What is the pylorus of the stomach and what is it for?

Cardia insufficiency is also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Today it is generally considered to be the cause of erosive esophagitis and esophageal cancer. The article discusses diagnostic measures, symptoms and treatment of GERD.

Read about what GERD is in this material...

Mechanism of GERD

Types of pathologies and their clinic

Pathologies of the pylorus look like this:

  • polyps;
  • spasms;
  • sphincter insufficiency;
  • pyloric stenosis.

A pyloric polyp is a benign neoplasm that blocks the passage. This phenomenon interferes with the normal functioning and activity of the muscle. If you ignore the disease, there is a risk of the tumor transforming into a cancerous growth.

Sphincter spasms occur due to overstrain of muscle fibers. This causes difficulty in the passage of gastric juice into the small intestine, as the opening narrows. A similar problem can be caused by gastritis, gastric ulcers and congenital diseases of the digestive tract. Often in this state, the sphincter becomes large and begins to stretch, which helps to relieve its functions. In this condition, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain after eating;
  • slight weight loss;
  • bad breath;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • colorless urine.

Pyloric insufficiency is a disorder of motor activity in which the muscle does not close completely, which leads to accelerated emptying or release of duodenal contents. Characteristic symptoms for this pathology are:

  • yellowish coating on the tongue;
  • stomach ache;
  • bitter taste;
  • belching;
  • vomiting with bile;
  • discomfort inside the peritoneum.

Gastric pyloric stenosis is a serious disease that occurs due to chronic ulcers. Scarring of the healing tissue at the site of ulcerative lesions, which occurs over a long period of time, leads to gastric obstruction. This negatively affects digestion, causing some symptoms:

  • burping;
  • vomiting of undigested food particles;
  • feeling of heaviness under the ribs;
  • rumbling in the abdominal cavity;
  • painful attacks.

When the pylorus of the stomach is diseased, symptoms of general malaise and dizziness are also observed. Taken together, such manifestations bring the patient a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Diagnosis of pyloric diseases

If you experience abdominal pain, heartburn, belching, or nausea, you should visit a gastroenterologist. After an examination and medical history, the doctor will prescribe the necessary research methods.

How to differentiate pyloric pathologies:

  • X-ray of the stomach;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • studying the electrical activity of muscles using enterography.

To assess the general condition of the body, a clinical blood and urine test is prescribed.

Ultrasound is used to detect pyloric diseases


Treatment of pyloric pathologies is carried out comprehensively:

  • the underlying disease is treated with prokinetics - drugs that increase tone;
  • antacids that help block heartburn;
  • enzymes for the proper functioning of hydrochloric acid;
  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.

If a patient is diagnosed with pyloric stenosis, he is prescribed drugs that stimulate the healing of the ulcer, as well as drugs to suppress the secretion of gastric acid. During treatment in a hospital, the secretions and contents of the organ are regularly suctioned from the patient's stomach.

After three days, the patient is allowed to drink water, then the condition of the pylorus is examined. If there is a wide muscle opening, the patient is allowed to eat, but in limited quantities. Severe pathology is treated through surgery. Before the operation, antiulcer therapy is prescribed, the general condition of the patient and the electrolyte composition of his blood are normalized.

Treatment of pyloric insufficiency is based on compliance with the following recommendations:

  • small portions of consumed foods;
  • cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • chewing thoroughly;
  • prohibition of overeating;
  • avoiding eating foods before bedtime;
  • exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, spicy foods, smoked foods;
  • refusal of carbonated drinks, garlic and onions, sour foods;
  • eat only foods that are soft in consistency;
  • wear only loose clothing;
  • After eating, do not perform physical activity.

The following medications are used:

  • prokinetics, normalizing motor skills and regulating evacuation function;
  • for high acidity - proton pump inhibitors;
  • antacids.

Traditional medicine can be used as additional therapy. For constant spasms, baths with pine needles are effective remedies. This procedure is calming and relaxing. Water manipulation should be performed for 15 minutes. The water should be at body temperature.

Rice water will help relieve spasms, in which you also need to add a pinch of ginger powder and consume warm in the amount of 1 cup. There is another, no less effective recipe for combating the symptoms of pyloric disease:

  • you can take 100 g of crushed dry orange peels, 20 g of ginger powder;
  • mix the ingredients well;
  • pour one dessert spoon of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for about 10 minutes;
  • use during a spasm.

If you managed to block the attack, you should then drink warm water, lie down and pull your legs towards your stomach. A warm heating pad or compress will help cope with unpleasant symptoms. When spasms are repeated quite often and cause vomiting, you should immediately seek qualified help.

To maintain muscle tone, you need to perform minor physical activity: for the muscles of the spine and strengthening the abs. Fast walking and slow running helps.

