How to help with vomiting bile after alcohol

Causes of vomiting

Ethyl alcohol is toxic to humans. All organs and systems try to get rid of alcohol breakdown products. In most cases, a hangover is difficult to bear, but vomiting indicates that severe intoxication has occurred.

First of all, this signals a malfunction:

  • biliary tract;
  • digestive system.

Only a doctor can advise treatment after conducting an appropriate examination. The most common problems are with the gallbladder and pancreas.

Possible complications

A person vomits bile after drinking alcohol for a reason: the body signals that there is a problem. If the patient is relatively healthy and has never abused alcohol before, everything can end well. Symptoms in this case will indicate only a functional, completely reversible disorder. If the external provoking factor is excluded, the complaint will not recur.

Important! The presence of unbearable girdle pain may indicate inflammation of the pancreas. In such a situation, you should immediately seek medical help.

Chronic alcoholism, drinking alcoholic beverages against the background of existing gastrointestinal disorders are fraught with the following consequences:

  • Cholecystitis, with prolonged congestion accompanied by the formation of gallstones;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Pancreatic necrosis (a life-threatening complication, essentially the “self-digestion” of the inflamed pancreas);
  • Gastritis due to constant irritation of the stomach walls by bile.

The first ones are under threat

The gallbladder is the only organ in the human body that cleanses all systems as a whole. When vomiting, there is a cleansing of unnecessary product, poison, and toxins. This reaction is evidence that this storage reservoir is sluggish in its functions or is overly inflamed, releasing the enzyme into the stomach and not into the intestines.

The pancreas is located behind the stomach and is responsible for several functions:

  1. releases catalysts that help digest food;
  2. synthesizes insulin, which regulates blood glucose levels.

An alcoholic product, after entering the gastrointestinal tract and being absorbed into the blood, can cause blockage of blood vessels. In this case, the pancreas will be deprived of the nutrition it needs. Ethyl alcohol irritates the inner surface of the intestines. The obturator foramen (sphincter) contracts and pancreatic juice cannot exit the pancreas. The digestion process begins directly in the gland, actively affecting its tissue and destroying it. Pancreatitis occurs that accompanies alcoholism. The cells cease to perform digestive functions and become fibrous.

Vomiting due to alcohol poisoning

The process itself occurs due to the poisoning of the body with toxic substances, they are released from ethanol. Vomiting from alcohol usually appears the next morning after a feast (if it started in the evening). The gastric mucosa is irritated and the digestive system tells the body that it needs to be cleansed of toxic substances. This is what causes nausea and vomiting syndrome after alcohol.

If this is normal vomiting of stomach contents (food debris, stomach acid), then it is not recommended to stop it. This is a natural process of cleansing of toxins or a response to alcohol if there is an intolerance to alcoholic beverages. Treating a gag reflex with beer or vodka is also contraindicated, because this will aggravate the person’s condition and can aggravate the hangover. If there are impurities of bile or blood in the vomit, you should immediately go to the hospital and see a doctor for help.

Alcohol poisoning

In the case when the vomit acquires a characteristic green color, we can safely speak of poisoning.

Intoxication is also accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • uncontrollability of movements;
  • blurred vision.

Poisoning is treated with plenty of fluids: water reduces the concentration of toxins, and increased urination will help remove harmful substances.

As for medications, doctors advise drinking any drug containing a sorbent, taking a lying position on your side and trying to fall asleep. The sorbent will absorb toxic compounds and naturally remove everything unnecessary.

A fresh portion of food can be offered to the stomach only after several hours have passed, when the nausea passes and the urge to vomit disappears.

Ideal for the victim would be:

  • liquid oatmeal;
  • low-fat chicken broth;
  • light hot soup;
  • a drink with a few drops of lemon or infused with ginger.

What to do?

There is no need to stop the first 2-3 gags. If after this there is no relief, and only bile and water come out of the stomach, then measures must be taken. First you should take the Cerucal tablet. You should drink a small amount of water every 10 minutes to avoid vomiting again. This is done to prevent dehydration. It is recommended to lie down to rest if possible to fall asleep. It is better to give up fatty foods and give preference to low-fat meat broth.

Drug treatment

Enterosgel will help in the fight against toxins.
To relieve intoxication after drinking, you can use the following drugs:

  • To remove toxins, absorbents are taken: “Polysorb”, “Activated carbon”, “Enterosgel”.
  • The following symptomatic medications relieve poisoning and remove alcohol breakdown substances: “Zorex”, “Limontar”.
  • Remove symptoms of a hangover and reduce the negative effect on the liver: Metadoxil, Alka-Seltzer, Glycine.
  • The most effective method of relieving alcohol intoxication is a dropper. Its composition is selected individually. Most often it contains: anticoagulants, hepatoprotectors, vitamins, glucose.

