Aching pain in the lower abdomen in women before menstruation

Many women are already accustomed to the fact that if the lower abdomen begins to pull, it means that menstruation is coming soon. Few people are seriously concerned when this symptom appears. There are several reasons why the lower abdomen hurts before menstruation, and not all of them indicate the presence of some kind of disease.

One of the simplest explanations for this phenomenon is a woman’s low pain threshold. Then any signs of the onset of menstruation are perceived acutely. Such ladies feel bad before the onset of menstruation, not only does their stomach begin to ache, but also, sometimes, their head and lower back hurt, apathy sets in and irritability increases. Unpleasant sensations are often explained by the characteristics of the female body.

Precursors of menstruation are normal

During ovulation, that is, during the release of the egg from the ovary, which occurs on the 14th–16th day of the menstrual cycle, the germ cell attaches to the lining of the fallopian tube. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium rejects the egg, and it is evacuated from the body along with particles of the mucous membrane. Injury to the organ wall occurs, followed by its physiological regeneration. Each of these processes can cause pain before menstruation.

Pain 3 or 2 days before menstruation is a normal reaction of the body. If it is not accompanied by a pathological process, then you should not consult a doctor. This can be understood by the following signs:

  1. Normal or subfebrile temperature (below 37.5 ºС).
  2. There is no general malaise.
  3. There are no signs of uterine bleeding.

Regarding the last characteristic, it should be noted that menstrual blood differs from uterine blood in greater viscosity due to the presence of dead endometrial cells in it, as well as a darker color due to the increased content of enzymatic proteins.

Thus, before menstruation, the lower abdomen may hurt for completely objective reasons. This is part of the physiological cycle, to which each woman’s body reacts individually, and the process in question may be accompanied by painful sensations.

Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a combination of several symptoms that occur in a number of representatives of the fairer sex shortly before the onset of menstruation. The pathogenesis of this condition is not well understood; there are theories of the psychosomatic and autoimmune origin of PMS. Its symptoms include:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • menstrual migraine;
  • mild nausea;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • hypersweating.

So, PMS is one of the reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight before menstruation, and also why the stomach begins to hurt.

In a woman’s body, not only emotional, but also physiological disruptions occur, accompanied by very unpleasant manifestations. Many begin to experience chest and stomach pain, while others suffer from morning sickness. However, emotional symptoms are often even more significant.

Women suffering from premenstrual syndrome become irritable and tearful, and with a lack of hormones, PMS can develop into psychosis, requiring hospital treatment and drug therapy.

If often before menstruation the lower abdomen begins to pull or the groin area ache, then you should consult a doctor to rule out pathologies of the endocrine system and a tumor process in the pituitary gland.


If the disease manifests itself more than once in the patient, then a doctor’s consultation is required. After clarifying complaints, clarifying the history of the disease and life, as well as conducting a physical examination, the physician will be able to establish a presumptive diagnosis. Then the clinician prescribes special methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, especially ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, which make it possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease, make an accurate final diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Severe pain 3–5 days before your period

Severe pain during menstruation, which manifests itself immediately before menstruation, is a reason to think that you may need to see a doctor. One of the reasons why the stomach hurts a lot before menstruation is inflammation of the female genital organs , the consequences of which may be the loss of their main function, which is to bear the fetus. Other pathological processes, including infectious ones, can also initiate the occurrence of severe and nagging discomfort.

Uterine fibroids

Myoma is a benign tumor of the muscular wall of the uterus. Very common among middle-aged women, especially those who use oral contraceptives. Pathology has the form of one or several nodes localized in different areas of the organ:

  • in the cervix (such a tumor is called cervical);
  • thicker than the myocytes of the wall (intermuscular);
  • areas adjacent to the peritoneal cover (subperitoneal);
  • lower part of the lateral rib (interligamentous);
  • closer to the uterine cavity, sometimes descends into the vagina or cervix (submucosa).

Uterine fibroids are characterized by the following manifestations: pain occurs in the groin of the abdomen, heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen, severe uterine bleeding occurs, or menorrhagia develops (heavy menstruation lasting up to one week).

Thus, if your stomach hurts severely before your period, you should analyze your condition and seek medical help, since pain may be the first sign of uterine fibroids.

Endometrial pathology

Diseases of the endometrium of the uterus occur quite often. One of the most common is hyperplasia - a layer grows, the main function of which is to produce mucous secretion. In the worst case of this condition, its cells begin to protrude into the uterine cavity, in which case the woman is diagnosed with endometriosis.