Work, structure and functions of the gatekeeper

The pyloric sphincter, or pylorus, is a muscle that is involved in the digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract. The pylorus is located in the lower part of the stomach, passing into the small intestine. Thanks to the pylorus, the entry of partially digested stomach contents into subsequent sections of the gastrointestinal tract is regulated. Thus, half-digested food moves from the stomach to the intestines. The muscle works due to the pressure exerted by the food contained in the stomach on its wall and the wall of the small intestine. However, if for some reason the work of the pylorus is disrupted, a person begins to develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and they are characterized by various symptoms.

Approximate price tags for treatment in major centers

X-ray of the stomachAverage cost of the procedure
Moscow2000 rub.
St. Petersburg1700 rub.
Ekaterinburg1050 rub.
Kyiv900 UAH
Dnepropetrovsk760 UAH
Minsk60 bel. rub
Almaty6000 tenge
Omsk717 rub.
Novosibirsk1033 rub.
Kharkiv780 UAH
Nizhny Novgorod1000 rub.
Samara1540 rub.
Chelyabinsk1005 rub.
Odessa865 UAH
Volgograd870 rub.
Permian800 rub.

Pyloric spasm

A spasm is an overstrain of the muscle fibers of the pyloric sphincter, as a result of which the evacuation of the food bolus from the stomach into the small intestine becomes difficult. Its occurrence is facilitated by disturbances in the regulatory system, smoking, lack of B vitamins, polyps, gastritis, ulcers in the distal (lower) parts of the stomach. Congenital pylorospasm (spasm of the pyloric muscles) occurs in children and often causes their death.

The average speed of sphincter contractions is normally 1-2 per minute. During a spasm, they become more frequent, while the muscular walls of the stomach itself become toned and tense. This condition is called “wooden stomach.” It can be felt through the skin as a hard, hard formation. Sometimes the muscles of the stomach walls cannot overcome the resistance of the sphincter and, on the contrary, stretch. The organ increases in size.

The following symptoms are observed with pylorospasm:

  1. Colicky pain several hours after eating.
  2. Minor weight loss.
  3. 1-2 hours after an attack of pain, large volumes of light or clear urine are released.
  4. Frequent nausea.
  5. Unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth.

Treatment of pyloric spasm includes diet, identification and elimination of the cause of the disease, intravenous administration of salts and vitamins for significant weakness and weight loss. The diet should include easy to digest, semi-liquid foods. Dishes should be of moderate temperature; too cold or hot foods unnecessarily irritate the walls of the stomach. Smoking cessation and lifestyle adjustments (elimination of stress and overexertion) are mandatory.

Sphincter spasm (spasm of the pylorus of the stomach) is a sharp, strong contraction of the stomach muscles; it is not a serious disease, but it can disrupt the functioning of the entire digestive system and cause severe pain. Under the influence of a sharp spasm, the sphincter narrows greatly and does not allow food into the intestines for a certain time.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of spasms can be metabolic disorders and malfunctions of the nervous system, as well as poisoning (as a protective reflex).

Also, the causes of spasms can be: hypothermia, fasting, overeating, rare consumption of food over long periods of time, intoxication, excessive consumption of spicy, fried, fatty and sour foods, strong drinks - coffee, tea, alcohol, as well as allergic reactions, gastritis, smoking , stomach polyps, vitamin B deficiency.

Folk remedies

With constant spasms, medicinal baths with pine needles help well. They will relax and calm you down. You need to take a bath for fifteen to twenty minutes at a water temperature almost equal to body temperature.

Rice decoction will help relieve cramps. Add to 1 tbsp. decoction a pinch of ginger powder. Drink the entire glass immediately while warm.

You can use a good recipe against cramps with tangerine peels. Mix forty grams of crushed dry peels, twenty grams of ginger powder. Pour one dessert spoon with 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for ten minutes. Drink during a spasm.

If an attack occurs, you need to drink warm water, lie down and pull your legs to your stomach. A warm compress or heating pad will help. If attacks are repeated frequently and cause vomiting, in order to prevent exhaustion, severe weight loss, weakness, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Tips and tricks

The patient is recommended to take actions to reduce intragastric pressure. It is also necessary to fight excess weight and follow a strict diet. Food should be consumed in a semi-liquid state, in small portions. Food should be at a comfortable temperature for consumption.

Include more fresh fruits and non-acidic varieties in your diet. Before your meal, it is advisable to drink a cup of warm water. Be sure to stop smoking and eating irritating foods (spices, fried, spicy and salty foods).

How to deal with deficiency correctly?