If the body has pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system, self-medication is unacceptable. All medical prescriptions must be carried out by a doctor.

Preventive measures

Bile is a very active enzyme, bitter in taste, which can cause burns if it enters the stomach and esophagus. This often leads to malfunctions of the digestive system.

To normalize the condition, doctors recommend:

  • a diet excluding everything fatty, smoked, heavily salted and fried;
  • monitor physical activity: daily exercise will help recovery, but excessive exercise will cause an exacerbation of the disease.

The most effective measure would be to give up bad habits and a healthy lifestyle: this is the surest way to never encounter alcohol intoxication and maintain excellent health.

Prevention of vomiting with bile

The best prevention of bilious vomiting after alcoholic beverages is abstinence from alcohol, everyone can have fun without such harm to health. But sometimes it’s difficult to give up alcoholic drinks, so it’s worth knowing the measures to prevent poisoning.

  1. They recommend finding your optimal dose, at which you feel at a normal level, and not exceeding it. After the onset of intoxication, a person often continues to drink, but this happens more by inertia, since he no longer becomes “more fun”. Therefore, it is important to learn to stop drinking alcohol in time and not to drink too quickly.
  2. If a person knows that his body does not tolerate alcohol well, but it is difficult to give up alcohol, then before drinking alcohol it is worth drinking activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or 2-3 tablets of white carbon (you can also replace these drugs with other sorbents: Sorbex , Smecta, Polysorb).
  3. When drinking alcohol, you must eat, since food slows down the onset of intoxication, but the dishes should be light, but you should avoid fatty and fried foods, because such foods slow down the functioning of the liver.

Alcoholic drinks help a person relax and have fun, but they hide the dangerous ability to cause severe poisoning, due to which those who have had too much can vomit bile. It is better to prevent this by following simple preventive measures and controlling the dose of alcohol consumed, but if an unpleasant situation does occur, everyone should be able to provide first aid to themselves or the victim. Treatment for vomiting with bile can only be prescribed by a doctor or members of the ambulance team; no medications can be used independently, as the person may only get worse.

General principle

The alcohol-containing drink enters the digestive system. Reaching the stomach, alcohol begins to be absorbed into the blood, also concentrating in the brain. After the body reaches the limit of ethanol content in the vessels, toxic substances begin to be eliminated - the liver plays a key role.

It produces the enzyme alcohol hydrogenase, a key component of ethanol metabolism. It turns into acetaldehyde and then into acetic acid. If you exceed the recommended limit of alcohol, acetaldehyde, which is toxic to the body, enters the bloodstream, subsequently causing a hangover. This occurs when there is a malfunction of the organ, as well as when taking large doses of alcohol frequently. The maximum norm for a healthy person is 60 g of ethanol per day for men and 50 g for women.

With high consumption, the feeling of hunger is dulled. Ethanol has a high energy value, so most alcoholic drinks are high in calories. Because of this, there is a danger of exceeding concentration - in the absence of hunger, a person eats little, quickly gets drunk and limits the entry of useful substances into the body.

The result of the decomposition of alcohol is the reason for feeling unwell in the morning. The substances resulting from processing are many times more toxic than alcohol itself. Therefore, with a hangover, a person feels much worse than with severe intoxication.

The proportions of excretion from the body are 10-30% through the pores of the skin and urine, 70-90% through the liver and intestinal walls. Factors influencing the rate of weathering of alcohol are divided into two groups. The first is responsible for the entry of ethanol into the blood, the second is for the processing and removal of metabolic products.

How to provide emergency assistance

You may not feel sick right away. In an hour or two. But it is very important to provide first aid on time so that there are no negative consequences later.

What should you do if you continue to vomit after poisoning?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the presence of bile in the vomit. If the vomit has an uncharacteristic yellow tint, bile acid is present in it. As a rule, in such a situation, immediately call an ambulance.

