Medicinal properties of senna (cassia, Alexandria leaf) and its use in folk medicine

Senna is a popular medicinal plant. It has a moderate laxative effect on the intestines. Due to this property, the herb is often included in laxative medications. The extract is also used for weight loss. Senna removes accumulated waste and toxins, due to which the body begins to work more actively.

At home, you can make your own decoction or tea from this product.

Pharmacies also offer a huge number of tablets or capsules based on the plant.

Types of grass

Senna, or cassia, is a perennial herbaceous plant. It blooms in early July and blooms until the first frost. The buds are yellow, have 5 petals, in the center there are many small stamens and a curved pistil. The plant has dense, elongated leaves, arranged in pairs, opposite.

30-40 days after the start of flowering, the fruit begins to form. This is a small pod of 5-6 centimeters, inside of which there are seeds.

Traditionally, senna grows in India, African countries and Asia. In Russia you can also grow cassia; it is actively cultivated as an annual plant. There are several species of this plant, each of which has its own characteristics and habitat. The most common types of senna are:

  1. African. Distributed in East Africa, the Arabian coast of the Red Sea.
  2. Meccan. This is the most common type of plant and is distributed throughout the area.
  3. India. It is distinguished by its sharp green leaves.
  4. Holly. Historically grows in the valleys of the Nile and Sudan, on the coasts of Arabia and the Red Sea. In nature, it grows in semi-desert and desert zones and practically does not accumulate moisture.

Senna of Alexandria

Effect on the body

Senna is a medicinal plant belonging to the legume family. Its composition is unique. It contains a lot of active substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. In folk medicine, not only the green parts of the plant are valued, but also the fruits and leaves.

It has been proven that cassia has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and secretory effect. It also improves the absorption of nutrients and significantly increases appetite.

Recently, senna has been widely used as an effective product for weight loss. Yes, this plant accelerates the removal of waste and toxins. Cassia also cleanses the digestive tract of stagnant feces, which has a beneficial effect on the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract. If the gastrointestinal tract works like a clock, a person will not be afraid of any fat deposits.

Senna has a significant laxative effect, which is why it is often used to cleanse the body. Due to this action, the intestines quickly get rid of accumulated toxins and waste. It is they that negatively affect the functioning of the intestines, which is why the metabolism is significantly inhibited.

Meccan senna is not used alone. Mixtures are made with it and other medicinal plants are added. Various infusions and decoctions are prepared from these products, which provide a laxative effect.

All waste and toxins accumulated in the intestines quickly leave the body. This affects the intensity of metabolic and biochemical processes, which prevents the accumulation of excess weight.

With the help of senna, it is possible to quickly restore peristalsis and gastric motility.

The product also prevents excessive absorption of lipids. The herb prevents excessive absorption of lipids into the blood, which helps normalize many blood test parameters.

Senna leaves help you lose weight due to the following properties:

  • has a laxative effect. Able to cleanse the intestines even of old feces. In this case, defecation is not accompanied by painful sensations;
  • increases peristalsis and motility in the large and small intestine;
  • reduces gastric secretion, which prevents the absorption of fats;
  • prevents the deposition of lipids and prevents their redistribution into fat;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body.

What does traditional medicine say?

Herbalists have long recognized that senna has many benefits. Although in recent years there have been controversial statements that senna can cause harm. If the dosage is observed, taken correctly and required consultation with your doctor before starting treatment, the herb will only bring benefits.

Treatment of dyspepsia

Many people with gastrointestinal problems experience nausea, belching, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms. By brewing cassia together with fennel or cumin, you can reduce gas formation in the intestines, cleanse the intestines in a timely manner, preventing feces from accumulating in it. Senna brewed with mint will relieve nausea.

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Senna in weight loss

The laxative effect inherent in senna herb makes it possible to use it for weight loss. During all kinds of diets, it is recommended to drink senna tea. It will help cope with constipation, remove toxins from the body, the remains of undigested foods that provoke putrefactive processes in the intestines.

Metabolism improves, the necessary substances will be better absorbed by the body. With proper nutrition and exercise, the weight will go away.

Senna for hemorrhoids

Senna contains tannins and essential oils that have antibacterial properties. They are able to suppress the growth of bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Senna is also effective for healing wounds and cracks. The gentle effect on the intestines allows feces to be more easily excreted from the body without injuring it or causing anal fissures. If the process of defecation takes place regularly and painlessly, you can forget about hemorrhoids.

