What does pain in the left side of the abdomen indicate, possible diseases and their treatment

Why does colitis in the lower left side often bother people? What organs are located there? Is surgery necessary? The causes of pain may be different. But you are afraid to go to the doctor, as it may end in surgery. Pain in the lower abdomen can vary in severity and location. A lot depends on the reasons that caused them. It is very important to remember that acute pain should not be tolerated. Calling an ambulance or seeing a doctor as quickly as possible is especially important in this case.

Pain can be accompanied by various symptoms. The most acute of them, requiring an immediate call for an ambulance, are the following:

  • loss of consciousness
  • bloody stool
  • nausea
  • rapid increase in body temperature
  • drop in blood pressure

Pain in left side

To more accurately and quickly determine the cause of pain on the left, it is very important to indicate their exact location. The doctor will also ask you to describe the intensity of the pain, its type and duration. In addition, pain may appear during or during the menstrual cycle, which should also be reported to your doctor.

What could pain in the lower abdomen mean? These are the harbingers:

  • spleen diseases
  • intestinal pathologists
  • problems with left kidney
  • diseases of the left side of the diaphragm
  • problems with the genitourinary and reproductive system in women

Causes of pain in women

In addition to general health problems that can be suspected in any person, women in the side can be caused by pathologies of the reproductive system:

  • problems with the ovaries and other female pelvic organs
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • endometriosis
  • ovarian pathologies

Women of childbearing age ovulate monthly, and some women experience ovulatory syndrome. This syndrome is expressed as pain in the lower abdomen on the side on which the follicle ruptured and the egg was released.

During menstruation, about a third of women experience painful attacks, often they begin a few days before the arrival of menstruation, this phenomenon is called dysmenorrhea, the reasons are not clear.

With an ectopic pregnancy, pain occurs on the side on which the fertilized egg is implanted in the tube. Typically between 5 and 8 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the specific location in the fallopian tube, there may be spotting that is often confused with menstrual bleeding.

Endometriosis is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Normally, it should be located inside the uterus, but for unknown reasons, the endometrium develops in other places. Like the normally located endometrium, it bleeds during menstruation, which causes inflammation and pain in the area where it is located.

Irregular periods, frequent delays, combined with pain may be a symptom of an ovarian cyst. With strong physical exertion, ovarian rupture may occur, and the pain will be sudden, stabbing, intense, and the anterior abdominal wall will tense. This condition requires urgent hospitalization.

During pregnancy in the last stages, the fetus compresses the internal organs, which sometimes manifests itself as pain, most often the kidney suffers. Sometimes the fetus exerts such a strong force on the kidney that it shifts its position. It is recommended to take a comfortable position more often; after childbirth, everything is restored back.

Pain in the left lower abdomen during normal and ectopic pregnancy

The occurrence of pain during pregnancy is a completely normal reaction of the body to hormonal changes and the growth of the uterus. Pain appears especially often in the last trimester, when the child begins to rapidly gain weight. The enlarging uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, which leads to disruption of their functioning. In this case, the intestines are especially affected. Problems with constipation, bloating and colic are known to almost every woman who has experienced pregnancy.

We should not forget about the possible exacerbation of chronic diseases and the occurrence of problems with the genitourinary system. In any case, you should definitely tell your obstetrician about the pain. In case of severe, persistent pain, you should call an ambulance.

In addition, to get rid of intestinal problems, you need to consume foods containing a lot of fiber: fruits, vegetables, rye bread, etc. Flatulence and constipation during pregnancy can lead to hemorrhoids, so special attention should be paid to nutrition during gestation.

Pain can also be caused by an ectopic pregnancy. However, in this case the pain will be very strong and similar to contractions. Over time they will intensify and at a certain point they will become unbearable. There's no point in waiting for this. It's better to call an ambulance right away.

What is physiological female pain?

This is the simplest and easiest reason

Physiological pain is considered to be those pains that do not pose a danger and do not require outside intervention - they go away on their own. Eg:

  • During the period of ovulation, the female body is rebuilt, renewed and prepared for fertilization. This pain symptom is quite common. The same effect occurs when the ovulation process is disrupted. For each woman, the intensity of pain is different, but it always increases with physical activity.
  • With changes in the menstrual cycle, pain is characteristic both during the menstrual cycle itself and after its end. On the other hand, it can occur as a consequence of neurological disorders. In terms of intensity and duration, such pains are completely different.
  • During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body creates the most “comfortable” conditions for the unborn child, gradually stretching the pelvic floor. Which is reflected by left-sided pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.

Pancreas problems

Inflammation of the pancreas can also cause pain in the left lower abdomen. The extended location of the gland can cause pain on the right, in the middle or on the left. If acute, sharp pain of a girdling nature appears, you should immediately call an ambulance. Usually such pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and radiates to the back. It is likely that your body temperature will rise. In this case, hospitalization and a thorough examination necessary to identify the source of the problem cannot be avoided.

Problems with the pancreas often occur among lovers of fried foods, fatty foods and alcohol. Proper nutrition is one way to protect yourself from the above problems in the future.

Poor nutrition

Pain can often occur when moving. This is familiar to people with weak immunity and poor health. Tingling also occurs when playing sports, which is most likely due to improper breathing. It is recommended to restore your breathing without stopping, taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Pain often occurs due to poor nutrition. Chew your food better. Don't eat anything that makes you feel heavy and want to unbutton your pants. On the lower left is the cecum. The appendix is ​​connected to it.

Sometimes a regular diet helps. Boiled food, lean meat, vegetables, no spicy food, including spices, salt, sugar, strong drinks, fried foods should be excluded for 10 days - and the result is obvious.

You can learn about poor nutrition and the development of depression from the video:

Spleen problems

Pain localized on the left side under the ribs is most often associated with an enlarged spleen. The reasons for this may vary, since the spleen responds by enlarging to various body problems. The most common among them are:

  • Lymphocytic leukemia, leukemia and other hemoblastic diseases
  • Mononucleosis. In addition to pain, fever will appear, lymph nodes will enlarge, and a sore throat will begin.
  • Chronic diseases: malaria, etc.
  • Infectious diseases

Inflammation of the spleen is very dangerous, since there is a high probability of organ rupture.

