Heartburn and belching: causes and treatment of pathology

Causes of burning in the chest and belching

The reasons for this widespread phenomenon are quite varied. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

  • External factors in which heartburn and belching are not the result of any disease or dysfunction of internal organs.
  • Internal factors are pathological processes in internal organs and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

External factors for the occurrence of burning sensation with belching

External causes of this condition are not as dangerous as internal ones. They are caused by any external influence and do not require special treatment. It is only important to eliminate such a factor and the problem will disappear.

External factors that contribute to the occurrence of heartburn and belching after eating include:

  • Consumption of carbonated drinks and gas-forming products.
  • Physical activity immediately after eating.
  • Eating too much food at one time.
  • Talking while eating, rushing to eat. This leads to swallowing air, which causes sour belching and heartburn.
  • Heartburn after alcohol is quite common;
  • Smoking also indirectly contributes to the occurrence of such symptoms, especially if the cigarette is smoked either immediately before a meal or immediately after a meal.

If with the external factors of the occurrence of such symptoms everything is clear, and you just need to eliminate the factor itself in order to eliminate the pathology, then with the internal causes of belching with heartburn everything is much more complicated and serious.

What can cause sour belching in a child?

For young children (up to one year), burping after eating is an absolutely normal condition. It occurs due to the development of the enzyme function of the digestive tract and does not cause much inconvenience to the baby. This symptom in children after one year can be associated with various reasons:

  • active games and conversations during meals;
  • improper organization of the baby’s diet (excess sweets, fruits, drinking soda);
  • increased nervous excitability and emotional lability of the child;
  • diseases and conditions that prevent normal breathing through the nose (deviated nasal septum, chronic rhinitis, adenoids).

In older children and schoolchildren, the cause of this symptom can be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nervous shock and poor nutrition. Sometimes in children this symptom can be one of the signs of neurosis.

Sour belching can occur for physiological and pathological reasons. To identify the problem, you should normalize your diet and lifestyle, and also visit a gastroenterologist.


Internal causes of pathology

Internal factors for the appearance of such problems include various diseases of the internal organs and disruptions in the functioning of the stomach. Such symptoms may be a sign of diseases:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia, when part of the stomach descends downwards through the opening of the hernia.
  • Gastritis in chronic form with severe secretory insufficiency.
  • Inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Obesity.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux, that is, the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus.
  • Condition after surgical removal of the gallbladder, part of the stomach, part of the duodenum.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.

Pregnancy can be noted as a separate category, as a condition in which unpleasant sensations are also possible. In women in an interesting position, heartburn in late pregnancy is associated with increased pressure from the growing uterus on nearby organs (including the stomach). Belching with heartburn in the early stages of expecting a baby can be caused by early toxicosis of pregnancy.

It is important to know! A burning sensation in the chest area can also occur with heart disease. Angina also makes itself felt by a constant burning sensation in the chest; it is very important not to make a mistake in the diagnosis and not mistake heart pain for heartburn.

If belching and heartburn are constant, this requires immediate consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Symptomatic therapy

If acid erection is rare and is associated with physiological causes, non-drug methods are effective in mitigating the manifestations. To reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to avoid foods that provoke belching and spicy seasonings. It is advisable to eat food in small portions 4-5 times a day; you need to add alkalizing foods to your diet - dairy (cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese), eggs, lean boiled meat. It is important to avoid bending forward and uncomfortable positions. To reduce reflux of stomach contents, it is recommended to sleep on a high pillow.

In most cases, the appearance of sour belching indicates the development of gastrointestinal pathology, so it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by a gastroenterologist. Before making an accurate diagnosis, herbal teas with mint, heather and centaury can help reduce the frequency of symptoms. To reduce acidic erection and other unpleasant symptoms, you can use enterosorbents, antacids, and drugs to improve gastrointestinal motility.

Belching and heartburn with nausea and pain

If heartburn and sour belching are also accompanied by attacks of nausea, this may indicate either banal overeating or eating spicy, salty and fried foods, as well as serious illnesses, including oncology. The exact cause of this condition can only be determined through examination at a medical facility.

If such symptoms are accompanied by abdominal pain, then the cause is not external factors, but one of the above diseases of the internal organs.

Quite often, belching and burning can be accompanied by bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and a lump in the throat. This condition can also be associated with both illness and overeating, or eating heavy spicy and fatty foods. Air can get into the stomach during an emotional conversation, while eating, or while chewing gum. The reason for such bloating and belching may also lie in psychological factors.

In a state of nervous overexcitation, emotional people can take in a large amount of air during a conversation, which, when it enters the stomach, causes bloating.

Features of treatment for people with sour belching

In order to ensure treatment of the leading pathological condition, the specialist must prescribe appropriate medications. However, against this background, the patient will definitely need to change the approach to his own diet. In particular, it will be very important to eat food exclusively at certain intervals, so that by breakfast, lunch or dinner the production of digestive system enzymes is more significant. With indiscriminate or, for example, unsystematic use of products, there is no way to get rid of food stagnation, gas formation and acid belching. Given this, I would like to draw attention to some general recommendations in terms of treatment, namely:

  • the patient will need to eat four to five times a day, in small portions;
  • it is advisable to limit or abandon spicy, salty, pickled items, while giving preference to enveloping products with a delicate texture (this could be porridge, jelly);
  • For healthy digestion, it is extremely beneficial to, say, drink half a glass of boiled water before lunch. It is advisable to use warm water;
  • in order to prevent food from stagnating in the stomach, you should not lie down after lunch;
  • It would be much more correct to go for a walk or find some fairly easy physical activity that will not cause unnecessary stress on the body.

