How to take mineral water to treat constipation

Many people suffer from constipation. This is a very serious pathology that needs to be treated. In addition to medications, mineral water is also effective in combating constipation.

Thanks to its properties, it can liquefy feces and further remove them from the body. Before starting treatment, you must consult a specialist. It is very important to follow certain rules in this matter.

When treating constipation with this drink, it is necessary to observe the dosage time. In addition, the temperature of the liquid also affects treatment.

There are a huge number of ways to treat constipation using this drink. You can learn about this from this article.

How does water act on the intestines, and what is its daily requirement?

Mineral water can have the following effects on the human body:

  • softens feces and removes them from the body;
  • removes pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines;
  • activates intestinal contractility;
  • eliminates spasms.

It can be prescribed if a person suffers from constipation and also has increased gas formation. Based on this remedy, decoctions and infusions are prepared that are quickly absorbed by the body and have an effective therapeutic effect.

Exposure to liquid

Mineral water, entering the body, irritates the nerve endings that are located in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. This has a reflex effect on physiology.

The reflex effect begins in the oral cavity, which helps to increase the amount of saliva secreted. The duration of such exposure depends on the duration of contact of the mucous membrane with water.

Scientists have proven that for constipation in adults, warm mineral water eliminates spasms, and cold water helps to increase the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Does mineral water help with constipation (Essentuki, Donat)?

It is best to purchase it at a pharmacy.

Note! Before you start treating constipation with mineral water, be sure to consult a specialist. There are different types of constipation and different water is suitable for each type.

Before starting treatment for constipation, it is necessary to determine the type of pathology.

In spastic form

The spastic version of constipation, as a rule, can be accompanied by pain in the abdominal area. For treatment it is necessary to use water with a reduced content of gases. Their mineralization can be low or medium. This drink should contain:

  1. sulfates;
  2. magnesium;
  3. calcium;
  4. as well as chlorine;
  5. sodium.

All of these components have an anti-inflammatory effect, and in addition remove mucus and feces .
To treat spastic constipation, water must be drunk before meals, at least half an hour. If we are talking about children, then they need to drink water slowly, taking small sips. The temperature of the drink should also be taken into account. For spastic type constipation, this figure should be 45 degrees. Mineral water therapy should be started gradually. First, you should drink half a glass of liquid 3 times a day, then increase the volume a little each time.

To eliminate spastic constipation, “Essentuki 4 and 17”, “Donat”, “Smirnovskaya”, etc. are used. Before drinking the liquid, it is necessary to release gases from it. Hot water without gas helps to relax the intestinal muscles, and also relieves pain and removes feces from the body.

For atonic pathologies

This variant of the pathology is characterized by a decrease in intestinal motor function. Therefore, for treatment it is recommended to use waters with medium or high mineralization. Such a liquid must contain:

  • chlorine;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • as well as sulfates.

For the treatment of atonic constipation, it is recommended to use the following types of mineral waters:

  1. Narzan type water;
  2. Pyatigorskaya;
  3. “Borjomi”;
  4. “Essentuki”;
  5. magnesium sulfate;
  6. sodium chloride water.

All of the listed types of drinks must be drunk 3 or 4 times a day before meals at least 1 hour or an hour and a half. The water temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees. The liquid must be drunk very quickly, taking large sips. Only with such consumption can it be achieved that peristalsis, as well as intestinal tone, will be increased.

Note! Bottles with mineral water must be kept in a dark place, inaccessible to sunlight. The room temperature should not exceed 15 degrees Celsius. Bottles must be in a horizontal position. Only under these conditions does water retain its healing properties.


This type of mineral water contains alkalis.
Mineralization can be up to 10 g/l. For treatment, liquids of different temperatures can be used. It is also useful for children to use Borjomi for constipation. It is recommended to drink it 3 times a day before meals. To dose the required amount of drink, it is necessary to take into account the child’s weight. The calculation should be made in the proportion of 3 mg per 1 kg of weight.


The reaction of this drink is alkaline-salt.
Its mineralization is a maximum of 12 g/l. Some waters of this type contain bromine and iodine. They can also be used to treat constipation in children. Directions for use: in the morning, on an empty stomach, after releasing gas. The required amount of water for children is 50-300 ml, taking into account the child’s weight.


  • Pyatigorsk mineral waters. This type of drink has a complex anionic composition. Mineralization can be 5-6 g/l.
  • Sulfate-magnesium waters can remain in the intestines for a long time. This helps soften the stool and further remove it from the body.
  • Sodium chloride. The salt content in them is about 10 g/l. Drinks improve bowel function and eliminate atonic constipation.

Tips for choosing mineral water

Before you go to the store for mineral water, you need to familiarize yourself with tips that will help you choose a drink. The basis for this is to take the salts contained in it.

  1. Bicarbonate waters. It should be noted that this drink should not be taken if you have gastritis. They contain bicarbonates (600 mg/l). They help improve your well-being. The drink can be taken even by small children. The group of these mineral waters includes “BZHNI” and “Arkhyz”.
  2. Sulfate mineral waters are very effective in treating constipation. However, they are contraindicated in children because they interfere with the absorption of calcium. And this element is very important for a growing organism. The group of such drinks includes “Essentuki 20”.
  3. Chloride waters , namely “Essentuki No. 4”, as well as “Aksu” are contraindicated for use by people with high blood pressure. But with normal levels, such water will be very effective in eliminating constipation.
  4. Sodium. This group includes “Narzan”, “Smirnovskaya”. Such drinks, like the previous ones, should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure, as well as by those who must adhere to a salt-free diet.
  5. Sodium chloride waters are dominated by elements such as sodium and chlorine. Their content is 700 mg/l and 800 mg/l, respectively. The most common mineral water of this group is Cardamom.
  6. An excellent option for treating constipation are mineral waters with a high content of magnesium - “Narzan”, “Erinskaya”.

