How long does it take for Duphalac to work? How long does it take for Duphalac to work: useful information.
How to take Duphalac for adults with constipation
Duphalac for children, what are the features of use? Many adults know how to help themselves with constipation,
Examples of tablets for the treatment of giardiasis in an adult patient
Medicine for Giardia. Giardiasis is a helminthic disease that causes serious deterioration in health. Many people
Laxative teas: names, how to drink, reviews
Constipation is an unpleasant and very delicate problem that is not usually shared. Meanwhile
Vomiting of bile in a child without fever and diarrhea - what to do in this situation?
Vomiting in childhood is common. It is associated with immaturity of the digestive and immune systems.
For lovers of water treatments: cold and hot baths for hemorrhoids - is it possible to take them?
Such a popular disease as hemorrhoids requires complex treatment, including not only medication, but
Rotavirus infection: causes, symptoms, treatment
How the disease develops Rotavirus infection in children can be transmitted from other sick people or carriers
Diseases of the stomach and intestines
Useful herbs for treating the stomach and intestines
Herbs for the treatment of the stomach and intestines are in many cases the only truly natural remedy
Medicinal herbs and medicines
How to heal your intestines yourself at home
Basic intestinal diseases There are quite a lot of functional disorders in the intestines: Nervous dyspepsia; Syndrome
Why is my stomach swollen and painful before my period?
As the end of the menstrual cycle approaches, followed by the onset of menstruation, a woman experiences certain
Pain and cramps
Cramping pain: symptoms, possible causes, examination, medical diagnosis and treatment
The cause of cramping abdominal pain is spasms of the smooth muscles of the organs located in the abdominal cavity.
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