The left side colitises and hurts, signs of neuralgia, the appearance of the intercostal nerve, with a number of gynecological diseases. Obviously, there are many causes of pain in the lower abdomen. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine their source on your own, so you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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There are situations when even the stronger sex of humanity encounters painful sensations in the left side, which is quite exhausting and unsettling. The causes of pain can be banal overeating or a not entirely healthy diet, alcohol abuse and a sedentary lifestyle. If the intensity of the unpleasant sensations constantly increases, the cause is likely to lie in a serious illness that requires immediate treatment. Why the left side and hypochondrium may hurt in men, what pathologies this is associated with, and in what situations immediate medical attention is required, we will analyze further.

There are two groups of factors that provoke pain in the left side:

External reasons

which have a detrimental effect on the body for quite a long time, causing pain and discomfort.
These include:

  • frequent smoking;
  • poor nutrition and abuse of fatty foods, which is harmful to the pancreas and liver;
  • working in a hazardous enterprise where there is direct contact with toxic substances;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which obesity develops and the load on the entire body increases.

Pathological diseases,

which cause acute shooting pain in the left side have the following causes:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hernias of various etiologies.

During the initial examination of the patient, the doctor performs palpation, assessing the location of the pain, as well as the body’s reaction to a certain pressure force. Since the general causes of pain in the side are found more often in reference literature, we will not dwell on them, having examined in more detail purely male diseases that provoke pain in the left side.

About treatment and recovery

There is not and cannot be a single scheme for the therapeutic treatment of such symptoms, I think you already understand this. In one specific case, drug therapy helps, in another - surgery or simple diet correction. Therapeutic prescriptions are determined by the doctor, according to the identified pathology and the approved protocol for its treatment.

For gynecological problems, comprehensive therapy includes, in addition to medication, immunomodulatory therapy, monitoring the patient’s personal hygiene and abstinence from intimate relationships.

Most often, treatment includes three areas:

  • Conservative methods, including medications and medical recommendations:
  • Surgical interventions used only when there is a clear danger of death (excessive internal hemorrhages, violation of the integrity of organs, oncology, etc.).
  • Methods of physiotherapeutic procedures used in the treatment of female pathologies (laser, magneto and ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis with drugs, infrared and ultraviolet irradiation, gynecological massage, etc.)

Dull, sharp, aching or stabbing pain on the left side in the lower abdomen usually worries and alarms a person. Indeed, many vital organs are located in this area, and discomfort may indicate a variety of diseases and conditions, including potentially life-threatening ones that require immediate hospitalization. What are the most common causes of left-sided lower abdominal pain and what to do when they appear? This is worth looking into in more detail.

The main diseases of men that provoke pain

Among the “purely male” diseases that can provoke pain and discomfort in the left side, there are 10 most common ones. Let's look at them in more detail.

Acute prostatitis

This disease is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process of the prostate gland, caused by an infectious lesion, which results in the formation of pustular lesions that provoke pain. There are several types of prostatitis, differing from each other in the nature of infection and location.

The patient may experience symptoms such as:

  • dysfunction of urination: it is difficult or completely absent due to extensive inflammation and swelling of the prostate;
  • pain in the perineum during bowel movements;
  • increased body temperature;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • shooting, cutting pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the left hypochondrium;
  • sexual dysfunctions, lack of erection.

The following categories of men are at risk for acute prostatitis:

  • leading a predominantly sedentary, sedentary lifestyle;
  • having chronic diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature;
  • do not have a regular sexual partner;
  • with hormonal dysfunctions due to the development of obesity or diabetes.

Prostatitis in the early stages can manifest itself in the form of minor pain in the lower abdomen, which many men tend to endure and wait until it “goes away on its own.” But in some cases, when the inflammatory process of the prostate has reached its climax, the pain becomes unbearable, after which the strong half of humanity goes to the doctor for help.

Chronic prostatitis

The disease develops against the background of progressive prostatitis, which remains for a long time without proper treatment. The inflammatory process becomes chronic, periodically exacerbating. In chronic prostatitis, pain can occur suddenly, having previous factors

: hypothermia, respiratory diseases, rare sexual activity. There is an aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the perineum. The pain during defecation intensifies and can also radiate to the left hypochondrium. Most often it is the left side that hurts.

The danger of the chronic stage of this disease is that the inflammatory process can spread to all organs of the genitourinary system, causing widespread pain. Therapy in this case is intensive, aimed at destroying pathogenic microflora of the urinary tract.

Inflammation of the testicles

The inflammatory process in the testicles, called orchitis, is a consequence of the presence of extensive infection of the genitourinary system.

Most often, orchitis develops against the background of other infections: mumps, gonorrhea, typhus, influenza, the causes of which are varied (from infection to weakened immunity).

There are also secondary causes for the development of orchitis:

  • trauma to the genitals and lower abdomen;
  • hypothermia of the legs and penis;
  • allergic inflammatory processes;
  • genetic predisposition if the father has chronic infections of the genitourinary system.

The primary symptoms of orchitis are:

the patient notes mild pain in the scrotum, which intensifies with palpation. After a few hours, during an acute course, the scrotum acquires a bluish tint and increases in size. All this is accompanied by acute shooting pain not only in the testicles themselves, but also in the lower abdomen and left hypochondrium. The left side hurts more than the right. Body temperature increases, general weakness and a feeling of fullness in the genitals are observed.

In the absence of timely treatment, orchitis can develop into a testicular abscess, in which the inflammatory process partially affects the lymphatic drainage system, after which irreversible processes begin that require complete or partial removal of the scrotum.

The inflammatory process in the testicular area itself is difficult to treat, so if primary signs and pain in the scrotum appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment as early as possible.

