How to take Duphalac for adults with constipation

Duphalac for children, what are the features of use

Many adults know how to help themselves with constipation, but they doubt whether Duphalac can be given to children.
Parents need to know that many pediatricians recommend Duphalac for constipation in infants (in the form of syrup) with appropriate correction of the maternal diet. The main thing is that the initial daily dose should not contain more than 5 ml of the drug. 1 children from 1 to 6 years old can be given the drug in an amount of up to 10 ml per day;

2 children over 6 years old can use about half the adult dose (15 ml);

3 adolescents over 14 years of age can take Duphalac in the same way as adults, starting with a dose of 15 mg, and if necessary increasing it to 30-45 ml per day.

All types of laxative dosage adjustments must be agreed upon with a pediatrician who has information about the causes of constipation in the child and the presence of concomitant pathologies.


The required volume of syrup is determined only by the attending physician strictly individually for each diagnosis. Treatment of constipation always begins with an increased dose of 15-45 ml, which after normalization of intestinal function can be reduced to 15-30 ml.

For schoolchildren and adolescents, the initial dose should not exceed 15 ml, and the maintenance dose should not exceed 10-15 ml.

For preschool children, the drug is prescribed in an amount of 5-10 ml throughout the entire treatment.

For babies under 1 year of age, the syrup should be diluted with water before use and do not exceed a dosage of 5 ml. To avoid flatulence, the dose should be gradually increased from 1 ml to the dose prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy may consist of a daily dosage of the drug of 30-45 ml. To prepare the intestines for examination, experts prescribe a single use of syrup in a volume of up to 150 ml.

How quickly Duphalac works depends on the initial volume of syrup taken and the individual sensitivity of the body. The urge to have a bowel movement may occur 4-12 hours after ingestion, but most often this moment occurs the next day.

How long can an adult drink Duphalac Secrets of life

Duphalac is a laxative drug that has become widespread due to its mild effect combined with effectiveness.

This product is produced in the Netherlands. The active substance affects the condition of the intestinal walls and helps cope with constipation.

On this page you will find all the information about Duphalac: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Duphalac. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Pharmacological effect

Duphalac has a hyperosmotic laxative effect, enhances intestinal motility, improves the absorption of calcium and phosphate salts, and also helps remove ammonium ions from the body.

The intestinal flora of the colon breaks down lactulose into organic acids, which lower pH and increase osmotic pressure. As a result, the volume of intestinal contents increases, which stimulates peristalsis and affects stool consistency. According to reviews, Duphalac effectively helps to get rid of constipation and restore the physiological rhythm of bowel movements.

As a prebiotic, lactulose stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria, in particular lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, while the growth of potentially dangerous bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Clostridium spp., on the contrary, is inhibited. As a result, this ensures a more favorable balance of intestinal microflora.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Lactulose is a safe component for women while they are expecting a baby and breastfeeding, so Duphalac is indicated if necessary. The mother's use of the drug does not affect the condition of the fetus or newborn, but the dosage and frequency of administration must be agreed upon with the supervising physician.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that the doses of Duphalac for the treatment of constipation and for softening stool for medical purposes are presented in the table.

PatientsInitial doseMaintenance dose
Adults15-45 ml10-25 ml
Children 7-14 years old15 ml10 ml
Children 3-6 years old5-10 ml5-10 ml
Children under 3 years old5 ml5 ml

As a rule, the dose can be reduced after 2 days of administration depending on the patient's needs.

It is recommended to take the drug 1 time in the morning with meals. The clinical effect occurs after 1-2 days (this is characteristic of the action of lactulose). The dose or frequency of administration is increased if no improvement in the patient’s condition is observed within 2 days of taking the drug.

In acute cases, Duphalac can be prescribed in the form of enemas in a ratio of 300 ml of Duphalac syrup and 700 ml of water.

How long does it take for Duphalac to work?

The manifestation of the therapeutic effect directly depends on the use of a certain dosage and the disease against which the therapy is carried out. In addition, Duphalac is characterized by a mild effect, so it cannot be called very fast.

The desired result appears 4-12 hours after administration. When answering the question of how quickly Duphalac works, there are cases when you have to wait even about a day. In a child, metabolic processes proceed much faster, so the effect of Duphalac appears after a couple of hours.

Side effects

The use of Duphalac in the first days of treatment can provoke flatulence (increased gas production). This symptom disappears on its own after a few days.


When taking high doses of the drug, diarrhea and abdominal pain are possible. Discontinuation of the drug or reduction of its dose eliminates these manifestations. In case of electrolyte imbalance, correction is required by introducing electrolyte solutions.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with broad-spectrum antibiotics, the therapeutic effectiveness of lactulose may be reduced.

When used concomitantly, lactulose may interfere with the release of active substances from enteric drugs with a pH-dependent release due to the fact that it lowers the pH of the intestinal contents.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of Duphalac syrup is 3 years from the date of its manufacture. The drug must be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, at an air temperature no higher than +25° C.

Features of the drug

Duphalac is a mild laxative, the effect of which occurs by lowering the level of acidity in the intestine and increasing the osmotic pressure of its lumen.
This effect is achieved thanks to the main active ingredient – ​​lactulose. In addition to lactulose, Duphalac contains a small amount of purified water as an excipient. Thanks to this composition, the drug is prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women, as well as newborn children.

Duphalac is created on the basis of a synthetic disaccharide - lactulose. A substance with probiotic properties stimulates the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the large intestine.

Beneficial microflora converts lactulose into various organic acids with osmotic activity, hence the effectiveness of Duphalac as an osmotic laxative. Duphalac promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, including ammonium ions, and improves the absorption of calcium salts and phosphates.

Duphalac has a pleasant taste, is non-toxic, and is well tolerated by the body, so it can be used not only as an effective remedy for constipation for adults, but also for children from birth.

Release form: syrup - bottle, contents volume 200, 500, 1000 ml, powder for preparing suspension - disposable sachet 15 ml, there are 10 pieces in the package.