Senna for strengthening hair

Cassia angustifolia can also be used externally. To prepare a hair mask, you need to mix senna powder with natural yogurt and water. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, distributing evenly so that each hair is saturated with a nourishing mask. The head is wrapped, the mask should remain on the hair for several hours until it is completely dry. Then the mask is washed off. After this mask, your hair will become shiny and smooth.

To restore hair after dyeing or perming, you can use senna decoction as a conditioner.

Blondes who dream of an ashy shade can soak their hair in a strong infusion of cassia. To obtain a lasting effect, natural dye is used for a long time.

Alexandria leaf nourishes the scalp, eliminates dandruff, gives hair shine, improves the appearance and condition of the hair.

Treatment of skin diseases

In Ayurvedic Indian medicine, a paste is prepared from senna, which is used to heal wounds and burns. Used as compresses. A special composition prepared from cassia leaves helps treat eczema. Thanks to its nutritional composition, senna successfully fights acne.

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Chemical composition

Each component of senna contains a lot of useful substances. All of them affect the functioning of internal organs.

The main phytotherapeutic value is provided by anthraglycosides, such as aloe-emodin, sennidine A and B, and rhein. These substances have a powerful laxative effect, which improves intestinal function.

Also present in the chemical composition of senna are:

  • organic acids such as linoleic, palmitic, stearic. They break down lipids into
  • the body, due to which metabolic processes proceed much more actively;
  • flavonoids. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, due to which blood circulation becomes more active;
  • glycosides. Improves heart function, normalizes blood pressure levels;
  • sterols. A component of fats that helps break down bad cholesterol;
  • alkaloids. They have an analgesic effect, due to which the body is cleansed without spasms.

Colon cleansing with senna decoction

For gentle, gentle cleansing of the intestines, the most effective home remedy is considered to be senna decoction.

The product simultaneously has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs - improves the absorption of nutrients and activates metabolic processes. Step by step recipe:

  1. Grind the dry leaves of the plant (15 g), use a mortar or simply break it into small pieces with your hands.
  2. Boil water (240 ml), steam the prepared raw materials.
  3. Place the container on the stove, avoiding boiling, and simmer for 4-6 minutes.
  4. Infuse, closing the container with a lid.
  5. Strain after an hour.

Take three times a day, dosage – 45-50 ml. It is forbidden to self-medicate - exceed the recommended amount of decoction, doses, or engage in experiments in preparing the product.

Features of use for weight loss

Senna is a healing product. This plant has been known to people since the times of Ancient Egypt. It has been proven that both the leaves and fruits of cassia have a healing effect. It is on the basis of this herb that most medications to combat constipation have been created.

The laxative effect of senna helps stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect on digestion

All waste, toxins, and stagnant feces quickly leave the body and are practically not absorbed by the intestinal walls. This prevents you from gaining extra pounds and promotes weight loss. Keep in mind that the laxative effect after using the medication does not appear immediately - you need to wait 6-9 hours.

The result of the therapy depends on the body and its individual characteristics. You can take medications no more than once a month.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out such therapy for people suffering from chronic duodenitis, increased stomach acidity, and ulcers. When using, follow all precautions.

Only people over 16 years old can lose weight using senna tablets. It is strictly prohibited for younger children to use it for weight loss. They may experience digestive problems from the use of medications.

Cassia really helps achieve significant results in losing weight. The body will get rid of waste and toxins, which will significantly improve its functioning.

What should you be afraid of when losing weight like this?

Senna is an herb that has a powerful laxative effect. However, it must be used with extreme caution for the purpose of weight loss. Initially, the intestines get rid of stagnant feces in which harmful substances have accumulated. However, over time, it will begin to remove useful components. This will definitely lead to dangerous consequences.

The main weight loss with senna occurs due to intestinal cleansing. It can accumulate about 5 kilograms of feces and fluids. This is not fat, but simply undigested food. You will feel lighter, but the effect will disappear immediately when you stop using cassia.

Constant use of senna leads to intestinal dystrophy. Kidney dysfunction may also occur. Over time, the body gets used to additional laxative therapy - you will not be able to go to the toilet on your own to have a bowel movement. Frequent constipation is a serious problem that will require long-term treatment.

It is permissible to cleanse with senna no more than 2 times a year. In this case, the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. The grass has contraindications. Among which:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder;
  • inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Senna decoction for weight loss

If you need to get rid of extra pounds in a short time, it is recommended to take a course of taking a tasty medicine. The product will effectively cope with excess weight, activate the digestive tract, remove subcutaneous fat, and prevent the re-formation of fatty deposits.

