Herbs for liver and pancreas diseases


Diseases of the liver and pancreas respond well to treatment with an integrated approach. In addition to traditional methods, herbs and herbal preparations are used.

Herbal treatment is on a new wave of popularity today. Admirers of herbal medicine prepare plants themselves or buy them in pharmacies. Herbal remedies can and should be taken in separate courses for the prevention and normalization of the functions of internal organs.


Bad habits, poor diet, hereditary predisposition, and injuries can cause various serious diseases. Of these, pancreatitis (chronic and acute form) is considered the most common; the appearance of various tumors, cysts and stones is also possible.

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For every disease, there are sure to be herbs for the liver and pancreas that can help in treatment. Such plants often have a complex effect.

Available to everyone

Herbs for the liver and pancreas are used to prepare medicinal mixtures. They can be made from the following publicly available plant components:

  • bark - buckthorn;
  • roots - dandelion, valerian, parsnip, galangal, elecampane, burdock;
  • buds – birch;
  • herbs - wormwood, yarrow, St. John's wort, celandine, tricolor violet, knotweed, horsetail, oregano, parsley, flax, chicory;
  • leaves - coltsfoot, mint, horse sorrel, plantain, nettle, wild strawberry, birch;
  • flowers - immortelle, hawthorn, chamomile, linden, calendula, tansy;
  • seeds – cumin, dill;
  • fruits – barberry, hawthorn.

These herbs can be prepared with your own hands or taken from a pharmacy.

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Storage and procurement

In order for herbs for the liver and pancreas to have the desired effect, they must be prepared correctly. The collection of different parts of the plant is carried out at a certain period of time:

  • from blooming to falling - leaves;
  • in autumn and early spring - root;
  • before the leaves bloom - buds;
  • until the moment of flowering - grass;
  • at the beginning of flowering - flowers;
  • in spring during sap flow - bark;
  • when fully ripe - seeds.

It is necessary to collect herbs away from roads and various industrial enterprises. Different species are stored separately, in addition, different parts of the same plant. In this case, it is better not to grind the raw materials. A dry, ventilated, dark room without direct sunlight is well suited for storage.

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Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to hear your feedback about effective herbs in the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas in the comments, this will also be useful to other users of the site.

Andrey, Simferopol

I have been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis for a long time. In order to extend the period of remission, I take medications from the pharmacy. Nothing complicated, they just need to be consumed instead of tea. The main thing is that allergies do not arise, and in general I did not notice any other contraindications.

Irina, Taganrog

Yes, if the pancreas starts acting up, then you need to try different remedies. I didn’t even think that medicinal herbs could help. I decided to try it and after daily use I began to feel much better. In general, I personally recommend it, but you must first consult your doctor.

Herbs for the liver

Many herbs that are used to treat the liver are very familiar to people who are far from forests and fields. Of course, everyone knows the following collection of herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, calendula. But many people don’t even realize that these herbs are very beneficial for our liver:

  • Chamomile flowers have a carminative, choleretic effect, and also relieve spasms. They are used for hepatitis and cholecystitis.
  • Peppermint, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are determined by its composition, improves the flow of bile, and also allows you to get rid of the feeling of heaviness after eating, reduces the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.
  • The herb St. John's wort has a beneficial effect on the bile ducts and liver. Improves the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous system, increases efficiency, eliminates apathy and depression, helps with headaches, and also improves sleep.
  • Calendula flowers help as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic for liver diseases, accelerate metabolic processes in it, and also improve its secretion.
  • Corn silk has a choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces appetite, and normalizes metabolism.
  • The agrimony herb perfectly regulates the functioning of the liver and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used in the treatment of cholelithiasis, cirrhosis and hepatitis.
  • Tansy is used as an anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent for liver diseases, as well as giardiasis and hepatitis.
  • Milk thistle seeds effectively cleanse the body of slagging, improve metabolism, heal the liver, and are used for cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, and all kinds of poisoning.
  • Immortelle relieves spasms from the biliary tract, increases bile secretion, and washes away small stones and sand.

Use these liver herbs in the following ways.

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Contraindications to herbal medicine

Even if a medicinal plant does not contain toxins, it may still have contraindications. For example:

  • Aloe juice is prohibited for people with kidney failure, diseases of the urinary system, or a tendency to bleeding.
  • St. John's wort is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, high body temperature, and pregnant women.
  • Mint leaves - a decoction of this plant has a negative effect on the health of people with low blood pressure.

The existence of such contraindications suggests that blindly trusting herbal recipes is dangerous.