The laxative Duphalac is available without a prescription and is in the middle price segment. The cost of a medicine may vary, due to different markups at pharmaceutical retail outlets.

Treatment of constipation in adults with Duphalac may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • In the first days of use, increased gas formation is possible, and, as a result, flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain. After two to three days the symptoms disappear
  • Too high doses of medication provoke diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and electrolyte imbalance

But in general, according to reviews of the use of Duphalac, there is so little information about side effects that it is almost impossible to get an accurate picture of the frequency of cases.

In order to say how quickly a given drug will work, you must first focus on the category of drugs to which it belongs. Duphalac is an osmotic laxative, i.e. those that, by increasing pressure in the intestines, increase the volume of feces and change their condition, promote accelerated contractions of the intestinal walls, stimulating the process of defecation.

  • Approximate figures for how long Duphalac takes effect are 4-12 hours. In some cases, this period extended to a day.
  • In children, Duphalac works within 2-3 days, according to the comments of young mothers on forums dedicated to motherhood.
  • In newborns, Duphalac works only with a full course, i.e. not instantly and not even the next day.

All lactulose laxatives, which include this medicine, are used not for one-time bowel movements, but for therapeutic purposes - i.e. to cure constipation and obtain a long-term effect of normalizing intestinal function. This partly determines that taking Duphalac, especially in young children, does not give immediate results. But there are a number of other factors that influence how long it takes for Duphalac to work in children and adults.

Unlike other laxative drugs, Duphalac also has a pronounced therapeutic effect, since lactulose is a prebiotic substance. Those. it promotes the growth of acidophilus bacteria, which leads to the destruction of toxic elements and ammonia, and cleanses the intestines. Accordingly, among the indications for the use of Duphalac are not only constipation, but also any problems with intestinal motility, as well as:

  • liver failure;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • cirrhosis;
  • salmonellosis.

It can be used before operations on the gastrointestinal tract to cleanse the intestines. But as a laxative that helps to lose excess weight, Duphalac is ineffective due to its mild effect.

Its over-the-counter status indicates its safety for use in pregnant women, nursing mothers, and the elderly.

Duphalac should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС.

DosageKyivKharkivMoscowSaint Petersburg
Syrup 200 ml.129131308325
Syrup 500ml.255263526543
Syrup 1000 ml.475415804881
Powder 10×15 ml.298293303319

Duphalac has shown effectiveness in the treatment of constipation and hepatic encephalopathy in adults and children. The benefit of the medicine is to improve intestinal motility. Take it orally, drinking it in the morning with meals.

In this case, the product can be either diluted or undiluted. If you decide to drink it without mixing it with water, you must take into account that medication treatment requires drinking a large amount of liquid, which will reduce the likelihood of an adverse reaction such as diarrhea. It is allowed to take it twice a day, but always in the same dosage.

The onset of defecation occurs individually for each patient. After the first dose, the time of use of Duphalac is adjusted. If the effect of the drug occurs after 8 hours, it is recommended to take it at night, which will ensure restful sleep.

At first, Duphalac is taken in large quantities, then it is gradually reduced. There should be no breaks in therapy.

Newborn children with constipation and dysbacteriosis are also prescribed Duphalac, since the drug has a natural composition and does not harm their body. Pediatricians prescribe it if the baby has not had a bowel movement for 2 days or the process itself is difficult. It is recommended to give medication when the baby exhibits the following signs:

  • cry;
  • dry and dense feces.

These symptoms appear in both breastfed and bottle-fed newborns. Duphalac helps to cope with increased gas formation in children who are introduced to complementary foods.

The product is classified as a laxative and after using it, patients lose several kilograms of excess weight. For this reason, it is often used for weight loss. This method does not lead to addiction and does not cause health problems. The only drawback is that Duphalac will not give a good result in case of obesity. The weight will stop dropping when the intestines are cleansed. For patients trying to lose weight, it is enough to take the medication for several days.

The instructions indicate that in severe cases of the disease, Duphalac is used as an enema. In this case, the drug syrup is dissolved in water. The procedure is allowed up to two times a day. This method of therapy is undesirable for children, since there is a risk of weakening the reflex to defecation.

Doctors note that taking Duphalac promotes calcium absorption, making the medication an excellent means of preventing osteoporosis.

Duphalac is a thick light yellow syrup that has a sickly sweet taste. You can give Duphalac to a child undiluted. Or dilute the drug a little with water.

For children, the dosage of the medication according to the instructions is prescribed depending on the age category of the small patient:

  • from 7 to 14 years, 10-15 ml per day;
  • from one year to 6 years, 5-10 ml;
  • for a child under one year old, 5 ml per day.

Duphalac for babies is used to treat constipation and dysbiosis. Doctors advise starting the drug with 1 ml. Gradually increase the volume to 4-5 ml. This will help avoid increased gas formation.

In case of treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, the dosage is selected purely individually. Typically the initial dosage is 30-45 ml.

It is recommended to give the baby syrup at the same time once a day, for example, in the morning. The drug begins to act extremely quickly. Already a couple of hours after taking the medicine, the effect appears. Usually this effect is observed for a couple of days.

Despite its sweet taste, Duphalac is not always perceived by children. The thick mixture should be given from a syringe. There is no need to increase the recommended dosage, as diarrhea or abdominal cramps may be caused.

Children can take Duphalac for 21 days. Therapy can last 2 weeks. The initial dosage of the medication is used for 3-4 days.

To relieve constipation, you need to take the remedy. But a problem such as constipation must be approached from a medical point of view. That is, restoration of normal intestinal microflora will be required. Duphalac not only eliminates the symptoms of constipation, but also improves the natural rhythm of bowel movements.

However, it is recommended that the child be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. Adults need to monitor the condition of their baby all the time. If third-party reactions are noticed, the dosage of the medication will need to be reduced.