The main rule for rapid weight loss is diet correction. You will have to give up the usual sweets, foods rich in fat, smoked meats, and flour dishes.

Another requirement is that, if possible, after 18.00, drink only plain water; tea and coffee are also not recommended. Step by step recipe:

  1. Grind dried fruits - figs, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, take the ingredients in equal quantities, 100 g each.
  2. Steam fresh senna leaves with boiling water (80 grams of plant mass per 250 ml of liquid), leave for an hour, strain.
  3. Combine a mixture of dried fruits, herbal infusion, add good bee honey (200 g), mix thoroughly.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a plastic container, close tightly, and place in the refrigerator.
  5. Consume the tasty mixture between snacks in small portions – only 20-25 grams. Drink plenty of liquid (plain water, herbal infusions, green tea).

Weight loss should be carried out in courses lasting 3 weeks. Be sure to take breaks to allow your body to rest. In one course it is quite possible to cope with 5-7 kg of excess weight, but subject to diet correction.

The use of the product has one contraindication - individual intolerance to bee products. Honey is considered a strong allergen, capable of causing long-term allergies, causing a deterioration in well-being and general health.

In case of allergic reactions, you will have to refuse to add a sweet ingredient - replacing honey with sugar is strictly prohibited, as the effectiveness of weight loss will rapidly decrease.

Pharmacy drugs

Alexandrian senna is used to make medicines. There are several forms in which cassia exists. Tablets, teas and herbal infusions are in demand. The most popular include:

  1. Senade. Plant-based tablets. They have a laxative effect. There is a tea and extract of the same name. Using the medicine helps normalize stools and cleanse the intestines of toxins. It is often used by those who suffer from nighttime overeating. You need to take the tablet before going to bed, and you can evaluate the results in the morning.
  2. Senadexin. These tablets will help remove excess fat in 2-3 days. Already after the first dose of the medicine, intestinal motility is significantly enhanced, due to which it is quickly cleansed. Drink 2 tablets of Senadexin, and after 12 hours the feces will leave the body.
  3. Sennagood. Tablets with a mild laxative effect. The result of taking it appears after 6-10 hours. The drug is not addictive, it does not inhibit the functioning of the digestive tract.
  4. Senna extract. A natural product available in the form of powder, briquettes and chewable tablets. Choose a convenient dosage form and use as directed. The instructions for use will tell you how to use the product correctly.
  5. Senna D. Natural laxative. It removes both feces and harmful toxic substances from the body. Proper use can speed up the breakdown of fats. Due to this, weight gain stops.

Sennol. A complex product consisting of cumin, Mexican senna, honey and olive oil. It is usually used to prevent constipation, but it is also suitable for weight loss. Drinking 5 teaspoons a day is enough to cleanse your digestive tract.

Instructions for the use of senna in pharmacology and traditional medicine

For treatment, a decoction of senna and ready-made medications are used. The drugs have a laxative effect for constipation that occurs due to muscle hypotonicity and weak intestinal motility. Help relieve symptoms of inflammation of the rectum, hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Senna herb and tablets containing it, according to the instructions, are used for the following diseases:

  • atonic constipation;
  • diseases of pancreas and liver failure;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • atony and weakness of the large intestine;
  • accumulation of toxic substances and parasites;
  • overweight;
  • cleansing the intestines of feces before and after surgery.

the pharmaceutical industry uses the plant to make medicines

Pharmacy drugs

“Senade” – contains senna extract, available in tablets of 20 pieces, costing from 30 rubles.

“Senadexin” is available in the form of chewing cubes of 10 and 20 pieces per package, the price of the drug is from 35 rubles.

Dry raw materials - contains crushed senna leaves, produced in packages of 50 g. or in filter bags of 24 pcs. The average cost is 55 rubles.

“Sennol” is senna tablets with the addition of olive oil, honey, and black cumin. The drug effectively cleanses the intestines and liver, eliminates constipation and helminthic infestations.

Senna extract – available in the form of slab briquettes and powder. The average cost of drugs is 35 rubles.

How to take senna for constipation

The medicine with hay normalizes stool, thanks to its laxative effect, and after 7-10 hours bowel movement occurs, so it is better to take it at night. After three days of use, bowel movements improve and use can be stopped.

