Types of fish poisoning and methods of treatment

Sickness from smells: reasons

When an unpleasant feeling awaits a woman during pregnancy, this is understandable. But what if there is no toxicosis, but nausea complicates life? It is necessary to understand the reasons. A gastroenterologist, therapist, neurologist or endocrinologist can help you with this.

So why do smells make you sick?

  • Hunger. Sometimes an empty stomach signals its condition with nausea. Make it a rule to have breakfast, even if you don't feel like it. Having received your morning portion of food, your stomach will work correctly and not bother you.
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, pancreatitis, esophagitis reflux. Here you need the help of a doctor; you can’t handle it on your own. Most likely, if the fears are confirmed, complex treatment and diets will be needed.
  • Low blood pressure can cause nausea and poor general health. Here, consultation with a specialist is also necessary: ​​a therapist or cardiologist.
  • Neurological problems, stress, neuroses, depression, which can result in somatic dysfunction of many organs.
  • Allergic intoxication or poisoning can also often cause general discomfort and poor health, including nausea.

Now you know why smells make you sick; many of their causes are not so harmless. Therefore, it is better to first consult with a family doctor or therapist.

Sickness from smells: how to help yourself

Whatever the cause of the discomfort, it should be eliminated, but before that you can help yourself by following simple rules that will help relieve nausea:

  • Be sure to have breakfast, even if you have no appetite in the morning.
  • Carry wet wipes with a neutral smell with you, when the nausea is completely uncontrollable, you can wipe your hands, face, even smell them to distract yourself.
  • In public transport, where there is a real accumulation of not very pleasant smells and sounds, try riding with headphones. Your favorite music at a moderate volume can distract you and redirect your attention.
  • Always have a bottle of medium-salt mineral water with you, preferably still. When the unpleasant feeling of nausea becomes too strong, take a few small sips of water, but do not drink too much.

Do not forget that your health is in your hands; consult a doctor promptly if nausea does not go away within a few days.

The content of the article:

What to do if the smell makes you feel sick?

An unpleasant nauseating feeling sooner or later overtakes any person. Along with discomfort in the stomach and throat area, weakness and increased salivation appear. Most often, nausea does not go away without vomiting. At this stage, a person’s breathing becomes impaired and chest pain begins. In people suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers, vomit is thrown out intensively, literally gushing out. After the stomach is empty, the patient feels significant relief. Rejection of what you eat during cancer, in turn, does not make you feel better, and streaks of blood can be seen in its composition.

Why do the smells of food, perfume or cigarette smoke cause nausea? Nausea when external stimuli appear in the form of odors signals various malfunctions in the functioning of the human body or an allergy to the components of the aroma source. A negative reaction to an odor in the form of nausea+, which is not foul or poisonous, most often signals health problems that require treatment. In addition, aversion to the aroma of perfume or fragrant food can serve as an indicator of a person’s psychological abnormalities. Such a feeling, in relation to individual aromas, can arise even as a result of significant overwork, psychological overload or prolonged stress.

Lightheadedness from odors, nausea and nausea from a particular or several odors often portends certain diseases. In such cases, pregnant women may feel sick during the period of toxicosis. The cases described are the most common. Less commonly, you can also encounter nausea that appears as a result of individual intolerance to any food products, perfume compositions or components of tobacco smoke.

Sickening from the smell of food, food

Nausea and nausea from the smell of food appear in case of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. For female representatives, it may indicate the onset of pregnancy. Until the end of the first trimester, aversion to food is explained by rapid hormonal changes. The desire of the expectant mother for the birth of a child also plays an important role here. When pregnancy is desired and planned, toxicosis, severe nausea, may not appear at all. If motherhood was not part of the woman’s plans, the negative symptoms of changes in the body will seem stronger to her than they actually are. Nature plays tricks on pregnant women in such a way that pleasant and even previously loved smells while waiting for the birth of a baby can become disgusting and repulsive, causing nausea. To reduce the negative impact of aromatic irritants, it is recommended to minimize their presence during pregnancy. Nausea from odors during pregnancy is very often an inevitable symptom of pregnancy, which in most cases is completely normal. And if a woman does not know how to get rid of a nauseating smell during pregnancy, how to eliminate the smell and nausea from it, she should simply avoid such smells for a certain time.

In case of toxicosis, if under the influence of odors a woman develops nausea that has a steady frequency, she should consult a doctor on this issue. For both women and men, repeated nausea is a signal of malfunctions in the body that need to be eliminated as quickly as possible.