That is, Duphalac is an effective remedy that is safe for newborns. But the dosage should always be selected only by a doctor on an individual basis. Otherwise, you can harm your health.

The active component of the drug is lactulose, which increases acidity in

and fluid migration, causing intestinal contents to become softer. This remedy slightly stimulates peristalsis, resulting in the restoration of the physiological rhythm of the digestive system.

In addition, lactulose helps eliminate ammonium from the body, which is a toxic product of protein metabolism, and also prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora and stimulates the growth of beneficial lactobacilli. In this case, only a small amount of the drug is absorbed into the blood. Duphalac is available in the form of syrup or powder for preparing a suspension.

How long can I take it?

Medicine answers this question as follows: exactly as much as is necessary to restore timely bowel movements. It is generally accepted that Duphalac is not addictive even with long-term use. Moreover, long-term use is indicated for effective restoration of gastrointestinal tract activity.

  • The minimum course of treatment is 14 days of taking the drug.
  • If you have a one-time constipation problem, you can use Duphalac once or drink it for several days.
  • If the problem has become regular, you need to drink syrup at the indicated dosage for at least thirty days.
  • The end of treatment with Duphalac can be considered the complete restoration of regular bowel movements and complete normalization of stool consistency.

Indications and contraindications for Duphalac

In order for the drug "Duphalac" to help cope with constipation, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations. If the patient complains of difficulty with defecation for the first time, then a single dose of syrup in an age-appropriate dosage is sufficient.

Another treatment tactic is followed for chronic, prolonged constipation. To restore normal bowel function, you need to complete a full course of therapy. Its duration is usually 3 weeks. In this case, after 2-4 days the standard volume is reduced by 2-3 times. During the specified time period, lactulose will help maintain optimal environmental conditions in the intestinal tract, which will allow the restoration of beneficial microflora.

After a full course of treatment with Duphalac syrup, constipation will disappear and will not bother you, provided you follow a diet that excludes fatty, fried and spicy foods.

How does a laxative work?

In our intestines, in the area of ​​the large intestine, live these tireless workers who effectively cleanse our body. But when there are few of them, they cannot cope with the volume of work, and outside help is needed. And then, along with this syrup, a substance enters our intestines, causing an active and very rapid increase in the number of these useful micro-residents.

That is, Duphalac does not introduce foreign bifido- and lactobacilli, but encourages the body to produce its natural microflora, while bifido- and lactobacilli simply supply the required amount of beneficial bacteria from the outside in their substance.

When, after oral administration, lactulose enters the gastrointestinal tract and reaches the large intestine, bacteria on its walls begin to break down the lactulose substance into elements - low molecular weight organic acids. These processes create a special pressure in the canal of the large intestine, called osmotic in medicine.

Since the effect of lactulose on the body begins only when its substance meets special bacteria on the walls of the large intestine, its effect is local and very mild.

The mechanism of constipation is such that it is precisely the areas of the colon where fecal matter stagnates that forms very dense obstacles, they are even called fecal stones, which cannot be removed through normal peristalsis.

Duphalac perfectly solves this problem, selectively and precisely affecting the cause.

How and when does the syrup begin to work?

The pharmacological formula of the drug is based on lactulose. Unmodified lactulose dissolves under the influence of the intestinal bacterial environment and is converted into low molecular weight acids that lower the acidity level. Osmotic pressure in the intestine increases, and the intensity of intestinal filling increases. The contraction of the intestinal walls becomes more intense, the stool changes its consistency.

The process of removing human waste products accelerates and becomes more comfortable.

Duphalac also acts as a prebiotic. By prebiotic we mean indigestible pieces of food that can stimulate the development of certain groups of microorganisms in the large intestine. The main ones are polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. As a result of the chemical transformation of prebiotics in the intestine, lactic acid, fatty acids, water and other auxiliary substances are formed, ensuring the normalization of the balance of microflora and stimulation of the body's antiviral defense.

The speed of action of the drug depends on the dose used, the diagnosis made and the individual characteristics of the body.

Duphalac cannot be called fast-acting. It acts on internal organs gently and carefully, which slows down the effect. On average, the interval between taking the drug and the desired result is from 4 to 12 hours. There have been cases when the wait was extended to 24 hours.

How long it takes for this laxative to act directly depends on the individual rate of chemical transformation of nutrients in the body of an individual person.

The positive of this delayed action is that if you follow the dosage, you will not experience diarrhea, and bowel movements will be comfortable.

The medicine should be taken at the same time, giving preference to course treatment over scattered single doses.

Recommended dosages vary depending on age and duration of symptoms.

Children, depending on age, take from 0.5 ml to 15 ml. The minimum dose for a teenage child or adult is 15 ml. The maximum safe dose of the drug for an adult is 45 ml. To reduce the time after which Duphalac begins to act, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed per day to 2 - 2.5 liters.

If you are interested in how long it takes for Senade to work, you can follow the link.

The speed of action of Duphalac is determined by many factors and depends on their presence or absence. If parents give the baby the drug at the same hour every day, try to give him 2 times more purified water than usual, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the baby should have stool on the first or second day.

The main active ingredient of Duphalac is lactulose. Due to this, the drug can be given to a child of any age; it is completely safe for a small organism. The syrup helps soften stool for painless removal. Therefore, you should not worry if stool does not appear after a couple of hours or the next morning. Perhaps the baby’s body is not yet ready to perform an act of defecation without harm to it.

In a newborn, the laxative begins to take effect after a day or two. Parents need to sound the alarm if stool retention does not go away after 5-7 days. Perhaps the drug is not suitable for the baby or you should consult your doctor about increasing the dose.

When taking Duphalac in an infant, you should be extremely careful and monitor the child’s condition. If a baby exhibits symptoms such as:

  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive colic, stomach pain, you should consult a doctor immediately.