Some enzyme preparations, for example Mezim or Festal, help to effectively cope with belching. Medicines that are included in the category of antacids can also be used, because they significantly reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Many experts say that drinking potato juice that has been recently prepared before meals is an effective folk remedy.


What to do at home

Constant belching and heartburn require immediate medical attention. If this condition occurs once as a result of overeating, drinking carbonated drinks or spicy, fried foods, then at home you can relieve such unpleasant symptoms with alkaline mineral water or regular baking soda diluted in warm boiled water.

Treatment with traditional methods

Traditional medicine also offers its own option for eliminating this problem. The following can be used to relieve belching and heartburn:

  • A cup of low-fat milk.
  • Coal powder.

  • Freshly squeezed potato juice, which should be taken 30 minutes before eating.
  • You can take crushed eggshells in this condition. If you are not sure of the quality of the purchased eggs, such shells should first be calcined in the oven.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs also help get rid of the burning sensation and eliminate belching. Chamomile and St. John's wort are good for eliminating inflammatory processes; you can also use oak bark and calendula flowers. These plants are brewed and consumed as tea.
  • Aloe juice also has an enveloping and soothing effect.
  • An effective remedy is pumpkin seeds. You need to eat 5 pieces of these grains after meals.


With this problem, proper nutrition plays an important role. After all, both burning and belching are most often provoked by an incorrectly selected menu. Moreover, dietary errors are the most common cause of this condition.

What not to eat

First of all, fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, salty and sour foods are excluded from the menu. You should not eat fatty meats (pork, duck, goose, game). Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, beluga) are also excluded. You should not eat sour fruits, fresh baked goods, sweet confectionery products, coffee and strong tea, and fresh juices.

The consumption of all kinds of crackers, chips, etc. is strictly prohibited. All store-bought food, which contains a variety of chemical additives, can itself provoke not only heartburn and belching, but even a stomach ulcer.

Carbonated sweet drinks, canned and pickled products should be excluded.

Products approved for consumption

  • Meals should be fractional. It is better to eat food more often, but in small portions. The diet should consist of low-fat fish and meat, vegetables (except legumes), sweet fruits, dairy products, and low-fat cottage cheese. It is imperative to eat fermented milk products daily.
  • Jelly is also recommended for consumption: both fruit and dairy, homemade jellies made exclusively from natural products, baked apples.
  • For baked goods, you can use dry biscuits and yeast-free bread. For drinks, you can indulge in green tea, chicory, and barley drink. Among the grains, it is recommended to eat buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, and semolina.

Medicinal solution to the problem

Drug treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. There are many remedies on the pharmacy market to get rid of the problem, including Gaviscon, Rennie, Smecta, etc. But only a specialist can prescribe this or that remedy. If heartburn and belching are caused by dysbiosis, you should use drugs that contain lacto and bifidobacteria.

Heartburn and belching are not a disease in themselves. These are signs of a particular disease, or the result of errors in nutrition. To find out the real cause of this disease, you need to consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a diagnostic examination.

Etiology of heartburn

What is heartburn? The name itself suggests that this is a burning sensation. If you suffer from heartburn, there may be different reasons. But if we talk about the mechanics of the process, heartburn is caused by the entry of food debris from the stomach into the esophagus, which may be due to weakness of the lower sphincter (normally it should close after the passage of food). If the lower sphincter does not fulfill its function, then part of the stomach contents, which has already been affected by a highly acidic environment, is thrown back into the esophagus, where the environment is slightly alkaline. As a result, irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus occurs, which we feel as a burning sensation, that is, heartburn.

Of course, absolutely healthy people can also face this problem. For example, after a meal that was plentiful. In addition, too spicy or fatty dishes and excessive use of spices can have this effect. Sometimes heartburn or belching is caused by the fact that a person chewed food poorly, and also talked too much while eating. There are foods that contribute to heartburn. And these are not necessarily sour foods (although they include lemons and tomatoes). Chocolate, onions, and even seemingly harmless mint can have the same effect. Be that as it may, all of these are our eating habits, which can and even need to be changed, and it depends entirely on us. If all these factors are eliminated, then no other treatment will be needed.

However, heartburn can occur not only after eating. Sometimes it manifests itself due to mechanical reasons, for example, due to the fact that a person wears too tight clothes or squeezes the stomach with a belt after eating. This doesn't lead to anything good. Heartburn often occurs in pregnant women, and is mainly due to the fact that the growing fetus puts too much pressure on the internal organs.

One-time heartburn is usually a consequence of completely harmless factors. But constant heartburn and belching is a reason to make an appointment with a doctor. Often these phenomena are considered not as an independent disease, but as symptoms of dangerous pathologies. The whole picture is important here. For example, if heartburn is accompanied by nausea, there is back pain, if it appears not only after eating, then this may be a symptom of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, etc. As a rule, the gastroenterologist prescribes an additional examination, and only then prescribes treatment.

You can eliminate the symptoms of heartburn with the help of special medications, antacids. They are safe and have no side effects. Their main task is to neutralize hydrochloric acid. However, they do not lead to the production of carbon dioxide. Another category of drugs that are used in this case are alginates, which react with hydrochloric acid and take the form of a dense gel that acts as a mechanical barrier against acid reflux into the stomach.

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