Before their arrival, you need to independently follow a simple algorithm of actions to provide first emergency aid after alcohol poisoning:

  • The most important thing is to eliminate the causes that arose as a result of alcohol poisoning. This requires gastric lavage. But it is very important to know whether the poisoned person has heart disease, liver disease or a previous myocardial infarction. If there are abnormalities in any of the above organs, washing is strictly contraindicated;
  • if there are no deviations, it is necessary to sit the poisoned person down (so that he does not choke on bile acid) and give him boiled warm water (preferably with a little salt added and at least two liters). You should not drink water in one gulp, but it is advisable to drink it as quickly as possible, and then try to artificially induce attacks of nausea again;
  • If the patient has successfully vomited, the possibility of dehydration must be ruled out. To do this, the patient needs to be given still water and made rosehip tea. 200-300 milliliters is enough to eliminate the possibility of dehydration;
  • It is strictly forbidden to: eat, smoke, drink a lot of water, hold back vomiting. It is advisable to leave the patient alone in the room, but constantly check him;
  • upon the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to describe in a nutshell what happened to him and in advance, tell why and how long he has been feeling sick, and preferably, describe what kind of alcohol he took.

You can't hesitate. Vomiting bile after drinking alcohol is a very serious matter. Neglecting such a condition can result in very serious consequences.

Entry into the body

A set of the most obvious signs that are easy to control. In short, the speed of intoxication is influenced by the type of drink, the conditions in the room and the method of consumption.

  1. Strength of the drink. The higher the degree, the higher the alcohol content. This means that more of it will enter the blood, and the effect will be achieved faster.
  2. Sparkling. All other things being equal, alcoholic drinks saturated with carbon dioxide deliver ethanol to the body much faster. Because of this, it becomes easier to get intoxicated even from just a few glasses.
  3. Stomach fullness. If, in addition to alcohol, any food is digested, the process of assimilation of ethanol slows down. Fatty foods further inhibit the absorption process by enveloping the walls of the stomach.
  4. Activity between drinks and room temperature are slightly less influential. The easiest way to quickly get drunk is to sit in one place in an unventilated room.

The rate at which it enters the body is one of the main reasons influencing the results of drinking. The slower it is, the more time the body has to process the alcohol already ingested.

Features of weathering

The second stage is the breakdown of alcohol. Metabolism is activated - the process is complex and individual. This is where the problem of determining the uniform weathering time for alcohol arises.

  1. Condition of the liver and intestines. With their help, the body leaves 70-80% of the substance.
  2. The amount of fluid in the body.
  3. Body weight, gender.
  4. Frequency of use. With regularity, it accustoms the liver to quickly produce enzymes.

All general indicators when talking about hatching time are based on standard parameters. The basis is a person with a healthy liver, a man weighing about 80 kilograms. In this case, the rate of weathering of 100 grams of vodka will be 4.5 hours.

If at least one indicator is different, the time will be different. Therefore, even an approximate calculation becomes problematic - for this you will have to check the drink-to-weight ratio table and take into account the number and type of snacks. Alcoholic cocktails, especially those with a hidden recipe without specifying the volume of ingredients, complicate the situation even more.

You can roughly estimate the consequences and elimination time using the tables. To do this, take a separate indicator of the ratio of the strength of the drink to the rate of weathering and body weight. In some cases, gender is taken into account. However, they do not take into account the condition of the liver and intestines, as well as possible health problems. In these cases, only doctors will give an accurate answer.

Why does vomiting of bile occur after alcohol?

Drinking involves consuming large doses of alcohol, but many people do not know how to hold that “peak” point, after which they feel sick - this is the main cause of further problems. With an excess of alcohol in the body, the liver does not have time to neutralize ethanol and its breakdown products with the help of enzymes, so the body turns on an innate protective reaction - vomiting. It has been proven that in a state of alcoholic intoxication, the gag reflex manifests itself much more easily.

Often the consumption of strong drinks will be accompanied by food, and if it is some kind of holiday, then a lot of it is prepared, and the bulk is occupied by fairly fatty and nutritious dishes. Therefore, the body cannot devote all its resources to fighting alcohol, because it needs to digest incoming food resources. The gastrointestinal tract functions as usual, and the liver not only neutralizes alcohol, but also secretes its secretion – bile.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, the body rushes to quickly throw out the remaining ethanol, and food goes with it. But it is extracted out already in a semi-digested form, representing a mixture of food and bile - the latter can be recognized in vomit by the characteristic yellowish or greenish clots with an alkaline taste and an unpleasant odor.

Sometimes a person does not eat food while drinking alcohol, but he may still vomit with bile, since about 18–20 drops of liver secretion are released from the bile ducts every hour, regardless of the presence of food in the cavity of the small intestine.

Impact on weathering time

The rate of elimination can be influenced in different ways. Some methods are applicable only before starting use. The other helps to cope with a hangover when the limit of the permissible volume is crossed. Weathering is usually of interest to the second type of people who actively feel the effects of drinking alcohol.