They may talk about adverse reactions in which the syrup should be discarded or replaced with another analogue. Experts also do not recommend giving your baby an additional dose or exceeding that prescribed by the doctor due to lack of stool, as this can lead to adverse consequences. Constipation for 2 days will be considered normal when taking Duphalac. If the problem does not disappear after 4 days, you should contact your pediatrician.

When choosing a laxative drug, patients are interested in:

it will give the desired result. According to numerous reviews, Duphalac has the disadvantage that the effect develops a day after taking the drug. However, delayed action is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

After using Duphalac, the patient does not experience diarrhea, which contributes to the development of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. With regular use of the drug, natural bowel movement is established, which is much more pleasant than a quickly achieved effect.

However, if the problem is temporary, you can use lightning-fast remedies that, with a single use, will not cause significant harm to the body.

The peculiarity of Duphalac is that it is almost not absorbed into the blood, but acts mainly in the large intestine, without undergoing changes in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the intestines of a newborn baby, Duphalac is a “feeder” for beneficial bacteria, the colonies of which are just beginning to grow.

These beneficial bacteria (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) decompose lactulose into low molecular weight organic acids, which contributes to the acidification of the intestinal contents. Such acidification has a healing effect on the newborn’s body, since beneficial bacteria develop best in an acidic environment, while it is destructive for opportunistic and pathogenic microflora.

Lactulose also absorbs ammonia, which can form in a child's intestines due to improper digestion and poison his body. All these changes contribute to an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen and the entry of a large amount of fluid into it, and this in turn stimulates intestinal motility and the excretion of feces from it.

Has the ability to inhibit the growth of salmonella in the large intestine.

It is believed that the laxative effect of Duphalac develops on the second day after use, which is due to the characteristics of the active component - lactulose. Some patients see this as a drawback of the drug, however, such a delayed manifestation is rather its positive quality. It is much more important for the body to establish natural bowel movements than to provoke rapid, uncontrollable diarrhea with impaired electrolyte metabolism and the possible development of dehydration by taking a laxative.

“The use of Duphalac did not leave me with a particularly pleasant impression. While I was drinking it, I practically couldn’t leave the house; to be more precise, it was impossible to stray far from the toilet. To say that the cleansing process was intense is to say nothing. I almost lived in the toilet) After taking the drug for a week, I stopped using it.

“I’m somehow afraid to use various chemicals to lose weight. I'm trying to lose weight through diets. But before each dietary course, I cleanse the body with a laxative. Lately I've been using Duphalac. Compared to similar drugs, it is safer and has minimal side effects.

“I know firsthand about the benefits of cleansing the body. I regularly arrange various cleansing procedures for myself. I tried different things - hunger strikes, fasting days, and special meals. But most of all I liked the cleansing with the laxative Duphalac. In a few days you can get rid of a couple of kilos.

Some nuances of the action of this laxative are associated with peristalsis. Young children, when they do not suffer from constipation, defecate several times a day, much more often than adults, and therefore the effect can occur within three to four hours. Late pregnant women and older people whose bowels are more sluggish may wait much longer, up to two to three days from the first dose.

Duphalac syrup is used not only in cases where a person is constipated. It is widely used to treat other diseases.

The time period after which the laxative will begin to work is different for each type of drug. Experts note that the effect appears most quickly after using irritating medications. They are usually available in the form of rectal suppositories. The most famous are Dulcolax, Bisacodyl, as well as suppositories with glycerin.

However, such laxatives have a significant drawback. All of them, when taken for a long time, are addictive, which in the future threatens “lazy bowel” syndrome. This condition is accompanied by a deterioration in natural peristalsis, which leads to bloating, a feeling of heaviness and chronic constipation. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is better to replace popular irritating laxatives with milder drugs such as Duphalac. It is worth considering that the effect does not occur immediately and depends on various factors, such as:

  • weight;
  • age;
  • nature of constipation (atonic or spastic);
  • duration;
  • other features.

For chronic constipation, it is best to consult a doctor - a therapist or gastroenterologist. The specialist will select the optimal laxative and also help calculate the dosage individually for each patient.

Release form of the drug

There are 2 forms of release of Duphalac:

1 Thick syrup Duphalac with a yellowish tint, per 100 ml of which there is about 67 g of lactulose. The syrup is packaged in plastic bottles of 200, 300, 500, 1000 ml.

2 White crystals of lactulose powder in Duphalac bags. The package may contain 10, 20 or 50 15 ml bags.

The drug does not have a specific taste, does not contain auxiliary substances, dyes, the only exception is distilled water for syrup. The presence of impurities in the form of galactose, no more than 1.5 g, and lactose, no more than 1 g per 15 ml, is allowed. Such a form as Duphalac suppositories is not provided for the treatment of constipation. If the physician recommends rectal administration of a laxative for reasons of expediency, he or she should advise the patient on the most appropriate option. For example, glycerin suppositories.

Instructions for use of the drug Duphalac contain all the necessary instructions for taking a laxative, a list of recommended doses for adult patients and children of different ages, starting with infants, as well as a list of possible side effects. According to its pharmacokinetic properties, lactulose, without being absorbed in the intestinal lumen after oral administration, reaches the intestine without changing its structure. Its metabolization by bacterial flora occurs completely at doses up to 50 g or 75 ml; at higher doses, part of the lactulose is excreted without signs of metalization. The main component of Duphalac acts as a prebiotic, regulating the growth of beneficial flora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli).

Dosage and time of onset of effect

The time after which Duphalac begins to act depends on the purpose for which the drug is prescribed, on the dosage and the individual characteristics of the human body on the effect of the drug. Only the doctor selects the exact amount of Duphalac.

