Lump in throat and belching air: causes and treatment

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05/30/2016 Category: Other problems Author: Sergey Izmailov

Symptoms such as belching air or a lump in the throat appear separately, together or in combination with other unpleasant phenomena. These complaints can often be heard in the office of a gastroenterologist or therapist. Why does this and that symptom occur, how are they connected, and what to do if these sensations interfere with your life? We will try to consider all possible reasons.

Feelings of VSD from a lump in the throat

What the brain “thinks” about is most often kept under a veil of mystery.
Therefore, a person does not always understand the causes of muscle spasms in various parts of the body. Sometimes the patient is simultaneously tormented by frequent belching and a feeling of a lump or spasm in the lower part of the throat. But the VSD specialist does not associate these symptoms with anxiety and fear. He looks for the causes of belching in poor quality food, overeating, gastrointestinal diseases (of course, he chooses the most dangerous ones). And a lump in the throat, in his opinion, cannot even remotely be the cause of a malfunction of the nervous system. This is one hundred percent throat cancer or a clot of food that for some reason did not push into the esophagus and now at any moment can block the patient’s breathing. The belching will go away, the patient thinks, but something needs to be done about the lump. The patient can rush to the water every hour and drink it in large sips, trying to “push through” the stuck lump. Sometimes it seems to him that for a while the feeling of constriction recedes, but as soon as the person remembers what it was, the feeling of a lump in the throat immediately returns. Exhausted by his terrible guesses, the person begins to feel his throat from the outside and inside.

There is a known case when a frightened patient reached his finger to the epiglottis and decided that it was a tumor. Having barely lived to see the ENT specialist, the VSD specialist was extremely surprised by the doctor’s verdict and was even offended that he was not prescribed an x-ray.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

This disease in medicine is often shortened to GERD. In fact, this is a whole complex of ailments, including esophagitis. In this case, everything will be complemented by a weakening of the muscle that separates the esophagus and stomach. With normal functioning of this muscle, food after entering the stomach will no longer be able to return back. If the gastrointestinal tract does not work correctly, then food will freely return to the esophagus and even further. As a result, a person has constant belching and a lump in the throat.

Moreover, with GERD, gastric juice and hydrochloric acid may be overproduced. All this is the main cause of heartburn and belching of air. The walls of the esophagus are also affected, which leads to the feeling of a lump in the throat.

But these are not all the symptoms that occur in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Patients often complain of pain in the chest area. In this case, the pain radiates to the left side, that is, to the arm, shoulder blade and shoulder. Everything can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and even rapid weight loss. Patients who suffer from this disease often suffer from attacks of shortness of breath, which occurs under the influence of excess acid. Sleep disturbances, general malaise and sudden mood swings cannot be ruled out.

Lump in the throat and belching of air during VSD

How can anxiety during VSD provoke such an obvious feeling of a lump in the throat, and even more so belching air?
And how can one explain two such different symptoms? Let's start with the fact that a lump in the throat and belching of air can manifest themselves separately and independently of each other, if there are physiological reasons for this. A person with a lump in the throat does not always suffer from burping and vice versa. In addition, one of the symptoms may be a consequence of VSD, but the second may not. For example, a patient experienced throat spasms due to nervous tension, but at the same time he drank 2 glasses of a carbonated drink, which resulted in airy belching of gases.

The VSD person is well aware of the concept of “attachment” of symptoms. This happens when the patient focuses so much on a symptom and listens to it that he inadvertently supplies himself with new sensations. For example, with tachycardia against the background of an adrenaline rush, a person can “catch up” with pain in the heart area, because he is focused on this organ and is terrified of dying from it. The situation is exactly the same with spasms of the throat and gastrointestinal tract. But before you understand how the connection between these two symptoms is formed, you need to understand what exactly provokes them.

Diagnostic tests

If you have a sore throat and belching, it is very important to consult a doctor promptly. Diagnostics includes the following elements:

  • examination by a specialist,
  • laboratory research,
  • instrumental examination of the patient.

Before using laboratory and instrumental methods, the doctor must:

  • study the anamnesis and life history of a person; this will help determine some of the causes of anomalies,
  • Perform a detailed survey and physical examination; this helps to identify all signs of pathology and assess the degree of their severity.

Laboratory tests are performed only after a preliminary study:

  1. general urine analysis,
  2. general blood analysis,
  3. biochemistry,
  4. microscopic examination of stool,
  5. specific breath tests.

However, the main diagnostic method is instrumental research. These include:

  • ultrasonography,
  • radiography,
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging,
  • biopsy,
  • endoscopic examination.

This list of studies is basic. It can be supplemented or changed depending on the reasons for the symptoms.