For the preparation of medicinal products, you can use ready-made pharmaceutical raw materials

Instructions for using senna leaves suggest the following methods:

  1. Art. l. Place the crushed leaves in a container with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Strain and take 30-50 ml. for the night. This infusion can be used externally to remove rashes and inflammations on the skin.
  2. An infusion is prepared for the child: a teaspoon is placed in a container with a glass of boiling water. dry herbs, leave for a day, filter and let take a few sips at night.
  3. Senna tablets for constipation are taken: adults, 1-2 pieces at night, children from 6 to 12 years old, 1/2 pieces.
  4. For preventive purposes, take senna tea up to 2 times a week: tsp. herbs are brewed with a glass of boiling water.

Maximum therapy should not exceed three weeks; if results do not appear, you should consult a doctor.

Cassia aculifolia is an effective and safe means for losing weight

rava senna for weight loss

Senna is a herb for weight loss, it has a cleansing effect, removes waste, toxins, excess fluid, activates metabolic processes and metabolism, which in turn helps to get rid of excess weight. For these purposes, tablets, decoctions, teas, herbal preparations with mint, parsley, dandelion, nettle, and dill seeds are used. Fat-burning mixtures are prepared with cassia and dried fruits.

Mixture of dried fruits and hay

  • take 120 gr. senna, dried figs, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, honey;
  • the grass is steamed in half a liter of boiling water for an hour, filtered;
  • dried fruits are crushed (you can use a blender), add senna and honey;
  • mix and store in the refrigerator;
  • take tsp at night. within 3 weeks.

The mixture has a very good taste, speeds up metabolism, burns fat and promotes weight loss.

products have a powerful cleansing effect and help get rid of excess weight

How to prepare compote

Compote reduces appetite, helps cleanse the body and painlessly get rid of excess weight.

  • dry crushed senna leaves in the amount of 300 g. steam with a liter of boiling water, let it brew and strain;
  • raisins in the amount of 300 gr. pour a liter of boiling water, leave and filter;
  • combine both infusions, add Holosas (300 g);
  • take 1/2 glass twice a day on an empty stomach.

Cassia for cleansing and rejuvenating the body

  • crushed cassia in the amount of tbsp. l. placed in a container with 250 ml. boiling water;
  • leave in a water bath for 1/4 hour and filter.

Senna herb is taken at night to cleanse the intestines. The instructions recommend an initial dose of half a glass for a week, followed by a gradual increase in the dose to 200 ml. in a day.

infusions and teas with cassia have a good laxative and cleansing effect

If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can use express cleansing: drink a glass of infusion for two weeks.

Is it possible to give senna to children?

The herb is not contraindicated for children over 6 years old, senna is a delicate and mild laxative, but it is better to solve the problem of constipation in a child with the help of nutrition - include foods with fiber, prunes, dried apricots in the diet and drink plenty of fluids.

Using herbs for weight loss

To prevent the body from getting used to senna, the duration of therapy should not exceed a week. If you experience any discomfort during use, you should discard the product. Also, do not continue use if there is no laxative effect.


To prepare it, take 20 grams of senna, dandelion, parsley, nettle and 10 grams of peppermint and dill seeds. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, then take a tablespoon of the prepared mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the product to infuse for 3 hours.

Senna decoction

After cooling, strain the medicine; it should be taken after eating food. Drink in small sips, but every day the dose should be increased, gradually reaching a glass. The duration of therapy is a month.

Senna and raisins

Take 150 grams of raisins, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over them. Stir it for 5 minutes, then add 30 grams of senna and keep on fire for another 10 minutes. Afterwards, cool the product and add 150 ml of Holosas to it.

The finished product is taken in a third of a glass 1.5 hours before going to bed.

Senna and honey

To prepare this medicine, you need a meat grinder. 400 grams of dried apricots and prunes are passed through it, then chopped grass is added to the pulp. The resulting pulp is flavored with 200 grams of liquid honey. The finished medicine is taken one teaspoon after lunch. Take it with a glass of warm water.

This recommendation allows you to get rid of a few extra pounds without changing your diet. At the same time, you shouldn’t get carried away with the product; after all, health is more important.

How to use senna

Senna decoction for relaxation

To obtain such a medicine, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant and pour 1 glass of just boiled water over them. After this, the composition is placed in a water bath and heated for 30 minutes. Next, it is infused until it cools completely and filtered. Take this remedy 1/2 cup before bedtime. The laxative effect is usually observed 6-8 hours after taking the medicine, and therefore it should be planned in such a way that there is no need to go somewhere in the morning. After just 2 days of therapy with senna decoction, normal stools are completely restored.