  • With an initial dosage of 15-40 ml, the effect of the drug should be expected after 24-48 hours. Sometimes the effect begins after 4 hours. After assessing the individual reaction to the drug, after 2 days, the amount of the drug is increased to 60 ml, or decreased to 10 ml;
  • When taking a drug to normalize the intestinal microflora during salmonellosis, it is almost impossible to say exactly after what time the drug will begin to act. The course of such treatment is 2-3 weeks with a break of 7 days. In this case, it is prescribed to take 15 ml of the drug 3 times a day. When stool is cultured for salmonella, their number decreases only after 30 days. This means we can conclude that when treating salmonellosis, the drug begins to act only after a month;
  • If Duphalac was prescribed for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, then the drug is administered orally in an amount of 30-45 ml several times a day. Repeated intake ensures bowel movements and removal of ammonia from the body every 12 hours. To speed up the time of action of the medicine in severe conditions of the disease, the medicine can be prescribed as an enema. In this case, the drug Duphalac begins to act after 4-12 hours in adult patients. Treatment is carried out under close medical supervision;
  • Children are often prescribed Duphalac to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria and eliminate the proliferation of pathogenic ones. For the treatment of dysbiosis, a dosage of 10 ml is prescribed, and for children 1.5-5 ml of syrup. In this case, the drug begins to act after 12-24 hours, populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria. The course of treatment lasts from several weeks to six months.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the effect of the drug depends on:

  • Drug dosage. The higher the dosage of Duphalac, the more effective and faster the medicine begins to act;
  • From the destination. For the treatment of salmonellosis, the drug begins to act only after a month. And if you take Duphalac for constipation, its effect may begin within 4 hours;
  • From the individual characteristics of the body. For some people, the rate of chemical transformation of nutrients is high, so the effect may occur after 4 hours. In people with a low rate of conversion of substances in the intestines, the onset of the effect may not occur until after 48 hours.

Therefore, it is impossible to give an exact answer as to how long it takes for Duphalac to work. The average time for the onset of the effect ranges from 4 to 48 hours.

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What to do if treatment doesn't help

  • If, after taking the drug for three days, you notice sharp pain in the abdomen, allergies or nausea, stop taking it.
  • If bowel movements do not occur under the influence of the drug after a three-day period, then stop taking this drug. The doctor will need to choose a different treatment for you.

The drug Duphalac is a kind of golden find in a huge number of different remedies for constipation.

In the fight against this problem, one should not forget about such a natural lever for solving the situation as health-improving sports, special gymnastics to activate and normalize intestinal activity.

No one has canceled the decisive importance of proper nutrition, enriched with a sufficient amount of fiber. Take care of yourself! After all, such a seemingly trivial problem can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body.

Resolving the problem in a timely manner will save your energy, time and health.

Take care of yourself! After all, such a seemingly trivial problem can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body. Resolving the problem in a timely manner will save your energy, time and health.

Correct dosage of the drug

How to properly take Duphalac for adults to treat constipation can be figured out according to the instructions or together with your treating specialist. Since there are 2 forms of release of the medicine, the laxative is used in diluted and undiluted form, depending on what was purchased, syrup or powder. Adults especially do not feel the difference, while for children the syrup form is preferable, since the powder is quite difficult for them to swallow. When using syrup, use a measuring cap if disposable bags of powder are available, tear the corner of the bag and consume all its contents. How to treat constipation with Duphalac:

1 If the doctor has prescribed you to take the drug once a day, then the single dose should be swallowed quickly without holding it in the mouth. It is advisable to take the medicine at the same time of day. Preferably this should be during breakfast. This is explained by the presence of a gastrocolic reflex, when the intestines react with the appearance of peristaltic waves when a portion of food enters the cavity of the stomach, which is empty after a night's sleep. By drinking the medicine with a sufficient amount of water, you can improve the effectiveness of the laxative properties. Subsequent intestinal contractions help empty the colon of intestinal contents to make room for a new portion of food gruel.

2 Patients often ask whether Duphalac can be taken after meals, and not just during breakfast? This is quite acceptable if a little time has passed after eating. Can I take Duphalac at night? If one dose taken in the morning was not enough to achieve the expected laxative effect, the doctor recommends increasing the dosage, dividing it into two or three doses, including one in the evening, before bedtime.

3 How long can adults take Duphalac, as well as the initial and maintenance doses, are determined by the attending physician.

4 The daily initial dose for an adult is usually from 15 to 45 ml in syrup or 1-3 packets

It can be distributed into 1 or 2-3 doses, taking into account that the evening dose will be less than the morning dose (this is especially important when the daily dose has to be increased on the doctor’s recommendation). After 2-3 days, the initial dose is adjusted to maintenance dosages at the level of 15 ml or 1 packet

How long will it take for Duphalac to work? Since each patient has different causes of constipation and an individual diet, the laxative effect may manifest itself in different ways. As a rule, when taken in the morning, by the evening of the same day, or the next morning, you can expect natural bowel movement.

Attention! The therapeutic effect should be expected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient; in some cases, it does not appear immediately, as many assume, but 2 or even 3 days after the first dose. The use of the drug does not have a negative effect on coordination of movements and concentration, so during the treatment period you can operate vehicles and other mechanisms

The use of the drug does not have a negative effect on coordination of movements and concentration, so during the treatment period you can operate vehicles and other mechanisms.

Period of action of Duphalac

Duphalac laxative syrup is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • children and adults with constipation;
  • to prepare for medical diagnostic examinations;
  • in case of violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • if it is necessary to soften stool in the presence of hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
  • for liver failure and encephalopathy in adults;

Duphalac is suitable for both adults and children.
It is prohibited to take Duphalac:

  • in case of individual allergic reactions to lactose;
  • with intestinal obstruction and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with a hereditary disease - galactosemia;
  • diabetics;

Side effects occur in case of uncontrolled use and large dosage of Duphalac. Flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain may occur after taking it. Reducing the dosage or briefly stopping the medication brings the condition back to normal.

When you have diarrhea, it is important to maintain fluid balance in the body by consuming plenty of fluids.

It is in such cases that the drug Duphalac can help establish regular bowel movements. It is not absorbed in the intestines, but completely leaves the body, interacting only with the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The absolute safety of the drug and the absence of chemical compounds in its composition make this laxative acceptable for use in such situations.