Doctors diagnose endometriosis using ultrasound and hysteroscopy. However, women experience a number of symptoms that force her to consult a gynecologist. These include:

  • severe pain before menstruation;
  • abundant and long-term (more than seven days) regula;
  • tingling in the lower abdomen;
  • irradiation of pain to the sacral and lumbar spine, as well as to the buttocks and thighs.

In addition to the above manifestations, a woman may be bothered by cramping pain in the lower abdomen every month, and bleeding often begins a week before the expected onset of menstruation. All this threatens the penetration of infection through the damaged mucous membrane of the organ, which can cause sepsis and subsequent loss of reproductive function by the uterus.

Diseases of the genitourinary area

Pain before menstruation is a symptom of diseases of the urogenital organs, the most common of which is cystitis - an inflammatory process of the bladder that develops as a result of infection of its wall with pathogenic microorganisms.

Other genitourinary diseases are usually characterized by inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity. Pathologies may occur:

  • on the inner surface of the organ itself, in its muscle layer. Combined inflammation is also possible;
  • on one or both sides of the fallopian tube;
  • in the ovary (unilateral and bilateral inflammation);
  • pelvic peritoneum.

According to modern nomenclature, this group of diseases is usually called inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Types of diseases that cause heaviness in the lower abdomen in women

In addition to physiological reasons, there are pathological factors, the presence of which can also cause a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. In most cases, these are diseases of the internal organs, as well as inflammatory processes of connective tissue, localized in the lower abdominal cavity.

The table below describes in detail the types of diseases, one of the symptoms of which is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen:

Type of pathologyCharacteristics of the disease
CystitisInflammatory disease of the walls of the bladder, as well as the mucous membrane of the urinary canal. It can occur as a result of bacterial or fungal infection of the excretory system, or hypothermia of the body. In this case, the woman experiences a strong feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of a full bladder. In fact, these are false urges associated with current inflammation.
Endometriosis of the uterusThe pathological process of growth of the inner layer of the walls of the uterus, when the endometrium extends beyond the female reproductive organ, causes low-grade inflammation, attacks of acute pain and a feeling of heaviness.
Ovarian apoplexyThis is a sudden rupture of the ovary, provoked by the presence of a tumor, inflammation, mechanical trauma, or is a complication of surgery. In addition to a strong feeling of heaviness, the woman also experiences acute pain, accompanied by the opening of internal bleeding into the abdominal cavity.
AppendicitisInflammatory lesion of the vermiform appendix of the cecum, which in the first stages of the development of the pathological process is manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen on the right. A woman may also experience sharp, aching or spasmodic pain.
PyelonephritisA dangerous kidney disease characterized by inflammation of the tissues of this organ of the excretory system. It is characterized by severe pain in the lumbar region, as well as a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. When bacterial infection of the female genitourinary system can be accompanied by cystitis.
ConstipationUnstable stools and prolonged absence of bowel movements lead to the accumulation of fecal stones and debris in the intestines. In this regard, a woman may constantly feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, which is associated with cutting pain. Cleansing the intestines and normalizing stool quickly eliminates discomfort.
Urolithiasis diseaseIt is characterized by a prolonged feeling of heaviness in the lower abdominal cavity, which is caused by the accumulation of stones. Their localization is the cavity of the bladder, as well as the urine drainage channel, if the process of stone movement has begun. The pathological symptom disappears immediately after removal of the stones.
Premature placental abruptionA severe complication of pregnancy, which can occur as a result of abdominal trauma, psycho-emotional stress, nervous breakdown, taking medications and herbal decoctions with abortifacient properties, or genetic predisposition. The first sign of pathology is increasing heaviness in the lower abdomen and spasmodic pain.
Inflammation of the appendagesChronic disease of the internal genital organs of the female reproductive system. It can have a different etiology, but most often occurs as a consequence of prolonged hypothermia, bacterial infection, and an imbalance of female sex hormones.
Cervical cancerOnly this part of the reproductive organ is located in the affected area. A woman feels a constant heaviness in the lower abdominal cavity, which precedes the onset of attacks of acute or aching pain. The disease requires the initiation of complex drug therapy using chemicals, cytostatics, and surgical intervention.
SpikesSevere inflammation of the connective tissue of the abdominal cavity, which is a complication of a previous surgical operation on the internal organs. The manifestation of a feeling of heaviness can vary from pronounced to insignificant.
Cystic or polycystic ovariesThese are single or multiple neoplasms in the tissues of the appendages, which have a benign etiology, but can degenerate into cancerous tumors. A woman feels a strong or moderate heaviness in the lower abdomen, which intensifies as the cyst increases in size.
Tumor neoplasms in the tissues of the uterusA woman’s reproductive organ can be affected by a cancerous tumor with metastases spreading to surrounding tissues and organs, or its origin is associated with a benign neoplasm. A woman feels a strong feeling of heaviness, which intensifies after physical activity or lifting weights.

