Mineral water for gastritis: beneficial properties and contraindications

To relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa and relieve unpleasant symptoms, modern medicine uses many techniques. Medications are prescribed to reduce acidity. Digestion returns to normal if you regularly follow a therapeutic diet.

All of the above treatment methods are effective. However, you can always supplement them by drinking mineral water. The healing properties of the drink have been repeatedly confirmed by numerous studies. If used correctly, mineral water for gastritis of the stomach helps to cope with increased gastric secretion, severe pain in the epigastric region, and heartburn. This article will discuss the main types of mineral water, rules for selection and use, as well as contraindications. We will answer the main question that worries many patients: what mineral water should you drink if you have gastritis?

Plain and mineral water. What is the difference?

The difference is that the mineral water is deep underground. Once upon a time, it penetrated into the soil and remained there for thousands of years. Penetrating through different layers of the earth, the liquid accumulated minerals and carbon dioxide and acquired beneficial properties.

Back in the 3rd millennium BC, people noticed the healing effect of liquid extracted from the bowels of the earth. The healing properties of mineral water are mentioned in the annals of Mesopotamia. Each modern source has its own rich history. For example, in Europe, ancient baths with inscriptions in Latin are still preserved.

The first source with water saturated with minerals appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I. This happened in 1719, not far from Petro, resorts with the legendary mineral waters of Borjomi and Essentuki were opened.

Interesting fact! The modern food industry has “learned” how to produce mineral water on its own. To do this, weakly alkaline or neutral salts are added to ordinary water. The result is a product that is virtually identical to the natural source.

Composition and beneficial properties

The mineral water we are used to is the same water, only extracted from the depths of the Earth. There it is preserved for centuries in deep layers, and due to the absence of external factors that pollute surface waters, it is gradually saturated with trace elements and minerals.

This water contains soluble salts. The percentage of biologically active substances is significantly higher than in ordinary drinking water.

The main elements of mineral water:

  • sodium;
  • sulfates;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • chlorine.

All of them take part in regulating metabolism. In addition, there is carbon dioxide in the water (it is this that forms bubbles like those we see in a glass of champagne). Gas softens the taste of the drink.

There are many varieties of mineral water:

  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate and others.

A thorough study of the composition of mineral water is the work of scientists. For us, it is important what its mineralization - the purpose for which the healing drink can be used depends on this.

Water is classified according to the degree of mineralization:

  • dining room;
  • medical dining room;
  • medicinal.

In the first, the salt content is comparable to the percentage in plain water - perhaps a little more - and therefore doctors allow it to be used often, even daily . You can cook food on it (of course, when the gases come out).

The second subtype contains salts from 2 to 10 g per liter of liquid. The third, respectively, from 10. The second and third subtypes should be used only as prescribed by a doctor . They have a healing effect, but if used incorrectly they can cause harm.

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Main types of mineral water

To explain whether it is possible to drink mineral water with gastritis, let’s look at its varieties. There are 3 main types of mineral water:

  • Dining room. The concentration of minerals is very weak, no more than 1 gram per 1 liter. The taste of this drink is practically no different from ordinary water. It is sold in any store and can be used in any amount without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Medical dining room. The concentration of nutrients varies between 1-10 grams. Medicinal table mineral water often consists of iodine and arsenic, iron, silicon and bromine, and other components. Sold in supermarkets and pharmacies. Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 are the most common options for medicinal table water.
  • Therapeutic. A drink with an extremely high concentration of salts and trace elements. This is one of the reasons why drinking such water for chronic gastritis should only be done with the permission of a doctor. Examples of medicinal mineral water: Donat, Essentuki No. 17.


It is very important to select the right water according to the acidity of the stomach. So, with hyperacid gastritis, it is forbidden to drink acidic waters, and with hypoacid gastritis, alkaline ones are prohibited.

Also, for gastritis, it is better to avoid drinking carbonated mineral water, since carbon dioxide promotes irritation of the gastric walls, provokes excess gas formation and bloating.