  • Constipation. The drug has an osmotic effect, normalizing intestinal motility. Duphalac softens feces and removes them along with harmful substances. At the same time, the drug does not irritate the intestinal mucosa;
  • Dysbacteriosis. The drug stimulates the production of beneficial bacteria, normalizing the intestinal microflora. In addition, the drug improves the absorption of calcium and phosphates into the human body;
  • Salmonellosis. The drug inhibits the proliferation of salmonella, while stimulating the production of beneficial intestinal bacteria;
  • Hepatic encephalopathy. In this disease, Duphalac neutralizes a toxin called Ammonia;
  • Purgation. Duphalac is prescribed as a cleansing procedure necessary for certain types of research and surgical interventions.

That is why modern medicine is switching to more gentle drugs. One of them is Duphalac, and it is important to know how long it takes for it to take effect.

The effect of laxative syrup is delayed.

Time will vary depending on the following factors:

  • patient weight;
  • age of the patient;
  • nature of constipation;
  • duration of the painful condition;
  • additional factors.

For serious problems, you should not prescribe treatment yourself. The best way out in this situation is to contact a specialist who will write recommendations on the choice of product and its dosage, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Despite the safety of Duphalac, its overdose can also cause serious side effects.

Despite the high safety, you should remember the contraindications of the drug:

  • Allergic manifestations to the components of the drug;
  • Galactosemia;
  • Acute intestinal obstruction of various etiologies;
  • Should be taken with caution in case of intestinal bleeding and diabetes mellitus.

If the drug is taken without a doctor's prescription, side effects may occur:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Repeated loose stools;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Weakness;
  • At the initial stages of use, symptoms of increased gas formation may be observed.

When taken correctly, the drug does not cause negative consequences and Duphalac works in adults after 4-48 hours. Such a large run-up depends on many factors, which will be discussed below.

Duphalac is suitable for both adults and children.

E. Malysheva’s recipe for constipation

My dears, it is not expensive pills that will help you normalize digestion and stool, and relieve constipation, but a simple folk, long-forgotten recipe. Write down quickly, brew 1 tbsp. spoon.

  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Galactosemia
  • Hypersensitivity to components (lactose and fructose)
  • Diabetes

Duphalac is prescribed for intestinal disorders:

  • atony
  • constipation
  • intestinal dysbiosis
  • enteritis due to salmonellosis
  • putrefactive dyspepsia

as well as, in the event of hemorrhoids, to cleanse the intestines before surgery, before colonoscopy, in case of liver diseases (hepatic encephalopathy, hepatic coma), lack of bile, intoxication of the body with ammonia and products of metabolic reactions with its participation.

Contraindications include:

  • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • appendicitis;
  • diabetes

Side effects may occur as a result of taking:

  • flatulence and bloating at the initial stage;
  • disturbance of water-salt metabolism (lethargy, weakness, fatigue, heart pain, convulsions);
  • diarrhea

Constipation is a nuisance, but not a tragedy. Parents of small children need to contact a gastroenterologist and determine the cause of constipation (more precisely, to exclude congenital pathology). The doctor will prescribe treatment that will help solve the problem. Adults are also not recommended to indulge in self-medication.

of any origin. In addition, it is prescribed along with other

to cleanse the intestines before surgery, with hepatic encephalopathy,

and food poisoning accompanied by the accumulation of toxic products

. Some representatives of the fair sex even use it for the purpose of

Contraindications to the use of the drug include lactulose intolerance and intestinal obstruction. Patients with diabetes should take the drug only after talking with their doctor, especially if it is used in large doses.

Composition of Duphalac

The pharmaceutical industry produces it in the form of syrup.

The action of Duphalac occurs due to the presence of a natural carbohydrate analogue in its composition. This analogue is obtained from milk, namely, using the whey product remaining during the production of cheese. This miracle substance is called lactulose.

From a medical point of view, lactulose is considered a harmless substance and can even be used to solve problems with constipation in an infant. Lactulose is also used in special diets.

100 ml of purified water contains 66.7 g of lactulose.

There are many different reasons, as a result of which timely cleansing of the intestines does not occur, which can cause malaise, weakness and even intoxication during a long period of constipation.

The cause may also be pregnancy, when the body rearranges its work in a special way. Or maybe you quit smoking and the nicotinic acid coming through cigarette smoke, which has a stimulating effect on peristalsis, is no longer supplied in the usual quantities, and the intestines, accustomed to this effect, work noticeably slower.


Duphalac is a medicine whose main active ingredient is lactulose.

The drug has a natural composition, which includes purified water and lactulose. Therefore, the drug is allowed to be taken by pregnant and lactating women, as well as newborn children.

Duphalac is not addictive and does not tend to accumulate in the body. It does not have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, because its removal from the body occurs through the breakdown of intestinal bacteria.

Features of use

  1. The drug should be taken according to the schedule, adhering to a clear regimen, at certain intervals.
  2. If a single application per day is prescribed, then the best time for this is during your breakfast.
  3. During treatment with Duphalac, be sure to drink enough liquid. The optimal amount for you is calculated based on your body weight. The universal volume recommended for an adult is one and a half liters of water. It is pure water, without additives.
  4. Swallow the syrup immediately before or during meals.
  5. The drug can be used both diluted and pure, with a small amount of water.
  6. Prebiotic syrup should not be kept in the mouth; it must be swallowed immediately.
  7. If during the first two days you notice signs of flatulence, then do not worry, this is normal. If this symptom continues to annoy you, then stop the drug and look for another remedy.
  8. Since the sensitivity of the intestines to lactulose differs from person to person, based on the condition of the intestines, the body’s response time to the drug can be several hours or days. Three days of admission are considered test days - this is the maximum period.
  9. When you have already become familiar with the individual time of action of lactulose on your body, you can adjust the dosage regimen according to the model that is optimal for you. If the laxative effect occurs after five to eight hours from the moment of taking the drug, then you can drink the syrup right before bed. This example shows the very principle of calculating the regimen of prebiotic use.