It is absolutely impossible to ignore such a pathological process as insufficiency of the cardia or pylorus of the stomach. Untimely treatment of the stomach can result in the development of oncological diseases, which occurs due to the degeneration of epithelial tissue.

Therapy in this case will look like this:

  • If there is insufficiency of the gastric cardia, drug treatment should include taking drugs that have an antiemetic effect - ceruglan, raglan, metoclopramide, etc. Thanks to such drugs, the esophageal muscle ring can be toned.
  • If we are talking about severe attacks of heartburn, then gastrocepin, smecta and almagel will help alleviate them.

However, you should not hope for a complete recovery after the first week of taking the drugs, since they are aimed only at eliminating symptoms. The cause of the disease remains unnoticed.

Diet and regimen

To slow down negative processes in the digestive system, it is worth paying attention to the proper organization of the daily diet.
We are talking not only about the foods included in the diet, but also about the order of their consumption. It's worth eating in small portions, but often. Eating while lying down is strictly prohibited. This also applies to sleeping immediately after a meal. For people who have problems with the functioning of the cardia, doctors recommend sleeping in such a way that the head is on a high pillow. Thanks to this, gastric juice will not be able to involuntarily penetrate the esophagus, thereby causing discomfort. It is also highly recommended not to wear clothes with a tight belt, which can put pressure on the stomach, thereby causing additional discomfort.

If the treatment was prescribed correctly, the patient will be able to forget about cardia disease very quickly. However, if pyloric or cardia insufficiency has already occurred, then after its elimination you will need to closely monitor your health to eliminate the possibility of relapse.

Pyloric ulcer

Diseases of the pylorus of the stomach cause a change in the amount of acid towards a decrease or increase, which can result in a gastric sphincter ulcer. The functioning of the valve between the esophagus and stomach is disrupted. Excess acid and other caustic substances begin to enter the esophagus, corroding the epithelium, forming burns and ulcers.

Ulcer pain is similar to cramps and often occurs at night on an empty stomach. There is also constant, severe heartburn, rotten belching and a feeling of bloating, and there is even bleeding of the organ.

With a pyloric ulcer, anti-heartburn medications and food intake do not relieve the pain, but on the contrary, it intensifies after eating; with complications of the ulcer (stenosis), vomiting with a sour taste is caused, and surgical intervention is often required.

Pyloric ulcer is inherited at the genetic level; it also occurs due to stomach infections, alcohol and coffee abuse, unbalanced diet, frequent consumption of flour products, smoked and spicy foods. Both poor sleep and stress lead to this.

Traditional medicine, in turn, recommends using all kinds of folk remedies for better healing of ulcerative lesions of the sphincter: stone oil, flax seeds, chaga, natural cow's milk in pure form or in medicinal mixtures (honey with milk), goat's milk with potato broth, birch buds , infused with vodka, cabbage juice, all kinds of herbal infusions, sea buckthorn and other drugs.


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Prevention, which includes:

  • timely diagnosis and effective treatment of peptic ulcer;
  • periodic examination;
  • proper nutrition;
  • wearing comfortable clothes.

In order to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you must adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  1. Form a complete diet.
  2. Completely give up bad habits.
  3. Do not take medications unless absolutely necessary and do not overdose on them.
  4. If you are prone to gastrointestinal diseases, do not fast or go on a diet without consulting a doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that careful attention to your health, the use of preventive measures, and a balanced diet will help you avoid many problems and the occurrence of serious diseases of the gastric sphincter.

Pyloric insufficiency

Insufficiency of the pylorus of the stomach is manifested in a failure in the process of moving chyme into the intestines due to impaired function of the sphincter closure. The food, without having time to be properly treated with acid, goes further into the intestines, and the required amount of nutrients is not received.


Symptoms of this disease include: belching with a bitter taste, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, yellow coating on the tongue, discomfort in the esophagus.

It will not be possible to completely restore the function of the pylorus; with the help of drug treatment, doctors can ease the symptoms and support the body.


Complex treatment is prescribed:

  • Treatment of the underlying disease with the help of prokinetics - drugs that increase tone, antacids that eliminate heartburn, enzymes for the proper secretion of hydrochloric acid, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  • Reduced intragastric pressure.
  • Elimination of excess weight.
  • Following a strict diet: eat semi-liquid foods (soups and cereals), in small portions on time, do not drink too cold or hot drinks and dishes, eat more vegetables and fruits (with the exception of tomatoes). And before meals, be sure to drink 1 tbsp. warm water. Smoking and drinking alcohol is prohibited. You need to give up fatty, smoked, spicy, strong foods, coffee and soda. Minimize your consumption of sweets.

To maintain muscle tone, light physical activity is necessary: ​​to strengthen the abs, spinal muscles; slow running and fast walking.

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