Testicular torsion

It occurs due to inversion of the spermatic cord, as a result of which the natural blood flow of the testicle is disrupted. In this case, the patient notes acute severe pain in the scrotum, which spreads throughout the entire abdominal cavity, radiating to the left lobe.

Testicular torsion in most cases occurs suddenly and is characterized by an acute course with the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • pronounced pain syndrome;
  • pain in the hypochondrium, as well as in the lumbar region (lower left);
  • redness or blueness of the scrotum and penis;
  • swelling and swelling of the testicles;
  • pain shock.

In the first hours of the onset of the disease, it is important to provide medical assistance, which in most cases consists of surgical intervention.

A small incision is made on the scrotum, through which the spermatic cord is truncated, normalizing the local blood supply. In the case where the torsion is insignificant, it is eliminated using external manual detorsion. Experienced surgeons, under the control of an ultrasound machine, use their hands to carry out certain manipulations to return the cord to its anatomical position.

People in the following categories are at risk for developing this pathology:

  • those who frequently experience genital trauma;
  • with existing inguinal hernias;
  • with oncological diseases in the peritoneum and hypochondrium;
  • with predisposition and congenital pathologies (elongated cord).

There are several types of torsions, which differ in severity from each other. Minor torsion or its primary signs, when the blood supply to the scrotum is only partially impaired, provokes moderate pain, which tends to intensify in the first hours. It is important not to endure the pain and drown it out with painkillers, but to undergo a full diagnosis and establish the causes of such sudden pain in the genital organs, which can radiate to the area of ​​the left hypochondrium.

Inflammation of the epididymis

The disease is called epididymitis, characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the epididymis. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and spastic throbbing pain in the scrotum (radiating to the left side);
  • increase in size of one testicle relative to the other (asymmetry);
  • hyperemia of the skin in the scrotum area and their cyanosis.

General symptoms may also occur:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • diffuse pain in the left side;
  • sometimes painful shock (with rapid inflammation).

Inflammation of the epididymis occurs against the background of the development of an active inflammatory process of the genital organs: ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea and syphilis. For patients with tuberculosis, this disease in most cases is chronic, constantly causing relapses.

The danger of the disease is that it completely disrupts reproductive functions, making men infertile. This disease can also cause sepsis, a blood poisoning that can lead to death if left untreated.

Inflammation of the spermatic cord

Pain in the scrotum is caused by extensive inflammation of the spermatic cord, which is provoked by bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms that enter here along with the blood. In most cases, funiculitis is the result of an extensive inflammatory process of the entire scrotum, which remained untreated for a long time, or has a chronic course.

The patient experiences aching pain in the scrotum itself, as well as in the lower abdomen. If the inflammation is ascending (through the penis up the urinary canals to the kidneys), shooting sharp pains may occur on the left side of the abdominal cavity. The nature of the pain directly depends on the severity of funiculitis. Chronic funiculitis provokes constant, but less pronounced pain.


The disease is marked by inflammation of the seminal vesicles located near the prostate. The role of these bubbles in the body is enormous. They are a kind of reservoir for storing prostate secretions, which in turn, during ejaculation, combines with sperm, providing sperm motility. The blisters are located deep in the prostate, so their inflammation occurs extremely rarely. The main reason is an extensive inflammatory process of the prostate or the presence of cancer, the progression of which reduces the body’s protective functions


Men experience dull, diffuse pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, which intensifies with palpation of the perineum and defecation. The pain may radiate to the left side of the peritoneum and hypochondrium, since the prostate itself is densely dotted with nerve endings that articulate with the nerve endings of the abdominal cavity.


It is characterized by varicose veins of the spermatic cord, in which there is a violation of natural blood flow. As a result, one testicle appears larger in appearance than the other. This pathology is not fatal and can also accompany men throughout their lives. The pain, which occurs suddenly, is of a restrained nature, localized strictly in the scrotum area. In rare cases, when the varicocele is large in size, the pain may radiate to the peritoneum, mainly to the left side.

Prostate stones

It is impossible to establish with certainty why stones form in the prostate gland. Several factors influence their formation:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs due to prolonged sitting in one place;
  • systematic use of medications of the sulfonamide group.

The symptoms of the disease are completely similar to those of prostatitis: moderate pain, aching, sometimes with colic. The only difference is the presence of bloody inclusions in the semen, which arise due to injury from ureteral stones.

The first sign of prostate stones is difficulty urinating, which is accompanied by acute pain. Immediate treatment is required as the stones can move through the channels with difficulty, but still block them.

Prostate cancer

Malignant tumors appear in the prostate, which disrupt the activity of the prostate gland. Moderate pain occurs, which spreads to the lower abdomen and can radiate into the abdominal cavity. Analgesics and antispasmodics do not reduce pain, so if you have difficulty urinating and pain in the genitals, you should immediately seek help from specialists.


Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in women can occur both for physiological reasons and as a result of pathological lesions of internal organs and systems. In the first case, flatulence and fetal pressure on internal organs during pregnancy can cause discomfort. During menstruation, most women experience pain of physiological origin of varying intensity. There are also many serious diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen and require immediate medical attention.


Adnexitis is a gynecological disease, which is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process of the appendages: ovaries and fallopian tubes. The pathology is often diagnosed in women of reproductive age (from 20 to 35 years).

As a rule, the infection first enters the fallopian tube, and from there it affects the ovary. It enters the body through sexual contact or through the bloodstream. The causative agent of the disease can be any harmful microbes, in particular streptococci or staphylococci. The risk of getting sick increases for women who have undergone abortions, improper installation of intrauterine devices and other similar manipulations.