Treatment of pancreatitis

Most recipes are aimed at combating chronic pancreatitis:

  1. The collection includes valerian root (30 gr.), peppermint, medicinal properties and contraindications are familiar to many today, (30 gr.), hawthorn (20 gr.), barberry (20 gr.). All components should be brewed as tea and consumed ½ glass on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
  2. A tablespoon of common agrimony is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for an hour, and consumed ¼ glass before meals for 21 days. After 10 days, the course must be repeated. The decoction completely improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver within 3 months.
  3. 2 tablespoons of Japanese sophora are poured into a glass of water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, then cooled, then filtered. Take a tablespoon before meals for 5 days. Reception resumes after a week's break.
  4. Peppermint, calamus root, valerian, immortelle (an herb, how to drink which you can read here) and chamomile are mixed in equal parts, then a tablespoon of this mixture is poured into a thermos, filled with a glass of water, and infused. The finished product is consumed in a glass after breakfast and dinner an hour later.
  5. A tablespoon of chicory root is boiled in a glass of water for 5 minutes, drunk in small sips all day for 21 days. Can be repeated after a week break.
  6. A spoonful of sea buckthorn leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, 40 minutes. insists. Half a glass of tea is consumed after each meal. It expels bile from the liver and cleanses the pancreas.
  7. Tea made from burdock roots, sage leaves, rose hips and licorice is consumed daily for a month, 30 ml before each meal.

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Treatment of inflammation in children

Folk remedies can also be used to treat inflammation in children, but it is best to consult a pediatrician. Recommended effective herbal preparations are discussed below.

Recipe No. 1 for preparing a medicinal mixture:

  • A combination of equal proportions of eyebright flowers, calendula, immortelle, string and barberry leaves;
  • Grinding all the collected ingredients in a coffee grinder;
  • 1 tbsp. A spoonful of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • The resulting mixture is infused for 12 hours;

The finished product is taken 80 ml three times a day before meals. The dosage for children over 10 years of age can be increased to 200 ml.

Recipe No. 2:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of Sophora japonica flowers are poured with 1 cup of boiling water;
  • The product is infused for 12 hours.

The finished decoction is taken in an amount of 80 ml three times a day before meals.

A simple and useful remedy is oatmeal porridge, which has a positive effect on the pancreas. The dish should be cooked in water without adding oil, sugar, or salt.

The finished porridge is taken in small portions (several spoons) throughout the week. To obtain a positive effect, you can use curdled milk for a compress using the following technique:

  • A small cloth is generously moistened in heated yogurt;
  • Apply a compress to the affected area with the obligatory grip of the stomach;
  • Cellophane and a warm scarf are additionally applied over the applied bandage to obtain the desired effect.

It is best to apply the compress at night for 4 weeks. Then you can take a break and resume the procedure. At the same time, it is necessary to follow a therapeutic diet and eliminate sugar.

Cyst treatment

The cyst should be treated only surgically, and its growth can be slowed down if you take 2 mixtures alternately. Now you will learn how to drink celandine herb for this. You need to take celandine, calendula and yarrow in equal proportions, brew the mixture with a glass of water. It is necessary to drink tea for a month, ¼ cup 30 minutes before eating. After a break of 1 week, the second collection is drunk. For him, calendula, tansy and plantain arrows are mixed in a ratio of 2:1:2. The collection is prepared and accepted in the same way as the first. The duration of such herbal treatment is 4 months.

Treatment of cholelithiasis

Gallstone disease is treated by a wonderful folk remedy - knotweed herb. The instructions for its use are simple - take buckthorn bark (2 shares), a share of chamomile, knotweed (3 shares), St. John's wort and immortelle herb, 4 shares each. All herbs must be chopped and mixed. 50 gr. The finished dry mixture should be filled with 4 cups of boiled or filtered cold water and left overnight. Boil in the morning, cook for 5 minutes, cool, strain in a sieve. One glass should be drunk on an empty stomach, while the rest should be divided into 4 equal servings and consumed an hour after meals. Drink until results appear, maximum 7 days.

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Herbal tea, tincture or infusion of medicinal plants can help restore the liver, pancreas and other gastrointestinal organs, relegating all kinds of pills to the background. But when practicing herbal medicine, it is necessary to notify the attending physician, and, in addition, agree with him on the use of medicinal preparations.

For the pancreas

A common pancreatic disease today is pancreatitis. In practice, folk remedies are used to treat illness, which have a beneficial effect on the body and help improve the functioning of the pancreas. Preparation of soda-lemon solution for pancreatitis. Mix 10 ml lemon juice and a spoonful of baking soda in 200 ml of boiled water. It is recommended to prepare a new drink before each use.

To relieve pain from inflammation of the pancreas, tea brewed from the herb St. John's wort will help. A small spoon of the medicinal ingredient is steamed with 250 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes. The prepared drink is divided into 3 approaches. To muffle the bitterness, it is recommended to dilute the medicine with a spoon of honey.

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