What are the dangers of fish poisoning?

When cooking, fish is the most demanding product, mainly due to its consequences. In addition to simple discomfort and possible aversion to fish products (based on a subconscious fear of poisoning), a person can expect:

  • Dehydration;
  • High/low temperature;
  • Acute intestinal infection;
  • Paralysis of the lungs, which will lead to death.

What to do if you feel very sick from the smell of food, food, how to get rid of nausea?

Nausea from the smell of food can be caused by an unhealthy diet or a neurological imbalance. The causes of nausea are influenced by sudden and frequent mood swings, as well as stressful situations. You can get rid of nausea with a glass of clean drinking water or sour juice. It is important to drink still water, as saturating the drink with carbon dioxide bubbles can cause vomiting. It is allowed to drink carbonated water, the gases from which have been evaporated. When a nauseating state is accompanied by colic in the peritoneum, if, in addition to nausea, the stomach also hurts, and this abdominal pain and feeling of nausea continues for several hours, there is a high probability of developing intestinal diseases. In this case, you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

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First aid

The first thing you should do if you suspect fish poisoning is call a doctor. While the doctors are on their way, there is no time to waste. What to do if you are poisoned by fish while waiting for an ambulance:

  • clear your stomach by drinking 1 liter of water in one gulp several times and inducing vomiting,
  • do an enema with boiled water at room temperature without drugs (until the water is clear),
  • Give the victim a drink of non-carbonated alkaline mineral water or sweet tea.

There is no need to do anything else; the doctor will decide the issues with the medications.

Why does the smell of meat make me sick and nauseous?

Many people find the smell of raw meat and offal extremely unpleasant. When the smell of meat appears, they begin to feel sick and sick. In this case, the effect of the stimulus can be reduced only by minimizing it. To get rid of or reduce nausea from the smell of meat, you need to provide access to fresh air in the room or turn on the hood. The characteristic smell of meat products is muffled with wine, pomegranate juice, mustard and spices. If the smell of raw meat causes lightheadedness and nausea constantly, this indicates the likelihood of serious abnormalities. To diagnose them you need to go to the hospital.

Why does the smell of fish make me sick and nauseous?

The peculiar fishy smell, like meat, can cause unpleasant symptoms in some people. Considering that each organism is individual, an aversion to the characteristic fishy aroma can repel the desire to eat fish products. You should pay attention to the fact that this smell is more pronounced and persistent than that of meat. It is more difficult to get rid of it even after the dish has already been prepared. That is why many people find it unpleasant and often it is the smell of fish that causes nausea and nausea.

Fish spoils much faster than other animal products. Therefore, if it makes you feel nauseous or has a feeling of stomach discomfort, it is better to replace it with another dish. As for the smell of raw fish, to which there is disgust, accompanied by nausea, this symptom, as in the case of meat, signals a disturbance in the functioning of the body. Identifying them will help you get rid of discomfort and nausea.

First aid for fish poisoning at home

Food poisoning, especially from fish products, should be taken seriously. Before taking any action, you need to establish the cause, understand what kind of poisoning you have, and think about what fish products you consumed in the last 24 hours. Then it is important to do the following:

  • Rinse the stomach. The first and most important step in case of fish intoxication. It is better to do rinsing using a proven method - a solution of potassium permanganate. It needs to be diluted correctly, the main criterion is the color of the liquid - it should turn out pale pink. If there are no manganese crystals at home, drink large amounts of water and artificially induce vomiting. Often the body itself requires cleaning and the urge to vomit occurs without help, but it is important not to suppress them. After the first, involuntary act of vomiting, you should independently provoke the next one. This is necessary so that the main amount of toxic masses leaves the stomach;
  • Enema. Fish poisoning is accompanied by diarrhea, which is how the body removes toxins. Medical cessation of diarrhea will lead to rotting of the intestinal walls. This is due to the fact that in the feces there is a huge amount of poison secreted by fish. An enema with the addition of laxatives actually speeds up the process of emptying the body, protecting the intestinal walls from the harmful effects of toxins;
  • Fluid recovery. When vomiting and diarrhea, a person loses too much water and a dry mouth is a clear sign of this. You need to drink a lot of liquid.
  • Coal. If severe vomiting has not yet been observed, or has already ended, it is important to drink activated charcoal, which draws in substances that are toxic to the body.