Symptoms of adnexitis:

Temperaturesharp rise to 38-39 degrees
Menstrual cyclethe pain of menstruation increases, delays or prolonged bleeding are possible
Urinationpain, purulent or watery discharge
Discomfortabdominal pain that increases during sex or increased physical activity

The symptoms of adnexitis are similar to those of acute appendicitis, which makes diagnosis difficult. If left untreated, the disease develops into a chronic form, when the intensity of the pain subsides, but it is felt constantly. Against the background of hypothermia and during stress, the risk of complications increases: peritonitis, adhesions, infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy

Pain is one of the main signs of ectopic pregnancy. Unilateral constant or intermittent pain in the left side below the abdomen may indicate that a fertilized egg has implanted in the left fallopian tube. This is a dangerous condition that threatens a woman's life. Discomfort manifests itself even before the delay begins and the accompanying symptoms appear: chest pain, nausea. After physical activity or sexual intercourse, discomfort may intensify.


Pain in the lower abdomen can occur due to an ovarian cyst - a benign formation that occurs as a result of pathological or physiological processes and has the shape of a thin-walled sac filled with fluid. Ovarian cysts occur in women of all ages. Predisposing factors are hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes of the internal organs of the pelvis.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst:

  • unilateral pain in the lower abdomen, the intensity of which increases during sex, urination, or increased physical activity
  • decreasing the intervals between the urge to urinate
  • constipation
  • nausea and vomiting (characteristic of the acute course of the disease)
  • increase in body temperature when an inflammatory process occurs
  • inability to get pregnant
  • abdominal swelling

A cyst is diagnosed based on ultrasound and visual examination. Additional tests and examinations may also be needed.

Types of ovarian cysts:

Follicularformed in the ovarian follicle, the membrane consists of connective tissuesymptoms are mild or absent, cycle disruptions and pain in the lower abdomen are observed
Corpus luteum cystformed in women of reproductive age due to impaired blood supply to the corpus luteum at the site of burst follicles, may contain blood clotssymptoms are either completely absent or there is pain in the lower abdomen
Paraovarianoccurs in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes and ovaries, more often diagnosed in girls during pubertypain in the lower abdomen, swelling; menstrual irregularities; infertility
Endometrioidformed when endometrial cells and ovarian tissues grow together, can burst and cause inflammation of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis)lower abdominal pain; menstrual irregularities
Cystic tumorposes a danger to a woman's lifelooks like a cyst

In most cases, cysts go away on their own within a few months, and complications occur less frequently. If removal of the formation is required, a simple operation is performed - laparoscopy.


Inflammation of the upper mucous membrane of the uterus, which matures every cycle and is shed during menstruation, is called endometritis. Entry of the pathogen into the uterine cavity can cause an acute or chronic course of the disease. Provoking factors are childbirth, cesarean section, abortion, curettage and other similar manipulations. The causative agents of endometritis are harmful microbes and microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc.

Symptoms of the acute course of the disease:

  • increased body temperature, fever
  • lower abdominal pain
  • purulent vaginal discharge
  • increased heart rate
  • discomfort when urinating

If acute endometritis is not treated, the disease becomes chronic. This pathology often causes infertility, pregnancy failure, and complications during pregnancy.


The growth of endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterus) into other tissues of the uterus and nearby organs is called endometriosis. Diagnosed in women of teenage and reproductive age. During endometriosis, endometrial cells form growths that cause pain, discomfort, and complicate the processes of fertilization of the egg and gestation. Growths form in the area of ​​the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, rectum, and intestines. During menstruation, these formations are rejected, but do not come out. This leads to internal bleeding and inflammation, and tissue scarring.


  • severe pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse
  • irregular or excessively heavy periods
  • fatigue, loss of performance
  • pain in the stomach and lower back
  • stool disorders

To make a final diagnosis, laparoscopy is prescribed, during which the possibility of oncological pathology is excluded.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract

Diseases associated with the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract can cause pain in the left side of the abdomen. There is a large list of such diseases that differ in localization, intensity, and characteristic manifestations. Diagnosis and treatment of such problems should be carried out by a specialist.

Appendicitis and cholecystitis

The appendix is ​​a ventricular appendage located in the lower part of the intestine. This is a branch of the cecum, narrowed towards the bottom, without a lumen. The appendix is ​​not a vital organ. For a long time it was believed that it does not perform any functions, but modern scientific research proves the opposite. There is reason to believe that this organ is important for the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, regulating the amount of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

Inflammation of the appendix manifests itself in an acute form; the chronic form of the disease is less common. Due to the accumulation of pus, the appendage increases in size. Often inflammation leads to rupture of the appendix and the development of complications in the future: sepsis, abscess, peritonitis. Without urgent surgical intervention, the likelihood of death increases.


  • acute pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the right, but there are also cases with left-sided pain)
  • increase in body temperature
  • vomiting and nausea
  • Kocher's symptom (movement of the localization of pain in the abdominal area)

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Its manifestations are similar to those of appendicitis. The disease is caused by a violation of the outflow of bile. In most cases, the provoking factor is stones in the bile ducts. With repeated repetitions of acute cholecystitis, the disease becomes chronic. Pain with cholecystitis occurs after eating fatty or spicy foods or alcohol. Unpleasant sensations increase during stress or excessive physical activity. With biliary colic, the pain is localized in the abdomen, hypochondrium, back, and shoulder blades. Such conditions require urgent medical attention.

Inflammatory process and infections

Infections of the pelvic organs occur as a result of pathogenic viruses and bacteria entering the body, provoking severe inflammatory processes.

Symptoms of infections of the female genital organs include:

  • dull pain in different localizations of the abdominal area
  • Over time, discomfort moves to the lumbar region
  • missed periods
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, burning sensation
  • redness and itching of the vagina and labia
  • temperature increase
  • dehydration
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • severe pain during menstruation

Viral and bacterial infections require urgent treatment and timely consultation with a specialist.


While taking some oral contraceptives, hormonal changes occur and pain may be experienced in the abdominal area or below it. If the pain does not go away for a long time, it is recommended to consult a specialist and change the drug. Incorrectly installed intrauterine devices, in particular the IUD, can cause pain on the left side below the abdomen. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.


You cannot endure pain, therefore, at the first signs and suspicions of illness, you should immediately contact a urologist who will assess the state of men's health and also find the causes of illnesses using several research methods:

  • palpation and external examination;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate;
  • smear for culture from the urethra;
  • ejaculate examination;
  • cystoscopy.