This is interesting: Nausea, weakness and dizziness.
Causes and what to do, treatment The type of disease that caused the unpleasant symptom is determined by a gynecologist, oncologist or gastroenterologist who examines the patient. After establishing the causes of the feeling of heaviness, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment.

Localization of painful sensations

Abdominal pain can accompany a woman throughout the entire menstrual cycle. There are both physiological and pathological causes of discomfort. To distinguish one group from another, you need to correctly describe the pain syndrome. For this, an extremely important indicator is its localization.


Before menstruation, the abdomen usually hurts in the direct projection of the uterus. The pain is sharp and acute, sometimes it can be throbbing, dull or spasmodic. In this case, the causes of the condition in question are most likely physiological. The stomach can stretch due to intense contractions of the organ when part of the endometrium is rejected. So, if before menstruation there is pain in the lower abdomen, but there are no symptoms of general malaise, then there is no need to worry .

Small of the back

Before menstruation, the lower back hurts due to the irradiation of pain from the projection of the uterus. The reason is the anatomical features of the position of the organ. The uterus enlarges before menstruation and can compress the nerve endings of neighboring organs and affect the nerves originating from the sacral and lumbar plexuses.

Perineal area

Before menstruation, many women experience pain in the perineum and genital area. The reasons can be both physiological (those discussed above) and pathological. The latter include:

  • traumatic effects on the genitals due to diagnostic procedures or abortion;
  • poorly sutured tears after childbirth;
  • use of unsuitable hygiene products (tampons);
  • genitourinary diseases.

To clarify the reason, you should contact an experienced specialist.

Prevention of abdominal pain before menstruation

In order to avoid excruciating abdominal pain before menstruation, take the advice of experts. Be sure to visit a gynecologist at least 2 times a year. This way you will eliminate the risk of developing gynecological diseases.

Relax with benefit, lead an active lifestyle, play sports, yoga, fitness, gymnastics and especially swimming. But at the same time, do not overload yourself physically.

Give yourself enough time to rest and sleep. Avoid stressful situations, spend more time outdoors. Get rid of existing diseases in a timely manner.

Eat right. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables to saturate your body with nutrients and vitamins.

Abdominal pain before menstruation is most often simply part of premenstrual syndrome. To alleviate it, it is enough to be in the fresh air more often, eat right and exercise moderately. But if additional symptoms appear, it is better to undergo an examination in order to detect the disease in time.

Effective painkillers

Many women are concerned about the answer to the question of what to do if their stomach hurts before menstruation. In addition to general recommendations, there are a number of medications that help cope with pain. For nagging pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, the following medications are used:

  1. Analgin.
  2. Ibuprofen.
  3. Ketorol.

Be sure to consult your gynecologist before starting to use these products. Read the instructions for use carefully and monitor the dosage of the medicine.


Why does the lower abdomen feel tight before menstruation? In addition, it often not only hurts, but also swells. This question arises for many women. If a girl decides to lose weight, then such feelings become simply a tragedy. Some people think that since the stomach is swollen, it is dangerous and they need to go to the doctor. Therefore, in order to fully determine why this happens, thereby getting rid of stress and anxiety, you need to determine why your stomach is bloated and hurts. And this usually happens before menstruation. Let us also establish accompanying phenomena.

Why does the stomach become swollen and enlarged?

Everything that happens in the female genital area is associated with hormones. After all, the entire menstrual cycle is tied to this. Since a woman’s hormonal level is constantly in motion, it can be called dynamic. It cannot be clearly established and not fluctuate. Therefore, the fact that the stomach increases is associated with specific hormonal indications. And this affects women’s well-being.