Do not forget about individual intolerance to mineral water. If you have hypersensitivity to individual components, then you should avoid drinking such water. If after the first days of use the patient’s condition worsens, then there is no need to take such a mineral water.

In general, the benefits of mineral water for the human body are undeniable; the main thing is to choose the right water in accordance with the pH of the stomach. Then drinking water will be extremely beneficial.

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Composition of mineral water, benefits for humans

Even with adequate nutrition, a person does not always receive the required amount of microelements and minerals. You can compensate for the deficiency with mineral water. It includes:

  • Calcium. Necessary for the formation of teeth and bones. It is an essential component of blood, cellular and tissue fluids. Calcium reduces the permeability of blood vessels, protecting them from viruses and various pathologies. The human immune system is activated, and the risk of developing allergic reactions and inflammation is reduced.
  • Magnesium. Stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, makes connective tissue stronger. When a person exercises intensely or consumes large amounts of protein, the body needs a double “portion” of magnesium.
  • Fluorine. It is no coincidence that many toothpastes contain fluoride. It actively fights the development of calcium in the oral cavity and strengthens tooth enamel. Other functions are no less useful: healing bones during fractures, participating in skeletal growth, reducing acid production. Such mineral water will be especially useful for gastritis with high acidity.
  • Iron. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of hemoglobin. The element takes an active part in the formation of strong immunity and protects the stomach from infectious lesions.
  • Bor. Particularly important for children and adolescents. It strengthens the immune system and increases overall life expectancy. Thanks to boron, the construction of cell membranes and bone tissue occurs.
  • Vanadium. It is a necessary condition for normal carbohydrate-fat metabolism. When there is a lot of vanadium in the body, cholesterol production decreases. This is especially important for people suffering from heart and vascular diseases. If there is a deficiency of this element, the human nervous system may malfunction.
  • Cobalt. Takes an active part in the processes of hematopoiesis and the breakdown of complex substances. It is part of B12 and ensures stable functioning of the nervous system.

When there are problems with the stomach, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and other systems is disrupted. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea lead to an acute lack of vital substances. It is quite possible to compensate for the lack of minerals. We will tell you what mineral water is good for gastritis and how to drink it correctly in the second part of the article.


Most often, mineralized water for gastritis is used to normalize the level of gastric acid secretion, when it is necessary to reduce the level of gastric secretion. Mineral water has healing properties due to its special composition, which consists of salts, minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to the stomach. Thanks to them, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and gall bladder is normalized.

In addition to the fact that medicinal mineral water contains a huge amount of microelements, it also contains substances that are present in small quantities in everyday foods. According to the classification according to the types of ions that predominate in the composition, mineral water is divided into the following types:

  1. Alkaline - the composition is dominated by hydrocarbonates. This water is useful for diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcers and inflammation of the duodenum, when there is a high level of hydrochloric acid secretion.
  2. Sulfate contains a large amount of sulfates, useful for normalizing the functioning of the gallbladder, its ducts and liver.
  3. Chloride helps improve intestinal motility.
  4. The mineral water, which contains large amounts of magnesium, helps restore the nervous system and helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Glandular contains a significant amount of iron elements. With the help of such water it will be possible to restore the normal composition of the blood and get rid of anemia.

Secrets of choosing and drinking mineral water. How not to cause harm?

If a person does not have problems with the pancreas, stomach and other organs, drinking medicinal mineral water is pointless. There are already enough microelements in the body. By consuming liquid, there is a risk of disrupting the natural balance.

It is important to know initially how gastric juice is produced in the body. Perhaps the stomach produces too much acid or the opposite is true. For gastritis, mineral water with low acidity should enhance secretion, and with high acidity, suppress it. Therefore, in the first case, an alkaline liquid is drunk, and in the second, an acidic one. Take this nuance into account when choosing a drink in a store or pharmacy.

  • People with high acidity are advised to drink warm mineral water. This is a necessary measure to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. It is recommended to drink it in large sips 1 hour before meals. The product should contain a lot of bicarbonates and sodium. Essentuki No. 4 for gastritis with high secretion meets these requirements. The same can be said about Borjomi, waters from Zheleznovodsk, Matsesta.