Can it be given to newborns?

This is one of the unique pediatric remedies that can be safely used to treat constipation even in infants.

However, do not forget that in this case it is especially important that the dosage and course of use be determined by the attending physician

Be careful and careful when using medications during this tender period of a newborn's life. Do not neglect the help of a specialist.


You can use Duphalac for pregnant women!

This is a great advantage of this remedy, since the problem of constipation during pregnancy is very common, and not all drugs are suitable for treatment and many of them pose a threat to the life of the fetus.

The drug is used to relieve constipation both during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

There are contraindications

  • Gastrointestinal obstruction.
  • Intolerance to components.
  • Galactosemia.
  • Be very careful with this prebiotic if you have rectal bleeding, as well as colostomy and ileostomy problems.

Duphalac: how long does it take to start working?

Duphalac is a laxative with a mild effect on the intestines.
It is a syrup that is capable of converting feces that clog the rectum into a liquid state. It is safe because it is not absorbed into the body.

The syrup is intended for oral use, does not form an addiction, and after taking it, the body’s motor functions during bowel movements will remain unchanged.

The composition is represented by lactulose (an artificially obtained disaccharide), which classifies it as a hyperosmotic drug and answers the question of how Duphalac works.

Once in the stomach, lactulose is sent unchanged to the upper intestines. The hyperosmotic effect is caused by the pulling of water molecules from the body to further liquefy the stool. This allows bowel movements to occur more easily and prevents clogging of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Duphalac naturally improves rectal motility. This happens due to an increase in the volume of feces, which causes irritation of the receptors and a natural urge to defecate.

The positive effect doesn't end there. Lactulose is also considered food for beneficial intestinal bacteria.

They feed on this disaccharide, multiply and thereby have a restorative effect on such types of microflora composition as:

  • quantitative;
  • qualitative.

As a result of the vital activity of the same beneficial bacteria, an acidic environment is established in the intestines, which stops the proliferation of pathogenic flora and slows down the processes of decay of food debris.

Period of action of Duphalac

Each laxative has its own duration of action, which depends on the composition and principle of operation of the substance.

It has been noted that the fastest medications, such as glycerin suppositories, are the most irritating to the body and the rectum in particular. It is dangerous to use them constantly, as this threatens to inhibit the natural intestinal motility. This condition can be accompanied by heaviness and flatulence and will result in chronic constipation.

That is why modern medicine is switching to more gentle drugs. One of them is Duphalac, and it is important to know how long it takes for it to take effect.

The effect of laxative syrup is delayed.

Time will vary depending on the following factors:

  • patient weight;
  • age of the patient;
  • nature of constipation;
  • duration of the painful condition;
  • additional factors.

For serious problems, you should not prescribe treatment yourself. The best way out in this situation is to contact a specialist who will write recommendations on the choice of product and its dosage, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Despite the safety of Duphalac, its overdose can also cause serious side effects.

Duphalac for adults

As a rule, after using Duphalac, the result does not come as quickly as we would like. To understand how long it takes for the drug to work after taking it in an adult, you need to trace its path.

The main target is in the rectum - this is the accumulated stool that forms constipation.

A person takes Duphalac orally, the laxative enters the stomach and remains there with food for 2-4 hours, after which the following effects are observed:

  • digested food enters the intestine and undergoes gradual processing in all its sections;
  • lactulose follows the digested food, remaining untouched by enzymes; as soon as this becomes possible, it passes further along its path, at the end of which it reaches the rectum;
  • further, lactulose begins to work, diluting the formed fecal stones and increasing their volume, which leads to a natural urge to go to the toilet and easier emptying.

How long does it take for Duphalac to work in adults? According to the instructions, you need to use from 15 to 40 ml of syrup as one dose. Results should be expected within 12-24 hours. As the dose increases, the duration of action decreases and vice versa.

Manufacturers advise selecting an effective dose for each person individually by varying the amount of the drug used. The recommendations say that easy bowel movements, without traces of liquid feces and difficulty in defecation, would be optimal.

Elderly people should take into account that increasing the dose is dangerous for them. This can lead to diarrhea and loss of minerals from the body, which is a serious problem. Therefore, any increases in a single dose should only take place under the supervision of specialists.

Duphalac for children and pregnant women

Problems with bowel movements are quite common in children. They need to be addressed carefully and sensitively. Duphalac is perfect for these purposes.

For safe and proper treatment, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. Use the minimum volume of syrup (from 1 to 5 ml).
  2. As the child ages, increase the dose. At 6 years old, he can already be given 10 ml, when a one-year-old baby is allowed no more than 5 ml of Duphalac. But from 7 to 14 years, a single dose can be up to 15 ml.
  3. For patients over 14 years of age, dosage should be adjusted according to recommendations for adults.
  4. At any age, low body weight must be taken into account. In this case, the dose of the drug should be reduced.

If these rules are followed, the drug should work much more effectively.

Parents are interested in the question of how long it takes for Duphalac to act in children. The average time for a child is the second day after using the syrup.

It is important to remember that each organism is individual, so the effect may occur either earlier or later than the specified period. How quickly Duphalac acts directly depends on the intensity of metabolic processes.

The drug is not absorbed at all by the intestines. Displayed in full and unchanged. Therefore, it is almost always recommended to pregnant women suffering from constipation.

This problem occurs frequently, since the development and growth of the fetus increases the size of the uterus, which, in turn, puts pressure on the intestines, inhibiting natural processes in it. And Duphalac does not have any harmful effects on the body, which is very important during pregnancy.

The dosage for pregnant women is practically no different from the norms for an adult. Doctors advise starting with 30 milliliters and selecting the optimal dose individually, depending on the intensity of the drug’s effect. It’s easy to understand how long it will take for Duphalac to take effect in pregnant women. Just like in an adult, the effect should occur within 12-24 hours.

