohol poisoning are given a solution made from activated carbon. Combine 5 liters of heated water and 10 crushed tablets. Chop and take in large portions. Activated carbon draws out toxins, helps with acute poisoning and drug overdose. The absorbent solution is prepared from Polysorb and Enterosgel. For 5 liters of warm liquid, 2-3 tablespoons of the product.

Saline solution is used for alcohol intoxication, poisoning with pills and mushrooms.

Neutralizing option

If an acid enters the stomach, for example, diluted table vinegar, the patient is given a soda solution. It neutralizes the substance, protecting the mucous membrane from burns. The product is contraindicated if the patient has drunk vinegar essence. In such cases, they immediately call an ambulance and do nothing until specialists arrive.

The solution contains 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda and 5 liters of water. The gastric lavage liquid is thoroughly stirred and then filtered. Soda particles irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

For patients who have been poisoned by foods or substances containing alkali, a solution of citric acid is prepared. Combine 3 liters of boiled water with a teaspoon of powder. People with gastritis are advised to take half as much so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease. The acid neutralizes the alkali, protecting the stomach from burns. Freshly squeezed lemon juice has similar properties. For 5 liters of warm liquid you will need 3-4 tablespoons of the additive.

Rules of use and contraindications

For open forms of stomach and duodenal ulcers, saline solutions are prohibited. Drink in small sips at intervals of 5-10 minutes. Take 5-7 ml per 1 kg of weight. If a vomiting reaction occurs, rinse your mouth with water and continue taking it. When the water balance improves (symptoms of dehydration disappear) and other signs of intoxication weaken, the single dose is reduced to 200 ml. The appointment schedule changes after diarrhea occurs. The doctor can extend the course of treatment for preventive purposes for 3-4 days with a daily dosage of 1.5 liters of liquid.

A solution of salt, sugar and soda used in case of poisoning has a lower dosage and long intervals between doses. For a child aged 3-7 years – 50 ml every two hours, for 6 hours or 4 doses. Older children drink 100 ml every 1.5 hours, with a 4-hour break at night. Adults (pregnant and nursing mothers inclusive) take 150 ml every half hour, resting at night for no longer than 3 hours. For babies under 1 year of age, give a diluted salt-soda solution with glucose in a 1:1 ratio (diluted with drinking water), a teaspoon at an interval of 10 minutes. The liquid is prepared from 100 g of raisins, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sugar, half a spoon of soda per liter of water. First, cook the raisins (boil for 45 minutes), add the remaining ingredients to cooled water and boil. Allow to cool before use. All children under three years old are recommended to cook warm.

The product is not recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes - sugar is present among the ingredients.

The condition for using water-salt solutions for medicinal purposes is completing a course of cleansing and recovery in the first ten hours after the onset of poisoning. The dosage measure is a spoon. Signs of poisoning indicate a health hazard with serious consequences. Consultation with a specialist doctor and medical support of treatment procedures will help speed up the recovery process.

Scheme for using the solution in the acute period

If there are no signs of dehydration, the solution is taken in a prophylactic dosage. For patients under three years of age, it is prescribed at the rate of 1 tablespoon per kilogram of body weight. Dosage for children from three years of age and adults – 0.2 liters of saline solution after each stool.

If signs indicating dehydration occur, the recommended dosage should be increased. In this case, take 50-100 ml of the product per 1 kg of body weight. This dose is established for both children and adults. After 10 hours of signs of dehydration appearing, it is recommended to return to the prophylactic dosage.

Use of the product during the recovery period

The saline solution should be drunk in a prophylactic dosage until the diarrhea disappears. In some situations it is also used during the recovery period. In this case, drink the solution within 1-2 days after the diarrhea stops.

It is important to properly prepare the restoration fluid and use it correctly:

  • for children under 7 years of age, the permitted dose is 70 ml at intervals of 1.5-2 hours;
  • adolescents under 15 years of age should take 100 ml every 30-60 minutes (if diarrhea recurs immediately after the first dose, then the next dose should occur no later than half an hour later);
  • Pregnant and elderly people should not take more than 100 ml per hour;
  • Adult victims who have no contraindications should drink 100-150 ml of liquid at intervals of 30-40 minutes.