Do you have low acidity? In this case, drink the liquid slowly, 15-20 minutes before meals. There is no need to heat it - it should be at room temperature. Mineral water for atrophic gastritis should have a sodium chloride composition. Kuyalnik and Mirgorodskaya (Ukraine), Alma-Ata and Essentuki No. 17 are suitable. Before drinking such a drink, it is advisable to consult with your attending gastroenterologist.

What should you check with a specialist? First of all, the temperature of the water, with or without gas, the exact dosage. Healing mineral water for erosive gastritis and any other forms of the disease is, first of all, a medicine. Which promotes recovery, but can also cause harm if the dosage is unreasonable.

Now let's look at each type of mineral water separately and clarify the recommended dosages.

The benefits of mineral water for gastritis of the stomach

If a person has heartburn and excessive acid secretion, you need to drink mineral water.
Mineral water undoubtedly brings great benefits during therapy, as well as during the prevention of gastritis, so it is often recommended to drink it for such an illness. If a person has heartburn and abundant acid secretion, then you need to drink mineral water, which alkalizes the secretion, it is rich in bicarbonates and contains a sufficient amount of useful metals. Thanks to its special composition, this mineral water helps bind hydrochloric acid in the stomach and helps reduce its production.

Thanks to bicarbonates, hydrogen ions in the body decrease and they participate in the production of gastric juice. As a result of this, the volume of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases, the patient ceases to suffer from a burning sensation, appetite appears, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus goes away, and the body’s protective functions increase. With constant, regular consumption of mineral water for gastritis, food is maximally absorbed by the body, this promotes regular bowel movements, which improves a person’s well-being.

Essentuki No. 4

Mineral water such as Essentuki belongs to the table and medicinal water category. There are relatively few salts and minerals in it. It has proven itself in the treatment and prevention of various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, and high production of gastric juice. Essentuki No. 4 should be taken in small quantities. The recommended dosage is:

  • When the acidity is normal - 300 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Low acidity. The volume is the same or slightly less (250 ml), 20 minutes before a meal. At room temperature, no more than 3 times a day.
  • High secretion can be eliminated with water heated to 28 degrees. The frequency of use and dosage are the same as in the previous recipe.

We recommend that you follow the above doses and not exceed them. After all, if you drink medicinal liquid in large volumes, it is easy to provoke metabolic disorders and other consequences.

Mineral water "Borjomi"

Hydrocarbonate-sodium water of natural mineralization, the place of extraction of which is 9 wells with a depth of 0.2-1.5 km on the territory of the reserve in the city of the same name Borjomi (Georgia). Used for therapeutic and preventive purposes for diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders.

100 grams of liquid contains:

  • 200 mg sodium;
  • from 20 to 150 mg magnesium;
  • 13 mg calcium;
  • 50 mg chlorine;
  • 10 mg silicon;
  • 3 mg potassium;
  • 0.8 mg sulfur;
  • 100 μg aluminum;
  • as well as titanium, strontium, boron, and fluorine in small doses.

Essentuki No. 17

How does Essentuki No. 17 differ from the previous medicinal table water? First of all, a different composition. Mineralization is much higher - 1 liter of drink contains up to 14 g of minerals. The product can be confidently considered sodium, chloride-bicarbonate and boron. It is recommended to drink Essentuki No. 17 for gastritis for people with low and normal acidity.

To ensure effective stimulation of the secretory function of the stomach, drink 250 ml of the drink 20 minutes before meals. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees.

"Essentuki No. 4"

Boric, chloride-carbonate, medicinal table water, characterized by an average degree of natural mineralization - from 7.0 to 10.0 g/l. There are 11 wells in operation on the territory of the field for the extraction of water of this type. The Essentuki resort invites city guests to visit a specially created drinking gallery, where you can try all types of extracted mineral waters, so to speak, in the heat of the moment.

