Heartburn and burning in the esophagus: causes, treatment

The mechanism of burning in the throat

The causes of pain in the throat area are irritation of the receptors lining the surface of the larynx. Mechanical injury or inflammation of the mucous surface leads to destruction of the integrity of the tissue, causing a sensation of soreness and squeezing of the larynx.

The causes of a burning sensation in the throat are infectious or non-infectious factors. To establish a diagnosis and select the necessary therapy, you should consult a doctor, since in each specific case the signs and manifestations of the disease may differ.

The main causes of discomfort in the larynx are:

  • Allergic manifestations,
  • Infectious diseases,
  • Neurological disorders,
  • Gastrointestinal tract dysfunctions,
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system,
  • Neoplasms.

Folk remedies

You can also eliminate unpleasant symptoms using traditional methods. Before using alternative medicine recipes, you need to undergo an examination and examination by a doctor and clarify the diagnosis, find out the specific cause of the pathological condition.

Shilajit solution

You need to take 0.2 g of natural resin and dissolve it in 200 ml of boiled water or tea. You can add honey to the solution. You need to take it 2 times a day for 4 weeks.

You need to take 20 g of herb, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave in a dark place for 30 minutes. It is recommended to take 100 ml 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

You need to take 10 g of flowers and leaves of the plant and 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting composition is infused for 30 minutes. The product is filtered, divided into two portions and taken throughout the day.

Medicinal fee

You need to take oak bark - 30 g, walnut leaves - 40 g, St. John's wort herb and flowers - 40 g, oregano - 20 g, cinquefoil rhizomes - 30 g.

20 g of crushed collection is poured into 600 ml of cold water and left for 3 hours. After the time has passed, the composition is placed on low heat and brought to a boil. Then filter and take 50 ml 20 minutes before meals.

Potato decoction

You need to take 6 medium-sized potatoes. Each of them is cut into 4 parts and boiled in 1 liter of water for one hour. As the water boils, it is topped up. The resulting broth is not filtered. Large potato halves are taken out of it. The decoction is taken 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Potato juice, which should be taken freshly squeezed in the morning on an empty stomach, is also considered effective. After taking the root vegetable juice, it is advised to lie down for 30 minutes and only then have breakfast.

Infectious diseases

Unpleasant sensations in the larynx are caused by the development of inflammation, the causative agent of which is viruses and fungi that destroy the structure of the cells of the mucous surface of the larynx. An infectious disease of the ENT organs is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, redness of the mucous membrane, swelling, and signs of general intoxication. Only a medical specialist can determine the cause of the disease and eliminate the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. The manifestation of a typical symptom in the form of a burning sensation in the pharynx and esophagus indicates the presence of diseases.


This is a process of inflammation of the lymphoid tissue, characterized by soreness, dryness of the mucous membranes of the throat, soreness, and a feeling that the throat is on fire. Polluted hot air, bad habits that reduce tissue activity, mechanical injuries prepare a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.


Damage to the pharyngeal ring caused by an infection. The disease is accompanied by enlarged tonsils, swelling of the palatine arches, inflammation of the mucous surface of the larynx, and the formation of white plaque or small pimples covering the throat.


Inflammation of the surface of the pharynx caused by hypothermia of the larynx, exacerbation of chronic diseases, spasm of muscle tissue. The development of the disease is indicated by incessant coughing, hoarseness, redness of mucous surfaces, swelling, and burning throat syndrome.


An infectious disease that affects the palatine tonsils. The condition is accompanied by increased temperature, dryness in the larynx, difficulty swallowing, and sensations of pain while eating. When the disease becomes chronic, there is a possibility of infection of other human organs.


The disease is accompanied by coughing attacks, irritating the mucous surface of the pharynx. Severe soreness of the larynx, spreading to the chest area. Attacks of dry cough occur mainly at night, causing a feeling that the throat is on fire.

Inflammation of a bacterial nature is accompanied by a fever, the appearance of plaque, malaise, weakness, and a sensation of burning in the throat. Ignoring symptoms and delayed treatment can lead to tissue abscess.

Candidiasis of the pharynx

It is characterized by obsessive soreness, itching, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and painful symptoms in the oral cavity. The disease is caused by fungi that colonize the throat. The disease responds well to treatment at the initial stage; advanced cases require long-term therapy.

Causes of burning

A burning sensation in the stomach, esophagus or throat can be caused by pathological processes in organs, abuse of a number of foods, and bad habits. If the burning sensation is caused by the consumption of foods, it is enough to simply exclude them from the diet. But sometimes the cause of discomfort is a serious pathology, then a thorough diagnosis and urgent treatment are necessary.

A common phenomenon among the adult population, in which gastric juice enters the esophagus. Mild discomfort is not a cause for concern; it means that you need to reduce the load on the gastric tract by eliminating harmful foods.

Periodic heartburn occurs in obese people who eat spicy foods. Stressful situations and bad habits provoke the symptom. During pregnancy, the symptom occurs in most women in the third trimester, if the fetus is large and puts pressure on the stomach. Some girls experience heartburn for the first time only when they are pregnant. This phenomenon does not indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and goes away after the birth of the baby.

  • Stressful situations.
  • Physical activity after meals.
  • Medications.
  • Fatty, sour, spicy foods.
  • Lying down after eating.