The solution for diarrhea at home begins to have a therapeutic effect 4-5 hours after taking the first portion. If there is no improvement within the specified period of time, you must call medical help at home. The victim must be examined by a doctor!

Take medications according to the conditions and doses contained in the instructions.

An important condition for effective, quick recovery is diet. Fasting is recommended during treatment. Infants and small children continue to be fed to avoid acute protein deficiency.

Food should be light, not irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, and easily digestible with hydrochloric acid.

Rehydron for the prevention of dehydration due to vomiting

Rehydron belongs to the group of rehydrating salt products intended for oral use. It is used to prevent and treat dehydration due to vomiting, high fever, diarrhea, and excessive sweating. Most often, such symptoms occur against the background of infectious diseases, accompanied by increased losses of pathological fluid. Rehydron for vomiting and diarrhea helps to quickly restore the disturbed water-salt balance and compensate for significant losses of water and electrolytes along with vomit and feces.

Composition and properties of the drug

Rehydron is a white crystalline powder that contains the components necessary to maintain water-electrolyte and acid-base balance in the body. When the drug is dissolved in water, a solution with a slightly alkaline pH is obtained.

Regidron contains the following compounds:

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  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium salt of citric acid;
  • potassium chloride;
  • glucose.

When used internally, Regidron solution compensates for potassium losses in the body, prevents an increase in sodium concentration, corrects changes in blood pH during acidosis and restores energy metabolism. Indications for its use are:

  • restoration or maintenance of water-salt balance;
  • vomiting and diarrhea caused by infectious diseases or intoxications;
  • profuse sweating due to hyperthermia, physical exertion or heat injury.

Rehydron during vomiting restores the loss of fluid and salts along with vomit. It is especially important to use this drug when there is a combination of high fever, vomiting and diarrhea (for example, intestinal infections), when the body very quickly loses water and salts.

Important: The loss of fluid and essential ions necessary for the normal functioning of the body leads to disruption of vital systems and organs, as well as to changes in blood pH. Timely intake of rehydrating agents can prevent serious consequences.

Use of the drug

When vomiting in a child or adult, Rehydron is taken orally in the form of an aqueous solution. The total volume of solution that needs to be drunk, the frequency of doses and the single amount are determined based on the person’s body weight and the degree of dehydration. The main signs of the development of dehydration in adults and children are:

  • feeling of thirst;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • decreased frequency of urination;
  • urine discharge that is deep yellow or orange in color.

The use of Regidron is indicated only for mild or moderate dehydration, when the patient's total weight loss does not exceed 10%.

Use of Regidron in adults

Regidron solution for internal use is prepared very simply. For an adult, you need to dilute the contents of the sachet in 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature. You should start taking the medicine after the first vomiting attack. There are general recommendations for the use of this drug for severe diarrhea and vomiting in adults. The volume of solution that needs to be drunk within 1 hour is calculated from the ratio of 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight. As the person’s condition improves, the dosage is gradually reduced.

When using Regidron while vomiting, it is important that the drunk liquid is retained in the gastrointestinal tract and does not provoke new vomiting. In this regard, it is consumed in very small (5-10 ml), but frequent portions. If the medicine is well tolerated and does not come back out with vomit, then the volume of the solution and the frequency of administration are gradually increased.

Important: The prepared rehydration solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day!

Use of Regidron in children

How to give Regidron to a child who is vomiting? For small children, the drug is diluted in more water. This is necessary in order to reduce the final concentration of active components (mainly sodium ions). The amount of solution that the baby needs to drink in total in 6-10 hours is calculated from the ratio of 50 ml per 1 kg of weight. After the condition improves, the dose is gradually reduced.

Nutrition for diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea can be specific; several groups of diseases and poisonings cause such a disorder in the body:

  1. Drug poisoning caused by an overdose of a drug (for example, a laxative), long-term use of antibiotics, or the use of drugs with a side effect of diarrhea.
  2. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholera, salmonellosis, etc.).
  3. Poisoning with certain chemical compounds.
  4. Kidney and liver failure.
  5. Abdominal form of myocardial infarction and pneumonia.
  6. Dyspepsia (lack of digestive enzymes).
  7. Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea caused by the above reasons cannot be eliminated with a simple saline solution.