Causes of a coma in the throat with VSD:

  • The fear of suffocation, which appeared during the first panic attack in life, and was then reinforced by other crises, sits firmly in the subconscious of the VSD. The patient does not always realize that he is afraid of his throat, but increasingly touches it, sometimes stretches or feels his neck when PA comes on.
  • At some point, fear “breaks through” to the brain, and, naturally, during the next stress, the released adrenaline “hits” the throat muscles. Tension constrains the lower part of the throat, the muscles there seem to “turn to stone.” The patient feels as if there is something inside.
  • The cheating that the patient makes reinforces the fear. It is possible that the next attacks will be even brighter, and the person will gain confidence that there is really something wrong with his throat. Although during the period of awakening, when the brain has not yet fully “woke up” and is just “getting down to business,” the feeling of a coma disappears. The throat is relaxed. As soon as the brain “remembers” about it, the lump returns.


Depending on what disease became the predisposing factor, constant belching and a feeling of a lump in the throat will be accompanied by additional symptoms. These include:

  • increased body temperature;
  • dryness and the appearance of a foul odor or taste in the mouth;
  • attacks of nausea that end in vomiting. Depending on the pathology, vomiting does not always bring relief to the patient’s condition;
  • pain syndrome of varying intensity and location;
  • coughing;
  • discomfort and heaviness in the stomach;
  • heartburn and burning behind the sternum;
  • night or morning attacks of shortness of breath;
  • sleep disorders;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight, despite eating enough food;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • general weakness and severe fatigue.

It is possible to finally establish the reason why frequent belching and a lump in the throat appear only after performing a set of diagnostic measures.

As a rule, such belching appears if the digestive process in the gastrointestinal tract is suspended. As a result, food stagnates, which causes gas with belching and the smell of rotten eggs.

Burping rotten eggs

Often this process is activated due to several reasons:

  • The presence of salmonella and other microorganisms in the intestines. This reason is considered the most common.
  • Insufficient production of the necessary enzymes causes severe inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Disturbances in biliary excretion. This disrupts metabolic processes and fat processing.
  • The presence of a severe inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa.
  • Insufficient amount of motor work of the stomach.
  • Various acute infections in the intestines.
  • Intolerance to certain products, for example, milk, fermented milk products.
  • Frequent consumption of difficult-to-digest foods.
  • A variety of liver diseases, during which bile is produced in large quantities.
  • A disease that results in the development of acute gluten intolerance.
  • Diseases of the duodenum.
  • Chronic form of pancreatitis.

Sour belching occurs mainly due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In a word, because of gastritis. However, this occurs against the background of a fairly increased amount of hydrochloric acid located in the gastric juice. This disease can often cause: heartburn, nausea and aerophagia.

Also, sour belching appears due to the presence of such diseases:

  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Sour belching
Factors that accompany these diseases include:

  • Sudden decline in immune system
  • Poor nutrition
  • Stress, neurosis
  • Chronic diseases of other organs

In some cases, belching in a completely healthy person appears unexpectedly, and just as unexpectedly it goes away. If we take a person who has pancreatitis and gastritis, then all the causes of belching are the same.

Frequent belching occurs either due to a significant accumulation of gases in the digestive organ or due to the person swallowing a large amount of air. Both processes lead to an increase in intragastric pressure, relaxation of the cardiac sphincter, as well as contraction of the muscles of the digestive organs and the pylorus.

You can distinguish belching:

  1. By air. It is associated with bloating.
  2. With an unpleasant rotten smell arising from the stagnation of food in the stomach and its decomposition in it.
  3. Odorless, but with a sour (due to increased acidity of gastric juice) or bitter (due to bile entering the esophagus) taste.

The sensation of a lump in the throat occurs due to:

  • the presence of a foreign body in the larynx;
  • inflammatory process on its mucous membrane;
  • the presence of a significant neoplasm;
  • compression of the muscles of the larynx or pharynx.

Causes of belching air during VSD

  • When a patient is under severe stress (or with PA), he is so active from adrenaline that he not only inhales air, but also swallows it along with saliva. This phenomenon is called aerophagia. When the air collection reaches its climax, belching begins. It can be either long-term (the air comes out all at once) or periodic (the air comes out in portions).
  • The body of a VSD sufferer is constantly in stress mode, and the brain is constantly confused in its autonomous functions. The muscles of the gastrointestinal tract in this state are simply not able to work correctly. Food travels too quickly from the esophagus to the intestines without having time to be properly digested. Hence the gases and belching.
  • The stomach may begin to move violently and contract under the influence of the irritated vagus nerve. This is another reason for indigestion of food and air belching.

The lower part of the throat, which is close to the stomach, often forces a person to focus attention on this area. As soon as one symptom appears, the brain immediately remembers the second. This is why so often in a person with VSD, a spasmodic lump in the middle of the throat is also associated with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract muscles, causing belching.

It becomes clear that neither Smecta nor cold medications can help the patient eliminate these symptoms: after all, we are not talking about diseases of the throat and stomach. Sedatives and proper rest of the whole body can help. But the best solution would be to seek psychotherapeutic help from a psychologist. This is the only way to “drive” the fear of suffocation out of your head and help your brain perform autonomous work correctly.

Treatment methods

Constant belching of air and a lump in the throat make the patient think about how to get rid of these negative symptoms.