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  1. Lactulose breaks down into lactic, butyric, propionic and acetic acids.
  2. After this, the stage of absorption of these acids begins, or they remain in the colon. This determines whether Duphalac will be most effective for you.
  3. If the acids still remain in the intestine, then they begin to prevent fluid from leaving the intestine in the area of ​​its thick part. This is why a large volume of liquid is needed for Duphalac to work.
  4. It will enter the intestines, the large intestine, stay there, dilute the feces and, at the same time, create pressure, since the feces, absorbing liquid, swell and increase in volume.
  5. At the same time, the invaluable property of this syrup is to create enzymatic hydrolysis products as a result of processes of interaction with the microflora of the colon.
  6. These products, in turn, will actively provoke your microbiological environment to increase the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are responsible for intestinal motility.

We'll tell you how to take Duphalac for adults with constipation

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Today, pharmacies sell a large number of different laxatives. If you take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the recommendations of a specialist, you can choose an almost ideal drug. Among the effective products containing lactulose, you can choose Duphalac. In this article, we will get acquainted with this drug and find out how to take Duphalac correctly for constipation.

This drug is considered a laxative with an osmotic effect. The drug actively acts by transforming the concentration of fluid in the colon. It begins to enter this organ in response to an increase in the amount of organic acids. They appear in the body due to the breakdown of lactulose. The substance can be broken down by beneficial bacteria located in the gastrointestinal tract. The main substance improves the absorption of calcium salts and phosphates.

This chain of actions occurs when taking all lactulose drugs.

Composition, release forms and dosages

The drug is produced in two forms:

  • In the form of an amber-brown syrup, produced in plastic jars of two hundred, five hundred and one thousand ml;
  • In the form of a snow-white powder, produced in 15 ml polyethylene disposable bags. Each package contains 10 sachets;

The main active ingredient is lactulose. It is considered a product of deep processing of milk. The main raw material from which this substance is created is the milk sugar lactose. Lactulose is a powder in snow-white crystals. It does not have a specific aroma. Able to quickly dissolve in liquid. The powder easily activates the digestive tract. Distilled water is used as an auxiliary component.

The drug itself does not contain chemical components, dyes or harmful substances. Syrup and powder can have a beneficial effect on the development of nitrogen metabolism in the body. The drug taken increases the penetration of ammonia in the blood into the colon. By this action, it increases the rate of elimination of the substance and other toxins from the body.

There is a decrease in the absorption of ammonia into the blood. Due to this process, lactulose begins to acidify the intestinal microflora. Organic acids prevent the formation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines and liver.

Let's find out how to take Duphalac for adults with constipation.

How should I take the drug?

It is recommended to take the syrup orally early in the morning immediately after waking up. The fact is that food, entering an empty stomach, creates a gastrocolic effect. The stomach begins to stretch with incoming food, triggering peristaltic waves. There is a well-known opinion of doctors who claim that bowel movements immediately after breakfast are more effective for human health.

It is recommended to take the medicine during meals. It is allowed to mix the dosage of the drug with natural juices, fermented milk products or drinking water. Entering the stomach along with food, the syrup ends up in the large intestine much faster. Consuming a large amount of liquid has a beneficial effect on the expected effect. The more water the patient took, the better the effect of the drug.

But it is worth considering that you can take Duphalac both in the morning and in the evening. In most cases, one dosage taken at friction hours is not enough. Therefore, the dosage of the drug can be doubled or divided into several doses. But the duration of taking the drug, as well as its dosage, must be agreed with a professional specialist.

Features and nuances

The drug is allowed to be taken by children of any age. For newborn babies, the use of the medicine must be combined with correction of the mother's diet. Parents need to know how to drink Duphalac correctly for children.

  • For newborn babies and children under one year of age, the initial and maintenance daily dose is 5 ml;
  • For small children from one year to six years, the initial and maintenance daily dose is 5-10 ml;
  • For schoolchildren aged 7 to 14 years, the initial daily dose is 15 ml, maintenance - from 10 to 15 ml;


The medicine is approved for use by both pregnant girls and nursing mothers. Constipation during pregnancy is very common. The fact is that the same muscles are responsible for the contraction of the intestines and the uterus in which the child develops. Therefore, it is not always possible to eliminate constipation through diet alone.

This drug is one of the most harmless. It easily softens stool and promotes successful bowel movement. Does not remove minerals and salts needed by the body.

Main component, mechanism of action of the drug Duphalac

The laxative Duphalac contains lactulose as the main active ingredient. Compared to lactose, a disaccharide found in milk, lactulose cannot be absorbed from the intestinal lumen because the human body lacks enzymes that can break it down. The action of lactulose increases the level of osmotic pressure inside the intestine and promotes the passage of water into the intestinal lumen. Thanks to this, stool is liquefied and intestinal motility is stimulated. The fecal matter swells and quickly moves towards the exit naturally.

In addition, lactulose, which reaches the intestines unchanged, is captured and metabolized by intestinal bacteria. As a result, the products released during the metabolic process affect the pH environment and increase its level of acidity, which helps inhibit the proliferation of harmful bacteria and pathogens. When lactulose passes through the intestines, phosphates, calcium and magnesium salts are better absorbed, and ammonium ions are simultaneously excreted.

How does Duphalac work and what determines the speed of its action?

Unlike other laxative drugs, Duphalac also has a pronounced therapeutic effect, since lactulose is a prebiotic substance. Those. it promotes the growth of acidophilus bacteria, which leads to the destruction of toxic elements and ammonia, and cleanses the intestines. Accordingly, among the indications for the use of Duphalac are not only constipation, but also any problems with intestinal motility, as well as:

  • liver failure;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • cirrhosis;
  • salmonellosis.

It can be used before operations on the gastrointestinal tract to cleanse the intestines. But as a laxative that helps to lose excess weight, Duphalac is ineffective due to its mild effect.

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