Early diagnosis of pain in the hypochondrium and genitourinary system will help to avoid chronic diseases and also speed up the chances of a full recovery.


In most cases, if the disease is diagnosed in the acute stage, conservative treatment methods can be used: drug therapy and physical therapy. In chronic cases, the likelihood of surgical intervention is high. Traditional medicine recipes that help eliminate the inflammatory process are appropriate only as an adjuvant (but not the main one) in complex therapy. The high probability of developing adverse reactions indicates the need for prior consultation with a specialist.

Diagnosis and treatment

The nature of the pain, accompanying symptoms, medical history, and your detailed description of the location and intensity of the sensation will provide the doctor with important clues about the possible causes of the disease. The doctor will examine and palpate your abdomen to check the location of the pain and note any associated symptoms.

Depending on the situation, the patient may be hospitalized, for example, if an acute appendix is ​​suspected, or referred for further examination to a specialized specialist - a gynecologist, gastroenterologist or urologist. An orthopedist, neurologist or psychotherapist may also be involved.

A more complete examination to confirm the primary diagnosis may include the following methods:

  • abdominal scan;
  • laboratory tests of blood, urine, or vaginal secretions;
  • pregnancy test;
  • X-ray of the urinary tract;
  • laparoscopy;
  • cystoscopy.

As you understand, in the presence of such a bouquet of possible diseases for left-sided pain in the lower abdomen, treatment will depend on the specific cause identified during diagnosis. This may include antibacterial therapy for inflammatory processes, or surgical intervention for severe and chronic cases of disease.

Do you still think that healing your stomach and intestines is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, bowel dysfunction... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Here is the story of Galina Savina, about how she got rid of all these unpleasant symptoms...

Concern about one's health is common to every sane, adequate and reasonable adult. And this is quite normal and logical! Therefore, any physical ailments should certainly be alarming, since they may be symptoms of a disease. It is thanks to timely attention to them that the development of a particular disease can be prevented.

For example, what could pain in the lower abdomen on the left side indicate? So what if such a symptom is observed in a representative of the stronger sex? There are a number of diseases that can manifest themselves precisely in the form of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen.

Types of pain

Pain caused by injury or trauma has a pathophysiological significance for the body that is significantly different from internal pelvic pain. Pain caused by injuries, as a rule, should be immediately relieved by taking painkillers.

Pain caused by pathologies of internal organs, on the contrary, must be stopped with great care. If internal pain occurs, pain relief is allowed by applying a cold compress to the area.

Dull aching pain in the left side

This type of pain is a common complaint of patients with unilateral gynecological pathologies. Women usually experience dull pain in the left side of the lower abdomen with cycle disorders, during sex, with inflammation of the genital organs and non-inflammatory (endometriosis) diseases. Inflammatory pathologies, accompanied by dull pain, are usually combined with increased body temperature, weakness and increased fatigue. In addition to gynecological diseases, dull pain accompanies varicose veins of the legs, acute enlargement of the bladder, and hemorrhoids. A dull, aching pain is felt when the lymph nodes on the left side of the body are inflamed.

Nagging pain in left side

This pain is typical for purulent pathologies of the pelvic organs on the left side; it is usually debilitating and of low intensity. A nagging pain on the left is felt with inflammation of the scrotum, external male genitalia, as well as with strangulated hernias accompanied by sprained ligaments in the groin. Pain gradually increases in cancer due to irritation of the nerve ganglia by the growing tumor. In case of severe pathologies, the presence and intensity of other symptoms should be taken into account: (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, enlarged lymph nodes)

Sharp pain in left side

Cravings are accompanied by pathologies associated with spasms of the pelvic organs when the intestines are distended with gases or directly affected by painful nerve endings. Sharp pain is sometimes evidence of acute dilation of the bladder and renal pelvis, inflammation or rupture of ligaments, rupture of the ovary, or passage of uroliths through the urinary tract. Alternatively, in the above cases there may be a dull pain.

Stitching pain in left side

Colic usually occurs with kidney and intestinal diseases. Stitching, throbbing pain is possible with ulceration of the mucous membrane of the ureters and urethra. A type of stabbing pain is a shooting pain that indicates inflammation of the lower back, joints, and cartilage. Stitching pain occurs when the intestines expand due to increased gas formation. After defecation and urination, such pain subsides. Stitching pain is a formidable symptom that should not be neglected. It may be a harbinger of rupture of an ovarian cyst.

Unpleasant sensations on the lower left side: possible diagnoses

Pain in the left side can have different origins. Moreover, her character can also be varied. Aching, pulling, encircling, sharp, harsh - it can be anything. But first things first.

For example, acute pain on the left side of the lower abdomen may indicate to a man that he has stones in the bladder or kidneys. It happens that pain makes itself known completely unexpectedly. It has a paroxysmal character, but it cannot be called weak. The pain is so severe that a person can be immobilized. In this case, it is necessary to urgently contact a urologist.

Other diseases of the urinary system cannot be excluded. Among them are acute cystitis, various neoplasms and other diagnoses.

For what other reason can a man’s left side in the lower abdomen be bothered? There is one specifically male disease - prostatitis. It may also have a similar symptom. By the way, prostatitis threatens every 5th man upon reaching 40 years of age. Therefore, it would be wise to periodically visit your doctor for preventive examinations. And if it hurts in the left side, then it should be done immediately.

A man may have other problems with his kidneys, besides stones, which were mentioned a little earlier. For example, an unpleasant manifestation from the lower abdomen on the left makes one think that the man has pyelonephritis. True, to be more precise, he will not have time to think about it, since with such a dangerous illness as pyelonephritis, there is not just a sharp pain, but a very sharp and painful one. It makes a person want to climb the wall. An important fact: with pyelonephritis, the pain is located below the back, and not in the front, as in other cases. This will help for a more accurate primary diagnosis.