What hormones do you mean? Firstly, progesterone jumps dramatically. Moreover, the second half of the cycle is associated with a constant increase in this hormone. But during menstruation it drops sharply. It is because of this jump that some women experience premenstrual syndrome. You can observe a loss of strength, depression, aggression, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, you notice nausea, bloating, heaviness before menstruation. Appetite often increases.

Why does the stomach swell?

1. This is due to the retention of a large amount of fluid. It is this that affects its volume, and its weight also changes. Therefore, fashionistas may find this something scary, since before menstruation the weight increases.

This does not mean that you need to stop eating right away. Since weighing a couple of kilograms more is quite normal. 2. Another reason can be called anticipation of conception. Since before menstruation, the uterus is enlarged, swollen, and is intended for the embryo with all the necessary nutrients. That’s why I want to eat before my period. 3. The body also lacks serotonin. Due to the lack of this hormone, a woman has an urgent need to restore it. That's why she eats more sweets and starchy foods. Where does the appearance of the tummy come from?

Why does my stomach hurt?

Pain before menstruation bothers many people. They just experience them differently. For some they are more intense than for others. In one case they experience unbearable pain, in the other only slight discomfort. It's not bad that it hurts. It's not scary. Half of women suffer from this. The whole reason is hormones.

Elements such as prostaglandins often cause pain. This occurs in fifty percent of women. Ten percent of them will experience unbearable pain. The whole reason is that the uterus contracts intensively. If you indulge in bad habits, including smoking and alcoholism, the pain intensifies. There is such severe pain that a woman may even lose consciousness, and her blood pressure may drop. In this case, pathological algodismenorrhea is observed. Contact your doctor.

Why does my stomach feel tight before my period?

Let’s also dwell on why the stomach feels tight before menstruation. In this case, the conversation will be about pleasant things. Because pregnancy is possible. How can we find out for sure, without tests? Observe many signs.

1. There is a delay. 2. But even before her, the woman knows that she is pregnant. One of the reasons is that the stomach is pulled down, but there is no period.

Such phenomena occur in women in the earliest stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the body stores nutrients that will be used by the future embryo. Since they accumulate, the stomach feels tight before menstruation. Time passes, but no menstruation. If they never started, and then time and a delay passed, then you are pregnant. Such sensations clearly indicate pregnancy before a delay.

So, we have found out a number of reasons why the stomach swells. The whole reason is swelling and pain. Therefore, know that this is not dangerous, and does not mean that you have gained weight. This phenomenon does not spoil the figure at all, but only decorates the female body.


Methods for getting rid of abdominal pain

What to do if a woman experiences severe cramping pain?
The first step is to seek help from a doctor. As the first test, he will order an ultrasound examination. If this is not enough, the doctor will prescribe a computed tomography or magnetic tomography, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, blood and urine tests. If the pain is not serious, the gynecologist will allow you to take certain medications. They will help relieve pain.

Antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory medications

If the painful sensations are spastic in nature, then you can buy at the pharmacy:

  1. Papaverine. The drug is sold in the form of tablets and suppositories. It is contraindicated for liver failure, heart problems, glaucoma;
  2. But-shpu. Sold in tablet form. Similar agents are Spakovin, Drotaverine. It has a number of limitations such as the lactation period, lactose intolerance, and heart disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help quickly eliminate pain. But you can take them only after consulting a doctor.

This group includes:

  1. Paracetamol. The safest remedy that can be taken even during pregnancy. Sold in various forms: suppositories, tablets, suspensions;
  2. Ibuprofen. Sold in different forms: suppositories, suspensions, capsules, tablets. But it has many limitations in the form of bronchial asthma, ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs;
  3. Diclofenac. An old but proven remedy.

All of them have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, but before use you should read the instructions.

Alternative Abdominal Treatments

If pain before menstruation occurs as a result of premenstrual syndrome, then they can be removed using the following methods:

  1. Do exercises every morning. Drink a glass of water immediately after sleep. This will not only relieve pain in the uterus, but also improve intestinal function.
  2. You can relieve pain with a warm heating pad. It can be applied to both the stomach and back.
  3. Massage of the lower back, abdomen and legs helps with pain.
  4. The body must rest fully. Therefore, alternate physical exercise with sleep and walks in the fresh air.
  5. Perhaps the body lacks vitamins. Then focus on eating fruits, vegetables and nuts. Buy vitamin complexes.
  6. If your period is still a few days away, take a hot bath. It helps you relax well. For aromatherapy, add dry herbs, essential oils, and sea salt to the water.
  7. If a woman constantly feels pain, then give up tampons and menstrual cups. Give preference to gaskets.

