Mezim: composition, indications, dosage, side effects
"Mezim." We will consider the main provisions of the instructions for using this product, and also describe
human corpus luteum
Symptoms and signs of hepatitis C and B in men
Ways of infection with hepatitis C in men Hepatitis C in men develops through contact with
Pancreatic cyst code ICD
Mechanism of development, symptoms and treatment of reactive pancreatitis
Diagnostic examination Diagnosis of pancreatitis (codes K85.0/86.0) consists of laboratory and instrumental research methods. "Gold" standard
How to cure gastritis forever at home?
Poor diet, systematic alcohol consumption and stress very often become the causes of the development of many
worms in a child
Worms in children: symptoms and treatment, prevention 83783 8
Worms are a fairly common problem in children. Therefore, in kindergartens and schools, children regularly
Diarrhea with blood in an adult: the main causes and features of the disease
Diarrhea (loose stools) is a common disorder in the form of a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. This
What is the pylorus of the stomach and what is it for?
Cardia insufficiency is also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Today it is accepted
Esophageal diverticula
“Diseases of the esophagus” - test with answers
Statistics The frequency of diverticula of the thoracic esophagus is 20 times higher than a similar lesion of the cervical
Probe tube
Blind probing (tubage) of the gallbladder at home
Gallbladder tubing is a cleansing procedure that allows you to free this organ from bile stagnation. IN
Symptoms of acute appendicitis according to the main authors
• Appendicular symptoms Appendicular symptoms Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom The left palm of the examiner is placed on the right iliac
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