Some symptoms may not be present - this indicates that the poisoning is mild and taking absorbents and gastric lavage may be sufficient.

What to do if you feel very sick from the smell of fish?

Several simple recipes will help you overcome the nausea that occurs when fresh fish appears nearby. Before starting to prepare a fish dish, its fish component should be kept in cold water acidified with vinegar for several hours. The solution is prepared in the following proportion: two tablespoons of vinegar per liter of liquid. Salt will help remove the characteristic fishy smell. However, in order not to oversalt the dish, you should take no more than two tablespoons of salt per kilogram of fish. The fish is rubbed with salt and left for fifteen minutes, after which it is washed with cold water.

To remove the unpleasant odor left on the skin of your hands after cooking fish, you should use lemon juice or vegetable oil, rubbing it into your palms, and then wash your hands with aromatic toilet soap. You can remove the fishy smell from kitchen knives by rubbing the blades with mustard and then rinsing them with dishwashing detergent. Horizontal coverings and cutting boards are treated with vinegar to speed up the removal of the smell. If the performed manipulations did not allow the smell of fish to be completely removed and it remained in the refrigerator, you need to leave an open pack of activated carbon on the middle shelf for several days.

Salted fish poisoning

For Russian cuisine, pickles are a common occurrence. Fish is salted in various ways and eaten in large quantities. However, not everyone can follow the salting technology. Insufficient amount of salt, poor quality raw materials, haste - lead to irreparable consequences. Those who like to eat lightly salted fish especially suffer - a lack of brine may not kill all the bacteria. It is also worth remembering about the time - before the cooking time, you should not eat the product - poisoning is inevitable. Symptoms of intoxication with salted fish are identical to those arising from food poisoning.

Smoked fish poisoning Heading 2 Photo smoked fish

The smoking process does not guarantee good quality. Cases of sending spoiled fish to be smoked are especially frequent. In addition, even fresh fish, if smoked using the wrong method, can actually become unusable. Bacteria developing inside the carcass when there is little salt or temperature will certainly provoke negative consequences. In addition, there are often cases of the production of substances during smoking that contribute to the appearance of cancer. Poisoning with such fish is manifested by symptoms of food intoxication and allergic reactions.

Why does the smell of perfume make you sick, causes of nausea and nausea

The aromas of perfume products should evoke positive emotions in a person, without worsening his well-being. In real life, even fragrant compositions can provoke nausea; if the smell of perfume causes nausea, this can be explained by various reasons, including poisoning, toxicosis during pregnancy, acute respiratory infections and the result of motion sickness in transport. You should take into account the fact that nausea is not always caused by perfume. The irritant may be an allergen or other factor affecting health. To quickly restore your health, you need to establish the cause of nausea.

Validol, Anestezin and Aeron help get rid of nausea caused by the smell of perfume. The use of medications must first be agreed with the attending physician, since self-medication can harm a person. If it is not possible to consult a doctor, you can overcome nausea with chamomile or ginger tea.

What to do if the smell of perfume makes you feel nauseous?

If the nausea caused by motion sickness goes away without outside help; flu and colds - can be overcome by drinking herbal tea, but only ventilation will help to correct the situation when you feel sick from the strong smell of perfume products. The reaction of an individual to the smells of perfume compositions is a matter of taste and individual perception. If it is impossible to eliminate the smell of perfume and it makes you very sick, for example, on public transport or indoors, to ease the nauseating symptoms, it is recommended to move away from the source of the nausea provoking agent or take a seat closer to a window or vent. Other people present next to you may not share the opinion that the aroma is unbearable, so you should not try to convince others of this.

Why does the smell of cigarettes make you so sick? Reasons

It is not necessary to have a bad habit to experience nausea, nausea from the smell of tobacco smoke, or nausea from the smell of cigarettes. A nauseating state appears even with passive smoking. This is facilitated by toxic substances that are found in abundance in tobacco combustion products and are harmful to human health. When nicotine enters the bloodstream, a person’s blood pressure increases and their heart rate increases. Added to these symptoms are dizziness and shortness of breath.

You can get rid of nausea caused by the smell of cigarettes by avoiding inhaling cigarette smoke. A smoky room should be ventilated. Nausea from tobacco smoke is natural for humans, since in this way the body tries to protect itself from toxic substances contained in such smoke.