It's time to talk about possible deviations from the point of view of the male reproductive system, due to which the lower left side often hurts. Varicocele, inflammation of the spermatic cord, inflammation of the testicles, testicular torsion, inflammation of the epididymis - the left side of the lower abdomen in a man can eloquently speak about all this and much more.

Are there any other reasons that cause pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in men? There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that manifest themselves with the indicated symptom.

What organs are located in the left hypochondrium?

To better understand the situation in which stabbing pain occurs in the left side, it is necessary to know the anatomy of this area, as well as the functions of the organs that are located there. Pain can be caused by any organ or several at once.

What is in the abdominal cavity on the left side?


Located in the upper left part of the abdominal area, behind the stomach. The main function is to participate in hematopoiesis and produce antibodies. Usually rarely susceptible to pathologies, the most common disease is a heart attack due to leukemia or infections.


A hollow organ consisting of muscles, three quarters of it are located on the left under the ribs, the remaining part is under the sternum. The main task is mechanical and chemical processing of food, eliminating bacteria using gastric juice. Gastritis, polyps, ulcers are the most common problems of this organ.


It is located mainly on the left side of the abdominal cavity, behind the stomach, its function is to produce enzymes for breaking down food into digestible elements, some hormones involved in basic metabolism. The most common disease of the gland, which causes stabbing pain in the left side of the abdomen, is pancreatitis.


The organ in which digested substances are absorbed into the blood; pain in the intestines can be caused by infections, parasites, and cancer problems


A closed sac inside the abdominal cavity, one of its functions is to limit the spread of infections; the peritoneum is rarely susceptible to pathologies. Among the diseases, the most common is peritonitis.

Left kidney and ureter

The kidneys are located in the posterior abdominal cavity, on both sides of the spine, the left kidney is located approximately 1.5 cm above the right, the main function is excretory, the most common problem is pyelonephritis.

This area also contains: the vessels and nerves of the abdominal cavity, the abdominal wall - the muscles that limit the internal organs, and the ribs.

There are many organs located in the abdominal area, so it is difficult to independently determine the cause of the pain. Other information is also needed: how often it occurs and after what situations, what it is accompanied by, what body temperature is at the same time, what painkillers work, additional symptoms.

Other causes of this symptom in males

Very often there is pain in the left side of both men and women due to pancreatitis.

There are unbearable sensations around the body that cause enormous discomfort. The condition is accompanied by stomach upset (diarrhea), severe vomiting, bloating and other symptoms. It is necessary to urgently contact a gastroenterologist.

Not only pancreatitis is possible, but also other abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. There are many of them. Even the possibility of internal bleeding cannot be ruled out.

These are the main reasons why this symptom may manifest itself. In any situation, you cannot hesitate; you must immediately consult a doctor. In different cases, this may be a urologist, gastroenterologist, proctologist, surgeon and other specialists. But you should absolutely not self-medicate, because this can lead to serious consequences. Health and excellent well-being to every male!

Pain in the abdominal area is a signal from one of our organs located in the abdominal cavity. The reasons for this signal are numerous.

To make it easier to understand the origins of pain, it is customary to divide the entire abdominal region into nine parts: the three upper parts are the epigastric region (above the stomach), the middle three are the mesogastric region (the stomach and adjacent areas), the three lower parts – hypogastric region (organs located below, behind and under the stomach).

The following organs are located on the left side of the abdomen, partially or completely (from top to bottom):

diaphragm, stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, spleen, intestines (in women there are also left appendages). However, pain in the left side of the abdominal cavity does not mean that this is a signal of a disease in these particular departments and these organs, since pain can only be a reflection of a disease in the right side of the abdomen and its organs. Therefore, it can be difficult even for an experienced specialist to immediately determine the source and cause of pain.

Major diseases

Pain is a rather complex process, the formation of which is still poorly understood. Pain can migrate from one area to another, giving false sensations. It also happens that a person feels pain without a specific source of pathology.

The main causes of pain are:

  • Local circulatory disorders and congestion.
  • Violation of cellular metabolism in the pathological area.
  • Development of an inflammatory or dystrophic process.
  • Structural and functional changes in internal organs, which cause irritation of nerve endings, which causes pain.

The formation of pain occurs in several stages:

  • First stage. Initially, a person feels discomfort at the site of the pathological focus.
  • Second phase. A secondary focus of pathology is formed and communication with the primary focus is lost. In other words, referred pain appears.
  • Third stage. The pathological process is aggravated, and trophic disorders spread. The focus of the pain impulse increases, which is why the patient feels an increase in the intensity of pain.
  • Volvulus of the spleen. The splenic artery, veins, and nerve bundles may be partially or completely twisted. Splenic volvulus can occur for various reasons. As a rule, the reason lies in the individual characteristics of a person who, from birth, has long mesenteric ligaments that hold the organ in the abdominal cavity. When volvulus occurs, the symptoms are accompanied by signs of an acute abdomen. The patient is bothered by acute pain in the left side, which radiates to the groin and upper part of the lower limb. Pain is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation. The patient experiences a sharp deterioration in health. In this case, the issue of performing a surgical operation is decided.
  • Enlargement of the spleen. The inflammatory process and impaired blood flow through the portal vein can lead to acute expansion of the spleen, which is accompanied by pain in the left side of the lower abdomen. If the outflow of blood is disrupted, the patient complains of a dull pain, which on the left side can migrate to the abdomen. On ultrasound, the expansion of the spleen is clearly visible in the form of smoothing of the sharp edges of the organ. With inflammation of the spleen, pain is usually accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting. As a rule, inflammation of the spleen is not independent in nature, but is associated with pathologies of other organs.
  • Abscess of the spleen. This is a purulent inflammation of the spleen, which can be complicated by the development of peritonitis - a dangerous condition requiring immediate surgical intervention. Small abscesses of the spleen, as a rule, result in complete recovery of the patient. As for large foci of purulent inflammation, there is a risk of developing serious complications.
  • Splenic cyst. A cyst is a cavity consisting of a capsule containing fluid or mucus. As a rule, a splenic cyst forms after an abscess. Usually, the cyst is accompanied by a dull pain, sometimes it is paroxysmal in nature.
  • Splenic infarction. This condition develops when arterioles and small arteries of the parenchyma are blocked, causing necrosis around the blood clot. A patient with a splenic infarction feels a sharp pain in the left hypochondrium. As the disease progresses, the pain radiates down the abdomen. When taking a deep breath, coughing or sudden movements, the pain intensifies. Splenic infarction is also accompanied by elevated body temperature up to 38-39 degrees. This pathology is dangerous due to excessive blood loss.
  • Leukemia. Chronic lympho- and myeloid leukemias are accompanied by damage to the hematopoietic organs, including the spleen. With this pathology, the spleen increases in size, which is why the patient feels pain. Often in such cases they resort to splenectomy - removal of the spleen.