Before drinking

Preliminary measures allow the body to cope with elimination directly while drinking alcohol, as well as during subsequent sleep. An integrated approach will allow you to forget about the problem as a whole, using some of the methods will facilitate and speed up weathering.

  1. Choose refined drinks. A reference example is vodka without flavoring additives (acid, sugar, fructose, flavorings), containing only water and alcohol. It is not the price of the drink that influences, but the number of third-party components and years of aging.
  2. Combination with the right food. Too heavy puts a strain on the liver and pancreas. For effective weathering, these organs must be occupied by alcohol.
  3. Activated carbon. A simple calculation formula is one and a half tablets for every ten kilograms of weight. Any medicine with similar properties (Enterosgel) is suitable as an analogue.
  4. Vitamin B6 tablets that activate the working enzyme of the liver.
  5. Drink a small amount of alcohol an hour and a half before the start. Allows the liver to begin producing the necessary enzymes, which will speed up the process.
  6. Don't forget to drink plain water.
  7. Eat a piece of butter to create a film on the walls of the stomach.
  8. Ventilate the room before going to bed.

Those who want to speed up the elimination of alcohol and ease a hangover should follow the recommendations. After 8 hours of sleep, in the worst case scenario, a minimal amount of alcohol will remain in the blood. One of the possible symptoms is dry mouth - it is rarely possible to avoid dehydration. A bottle of mineral water helps.


If it was not possible to prevent the problem and typical symptoms are present, you need to help the body cope with the amount of toxins. They help:

  • going to the toilet - alcohol continues to be absorbed from the intestinal walls;
  • drinking plenty of fluids - eliminates general dehydration, alcohol is eliminated through sweat and urine;
  • eat something to speed up metabolism - easily digestible cereals, salted vegetables, citric acid are suitable;
  • contrast shower and exercises;
  • citric acid in reasonable quantities.

A little-known but effective remedy is succinic acid. It is inexpensive, speeds up metabolism, and reduces the time it takes to eliminate alcohol. It can also be taken as a preventive measure. Fermented milk products help well - low-fat kefir, kumiss, ayran.


A painless and effective way to cope with withdrawal symptoms and wait for complete relief is long and uninterrupted sleep. The problem is numerous painful symptoms that make it difficult to sleep. In especially severe cases, sleeping pills are used.

They take only non-toxic drugs, without many side effects. Some brands contain substances that slow down the breakdown of alcohol, so they are useless for a hangover.


The method is rare, but if you have a dropper, it can help. For instillation, a solution of sodium chloride and glucose is used. To accelerate the recovery of the body, ascorbic acid and inosine are added to the saline solution. The effectiveness is due to the direct release of beneficial substances into the blood, helping to quickly recover and speed up the elimination of toxins.

Preliminary time calculation

You can calculate the period of complete cleansing of the body for the future. To do this, body weight and the degree of the intended drink are checked against the table. An obvious way is to get a breathalyzer and time it, writing down the results.

At the same time, it is impossible to calculate how much alcohol dissipates from one indicator - each drink has its own ppm gradation. It also depends on the content of additives and dyes. Fusel oils in a number of drinks increase the possible weathering time from several hours to a day.

For drivers

A frequent question is about the amount of time during which you cannot drive. Half a liter of a low-alcohol drink is eliminated from the body in an average of 5 hours - this is the minimum indicator for successfully passing an alcohol test. Despite the lack of effect on the body, after a couple of hours the tester will still be able to show the presence of a volume in the blood sufficient for a fine.

At the same time, you should not rely on all sorts of products that are often sold at checkouts. At best, they will get rid of the smell, but they will not be able to significantly affect metabolism.


Every drink of alcohol is a serious stress for the body. People get drunk after drinking because alcohol contains ethanol. This substance is very toxic. Not only for internal organs, but also for the nervous system. Ethanol inevitably causes dependence and addiction. For women and children, the effects of alcohol have particularly serious consequences in terms of their effects on the psyche and nervous system.

Nausea and vomiting when taking high doses of alcohol occurs because the body is trying to get rid of intoxication. Vomit that is dark or burgundy in color may contain bile and blood clots. Why black vomit occurs after alcohol, you will learn from this article.

For nursing mothers

Finding a table of the ratio of body weight to servings of a particular drink is easy.

It is dangerous to trust such sources - due to the large number of factors, the indicators are always approximate. Therefore, during breastfeeding it is wiser to hold off on drinking alcohol. An alternative is to temporarily switch to formula so as not to risk the baby’s health.

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