If you have any complaints, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Origins of the problem

Why does my stomach hurt a week before my period? The reasons that provoke this phenomenon can be different, they are individual, so only a specialist can answer this question with accuracy. The most common cause is algomenorrhea.

Algomenorrhea is a pain syndrome that accompanies menstruation and can appear 7 to 10 days before it begins. Pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, provoked by this disease, can be of varying intensity. Most often it is a consequence of abnormalities in the development of the uterus, inflammatory processes or endometriosis. In this regard, modern doctors take this pathology very seriously, since this is the first bell signaling problems in the female body.

Intense abdominal pain can have a negative impact on your overall well-being.

The main symptom of this disease is abdominal pain a few days before menstruation. The first signs can appear either 3 to 7 days or 10 to 12 hours before the start of menstruation. Pain usually accompanies menstruation for the first two days, and then goes away. Painful sensations in this case can be different - pulling, aching, tugging, stabbing, spasmodic, and can radiate to the lower back and rectum. The following symptoms are also characteristic of algomenorrhea:

  • increased appetite;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness;
  • slight nausea;
  • tearfulness.

Other sources of pain

The difficulty of localizing pain sometimes misleads women. Assuming the development of pathology of the genital organs, they do not notice other reasons. Pain can also be caused by:

  • Pregnancy. Tingling in the lower abdomen before menstruation often indicates pregnancy. In such cases, it is enough to use a home test.

  • Intestinal disorder. Attention to the nature of the pain will help determine why it occurred, what is its cause: in cases with the intestines, it is spasmodic.
  • Late ovulation. Violation of the cycle can lead to a similar disorder.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Venereal diseases.

Classification of algomenorrhea

Algomenorrhea has three degrees of severity:

  • mild degree - pain before menstruation is quite moderate and short-lived, slight malaise may be observed;
  • moderate degree - with severe pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, in addition, nausea, headache, chills and frequent urination may appear. In some cases, the average degree of algomenorrhea is characterized by depression, intolerance to sound and olfactory stimuli, and decreased performance. This condition requires medical intervention;
  • severe degree - the stomach hurts very much before menstruation, the pain radiates to the lower back, hips. A woman usually suffers from headaches, severe weakness, a fever may rise, tachycardia may develop, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, and in this state the woman may lose consciousness. Usually this degree is caused by a congenital pathological condition of the genital organs.

Algomenorrhea is a pain syndrome that accompanies menstruation and can appear 7 to 10 days before it begins. Pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, provoked by this disease, can be of varying intensity. Most often it is a consequence of abnormalities in the development of the uterus, inflammatory processes or endometriosis. In this regard, modern doctors take this pathology very seriously, since this is the first bell signaling problems in the female body.

Intense abdominal pain can have a negative impact on your overall well-being.

The main symptom of this disease is abdominal pain a few days before menstruation. The first signs can appear either 3 to 7 days or 10 to 12 hours before the start of menstruation. Pain usually accompanies menstruation for the first two days, and then goes away. Painful sensations in this case can be different - pulling, aching, tugging, stabbing, spasmodic, and can radiate to the lower back and rectum. The following symptoms are also characteristic of algomenorrhea:

  • increased appetite;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness;
  • slight nausea;
  • tearfulness.

Physiology of menstruation

Many women complain that their lower abdomen hurts before their period. There are quite a few reasons for such sensations, therefore, before you succumb to a hypochondriacal impulse and suspect the presence of a serious illness, you should figure out whether the pain can be considered a normal phenomenon. To do this, you need to understand what menstruation is from a physiological point of view.

Every month, the body of a sexually mature woman undergoes hormonal changes, the essence of which is to create the most favorable conditions for the uterus to accept an egg. Subsequently, if conception does not occur, the female gamete is rejected. The mechanism of this process includes peeling off the outer layer of the uterine mucosa and its subsequent removal from the body.

Blood in menstrual fluid is a consequence of damage to the vessels that penetrate the endometrium.

Pain is a common phenomenon. The most common cause of its appearance is a failure in the hormonal system, namely a lack of endorphins. This compound, produced by the human body, is necessary during menstruation to reduce discomfort. Its deficiency obviously leads to the fact that the body simply cannot mask the pain.