As for other pathologies of the spleen, for example, congenital disorders and organ atrophy, they, as a rule, occur without severe pain.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome. This is a disease of unknown etiology that affects both men and women. Women often note an exacerbation of the disease during menstruation or with changes in hormonal levels. This pathology is manifested by chronic pain, sometimes on the left side. In addition, irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by flatulence and bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea). Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by periods of subsidence and exacerbation, for example, after eating certain foods or during stress. With the help of a specially selected diet and drug treatment, significant improvement and disappearance of the symptoms of the disease can be achieved.
  • Hirschsprung's disease. This is a hereditary disease that affects mostly boys. With this disease, there are no areas of innervation in some areas of the colon. The main symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease, in addition to pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, are constipation, bloating and increased gas formation. The main method of treatment is surgery, the essence of which is to remove areas of the colon that are devoid of nerve endings.
  • Crohn's disease. This is an inflammatory bowel disease, which may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen on the left side, depending on the part of the intestine that has undergone the inflammatory process. Crohn's disease is a rather complex disease that requires conservative and surgical treatment. The complexity of this pathology is that it is often disguised as other diseases, which makes it difficult for the patient to make a diagnosis.
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. This is an inflammatory polyetiological disease of the intestine, in which morphological changes occur in the intestine. It is believed that the main reason lies in hereditary factors and malfunctions of the immune system. The nature of the pain, as a rule, is paroxysmal in nature with varying intensity.
  • Colon polyps. Polyps are benign neoplasms. In addition to pain, polyps can be accompanied by a bowel disorder, in which constipation can give way to diarrhea, which is dangerous due to the development of dehydration. Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen usually occurs when polyps affect the descending part of the colon.

DETAILS: Red blood cells are elevated in a child, man or woman

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system require diagnosis and appropriate therapy. In the case when pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by urination disorder, discharge from the vagina or urethra, then with a high degree of probability we can talk about diseases of the genitourinary system. You should consult a urologist or gynecologist to find out the cause of this condition.

Most abdominal organs can provoke pain of a different nature, which radiates down the abdomen. It’s just worth paying attention to the fact that inflamed appendicitis will never bother you on the left side (it is characterized by the appearance of pain on the right side).

Let us note how pain is localized in diseases of different organs. If it hurts in the left hypochondrium, then the splenic flexure of the colon, the spleen itself, which hurts only with splenomegaly - its enlargement, the pancreas (if the tail of the organ is affected), the stomach (cardial part and fundus) makes itself felt.

A gastrointestinal disorder will be indicated by aching pain, which is accompanied by problems with stool. The main culprit for pain in this case is the pancreas. When it is dysfunctional, an insufficient amount of enzymes is produced, which are required to digest food.

As natural processes change, painful sensations arise. When taking additional enzymes, the discomfort subsides a little. The pain may disappear if the main problem is still in the pancreas. The accuracy of the diagnosis must always be confirmed. If we consider other aspects, the following reasons are highlighted:

  • problems with blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • inflammation;
  • dysfunction or pathological changes in one of the internal organs.

Symptoms of gynecological diseases
If we talk about specialists, then if a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen on the left side, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist (primarily), an endocrinologist, a surgeon and a gastroenterologist. It is very important for every woman not to forget to undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist, since most pain that is localized in the lower abdomen (regardless on the left or right) may indicate a gynecological illness.

As we have already found out, pain in the left lower abdomen can occur due to dysfunction of the spleen. Pathology can manifest itself as follows:

  1. A dull pain occurs in the hypochondrium, which after some time descends to the lower abdomen.
  2. Each breath is accompanied by increased pain.
  3. There is an increased body temperature.
  4. Internal bleeding may begin.

If doctors diagnose bleeding, then urgent removal of the organ is required. Thus, the functionality of the spleen passes to the lymphatic system and liver.

Symptoms of spleen diseases

Volvulus of the spleen is accompanied by cutting and stabbing pain. Since the spleen is an organ that contains a large number of nerve endings, a sharp reaction to the pathological process occurs. The disease can be caused by either a birth defect or sudden injury. In this case, the woman will experience frequent vomiting and bloating.

  1. Take the most comfortable position for yourself to ease the feeling of pain.
  2. Be aware of any additional symptoms so you can tell your doctor.
  3. If the pain is sharp and intensifies, then you should not hesitate to call an ambulance. When a similar attack occurs repeatedly, and then the condition improves, you can visit a doctor yourself.
  4. Under no circumstances should you apply cold or hot compresses without knowing the exact diagnosis, as this will only worsen the clinical picture.
  5. You should not take any painkillers, much less self-medicate, making your own diagnosis. Even if the pain is very severe, you need to wait for the ambulance to arrive (any medications can eliminate the main symptoms, so making a diagnosis will become more difficult).
  6. After a detailed examination and conversation with the patient, the doctor can redirect to another specialist or send for an ultrasound examination; you should not ignore the doctor’s recommendations.

If you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you must visit a medical institution for examination.

  1. urological – from 65 to 90%;
  2. gynecological – from 60 to 70%;
  3. gastroenterological – from 50 to 60%;
  4. orthopedic – from 7 to 15%.