Senna infusion to eliminate liver dysfunction and restore the menstrual cycle

To obtain this composition, take 2 tablespoons of dried leaves of the plant and pour 1 glass of freshly boiled water over them. After infusing the drug for 6 hours in a thermos, filter it and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. If it is necessary to restore the menstrual cycle, then therapy is carried out before the onset of menstruation. If the liver is treated, the course of therapy is 3 weeks.

Senna tea for mild relaxation and relief from joint pain

This composition weakens the intestines slightly, and therefore you should not be afraid that diarrhea will develop while taking it. To obtain the medicinal composition, take 1 teaspoon of dry leaves of the plant and pour 1 glass of cold boiled water, then infuse for 24 hours. After filtering the medicine, take it before bed, 1/2 cup.

Important Tips

You can lose weight with senna, but you shouldn’t expect significant results. To ensure that such therapy takes place without consequences, do not forget the following recommendations:

  • drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Best clean, without gas. Remember that when you take senna, it washes away beneficial substances and removes water. This leads to dehydration. Because of this, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes during treatment;
  • It is strictly forbidden to exceed the recommended dose. This can lead to problems with bowel movements, including bowel dysfunction;
  • due to excessive consumption of products with this herb, gastrointestinal upset may occur;
  • You should not consume cassia if you have signs of an allergy. Due to the leaching of beneficial substances from the body, unpleasant sensations may worsen;
  • Keep in mind that taking senna does not affect the amount of body fat. It will remove accumulated toxins from the intestines, but will not affect the amount of lipids.

Reviews from doctors

Alexander Potekhin, nutritionist. Senna is a medicinal herb. It helps to quickly and carefully cleanse the body. However, using it for a long time is very dangerous. Often addiction develops. This leads to the fact that a person cannot go to the toilet at will. Intestinal dysfunction also develops, which leads to even more tragic consequences. You can use senna-based medications only if you urgently need to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. There is no point in using grass for radical weight loss.

Marina Onisimova, general practitioner. If my patients come with the problem of constipation, I advise Senadexin or other similar drugs. I have long been against these medicinal laxatives - they very quickly wash out the intestinal microflora. Senadexin works much more gently and is less likely to cause side effects. However, it works exactly the same.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Ekaterina, 32 years old. I really like to eat at night. Because of this, I constantly have extra pounds. It doesn't really bother me, but sometimes I can't fit into my favorite clothes. In such emergency cases, Senadexin helps me out. I take 2-3 tablets of the drug at night, and already at 6 in the morning my body gets rid of everything unnecessary. I note that everything goes without pain. I used Bisacodyl before, and it caused nausea and severe cramps. And Senadexin works carefully and safely.

Olga, 27 years old. I suffer from chronic constipation. It is terrible when the intestines do not empty for 3-4 days. The stomach begins to hurt, weakness and nausea appear. The doctor said that constantly taking pills is harmful to health. Since then, I have been constantly preparing a mixture of raisins, honey and senna. I eat a teaspoon of ready-made gruel before bed. But now my body works like a clock. My skin condition has also improved and constant rashes have disappeared.

Victoria, 21 years old. I very rarely use laxatives - only after a serious overeat. I use Senade tablets. They do not have a strong unpleasant odor. The tablets work very gently, I have never had any pain or other discomfort. Very rarely I take these pills when I urgently need to get rid of 2-3 extra pounds. Of course, they come back very quickly, but there is no other way to quickly fit into your favorite dress.

Elena, 39 years old. To quickly get rid of a couple of extra pounds, I use senna. I brew it with boiling water and drink it before bed. I have never felt such a mild effect from any laxative pills. The body is cleansed without pain or nausea. Everything goes smoothly.

Treatment of constipation with senna infusion

For frequent constipation, it is recommended to resort to senna infusion. Homemade medicine prepared according to a folk recipe will eliminate the problem and improve digestive processes.

Doctors warn that you should not abuse the product, otherwise defecation in a natural way will occur with complications. Step by step recipe:

  1. Grind senna leaves, you can use dry or fresh plant materials, you only need a teaspoon of plant pulp.
  2. Boil water (250-260 ml), wait for it to cool, pour in the senna.
  3. Infuse the product for a day, stir the mixture periodically.
  4. Strain using folded gauze (roll the thin material into 2-3 layers).

Take the home remedy at one time, preferably after a meal just before bed. The effect of the product can be observed the next morning. Do not add sweet ingredients in the form of honey, sugar - additional ingredients will reduce the effectiveness of the main component.

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