Classification of algomenorrhea

Algomenorrhea has three degrees of severity:

  • mild degree - pain before menstruation is quite moderate and short-lived, slight malaise may be observed;
  • moderate degree - with severe pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, in addition, nausea, headache, chills and frequent urination may appear. In some cases, the average degree of algomenorrhea is characterized by depression, intolerance to sound and olfactory stimuli, and decreased performance. This condition requires medical intervention;
  • severe degree - the stomach hurts very much before menstruation, the pain radiates to the lower back, hips. A woman usually suffers from headaches, severe weakness, a fever may rise, tachycardia may develop, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, and in this state the woman may lose consciousness. Usually this degree is caused by a congenital pathological condition of the genital organs.

There are primary and secondary algomenorrhea. Primary usually appears before the first menstruation, or within 2-3 years after their arrival. How many days before menstruation primary algomenorrhea begins depends on the individual characteristics of the young organism. There are several reasons for this pathology:

  • insufficient development of connective tissue (dysplasia);
  • genital tuberculosis;
  • central nervous system diseases, nervous breakdowns;
  • hypoplasia;
  • bending of the uterine body.

All these reasons impede the outflow of blood from the uterine cavity, so intense uterine contractions are required.

Secondary algomenorrhea occurs in women over 30 years of age and is usually accompanied by heavy menstruation - menorrhagia. The cause of this pathology may be:

  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • polyps;
  • neoplasms;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesions;
  • pelvic neuritis;
  • intrauterine contraceptives.

The symptoms of secondary algomenorrhea directly depend on the age and physical condition of the woman.


It depends on what disease is causing the heaviness in the lower abdomen; there are no uniform recommendations. Treatment may be like this:

  • diet, digestive enzymes and antispasmodics for irritable bowel syndrome;
  • chemotherapy or surgery for intestinal tumors;
  • antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment for cystitis;
  • venotonics and gymnastics for dilation of the pelvic veins;
  • correction of hormonal status in case of menstrual irregularities;
  • antibiotic therapy and metabolic agents for chronic gynecological inflammation;
  • drugs to restore cartilage or implantation surgery for inflammation or destruction of the hip joint.

We recommend reading:

Causes of abdominal pain: pathological and non-pathological cases

First aid

Possible only with severity caused by physiological reasons:

  • sorbents, drinking plenty of fluids and short-term fasting when overeating;
  • rest in a lying position, warm-up on a fitball during pregnancy;
  • dry heat on the lower abdomen and painkillers during menstruation.


Intestinal overload is always harmful, under any conditions. Those forces and resources that the body could spend on recovery have to be spent on digesting excess food. Therefore, in case of any discomfort, it is useful to adhere to a gentle type of nutrition.


You can only take medications prescribed by your doctor. You are only allowed to take sorbents for indigestion and painkillers for painful periods on your own. Everyone else can seriously hurt themselves.

Folk remedies

Proven remedies for severe overeating:

  • chamomile tea with mint;
  • dill decoction;
  • infusion of caraway seeds;
  • milk thistle seed meal;
  • herbal tea from St. John's wort;
  • flowers of calendula and yarrow.

For discomfort during menstruation, an infusion of celery root, hop cones, and a decoction of burdock seeds will help.


Simple stroking movements along the intestines will help digest excess food. There is no need to press hard, just stroking and light vibration is enough.

In continuation of the topic, be sure to read:

  1. Causes of bloating and increased gas formation, treatment methods
  2. Abdominal pain: definition, causes and treatment of pathology
  3. Intestinal colitis: symptoms and treatment in adults
  4. Intestinal colic: symptoms and methods of treating pathology
  5. Irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and treatments
  6. Pneumatosis intestinalis: what is it, symptoms and treatment methods
  7. Stomach and intestinal disorders during pregnancy: norm and pathology
  8. Intestinal spasms: signs and causes of pathology, treatment methods
  9. Intestinal colic in a child: symptoms and treatment (first aid, medications, nutrition)
  10. Why does a woman’s lower abdomen hurt and how to eliminate it?

Other causes of pain before menstruation

Why does my stomach hurt before menstruation if the cause is not algomenorrhea? There are many other conditions that can cause nagging or aching pain in the abdomen.