And yet, what are the possible causes of pain in the left lower abdomen?


, we need to look at the intestines. Obstruction, increased gas formation (flatulence), malignant neoplasms in the intestine, diverticulitis. In this case, as a rule, additional symptoms occur - diarrhea or nausea, increased pain, severe exhaustion due to a malignant neoplasm.

Secondly, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen may lie in diseases of the female genital area

– for example, a twisted pedicle of an ovarian cyst. In this case, severe pain that is difficult to bear, accompanied by low blood pressure, fever, and vomiting occurs. This is a medical emergency.


, the cause of pain may be. In this case, high temperature and pain on palpation in the lower abdomen are also possible.


, can serve as a source of pain. The nature of the pain is akin to labor pains, gradually intensifying over time. Sharp pain can occur when the fallopian tube ruptures. You need to call emergency medical help immediately.

The male body is complex and specific. One of the problematic and at the same time common causes of various diseases is the stomach. What causes frequent pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in a man and why does it occur?

Painful sensations in the abdomen in men can be of a different nature, depending on the specific location of the pain. Most often, they are caused by the digestive and reproductive systems.

Diseases of the reproductive system

This section applies specifically to female representatives. Discomfort occurs due to disturbances and failures in the ovaries, uterus or fallopian tubes.

Pain in the left lower abdomen indicates these ailments:

  • Endometriosis . Epithelial cells grow outside the uterus. They can multiply in the intestines.
  • Ectopic pregnancy . Pain in the form of contractions, becoming stronger and stronger, is the main symptom. If the fallopian tube ruptures, the pain becomes unusually severe and the woman needs emergency medical attention.
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes . The pain is sharp and can be reflected in the right lower side. The disease is accompanied by vaginal discharge, severe pain during menstruation and elevated body temperature.
  • Rupture or twisting of the ovarian stalk . Symptoms include pale skin, low blood pressure, high fever, and vomiting. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately seek help.
  • Allen-Masters syndrome . It is provoked by rupture of the uterine ligaments during an abortion or rapid labor.
  • Adnexitis . The appendages become inflamed. The phenomenon is accompanied by sharp pain. It intensifies when pressure is applied to the area.
  • Enlargement of the renal pelvis . This case relates not to the reproductive system, but to the genitourinary system, and concerns not only women, but also men.

Attention: pain in the lower left abdominal region should be given special attention during pregnancy. Even if they are not severe and bother you periodically, you should definitely contact a specialist.

Digestive tract problems - as a cause of abdominal pain

Very often, having minor pain, men do not pay attention to it. The most common digestive tract problems are:

  1. improper nutrition - it not only disrupts the natural process of digestion, but also gives a confident impetus to the development of serious diseases, such as gastritis and ulcers. Symptoms of the disease are abdominal pain.
  2. appendicitis – pain occurs in the right side and gradually spreads to the entire abdomen;
  3. diverticulitis – sharp pain appears on the left side;
  4. cystitis - occurs as a result of hypothermia, symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination.

This series can be continued, since the digestive system is complex and actively reacts to poor nutrition, stress and other external factors.

What do these symptoms indicate during pregnancy?

Any abdominal pain in pregnant women should be a signal for an urgent visit to a gynecologist. The slightest carelessness can have fatal consequences for both mother and child. The causes of colic in the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be:

  • Non-pathological pain. They bother most pregnant women at various stages. This is mainly pelvic ligament syndrome, which is characterized by a feeling of tightness in the lower abdomen. Pain usually occurs when moving, which primarily makes walking difficult.
  • Pain associated with pathologies include ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, and ovarian torsion.

What diseases cause pain in the lower abdomen in men?

  1. Acute prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate. It occurs due to a large number of bacteria in the genital organs, as well as as a result of sedentary work. Pain during this disease is more pronounced in the pubic region, perineum and inner thighs.
  2. Chronic prostatitis is a process that occurs in case of poor treatment of acute prostatitis. The symptoms are the same, but there is itching and burning in the anus.
  3. Prostate cancer is a dangerous disease that occurs almost asymptomatically. The only sign of a possible disease is frequent urination. The disease occurs in men aged 50 and is quite common. The nature of the pain is acute and unbearable.
  4. Vesiculitis is inflammation of the seminal vesicles. The symptoms are the same, inflammation occurs as a consequence of prostate problems. Characterized by acute pain in the perineum, lower abdomen. Leads to erectile dysfunction in men.

Before self-medicating, you should consult a doctor or call an ambulance if severe pain occurs. Whatever their cause, problems with the digestive and reproductive systems are very dangerous for a man’s health. Some of them, if treated incorrectly or not, can lead to much worse consequences. That is why it is worth listening to the body’s signals and resorting to treatment in a timely manner.

Pain in the lower left abdomen in women, developing due to damage to the sigmoid colon

In the case when painful sensations in the lower left abdomen intensify after a long walk, while driving on uneven roads, as well as before defecation, this condition may signal the localization of the pathological process in the sigmoid colon. Often, with inflammatory damage to the terminal part of the colon, pain is accompanied by painful tenesmus (false imperative urge to defecate). In the stool, which looks like meat slop, impurities of mucus, blood or pus are found, the stool is frequent and watery, with a fetid odor.

The sigmoid colon is the S-shaped end of the colon that extends into the rectum. Due to this anatomical structure, isolated sigmoiditis is very rare in clinical practice, since the inflammatory process almost always extends to the rectum.

The final formation of feces occurs in the sigmoid colon, and it is in this area of ​​the large intestine, in places of physiological bends and narrowings, that stagnation of intestinal contents often occurs. Therefore, degenerative and inflammatory processes most often develop there, and benign and malignant neoplasms are also localized.

In addition to the development of the pathological process in the sigmoid colon, painful sensations in the lower left part of the abdomen occur with acute or chronic dysentery and other infectious processes, with Crohn's disease, chronic and nonspecific ulcerative colitis, circulatory disorders and sigmoid colon cancer.

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