Nonspecific causes of diarrhea:

  1. Alimentary (food) dyspepsia – poisoning with poor quality food products, abuse of fatty foods.
  2. Diarrhea associated with stress, as a result of which the nervous regulation of the intestines is disrupted.
  3. Diarrhea caused by general overheating of the body.

It is quite possible to eliminate such causes of irritation of the gastric or intestinal mucosa.

How can you determine the cause of diarrhea? The color of stool will help identify the likely cause of bowel dysfunction.

Dark green stool is a sign of an intestinal infection (unless, of course, you have consumed green foods in large quantities).

An admixture of green mucus indicates putrefactive processes in the intestines. Tarry stool indicates a possible perforation of a stomach or intestinal ulcer (some foods, such as beets, as well as activated charcoal, give the stool a dark color). The light yellow color of stool indicates a disruption of the digestive process and enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas.

White stool, coupled with dark urine, indicates a violation of the outflow of bile. Diarrhea mixed with scarlet blood indicates the disintegration of an intestinal tumor. Loose stools mixed with blood may indicate a ruptured hemorrhoid.

Diarrhea mixed with bile and grayish-brown mucus indicates elementary food diarrhea. This is where our saline solution comes in handy.

Nutrition depends on the cause of diarrhea. In some cases, hunger is indicated. For infants in the absence of vomiting, starvation as a method of treatment is not acceptable. This can lead to acute protein deficiency. Therefore, the child continues to be fed. General principles of nutrition for diarrhea caused by nonspecific factors include the appropriateness of food for the patient's age group. Food should be easy to digest and gentle on the gastrointestinal mucosa, both chemically and mechanically.

What is Regidron for?

Rehydron is a mixture of water and salts that allows you to compensate for the loss of vital minerals, salts and fluids. The drug has virtually no contraindications and is a lifesaver for mothers of babies.

Most childhood diseases are infectious in nature and are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms leading to pathological loss of fluid. Dehydration is dangerous for an adult, let alone children, who, if dehydrated, may experience symptoms within an hour after the onset of symptoms of poisoning.

Description of the drug

Despite the fact that the drug has long established itself as an effective and safe remedy for dehydration, both pharmacy Regidron and the homemade product have a number of contraindications.

Regidron should be taken with caution by people with the following pathologies:

  1. Diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2;
  2. Acute renal failure;
  3. Intestinal obstruction.

In addition, after using the drug, hypertensive patients should take care of removing excess salts from the body with the help of diuretics. Otherwise, excess salts may cause increased blood pressure.

Overdose of Regidron

It should be remembered that taking even very large doses of both pharmacy Regidron and the drug that we make ourselves will not lead to an overdose. Only the use of large doses of the drug over a long period of time can provoke hypernatremia.

Symptoms of overdose:

  • weakness;
  • nervousness;
  • convulsions;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • Coma is possible in children.

In case of overdose, it is necessary first of all to get rid of excess mineral salts in the body using diuretics. In this case, furasemide or its analogues are excellent.

Recipe for Regidron solution at home

There are several options for preparing a solution to restore electrolyte balance yourself if you do not have a pharmaceutical drug.

The simplest option can be done by yourself even while on a picnic or on a hike. To make a solution for dehydration, just dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar in a glass of warm boiled water.

The next option is much better and faster absorbed by the body, its composition is quite similar to the pharmacy one, so if you are severely dehydrated, it is better, if possible, to prepare it instead of the pharmacy Regidron.

To prepare you need:

  • 0.5 l. purified or boiled warm water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt.

Mix everything thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.

The last recipe is almost identical to the previous one and is an excellent replacement for Regidron. You need to separately dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and sugar in a liter of water. Take every 10 minutes. take a sip of one and the other solution. You can also prepare a solution of soda and salts dissolved separately.