  • Insufficient luteal phase due to low progesterone levels. With this diagnosis, adhesions form in the uterine cavity and intestines, because of which the lower abdomen pulls before menstruation, as well as on other days of the cycle.
  • Decreased endorphin levels. Before menstruation, the levels of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen begin to decrease, which causes a decrease in the level of endorphins. Due to hormonal fluctuations, the lower abdomen pulls a week before menstruation; swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, frequent mood swings, and intestinal upset may also be observed.

All these reasons impede the outflow of blood from the uterine cavity, so intense uterine contractions are required.

Secondary algomenorrhea occurs in women over 30 years of age and is usually accompanied by heavy menstruation - menorrhagia. The cause of this pathology may be:

  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  • polyps;
  • neoplasms;
  • endometriosis;
  • adhesions;
  • pelvic neuritis;
  • intrauterine contraceptives.

The symptoms of secondary algomenorrhea directly depend on the age and physical condition of the woman.

Delayed periods

In some cases, within a week, girls begin to feel tension in their lower back, discomfort appears in the abdomen, and menstruation does not begin.

Such a manifestation indicates a cycle failure, dysfunction of the ovaries, as well as inflammation in the uterine area. Sometimes the delay manifests itself as a hormonal imbalance.

With constant sexual activity, pregnancy is possible, but if this is really pregnancy, then the uterus should remain in good shape.

Pregnancy is accompanied by nagging pain and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. It is recommended to consult a doctor, since all symptoms and tone of the uterus can cause a miscarriage.

If these symptoms are not pregnancy, then the real cause will need to be identified and eliminated.

A delay does not always indicate pregnancy; in some cases, the cause is ordinary life factors:

  1. Anxiety.
  2. Stress.
  3. Climate change.
  4. Incubation period after illness.

Other causes of pain before menstruation

Why does my stomach hurt before menstruation if the cause is not algomenorrhea? There are many other conditions that can cause nagging or aching pain in the abdomen.

  • Insufficient luteal phase due to low progesterone levels. With this diagnosis, adhesions form in the uterine cavity and intestines, because of which the lower abdomen pulls before menstruation, as well as on other days of the cycle.
  • Decreased endorphin levels. Before menstruation, the levels of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen begin to decrease, which causes a decrease in the level of endorphins. Due to hormonal fluctuations, the lower abdomen pulls a week before menstruation; swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, frequent mood swings, and intestinal upset may also be observed.
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is as common a cause as algomenorrhea. It can cause pain in the abdomen before menstruation, the stomach may become swollen, diarrhea may occur, appetite almost always increases, irritability appears and insomnia torments.
  • Inflammation. A stomach ache a week before your period may be due to inflammatory processes in the pelvis. They appear due to hypothermia or infection. In such cases, the pain is sharp and spasmodic.
  • Delayed ovulation. Due to a disruption in the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs later than usual, which can cause pain for 7-10 days.

Acyclic pain before menstruation

Before menstruation, the stomach may hurt as a result of blood stagnation or varicose veins in the pelvic area, cystitis, or urolithiasis. Such pains are called acyclic and are not associated with the menstrual cycle.

Acyclic pain is usually short-lived and irregular. They are often associated with problems not in gynecology, but in other areas. However, it is important to differentiate the pain syndrome and establish its causes in order to receive timely treatment if necessary.

Why does my stomach hurt but I don't have my period?

Many women are interested in why the lower abdomen feels tight and painful 10–14 days before menstruation, but when the time comes, it does not begin? There may be several reasons for this:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • disruption of ovarian function;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pregnancy;
  • neoplasm in the uterus;
  • ovulation;
  • incompletely removed fertilized egg after abortion.

If the pregnancy test is positive, but the lower abdomen continues to hurt, this may mean that the uterus is in good shape. The doctor will prescribe a drug that will correct the situation. Ovulatory pain is a distinctive feature of a woman’s body and does not pose a threat.

But a poorly performed abortion, as a result of which the fertilized egg was not completely removed, can cause infection. Pain caused by this reason may be accompanied by fever, weakness, and nausea. This condition requires surgery.

If there is a tumor in the uterus, the stomach feels tight before menstruation for 10–14 days. In some cases, the pain may go away on its own, without taking painkillers. If your period does not come, you need to consult a doctor who will adjust the treatment.

Diagnosis in case of severe pain

If the pain becomes too severe, is accompanied by other symptoms, and the woman suspects that this may be the result of any disease, she should consult a doctor. During the examination, the gynecologist will find out when the pain occurs, what its nature is, where it is localized, what other ailments bother the patient before the onset of menstruation, and also how many days before the start of the cycle the pain begins to appear.