Chemical composition, mg/liter
Hydrocarbonate HCO3 From 3400 to 4800
Chloride Cl From 1300 to 1900
Sulphate SO42 Up to 25
Calcium Ca2 Below 150
Sodium + potassium Na++K+ Min - 2000, max - 3000
Magnesium Mg2 Does not exceed 100
Carbon dioxide in dissolved state Min - 500, max - 1800
Boric acid H3BO3 From 30 to 60

"Essentuki No. 4" is indicated for the treatment of many diseases of the stomach, liver, and biliary tract outside the period of their exacerbation. Has a healing effect on the digestive system with gastritis of high acidity.

Borjomi for medicinal purposes

Borjomi is a healing water of volcanic origin. Contains more than 60 salts and minerals, other substances so necessary for the body. Refers to mineral hydrocarbonate drinks.

We will not claim that this is the best mineral water for gastritis. However, its beneficial effect on a sore stomach is impressive. Millions of people around the world drink it. Borjomi works especially effectively against gastritis with high acidity:

  • Improves mucus production.
  • Normalizes secretory function.
  • Normalizes intestinal functioning.

In case of increased acid secretion, Borjomi is consumed warmed 30 minutes before meals. You should give preference to a drink that does not contain gas. It is advisable to drink 100-250 ml of liquid at a time. Drink in large sips 3 times a day. Borjomi works wonders for gastritis!

How to take it correctly?

If the doctor has prescribed mineral water therapy, then in order to get the most positive result, you must strictly follow the dosage regimen. At first, it is enough to drink 100 ml of mineral water per day. It is worth remembering that with a high concentration of minerals, an inflammatory process may occur in the tissues of the gastric mucosa.

The course of treatment must be carried out for a month, then take a break. To get the proper effect from therapy, it must be repeated at least 2-3 times a year. If a patient, when treating gastritis with increased acid secretion, experiences a loss of strength, loss of appetite, nausea and belching, bloating, then in this case the therapy must be stopped immediately and the attending physician must be informed about the symptoms that have arisen.


On the territory of the Ukrainian resort of Kuyalnik, another type of medicinal water with the same name is extracted. The drink has low mineralization (up to 3 g/liter) and belongs to sodium-chloride waters. It stimulates motor skills and activates secretory function. The functioning of the pancreas improves, and the biliary system also returns to normal. In addition, more hormones are released to improve the secretion of gastric juice.

But that's not all. Healing mineral water activates the body's defenses. It is much easier for him to fight the infection. The severity of autoimmune processes also decreases.

How to use Kuyalnik correctly? The dosage recommended by experts is 100-200 ml 3 times a day. The water should be at room temperature; it is advisable to drink it half an hour before meals.

How and what kind of water to drink for gastritis

Mineral therapy is prescribed for certain diseases to achieve a positive result in complex treatment. Therefore, you should know how to drink water properly; otherwise it will bring harm rather than benefit.

Mineral water is prescribed according to the scheme. First you need to drink 100 ml of water per day. If you drink a lot of it at once, the risk of an inflammatory process directly on the stomach tissue increases.

Doctors prescribe water treatment in courses that, as a rule, do not exceed 1 month. After completing the course, you need to take a short break. Thus, you need to continue treatment throughout the year.

Important! Carry out treatment 2-3 times a year. If at the time of treatment nausea, bloating or belching occurs and the general condition worsens, you should stop drinking water and consult a doctor.

List of commonly prescribed mineral waters:

  1. Martin.
  2. Minskaya.
  3. Narzan.
  4. Borjomi.
  5. Tyumen
  6. Kashinskaya.
  7. Nizhnesergievskaya.
  8. Semigorskaya.
  9. Essentuki No. 4, 17, 20.
  10. Arshan.

It should be noted that each mineral water listed has a different degree of mineralization with hydrocarbonate and chloride-sulfate elements. Therefore, before taking water if you have an existing disease, you must consult a doctor.

Water with high acidity

In this case, you can use several types of mineral water. In case of high acidity, gastroenterologists recommend drinking them in combination with diet therapy.

  1. It is useful to take Essentuki No. 17. This water is prescribed during the period of exacerbation of the disease. You can also use Essentuki as a preventative measure to prevent the development of gastritis.
  2. Borjomi helps very well with gastritis, and unlike Essentuka No. 17, it can replace some medications, because Borjomi has a healing effect on the patient’s body.