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What is the danger

If the first symptoms of fish poisoning are not noticed in time, this can seriously threaten health and life. If there is no help, the following will appear:

  • ITS (infectious toxic shock),
  • profuse vomiting and diarrhea,
  • acute gastritis,
  • panic, convulsions,
  • decreased blood pressure, diuresis (urine darkens),
  • paralysis and respiratory arrest (from poisonous fish),
  • coma,
  • severe dehydration,
  • organ failure leading to death.

Only timely first aid for fish poisoning can literally save the victim from death.

All causes of nausea (nausea). Symptoms, treatment.

It is probably impossible to find a person who is not familiar with such a condition as nausea. Moreover, the causes of nausea are not always obvious at first glance. It is rare that this condition quickly goes away on its own, and it is completely unpleasant when nausea haunts a person constantly.

We will talk to you about what factors cause nausea, its causes (except pregnancy, among other things), and how to get rid of it.

If nausea constantly haunts you, the reasons for this most often lie in diseases of the digestive system, although, of course, there are cases of neurological disorders, disorders of the endocrine system and heart function, in which a feeling of nausea appears along with other symptoms.

Nausea - causes

As you know, you can get rid of any symptom if you influence the cause of its occurrence. Nausea is no exception.

  1. Ulcer and gastritis

If you experience nausea after eating, the reasons for this lie precisely in these inflammatory processes. Along with nausea, there will be the following symptoms: heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of fullness after eating. On an empty stomach, you may feel a burning sensation in the stomach area.

A specialist will help you determine the diagnosis by conducting a series of studies. And you should also forget about spicy, smoked and fatty foods for now and switch to a dietary diet.

  1. Problems with the gallbladder

In this case, nausea appears during the process of eating, along with a feeling of fullness from the inside. Associated symptoms: metallic taste in the mouth or bitterness, gas formation, pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn.

  1. Symptom of poisoning or intestinal infection

After some time has passed after eating, a person begins to experience nausea, which results in vomiting. Pain is noticeably felt in the navel area, dizziness, weakness appear, and the temperature may rise to 37-38°. In this condition, it is imperative to take measures, because diarrhea and dehydration will be added to it.

First, drink a couple of glasses of warm water in small sips; you need to induce vomiting. Then your task is to replenish the missing fluid: drink water, fruit drinks, weak teas. Two to four tablets of activated carbon will also help you. If you cannot get rid of vomiting and bile is found in it, dizziness begins - this may indicate that a serious infection has entered the body (salmonellosis, for example), in this case it is worth calling an ambulance.

  1. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys

This cause of nausea is not related to food intake. In some cases, nausea can result in vomiting. An important symptom that indicates that the cause of this nausea is inflammation in the kidneys is lower back pain and problems with urination.

  1. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas

In people suffering from this problem, nausea and bloating appear after eating, accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium and the appearance of bitterness in the mouth.

With this disease, constant nausea is possible, which most often appears in the morning. Then in the morning, a person with hypertension may experience swelling and redness of the face, increased fatigue, and often dizziness.

  1. Taking certain medications

If you read the instructions for the medications you purchase, you will note that many of them can cause nausea as a side effect. Such medications include antibiotics, anti-influenza and anti-inflammatory drugs, iron-containing drugs, some vitamin complexes, etc.

  1. Concussion

If you seriously hurt your head and feel dizzy and persistently nauseous all the time, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Symptom of appendicitis

Regardless of food, nausea may occur in patients with appendicitis; in some cases, nausea will progress to vomiting. The pain will first appear in the upper abdomen, then it will gradually move to the lower right part. An increase in temperature to 37-38° is another symptom of appendicitis.

  1. Problems with the vestibular system

Severe dizziness and nausea are frequent accompaniments of a sudden change in body position when you roll over or get out of bed. Other signs include the appearance of tinnitus, problems with balance, “spots” in front of the eyes, and the inability to focus for a long time on a moving object.

  1. Symptom of heart attack and heart failure

With these problems, even after vomiting, nausea remains, accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen. In heart failure, the following symptoms are also common: pale skin, hiccups, and a feeling of suffocation.

Slight dizziness may be added to nausea. If you have nausea due to headaches, you can be “saved” by a quiet, dark room and taking a drug prescribed by a neurologist.

Many have noticed how, with strong excitement and emotional arousal, they begin to feel nauseous. Once you calm down, breathe deeply, the adrenaline in the body decreases and the nausea goes away.