Note! Before buying a drink, carefully read the label. It will always correspond to the specified characteristics on it.

Are there any contraindications?

There are a number of contraindications to drinking this drink. It is necessary to know about them, because otherwise you can cause even greater harm to your health.

Contraindications to drinking mineral water are as follows:

  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal and intestinal diseases;
  • presence of bleeding;
  • vomit.

Obese people should not drink carbonated mineral water, as the gases it contains cause hunger.

Therapy with this drink is contraindicated when the urine reaction is highly alkaline.

Tips for choosing medicinal water

Depending on the chemical composition, mineral waters are classified:

  • magnesium;
  • sulfate;
  • chloride;
  • hydrochloric-alkaline;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • glandular.

Salt-alkaline mineral water stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid and is used for gastritis with low acidity and atrophy of the mucous membranes of the stomach. It is useful to drink for constipation in adults and children in order to normalize bowel movements. Contraindicated in case of arterial hypertension, gastritis with elevated pH, or following a salt-free diet.

Chloride-hydrocarbonate waters have a healing effect for chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, liver diseases, gall bladder, and intestinal dyskinesia. It is recommended to drink the drink if you have metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes and an unbalanced diet. The drink helps with delayed bowel movements, heartburn, and flatulence.

Hydrocarbonate water for constipation should not be used for hyperthyroidism, gastritis with low acidity, renal failure, or malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications also include food allergies and a tendency to develop skin rashes.

What drink can you make at home?

If you do not want to drink mineral water, or you have contraindications to it, then an effective drink to relieve constipation can be prepared at home.


This drink can relieve intestinal spasms and help cleanse it.
Dill water is sold in pharmacies, but you can make it yourself. Fresh water must be taken internally. After a long time, it will lose its healing properties. It is best to prepare the drink half an hour before drinking. To do this, take 1 tbsp. dill seed and pour a glass of boiling water over it. The water should be infused for half an hour. You need to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

With cinnamon and ginger

These ingredients can improve intestinal function, eliminate pathogenic microflora and relieve constipation. Take a glass of warm water and add a small amount of ground cinnamon and ginger to it. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey to it. You need to drink this medicine in the morning or evening before meals.

With lemon

Lemon water is also a good remedy for constipation. In addition, it perfectly invigorates and helps improve immunity .
Take a glass of heated water and squeeze the juice of 4 parts of one lemon into it. The drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after you wake up.

To make it more tasty, you can add a little honey to the water.

Important! To avoid damaging tooth enamel, you can drink lemon water through a straw.


Cucumber water is another effective remedy that helps eliminate constipation and also improves metabolic processes in the body. To prepare it, take half a kilogram of fresh cucumbers and cut them into slices. Then pour cool water over the vegetables and let it steep for 8 hours. After this time, you can add a little mint and lemon juice to the cucumber water. You need to drink it throughout the day.

With honey

Making honey water is very easy.
To do this, take one teaspoon of honey and place it in a glass of warm water. In this case, you cannot use boiling water, as it will destroy the healing properties of honey.

It is advisable to take this drink in the morning before meals or in the evening before going to bed.

Honey water can be used not only for oral consumption, but also as an enema.


To make raisin water, take one tablespoon of dried raisins and pour one glass of hot water over it.
The drink should infuse for half an hour.

You need to drink it once a day, taking large sips.

Raisin water is best absorbed in the morning or evening hours.


Treating constipation with salt water is a serious procedure.
In some cases, it can cause harm to the body. The reason for this is contraindications to drinking the drink - renal failure or hypertension. Before you begin a salt water colon cleanse, you need to eat healthy for at least a week. It is important to avoid overeating.

On the day you decide to cleanse your colon, you should drink 2 glasses of salt water on an empty stomach. To prepare the drink, you need to take 9 g of salt for 1 liter of water. After 30 minutes have passed since the first intake of liquid, you will need to drink two more glasses of salt water. After this, you can massage your stomach.


Treatment in this way is a complex procedure. Sometimes it can harm the body. The cause is considered to be contraindications - renal failure or hypertension. Before cleansing the intestines with salt water, proper nutrition is required for at least a week. It is necessary to avoid overeating.

On the day of cleansing, drink 2 glasses of salt water on an empty stomach. 9 g of salt are added per 1 liter. Half an hour after the first dose, you need to drink 2 more glasses. Then you need to massage your stomach.

  1. Which mineral water is good for gastritis?
  2. Mineral water donat how to take for constipation
  3. Intestinal irrigation with mineral water: benefits and harms
  4. Laxative tea for weight loss: which one to choose in pharmacies with a laxative effect

What to drink during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are prohibited from performing physical exercises aimed at improving bowel function. Constipation cannot be treated with salt and warm water.

What to do in this case?

To get rid of constipation, pregnant women need to include more foods that contain fiber in their diet. You need to eat more dairy products. There are also medications, for example, Duphalac, that help cope with constipation and do not harm the fetus.

Features of therapy

For constipation, medicinal water should not always be consumed. Not all waters with mineral content are considered mineral water. It is necessary to use the composition that is extracted from an underground source for constipation.

A product ready for consumption must meet all declared characteristics. All compounds under consideration are classified into 3 types:

  1. Medicinal with a mineralization level of 15 g/l. They are consumed only as prescribed by a doctor. Excessive consumption of them contributes to the deposition of salts.
  2. Medicinal-table water with mineralization up to 10 g/l. Due to their active composition, they are rarely drunk.
  3. Tables with low mineralization - less than 1 g/l. They can be consumed in any quantity.
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