For high acidity, doctors recommend taking mineral water 1.5 hours before the main meal. By this time, it will have already passed from the stomach to the intestines, thereby preparing the organ for the “receipt” of food.

You need to remember the golden rule. If you have high acidity, never drink cold mineral water. Before drinking water, it must be heated to 40 degrees. Warm drinking removes excess carbon dioxide from the digestive organ, which in turn leads to stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice.

Additional benefits of warm mineral water:

  1. Helps eliminate spasm.
  2. Increases the motor function of the digestive organ, in particular the stomach.

You need to drink the mineral water in one gulp, this is the only way it will quickly penetrate the intestines. The course of treatment for high acidity is at least 3 weeks a year.

Low acidity water

If the patient has low acidity due to gastritis, you can also use Essentuki, but only number 4.

Narzan. Directions for use for gastritis

We cannot ignore another medicinal drink, which has been actively used in medicine since the 19th century. This is Narzan. It is mined from springs located in the vicinity of Kislovodsk. Prescribed for gastritis with any type of acidity. Thanks to regular consumption of the drink, metabolism is normalized, immunity and overall body tone are increased.

When the stomach produces too little acid, room temperature narzan will be most effective. If the acidity is high, it is recommended to heat it to 30 degrees. A single dosage should not exceed 300 ml. Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals if you have high acidity. When juice production is normal or reduced, Narzan for gastritis is drunk an hour before meals.

Which mineral water treats gastritis with reduced secretion

For low acidity, gastroenterologists prescribe:

  • Essentuki 4;
  • Mirgorodskaya;
  • Narzan;
  • Izhevskaya;
  • Tyumen;
  • Morshinskaya and others.

Water obtained by patients directly from the source has the most healing powers. Hydrotherapy is successfully carried out in such sanatoriums as Truskavets, Baden-Baden, Essentuki.

In this case, doctors recommend taking chilled mineral water 15-20 minutes before starting a meal. Remaining in the stomach at this point, it interacts with food, helping it break down and digest through the acid it contains.

You must drink the permitted type of water slowly in small sips, savoring it and rinsing your mouth for a long time, which has an irritating effect on the mucous walls of the stomach. In turn, due to this, the secretory and motor activity of the stomach is activated.

The speed at which water enters the duodenum directly depends on temperature. Hot liquid reduces secretion and smooth muscle tone, while cold liquid enhances gastric function.

Fresh water from the source is taken from a special container - a bowl. It is flattened on the sides, has a narrow throat and a long nose. This design allows you to drink water in small sips, stretching this process over time.

It is wrong to think that drinking mineral water in buckets will bring greater effect. On the contrary, excessive and regular consumption of water, moreover, with serious violations of the treatment technique, will only bring harm. You should definitely expect disturbances in acid-base balance, as well as water-salt metabolism.

The doctor determines what kind of water to drink if you have gastritis, and also recommends following a certain daily routine, dietary rules, avoiding excessive doses of alcohol, and quitting smoking. And also decides whether it is possible to use mineral water for prevention - if so, then drink only table water of low mineralization. It is taken on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day.

If for some reason you cannot drink water, treatment is carried out using the following procedures. Place mineral water in the mouth and hold it there for a couple of minutes. Then they spit everything out and repeat again five or six times. The healing liquid has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the stomach from the oral cavity. Baths, as well as drinking water, are best done before meals.

Water with honey for gastritis

Since ancient times, honey has been used to treat gastritis. This bee product is able to maintain alkaline balance due to the presence of alkaline mineral salts in it. They help cleanse the blood, restore the internal walls of the stomach due to protective mucus, normalize secretory function, and generally improve digestive processes.

Dark varieties of honey are more suitable for treating the stomach. To achieve tangible results, you need to be able to apply it correctly. For the effectiveness of therapy, honey is diluted in plain or mineralized water without gas. Hyperacid gastritis requires a water temperature of 42-450C, hypoacid gastritis requires cool water. Otherwise, the scheme does not differ from taking the usual liquid described above.

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