Next, an examination is carried out on a gynecological chair, palpation of the vaginal tissue, and examination using special mirrors. To clarify the cause of pain and diagnose a possible disease, you need to take urine and blood tests. The doctor will issue a referral for an ultrasound scan. If the cause is inflammation in the urinary tract, you need to undergo additional tests to diagnose the type of infection.

Additional studies may be needed, such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy - this is the study of scrapings of the mucous membrane of internal organs. Once an accurate diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe complex therapy.

Symptoms that threaten the life and health of a woman

There are quite a lot of situations in which the lower abdomen feels tight for a week before menstruation. In some cases, pain is the only symptom that goes away when menstruation occurs. But sometimes there are signs that are impossible to ignore:

  • high, below 40, temperature;
  • severe vomiting;
  • pain when urinating;
  • blood in urine;
  • acute incessant pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • purulent or bloody curdled discharge;
  • severe weakness and malaise.

All these symptoms can be caused by severe infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, the treatment of which will take more than one week. If the disease is left to chance, it can be fraught with serious complications and even death.

How to avoid pain before your period

To protect yourself as much as possible from painful sensations before and during menstruation, you should follow some recommendations:

  • start doing exercises a few days before your period, you can go swimming;
  • massage the lower back and abdomen;
  • you can take a painkiller;
  • constantly monitor your weight; excess weight can cause pain;

All these symptoms can be caused by severe infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, the treatment of which will take more than one week. If the disease is left to chance, it can be fraught with serious complications and even death.

Prevention of heaviness in the lower abdomen in women

In order to minimize the likelihood of heaviness in the lower abdomen, you need to take care in advance to daily follow the following rules of prevention:

  • do not lift objects whose weight exceeds 3 kg;
  • lead an orderly sex life, have only one sexual partner, or always use barrier contraception;
  • do not drink alcohol, stop smoking tobacco and drugs;
  • undergo a scheduled preventive examination at least once a year by a gynecologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist;
  • watch your stool, avoiding constipation;
  • saturate your diet with food products that contain an increased amount of fiber (cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits, baked goods prepared with the addition of wheat bran, herbs);
  • eat fermented milk products in the form of yogurt, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, which normalize digestive function and maintain a stable balance of intestinal microflora;
  • women whose family had close relatives with cancer of the reproductive system should at least once every 6 months. undergo a preventive examination by an oncologist and gynecologist (even if there are no painful symptoms);
  • the first pregnancy must take place before the age of 30;
  • Avoid hypothermia and always dress appropriately for weather conditions;
  • promptly treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.

In addition to following all of the above recommendations to prevent heaviness in the lower abdomen, you should lead a healthy lifestyle. A woman should exercise at least 3 times a week, move more, eat well, and avoid physical and psycho-emotional stress.

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How to avoid pain before your period

To protect yourself as much as possible from painful sensations before and during menstruation, you should follow some recommendations:

  • start doing exercises a few days before your period, you can go swimming;
  • massage the lower back and abdomen;
  • you can take a painkiller;
  • constantly monitor your weight; excess weight can cause pain;
  • start leading a healthy lifestyle - spend more time in the fresh air, take vitamins, give up coffee, alcohol and smoking;
  • for intense pain, warm compresses or herbal baths will help, but you can take them for no more than 20 minutes;
  • Cold also has a good effect - put crushed ice wrapped in a towel or a cold heating pad on your stomach for 10-15 minutes;
  • the use of essential oils also gives the desired result; they need to be rubbed into the stomach and lower back.

In no case should you endure severe pain, so at the first alarming symptoms you should consult a doctor.


How to prevent pain before your period

Simple rules that will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the onset of menstruation.

  1. Try to eat right, eat less salty, spicy and fatty foods.
  2. Reduce smoking and try to avoid drinking alcohol before your period.
  3. Drink less fluid, as its accumulation in the body can also lead to pain in the lower abdomen and back before menstruation.
  4. Try to sleep more and avoid heavy physical activity in the last week before your period.

If your stomach starts to ache before your period, you can apply heat to it. It could be a heating pad, or just a bottle of hot water. Do special exercises that will help relieve pain: squats, bends, raising straight legs up, lying on your back. Breathing exercises help relieve spasms.

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