Severe heartburn often occurs after alcohol and overeating. If you eat before going to bed, the disorder occurs at night, and in the morning after heartburn, a person has a sour taste and bad breath.

Neurological disorders

Neurological diseases that cause discomfort and a sore throat appear due to significant emotional stress, mental disorders, and individual characteristics of a person. The most common pathologies are:

Paresthesia of the pharynx is expressed in a constant change in sensations in the throat area. A person is bothered by tickling, burning, numbness, pain. This condition refers to sensitivity disorders that are not related to the influence of external factors.

Hyperesthesia of the pharynx is accompanied by an increase in the level of sensitivity of the mucous surface. There are many reasons for this condition, the main one being the consequence of inflammation. Symptoms of the disease include:

  • Incessant tickling:
  • Burning,
  • Feeling of a lump
  • Feeling of a film on the throat,
  • Intensity of the swallowing reflex,
  • As the condition worsens, a cough develops, causing vomiting.

Gastrointestinal tract dysfunctions

There are cases of a feeling of fire in the throat and esophagus due to gastrointestinal diseases. This condition is caused by the entry of gastric juice into saliva, with a change in the level of acidity. Clinical manifestations of pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract are determined by the presence of bitterness in the oral cavity, pain on the right side, flatulence, and heaviness. The presence of a burning symptom is the development of the following diseases:


Inflammation of the stomach associated with the action of irritating substances on the mucous membrane in the form of food and medicine. The disease is manifested by frequent belching, heartburn, nausea, regurgitation, leading to dryness of the surface of the mucous tissues, burning in the throat and esophagus.

Gastric achylia

Loss of efficiency of the stomach glands, caused by a lack of acid in the enzymes produced by the stomach. A decrease in stomach secretions leads to the formation of vomiting and heartburn, which begin to burn and irritate the surface of the pharynx.

Reflux esophagitis

The process of inflammation of the mucous surface of the esophagus, caused by the movement of stomach contents into the respiratory tract. The disease is accompanied by pain that burns in the throat, heartburn, vomiting, and nausea.

Esophageal hernia

Accompanied by vomiting, belching, nausea, pain in the larynx. The disease causes strangulation of the stomach tissue. Medical treatment is required to eliminate the possibility of complications.


The basis of treatment is usually strict diet correction and elimination of the provoking factor. Diet therapy involves eliminating spicy, fatty, hot dishes from the daily menu, which cause hypersecretion of gastric juice, which negatively affects the course of the pathology.

Meals should be at regular intervals and in small portions. And after eating, you should not lie down to prevent acid from refluxing into the esophagus. If burning esophageal discomfort occurs due to errors in nutrition, then diet therapy will help cope with this problem.

If burning symptoms in the esophagus have a pathological origin, drug therapy cannot be avoided; it is aimed at eliminating the provoking factor.

  • If the causes are related to gastrointestinal pathologies, then the pH balance in the digestive system will need to be restored. Medicines are prescribed by a specialist according to the disease.
  • If the burning sensation in the esophageal canal is of allergic origin, antihistamines are prescribed, and contact with the allergen must be completely avoided. Cetirizine, Tavegil, Zyrtec, Claritin, etc. are prescribed.
  • If the burning sensation is caused by infectious lesions, then treatment is prescribed depending on the disease. Rotavirus infection is treated by taking antibiotics. If a sore throat bothers you, then treatment is supplemented with topical agents such as Doctor Mom sprays or lozenges, Strepsils, etc.

Also, depending on the specific cause of the pathological burning sensation, patients may be prescribed analgesic and antacid, astringent or enveloping medications.

If esophageal burning occurs, patients should seek appropriate help from a gastroenterologist or therapist. Although in most cases the causes of burning are not fatal, sometimes a similar symptom occurs against the background of malignant or advanced ulcerative processes that require immediate treatment.

Endocrine system dysfunction

Dysfunction of the endocrine system causes discomfort in the larynx. An enlarged thyroid gland compresses the tissues of the larynx, causing severe burning and dryness of the mucous surfaces.

The reasons that cause this condition are: iodine deficiency, hormonal system disorders, autoimmune diseases. Difficulty swallowing, burning sensation in the throat, dryness, swelling, and a feeling of lack of air indicate an enlarged gland.

Unpleasant symptoms are eliminated after a course of hormonal medications prescribed by the doctor.


Tumors cause irritation of the larynx and a burning sensation. Typical neoplasms that cause discomfort include:

  • Malignant formations in the pharynx in the early stages are manifested by a burning sensation, turning into difficulty breathing, and a decrease in the swallowing reflex.
  • Tumors of the thyroid gland manifest themselves in pain with a burning sensation, a feeling of pressure; the progression of the disease makes breathing and swallowing difficult.
  • Fibroma of the nasopharynx makes it difficult to breathe through the nasal cavity, the throat begins to burn, weakness and nosebleeds appear.
  • Laryngeal cancer is accompanied by cough, hoarseness, soreness, salivation, difficulty swallowing, and a burning sensation.

When pathogenic bacteria appear in the body, the sensitive throat is the first to suffer from them. Half of the cases of burning in the pharynx are not associated with the presence of infectious diseases. By contacting a medical organization in a timely manner and identifying the true cause of the unpleasant symptom, serious illnesses can be eliminated in the early stages of development. Timely therapy, hardening the body, maintaining physical activity are the basis of good health.

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