Treatment of pathology is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease that caused unpleasant consequences, and consists of taking pharmacological agents, following a diet and using alternative medicine methods.

During drug therapy, antibacterial drugs and antacids, anti-inflammatory and antiemetic drugs, enzymes, antispasmodics and sedatives are taken.

Alleviation of stressful conditions and neuroses requires a revision of the work schedule, proper rest, walks and strengthening of the whole body.

Medicines (Tazepam, Relanium, Elenium, etc.) are taken together with the use of sedative tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants.

The development of thyroid diseases is blocked by taking iodine-containing drugs (Iodotirox, Iodocomb, etc.) and by establishing a diet with an increase in foods containing iodine.

The most common cause of belching and a lump in the throat is gastrointestinal diseases.

For gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, you can take enzyme preparations such as Almagel, Mezim, Festal, etc.

Neoplasms in the larynx and digestive tract require surgical intervention and subsequent rehabilitation therapy.

If the symptoms are not associated with gastrointestinal diseases, but occur after eating, no special treatment is required.

You should establish proper nutrition, eliminating the consumption of unhealthy foods and excessive amounts of carbonated drinks, reduce the amount of food consumed, and do not talk while eating.

Belching during pregnancy

While carrying a child, the woman’s general malaise, toxicosis, and lower back pain are often accompanied by manifestations of belching and coma in the larynx. Usually such unpleasant symptoms occur precisely after eating. This may be due to pressure from the uterus on the digestive tract.

In pregnant women, hormonal levels change, a complex restructuring of the entire body occurs, and the functions of all organs without exception are affected, including the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to unstable absorption of food. Doctors consider the accompanying manifestations of belching and coma in the larynx to be completely normal temporary symptoms.


Following these recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Reduce the amount of food, give up foods that do not benefit the body.
  • Eat slowly, avoiding talking and rushing while eating.
  • Try to eat small meals.
  • Pay attention to the connection between the intake of certain foods and your well-being. By listening to your body, you can establish normal digestion.
  • Quit alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid stress, try to be in a calm, balanced state.
  • Try to move more, walk, avoid a sedentary lifestyle, and spend more time in the fresh air.
  • Eliminate spicy foods from your daily diet.
  • Do not wash down food with liquid; at least 40 minutes should pass after eating.
  • Undergo a medical examination in a timely manner, especially paying attention to the digestive systems, endocrine and nervous systems. If you have already encountered belching, and a lump in your throat torments you periodically, try to consult a doctor for preventive examinations at least once a quarter.

Not everyone is familiar with the feeling of a lump in the throat. However, the nature of its appearance interests people.

Scientists say that the strange sensation occurs due to muscle spasms, which are caused by the natural process of swallowing food. The person feels as if there is a foreign object stuck in the oropharynx.

But if a lump in the throat is associated with heartburn, nausea and belching, as well as other unpleasant phenomena, this is already a reason to contact the clinic.

Preventive actions

All preventive measures are simple and do not require much effort to implement, namely:

  • Quit any bad habits
  • Avoid talking while walking, exercising, or eating
  • Find more time for walks
  • Be periodically examined at the clinic, even without obvious reasons
  • Avoid stressful situations
  • Get enough sleep and eat well.

When following the prevention recommendations, the likelihood of belching air or an unpleasant lump in the throat is minimized.

Belching and nausea

One of the common reasons that provokes belching and nausea is the consumption of poor quality food.

With age, each person's ability to digest fermented milk products decreases. Of course, this does not mean that such products are not digestible at all. To digest them, the body simply needs to expend more energy. As a result of such overload, belching and nausea appear. The reasons for the occurrence are clear in this case.

Belching and nausea

There are other important reasons why similar symptoms occur:

  • A cup of strong coffee, drunk on an empty stomach. Bitterness in the mouth, nausea and belching - these companions often accompany this drink. Consequently, many nutritionists advise drinking this drink after meals.
  • Strong alcoholic drink. The reason in this case is intoxication.
  • Strongly sour or spicy foods. Often, nausea with belching appears in people who have impaired acidity in the stomach.
  • Mushrooms. This product contains a large number of difficult-to-digest components. They are the ones that cause dyspepsia.

If the above reasons appear to you on their own, then consult a doctor. Often, the cause of this picture is considered to be various diseases associated with the digestive system.

Effect of taking medications

Unpleasant symptoms of belching and a lump in the throat are sometimes accompanied by prolonged use of medications.

Such medications may be:

  1. Diclofenac (an anti-inflammatory drug not prescribed for gastrointestinal problems);
  2. Mesulide (strong analgesic, but contraindicated for ulcers);
  3. Aspirin, other painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  4. Prednisolone, Medrol (used for arthritis, gout, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, but prescribed with caution for myocardial infarction, and gastric bleeding is also considered side effects);
  5. estrogen (female sex hormones) and oral contraceptives;
  6. antibiotics (Erythromycin, Tetracycline);
  7. some medications for hypertension.

Many drugs, if used incorrectly, can affect the normal functioning of the body's digestive system and irritate the mucous membranes, causing dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

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