  1. One of the symptoms of meningitis

Nausea is accompanied by a high temperature - from 38°C, photophobia, and a feeling of constriction in the occipital region.

  1. Hypothyroidism – problems with the thyroid gland

Nausea may accompany you constantly, although not clearly expressed. There may be no appetite, but weight is still gained, a constant feeling of drowsiness, fatigue, cold in hot weather, and in some cases anemia is possible.

Although there is an opinion that nausea is a frequent companion of almost all pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, this is not so. Not all pregnant women suffer from bouts of nausea. But if you're unlucky with this, there is consolation that by 12-13 weeks the nausea will leave you alone.

Long-lasting nausea and vomiting are a characteristic symptom of a malignant tumor. Not only a tumor, but also a blockage, an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract can cause an attack of nausea.

  1. Eating sweet foods on an empty stomach can also trigger nausea. In this case, eat a piece of some unsweetened fruit.
  1. Hunger

Although nausea is usually caused by a lack of appetite, hunger can also cause nausea due to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels.

  1. Parasitic infestations

Many people do not want to admit that they are present in their bodies, but one of the symptoms of the presence of worms in the body in adults and children are certain types of parasites.

In addition to describing the causes of nausea, there is also a division into types:

Types of Nausea

“Cerebral nausea” , the cause is brain disorders (atherosclerosis, hypertension, brain tumor). In almost all cases it is accompanied by an increase in intracranial and blood pressure.

“Toxic nausea” - due to poisoning with food or endogenous poisons.

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“Metabolic nausea” is a consequence of an unbalanced diet, starvation diets, hypovitaminosis, diabetes, and metabolic disorders.

“Vestibular nausea” - as a manifestation of neuroses. This type of nausea is often characteristic of women during pregnancy and menopause.

“Reflex nausea” is a consequence of active irritation of receptors, as well as inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Appears regularly after eating in general or consuming certain foods.

The danger of fish of the pufferfish family

The incredible taste of fugu fish cannot exist without deadly poison. The tetrodotoxin in the pufferfish's body is the result of its diet, which includes poisonous starfish. The consumer can become fatally poisoned with just 1 mg of the toxin. There is practically no time to treat such severe intoxication - in 15 - 30 minutes the rapid spread of poison kills an adult. Symptoms of fugu poisoning:

  • The mouth is numb (if you notice even a slight numbness, call an ambulance);
  • Vomiting does not stop;
  • First the legs are taken away, then the lungs;
  • The upper limbs cease to be felt;
  • Death.

During the sequential appearance of all the signs of fugu fish poisoning, a person begins to experience a fatal state akin to a narcotic. This type of fish has already been learned to be artificially grown to be safe and non-poisonous; the nuance remains the taste, which can only be achieved in its natural habitat.

Nausea during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is accompanied by nausea, then most often it appears in the morning, although it can be present constantly throughout the day until the evening. Some pregnant women react with nausea to strong odors.

The causes of nausea during pregnancy in almost all cases include:

  • The habit of eating unhealthy foods, both before pregnancy and during pregnancy, is unhealthy nutrition.
  • Inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
  • Stress, lack of sleep and excessive fatigue,
  • Problems with the endocrine system,
  • Cold.

If a pregnant woman reacts with an attack of nausea to a sharp or strong smell, this is simply a sign of an increased sense of smell, there is nothing to be done about it.

Toxicosis and nausea of ​​pregnant women is, of course, not a disease. However, they can and must be dealt with, otherwise they can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and harm the unborn child. And the harm is caused not so much by nausea as by vomiting, when useful substances are removed from the body.

The first thing a woman herself can do is switch to proper nutrition, which should be balanced, and if you really want to eat something that is not entirely healthy (chocolate, for example), then eat a piece, not the whole bar.

The second thing a pregnant woman’s environment can do is help get rid of all possible nausea provocateurs.

Most often, nausea occurs on an empty stomach (due to low blood sugar levels). Sometimes it is enough to eat something to fill your stomach at least a little, and the nausea goes away. But, unfortunately, this does not always help, so you can do something else:

  • Eat frequently (every two to three hours) and in portions the size of your palm. If a product is healthy, but it makes you sick, you don’t have to eat it.
  • You should not drink while eating. It’s better to drink 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals.
  • Your movements should be smooth and unhurried; a sudden change in body position can cause nausea.
  • Move, walk in the fresh air, give yourself more rest.
  • Try to spend less time in crowded places and places where there may be strong odors.
  • More positive emotions and less communication with negative people. Let your problems go for a walk, at least for a while. May the whole world wait while you are in such a wonderful state

If nausea comes to you in the morning, try, without getting out of bed, eat a piece of stale bread, a cracker or a dry cracker, as well as nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits. Sometimes mint tea helps.