Indications for use

Doctors recommend using saline solution in case of poisoning. Most often, indigestion occurs in the following situations:

  • For symptoms of dehydration. Simultaneously with the fluid, the body loses reserves of minerals and vitamins, which, in turn, affects the process of its recovery. Severe dehydration can provoke a decrease in brain activity, signs of atherosclerosis, as well as immunodeficiency pathologies: bronchial asthma, scleroderma. When a person loses a quarter of all body fluids, he dies.
  • With vomiting, elevated body temperature, and pain in the stomach. All these symptoms indicate acute food poisoning. This is fraught with rapid dehydration of the body and the development of pathological processes.
  • For intestinal infections. When you become ill with cholera, rotavirus, or escherichiosis, vomiting, dizziness, and pain in the abdominal area appear. In this case, the vomit may contain blood or mucus. If you do not take the saline solution and the necessary medications in time, the body will lose a lot of fluid.

Everyone who cares about their health should have in their medicine cabinet a means to prepare a saline solution at home. In case of poisoning, it will help better than any medicine. The solution may be needed at any time, so the sooner the patient takes it, the less painful the consequences of poisoning may be.

When and how to use a homemade solution

At the first signs of poisoning, especially in children, it is necessary to immediately begin taking rehydration solution in small doses. If signs of dehydration have already appeared, the dosage is increased.

Symptoms of dehydration:

  1. Dry mouth;
  2. Children cry without tears;
  3. Dry skin;
  4. Rare urination;
  5. There is no effect from antipyretics.

Important! If the temperature of the Regidron solution is the same as the body temperature, it will be absorbed by the body much faster and better.

Rehydration for a child is usually given orally, provided that the patient can swallow and absorb the drug. However, if you continue to vomit, you can try making ice cubes from the solution yourself, this may make the process easier.

If the drunk medicine does not have time to be absorbed by the body (the patient vomits immediately after taking the solution), Regidron must be administered intravenously. The latter option is carried out only by qualified doctors in a hospital setting.

Both pharmacy and homemade saline solution does not have the most pleasant taste. You should not expect that the patient will enthusiastically drink half a glass, and this is not required. It is enough if a person takes at least a sip of the solution every 10-15 minutes. Children can be given the drug one teaspoon at a time.

The aqueous solution can be stored in a cool place for no more than a day. It is best if the drug is not used after 3 hours, prepare a new one. This is due to the fact that salts begin to precipitate and the drug loses its beneficial properties.

Preparation and use

Saline solution can be prepared in several ways. The simplest among them is prepared as follows:

  • prepare 3-5 liters of boiled water, cooled to room temperature (20-24 degrees);
  • the temperature regime must be observed, since if the solution is too cold, it will cause stomach spasms;
  • add sugar (1 tablespoon per liter), kitchen salt (1 teaspoon per liter), soda (0.5 teaspoon per liter) to the water;
  • All components are thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved.

Drink the prepared solution in small sips. After each liter there is a break of 5-10 minutes.

If necessary, you can provoke a stomach spasm and subsequent gag reflex. This should only be done if there is a urge to feel sick.

How to replace Regidron

Regidron is not a prescription drug, so you can easily buy it at any pharmacy. In addition to the original drug Regidron, there are many analogues with different names, but the same composition and effect.

The most common:

Important! Pharmaceutical drugs dissolve only in water. Mixing the aqueous solution with additional components is not allowed.

At home, Regidron for a child can be prepared using a fruit decoction or adding a little honey to improve the taste.

Pharmaceutical preparations are sachets filled with a white powdery substance. The contents of the sachets are diluted at home with water as indicated on the sachet and taken orally according to the instructions.

Gastroenterologist, doctor of the highest category, head of department. She graduated from the Rostov Order of Friendship of Peoples Medical Institute in 1993. Place of work: Clinical and diagnostic.

Tips for use

Making a solution is not difficult, the main thing is to maintain the proportions. Preparing a rehydration solution for a child is no different from a solution intended for an adult.

Children should take it in smaller quantities: the initial dose is no more than 5-10 ml.

Carefully pour the finished product into the child’s mouth, 1 tsp at a time. every 10 min. The total volume of the solution can be calculated at the rate of 30-50 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

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