If, along with nausea during pregnancy, you suffer from dizziness, severe heartburn, fainting, sudden surges in blood pressure and excessive dry skin, consult your doctor.

Causes of nausea in children

Many parents mistakenly believe that their child cannot yet have health problems, because they experience nausea and vomiting only due to food poisoning. However, this is not the case.

  1. Children may have increased intracranial pressure. Then nausea appears in the morning along with a headache.
  1. Vestibular apparatus - if there are problems with it, children experience nausea in transport. You should not feed such a child before the trip; sit him closer to the driver, ask him to look straight ahead and let him drink water from time to time.
  1. Stress. Children often feel sick if they are very scared, offended or feel guilty - this is how they try to isolate themselves from troubles. Breathing exercises or a simple paper bag can help here.
  1. Allergic reaction. Nausea - as a result of intolerance to any product. An allergist will help you determine which one.
  1. Excessive absorption of food. Nausea from overeating occurs frequently in children. If the child does not want to finish eating, then forget about the “clean plate society.” You will force him to finish eating, you will feel pride from satisfying your parental will, and then the child will feel sick...
  1. Dehydration. Children often, after playing and sweating, may feel an attack of nausea; immediately give them a drink of plain water, this will help relieve the attack.


It is not difficult to avoid poisoning from fish, as well as other products. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • look at the expiration dates on the products you buy,
  • do not buy fish without heads from private traders (this helps them hide some signs of a stale product - cloudy eyes, sunken gills with a pinkish edging, etc.),
  • store the product in the freezer and do not refreeze,
  • store in the refrigerator separately from other products,
  • do not take risks with raw and exotic fish,
  • eat fish on the first day after cooking,
  • inspect when purchasing for external signs of deterioration,
  • purchase only in stores (not from strangers),
  • cook without violating the recipe.

Intoxication with poisons produced by bacteria in fish products is a huge harm to health and a danger to life. It’s much easier to play it safe and protect yourself and your loved ones from severe poisoning.

How to get rid of nausea using folk remedies?

  • First of all, many people remember ammonia - it is inhaled through the nose. You can put a validol tablet under your tongue or suck on a mint candy.
  • You can prepare this decoction: boil 250 ml of milk and put 1 tsp in it. nettle, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, take 1/3 of the broth immediately, and then drink 1 tbsp every two to three hours. this decoction until the nausea goes away.
  • A decoction of ginger root helps many: chop it and pour in 300 ml of just boiled water, let it sit for a while until it cools to room temperature, and drink it in small sips.
  • Collection of herbs will also help in the treatment of nausea: you need to take chamomile (2 tsp), rosemary (1 tsp) and sage (1 tsp), pour 500 ml of boiling water over them, 15-20 minutes. Infuse and drink in small sips every quarter of an hour.
  • At the first signs of nausea, many people find it helpful when mixed with 0.5 tsp. table soda juice of 0.5 lemon.
  • Or you can just mix 0.5 tsp. soda with 250 ml of warm water and drink in small sips.
  • You can also try to get rid of nausea by drinking 15 drops of mint tincture dissolved in water.
  • Peppermint is good for nausea in the form of an infusion: take dry mint leaves (1 tbsp), pour boiling water (250 ml) over them and let it steep for two hours. After which the infusion must be filtered. Use 1 tbsp three to four times a day.

As you understand, temporary attacks of nausea are not difficult to get rid of. However, if nausea is constantly and painfully haunting you, consult a doctor, he will be able to determine the causes of nausea and the best option for its treatment. There is no point in enduring this condition patiently. It is much easier to cope with such a relatively “mild” symptom of disorders in the body as nausea, until this disorder develops into a serious problem.

Further treatment of fish poisoning

The main thing here is to be careful! If the symptoms have weakened, you can switch to decoctions and teas that do not irritate the mucous membranes and help get rid of the remnants of harmful bacteria. Nutrition should also be special for several days. We emphasize that if the symptoms worsen - diarrhea more than ten times a day, the person does not stop vomiting, very high/low temperature - know that home treatment will not help! In such cases, make sure that the patient drinks more water before the ambulance arrives.

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